guide the successes achieved in one of the state’s largest school districts. school largest state’s the of one in achieved successes the guide ”

is published by the Columbia Public School District as a public service to the Rock Bridge High School School High Bridge Rock There is no question that Dr. Stiepleman’s leadership philosophy has helped helped has philosophy leadership Stiepleman’s Dr. that question no is There


parents of school-age children and district residents. The Columbia Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of Kellen Sapp Sapp Kellen

race, color, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, disability, age, or use

of leave protected by the Family and Medical Leave Act, in its programs, activities, or with regard to employment. The Columbia School High Bridge Rock

Charlotte Tolly Charlotte William VanDyke William

Board of Education is an equal opportunity employer. Inquiries regarding ’ compliance with IDEA and calendar. year school same the within employees

of the men and women who lead our nation's public schools. schools. public nation's our lead who women and men the of of the word." the of

Section 504 regulations should contact Special Services at 1818 W. Worley Street, Columbia, MO 65203. Pereverzev Alexander

Rock Bridge High School School High Bridge Rock

The district must consider the safety of all students and and students all of safety the consider must district The

School Administrators (AASA) that pays tribute to the talent and vision vision and talent the to tribute pays that (AASA) Administrators School service of the students in this district. He truly is a leader in every sense sense every in leader a is truly He district. this in students the of service

Phillip Lei Phillip

Jarett Ren Jarett

Student, AIG Retirement Services and the American Association of of Association American the and Services Retirement AIG Student, dedicated his workday, but he's dedicated every waking moment to the the to moment waking every dedicated he's but workday, his dedicated

district employees are still reporting to buildings to work. work. to buildings to reporting still are employees district

Samaranjay Goyal Samaranjay

Superintendent of the Year® award, a program sponsored by First First by sponsored program a award, Year® the of Superintendent president of Columbia Board of Education. "This man has not just just not has man "This Education. of Board Columbia of president

ACT perfect score of 36 of score perfect ACT

Giovanna Durante Giovanna

still be learning in-person. Additionally, school and and school Additionally, in-person. learning be still

Dr. Stiepleman was recently named as a finalist for The National National The for finalist a as named recently was Stiepleman Dr. "You couldn't have selected a better Superintendent," said Helen Wade, Wade, Helen said Superintendent," better a selected have couldn't "You

Turner DeArmond Turner

Aslin Administration Building President may services special receiving students some learning, student body is more reflected in the diversity of teachers of diversity the in reflected more is body student Dick Chen Dick

amazing school district,” he said. he district,” school amazing 1818 W. Worley Street Helen Wade culturally competent future teachers so that the diversity of CPS’ CPS’ of diversity the that so teachers future competent culturally incredible people – teachers, leaders, school board members – of this this of – members board school leaders, teachers, – people incredible learning modes may indicate students are all in virtual virtual in all are students indicate may modes learning COMMENDED Hardy Pottinger Hardy

establishing a pipeline locally educated, highly effective and and effective highly educated, locally pipeline a establishing

work with and any successes I have has everything to do with the the with do to everything has have I successes any and with work Columbia, MO 65203 Jackson Huenefeldt Jackson

Vice President While days. snow including calendar, year school same

Ellen Schaezler Ellen •

, which is dedicated to to dedicated is which , The COMOEd Future Teacher program Teacher Future COMOEd The “I love this school district, I love the community, I love the people I I people the love I community, the love I district, school this love “I

Susan Blackburn COMMENDED learning in Columbia Public Schools must maintain the the maintain must Schools Public Columbia in learning Kellen Sapp Kellen

experience these trips, regardless of financial constraints constraints financial of regardless trips, these experience Stiepleman said he was humbled and honored to receive the award. the receive to honored and humbled was he said Stiepleman

Garrett Roach Garrett Tang Alice

learning options, as both in-person learning and virtual virtual and learning in-person both as options, learning •

, so that more kids can can kids more that so , The CPS Japan STEM Connection trip Connection STEM Japan CPS The Member

engaging students, parents, staff and community with regular dialogue. dialogue. regular with community and staff parents, students, engaging Isaac Stiepleman Isaac

Chris Horn Ren Jarett weather cancellation policies and procedures as in-person in-person as procedures and policies cancellation weather

have the opportunity to attend a fully place-based learning center learning place-based fully a attend to opportunity the have in finding opportunities to communicate the AEO message, actively actively message, AEO the communicate to opportunities finding in

Samuel Morgan Samuel

Teresa Maledy McKee Amira

• , so that every fifth grader in Boone County will will County Boone in grader fifth every that so , The Nature School Nature The school system that eliminates barriers for children. He has been diligent diligent been has He children. for barriers eliminates that system school Virtual learning will still adhere to the same winter winter same the to adhere still will learning Virtual

Ethan Jones Ethan

David Seamon Mallott Arren enrichment experiences and interest-based activities, and access to a to access and activities, interest-based and experiences enrichment

Vignesh Kumar Vignesh Hua Christina

passionate about: passionate


includes access to a great curriculum, access to skilled teachers, teachers, skilled to access curriculum, great a to access includes Dr. Della Streaty-Wilhoit

Skylar Koepke Skylar Gates Ellen said he will donate that money to three areas that he is especially especially is he that areas three to money that donate will he said

website and on CPS-TV. on and website

conveys that all students should have an excellent education. This This education. excellent an have should students all that conveys Blake Willoughby Andrew Kim Andrew Fratila Daniel

Schools, he is entitled to approximately $50,000 in sick pay. Stiepleman Stiepleman pay. sick in $50,000 approximately to entitled is he Schools, POSTAL CUSTOMER

Opportunity – has served as the building blocks for the CPS mission and and mission CPS the for blocks building the as served has – Opportunity

sent via the district’s messaging system, posted on the the on posted system, messaging district’s the via sent Hyunjae Hahm Hyunjae Edidin Benjamin

2021. Having taken very few sick days while with Columbia Public Public Columbia with while days sick few very taken Having 2021. Superintendent Stiepleman’s belief system of AEO – Achievement, Enrichment and and Enrichment Achievement, – AEO of system belief Stiepleman’s

Shruti Gautam Shruti Bailey Hunter Stiepleman announced he will retire from his position as of June 30, 30, June of as position his from retire will he announced Stiepleman

Dr. Peter Stiepleman be will information Additionally, dismissal. early of news

Tyler Dettmar Tyler Aberbach Adin districts," MASA Executive Director Doug Hayter said. Hayter Doug Director Executive MASA districts,"

revisions to include gender identity expression and sexual orientation. sexual and expression identity gender include to revisions

please listen to local radio and television stations for for stations television and radio local to listen please

helped guide the successes achieved in one of the state’s largest school school largest state’s the of one in achieved successes the guide helped SEMIFINALISTS SEMIFINALISTS

COMOEd Future Teacher program and anti-discriminatory policy policy anti-discriminatory and program Teacher Future COMOEd

“There is no question that Dr. Stiepleman’s leadership philosophy has has philosophy leadership Stiepleman’s Dr. that question no is “There district may dismiss early. On inclement weather days, days, weather inclement On early. dismiss may district

2.0, grade-level field trip enrichment experiences for all students, the the students, all for experiences enrichment trip field grade-level 2.0, Rock Bridge High School High Bridge Rock School High Hickman

early dismissals, but under appropriate circumstances the the circumstances appropriate under but dismissals, early STEAM Middle School, The Nature School, Early College – High School School High – College Early School, Nature The School, Middle STEAM challenges. challenges.

Among the long list of programs Stiepleman has championed are the the are championed has Stiepleman programs of list long the Among enrollment increases and demographic growth, as well as economic economic as well as growth, demographic and increases enrollment

excused. Difficulty in contacting parents usually prevents prevents usually parents contacting in Difficulty excused.

college studies. studies. college

During his time, CPS has undergone quite a bit of change, including including change, of bit a quite undergone has CPS time, his During When it snows it When

basis of their skills, accomplishments, and potential for success in rigorous rigorous in success for potential and accomplishments, skills, their of basis

the road conditions too dangerous, absences will be be will absences dangerous, too conditions road the


academically accomplished. Merit Scholar designees are selected on the the on selected are designees Scholar Merit accomplished. academically superintendent. He became superintendent in 2014. 2014. in superintendent became He superintendent. Semifinalists

attendance. If the parent views the weather too severe or or severe too weather the views parent the If attendance.

Corporation provides scholarships annually for the nation’s most most nation’s the for annually scholarships provides Corporation teacher, assistant elementary school principal, principal and assistant assistant and principal principal, school elementary assistant teacher, Watch the Superintendent of the Year video presentation: video Year the of Superintendent the Watch

2021 National Merit Merit National 2021

finalists will be announced in the spring. The National Merit Scholarship Scholarship Merit National The spring. the in announced be will finalists Stiepleman joined Columbia Public Schools in 2006. He served as a a as served He 2006. in Schools Public Columbia joined Stiepleman Parents may make the final decision regarding a child’s child’s a regarding decision final the make may Parents

entered when they took the Preliminary SAT. National Merit Scholarship Scholarship Merit National SAT. Preliminary the took they when entered

Election education Election


Superintendent Peter Stiepleman Superintendent of the Year for 2021. for Year the of Superintendent Stiepleman Peter Superintendent

million high school juniors from 21,000 high schools around the country country the around schools high 21,000 from juniors school high million

School Boards' Association named Columbia Public Schools’ Schools’ Public Columbia named Association Boards' School

Winter fine arts fine Winter at and available on CPS-TV. on available and at

million from the National Merit Scholarship Program. More than 1.5 1.5 than More Program. Scholarship Merit National the from million

The Association of School Administrators (MASA) and Missouri Missouri and (MASA) Administrators School of Association Missouri The

semifinalists across the country for scholarships totaling more than $31 $31 than more totaling scholarships for country the across semifinalists

parent messaging system, posted on the district’s website website district’s the on posted system, messaging parent

state competition state

Merit Semifinalists. The students will now compete alongside 16,000 16,000 alongside compete now will students The Semifinalists. Merit

Student athletes take on on take athletes Student

by 6 a.m. Information will also be sent via the district’s district’s the via sent be also will Information a.m. 6 by Superintendent of the Year the of Superintendent Thirty-one Columbia Public Schools’ students have been named National National named been have students Schools’ Public Columbia Thirty-one

efforts will be made to notify radio and television stations stations television and radio notify to made be will efforts


the state and represent the top 0.5 percent of the state's senior students. senior state's the of percent 0.5 top the represent and state the

Stiepleman named 2021 2021 named Stiepleman

Superintendent of the the of Superintendent cancellation or a 2-hour delayed start be necessary, necessary, be start delayed 2-hour a or cancellation

National Merit Semifinalists are the highest-scoring program entrants in in entrants program highest-scoring the are Semifinalists Merit National

implemented only after roads are tested. Should Should tested. are roads after only implemented INSIDE ISSUE: INSIDE

Superintendent Superintendent


School will be canceled, or a 2-hour delayed start will be be will start delayed 2-hour a or canceled, be will School

talented U.S. high school students and awards college undergraduate undergraduate college awards and students school high U.S. talented

conducts an academic competition which recognizes academically academically recognizes which competition academic an conducts

1955 as an independent, not-for-profit organization. Each year, the NMSC NMSC the year, Each organization. not-for-profit independent, an as 1955

and current or future alternative methods of instruction. instruction. of methods alternative future or current and WINTER 2021 WINTER

The National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) was established in in established was (NMSC) Corporation Scholarship Merit National The

know snow days may still happen even with the calendar calendar the with even happen still may days snow know

Semifinalists As winter weather approaches, we want our families to to families our want we approaches, weather winter As

When it snows it When 2021 National Merit Merit National 2021


guide the successes achieved in one of the state’s largest school districts. school largest state’s the of one in achieved successes the guide ”

is published by the Columbia Public School District as a public service to the Rock Bridge High School School High Bridge Rock There is no question that Dr. Stiepleman’s leadership philosophy has helped helped has philosophy leadership Stiepleman’s Dr. that question no is There


parents of school-age children and district residents. The Columbia Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of Kellen Sapp Sapp Kellen

race, color, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, disability, age, or use

of leave protected by the Family and Medical Leave Act, in its programs, activities, or with regard to employment. The Columbia School High Bridge Rock

Charlotte Tolly Charlotte William VanDyke William

Board of Education is an equal opportunity employer. Inquiries regarding Columbia Public Schools’ compliance with IDEA and calendar. year school same the within employees

of the men and women who lead our nation's public schools. schools. public nation's our lead who women and men the of of the word." the of

Section 504 regulations should contact Special Services at 1818 W. Worley Street, Columbia, MO 65203. Pereverzev Alexander

Rock Bridge High School School High Bridge Rock

The district must consider the safety of all students and and students all of safety the consider must district The

School Administrators (AASA) that pays tribute to the talent and vision vision and talent the to tribute pays that (AASA) Administrators School

service of the students in this district. He truly is a leader in every sense sense every in leader a is truly He district. this in students the of service

Phillip Lei Phillip

Jarett Ren Jarett

Student, AIG Retirement Services and the American Association of of Association American the and Services Retirement AIG Student,

dedicated his workday, but he's dedicated every waking moment to the the to moment waking every dedicated he's but workday, his dedicated

district employees are still reporting to buildings to work. work. to buildings to reporting still are employees district

Samaranjay Goyal Samaranjay

Superintendent of the Year® award, a program sponsored by First First by sponsored program a award, Year® the of Superintendent president of Columbia Board of Education. "This man has not just just not has man "This Education. of Board Columbia of president

ACT perfect score of 36 of score perfect ACT

Giovanna Durante Giovanna

still be learning in-person. Additionally, school and and school Additionally, in-person. learning be still

Dr. Stiepleman was recently named as a finalist for The National National The for finalist a as named recently was Stiepleman Dr. "You couldn't have selected a better Superintendent," said Helen Wade, Wade, Helen said Superintendent," better a selected have couldn't "You

Turner DeArmond Turner

Aslin Administration Building President may services special receiving students some learning, student body is more reflected in the diversity of teachers of diversity the in reflected more is body student Dick Chen Dick

amazing school district,” he said. he district,” school amazing 1818 W. Worley Street Helen Wade culturally competent future teachers so that the diversity of CPS’ CPS’ of diversity the that so teachers future competent culturally incredible people – teachers, leaders, school board members – of this this of – members board school leaders, teachers, – people incredible learning modes may indicate students are all in virtual virtual in all are students indicate may modes learning COMMENDED Hardy Pottinger Hardy

establishing a pipeline locally educated, highly effective and and effective highly educated, locally pipeline a establishing

work with and any successes I have has everything to do with the the with do to everything has have I successes any and with work Columbia, MO 65203 Jackson Huenefeldt Jackson

Vice President While days. snow including calendar, year school same

Ellen Schaezler Ellen •

, which is dedicated to to dedicated is which , The COMOEd Future Teacher program Teacher Future COMOEd The “I love this school district, I love the community, I love the people I I people the love I community, the love I district, school this love “I

Susan Blackburn COMMENDED learning in Columbia Public Schools must maintain the the maintain must Schools Public Columbia in learning Kellen Sapp Kellen

experience these trips, regardless of financial constraints constraints financial of regardless trips, these experience Stiepleman said he was humbled and honored to receive the award. the receive to honored and humbled was he said Stiepleman

Alice Tang Alice Garrett Roach Garrett

learning options, as both in-person learning and virtual virtual and learning in-person both as options, learning •

, so that more kids can can kids more that so , The CPS Japan STEM Connection trip Connection STEM Japan CPS The Member

engaging students, parents, staff and community with regular dialogue. dialogue. regular with community and staff parents, students, engaging Isaac Stiepleman Isaac

Chris Horn Ren Jarett weather cancellation policies and procedures as in-person in-person as procedures and policies cancellation weather

have the opportunity to attend a fully place-based learning center learning place-based fully a attend to opportunity the have

in finding opportunities to communicate the AEO message, actively actively message, AEO the communicate to opportunities finding in

Samuel Morgan Samuel

Teresa Maledy McKee Amira

• , so that every fifth grader in Boone County will will County Boone in grader fifth every that so , The Nature School Nature The school system that eliminates barriers for children. He has been diligent diligent been has He children. for barriers eliminates that system school Virtual learning will still adhere to the same winter winter same the to adhere still will learning Virtual

Ethan Jones Ethan

David Seamon Mallott Arren

enrichment experiences and interest-based activities, and access to a to access and activities, interest-based and experiences enrichment

Christina Hua Christina Vignesh Kumar Vignesh

passionate about: passionate


includes access to a great curriculum, access to skilled teachers, teachers, skilled to access curriculum, great a to access includes Dr. Della Streaty-Wilhoit

Ellen Gates Ellen Skylar Koepke Skylar said he will donate that money to three areas that he is especially especially is he that areas three to money that donate will he said

website and on CPS-TV. on and website

conveys that all students should have an excellent education. This This education. excellent an have should students all that conveys Blake Willoughby Daniel Fratila Daniel Andrew Kim Andrew

Schools, he is entitled to approximately $50,000 in sick pay. Stiepleman Stiepleman pay. sick in $50,000 approximately to entitled is he Schools, POSTAL CUSTOMER

Opportunity – has served as the building blocks for the CPS mission and and mission CPS the for blocks building the as served has – Opportunity

sent via the district’s messaging system, posted on the the on posted system, messaging district’s the via sent Benjamin Edidin Benjamin Hyunjae Hahm Hyunjae

2021. Having taken very few sick days while with Columbia Public Public Columbia with while days sick few very taken Having 2021. Superintendent Stiepleman’s belief system of AEO – Achievement, Enrichment and and Enrichment Achievement, – AEO of system belief Stiepleman’s

Hunter Bailey Hunter Shruti Gautam Shruti Stiepleman announced he will retire from his position as of June 30, 30, June of as position his from retire will he announced Stiepleman

Dr. Peter Stiepleman be will information Additionally, dismissal. early of news

Adin Aberbach Adin Tyler Dettmar Tyler districts," MASA Executive Director Doug Hayter said. Hayter Doug Director Executive MASA districts,"

revisions to include gender identity expression and sexual orientation. sexual and expression identity gender include to revisions

please listen to local radio and television stations for for stations television and radio local to listen please

helped guide the successes achieved in one of the state’s largest school school largest state’s the of one in achieved successes the guide helped SEMIFINALISTS SEMIFINALISTS

COMOEd Future Teacher program and anti-discriminatory policy policy anti-discriminatory and program Teacher Future COMOEd

“There is no question that Dr. Stiepleman’s leadership philosophy has has philosophy leadership Stiepleman’s Dr. that question no is “There district may dismiss early. On inclement weather days, days, weather inclement On early. dismiss may district

2.0, grade-level field trip enrichment experiences for all students, the the students, all for experiences enrichment trip field grade-level 2.0, High Hickman Rock Bridge High School High Bridge Rock

early dismissals, but under appropriate circumstances the the circumstances appropriate under but dismissals, early STEAM Middle School, The Nature School, Early College – High School School High – College Early School, Nature The School, Middle STEAM challenges. challenges.

Among the long list of programs Stiepleman has championed are the the are championed has Stiepleman programs of list long the Among enrollment increases and demographic growth, as well as economic economic as well as growth, demographic and increases enrollment

excused. Difficulty in contacting parents usually prevents prevents usually parents contacting in Difficulty excused.

college studies. studies. college

During his time, CPS has undergone quite a bit of change, including including change, of bit a quite undergone has CPS time, his During When it snows it When

basis of their skills, accomplishments, and potential for success in rigorous rigorous in success for potential and accomplishments, skills, their of basis

the road conditions too dangerous, absences will be be will absences dangerous, too conditions road the


academically accomplished. Merit Scholar designees are selected on the the on selected are designees Scholar Merit accomplished. academically

superintendent. He became superintendent in 2014. 2014. in superintendent became He superintendent. Semifinalists

attendance. If the parent views the weather too severe or or severe too weather the views parent the If attendance.

Corporation provides scholarships annually for the nation’s most most nation’s the for annually scholarships provides Corporation teacher, assistant elementary school principal, principal and assistant assistant and principal principal, school elementary assistant teacher, Watch the Superintendent of the Year video presentation: video Year the of Superintendent the Watch

2021 National Merit Merit National 2021

finalists will be announced in the spring. The National Merit Scholarship Scholarship Merit National The spring. the in announced be will finalists Stiepleman joined Columbia Public Schools in 2006. He served as a a as served He 2006. in Schools Public Columbia joined Stiepleman Parents may make the final decision regarding a child’s child’s a regarding decision final the make may Parents

entered when they took the Preliminary SAT. National Merit Scholarship Scholarship Merit National SAT. Preliminary the took they when entered

Election education Election


Superintendent Peter Stiepleman Superintendent of the Year for 2021. for Year the of Superintendent Stiepleman Peter Superintendent

million high school juniors from 21,000 high schools around the country country the around schools high 21,000 from juniors school high million

School Boards' Association named Columbia Public Schools’ Schools’ Public Columbia named Association Boards' School

Winter fine arts fine Winter at and available on CPS-TV. on available and at

million from the National Merit Scholarship Program. More than 1.5 1.5 than More Program. Scholarship Merit National the from million

The Missouri Association of School Administrators (MASA) and Missouri Missouri and (MASA) Administrators School of Association Missouri The

semifinalists across the country for scholarships totaling more than $31 $31 than more totaling scholarships for country the across semifinalists

parent messaging system, posted on the district’s website website district’s the on posted system, messaging parent

state competition state

Merit Semifinalists. The students will now compete alongside 16,000 16,000 alongside compete now will students The Semifinalists. Merit

Student athletes take on on take athletes Student

by 6 a.m. Information will also be sent via the district’s district’s the via sent be also will Information a.m. 6 by Superintendent of the Year the of Superintendent Thirty-one Columbia Public Schools’ students have been named National National named been have students Schools’ Public Columbia Thirty-one

efforts will be made to notify radio and television stations stations television and radio notify to made be will efforts


the state and represent the top 0.5 percent of the state's senior students. senior state's the of percent 0.5 top the represent and state the

Stiepleman named 2021 2021 named Stiepleman

Superintendent of the the of Superintendent cancellation or a 2-hour delayed start be necessary, necessary, be start delayed 2-hour a or cancellation

National Merit Semifinalists are the highest-scoring program entrants in in entrants program highest-scoring the are Semifinalists Merit National

implemented only after roads are tested. Should Should tested. are roads after only implemented INSIDE ISSUE: INSIDE

Superintendent Superintendent


School will be canceled, or a 2-hour delayed start will be be will start delayed 2-hour a or canceled, be will School

talented U.S. high school students and awards college undergraduate undergraduate college awards and students school high U.S. talented

conducts an academic competition which recognizes academically academically recognizes which competition academic an conducts

1955 as an independent, not-for-profit organization. Each year, the NMSC NMSC the year, Each organization. not-for-profit independent, an as 1955

and current or future alternative methods of instruction. instruction. of methods alternative future or current and WINTER 2021 WINTER

The National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) was established in in established was (NMSC) Corporation Scholarship Merit National The

know snow days may still happen even with the calendar calendar the with even happen still may days snow know

Semifinalists As winter weather approaches, we want our families to to families our want we approaches, weather winter As

When it snows it When 2021 National Merit Merit National 2021

QUARTERLY CONNECTION Student athletes take Winter fine arts distancing and mask-wearing. Because a live allowed patrons to stream the performance performance, with 14 acting and/or singing from their individual building music Election education performance was not practical, the cast and online, which was recorded live. in the showcase and nine more helping with specialists. Like many experiences this year, high crew filmed the final production and made it technical logistics. on state competition available online. Approximately 15 cast members and four Tummons, who is a music specialist at Grant The 2020 presidential election provided a unique opportunity for school drama looked a little different technical assistants participated in the With many precautions taken to keep Elementary School, and Dexheimer, who is throughout the district as staff and teachers to talk with students about the election process. From Congratulations to the talented CPS student athletes and Filming the production meant new production. The typical eight weeks of students and teachers safe, the performance also a music specialist at Fairview Elementary kindergarten to high school, teachers engaged students of all ages to students found innovative ways to make considerations, such as multiple camera auditions and rehearsals were compressed to required students to take a more individualist School, used large group experiences to bring coaches for their recent state competition successes. explore democracy and what it means in accessible and fun ways. sure the shows did go on. angles and editing. six, and all rehearsals were held in-person as approach, putting in more at-home practice the community of music-loving students and On October 19 - 20, the Rock Bridge High School Girls’ Golf participants practiced social distancing and time and showing up to rehearsals ready to teachers closer together, with various vocal Amber Fireshaker, a kindergarten teacher at Two Mile Prairie Elementary School, said she team competed in the MSHSAA Class 4 State Championship HICKMAN HIGH SCHOOL – “Thinking about what different cameras will wore masks. perform. warm-ups, musical readings and time focused her lessons on what it means to be part of a community. She talked with students Tournament at Dalhousie Golf Club in Cape Girardeau. All five be seeing and when to cut, it was all very well-spent with fellow musicians. about what makes up a community, the communities students are personally a part of Rock Bridge High School Girls’ “GODSPELL JR.” PRODUCTION new," Gerling said. "We were fortunate to girls qualified individually to compete at the state competition, With the help from a few students with film Students met in-person wearing masks once and how communities make decisions together. Golf team have a team of adults working to provide and audio production experience from a week and maintained social distancing “There is so much emotion right now, and this which also earned the opportunity to have the team support." classes at the Columbia Area Career Center, while in the school building. Teachers provides an opportunity for our students and “At the beginning of the year we started talking about what a community is, which is all represented at the state tournament. The Bruins finished in the cast and crew learned how to produce a stressed the importance of hand washing and our teachers to be creative and focus on what new to a five-year-old,” Fireshaker said. “Then we centered the discussion around their fourth place overall. Despite the challenges, students were final performance that was filmed for viewer staying healthy, and disinfected surfaces in each child needs,” Tummons said. “By world – their home, their family, their classroom - and went from there.” engaged and performed well in the unique Team members: Siena Minor, Tierney Baumstark, Madison enjoyment. order to prevent cross-contaminating mics opening this up we allow students and environment. and chairs. teachers to express feelings, have a creative As part of the election education, students got to experience voting through an “election” Moller, Abby Baker and Josie Arms | Coach: Melissa Coil Vocal Music Teacher Mike Pierson said he was outlet and enjoy their passion.” of the songs to be used for their Brain Breaks – something that matters to them. “The kids were awesome.” Gerling said. On October 23-24, the Rock Bridge High School Girls’ Tennis pleased with the final production and Because performers each had a part in The voting exercise provided an opportunity to discuss what it feels like to win a vote, and “Rock stars whether they were in the cast or especially the opportunity it provided for selecting piece(s) for the showcase, there Tummons and Dexheimer said everyone team competed in the MSHSAA Class 3 State Championship what it feels like not to win. This led to explanation of the presidential election and part of the crew. They were willing to be students to do what they love - perform on was immense ownership which Araiza involved in the program really took discussion about what makes a leader. Fireshaker said she started again with examples Tournament at the Cooper Tennis Complex in Springfield. The flexible and were very creative, engaged and stage. described as “awesome.” ownership, and the kids were very engaged in Bruins finished in fourth place. excited throughout the process.” being part of the creative process - having a relevant to the students, about the leaders in their family, and related that to the leaders “I have a lot of ‘theater nerds’ in our She said this also provided more good time, learning new techniques and of our country. Team members: Maggie Lin, Anjali Ramesh, Abbie Sivaraman, Gering said everyone knew going in that they department, and those teachers and kids opportunities for individual performances sharing ideas. Fireshaker said what was most important to her for students to take away from the Rock Bridge High School Girls’ Sarah Ding, Sryia Pokala and Kinley Schade | Coach: Ben Loeb must be prepared for changes, both to were looking for something to do,” Pierson and less group work, which worked better processes and schedules. She said she was election education was learning about making choices. Tennis team On October 30, the Rock Bridge High School Softball team Approximately 40 students at Hickman High said. “This performance really fulfilled a need under the circumstances. Students were very conscience about School participated in the production of most appreciative that everyone involved for them.” choosing music that would hook kids and “That sometimes you don’t get what you want – you may have to compromise sometimes defeated Lee’s Summit North 1-0 at the Killian Softball Complex “Godspell Jr.,” which was made available demonstrated a willingness to refine as Araiza and Hercules said they were thankful engage them, Tummons said. when you are part of a community,” Fireshaker said. “It’s important for everyone to have in Springfield to win the MSHSAA Class 5 State Championship online in mid-December. needed, while maintaining a positive to many different participants for their part in a voice, even if you don’t always get your way. You must work together and be gracious.” and finish the year with a perfect record of 29-0. This is the first attitude. – MUSICAL making the performance possible, which was Involving the community is also a desire of state championship in school history for the Rock Bridge Sarah Gerling, the play’s director, said the REVIEW livestreamed on November 20, 21 and 22. both directors, who invited guest musicians to For Battle High School Teacher Susie Adams, the focus of election education looked a little Softball program. show was chosen due to its significance to “It has been challenging,” Gerling said. “But visit group practices for Q&A to expose different for her high school junior students. the times. has also brought lots of joys and laughter, students to different ways of experiencing “The process can be confusing,” Adams said. “For our students who are just years away Team members: Margo Frossard, Maren Jones, Jillian Larkin, and great things have happened.” FIFTH GRADE HONORS CHOIR music, including writing and composing. Madisyn Logan, Ella Schouten, Maddie Snider, Anna Christ, “The theme of the play deals very much from voting, it’s important that they understand the process of primaries, what happens with a sense of community,” Gerling said. “It’s a coming together of everyone and when there is a tie and all the ins and outs.” Abby Hay, Kayla Mooney, Taylor Nivens, Lucy Sadewhite, ROCK BRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL – Even a pandemic can’t stop the music for Sophia Schupp, Elizabeth Wiese, Addie Clay, Cydney Fullerton “All of the actors in the opening scene are Columbia Public Schools’ Fifth Grade Honors honoring those feelings,” Tummons said. Adams, the social studies department chair and an AP history teacher at Battle High sort of coming from a place of isolation and, “LUCKY STIFF” PRODUCTION and Molly Murphy | Coach: Lisa Alvis | Assistant coaches: Jeff Choir. School, said they looked at presidents and elections through history to provide throughout the production, they are The entire performance will be available to Bazat, Andrea Drake and Frank May perspective. One aspect involved studying campaigns through history – viewing learning to become a cohesive group, a “It is going to be highly modified, but our experience in the spring. Directors are also Rock Bridge High School currently working to provide a single-song commercials, sharing collections of yard signs and buttons (going back to Roosevelt) and Softball team On November 7, the Rock Bridge High School Boys’ Cross community. It really resonated with us.” directors Elizabeth Tummons and Sara preview for the winter break. other campaign materials. Country team won the MSHSAA Class 5 State Championship Dexheimer, have a spectacular plan," James Gerling said that when students and staff Melton, director of Fine Arts for the district, “Kids talked about how this was such a tumultuous time, with lots of arguing and race at the Gans Creek Cross Country Course in Columbia. This were sent home in late March due to said. mud-slinging,” Adams said. “We went back and compared this election to others is the second state championship in school history for the COVID-19, it was difficult for everyone in throughout history so they could see that this wasn’t so out-of-the-normal.” program with the first being in 2011. Additionally, Rock Bridge numerous ways. This year, fifth grade students from across the Senior Matthew Hauser won his individual race, earning the district were invited to audition virtually Adams said students organize voting drives three times a year, working to get students designation of MSHSAA Class 5 Boys’ Cross Country Individual Figuring out how to make a performance Music and theater students at Battle High through the classroom application Seesaw. “ By opening this up nearing the voting age registered. She added that many freshman classes participated in possible allowed that community to come State Champion. Matthew is the third individual in school School participated in a musical review mock elections, complete with “I Voted” stickers. together and feel connected. Despite the livestreamed the weekend before Approximately 200 students auditioned for we allow students and history to achieve this designation, joining Kirk Sloan who won challenges of building a performance in the Thanksgiving. 160 spots. Adams said she hopes students developed an understanding of the importance of the race in 1980 and Caleb Wilfong who won in 2011. midst of a pandemic, Gerling said the teachers to express forming their own opinion. This year’s performances were based around Team members: Matthew Hauser, Ian Kemey, Andrew Hauser, opportunity to create something was very Directors Myriah Araiza and Tim Hercules said feelings, have a creative it was exciting to be able to give students the the Peter Reynolds book “Happy Dreamer!” “We have a lot of influence from social media and television, and students also get a lot Tate Fletcher, Ethan Wampler, Weston Jokerst, Ty Welty, Charles special for all involved. Rock Bridge High School’s performance of opportunity to perform. Students rehearsed with directors each week outlet and enjoy their of their opinions from their parents,” said Adams. “As a young voter, it is important for Rock Bridge High School Boys’ Colbert, Hudson Summerall and Matthew Griffith | Coach: Neal Rehearsals for the show were handled “Lucky Stiff” took place online November 30 online, both as a large group and in smaller them to learn to listen to all sides, then develop their own ideas based on their own Cross Country team Blackburn | Assistant Coaches: Patrick Sasser and James Leach in-person, with precautions including social – December 4 as a ticketed event that A total of 23 students participated in the groups. They received additional support passion. ” research.” Student athletes take Winter fine arts distancing and mask-wearing. Because a live allowed patrons to stream the performance performance, with 14 acting and/or singing from their individual building music Election education performance was not practical, the cast and online, which was recorded live. in the showcase and nine more helping with specialists. Like many experiences this year, high crew filmed the final production and made it technical logistics. on state competition available online. Approximately 15 cast members and four Tummons, who is a music specialist at Grant The 2020 presidential election provided a unique opportunity for school drama looked a little different technical assistants participated in the With many precautions taken to keep Elementary School, and Dexheimer, who is throughout the district as staff and teachers to talk with students about the election process. From Congratulations to the talented CPS student athletes and Filming the production meant new production. The typical eight weeks of students and teachers safe, the performance also a music specialist at Fairview Elementary kindergarten to high school, teachers engaged students of all ages to students found innovative ways to make considerations, such as multiple camera auditions and rehearsals were compressed to required students to take a more individualist School, used large group experiences to bring coaches for their recent state competition successes. explore democracy and what it means in accessible and fun ways. sure the shows did go on. angles and editing. six, and all rehearsals were held in-person as approach, putting in more at-home practice the community of music-loving students and On October 19 - 20, the Rock Bridge High School Girls’ Golf participants practiced social distancing and time and showing up to rehearsals ready to teachers closer together, with various vocal Amber Fireshaker, a kindergarten teacher at Two Mile Prairie Elementary School, said she team competed in the MSHSAA Class 4 State Championship HICKMAN HIGH SCHOOL – “Thinking about what different cameras will wore masks. perform. warm-ups, musical readings and time focused her lessons on what it means to be part of a community. She talked with students Tournament at Dalhousie Golf Club in Cape Girardeau. All five be seeing and when to cut, it was all very well-spent with fellow musicians. about what makes up a community, the communities students are personally a part of Rock Bridge High School Girls’ “GODSPELL JR.” PRODUCTION new," Gerling said. "We were fortunate to girls qualified individually to compete at the state competition, With the help from a few students with film Students met in-person wearing masks once and how communities make decisions together. Golf team have a team of adults working to provide and audio production experience from a week and maintained social distancing “There is so much emotion right now, and this which also earned the opportunity to have the team support." classes at the Columbia Area Career Center, while in the school building. Teachers provides an opportunity for our students and “At the beginning of the year we started talking about what a community is, which is all represented at the state tournament. The Bruins finished in the cast and crew learned how to produce a stressed the importance of hand washing and our teachers to be creative and focus on what new to a five-year-old,” Fireshaker said. “Then we centered the discussion around their fourth place overall. Despite the challenges, students were final performance that was filmed for viewer staying healthy, and disinfected surfaces in each child needs,” Tummons said. “By world – their home, their family, their classroom - and went from there.” engaged and performed well in the unique Team members: Siena Minor, Tierney Baumstark, Madison enjoyment. order to prevent cross-contaminating mics opening this up we allow students and environment. and chairs. teachers to express feelings, have a creative As part of the election education, students got to experience voting through an “election” Moller, Abby Baker and Josie Arms | Coach: Melissa Coil Vocal Music Teacher Mike Pierson said he was outlet and enjoy their passion.” of the songs to be used for their Brain Breaks – something that matters to them. “The kids were awesome.” Gerling said. On October 23-24, the Rock Bridge High School Girls’ Tennis pleased with the final production and Because performers each had a part in The voting exercise provided an opportunity to discuss what it feels like to win a vote, and “Rock stars whether they were in the cast or especially the opportunity it provided for selecting piece(s) for the showcase, there Tummons and Dexheimer said everyone team competed in the MSHSAA Class 3 State Championship what it feels like not to win. This led to explanation of the presidential election and part of the crew. They were willing to be students to do what they love - perform on was immense ownership which Araiza involved in the program really took discussion about what makes a leader. Fireshaker said she started again with examples Tournament at the Cooper Tennis Complex in Springfield. The flexible and were very creative, engaged and stage. described as “awesome.” ownership, and the kids were very engaged in Bruins finished in fourth place. excited throughout the process.” being part of the creative process - having a relevant to the students, about the leaders in their family, and related that to the leaders “I have a lot of ‘theater nerds’ in our She said this also provided more good time, learning new techniques and of our country. Team members: Maggie Lin, Anjali Ramesh, Abbie Sivaraman, Gering said everyone knew going in that they department, and those teachers and kids opportunities for individual performances sharing ideas. Fireshaker said what was most important to her for students to take away from the Rock Bridge High School Girls’ Sarah Ding, Sryia Pokala and Kinley Schade | Coach: Ben Loeb must be prepared for changes, both to were looking for something to do,” Pierson and less group work, which worked better processes and schedules. She said she was election education was learning about making choices. Tennis team On October 30, the Rock Bridge High School Softball team Approximately 40 students at Hickman High said. “This performance really fulfilled a need under the circumstances. Students were very conscience about School participated in the production of most appreciative that everyone involved for them.” choosing music that would hook kids and “That sometimes you don’t get what you want – you may have to compromise sometimes defeated Lee’s Summit North 1-0 at the Killian Softball Complex “Godspell Jr.,” which was made available demonstrated a willingness to refine as Araiza and Hercules said they were thankful engage them, Tummons said. when you are part of a community,” Fireshaker said. “It’s important for everyone to have in Springfield to win the MSHSAA Class 5 State Championship online in mid-December. needed, while maintaining a positive to many different participants for their part in a voice, even if you don’t always get your way. You must work together and be gracious.” and finish the year with a perfect record of 29-0. This is the first attitude. BATTLE HIGH SCHOOL – MUSICAL making the performance possible, which was Involving the community is also a desire of state championship in school history for the Rock Bridge Sarah Gerling, the play’s director, said the REVIEW livestreamed on November 20, 21 and 22. both directors, who invited guest musicians to For Battle High School Teacher Susie Adams, the focus of election education looked a little Softball program. show was chosen due to its significance to “It has been challenging,” Gerling said. “But visit group practices for Q&A to expose different for her high school junior students. the times. has also brought lots of joys and laughter, students to different ways of experiencing “The process can be confusing,” Adams said. “For our students who are just years away Team members: Margo Frossard, Maren Jones, Jillian Larkin, and great things have happened.” FIFTH GRADE HONORS CHOIR music, including writing and composing. Madisyn Logan, Ella Schouten, Maddie Snider, Anna Christ, “The theme of the play deals very much from voting, it’s important that they understand the process of primaries, what happens with a sense of community,” Gerling said. “It’s a coming together of everyone and when there is a tie and all the ins and outs.” Abby Hay, Kayla Mooney, Taylor Nivens, Lucy Sadewhite, ROCK BRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL – Even a pandemic can’t stop the music for Sophia Schupp, Elizabeth Wiese, Addie Clay, Cydney Fullerton “All of the actors in the opening scene are Columbia Public Schools’ Fifth Grade Honors honoring those feelings,” Tummons said. Adams, the social studies department chair and an AP history teacher at Battle High sort of coming from a place of isolation and, “LUCKY STIFF” PRODUCTION and Molly Murphy | Coach: Lisa Alvis | Assistant coaches: Jeff Choir. School, said they looked at presidents and elections through history to provide throughout the production, they are The entire performance will be available to Bazat, Andrea Drake and Frank May perspective. One aspect involved studying campaigns through history – viewing learning to become a cohesive group, a “It is going to be highly modified, but our experience in the spring. Directors are also Rock Bridge High School currently working to provide a single-song commercials, sharing collections of yard signs and buttons (going back to Roosevelt) and Softball team On November 7, the Rock Bridge High School Boys’ Cross community. It really resonated with us.” directors Elizabeth Tummons and Sara preview for the winter break. other campaign materials. Country team won the MSHSAA Class 5 State Championship Dexheimer, have a spectacular plan," James Gerling said that when students and staff Melton, director of Fine Arts for the district, “Kids talked about how this was such a tumultuous time, with lots of arguing and race at the Gans Creek Cross Country Course in Columbia. This were sent home in late March due to said. mud-slinging,” Adams said. “We went back and compared this election to others is the second state championship in school history for the COVID-19, it was difficult for everyone in throughout history so they could see that this wasn’t so out-of-the-normal.” program with the first being in 2011. Additionally, Rock Bridge numerous ways. This year, fifth grade students from across the Senior Matthew Hauser won his individual race, earning the district were invited to audition virtually Adams said students organize voting drives three times a year, working to get students designation of MSHSAA Class 5 Boys’ Cross Country Individual Figuring out how to make a performance Music and theater students at Battle High through the classroom application Seesaw. “ By opening this up nearing the voting age registered. She added that many freshman classes participated in possible allowed that community to come State Champion. Matthew is the third individual in school School participated in a musical review mock elections, complete with “I Voted” stickers. together and feel connected. Despite the livestreamed the weekend before Approximately 200 students auditioned for we allow students and history to achieve this designation, joining Kirk Sloan who won challenges of building a performance in the Thanksgiving. 160 spots. Adams said she hopes students developed an understanding of the importance of the race in 1980 and Caleb Wilfong who won in 2011. midst of a pandemic, Gerling said the teachers to express forming their own opinion. This year’s performances were based around Team members: Matthew Hauser, Ian Kemey, Andrew Hauser, opportunity to create something was very Directors Myriah Araiza and Tim Hercules said feelings, have a creative it was exciting to be able to give students the the Peter Reynolds book “Happy Dreamer!” “We have a lot of influence from social media and television, and students also get a lot Tate Fletcher, Ethan Wampler, Weston Jokerst, Ty Welty, Charles special for all involved. Rock Bridge High School’s performance of opportunity to perform. Students rehearsed with directors each week outlet and enjoy their of their opinions from their parents,” said Adams. “As a young voter, it is important for Rock Bridge High School Boys’ Colbert, Hudson Summerall and Matthew Griffith | Coach: Neal Rehearsals for the show were handled “Lucky Stiff” took place online November 30 online, both as a large group and in smaller them to learn to listen to all sides, then develop their own ideas based on their own Cross Country team Blackburn | Assistant Coaches: Patrick Sasser and James Leach in-person, with precautions including social – December 4 as a ticketed event that A total of 23 students participated in the groups. They received additional support passion. ” research.” Student athletes take Winter fine arts distancing and mask-wearing. Because a live allowed patrons to stream the performance performance, with 14 acting and/or singing from their individual building music Election education performance was not practical, the cast and online, which was recorded live. in the showcase and nine more helping with specialists. Like many experiences this year, high crew filmed the final production and made it technical logistics. on state competition available online. Approximately 15 cast members and four Tummons, who is a music specialist at Grant The 2020 presidential election provided a unique opportunity for school drama looked a little different technical assistants participated in the With many precautions taken to keep Elementary School, and Dexheimer, who is throughout the district as staff and teachers to talk with students about the election process. From Congratulations to the talented CPS student athletes and Filming the production meant new production. The typical eight weeks of students and teachers safe, the performance also a music specialist at Fairview Elementary kindergarten to high school, teachers engaged students of all ages to students found innovative ways to make considerations, such as multiple camera auditions and rehearsals were compressed to required students to take a more individualist School, used large group experiences to bring coaches for their recent state competition successes. explore democracy and what it means in accessible and fun ways. sure the shows did go on. angles and editing. six, and all rehearsals were held in-person as approach, putting in more at-home practice the community of music-loving students and On October 19 - 20, the Rock Bridge High School Girls’ Golf participants practiced social distancing and time and showing up to rehearsals ready to teachers closer together, with various vocal Amber Fireshaker, a kindergarten teacher at Two Mile Prairie Elementary School, said she team competed in the MSHSAA Class 4 State Championship HICKMAN HIGH SCHOOL – “Thinking about what different cameras will wore masks. perform. warm-ups, musical readings and time focused her lessons on what it means to be part of a community. She talked with students Tournament at Dalhousie Golf Club in Cape Girardeau. All five be seeing and when to cut, it was all very well-spent with fellow musicians. about what makes up a community, the communities students are personally a part of Rock Bridge High School Girls’ “GODSPELL JR.” PRODUCTION new," Gerling said. "We were fortunate to girls qualified individually to compete at the state competition, With the help from a few students with film Students met in-person wearing masks once and how communities make decisions together. Golf team have a team of adults working to provide and audio production experience from a week and maintained social distancing “There is so much emotion right now, and this which also earned the opportunity to have the team support." classes at the Columbia Area Career Center, while in the school building. Teachers provides an opportunity for our students and “At the beginning of the year we started talking about what a community is, which is all represented at the state tournament. The Bruins finished in the cast and crew learned how to produce a stressed the importance of hand washing and our teachers to be creative and focus on what new to a five-year-old,” Fireshaker said. “Then we centered the discussion around their fourth place overall. Despite the challenges, students were final performance that was filmed for viewer staying healthy, and disinfected surfaces in each child needs,” Tummons said. “By world – their home, their family, their classroom - and went from there.” engaged and performed well in the unique Team members: Siena Minor, Tierney Baumstark, Madison enjoyment. order to prevent cross-contaminating mics opening this up we allow students and environment. and chairs. teachers to express feelings, have a creative As part of the election education, students got to experience voting through an “election” Moller, Abby Baker and Josie Arms | Coach: Melissa Coil Vocal Music Teacher Mike Pierson said he was outlet and enjoy their passion.” of the songs to be used for their Brain Breaks – something that matters to them. “The kids were awesome.” Gerling said. On October 23-24, the Rock Bridge High School Girls’ Tennis pleased with the final production and Because performers each had a part in The voting exercise provided an opportunity to discuss what it feels like to win a vote, and “Rock stars whether they were in the cast or especially the opportunity it provided for selecting piece(s) for the showcase, there Tummons and Dexheimer said everyone team competed in the MSHSAA Class 3 State Championship what it feels like not to win. This led to explanation of the presidential election and part of the crew. They were willing to be students to do what they love - perform on was immense ownership which Araiza involved in the program really took discussion about what makes a leader. Fireshaker said she started again with examples Tournament at the Cooper Tennis Complex in Springfield. The flexible and were very creative, engaged and stage. described as “awesome.” ownership, and the kids were very engaged in Bruins finished in fourth place. excited throughout the process.” being part of the creative process - having a relevant to the students, about the leaders in their family, and related that to the leaders “I have a lot of ‘theater nerds’ in our She said this also provided more good time, learning new techniques and of our country. Team members: Maggie Lin, Anjali Ramesh, Abbie Sivaraman, Gering said everyone knew going in that they department, and those teachers and kids opportunities for individual performances sharing ideas. Fireshaker said what was most important to her for students to take away from the Rock Bridge High School Girls’ Sarah Ding, Sryia Pokala and Kinley Schade | Coach: Ben Loeb must be prepared for changes, both to were looking for something to do,” Pierson and less group work, which worked better processes and schedules. She said she was election education was learning about making choices. Tennis team On October 30, the Rock Bridge High School Softball team Approximately 40 students at Hickman High said. “This performance really fulfilled a need under the circumstances. Students were very conscience about School participated in the production of most appreciative that everyone involved for them.” choosing music that would hook kids and “That sometimes you don’t get what you want – you may have to compromise sometimes defeated Lee’s Summit North 1-0 at the Killian Softball Complex “Godspell Jr.,” which was made available demonstrated a willingness to refine as Araiza and Hercules said they were thankful engage them, Tummons said. when you are part of a community,” Fireshaker said. “It’s important for everyone to have in Springfield to win the MSHSAA Class 5 State Championship online in mid-December. needed, while maintaining a positive to many different participants for their part in a voice, even if you don’t always get your way. You must work together and be gracious.” and finish the year with a perfect record of 29-0. This is the first attitude. BATTLE HIGH SCHOOL – MUSICAL making the performance possible, which was Involving the community is also a desire of state championship in school history for the Rock Bridge Sarah Gerling, the play’s director, said the REVIEW livestreamed on November 20, 21 and 22. both directors, who invited guest musicians to For Battle High School Teacher Susie Adams, the focus of election education looked a little Softball program. show was chosen due to its significance to “It has been challenging,” Gerling said. “But visit group practices for Q&A to expose different for her high school junior students. the times. has also brought lots of joys and laughter, students to different ways of experiencing “The process can be confusing,” Adams said. “For our students who are just years away Team members: Margo Frossard, Maren Jones, Jillian Larkin, and great things have happened.” FIFTH GRADE HONORS CHOIR music, including writing and composing. Madisyn Logan, Ella Schouten, Maddie Snider, Anna Christ, “The theme of the play deals very much from voting, it’s important that they understand the process of primaries, what happens with a sense of community,” Gerling said. “It’s a coming together of everyone and when there is a tie and all the ins and outs.” Abby Hay, Kayla Mooney, Taylor Nivens, Lucy Sadewhite, ROCK BRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL – Even a pandemic can’t stop the music for Sophia Schupp, Elizabeth Wiese, Addie Clay, Cydney Fullerton “All of the actors in the opening scene are Columbia Public Schools’ Fifth Grade Honors honoring those feelings,” Tummons said. Adams, the social studies department chair and an AP history teacher at Battle High sort of coming from a place of isolation and, “LUCKY STIFF” PRODUCTION and Molly Murphy | Coach: Lisa Alvis | Assistant coaches: Jeff Choir. School, said they looked at presidents and elections through history to provide throughout the production, they are The entire performance will be available to Bazat, Andrea Drake and Frank May perspective. One aspect involved studying campaigns through history – viewing learning to become a cohesive group, a “It is going to be highly modified, but our experience in the spring. Directors are also Rock Bridge High School currently working to provide a single-song commercials, sharing collections of yard signs and buttons (going back to Roosevelt) and Softball team On November 7, the Rock Bridge High School Boys’ Cross community. It really resonated with us.” directors Elizabeth Tummons and Sara preview for the winter break. other campaign materials. Country team won the MSHSAA Class 5 State Championship Dexheimer, have a spectacular plan," James Gerling said that when students and staff Melton, director of Fine Arts for the district, “Kids talked about how this was such a tumultuous time, with lots of arguing and race at the Gans Creek Cross Country Course in Columbia. This were sent home in late March due to said. mud-slinging,” Adams said. “We went back and compared this election to others is the second state championship in school history for the COVID-19, it was difficult for everyone in throughout history so they could see that this wasn’t so out-of-the-normal.” program with the first being in 2011. Additionally, Rock Bridge numerous ways. This year, fifth grade students from across the Senior Matthew Hauser won his individual race, earning the district were invited to audition virtually Adams said students organize voting drives three times a year, working to get students designation of MSHSAA Class 5 Boys’ Cross Country Individual Figuring out how to make a performance Music and theater students at Battle High through the classroom application Seesaw. “ By opening this up nearing the voting age registered. She added that many freshman classes participated in possible allowed that community to come State Champion. Matthew is the third individual in school School participated in a musical review mock elections, complete with “I Voted” stickers. together and feel connected. Despite the livestreamed the weekend before Approximately 200 students auditioned for we allow students and history to achieve this designation, joining Kirk Sloan who won challenges of building a performance in the Thanksgiving. 160 spots. Adams said she hopes students developed an understanding of the importance of the race in 1980 and Caleb Wilfong who won in 2011. midst of a pandemic, Gerling said the teachers to express forming their own opinion. This year’s performances were based around Team members: Matthew Hauser, Ian Kemey, Andrew Hauser, opportunity to create something was very Directors Myriah Araiza and Tim Hercules said feelings, have a creative it was exciting to be able to give students the the Peter Reynolds book “Happy Dreamer!” “We have a lot of influence from social media and television, and students also get a lot Tate Fletcher, Ethan Wampler, Weston Jokerst, Ty Welty, Charles special for all involved. Rock Bridge High School’s performance of opportunity to perform. Students rehearsed with directors each week outlet and enjoy their of their opinions from their parents,” said Adams. “As a young voter, it is important for Rock Bridge High School Boys’ Colbert, Hudson Summerall and Matthew Griffith | Coach: Neal Rehearsals for the show were handled “Lucky Stiff” took place online November 30 online, both as a large group and in smaller them to learn to listen to all sides, then develop their own ideas based on their own Cross Country team Blackburn | Assistant Coaches: Patrick Sasser and James Leach in-person, with precautions including social – December 4 as a ticketed event that A total of 23 students participated in the groups. They received additional support passion. ” research.”

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Ethan Jones Ethan

David Seamon Mallott Arren enrichment experiences and interest-based activities, and access to a to access and activities, interest-based and experiences enrichment

Christina Hua Christina Vignesh Kumar Vignesh

passionate about: passionate


includes access to a great curriculum, access to skilled teachers, teachers, skilled to access curriculum, great a to access includes Dr. Della Streaty-Wilhoit

Ellen Gates Ellen Skylar Koepke Skylar said he will donate that money to three areas that he is especially especially is he that areas three to money that donate will he said

website and on CPS-TV. on and website

conveys that all students should have an excellent education. This This education. excellent an have should students all that conveys Blake Willoughby Daniel Fratila Daniel Andrew Kim Andrew

Schools, he is entitled to approximately $50,000 in sick pay. Stiepleman Stiepleman pay. sick in $50,000 approximately to entitled is he Schools, POSTAL CUSTOMER

Opportunity – has served as the building blocks for the CPS mission and and mission CPS the for blocks building the as served has – Opportunity

sent via the district’s messaging system, posted on the the on posted system, messaging district’s the via sent Benjamin Edidin Benjamin Hyunjae Hahm Hyunjae

2021. Having taken very few sick days while with Columbia Public Public Columbia with while days sick few very taken Having 2021. Superintendent Stiepleman’s belief system of AEO – Achievement, Enrichment and and Enrichment Achievement, – AEO of system belief Stiepleman’s

Hunter Bailey Hunter Shruti Gautam Shruti Stiepleman announced he will retire from his position as of June 30, 30, June of as position his from retire will he announced Stiepleman

Dr. Peter Stiepleman be will information Additionally, dismissal. early of news

Adin Aberbach Adin Tyler Dettmar Tyler districts," MASA Executive Director Doug Hayter said. Hayter Doug Director Executive MASA districts,"

revisions to include gender identity expression and sexual orientation. sexual and expression identity gender include to revisions

please listen to local radio and television stations for for stations television and radio local to listen please

helped guide the successes achieved in one of the state’s largest school school largest state’s the of one in achieved successes the guide helped SEMIFINALISTS SEMIFINALISTS

COMOEd Future Teacher program and anti-discriminatory policy policy anti-discriminatory and program Teacher Future COMOEd

“There is no question that Dr. Stiepleman’s leadership philosophy has has philosophy leadership Stiepleman’s Dr. that question no is “There district may dismiss early. On inclement weather days, days, weather inclement On early. dismiss may district

2.0, grade-level field trip enrichment experiences for all students, the the students, all for experiences enrichment trip field grade-level 2.0, Rock Bridge High School High Bridge Rock School High Hickman

early dismissals, but under appropriate circumstances the the circumstances appropriate under but dismissals, early STEAM Middle School, The Nature School, Early College – High School School High – College Early School, Nature The School, Middle STEAM challenges. challenges.

Among the long list of programs Stiepleman has championed are the the are championed has Stiepleman programs of list long the Among enrollment increases and demographic growth, as well as economic economic as well as growth, demographic and increases enrollment

excused. Difficulty in contacting parents usually prevents prevents usually parents contacting in Difficulty excused.

college studies. studies. college

During his time, CPS has undergone quite a bit of change, including including change, of bit a quite undergone has CPS time, his During When it snows it When

basis of their skills, accomplishments, and potential for success in rigorous rigorous in success for potential and accomplishments, skills, their of basis

the road conditions too dangerous, absences will be be will absences dangerous, too conditions road the


academically accomplished. Merit Scholar designees are selected on the the on selected are designees Scholar Merit accomplished. academically superintendent. He became superintendent in 2014. 2014. in superintendent became He superintendent. Semifinalists

attendance. If the parent views the weather too severe or or severe too weather the views parent the If attendance.

Corporation provides scholarships annually for the nation’s most most nation’s the for annually scholarships provides Corporation teacher, assistant elementary school principal, principal and assistant assistant and principal principal, school elementary assistant teacher, Watch the Superintendent of the Year video presentation: video Year the of Superintendent the Watch

2021 National Merit Merit National 2021

finalists will be announced in the spring. The National Merit Scholarship Scholarship Merit National The spring. the in announced be will finalists Stiepleman joined Columbia Public Schools in 2006. He served as a a as served He 2006. in Schools Public Columbia joined Stiepleman Parents may make the final decision regarding a child’s child’s a regarding decision final the make may Parents

entered when they took the Preliminary SAT. National Merit Scholarship Scholarship Merit National SAT. Preliminary the took they when entered

Election education Election


Superintendent Peter Stiepleman Superintendent of the Year for 2021. for Year the of Superintendent Stiepleman Peter Superintendent

million high school juniors from 21,000 high schools around the country country the around schools high 21,000 from juniors school high million

School Boards' Association named Columbia Public Schools’ Schools’ Public Columbia named Association Boards' School

Winter fine arts fine Winter at and available on CPS-TV. on available and at

million from the National Merit Scholarship Program. More than 1.5 1.5 than More Program. Scholarship Merit National the from million

The Missouri Association of School Administrators (MASA) and Missouri Missouri and (MASA) Administrators School of Association Missouri The

semifinalists across the country for scholarships totaling more than $31 $31 than more totaling scholarships for country the across semifinalists

parent messaging system, posted on the district’s website website district’s the on posted system, messaging parent

state competition state

Merit Semifinalists. The students will now compete alongside 16,000 16,000 alongside compete now will students The Semifinalists. Merit

Student athletes take on on take athletes Student

by 6 a.m. Information will also be sent via the district’s district’s the via sent be also will Information a.m. 6 by Superintendent of the Year the of Superintendent Thirty-one Columbia Public Schools’ students have been named National National named been have students Schools’ Public Columbia Thirty-one

efforts will be made to notify radio and television stations stations television and radio notify to made be will efforts


the state and represent the top 0.5 percent of the state's senior students. senior state's the of percent 0.5 top the represent and state the

Stiepleman named 2021 2021 named Stiepleman

Superintendent of the the of Superintendent cancellation or a 2-hour delayed start be necessary, necessary, be start delayed 2-hour a or cancellation

National Merit Semifinalists are the highest-scoring program entrants in in entrants program highest-scoring the are Semifinalists Merit National

implemented only after roads are tested. Should Should tested. are roads after only implemented INSIDE ISSUE: INSIDE

Superintendent Superintendent


School will be canceled, or a 2-hour delayed start will be be will start delayed 2-hour a or canceled, be will School

talented U.S. high school students and awards college undergraduate undergraduate college awards and students school high U.S. talented

conducts an academic competition which recognizes academically academically recognizes which competition academic an conducts

1955 as an independent, not-for-profit organization. Each year, the NMSC NMSC the year, Each organization. not-for-profit independent, an as 1955

and current or future alternative methods of instruction. instruction. of methods alternative future or current and WINTER 2021 WINTER

The National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) was established in in established was (NMSC) Corporation Scholarship Merit National The

know snow days may still happen even with the calendar calendar the with even happen still may days snow know

Semifinalists As winter weather approaches, we want our families to to families our want we approaches, weather winter As

When it snows it When 2021 National Merit Merit National 2021