HHuullll UUnniivveerrssiittyy UUnniioonn’’ss AAnnnnuuaall SSttuuddeenntt WWrriitttteenn SSuubbmmiissssiioonn 22001111 i Page Published 19th September 2011 Hull University Union (HUU) All publications and reports from HUU are available on our web site www.hullstudent.com This submission uses photographs from: HUU, University of Hull, LF, sxc.hu and FreeDigitalPhotos.net (Keerati). Printed copies are available from: HUU Media Hull University Union University House University of Hull Hull, HU6 7RX This submission was planned and written by Lee Fallin, Education and Representation Co-ordinator (ERC) and Matthew Barrow, Vice President Education (VPE) 2010/11. Many thanks to Paul Tatton, Naomi Alty, Aidan Mersh and Matthew Brown for their assistance in proof reading. We would also like to thank all of our colleagues for their support in the production of this submission, not least for all the cups of tea and for putting up with all the SWS conversation! Any questions regarding the SWS should be directed to Lee Fallin:
[email protected] ii Page Foreword The 2010/11 academic year has been an extremely successful one for Hull University Union. We have committed to working in partnership with the University of Hull and we are starting to see the fruits of our collaborative efforts. I guess the overall successes of the year have been epitomised by our recent Students‘ Union Evaluation Initiative Gold Award. I am extremely proud of everything that the HUU Education Zone has achieved this year, particularly given the pressures being placed on Higher Education at the moment as well as various other challenges we‘ve needed to overcome.