Hull Core Strategy - Contacts List (as at July 2011) Introduction This report provides details about the contacts made during the development of the Hull Core Strategy. It includes contact made at each plan making stage, as follows: • Issues and Options – August 2008 • Emerging Preferred Approach – February 2010 • Core Strategy Questionnaire – September 2010 • Spatial Options – February 2011 • Core Strategy Publication Version – July 2011 A list of Hull Development Forum members (as at July 2011) is also enclosed. This group has met over 15 times, usually on a quarterly basis. The report also sets out the specific and general organisations and bodies that have been contacted, in conformity with the Council’s adopted Statement of Community Involvement. Specific groups are indicated with an asterisk. Please note contacts will change over time. Issues and Options – August 2008 (Letter sent to Consultants/Agents) Your Ref: My Ref: PPI/KG/JP Contact: Mr Keith Griffiths «Title» «First_Name» «Surname» Tel: 01482 612389 «Job_Title» Fax: 01482 612382 Email:
[email protected] «Org» th «Add1» Date: 4 August 2008 «Add2» «Add3» «Town» «Postcode» Dear Sir/Madam Hull Core Strategy - issues, options and suggested preferred option Please find enclosed the ‘Hull Core Strategy issues, options and suggested preferred option’ document for your consideration. Your views should be returned to us by the 5 September, 2008 by using the form provided. In particular, could you respond to the following key questions: 1. What do you think to the issues, objectives, options and suggested preferred option set out in the document? 2. How would you combine the options? 3.