Hello! e+ c

s γ,Z


µ e− + Here is an equation with diagrams:

= iλ, (1) −

where the intersection is the vertex. Here is another diagram:


And another one:

Many-body theory for positronium- interactions

∗ † ‡ D. G. Green, andA. R. Swann, annihilationand diagram G. F. Gribakin Centre for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics,εν School of Mathematics ε and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, Northern Ireland,µ United Kingdom And the last one: εn δ µν νµ V nε (Dated: April 26, 2018) = ⟨ | | ⟩⟨ | | ⟩ (3) ε ε ε + ε n νµ ν µ n A many-body-theory approach has been developed to study positronium-atom interactions.! As− first− applica- tions, we calculate the elastic scattering and momentum-transferAnd here is the diagram cross with sections a Γ block: and the pickoff rate 1 Γ K Zeff for Ps collisions with He and Ne. For He the cross section is in agreementε withν1 previous coupled-stateν2 ε′ calculations, while comparison with experiment for both highlights discrepancies between various sets 1 (Γ) Γ of measured data. In contrast, the calculated Zeff (0.13 and 0.26ε for′ ΣE Heε and= Ne, respectively)µ1 areµ in2 excellent, (4) agreement with the measured values. ⟨ | | ⟩ Finally, my own attempt at the 2nd-order self-energy diagrams, n and its analog for the Z contribution Positronium (Ps) is a light “atom” consisting of an eff ε ε µ1 εε ν1 ε µ1 ν2 ε ε ε′ and its , the positron. It is important for precision ′ µ2 m tests of QED [1] and for understanding galactic positron annihi- µ Γ m µ ε′ ΣE ε = 2 + n + . + , (5)(2) lation [2]. It also has numerous applications, from probing⟨ free| | ⟩ µ1 ε′ µ n µ space in condensed systems [3] to making antihydrogen n 2n [4] and studying free fall of [5]. These applicationsTotal positron self-energy: n ε′ ν ν require understanding of Ps interaction with normal matter, ενε′ ε 1 2 ε′ 1 which is far from complete. Recent experiments on Ps scatter- Γ ε′ ΣE ε = µ + µ µ , (6) ing on noble-gas atoms revealed some unexpected trends, e.g., ⟨ | | ⟩ 1 2 that the scattering cross section becomes very small at low Ps n energies [6]. Overall, there is a large uncertainty in the existing n Ps-atom scattering data [7], while calculations of theScreening rate of diagram pickoff annihilation in noble gases (where the positron from FIG. 1. The main contributions to the self-energy of the electron (top line) and positron (bottomν1 line) in theν field2 of the atom. Lines Ps annihilates with an atomic electron) [8–14] underestimate labeled ε represent the electron or positronµ HF wave function. Lines the experimental data [15, 16] by as much as a factor of ten. labeled ν (µ) represent positron (excited electron) states, which are ν2µ2 δV µ1ν1 = (7) The theoretical description of Ps-atom interactions is chal- summed⟨ over.| Lines| labeled⟩ n and mn represent holes in the atomic lenging because of the composite of the collision part- ground state. Wavy lines represent Coulomb interactions. The shaded Γ µ1 µ2 ners and a significant cancellation between the short-rangeAnd now, the RPAEblock diagrammatic represents the equation: sum of the electron-positron ladder-diagram series [19, 31], which accounts forν′ virtual Ps formation. ω Ps-atom repulsion and van-der-Waals attraction. Accurate cal- ν culations must account for dynamical distortion of both ob- ν ν ν′ ω ω µ′ ω jects during the collision, which has only been achieved for electron-positron= + correlation correctionsν + to the annihilation simple targets, i.e., hydrogen and helium [17]. Calculations of µ 1 µ vertex, we obtain values of Zeff in excellent agreementµ′ with µ pickoff annihilation require account of important short-range experiment [15]. Atomic units (a.u.) are used throughout. µ electron-positron correlations, which provide corrections to MBT ofω electron- and positron-atomω interactions.—MBT the annihilation vertex [18–21], but have been neglected in all describesµ′ an electron or positron in the field of a many-electron previous calculations [22]. ν′ atom via theν′ Dyson equation for the () wave func- Many-body theory (MBT) is a powerful and systematic + + ν (8) tion ψε [34]:ν µ method of accounting for virtual excitations of both objects ′ and the electron-positron correlation effects. It provided an Hˆ ± + Σˆ ±ψ±(r) = εψ±(r). (1) µ 0 ε εµ ε accurate description of low-energy electron-atom scattering ˆ ± [23–28] and positron interaction with atoms [19, 20, 29–33], Here H0 is the zeroth-order2 Hamiltonian, e.g., that of the with scattering cross sections, annihilation rates, and γ spectra electron (−) or positron (+) in the field of the Hartree-Fock ˆ ± all found to be in excellent agreement with experiment. (HF) ground-state atom, and Σε is the nonlocal, energy- arXiv:1709.00394v3 [physics.atom-ph] 25 Apr 2018 In this Letter we show how to describe Ps interaction with dependent correlation potential [35], equal to the electron or a many-electron atom by combining the MBT description positron self-energy in the field of the atom. Equation (1) of electron-atom and positron-atom interactions, and includ- can be solved separately for each partial wave, with the wave ± −1 ˜± ing the important effect of screening of the electron-positron function in the form ψε (r) = r Pε`(r)Y`m(rˆ), where Y`m Coulomb interaction by the atom. As first applications of is a spherical harmonic. Rather than computing the self- ± 0 the theory, we calculate phase shifts, elastic-scattering and energy ΣE (r, r ) in coordinate space, it is more convenient 0 ˆ ± momentum-transfer cross sections, and the pickoff annihila- to work with its matrix elements hε |ΣE |εi in the HF basis 1  ± ± ± ± ± −1 ± tion rate Zeff for Ps on He and Ne. The cross sections are ϕε , where H0 ϕε = εϕε , ϕε (r) = r Pε`(r)Y`m(rˆ), and 0 ˆ ± ∫ ± 0 ± 0 ± 0 ± found to be in agreement with previous coupled-state [17] hε |ΣE |εi = Pε0`(r )ΣE`(r, r )Pεl(r) dr dr , with ΣE` the and model van der Waals [7] calculations. By accounting for self-energy for partial wave `. Using the completeness of the 2

r (a.u.) r (a.u.) 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 Ne 4 4 0.4 (a) (d) 3 3 ) . u . 2 2 0.4 0.2 (a 0 r 1 1 Strength parameter 0 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 0 0 0.2 4 4 Energy (a.u.) (b) (e) S± 3 3 FIG. 3. The dimensionless strength parameter E` of the correlation ) . potentials for the electron (blue) and positron (red) in the field of Ne, u . 0.0

(a 2 2 as a function of energy E, for ` = 0 (circles), ` = 1 (squares), ` = 2 0

r (triangles), and ` = 3 (diamonds). 1 1

0 0 0.2 4 4 p, and d waves in Ne, calculated at E = 0. Their key feature is a “valley” along the diagonal r = r 0, whose width characterizes 3 (c) (f) 3 the degree to which Σˆ ± is nonlocal. The main contribution ) . u . 0.4 to electron- and positron-atom attraction comes from r & 1 (a 2 2 + 0 0 a.u. (i.e., outside the atom). Here, Σ (r, r ) is more negative r E` − 0 1 1 than ΣE`(r, r ), meaning stronger attraction for the positron. As a consequence of the Pauli principle, the correlation poten- 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 tial for the electron is quite different for different partial waves. r (a.u.) r (a.u.) It is also significantly more nonlocal than that of the positron, with prominent repulsive areas for the s and p waves. These FIG. 2. Self-energy Σ± (r, r 0) for Ne for the electron (a) ` = 0, (b) features are due to the contribution of the second, exchange 0` − 0 ` = 1, and (c) ` = 2; and positron (d) ` = 0, (e) ` = 1, and (f) ` = 2. diagram to ΣE`(r, r ). The energy dependence of the electron and positron correla- tion potentials can be analyzed by examining the dimensionless ± Í ± basis, it can be expressed as strength parameter SE` = − ε>0hε|ΣE` |εi/ε [37]. Figure3 shows S± for Ne, as a function of energy for electron and ± 0 Õ ± 0 0 ± ± E` ΣE`(r, r ) = Pε0`(r )hε |ΣE` |εiPε`(r). (2) positron s, p, d, and (for the electron) f waves. It confirms ε,ε0 that the correlation potential is stronger for the positron. It also shows that its energy dependence is relatively weak on Figure1 shows the main contributions to the electron and the energy scale of Ps (0.25 a.u.). This is important for the de- positron self-energy. For the electron (top row), the first di- scription of Ps-atom interaction, as it allows us to use Σ± (r, r 0) agram accounts for the attractive long-range polarization po- E` 4 calculated for a fixed energy (E = 0). tential −αd/2r , where αd is the dipole of the atom. The other three diagrams contribute only at short range. MBT of Ps-atom interactions.— The wave function Ψ of These diagrams provide a good description of the electron in- Ps in the field of the atom satisfies the two- Dyson teraction with noble-gas atoms [24–27][36]. For the positron equation (also known as the Bethe-Salpeter equation [34]) (bottom row), the first diagram produces a long-range polar- ˆ − ˆ − ˆ + ˆ +  ization potential similar to that for the electron. The second H0 + Σε− + H0 + Σε+ + V + δVE Ψ = EΨ, (3) diagram describes an important contribution of virtual Ps for- mation [19, 30, 31]. Here the Γ block represents the sum of where V is the electron-positron Coulomb interaction and δVE the infinite electron-positron ladder-diagram series [31]. We is the screening correction due to polarization of the atom calculate the electron and positron self-energies as described [38]. The diagrams for δVE are shown in Fig.4. The main in Ref. [19], using a B-spline basis with 40 splines of order screening diagram Fig.4 (b) is essential for canceling the 6 defined over an exponential knot sequence, discretizing the long-range r−4 polarization attraction and making the long- continuum by confining the system in a spherical cavity of range Ps-atom interaction of the required R−6 van der Waals radius 30 a.u. The corresponding electron and positron basis form, where R is the distance between the Ps center of mass sets ensure convergence of the sums over intermediate states. and the atom. The exchange corrections Fig.4 (c) and (d) are The correlation potential described above is essentially non- typically much smaller. They also partly cancel each other and local. It is also quite different for the electron and positron, and can be neglected. ± 0 for different partial waves. Figure2 shows ΣE`(r, r ) for the s, We construct the Ps eigenstates with angular momentum J 3

) 20

2 20 0 and parity Π from the single-particle Dyson states [7, 39], as a π He (a) Õ JΠ − + 15 15 ΨJΠ(re, rp) = Cµν ψµ (re)ψν (rp). (4) µ,ν 10 10 JΠ The energy eigenvalues E and coefficients Cµν are found by 5 5 solving matrix eigenvalue problem for the Hamiltonian matrix

Cross section (units of 0 0

0 0 0 0 ) 30  2 20 hν µ |H|µνi = ε + ε δ 0 δ 0 + hν µ |V + δV |µνi.(5) 0 µ ν µ µ ν ν E a π He (c) Ne (d) Π + − + 15 We consider J = 0 , 1 , and 2 to investigate Ps S-, P-, and 20 D-wave scattering, respectively. To ensure accurate description 10 of Ps states by Eq. (4), we confine the electron and positron 10 states to a cavity of radius Rc = 10–16 a.u. [39]. To represent 5 the positive-energy “continuum” in the cavity, we use a second

Cross section (units of 0 0 B-spline basis of 60 splines of order 9 defined over a quadratic- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ± Ps momentum (a.u.) Ps momentum (a.u.) linear knot sequence [7]. The effect of ΣE` decreases with `, and we find that it sufficient to use Dyson states in Eq. (4) for FIG. 5. Elastic-scattering cross sections for Ps on He (a) and Ne (b): ` ≤ 3, and HF states for higher `. We exploit the weak energy ± total cross section calculated using MBT (thick solid line), with S- dependence of ΣE and δVE by evaluating them at E = 0. (dashed black line), P- (dot-dashed black line), and D-wave (dot- Calculations are performed with different numbers of radial dot-dashed black line) partial contributions; FT (dashed red line) and states and angular momenta included in Eq. (4), up to nmax = FT+vdW (thin solid red line) calculations of Ref. [7]. Also shown 20 and `max = 20. Such high angular momenta are required to for He is the 9-Ps-9-He-state calculation of Walters et al. [17] (thick ensure convergence of the Ps wave function, which is given by a dashed blue line). Momentum-transfer cross sections for Ps on He (c) single-centre expansion about the . Accurate Ps and Ne (d) use the same symbols as in (a) and (b). Also shown are the experimental results [40] (open square), [41] (filled square), [42] → ∞ → ∞ states are found by extrapolating to nmax and `max (open circle), [43] (filled circle), [44, 45] (triangle), and [46] (dotted (see Ref. [39] for details). line). Ps scattering on He and Ne.—As a first application, we calculate the phase shifts and cross sections for Ps scatter- ing on He and Ne. The phase shifts are determined from the becomes comparable at K ≈ 1 a.u. For He, the elastic cross Ps energy eigenvalues, as described in Ref. [7]. Calculations section is close to the 9-Ps-9-He coupled-state calculation of were performed using cavity radii of 10, 12, 14, and 16 a.u. Walters et al. [17], and to the calculation [7] in which a model Effective-range-type fits were used to interpolate the S, P, van-der-Waals potential was added to the FT Ps-atom interac- and D phase shifts calculated at the discrete values of the Ps tion (FT+vdW) [47]. The MBT scattering length of 1.70 a.u. center-of-mass momentum K. The phase shifts yield values compares well with the value of 1.6 a.u. obtained in Ref. [17]. the scattering length and the partial contributions to the elastic It is ∼10% smaller than the FT value (1.86 a.u. [7]), highlight- and momentum-transfer cross sections. ing the importance of including distortion of the target. For The partial and total elastic scattering cross sections are Ne, the MBT scattering length of 1.76 a.u. is ∼15% smaller shown in Fig.5 (a) and (b) for He and Ne, respectively. Com- than the FT value (2.02 a.u.) but close to the FT+vdW result paring with the frozen-target (FT) results [obtained by neglect- (1.66 a.u. [7]). The relatively small effect of the correlations, ˆ ± ing Σε and δVE in Eq. (3)], we see that correlations partially i.e., the difference between the MBT and FT calculations, is cancel the FT Ps-atom repulsion and reduce the cross sections. due to cancelation between the positron- and electron-atom at- For He, the S-wave contribution dominates across the range ˆ ± traction (Σε ) and the effect of screening δVE . It is worth noting of momenta considered, but for Ne, the P-wave contribution that while the phase shifts and cross sections from MBT and FT+vdW calculations are close, they cannot be reproduced by

⌫ ⌫0 ⌫ ⌫0 ⌫ ⌫0 ⌫ ⌫1 ⌫0 a simple local potential, such as of Lennard-Jones form [48].

V µ1 V V V The MBT results for the momentum-transfer cross section µ1 µ0 + + + + [Fig.5 (c) and (d)], are close to the FT+vdW calculation V µ0 ... n V n V n [7], particularly for K > 0.3 a.u. For He, our calculation is within the error bars of the experimental result of Nagashima µ µ µ µ µ µ 0 0 ∼ (a) (b) (c) (d) et al. [44] but 30–45% larger than that of Canter et al. [40], Rytsola et al. [41], and Coleman et al. [42]. The measurements FIG. 4. The main contributions to the electron-positron interaction in of Skalsey et al. [43] and Engbrecht et al. [46] give much lower Ps: (a) the bare Coulomb interaction V; (b)–(d), screening δVE with values. These measurements are based on Doppler-broadening exchange contributions (with mirror images). Double lines labeled ν spectroscopy (DBS), and may suffer from errors related to the (µ) represent positron (electron) Dyson states in the field of the atom. discrimination of the narrow Ps annihilation component on the background of the positron-He annihilation signal. This back- 4

1 TABLE I. Pickoff annihilation rates Zeff for He and Ne at K = 0: TABLE II. Enhancement factors γn` for electron orbital n and best previous theory [13]; using frozen-target Ps wave function from positron partial wave `, as calculated in Ref. [50]. Ref. [7]; present theory, zeroth-order approximation (MBT); present theory with enhancement factors (MBT-EF); and experiment [15]. Atom n ` = 0 ` = 1 ` = 2 He 1s 2.99 4.04 5.26 Atom Ref. [13] FT [7] MBT MBT-EF Exp. [15] Ne 1s 1.18 1.21 1.22 He 0.0378 0.0273 0.0411 0.131 0.125 Ne 2s 1.87 2.03 2.30 Ne 0.0922 0.0512 0.0932 0.255 0.235 Ne 2p 2.78 3.46 4.70 ground is much broader for Ne, which is possibly explains why the DBS data from Skalsey et al. [43] are in good agreement (see Ref. [52] for details). Finally, we fit the four values to 1 1 2 with the MBT results. At the same time, the MBT result for the effective-range form Zeff(K)' Zeff(0) + CK to deduce 1 Ne is just outside the error bars of Saito et al. [45] and ∼40% Zeff(0). The results are shown in TableI. Neglecting the en- greater than that of Coleman et al. [42]. hancement factors, we find good agreement with the previous Calculation of pickoff annihilation rates.—The Ps pickoff best zeroth-order results. Including the enhancement produces 2 1 near-perfect agreement with experimental values for room- annihilation rate in a gas is parametrized as λ = 4πr0 cng Zeff, where r0 is the classical electron radius, c is the speed of light, temperature Ps. 1 ng is the number density of the gas, and Zeff is the effective Summary.—The MBT of Ps interactions with atoms was number of per atom in a relative to the presented and applied to calculate scattering cross sections and 1 positron [8]. Our interest is in Zeff values at small (thermal) pickoff annihilation rates in He and Ne. The calculations show Ps momenta, where only the S wave contributes. In the zeroth- that the net effect of the dispersion interaction (electron and order, independent-particle approximation (IPA), it is given positron polarization of the atom and screening of the electron- by positron Coulomb interaction by atomic electrons) is relatively º small, and close to that described by a model van der Waals 1 (0) 1 Õ 2 2 Z = |Ψ + (r , r )| |ϕ (r )| dr dr , (6) eff 4 0 e p n p e p potential with a short-range cutoff. The MBT gives pickoff n annihilation rates in excellent agreement with experiment. where the sum is over all HF orbitals ϕn occupied in the Acknowledgments.—DGG was supported by the EPSRC ground-state atom, and Ψ0+ is normalized to a plane wave of UK, grant EP/N007948/1. ARS was supported by the Depart- the Ps center-of-mass motion far from the atom. 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