La feuis aliquis sequat. Ut quis nullaore tem vulluptatuer summy nit vullan ulluptat lorpercVel et lor

La feuis aliquis sequat. Ut am quis nullaore tem vulluptatuer summy nit vullan ulluptat lorpercVel et lor aliquate ex ea conse dolor at nosto odipisl esectet lum amconsed deliquis nismod modolor LOREM LPSUM NIHILCON Dept of Instrumentation

Process Control

Yokogawa CS 3000

Yokogawa CS 3000 Dean’s Desk

I am extremely happy that the Instrumen- tation Engineers Association has brought out a magazine for the national level technical sympo- sium “Intecho11”, which will go a long way in helping the budding engineers to come up with new ideas and help them with necessary expo- sure to highlight their talents. This attempt will no doubt provide them with opportunities to improve their knowledge in their domains of interest. I appreciate their efforts and convey my hearty wishes. Dr. A.Joseph Stanley Professor and Dean, MIT

“Learn from yesterday, live for to day, hope for tomorrow.”

Albert Einstein HOD’s Desk

I am extremely happy that the Asso- ciation of Instrumentation Engineers has brought out a magazine for the first time , which contains the hidden talents in the minds of the budding engineers. This will help the students to explore and expose their knowledge in their field. I appreciate their efforts in bringing up a magazine and wish them a great success.

Dr.K.Bhoopathy Bagen Head of the Department Instrumentation Eng.

“ Science is always wrong. It never solves a problem without creating ten more.”

George Bernaud Shaw HENDIT lAMET VE a dream. “INSTRUE” wouldhave just been student friendswithout whom We thankandappreciate allour helping hand. gratitude tothealumni for their them. Weoughttoexpressour the magazine.Weareobligedto throughout, totheentireteamof pillar ofsupportandstrength staff membershavebeenagreat for initiatingthemagazine.All bathy, whowastheinstrument thank ProfessorDr.P.Kanagasaba outcome ofthemagazine.We for histrustandsupportinthe our HeadDr.K.BoopathyBagan this magazine.Wearegratefulto viding theplatformtobringabout Stanley, theDean,MIT,forpro- We arethankfultoDr.A.Joseph for makingthismagazineafeat. We foldourhandstothealmighty Acknowledgement -

Team Instrue Magazine Team N Karthikeyan Front Page P.Saravanan S.Parameswaran M.Vigneshwar S.Selvam Raju P.Jayaraman Editors Supriya C Sukanya S Chitra A Nithyalakshmi A Swaminathan C Viswanath M Varun M Srivignesh D Jayadarshini R Vanathi M Sriraam TN Kaushika Kumar Gourav Saha N.Naresh Kumar Arvind S J.Srividya S.Kaushik S.Preethi instrue INSTRUE We takeimmenseprideandpleasureinreleasingthesecondissueof“Ins-true”,magazineStudentsIEA(Instrumen extended forallourfutureendeavors….. India, alltheverybestinyourprofessionalandpersonallives hopethatthesameheartywelcomehasbeenprovidednow,be “Instrue” teamwithoutwhosesolemnefforts,thisattemptwould nothavefructified.Finally,wewishyou,thefutureengineersof We regretthepresenceofanyglitchespresentinthismagazine thatmighthavecreptinaccidentally.Wewishtothankthewhole can befoundbyprudentexcitationofthesynapticrelaysinour graymatter.Letushopeforanefficienttomorrow. common sense.Soletusunfetterourintellectsandthinkbeyond theself-imposedboundariesfor,solutionstoallourproblems layman tograsp;forallthepath-breakinginventionsofourage havestarted,beingpettybutideasimbuedwithanoptimumdoseof As realinventionsareoutdated,theneedofhourisinnovation. Moreover,itneednotbesomethingextremelyabstrusefora light effectalsoimprovestheefficiencyofhumanwork.Schoolsreporthigherlearningrateandenthusiasmamong students. as itreducesthelightingchargestremendously.Inaddition,satisfiesneedofhour‘saveenergy’.Buzzisalsothat sun been developedspecificallytowithstandhightemperature.Thoughtheinstallationcostseemssignificant,methodis efficient The secondquestion,howcanitwithstandhightemperaturescontinuously?Aspecialopticfiberwithcross-linkedcopolymer has decreases, backupelectriclampswillbelittomaketheilluminationsufficient. on acloudyday?Howcanfiberopticcablewithstandhightemperatureduetoconvergenceofsunlight?Willitreallybeeffective? entire officeinthesamemanner.However,therearequiteafewmootelements.Whatifsunlightisintermittent,asitwould be A bunchofcableswillreplaceatubelight.Manysucharrangementseffectivelycurrentdriventubes.Theycanlight an as smalla1cmspot.Thishighintensitylightisconveyedtotheworkingroomthroughobviousmediumoffiberoptic cables. A particularcaseofimplementationwouldbetomakesunlightfromalargeregion;say1meterindiameterconvergeinto anarea sunlight itself,insteadofelectrictubesinofficesandhomes?Whatanelegantsolutionthatwouldbe?Yes,itisarealitynow. world. However,wedonothaveaneconomicalsolutiontorealizethat.Nevertheless,thinkagain.Whatif,itbecomespossible touse energy inputoftheearth-whichinitselfisanoverwhelmingamount-itcanquenchcompleteneedspower-thirsty ioned countryhomes,butwiththeadvancementoftechnology.Somestatisticssaythatifwecantapabout20%total solar of sunlight.Hangon!Sunlighthere,isnotusedtoproduceelectricity.Ittheworkingroom.Justlikeourold-fash from thereplacementsofelectricbulbsbycompressedfluorescentlamps.Onesuchexamplesimpleinnovationsis usage attempts atenergyconservationarevaluedhighlyeventhecostofheavyinvestmentthattheyusuallyinvolve.Itiswellevident year studentsfromproductionengineeringistappingenergyatablefan.Wehavereachedratheralarmingsituationwhere from anumberofunlikelysourceslikewalking,openingthedoor,staircase,windkitestoenumeratefew.Oneourfinal It isfascinating,sometimesevencrazytolistenideasthatpeoplehavecomeupwithconserveenergy.Today,wetapenergy existing trendsofenergycrisistoafutureeco-friendlyandsustainableenergy,restwelltrulyintheengineer’shand. theme ‘saveenergy’becomestheneedofhour.Havingsaidthat,responsibilityusheringatransformationsortsfrom prices. Whilewedohaveabundantenergysources-Sun,wind,tidesetc-theyareeitherinconsistentorcostly.Automaticallythe of tomorrow.ThereasonforwhoppinginvestmentsinR&Dinvolvingenergyconservationistheacutepaucityatcheap research isgoingontoimprovetheefficiency(distance/manualpower).Donotgetastoundedifsomeonecallsbicyclevehicle It isrivetingtoobservehowtheterm‘Efficiency’hasreachedlayman’sworld.Considerbicycledesignforexample.Alotof What theworldneeds: lives inthedaystocome. left nostoneunturnedindoingourbittowardsthisissuethatisdeemedtoholdwiderepercussionsthewaywewouldlead -to reproducethesameresponse.ThethemeofIntecho’11is“SaveEnergy”andwestudentsatMITtakeprideinstatingthathave facilitates thisissue-releasedatthewakeofNationallevelTechnicalsymposiumInstrumentationDepartment,Intecho’11 tation EngineersAssociation)atMIT-AnnaUniversity.Wehopethatthesuccessofpreviousissueservesasagoodomenand Editorial message Well, herecomestheinstrumentationpart.Theintensityoflightinroomiscontinuouslymeasured.If

Thankingyou, The Editorial Team S SelvamRaju M Vigneshwar P Jayaraman - - - instrue - - - various Received funding to the tune of 2crores from a preferred partner to the We shall strive to become TERNET/VIDEO CONFERENCING /PPT PRESENTATION/MULTIMEDIA TOOLS). • and Automation Sensing Centre Of Excellence in the Field of Intelligent • Establishment of Calibration Centre. motivated students. • pursue high end Well equipped laboratories with State-of–art facilities to research. • funding agencies. organization in Collaborative research with Universities and R&D India and abroad. • • pursuing Ph.D. Around 40Ph.D scholars are currently ilnadu Government. CDAC, L&T, Tam Testing and consultancy with Placka, • FDP and CEP/ Organizes National/International conferences FUTURE PLANS: • Facility( IN Effective Utilization of Smart Class Room VISION OF THE DEPARTMENT: VISION OF • strive towards becoming of Instrumentation Engineering, shall The Department in Electronics, Instrumentation and trend setter and a facilitator higher learning, research and consultancy. Control Engineering for • for industry and community economic and social development by contribution towards their providing high professional quality manpower with sound technical knowledge, skills and ethical values. FEATURES OF DEPARTMENT: • plinary expertise and Highly qualified and dedicated faculties with multi disci - - - - MIT and IEA and MIT Madras Institute of Technology shall strive Instrumentation precisely is the measurement and control of MIT has produced great scientist like Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, MIT has produced great scientist like Dr.A.P.J.Abdul In 1949, Shri.C.Rajam, gave the newly independent India- gave the newly In 1949, Shri.C.Rajam, expert team also visited the department during Dec 2007. Recently, the QIP expert team also visited the Department to give recognition for offering the M.E/Ph.D. under QIP scheme. that catapults the fame of the Department to great heights is the strong bond between the students, Professors and Alumni. The Department has unique recognition as DST-FIST sponsored Department. The NBA tronics and Instrumentation Engineering at UG level and Ph.D and M.S. (by Research) for both regular and Part-time scholars. Another fact farious disciplines of technology such as process control, Electrical, Electronics and Mechanical measurements and transducer Engineering. This Department offers Instrumentation Engineering at PG level, Elec various parameters of any system. It is fascinating motley of multi recognized as a point of reference, a catalyst, a facilitator, a trend-setter and a leader in technical education. DEPARTMENT OF INSTRUMENTATION: by providing high quality manpower through excellence in teaching, research and consultancy. Madras Institute of Technology shall be with a high technical knowledge, professional skills and ethical values. with a high technical knowledge, professional skills and community for We shall be the preferred partner to the industry development our contribution towards their economic and social professionals towards becoming a world class institution by producing the Best Overall Performance, awarded by Indian Society of Technical the Best Overall Performance, awarded by Indian Education (ISTE) during the year 1999. OUR VISION: engineering education and earned an excellent reputation both in India engineering education and earned an excellent includes an award for and abroad.MIT had received many awards which training in their speciality, has enabled the students of MIT to handle training in their speciality, has enabled the students problems. The Madras with skill and success a wide variety of technical important centre of Institute of Technology has developed into an versatile genius like Sujatha and many more. Presently the Vice Chan versatile genius like Sujatha and many more. Presently of MIT are all alumni cellor, Registrar of Anna University and the Dean practice-oriented of MIT. The broad-based education, coupled with Anna University in the year 1978. Anna University in the Now it also provides technical education in other engineering fields Now it also provides technical Technology & Production Technology, such as Rubber and Plastic Computer Technology. It was merged with Information Technology, genius and daring of its founder that made MIT offer courses like genius and daring of its Automobile Engineering, Electronics Engi Aeronautical Engineering, Technology for the first time in our country. neering and Instrument so that MIT could establish the strong Madras Institute of Technology, to take its place in the world. It was the rare technical base it needed MIT, A Brief History MIT, A Brief Level Controllers for Irregular vessels Dr J Prakash

Tuning of level controllers can be We all are aware that high gain causes challenging because of extreme variation sustained oscillation or even instability. in the process dynamics and tuning set- So we decrease the gain below the lower tings. Control system studies shows that the gain limit. But for integrating process, if most frequent root cause of unacceptable slow oscillation is set up by any means, variability in the process is a poorly tuned the decay of these oscillations will be slow, level controller. The most common tuning if the gain too low. If we think this as a mistakes are reset time (integral time) and consequence of high gain and if we de- gain setting. The speed and type of level re- crease the gain further, we will only make sponse varies with volume geometry, fluid the oscillations more persistent. These density, level measurement span and flow sustained slow oscillations will affect the measurement span for irregular vessels like quality of control very badly. So it is equal- conical tanks and horizontal tanks, where ly important to understand the adverse cross-sectional area varies with height. effects of low value of controller gain. The effects of equipment design, process conditions, transmitter calibra- tion and value sizing are important in the analysis and understanding of the tuning process. If there is no relation- ship between level and outflow (in case of constant displacement pump or a flow controlled process), there is no self regula- tion. Any unbalance in flow-in and flow- out causes the level to ramp. The ramp Conical Tank rate can be extremely low (0.000001%/ sec) to very high value (1%/sec). For such process, we can use adap- Integral gain can be expressed as, tive controllers, where the controller gain is Ki=fmax/(p*a)lmax adjusted automatically with respect to pro- cess gain. Adaptive level controllers can The tuning settings are based on flow account for effect of vessel geometry and maximum and level maximum. If the gain scheduling .We can happily forget the controller output goes directly to posi- confusions of upper and lower gain limit tion a non-linear value, the equation and associated fast and slow oscillations. should be multiplied by the slope at the operating point on the installed charac- We have spherical tank and conical teristic plotted as percent maximum ca- tank systems, level controlled by various pacity (fmax) versus percentage stroke. schemes including adaptive PID algorithm in our process control laboratory. Vari- ous research and experiments have been done on those, including gain scheduling for level control using an Industrial DCS.

Horizontal Tank

Autotuning Prof.Dr. T.Thyagarajan, IEEE Madras Section Chairman

The important function of the controller these values, the gain for ¼ decay ratio is again is to bring the Process Variable (PV) close to the established by transient response test. desired value, whenever there is a change in set- point-SP (Servo operation) or to reject the load In the Reaction Curve method of finding disturbance (regulatory operation) and maintain the initial controller settings, the control loop is the PV closed to the desired value. We can have opened between the controller and the valve. P, PI and PID controllers to serve the above ob- With the controller on manual operation, a step jectives. The performance of these controllers change is made in the pressure to the control depends on the controller settings namely: Con- valve. The variation in the PV will be in S-shape. troller gain (Kc), Integral time (Ti) and Derivative The controller settings can be obtained by know- time (Td). Obtaining suitable/appropriate/ best/ ing the values of maximum slope of the curve, optimum... Values of these controller settings are effective lag and the intercept of the maximum nothing but tuning of controller. slope line with a horizontal line from the initial

value. instrue Determining the controller settings by trial-and-error method for a particular system is The drawbacks in the Ultimate Cycling time consuming as it involves several permuta- and Damped Oscillation methods are that, sev- tions and combinations. The initial controller eral trials are needed to set the process gain to settings closer to best values can be obtained obtain the continuous cycling/ Quarter decay ra- by several methods. Once the initial settings tio. The Reaction Curve method being an open are obtained, then, these controller settings can loop test, the PV may drift away from the nomi- be fine tuned by taking variety of performance nal operating point. criterion (minimum peak overshoot, quick rise time, short settling time, minimum integral er- The drawbacks mentioned above can be ror, phase margin, gain margin, closed loop log alleviated by carrying out Autotuning using Re- modulus etc., ) Accordingly, several tuning rules lay Feedback Test In the Astrom, K.J. and Hag- are comprehensively documented by Aidan O’ glund, T. (1984) relay feedback test, a relay of Dwyer. magnitude “h” is inserted in the feedback loop (Figure 1). Initially, the input u(t) is increased by In the Continuous Cycling method of “h”. Once the output y(t) starts increasing after a finding the initial controller settings, the inte- time delay (D), the relay switches to the opposite gral time is set at infinity, the derivative time is direction, u(t) = -h. set at zero or the lowest possible value and the response of the system to a step change in the set point is obtained for various gain settings. The gain setting which results in continuous cy- cling at constant amplitude is the ultimate gain, Ku. The period of cycling at the maximum gain is called the ultimate period, Pu. Once we get the values of Ku & Pu, we can use the established controller tuning rules (Ziegler Nichols, Cohen Coon etc.,) to get initial best values of controller settings. In the Damped Oscillation method of finding the initial controller settings, by using only proportional action and starting with a low gain, the gain is adjusted until the transient re- Figure 1. Arrangement for Relay Feedback test sponse of closed loop shows a decay ratio of ¼. The reset time and derivative time are based on the period of oscillation, P which is always great- er than the ultimate period Pu. For a PID control- ler, the values of Ti and Td are taken as P/6 and P/1.5 respectively. With UD MAGNIBH EX - - - (1 D/T - to around Eqns process in respect obtained is obtained with integrating for values limitation the information a preferred is not course, is Soccer Ball This is one inventions of that those capture green energy. Invented by engineers four from Harvard University, the soccer harvests ball energy created from impacts. The has soccket a built-in that inductive collects coil kinetic After energy. about 15 kicking minutes the of ball will around produce it enough tricity elec to light flashlight an for LED 3 hours. steady-state conditions. conditions. steady-state • the important frequency, i.e., near phase angles of  radians Accurate test: of relay Disadvantages • due to the rea values only, & 2) approximate are a non-lin introduces feedback the relay son that Of earity into the system. for most However, of the systems, these approximate values are enough serve to purpose. the engineering • es (We oscillations). not get sustained may It • ratio for obtaining sustained oscillations open loop unstable system. for a There (2) (1) process trial-and- the no is Hence,

u There a h test. 4 π test. = =2*pi/P u u loop K w one-shot closed a a is is

When When the output lags behind the input

• will not drift away from the set-point. Also the process is never pushed very far away It from the which can be set at 5 to 10% of the manipulated variable. error error approach to obtain sustained oscillation at the critical frequency. The only parameter step, relay that the of height the is specified the to has Advantages of relay test: test: of relay Advantages • It These These two ultimate parameters can be used to obtain the initial settings controller of a P/PI/PID controller.

critical information about the process, frequency, ultimate the and namely, Ku gain, ultimate the u. The sustained oscillations generated leads to the to leads generated oscillations sustained The shown in Figure 2. The period of the limit cyclelimit is the periodof The 2. Figure in shown Pu. period, the ultimate by by  radians, the closed loop system with the period of oscillates Pu. Since, there is a phase lag as generated is “a” amplitude of cycle limit a -, of

INSTRUE UD MAGNIBH EX T2. ered where practice asinindustrial theemphasisisonapplication knowledge T1. The Technical circle Knowledge Non- and Circle Knowledge Technical the of Technical Knowledge glimpse “Oval”a required, withsomesamples. give I experience, personal my on Based ofleadershipcareer life cycle.part next the over precedence takes second the and career a of decade first the in least at precedence here! circles can boost your career about three after year hiatus at the first employer - Patience is a virtue knowledge other on first update the “not-so-desirable-employer”, continuous at skills basic of ing off-line training schemes. Even if you are unsuccessful in choice of employment at entry level, learn par a join to organisationlevelsticular companybyor continual skill and to thatlikely your is widen employment knowledge of level entry the at even plan may one So, all. suit not does this - low overheads company keep to period training try “learn-as-you-earn” during companies even Some onlyintheoreticallevel studies. ononeaspect (post-graduate) higher a to knowledge academic an acquiring and knowledge particular a of sion Other times it may be the application of the academic knowledge. In a few cases, it may be an exten over ofcareer skills aperiod life.planning &acquiring knowledge plan long term for a sustained career to reap rewards after an levelentry employment. This requires trol in Process industry before an entry level employment after graduation at MIT-AU. Also one must Introduction Auxiliary Engineering Knowledge Auxiliary cov not perhaps BUT syllabus in already most (PIC); Control and Instrumentation Process The technical circle Knowledge – may againbesplitinto two parts The knowledge extension circle is of two – parts Technical and Non-Technical. The first takes good provides that company of type right the for pitching be even may It Institutions. academic at taught and learnt is what above and over be may this Sometimes IEA member Engineers must plan their career well in Instrumentation, Automation and Con Instrument Engineers–KnowledgeCircle ofCareer Life (Planning for aCareer baserequired) andKnowledge inProcess Industry By By T.V.Vasudevan (ITMITians) Ramani &K.

- - - - - instrue

instrue INSTRUE

instrue INSTRUE The Non-Technical Knowledge Oval instrue INSTRUE

The Non-Technical Knowledge Table Note that the Non-technical oval is only “non-technical” with respect to line function as In- strument Engineer and can surpass technical knowledge requirements as Manager some- times – hence the MBA academic entry requirement of prior employment experience, as some of you may know very well. Note that Project control and Project management are different.

Real Engineers consider themselves well dressed if their socks match.

Real Engineers buy their spouses a set of matched screwdrivers for their


Real engineers have a non-technical vocabulary of 800 words.

Real Engineers repair their own cameras, telephones, televisions, watch-

es, and automatic transmissions.

Real Engineers say “It’s 70 degrees Fahrenheit, 25 degrees Celsius, and

298 Kelvin” and all you say is “Isn’t it a nice day?”

Real Engineers wear badges so they don’t forget who they are. Sometimes a note is attached saying “Don’t offer me a ride today. I drove my own car”.

Real Engineers’ politics run towards acquiring a parking space with their

name on it and an office with a window. ACROSS 1.The mathematician who gave the value for π as 〖(9+〖19〗^2/22)〗^0.25 -(9) 2.A static VAR compensator brings a system close to ______Power factor (5) 3.In delta modulation, increasing step size leads to______noise –(8) 4.For a power signal ,energy content is ______-(8) 5.Study of eggs –(6) 6.Including ______ing resistance in a circuit decreases temperature error –(5) 7.Another name for non recursive filter –(3) 8.Method of converting ordinary information into ciphertext –(10)

DOWN 1.Absolute stability criteria –(5) 9.Another name for thyristor (abbreviated form) –(3) 10.Set of rules according to which data transfer takes place across a net- work –(2) 11.Commercial name for synchros –(7) 12.Height balanced search tree in data structures- (3) 13.Rate of change of acceleration –(4) 14.Indicates whether a number is odd or even –(6) 15.The first Nokia N series device –(4) 16.The most preferred decay ratio for an under damped system –(7) 17.Measurement of muscle activity is done using ______gram – (10) instrue

------Work Work in implementation: When the larger gear makes one rotation The energy required to push these doors is dynamo which in turn, facilitates the generation of generation the facilitates turn, in which dynamo Speed is power. normally restricted on a commer For this we removed the speed governor cial door. which restricts door speed, and instead the resis tance offered by the drive system would compen sate. have used a DC magnetic motor in place of We Our idea was to implement a modification to the revolving door that would generate revolving power. door The is made of 4 panels central welded shaft. to The a revolving door’s central beam is attached to a shaft that extends below the door. Components are added below there the is more door safety so in dire that situations. The is connected to shaft a gear arrangement with a smaller gear on the second shaft. the smaller gear is rotated more number of times. Rotation of the larger smaller gear, gear which spins is a shaft transferred connected to a to a high in most cases being that the doors are heavy but this energy is wasted in merely door. It is rotating essential to decide the on the materials for the revolving door. But we cannot use materials such as plastic which has hol is reduced shaft The tear. weight and wear to subjected which be will low so that there is reduction of weight. crucial since increasing the weight of components This is will lead to increase of effort required by humans chil small even that note to important also is it and cho gears The door. the use to able be should dren the of armature The thickness. lesser of also are sen has motor-generator the smaller gear attached that at obtained is power and armature, the rotates then the The lead output wires. from the lead wires can be measured with a voltmeter and an ammeter or a charge to used or purposes testing for multimeter battery for storage and later use. Technical overview: Technical ------Madras Institute of Technology Institute of Madras VOLVING DOORS VOLVING Abaya Meenakshi S & Gaurav Rajasekar S & Gaurav Abaya Meenakshi The revolving door created has the advan Jennifer et al. have created a revolution There are a high number of revolving doors revolving of number high a are There POWER GENERATION FROM RE FROM GENERATION POWER generation system instead of a speed governor. only modification below thedoor. Speedthe push to required energy the because controlled is still door to high speed is now absorbed by the power above ground for easy replacement of the battery to be charged from the revolving door. This does not necessitate replacement of existing doors but already fixed in many buildings, and useshuman power that is otherwise wasted. Thus, much bet ter efficiency can be achieved with minimal main tenance. The wires from the generator can be led efficiency of the building, resulting in greater sav Also this only requires modification of exist ings. ing doors (hence not as costly as a total redesign) and reduction of mechanical losses due to lesser reliance on mechanical amplification. Using a re volving door markedly improves air conditioning tage of simple design which also leads to low cost Advantages of the solution: different size sprockets to gear up for higher RPM. higher for up gear to sprockets size different This however is a complex system and calls for a major re-design of any existing door. alternator. A wood frame is attached to the steel ar steel the to attached is frame wood A alternator. mature so that the bearings/shafts can be mounted with are shafts and bearings The sprockets. the for door with the magnet rotor being attached onto the onto attached being rotor magnet the with door used are sprockets The sprockets. the with jig door to increase the RPM and power output from the Survey of contemporary solutions: to massive power savings all over the state. to massive power savings all over lighting at the very least. Consequently, conserv ing a small amount of power in this way in every leading effect domino a have will city a in building by the By absorbed energy by the speed governor. removing this governor and attaching a system, suitable we could harness this to provide minimal the large population The density. energy required that being cases most in high is doors these push to the doors are heavy but this limited is energy speed door The is door. the rotating wasted merely in already in use in populated places. At the very least very the At places. populated in use in already this solution is applicable in cities, and the energy savings will be much more in such areas due to a generator due to a certain compromise in part The receiver uses the messages it receives availability. This is sufficient to show that power is to determine the transit time of each message and produced and a full-size door could accommodate computes the distance to each satellite. These dis- a much larger gear system and generator for effi- tances along with the satellite’s locations are used cient energy conversion. to find the location of the GPS receiver. This ba- sically involves solving 3 simultaneous quadratic Due to certain part constraints and the fail- equations. This method is called Trilateration. ure of a custom designed generator (plus a cycle chain-like gear system) that we tried to fabricate, So how does relativity arise in this simple we had to make a last minute substitution with a picture? To understand this first one needs to ap- DC magnet motor which we’re using as a genera- preciate that finding the “Transit Time” of the mes- tor. A good amount of welding was done to set up sage plays a very crucial role. The “Distance to the the model on a raised platform such that it would satellites” is the product of “Speed of light” and simulate a gear and generator system below the the “Transit Time”. Since the speed of light is very ground level, i.e. under the revolving door. The high even 1 Nanosecond error in computation of output was taken at a nominal revolution speed transit Time will produce an error of 0.3 metres in (assuming the rate at which people would walk the calculation of the distance from the satellite. through the door), and a 0.8-0.9V, 200mA + output So a fair approximation can be made that to cal- was consistently achieved from this small scale culate the position of the receiver to an accuracy model using just 2 gears operating in conjunction of 10 metres, the transit time error can’t be more and a motor used as a generator operating well be- than around 33 nanoseconds. So caesium atomic low the rated speed of 4500rpm. clocks are used in installed in the satellites for pre- cise timing. (This work was fully funded by IEEE-Bangalore section. It was done as a part of the All India Young Ok, now Relativity comes to picture. Even Engineers Humanitarian Challenge – 2010) after using caesium atomic clocks we will not get the desired accuracy. The reason is that the satel- lites are constantly moving relative to observers on the Earth. So the effects predicted by the Special and General theories of Relativity must be taken into account to achieve the desired 33 nanosec- REAL LIFE RELATIVITY onds accuracy. -Gaurav , EIE, MIT Because an observer on the ground sees the satellites in motion relative to them, Special Rela- tivity predicts that we should see their clocks tick- ing more slowly. Special Relativity predicts that People often think that Einstein’s Theory the on-board atomic clocks on the satellites should of Relativity is an abstract concept having no prac- fall behind clocks on the ground by about 7 mi- tical importance in real life. Strangely enough, croseconds per day because of the slower ticking Relativity plays a key role a multi-billion dollar rate due to the time dilation effect of their relative growth industry centred on the Global Positioning motion. System (GPS). Now a day, many luxury cars come with built-in navigation systems that include GPS Further, the satellites are in orbits high receivers with digital maps, and you can purchase above the Earth, where the curvature of spa- hand-held GPS navigation units that will give you cetime due to the Earth’s mass is less than it is at your position on the Earth. Even mobile phones the Earth’s surface. A prediction of General Rela- have integrated GPS which can pin-point your lo- tivity is that clocks closer to a massive object will cation on earth within accuracy of 5 to 10 metres. seem to tick more slowly than those located further away. As such, when viewed from the surface of the Earth, the clocks on the satellites appear to be ticking faster than identical clocks on the ground. A GPS receiver calculates its position by precise- A calculation using General Relativity predicts ly timing the signals sent by GPS satellites high that the clocks in each GPS satellite should get above the Earth. Each satellite continually trans- ahead of ground-based clocks by 45 microseconds mits messages that include: per day. Its position when the message was transmitted. The combination of these two rela- tivistic effects means that the clocks on- The time when the message was transmitted board each satellite should tick faster than

OMMY NONSE CORE it is continuously moved (fluidized ) inside the inside ) (fluidized moved continuously is it is and particles minute of form the in maintained catalyst The heat. and catalyst of the presence in compounds lighter useful into cracked are compounds heavier The gasoline. like ucts ful byproducts like naphtha into consumable prod use less commercially convert to is objective The industries. petrochemical in operations unit the Fluidized CatalyticCrackingUnit(FCCU). like uncertain significantly dimensional, and coupled seriously high non-linear, highly are they if processes, industrial complex for control mization opti real-time a implement and design to difficult aspects in the past two decades. However, it is still cantly progressing in both theoretical and practical based modern control techniques have been signifi properly!!!! work to System Navigation Global our for sential es absolutely is it understanding theory: ematical tions whendeterminingtheuser’s location. things) performs the necessary relativistic calcula has built into it a microcomputer that (among other receiver GPS each Further, stations. ground GPS the at clocks atomic reference the to compared as their clocks would appear to tick stations at the correct rate orbit proper their in were they once that so launched were they before clocks atomic the of frequency ticking the down slowed they orbit, on once effect Relativistic General the counteract to example, For system. the deployed and designed they when effects relativistic these included tem day!!!! to accumulate at a rate of about 10 kilometres each continue would positions global in errors the that means This nanoseconds!!!! 33 of error accepted the than more far is which nanoseconds 38000 is seconds per day (45-7=38). Now 38 microseconds micro 38 about by ground the on clocks identical ADVANCED CONTROL SCHEMES CATALYTIC CRACKING Fluidized catalytic cracking is one of one is cracking catalytic Fluidized model - mathematical of development The math abstract some just not is Relativity sys GPS the designed who engineers The IN -Mrs.M.Mythili, Asst.Professor ------Catalyst to feed ratio must be as small as possible. for lostcatalyst)mustbeassmallpossible. required catalyst (excess catalyst makeup The ef ficient. be must catalyst of regeneration The The outflow must be devoid of any catalyst. dent ofthefeedflowandtemperature. indepen be must maintained temperature The to crackallthereactants. The catalyst must be sufficiently fluidized so as rameters, whichisundesirable. Changing one parameter will automatically change other pa coupled. are variables controlled The CONSTRAINS:- reactor. nificant monetary gain. sig in result can yield the in improvement small changing. Acontinuously are catalyst and feed of properties the when conditions profitable most the to process FCCU the move can techniques control advanced and optimization of use The FCCU. the of yield the maximize will industry petrochemical refinery/ oil in used FCCU the for scheme control the profitabilityofFCCU. maximize to essential is constraints plant within composition. feed in changes like disturbances of presence the cess to the most profitable operating conditions, in nomic returnoftheprocess. eco the the improving thereby optimum, to constrained close placed be to point set its effect, permitting this reduces Optimization points. erating op state steady the in performance its limit cess complex industrialcontrolproblems. solving in measures important most the of one as recognized been have knowledge and information dealing with system’s imprecise and/or incomplete of capabilities remarkable with techniques ligence intel artificial The environment. controlled the of knowledge mathematical) and principle (process limited a with implemented and designed be can dustry to explore the novel control strategies, which It has been attractive area in the control in h dvlpet f xet optimization expert of development The conditions operating of selection Aproper pro cracking the move can Optimization pro constrained a on acting Disturbances

------instrue DETECTION OF ELECTRICAL records such radiations emitted and the intensity of such radiations shall represent the temperature HOT SPOTS BY THERMAL IMAG- of the source emitting those radiations.The image ING USING MATLAB captured using Infrared camera is processed using Matlab to detect the temperature S.PARAMESWARAN D.SRIVIGNESH PROPOSED STRATEGY: M.VISWANATH A line tracer robot is made to move around EIE (II YEAR), MIT the plant periodically capturing thermal images. The thermal image is processed for high temper- HOT SPOTS: atures using Matlab and if temperature is above maximum temperature fixed, the thermal image An electrical or insulation failure is ac- with its position and temperature is sent to control companied by 2 events, production of acoustic room engineer for remedy. pulses (sound) and increase in temperature owing to heating. Both these will lead to energy dissipa- The Matlab processing is accomplished as follows. tion. There are many events that lead to such heat production and these localized areas are popularly Say teta is the video object known as hot spots or partial discharges in equip- ment insulation. These hot spots may glow emit- • Image=getsnapshot(teta); => captures the ting light radiation. image to Matlab after selecting the input image ac- quisition object. ARCS: • image(i)(j) => yields a matrix of 3 values An arc generates a searingly bright, white- (RGB) representing colour intensities at i row and hot light and a pressure shockwave. The current j column of an arc depends on the voltage available and the spacing of the conductors. While arcs can occur at • image(i)(j)(1) => refers to red intensity any voltage and current, these arcs do most of their value damage in Low Voltage network mostly because of very high current availability. (Power = VI = These values are compared to reference constant => lesser the V more the current).In more values using if constructs and any abnormality is precise language, an arcing fault may be defined as reported to control room using transmission via se- variable impedance sustained luminous discharge rial port (say). of electrical power across a gap in a circuit. s1=serial(‘com1’); These discharges conduct sufficient cur- rent to sustain an arc but remain below the trip fopen(s1); threshold of circuit breakers. They typically start as inline high-resistance caused by a dirty or loose fwrite(s1,); connection; this situation may be sustained for days or weeks. The heat from the faulty connection REMARKS: eventually melts the connection causing an in-line arc. The in-line arc then jumps phase to generate • Infrared detection of Hot Spots is the most white-hot heat that melts and consumes the metal appropriate diagnostic methods for identifying the in switchgear in a few seconds. suspect Current Transformers in a High Tension Network. It is practically observed that the tempera- ture gradually increases over a period of time and • This is being carried by manual checks the explosion/fire accident takes place once the at present and several Hot spots were detected in temperature attains and remains at Fire point of the TNEB in this way. fluid (say Transformer oil) for atleast 5 seconds ie. practically once an in-line arc is established. • The automation of the check will make the industrial plant less prone to hazards caused by Hot Spots. PRINCIPLE: Any object above 0 K emits infra- red radiations. An infrared camera is a device that

BRAIN FINGERPRINTING Ananthy.E,Esakkiya.J,Kaushika Kumar.A.K after it is confronted with a stimulus of special sig- 3rd BE(E&I),MIT nificance, then the proband is asked to count. The novel interpretation in brain fingerprinting is to Abstract— The objective of this paper is to mea- look for P300 as response to stimuli related to the sure electrical brain wave responses and therby crime in question e.g., a murder weapon or a vic- design Brain fingerprinting based on computer tim’s face. In fingerprinting and DNA fingerprint- technology. ing, the evidence at the crime scene is physically compared with the suspected person whereas here it is informationally compared.

Introduction Brain Fingerprinting is a computer based Mermer methodology technology designed to determine whether an in- dividual recognizes specific information related to There are three types of stimuli-target, ir- an event or activity by measuring electrical brain relevant and probe. The targets stimuli are note- wave responses to words, phrases, or pictures pre- worthy for the subject, they elicit a MERMER. sented on a computer screen. In this respect, brain A non-target stimuli are irrelevant information fingerprinting is considered a type of guilty knowl- having no relation to the crime and do not elicit a edge test. The existing polygraph testing for the MERMER. Probes are the non-target stimuli are detection of perpetrator relies upon the measure- relevant information to the crime or situation un- ment of autonomic arousal. Brain fingerprinting der investigation which elicit a MERMER. does not require the testee to issue the verbal re- sponse to question or stimuli. It is totally informa- tional based technique rather than emotion based. EEG sensors An electroencephalogram (EEG) machine is a device used to create a picture of the electrical activity of the brain. The electrodes on the EEG machine are affixed to the scalp so they can pick up the small electrical brainwaves produced by the nerves. The EEG sensor detects and amplifies the instrue small electrical voltages that are generated by brain cells (neurons) when they fire. Similarly to mus- cle fibers, neurons of different locations can fire at different rates. The frequencies most commonly looked at, for EEG, are between 1 and 40 Hz. The Testing process EEG sensor records a “raw” EEG signal, which is the constantly varying difference of potential be- The person to be tested wears a special tween the positive and negative electrode, and the headband with electronic sensors that measure the software processes that signal by applying a vari- electroencephalography from several locations on ety of digital filters to the recorded signal, in order the scalp. In order to calibrate the brain finger- to extract frequency-domain information. A nor- printing systems, the subject is presented with Se- mal EEG signal, recorded from the scalp, will have ries of relevant stimuli and irrelevant stimuli. The amplitude between 0.1 and about 200 μV. The raw test subject’s brain response for different stimuli EEG signal is mainly used to evaluate the quality is measured and checked whether it is Similar to of the recorded signal and to do artifact rejection. relevant and irrelevant stimuli with which his guilt is identified. The well known fact is that an electri- cal signal known as P300 is emitted from an indi- vidual’s brain approximately 300 milliseconds INSTRUE could provideefficiency, reliability, andreduced- equipment combustion of optimization permanent The identified. are emissions including data cess measured flame oscillatory frequency and the pro of operating conditions. Relationships between the range a under (CTF) facility test combustion fired of tests was undertaken on an industrial-scale coal- flame.A series the of region specific a of teristics charac oscillatory the represent to range spectral the over frequency mean power-density-weighted the as defined is frequency flicker quantitative A basis. concurrent and two-dimensional a on flame a of frequency oscillatory ca the monitoring of pable being system, monitoring flame mul tifunctional a of part integral an is investigation this in employed system instrumentation The state art. the the of is techniques analysis spectral process and image ing using flames coal pulverized of characteristics oscillatory the of monitoring The burnt. being coal of type the “finger ultimately and mains dynamic the identify prints” of the flame both in time and frequency do to deployed are techniques inference fuzzy and processing signal digital band. Advanced visible through ultraviolet ering a wide spectrum of the flame from infrared to photodiodes is used to derive multiple signals cov three containing detector flame Atechnique. ence infer fuzzy and (DSP) Processing Signal Digital tion algorithmforfurnaceflames. detec boundary special and image of hancement en noise, image elimination for filter median fast as called method new the incorporates system introduced monitoring flame Furnace signals. noise of lot a includes image system Monitoring stable. un very is combustion because complex very a is efficient manner. most Burning coal the powder in the furnace in hearth water contained the to heat this transfer to boiler the of function the is it and heat, into converted is fuel the in energychemical the furnace, boiler In role. important an plays er tion Engg.,M.I.T. 2Dr.N.Pappa, Asst. Prof.,Dept.ofInstrumenta mentation Engg.,M.I.T. 1K.Sujatha, ResearchScholar, Dept.ofInstru Monitoring inPower StationBoilers Intelligent CombustionQuality On-line fuel identification is done using done is identification fuel On-line boil station power the of monitoring The K.Sujatha andDr.N.Pappa ------of the flame—are extracted after preprocessing after extracted flame—are the of etc orientation and brightness area, intensity, images—aver age the of features the camera; CCD a with captured were which required, are images flame two-dimensional this, For ratio. air/fuel the tions for a coal fired boiler so as to allow control of work (RBN) for monitoring the combustion condi Dis Net Basis Radial Linear a and analysis (FLD) criminant Fisher’s of combination a (NLC), Corporation includes Lignite Neyveli at out ried car is work research This furnace. the in ditions con incomplete reducing of existence the to led have emissions gas flue other and NOx CO2, CO, combustion controls. advanced implement can methods we before monitoring reliable develop to needed is flame the from information direct obtaining of is a major obstacle. Novel instrumentation capable techniques diagnostic reliable of lack the limited; are flames industrial of control and monitoring for capabilities current However, benefits. pollution used fortheautomationofpowerplant. is it that so (DCS) System Control Distributed the with incorporated be can technique proposed The (expensive). analyzers gas by done are NOx and CO2 CO, of measurement the Moreover images. ing the flue gas emissions by monitoring the flame minimiz thereby control forward feed a provides method quality.This combustion the over intelligent control an provide to as so validated measures also performance are the and out have carried collected, been data the with Net (FLDRBN), work Basis Radial Discriminant Linear Fisher’s of testing and training for technique intelligent an have been obtained through measurement. Further, gases flue other of those and emissions (CO) ide monOx Carbon the and temperatures, responding from continuous video processing. In this, the cor extracted been have flames the of conditions ing differentburn to corresponding images of classes ture size for faster learning of the RBN. Also, three dimensional n- feature size to a two-dimensional fea the reduce to applied is FLD The images. the Combustion modifications to minimize to modifications Combustion ------instrue ------When operating as an electrical power The proposed new tethered craft consists Transmission is at high voltage, which Fig: 4-rotor assembly – 2 front and 2 backward tion into the commercial grid are expected to be as be to expected are grid commercial the into tion much as 20%. The flying electric generator units (FEGs) envisioned for commercial power produc range. MW 30 to 3 the in capacity rated a have tion source, four or more rotors are inclined at an wind. ad on-coming the to angle controllable justable, an an at faces open their have rotors the general In incidence disk This wind. this 50to to up of gle is reduced in various wind conditions to hold the power output at the rated value without exceeding the design tether load. The projected capacity for flying electric generators is far higher than for the best ground-based wind turbine sites because of the persistent winds at high altitudes. of four identical rotors mounted which in flies in an the powerful airframe and persistent winds. Turbines constructed of aircraft materials would in weigh and rotors 130-foot-diameter four feature aluminum insulated tether’s The pounds. 45,000 at conductors bring power to ground, and are wound with strong Kevlar-family cords. The conductor weight is a critical compromise loss between and power heat generation. Use of aluminum kV 15 of voltages transmission tether con with ductors and higher are proposed because they are lighter transmitted. for the energy means that small diameter, light, conductors may be used. The electrical while losses not sought, which do result do in warming occur, the er, which is teth minimize desirable. To total per kWh system cost and reduce tether costs, the design al conductor higher and losses meter per higher lows transmission. power utility traditional than heating Depending on flight altitude, electrical losses be tween the tether and the converted power’s inser Design: ------ENGG. &TECH. G.UDAYA KUMAR G.UDAYA VALLAM, THANJAVUR VALLAM, III YEAR MECHANICAL ENGG. YEAR III (AN APPROACH) (AN Email: [email protected] PONNAIYAH RAMAJAYAM COLLEGE OF COLLEGE RAMAJAYAM PONNAIYAH Electricity is conducted down the tether to Tethered Tethered (tether is a cord that anchors FEG (aircrafts) would be highly control Flying electric generators (FEGs) are de TETHERS TETHERS ELECTRIC FOR GENERATORS FLYING

CNT CNT COMPOSITE BASED ementary, tethered helicopter ementary, ground-supplied electrical energy, and with generators then the functioning as motors. The craft can thus ascend or descend from altitude as an el a ground station. The craft simultaneously gener ates it lift However, can and also electricity. func tion as an elementary powered helicopter with generates lift, gyroplane-style, and forces rotation, forces and gyroplane-style, lift, generates windmill-style. which generates electricity, ful, persistent jet streams, and should be able compete effectively with to all other energy produc tion methods. The wind on the inclined rotors something movable to a may reference be fixed or point moving) rotorcraft, with which four or more rotors in each unit, could harness the power large-scale source of reliable wind power. source of reliable wind power. large-scale rated outputs of up to 40 MW. rated outputs of up to 40 MW. lable and could be flown in arrays, making them a terranean, and elsewhere. At 15,000 feet (4600 m) terranean, and elsewhere. and above, tethered rotorcraft, with four or more individual give could unit, each on mounted rotors is invariably available wherever the and the sun Earth rotates. shines These winds are available in northern India, China, Africa, Japan, the Medi hemispheres). These enormous energy streams are streams energy enormous These hemispheres). formed by the combination of tropical region sun resource wind This rotation. Earth and falling light signed to harness kinetic energy in the powerful, persistent high altitude winds (the Jet and Sub-Tropical the Polar Front Jet that exist in both Earth INSTRUE standard. All equipment used in the measurement the in used equipment All standard. This is one of the simplest requirements in the ISO MAINTE AND NANCE PROCEDURE CALIBRATION SAMPLE tem. sys maintenance and calibration your in included be should multimeters to ovens from Everything issue. equipment an of because production down shut to need the eliminates This expires. bration cali current the before well requirements bration cali pending find can that Database Maintenance is usually best maintained using a Calibration And process This source. certification ISO or NIST a tors like to see that the calibrations are tied back to audi ISO not. is implementation the typically but simple is system The device. that for quirements then justifying the calibration and maintenance re and facility the in equipment of piece each lyzing The simple system described here is based on ana any ISO9001certifiedqualitysystem. of part expensive potentially and consuming time For these reasons, calibration and maintenance is a calibration”. for “out is equipment while products produce to ability the limit also can It expensive. very be can facility a in equipment measurement and test all of calibration The (traceability). dard stan primary a to back device the of accuracy the tracing includes Calibration order. working good is it that ensure to equipment of service periodic includes Maintenance calibrated. and maintained valida production, the be must products of testing and development tion, in used equipment All increase thenetpoweroutput. can thus and nature, in plenty in available wind) energy,(like solar also harness is to which system this of surface the on incorporated be may panels Solar feasible. and real FEGs of concept the ing flexibility can proved to be a real gear up for mak ers. The extreme strength of CNT coupled with its teth based (CNT) nanotube carbon of the application by satisfied be can together conditions these ity to bring the generated power to the ground. All conductiv electrical of condition the satisfy should also It flexible. be should and rod a like rigid be not should it time same the at and position its side it should be strong enough to hold the FEG in the stability of the tether which is to be used. At is design this one in faced be to challenges the of One IMPORTANCE OF CALIBRATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS Haridhra Shanker ------and thenlabelthem. devices measurement your Calibrate two. and one items in covered is requirement the of heart The • • • device. the on date calibration until” “good and number control unique a have should equipment of piece • can bedeterminedbyengineeringrequirements. • requires thatmeasuringequipmentbe: standard The calibrated. and maintained be must product of test and development production, the for used equipment All devices). monitoring and 7.6 of the ISO 9001 standard (control of measuring section in covered is maintenance and Calibration be inmaintainedandcalibrated. must processes companies the of monitoring and ne upss ny, ep t n cnand area contained a in it keep only), purposes ence un-calibrated equipment in your facility (for refer keep to want you If problem. be not will this then equipment before the end of the calibration period, controlled a area until it can in be calibrated. If you calibrate your kept and engineering or from product pulled be should equipment Un-calibrated side thebuilding. out tools of use personnel service for standard or equipment. You may need to establish a procedure the damage could that environments other any or cold, and heat excessive moisture, from protected be must tools travel of set or kit tool a service, In operate. to ability their decrease could environ that an ment to exposed not are they that so proper way a in equipment the store just production, In environment. be service a can in difficult it more much but environment production a in easy is damage, from device the protecting five, Item ally coveredunderitemone. of the routine calibration so this requirement is re part as done always are re-adjustments four, Item de vice. measurement the reconfiguring accidentally avoid to detail enough include should equipment measurement of use for Procedures variables. up set changing from personnel unqualified keep to password a require should test and setup for used especially Software testing. of is setup software for misuse important for devices the Protecting Protected fromdamage Re-adjusted asnecessary Protected foraccidentaladjustment Each status. calibration the with Labeled Calibrated at routing intervals. The interval ------instrue ------The point here is that, even though 4d re For practical purposes, time for any given Many fascinating possibilities exist when In its simplest form, a curve, extended in sembles a lot like a mutually perpendicular spatial axis with respect to the 3d space its synergy time is complex. with object (such as a particle, an atom, a person, a planet, a a a universe) star, begins galaxy, molecule, a from that object’s coming into existence and ends when that object ceases to exist in that form. If the ex object’s the linear, was time in existence object’s istence might appear to a fourth-dimensional being as a sphere. However, to the third-dimensional be forever. on going line straight a like seems time ing, Both are correct from their individual points of ref erence. A fourth-dimensional being could traverse this time continuum simply by going from point A to point B, because that being can perceive that di The third-dimensional being cannot. mension. degree of freedom for the fourth dimension is pres com very possible, are wheels of types Several ent. plex machines can be built, and many more shapes are possible. Objects can pass by each other more easily, but they are harder to pieces. break Energy into reduces multiple much faster with distance than in the 3rd dimension, so both light and sound are weaker. Much more things can be easier to get lost. much into a small space, but it’s compacted The curvature occurs as a result of the influenceof in time. Re movement mass against it cently, has been possible to detect this curvature. only time perceive we beings, three-dimensional As remember what was as as We a a result of memory. variable interval from what is now. If we had zero we could not memory, detect time - we would exist appar our is this of result The moment. the for only ent perception of time as a linear line, always going forward. finitely, becomes a circle (or, better yet, a sphere). A sphere, when looked at microscopically without precision, would appear as a flat surface, just like primitive people perceived the Earth. Only enough of when the Earth was explored and technology deter is Earth of form true the could developed was mined. The same holds true for three-dimensional beings trying to grasp the dimension of need to perceive/detect the macroscopic time. view in or We der to determine form. It is known that the space/time continuum is curved. is continuum space/time the that known is It ------Light as we all know is an electromagnetic When ever possible, log which equipment is equipment which log possible, ever When Use in-house calibration for all custom build custom all for calibration in-house Use Make sure you get calibration certificate and certificate calibration get you sure Make It is best to have equipment calibrated by a Maintaining calibration records can be im or left and forward or backward. But when it comes it when But backward. or forward and left or to time, the 4th dimension we are just its prisoners. 3dimensions or even lesser than that. We live in a 3dimensional world and that’s why we have com plete degree of freedom to move up or down, right based on this electromagnetic beam. The important aspect about light in this case is that why even its our perception That’s sional. is limited to 3 dimen beam where in electric and magnetic field are per pendicular to each other. We also perceive objects The Enigma behind the 4th Dimension has shipped (and this really happens) you can cor rect the effected product with a no impact to unaf fected product. used for product validation on the product tracking documentation (traveler). Then if a piece of equip ment is found out-of-calibration after the product not specify how calibration is performed, this can save the company a lot of money. and rarely used equipment. Since the standard does do pickup, calibration and return so you do not have not do you so return and calibration pickup, do $30-$300 on Plan calibration. during time down any for a calibration per piece of electronic equipment house company for calibration of all off-the-shelf electronic device (multi-meters, company a with contract can you area, most In etc). power supplies, company that is ISO 9001 certified or is NIST trace NIST is or certified 9001 ISO is that company able but this in not required by the can perform all standard. calibration in house to You save money. I recommend a combination of both. Use an out of service. calibration certified ISO an see to like auditors most plemented using a simple excel spreadsheet listing all the equipments (with an asset number) in the fa and maintenance dates. cility and their calibration ment is not used for validation and the equipment is is equipment the and validation for used not is ment controlled, it is OK. with a label that states un-calibrated. Many compa nies don’t calibrate rarely used engineering/service equip the as long As cost. the of because equipment un-calibrated un-calibrated equipment in your facility erence (for purposes only), ref keep it in a contained area

INSTRUE in systems which cannot handle having the energy necessary,not is control precise a where used ally setpoint occurs very rapidly. On-off control is usu the below and above cycling the if switches tinual con fast, making or “chattering” from output the prevents differential On-off again. on or off turn setpoint by a certain amount before exceed the output will temperature the that requires This differential operations. controller the to added is esis,” “hyster or differential, on-off an valves, and tors contac to damage prevent to and rapidly, occurs to setpoint above, and back below. below In cases where this cycling from going continually, cling cy be will temperature process the state, output the change to setpoint the crosses temperature the Since setpoint. above off and setpoint, the below is temperature the when on is output the control, heating For setpoint. the crosses temperature the when only output the switch will on-offcontroller An state. middle no with off, or on either is vice de the from output The device. control perature On/Off Control process. the control to another Work? or type one use They to able be will operator the controlled, be sys to tem the Do upon Depending PID. and proportional How on-off, controllers: of types basic three are There and Controllers, limit) alarm, cool, (heat, outputs of type and 4.Number PID) proportional, (on/off, needed algorithm 3.Control lay, SSR,analogoutput) re (electromechanical required output of 2.Type temperature range and RTD) (thermocouple, sensor input of 1.Type sidered whenselectingacontroller: con be should items following The element. trol con a to output an provides and setpoint, or ture, tempera control desired the to temperature actual the compares It input. sensor temperature a cepts ac which controller, a upon relies system control out extensive operator involvement, a temperature with temperature process control accurately To Introduction to Temperature n nof otolr s h smls tem simplest the is controller on-off An of Types Different the Are What work? Controllers Temperature do How Controllers ------

tain a stable temperature. The proportioning action main and setpoint the approach will but the setpoint, overshoot not will it that so heater the down temperature the approaches setpoint. This has the effect as of slowing heater the to supplied average power the decreases controller proportional control. A on-off with associated cycling the inate Proportional Control reached. is temperature certain a when process a down shut to used is and reset, manually be must troller.relay,latching a uses controller This which cial type of on-off control used tremely slowly,for or alarm for is a temperature a alarm. One limit spe con system issogreatthattemperatureschangeex turned on and off frequently, where the mass of the to compensateautomatically duetofrequent expected is controller the and often changes load the where systems in recommended is It process. react quickly to changes in the energy added which to the those mass, small relatively a have which systems in used best is and types, controller three the of control stable and accurate most the vides “tuned” pro error.It and trial using or system particular a to adjusted individually be must derivative terms and integral proportional, The tively. to by their reciprocals, RESET and RATE, respec referred also are they units; time-based in pressed ex are adjustments, derivative and Integral PID. tional PID Control be will output the high, too is perature tem the if longer; on be will output the setpoint, temperature difference. If the temperature is below point, the on- and off-times vary in proportion to the are equal. if the temperature is further from the set on:off ratio is 1:1; that is, the on-time and off-time (the midpoint of the proportional band), the output setpoint the measure At setpoint. the from the difference ment of ratio the in off and on turned is output the band, the within However, band). the either fully on (below the band) or fully off (above output the with unit, on-off an as functions troller con the band, this Outside the temperature. around setpoint band” “proportional a within occurs Proportional controls are designed to elim ih nerl n drvtv cnrl or control, derivative and integral with propor provides type controller third The ------

instrue - - - - - Neurofeedback is traditionally based on Its applications includes treatment of At CLEVER;) breathing, Heart Rate Variability (HRV) training, Pelvic Floor training (Myofeedback). EIE, MIT year, Article submitted by Naresh, III A mathmatician, a physicist, and an engineer were all given a red rubber ball and told to find the vol ume. The mathmatician carefully measured the diameter and evaluated a triple integral. ball the put water, with beaker a filled physicist The the total displacement. and measured in the water, The engineer looked up the model and serial num bers and specification around the ball....WE R Electroencephalogram or EEG, as brain waves with with waves brain as EEG, or Electroencephalogram frequencies. Neurofeedback different practitioners have problems when their brain wave frequencies aren’t suited for the task at hand, or when the parts of the brain aren’t communicating other properly parts. These with issues can a as be serve that readings EEG initial represented the map”, “brain on a guide for the treatment feedback of brainwave activity in the Theta (4-8), Alpha (8-12), SMR (12-15) and Beta (16-30) fre quency bands. A number of electrodes are placed on the head (using standardized locations) and the amplitude or power of these frequency bands fed back with are a graphical display or auditory feed back. Slow brainwave activity may indicate a state of inattention or drowsiness. If that is undesirable, ‘faster’ and ‘down’ train may activity wave slow the brainwave activity is rewarded. tention deficit disorders (ADD/ADHD), Epilepsy, Essential Hypertension, Hyperventilation and over with with one another, in part, through a constant storm an up on show patterns Their impulses. electrical of

------A A major attraction of the technique is the A A kind of Biofeedback for the brain, which It is a powerful therapy. You sit in a chair, Neurofeedback or EEG biofeedback is a Since temperature controllers are generally hope that it can help patients avoid often drugs, have which side effects. Brain cells communicate tion. ness, some of the brain disease such as (ADHD) At (ADHD) as such disease brain the of some ness, Autism, De tention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, pression and Anxiety by allowing patients to alter their own brain waves through practice and repeti practitioners say can address the neurological ill aged with soothing sounds and visual treats, images treats, visual and sounds soothing with aged of exploding stars or a flowering field. If not, you’ll get silence, a dark screen and wilting flora. sensors connect to a computer programmed to re to relax spond Try and to focus. your brain activity. If your brain behaves as desired, you’ll be encour facing a computer screen, while a clinician electrode sticks to your scalp the from Wires with hair. your of out wash to days takes a viscous goop that measure activity, with measurements displayed us ing video displays or sound. electroencephalography to illustrate often ity, with a goal brain of controlling central nervous activ system activity. Sensors are placed on the scalp to type of biofeedback that uses real time displays of BIO-FEEDBACK mon DIN sizes are shown below. mon DIN sizes are shown below. In order to between provide tem interchangeability perature controllers, most temperature controllers are designed to standard DIN sizes. The most com mounted inside an instrument panel, the panel must be cut to accommodate the temperature controller. Standard Sizes These are known as auto tune controllers. gy available, OMEGA or the lers offers mass to that a be controlled. automatically number tune of themselves. control changes changes in setpoint, the amount of ener INSTRUE and gives an overview of the future works. fi future The the of overview an gives and concludes Section-7 performance. case worst the and best the of analysis the gives Section-6 rithm. strings. Section-5 gives the correctness of the algo in algorithm this implement to way the discusses Section-4 algorithm. the gives Section-3 example. an demonstrating by algorithm the of working the Also, itcan’t beusedtosortlarge Strings. sorting. codefor memory RAM of lot a taking largeand size of disadvantage a has algorithm The O(n*log(log(n))). be to predicted is but retically theo derived not though complexity time average The data. distributed well a for complexity time O(n) show to probability high a shows It to O(n^2). O(n) from varies performance Its effectively. array an sort to interpolation the process the uses size. array larger for preferred are and space more but time less takes algorithms O(n*log(n)) while rays ar smaller for preferred are They space. less but time more takes algorithms O(n^2) O(n*log(n)). and O(n^2) algorithms, sorting basi of are kind two There cally array. an sort to time and space I. INTRODUCTION mance ispredicted. perfor case worst the and best the for the condition as well as discussed is algorithm the of ness high complexity.O(n) show very to correct probability The a with O(n) to O(n^2) from varies ity complex time array.Its an sort effectively to tion Interpola of methodology the uses which rithm, algo sorting a present we paper this In Abstract: In this organized as follows: Section-2 gives In this paper we device an algorithm which between of trade a always is There MadrasInstituteof Technology, DepartmentofElectronicsand InterpolationSort [email protected] Instrumentation Engineering, [email protected] GouravSaha SelvamRajuS , ------in thearray elements of Number → N array. the of index Starting → SPOS of theithelementunsortedarray. – (DATA[i] * Interpolated position → IPOS[i] Where, (N-1) + SPOS = DATA[MIN]) /(DATA[MAX] –DATA[MIN]) [i] IPOS polation formula: The backbone of the sorting algorithm is the inter 40 77 509683520 60 55 80 37 65 12 32 56 Consider thefollowingunsortedarrayofsize15: by thefollowingexample: understood be can algorithm the of working The II.THE WORKING nal sectiongivesimportantreferences. ues turnedoutto there are few groups of elements whose IPOS val but sorted got elements the of most that see we So 11 121415(IPOS) 1 1 3 5 6 6 7 9 10 10 60 65687780 12 9 20 32 37 35 40 50 56 55 we get: Rearranging the array from smaller to bigger IPOS 9 11263(IPOS) 10 5 1 12 6 15 10 11 7 14 40 77 509683520 60 55 80 37 65 12 32 56 array wegettheinterpolatedpositionsas: above the to formula interpolation the Applying nored. ig is part decimal i.e. division, integer is formula the in performed division the that noted be to is It the of Largest DATA[MAX]→ array. the of data Smallest DATA[MIN] → of theunsortedarray DATA[i] → Data at the ith position - - - instrue - - - - The interpolation formula involves arithmetic We have, We STRING = “C1 C2 C3………….. C(m-1) Cm” characters. Is a string of ‘m’ where C1, C2, C3………….. C(m-1), Cm belongs to characters. a domain containing ‘N’ e)If N>3 copy the element in NEWBEG. 12)Copy all the elements of BEG to NEWBEG ex cept BEG[1]. 13)Delete BEG and SUBARRAY. 14) Set NEWBEG as BEG. WITH STRINGS IV.IMPLEMENTATION The interpolation formula is: DATA[MIN]) – (DATA[i] * (N-1) + SPOS = [i] IPOS – DATA[MIN]) / (DATA[MAX] operations which is not possible with strings. So be each represent to need we sorting the out carrying fore and every string with a numerical value such that: a)Numerical value is unique for each string. b)Lexically greater strings have value. greater numerical c)If SUBARRAY[IPOS].N = -1 set it to 1. Else in by 1. crease it d)If = SUBARRAY[IPOS].N 4 then increment A by 1. – 1. A + 9)Set NUM = NUM 10)Dynamically create an array NEWBEG of NODE2 of size NUM. type ele every and each for and SUBARRAY 11)Traverse ≠ -1 ment for which N for element first very for BEG[1].SPOS = SPOS a)Set TEMP. SPOS = which N ≠ -1. For other elements = SPOS + N. TEMP b)Set c)Starting from index SPOS, copy all the data from to the the actual memory location pointed by START memory the Delete indices. array consecutive in array location. d)If N<=3 then sort the data in the actual array using bubble or insertion sort. START. Then START. Point to SUBARRAY[IPOS].START VAR. ------The algorithm uses external sort to achieve able VAR able VAR of type NODE1. = Set THE VAR.DATA ELEMENT, VAR.RIGHT = SUBARRAY[IPOS]. b)Save the element in the memory location pointed by pointed location memory the in element the b)Save do this create a vari To SUBARRAY[IPOS].START. the array SUBARRAY using interpolation formula. For interpolation take SPOS = MIN and DATA[MAX]=MAX. = DATA[MIN] 1, N = BEG[1].N, BEG[1].SPOS + BEG[1].N – 1 and for each and ev ery element: a)Interpolate the position IPOS of the element in 7)Set A = 0. A 7)Set 8)Traverse the array from index BEG[1].SPOS to START = START NULL for each and every element of the SUBARRAY. 6)Dynamically make an array SUBARRAY of type NODE2 and size BEG[1].N. Initialize N = -1 and 5) Traverse the array from index BEG[1].SPOS BEG[1].SPOS + to BEG[1].N – 1 and findmum and the minimum data. Save them as MAX and the maxi MIN respectively. 4)Repeat steps 5 to 14 while NUM ≠ 0 4)Repeat steps 5 to 14 while NUM BEG[1].START=NULL. 3)Set NUM = 1. 1)Dynamically make an array BEG of type NODE2 of size 1. 2)Set BEG[1].SPOS = 1, BEG[1].N = MAX and The steps of the algorithm are as follows: The steps of the algorithm are as SPOS and N are integer variables of the type integer num and array sub a of position starting representing ber of elements in the sub-array. START is a pointer of type NODE1. START RIGHT is a pointer of type NODE1. is a pointer of type RIGHT 2) NODE2: with 3 fields which can be diagrammati cally represented as: is that of The data type of the field DATA the data being sorted. 1) NODE1: with 2 fields which can be diagrammati as: cally represented near O(n) time complexity. The algorithm is near support O(n) time complexity. it explain to example above the and diagrams with ed types: structure two uses technique sorting The better. III. ALGORITHM III. of these sub-arrays until we get no further sub-arrays. sub-arrays. The above technique is applied on each sub-arrays. further no get we until sub-arrays these of be the same. These groups of elements are treated as INSTRUE arrays. of the array we will be getting two or more sub- elements other the of IPOS the be whatever So (SPOS+N-1). the IPOSforand themaximumelementwillbe – (DATA[i] So IPOS for * the minimum element will be SPOS (N-1) + SPOS = DATA[MIN]) /(DATA[MAX] –DATA[MIN]) [i] IPOS Proof:The interpolationformulais: array atleastcreate twosubarrays. an to applied when formula interpolation the the correctness of the algorithm is to prove that prove to condition sufficient and necessary The IV.CORRECTNESS OF THE ALGORITHM be distinguish tween twostringsifi>4. to able be won’t compiler alphabets, the English case upper of number the piler it is till 5th decimal place. So for N=26, i.e. can differentiate a decimal number. For C com Each and every compiler has a limit till which it = string N^{-(i-1)} two the of difference numerical The of thesestringshowever largeiis. able to assign separate numerical values to each be only.should 1 method unit ideal by cally An character.ith the characterlexi ith differs The Consider two strings with the difference only in This methodhasalimitation. 26^(-2) +11 *26^(-3)+1426^(-4)=7.163822 * 11 + 26^(-1) * 4 + 26^(0) * 7 value= merical do uppernu all a is have main will alphabets case character whose “HELLO” string the So to values numerical string meetingthedesired requirement. assign successfully will formula above the so, representation decimal numbergreaternumerically have will base a in decimal representation and numerically greater each and every numberSince of a base has an unique 10. base to base any of number convert to used one the as same is formula above The + T[Cm] *N^{-(m-1)} * N^{-(m-2)} + T[C(m-1)] …….. + N^(-2) * + T[C3] N^(-1) * + N^(0) * T[C2] is:T[C1] string the to value cal numeri assign to formula T[Ci].The by sented reprebe characterCi a of value Let numerical the value. numerical greater has code ASCII on there ASCII code. The character with higher ‘0’‘(N-1)’from to depending starting value cal numeri a have domain this in character Each ------(-) (-) (AAN – AA1) + DATA[1]) – (DATA[N] * DATA[1]} <= (N-1) DATA[i] < {i / (N-1) * / (DATA[N] {(i-1) shown agreeing thefollowingrelationship: is data have O(n) sorted when which of arrays those for complexity time best The the satisfies array sorted above relationship. the in data the All This arraywhensortedyields: An exampleofsuchanarrayis: + DATA[1]} DATA[1] – {DATA[i-1] * (i-1) > DATA[i] relationship: following the agreeing data have which sorted when arrays time those for worst O(n^2) its of complexity shows algorithm sorting The PERFORMANCE CASE WORST AND BESTV.ANALYSIS OF lation sortalgorithm. interpo the of correctness the prove we Hence used tofind thenumber of be will This algorithm. the of complexity time average of derivation include will work Future ity. very high tendency to show O(n) time complex So asortingalgorithm is presented whichhasa VI.CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK 130256 102 237 68215 50176 14156 This arraywhensortedyields: 176 1468 256130 50150 237215 10214 An exampleofsuchanarrayis: – DATA[1]) +DATA[1]} - - instrue - - - - - Abstract S.Selvam Raju R.Ramya Preethi Anna University, MIT campus MIT Anna University, St.Joseph`s college of engineering St.Joseph`s college FUZZY CONTROLLER CONTROLLER FUZZY Fuzzy Logic was introduced in 1965 by Lot OF THE AIR HEATING SYSTEM HEATING AIR THE OF APPLICATION TO THE CONTROL THE CONTROL TO APPLICATION of “linguistic variables”, which in this article equates to a variable defined as a fuzzy set. It concepts with deals brain emulateshuman the which the in manner such vagueness, as and uncertainty, imprecision. Un like Boolean logic that determines whether an argu logic fuzzy set, some to not or belongs definitely ment the determines and truths, partial of idea the considers degree of membership of an argument to a fuzzy set. Examples of fuzzy the membership functions. The design is simple, in the sense that both the membership functions and the rule-base can be initialized from arbitrary values. It can be applied to a class large of monotonic dynamic or static plants, due the fact that the system is able to modify its behavior in real time, i.e., during the con trol process. In this paper a comparative analysis is also done with a Neural Network Predictive Control ler. Heating Air given the for Controller Logic Fuzzy The System was designed using Mamdani based Tipper. The Qualitative Comparison was done with ISE and IAE. The FLC provides a smooth control action than controller. Predictive Network Neural the and PID the Air Keywords: Heating System; Fuzzy control; PID controller; Membership function. INTRODUCTION: fi A. Zadeh, a professor of computer sciences at the University of California, He Berkeley. elaborated on his ideas in a 1973 paper that introduced the concept This paper presents a direct fuzzy controller for the control of an Air Heating System, thus not requiring the system model, but only a little information about it: the plant monotonicity and its Without delay. any high very achieves algorithm the pre-training, off-line control performance through a three-stage algorithm: rule fuzzy the of adaptation (2) factor, scale output (1) consequents and (3) optimization of the position of - 9.SCR 10.IP 11.Autosyn 12.AVL 13.Jerk 14.Parity 15.N90i 16.Quarter 17.Electro myo DOWN 1.Routh

7.IIR 8.Encryption 6.Swamp 4.Infinite 5.oology 2.Unity 3.Granular 1.Ramanujan ACROSS CROSS WORD ANSWERS WORD CROSS than Bubble Sort and Insertion Sort. This information information This Sort. Insertion and Sort Bubble than of complexity time effective the reduce to used be can interpolation sort by conducting bubble sort or inser arrays whose size is less than N. tion sort for sub elements N over which interpolation sort works better better works sort interpolation which over N elements sets, which are also called membership functions, are: human mind in monitoring the process parameters. “tall”, “hot”, “small”, “fast”, etc. Advantages of fuzzy logic control system Fuzzy systems were largely ignored in the US because they were associated with artificial intel- • Detailed mathematical knowledge is not nec- ligence, a field that periodically oversells itself and essary which did so in a big way in the mid-1980s, resulting in a lack of credibility in the commercial domain. • Ideal for complex and non – linear systems The traditional approach to building system • Compatible with existing control system controllers requires a prior model of the system. The quality of the model, that is, loss of precision from lin- • Provides Robust control earization and/or uncertainties in the system’s param- eters negatively influences the quality of the resulting • Hardware implementation is possible control. At the same time, methods of soft computing such as fuzzy logic possess non-linear mapping ca- Demonstrates smooth control action even with small pabilities, do not require an analytical model and can number of rules and meters taking appropriate con- deal with uncertainties in the system’s parameters. Al- trol. though fuzzy logic deals with imprecise information, the information is processed in sound mathematical FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER IMPLEMENTA- theory. Fuzzy controllers are very simple conceptual- TION: ly. They consist of an input stage, a processing stage, and an output stage. The input stage maps sensor or The Air Heating System is a First Order Plus other inputs, such as switches, thumbwheels, and so Time Delay (FOPTD) system. on, to the appropriate membership functions and truth values. The processing stage invokes each appropri- The transfer function of the system is ate rule and generates a result for each, then combines the results of the rules. Finally, the output stage con- Y (s) / R (s) = (0.2 e-16s) / (220s + 1 verts the combined result back into a specific control PROCEDURE to Design FLC: output value. 1. Model the Given system, The most common shape of membership func- tions is triangular, although trapezoids and bell curves 2. Design an Optimal PID Controller, are also used, but the shape is generally less important than the number of curves and their placement. The 3. Find Error e(t), Integration of Error ie(t) and processing stage is based on a collection of logic rules Manipulated variable m(t), in the form of IF-THEN statements, where the IF part is called the “antecedent” and the THEN part is called (Use the Optimally tuned PI / PID controller data as the “consequent”. Typical fuzzy control systems have Knowledge base) dozens of rules. 4. Design the Fuzzy Logic Controller with the

INSTRUE AIR HEATING SYSTEM (AHS): above data, Drying is an essential activity in metallurgical, 5. Compare the responses of FLC with PID, chemical, pharmaceutical and food process industries, where dry air is fed at constant temperature to remove 6. If it is satisfactory Stop of a material. The control objective is to regulate the temperature of the dryer (air) through an appropriate 7. Otherwise modify the rules and follow signal to the thyrister controlled heater. The fixed gain feedback controller (PID) is insufficient to compen- sate for parameter variations in the system as well as to adapt to the changes in the process environments. Thyagarajan .T .et al [1] presented dynamic matrix control scheme, an MPC strategy for AHS. The com- plexity involved in obtaining mathematical model in- creases due to the presence of non – linearity, forcing to make assumptions, sacrificing the accuracy. In this paper the AHS is controlled by using a Fuzzy logic controller. FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER (FLC) DESIGN: Fuzzy logic control is a linguistic control scheme based on expert knowledge, trying to emulate For this system to design an Optimal PID con- troller, Smith – Carripo method is used. For this system Td / T = 16/220 = 0.072. PID controller values

Kc = (a1/k) (Td/T )b1 (proportional gain) Ki = (T/a2) (Td/T )b2 (integral gain) Kd = a3 T (Td/T )b3 (differential gain) Where a1 = 1.435 a2 = 0.749 b1 = -0.921 b2 = 0.482 c1 = 0.878 c2 = 1.137 Kc = 80.20, Ki =2.27 and Kd = 431.9 Error e(t) = Set Point – Process Output: varies [3] “Fuzzy Fundamentals” by Earl Cox, IEEE SPEC- from -0.374 to 1 TRUM, October 1992, 58:61. Notes from this article constitute the core of this tutorial. Let us take five Linguistic levels for e(t) [4] J. Jantzen, A tutorial on adaptive fuzzy control,  - ∞ to -0.0305 - MN EUNITE 2002, pp. 709–719. [5] Z. Zhang, J. Chang, A fuzzy control algorithm  -0.374 to 0.313 – N with high controlling precision, Fuzzy Sets and Sys-  -0.0305 to 0.6565– Z tems 140 (2) (2003) 375–385.  0.313 to 1.0 – P  0.6565 to + ∞ - MP Integral Error (ie(t)) : Varies from 0 to 40.83 instrue Prank shaft: Let us take five Linguistic levels  - ∞ to 10.21 - VS According to Einstein’s Theory of Relatives, the prob-  0 to 20.41 – S ability of in-laws visiting you is directly proportional to how much you feel like being left alone.  10.21 to 30.62 – M The word “relatives” is almost the same as “relativity.”  120.41 to 40.83 – L Einstein’s special theory of relativity modifies New-  30.62 to ∞ - VL tonian mechanics. The effects are small at every- day speeds but dramatic as objects move near the speed of light. Einstein’s general theory of relativity REFERENCE: is a modification of Newtonian gravity and is based [1] Thyagarajan .T, Panda R.C., Shanmugam J on the idea that gravity is due to the curvature of and Ponnavaikko M. (1997), Model based Controller for drying process, Hungar- space-time. ian Journal of Industrial Chemistry, Vol.25. PP.255-260. [2] “Designing With Fuzzy Logic” by Kevin Self, IEEE SPECTRUM, November 1990, 42:44, 105 2011. CCPs, which are environmentally sta- ble materials that do not present an environ- Process Water and Coal Combus- mental hazard when properly contained, will likely be subject to more stringent handling tion Products: Complex and and containment methods. Electric genera- tion facilities may be required to pursue wet Interrelated. to dry ash conversions and replace surface The use of a chemical transport model may impoundments with dry landfills. Regardless become increasingly helpful as a method of of the specifics of the EPA’s proposed rules, simulating the release, transport and fate the complex and interrelated nature of the of chemical constituents in process water water and CCP management systems will re- streams. ceive a larger share of the power industry’s Thanks to: Craig Schuettpelz, Staff Engineer, attention and budget over the next several and Ron Jorgenson, Principal, Golder Associ- years. ates Inc. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is expected to release new effluent guide- lines for steam electric generation facilities in 2012. These guidelines, together with re- cently proposed coal combustion product (CCP) rules and ever-tightening air emissions regulations, will change how many utilities handle and contain CCPs and manage raw water, process water and wastewater. Plant personnel may find the use of a chemical transport model, or mass balance, invalu- able in the coming years as a method of sim- ulating the release, transport and ultimate Mass Balance fate of chemical constituents suspended or dissolved in various process water streams, To help ensure compliance with future discharge especially since regulations may require regulations, utilities may need to proactively track water discharged from electric generation chemical constituents as they move through plants. facilities to be cleaner than the facility’s raw A chemical mass balance model would allow op- water source. erations personnel to use real-time chemistry and Regulatory Landscape water flow information to more efficiently manage Wastewater discharge standards for electric onsite water use. Such systems could enable opera- generation facilities have not been updated tors to divert water to areas for dilution or combine since their release in 1982 and “have not kept flows for containment, reuse or other facility opera- pace with changes that have occurred in the electric power industry over the last three tions.

INSTRUE decades” (EPA 2009). Air emissions control The chemical transport model can be used to calcu- technologies such as flue gas desulfuriza- late the mass flux of constituents as they progress tion (FGD) scrubbers and selective catalytic through pathways from the source toward a place reduction (SCR) systems successfully remove of final disposition. Given adequate water flow data, SOX and NOX. During removal from the flue gas stream, these technologies can trans- chemical inputs and detailed process and instru- fer constituents such as mercury, arsenic mentation diagrams (P&IDs) of facility systems, a and selenium into the process water stream chemical mass transport model can be used to pre- that many generation facilities discharge dict how the system will react to different operating through National Pollutant Discharge Elimi- conditions or varying regulatory compliance driv- nation System (NPDES) permitted locations. ers. The EPA’s proposed CCP rules were published The mass flux of constituents transported through in the Federal Register on June 21, 2010 (40 a facility provides information about process wa- CFR Parts 257, 261, 264, 265, 268, 271 and 302). The state of the final rules was still in ter chemistry and can help identify more efficient limbo at press time while the EPA considered means of dealing with each process water stream. whether the public would be best served by The diagram shows paths taken by process streams regulation under Subtitle C (hazardous) or that may contain constituents of concern, as defined Subtitle D (non-hazardous) of the Resource by the EPA. The first stream is solid materials such as Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Promulgation of the CCP rules is expected in ash and constituents that have been removed pared using available historical information with air emissions control equipment and and to reflect anticipated changes in plant the other is the process water and waste- operations induced by future regulations. water that have been used for air emissions The additional information acquired from controls, ash handling and other operational the revised P&IDs may show where potential needs. changes to each facility’s processes and in- strumentation will be necessary for regula- Water Balance tory compliance. Despite future regulations focusing on Strategies for Solutions chemical constituents within the water stream, the water balance will continue to Regardless of how new regulations affect play an important role for the site-wide sys- each individual plant, water will continue tem. Historically, plant personnel have used to be an important resource, particularly if relatively simple water balance models as water discharged from electric generation a method of determining where and how facilities is expected to be cleaner than the water is consumed. However, as new regu- facility’s water source. The use of a chemi- lations are poised to affect the electric gen- cal transport model, or mass balance, will be eration industry, probabilistic water balance increasingly helpful as a method of simulat- models will become more useful for deter- ing the release, transport and ultimate fate mining of chemical constituents suspended or dis- solved in various process water streams and the fate of water (and dissolved and sus- provides a basis by which plant personnel pended chemical constituents) as they per- can focus on specific challenges and areas of tain to changing regulations and variable concern. A mass balance will reveal how ef- system performance. ficiently (or inefficiently) water is being used Probabilistic water balance models allow and may immediately identify areas where electric generation facilities to take into ac- facilities can avoid water surpluses, unnec- count uncertainties both in and out of their essary discharges, or expensive treatment control. These uncertainties may be a reflec- options. tion of the regulatory landscape or may be This first step will be one of many as electric based on historical system performance. generation facilities begin to comply with Facilities could use probabilistic modeling new regulations prior to an implementation to evaluate whether operational changes or period that will last several years. The need equipment upgrades provide the best meth- to begin planning (and budgeting) as soon od of optimizing system performance. Incor- as possible will enable each facility the op- porating uncertainties into the model can portunity to comply with regulations given produce a range of results that may indicate current technology and engineering solu- a need for modifications to instrumentation tions available in the industry. instrue and alterations to operating procedures. Data Measurement and Revised P&IDs Electric generation facilities rely on P&IDs to represent movement and control of wa- ter through a system. In addition, many fa- Prank Shaft: cilities have historic data and in-stream flow instrumentation to quantitatively assess the amount of water used and the amount dis- charged from the site. In many cases, the This is apparently a true story. It took place number of measurement devices may be in- just outside of Munich, Germany. adequate or may no longer give a good rep- resentation of current operating conditions. Heisenberg went for a drive and got stopped As a result, utilities may be unable to obtain by a traffic cop. The cop asked, “Do you know a complete picture of site-wide conditions how fast you were going?” Heisenberg re- and plant personnel may have inadequate plied, “No, but I know where I am.” knowledge pertaining to the amount of wa- ter moving around the site and, more impor- tantly, how and where chemical constituents are most concentrated and ultimately reside. Updated P&IDs can be used to identify areas where flow and data measurements may be useful to better understand the movement of water and chemical constituents through- out the system. Revised P&IDs can be pre- MILITARY APPLICATIONS OF SCORING HITS AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT LASER But military leaders continued to pour money INTRODUCTION OF LASER into laser weapons research. They knew that such weapons would have some clear advan- The U.S. military became interested in tages over normal bullets and missiles. In the lasers, even before the first lasers had actually first place, when firing a bullet at a moving been built. When military leaders heard that target one has to aim a bit ahead of the target. the new device might produce very hot beams This is because the target itself moves ahead of light, they immediately started dreaming of while the bullet is racing toward it. Since grav- developing beam weapons. They hoped these ity pulls the bullet downward one always has weapons would do many things that ray guns to aim a bit above the target. In the middle of had done in science fiction stories, including a battle, with all the smoke, noise, and confu- blasting holes through enemy soldiers and sion, hitting a moving target can be a difficult tanks or even shooting down planes . task. ELECTRICALLY POWERED LASERS But a laser beam moves at the speed At present , most experiments with of light. This means that the beam can travel laser-beam weapons rely on chemical medi- a mile in only six-millionth of a second. Mili- ums such as oxygen and iodine ,to produce tary experts realized that more hits could be the energy that powers the laser. But the scored by laser weapons than by ordinary U.S. Air Force and other groups are working guns and missiles. Another potential benefit of on the idea of carrying special generators on beam weapons is that they could be bounced war-aircraft. Such generators would produce off mirrors, so only the mirrors would need electrically powered laser weapons that utilize to be adjusted when switching to a new target fiber-optic technology. Fiber optics would al- (instead of moving the whole weapon). Also a low the generators to be built much smaller laser beam stays concentrated over long dis- than the equipment needed to produce chemi- tances, so it might be able to hit targets ,a hun- cally powered lasers. So such weapon systems dreds of miles away.. would easily fit in a small fighter plane . There RANGE FINDERS AND BOMB DESIGNA- would also be a nearly unlimited supply of TORS: “shots” as the generators constantly produce new energy. Such weapons could be posi- Still the military has enjoyed a considerable tioned on a plane’s wings, ready to fire at any amount of success in developing laser devices oncoming missiles. for its use in the battlefield. These devices, which greatly improve the accuracy of normal DRAWBACKS: conventional weapons, include range finders LOPSIDED RATIO and bomb designators. • The main difficulty faced by scientists RANGE FINDER attempting to build laser-beam weapon is the • A range finder calculates the distance lopsided ratio between the amount of energy or range of a target by measuring how long a needed to power the weapon and the amount

INSTRUE small burst of laser light takes to travel to the of energy the weapon produces. target. • For example, in the case of small de- • This practical tool can be either hand- vices like hand held ray guns , too much en- held or mounted on a tank. Obviously, if a sol- ergy is required. dier knows the exact distance to his his target, • To produce enough power, such guns he has a much better chance of hitting it. should have to be so huge that no one could • By the mid-1970s Hughes Aircraft carry them. Also the guns themselves would was building more than $50 million worth of get very hot, hot enough to cause serious burns laser range finders for the U.S. military each on the hands of the people holding them (un- year. less they wore thick protective gloves, which would hinder operation of the weapon). . BOMB DESIGNATOR • Later, researchers tried other medi- •A laser bomb designator works by shining ums such as a mixture of the elements such as a low-powered laser beam at the desired tar- fluorine and hydrogen. This produced a lot of get. After the target has been designated, a power but had some serious problems. bomb is released, either from an airplane or from a ground-based missile; this is known as • The mixture explodes easily and with- a “smart” bomb because it carries a sensor out warning, and the exhaust gas is too hard to that can detect the laser beam and destroy the get rid of , and kills anyone who breathes it. target. Scientists encountered many other such prob- lems over the years. • The military first used such devices on the battlefield in 1972 during the Vietnam War, and much improved versions proved highly successful in the Persian Gulf War (in 1991) and especially in the police action against ter- rorists in Afghanistan (in 2001). • localize the lymph nodes before surgery in pa- tients with breast cancer or melanoma. - NARESH KUMAR, III yr, EIE, MIT, Anna University. Hybrid scanning techniques In some centers, the nuclear medicine scans can NUCLEAR MEDICINES be superimposed, using software or hybrid cameras, on images from modalities such as CT or MRI to highlight the part of the body Nuclear medicine is a branch or spe- in which the radiopharmaceutical is concen- ciality of medicine and medical imaging that trated. This practice is often referred to as uses radio nuclides and relies on the process image fusion or co-registration, for example of radio active decay in the diagnosis and SPECT/CT and PET/CT. The fusion imaging treatment of disease. technique in nuclear medicine provides infor- mation about the anatomy and function, which would otherwise be unavailable, or would re- RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS : quire a more invasive procedure or surgery. In nuclear medicine procedures, el- emental radio-nuclides are combined with other elements to form chemical compounds Molecular medicine: or else combined with existing pharmaceuti- In the future, nuclear medicine may be known as cal to form RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS. molecular medicine. As our understanding of biological processes in the cells of living or- ganism expands, specific probes can be devel- TREATMENTS USING NUCLEAR MEDI- oped to allow visualization, characterization, CINES : and quantification of biologic processes at the cellular and subcellular level. Nuclear Medi- cine is an ideal specialty to adapt to the new • Physicians use radionuclide imaging proce- discipline of molecular medicine, because of dures to visualize the structure and function of its emphasis on function and its utilization of

an organ, tissue, bone or system of the body. imaging agents that are specific for a particu- instrue • Nuclear medicine imaging scans are per- lar disease process. formed to: • analyze kidney function. A nuclear medicine parathyroid scan demon- • visualize heart blood flow and function (such strates a parathyroid adenoma adjacent to the as a myocardial perfusion scan). left inferior pole of the thyroid gland. . The above study was performed with Technetium- • scan lungs for respiratory and blood flow Sestamibi (1st column) and Iodine-123 (2nd problems. column) simultaneous imaging and the sub- • identify inflammation in the gallbladder. traction technique (3rd column). • evaluate bones for fractures, infection, arthri- tis and tumors. • determine the presence or spread of cancer in T.C.Swaminathan various parts of the body. 2010505060 • identify bleeding into the bowel. Electronics and Instrumentation. • locate the presence of infection. • measure thyroid function to detect an overac- tive or underactive thyroid. • investigate abnormalities in the brain, such as seizures, memory loss and abnormalities in blood flow. SUGICAL ROBOTS PROMISE TO MAKE SURGERY LESS PAINFUL certainly good news for those who truly Surgeons in Australia are excited over new must undergo surgery for one reason or anoth- surgical robots they are using to perform sur- er (such as for injury or trauma), but for most gical operations on patients. These new robots people, the best option is to put your faith in allow surgeons to perform operations with im- your own body’s ability to heal itself rather proved precision in a way that reduces post- than putting your faith in robotic technology operative complications and actually requires breakthroughs. less staff during the surgical procedure. Remember, you already have the most ad- Here’s how it works: with the help of the vanced nanotechnology robots in the world surgical robot, surgeons remote control two coursing through your veins right now, cir- robotic arms that are inserted into the patient culating through your entire system. Your through small incisions. A high-resolution 3-D body is a nanotechnology miracle that already telescope accompanies the robotic arm so that knows how to cure cancer, repair tissues, re- the surgeon can see what’s going on. Seated at verse atherosclerosis, and fundamentally heal a console, the surgeon can then perform com- itself from head to toe. So, if you really want plex movements such as making incisions, to see some cool robotic technology in action, manipulating tissues, or even suturing tissues. start eating superfoods and engaging in physi- Surgeons are excited about this because cal exercise, and watch your own body turn it makes heart surgery more precise, and, in into the most amazing health machine you’ve their words, far safer. The result of the sur- ever witnessed. gery is less scarring, less bleeding, and less By HaridhraShanker pain. It certainly is a good thing when medical technology can provide a way for surgeons to conduct surgeries that have less scarring and require smaller incisions, and I have no doubt these surgical robots will be extremely helpful in treating trauma, but once again, there is so much heart surgery done around the world that is entirely unnecessary that it seems somewhat Prank shaft: ridiculous to me to talk about the benefits of a 3 million dollar surgical robot when most of these heart patients could avoid surgery in the first place by taking a few hundred dol- The Unjust Salary Theorem asserts that sci- lars worth of nutritional supplements and by entists can never earn as much as sales people. changing their dietary practices so that they This theorem is proved as follows. Start by us- avoid hydrogenated oils. If they were to add ing the physics formula in a regular dose of cardiovascular exercise INSTRUE along with those other strategies, they could Power = Work / Time almost universally avoid heart surgery. So, modern medical technology is great Now you probably have heard that Knowl- stuff, and anytime the field of robotics can edge is Power and Time is Money. Substitute help make surgeries safer, less painful, and these tautologies into the formula for power less traumatic for patients, then we all stand to obtain to benefit. But if smaller incisions are better for patients, then no incisions are better yet. Knowledge = Work/Money Avoiding surgery is the best way to have no bleeding, no scarring, and no pain. But once again, avoiding surgery means taking respon- Solving for Money, one finds sibility for your own health outcome. It means Money = Work / Knowledge. preventing disease rather than trying to treat it after the fact. It means fixing yourself through nutrition and physical fitness rather than lying Therefore, the less you know, the more you down on a surgeon’s table and saying, “Fix make. me, doctor.” Even the most advanced robotic technology in the world cannot force a person to make healthy choices in their life. My view on all of this is that these medical breakthroughs and robotics technology are element delivers virtual instrumentation on a long-term technology base that scales VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION with the high investments made in proces- - CHANGING THE FACE OF DE- sors, buses, and more. SIGN, MEASUREMENT AND Virtual Instrumentation for Design The same design engineers that use a wide AUTOMATION variety of software design tools must use From testing cars in automotive com- hardware to test prototypes. Commonly, panies to controlling production and quality there is no good interface between the de- in manufacturing plants, the very must need sign phase and testing/validation phase, for engineers and scientists is to have a flexi- which means that, often the issues discov- ble cost-effective solutions for test and mea- ered in the testing phase require a design- surement. Around 30 years ago, to address phase reiteration. these needs, a different way to solve the test In reality, the development process and measurement problem was evolved, has two very distinct and separate stages called “virtual instrumentation”. Today, virtu- – design and test are two individual enti- al instrumentation has reached mainstream ties. On the design side, EDA tool vendors acceptance and is used in thousands of ap- undergo tremendous pressure to interoper- plications around the world in the industries ate from the increasing semiconductor de- such as automotive, electronics, and oil and sign and manufacturing group complexity gas. The concept of virtual instrumenta- requirements. Engineers and scientists are tion is, an engineer can use software running demanding the capability to reuse designs on a computer combined with instrumenta- from one tool in other tools as products tion hardware to define a custom, built for go from schematic design to simulation to test and measurement solution. The vision physical layout. Similarly, test system devel- of virtual instrumentation revolutionized opment is evolving toward a modular ap- the way engineers and scientists work, de- proach. The gap between these two words livering solutions with faster development has traditionally been neglected, first notice- time, lower costs, and greater flexibility. able in the new product prototype stage. Components of Virtual Instrumentation Systems with intrinsic-integration prop- The heart of any virtual instrument is flex- erties are easily extensible and adapt to in- ible software. Every virtual instrument is creasing product functionality. When new built on this flexible and powerful software. tests are required, engineers simply add new Innovative engineer or scientist will apply modules to the platform to make the mea- his domain expertise to customize the mea- surements. Virtual instrumentation software

surement and control application as per the flexibility and virtual instrumentation hard- instrue requirement. The result is a user-defined in- ware modularity make virtual instruments strument specific to the application needs. a necessity to accelerate the development NI LabVIEW, the productive software compo- cycle. nent of the virtual Instrumentation architec- A Future with Virtual Instrumentation ture, is the graphical development platform for test, design and control applications. Today, to meet the ever-increasing demand to innovate and deliver ideas and products The second virtual instrumentation faster, scientists and engineers are turning to component is the modular I/O for measure- advanced electronics, processors, and soft- ments that require higher performance, res- ware. Consider a modern cell phone. Most olution, or speed. Advanced Modular Instru- contain the latest features of the last gen- ment hardware use the latest I/O and data eration, including audio, a phone book, and processing technologies, including Analog text messaging capabilities. New versions to Digital Converters (ADC), Digital to Ana- include a camera, MP3 player, and Bluetooth log Converters, Filed Programmable Gate Ar- networking and Internet browsing. The rays (FPGAs), and PC busses to provide high increased functionality of advanced elec- resolution and through input for measure- tronics is possible because devices have be- ments from 7 1/2 digit DC to 2.7 GHz. come more software centric. However, this The third virtual instrumentation ele- increase in functionality comes with a price. ment is - popular and commercially available Upgraded functionality introduces the pos- computing platform (PC or Server) to run the sibility of unforeseen interaction or error. So, software and connect to I/O module, often just as device-level software helps rapidly enhanced with accurate synchronization - develop and extend functionality, design ensures that virtual instrumentation takes and test instrumentation also must adapt to advantage of the very latest computer capa- verify the improvements. bilities and data transfer technologies. This sufficiently qualified, they will get in touch with you. The only way to meet these demands is to  Qualcomm India ( ) use test and control architectures that are also Qualcomm is the world’s largest fables chipmaker. software centric. Because virtual instrumen- To get a position with them your interests should tation uses highly productive software like lie in communication, networks, DSP, microproces- NI LabVIEW, modular I/O, and commercial sors, VHDL etc. Their internships are put up as job of- platforms, it is uniquely positioned to keep pace with the required new idea and product fers on the Qualcomm careers site (use Job Search) development rate. with the location marked India. Keep an eye out for Virtual instrumentation has thus been them, and apply with your resume and certificates. widely adopted in test and measurement ar- If selected for the initial round, you’ll have to attend eas and is rapidly making headway in con- an on-site interview at Bangalore or be- trol and design areas. The benefits that have fore being offered the internship position. accelerated test development are beginning  HP Labs India ( ) to accelerate control and design. Engineers and scientists who are increasing demands for HP doesn’t always have a steady internship program virtual instrumentation in hopes of efficiently but when they do have openings they will put it up addressing worldwide demand are the driving at the link above. Feel free to e-mail them and in- force behind this acceleration. quire too. HP India does research on cloud applica- tions, man-machine interfaces, mobile computing, By communication and networking, systems architec- ture and image processing. Though they’re general M.Rakesh Kumar, III Year, EIE, Anand Institute of Higher Technology. interest is in MS and PhD students in computer sci- ence and electrical engineering, they may some- times pick an undergraduate student provided you are qualified. Tenure may be 3-6 months and you’ll have to send them an e-mail at the address given at the above link.  Google India ( ) Google prefers students with a computer science background or a related technical field. You’ll need INTERNSHIPS AND RESEARCH to know how to work in both UNIX/Linux as well as OPPORTUNITIES Windows environments with C, C++, Java and Py- thon (Python isn’t that hard to learn). Brush up on Gaurav Rajasekar, 4th year, E&I algorithms and data structures too. The internship [email protected] is around 3 months and whenever there’s a position @grajasekar on twitter available it will be put up at the above link. Getting INSTRUE Now while we’re all tempted to while away our time into a Google internship program is no mean feat, during the summer vacations, let’s all take a moment so be prepared for a strenuous interview. This would and consider the fact that the world is moving at an be very helpful if you wish to do your higher studies ever faster pace and you don’t want to get left be- in a computer science oriented field. hind. The value of some research and design experi- ence on your resume can’t be stressed enough. So use the summer to do some honest-to-god good work or  Microsoft Research – India Lab (http://goo. research. Remember though that internship opportu- gl/VzvvW ) nities are heavily contested and you’ll need to apply Microsoft Research Lab inducts research interns several months ahead to have a chance. Don’t worry who work alongside mentors helping in research about the pay, just focus on getting in. Below, I’ll be listing some programs with links that I’ve condensed that ultimately leads to a publication. Development using Google’s URL Shortener. interns, on the other hand, help in the implemen-  Texas Instruments ( tation of a project or research idea. You’ll have to TI generally comes to pick interns via the univer- apply through a common job application gateway sity. However you can send them an application at where you submit your documents. As such, this in- [email protected] with details such as Project Start Date (as prescribed by your College/University), ternship has a software focus. There is no set date to Project End Date (as prescribed by your College/Uni- apply, so the earlier the better. Also, do send them versity) and Area of Interest. If they feel you’re an e-mail or two if your application stays in the your application stays in the processing stage for more as mail updates. It’s a valuable resource that than a month or two. Duration of the intern- can help you. Use Google to search for oppor- ship is about 12 weeks (or 3 months). tunities from time to time. Some companies like AMD, NI, ABB and GE don’t have fixed  Intel India ( ) pages for internships but put up applications Intel has internship openings in Engineering, as and when they have positions open. Business and General Management. You’ll Always have a resume, your college tran- need to apply early to have even a sliver of scripts, your tenth and twelfth standard mark- hope. Intel does come to Anna University sheets ready. Your resume should be short and to choose one or two of the brightest IT and crisp – a page or two at max (something like Computer Science students, but the rest do this- ). College tran- have a chance via the online application pro- scripts don’t need to be the official ones that cess. Once again, you’ll have to use their job you get from the Controller of Examinations’ search after taking a look at the above link. office; ones from the department office will  DAAD (WISE – Working Internships suffice when applying for an internship. Try in Science and Engineering ( to be clear about what you would want to do xltMS ) or work on at any particular company or or- ganization, don’t beat around the bush or be DAAD - “Deutscher Akademischer Aus- vague when writing a cover letter or a detailed tausch Dienst”, also known as German Aca- note about your project interests (certain in- demic Exchange Service – facilitates students ternships like the IIT Fellowship require such of engineering to go to a German university letters). Before penning such a letter, take a for an internship of 2-3 months. You can ap- look at the research interests of the professors ply when you’re in the 5th semester, but you’ll or researchers you might be working with and need an 8.0+ CGPA. Knowledge of German try to match yours with theirs. It also helps to isn’t mandatory but it’ll help. For further de- have taken the GATE examinations as many tails, hit the link above. You will need to have Indian companies value those results when a valid passport too. considering you for an internship position  IIT Summer Fellowship Programme with them. (IITM’s application sample 2010 - http://goo. Nothing beats real world experience – it gives gl/M8yJr ) you confidence, and it can take your - appli The prestigious Indian Institute of Technology cation for higher studies a long way. Certain Summer Fellowship Programme hooks you companies will also give a lot of weighting up with a professor dealing in your field on to research or design work and consider you interest at any of the IITs where you can then for a position even if you answer a few ques- work for 2 months on a project. The stipend tions wrong in an interview. It might all seem is low but the competition is very high. Some daunting in the beginning but remember that instrue streams like computer science accept a large the payoff for all this work is considerable. number of interns but that’s not quite the case Like some bright insightful individual once with electronics and instrumentation related said – No Pain, No Gain. fields. You’ll need to write up a letter detailing For further queries feel free to shoot me an the work you wish to undertake. Keep in mind e-mail or a message on twitter. My contact de- that the IITs ask for “outstanding academic tails are above. background in terms of high ranks in univer- sity examinations, papers presented at semi- nars, projects executed, design contests partic- ipated, score/rank in Mathematics Olympiad and any other awards/distinctions obtained.” Prank shafts: So you will need to be among the best. Appli- When a travel agent was asked if faster-than- cations will be put up on the individual IITs’ light flights were available, she said, “Yes, but websites around January each year. If you get tickets must be purchased at least three weeks in remember that you have an opportunity to in advance and a Saturday night stay is re- get a recommendation from someone who quired.” might be very well known in the field. >Q: What did the post doctorate study when General Tips he changed fields from particle physics to ge- Follow this website – It ology? lists internships in several fields (not just engi- A: Earthquarks. neering) all over India as and when the appli- cations open. Subscribe to their SMS updates (they’re free and sent via Google Labs) as well National Symposiums Details (Source: INSTRUE instrue IEa ACTIVITIES

IEA-profile: Instrumentation Engineers Association, a multi-faceted association, for and by students, functions under the guidance of the staff for the upliftment of the students. Dr. K Boopathy Bagan, head of the department, leads IEA with Mrs. Sabitha Ramakrishnan as the treasurer. It also comprises a chairman, a secretary, a vice chairman and a joint secretary representing the student body. The major attractions of IEA are Livebeat, an intra college technical symposium conducted during every odd semester, Intecho, a national level technical symposium conducted during every even semester and various other programs for the benefit of the students. Livebeat 2009: It was conducted on 23rd October 2009 and coordinated by Dr T Thyagarajan, and Mrs. L. Sutha. The event was a stupendous success with overall participation of 200 students from various departments in various events like Paper presentation, Technical quiz, Circuit debugging, Dumb C, Design quotient and General Quiz. Intecho 2010: It was held on 5th and 6th February 2010 with the theme “GO GREEN and GO GENIUS”. Around 600 students from all over India participated, outdoing the success of LIVEBEAT. Apart from brain teaser kind of events like paper presentation, project display and robot design, we conducted workshops on ‘PLC’ and ‘MUCON’ Livebeat 2010: It was conducted on 23rd October 2010 and coordinated by Dr K Boopathy Bagan, and Mrs. Sabitha Ra- makrishnan. The chief guest was Mr. Balaji, M.D, MELSS. The event was a grand success with overall par- ticipation of 220 students from various departments of our college in various events like Paper presentation, Technical quiz, Tech marathon, Project display, Circuit debugging, Dumb C, Circuit Design, Tech Crossie and General Quiz. IEA 2010-11: This year IEA, MIT was inaugurated on 22nd july 2010. the inauguration was graced by our illustrious alum- ni like mr vasudevan, mr ramani, mr balaji and mr vishwa kumar. our head of the department dr k boopathy bagan, who took over the chair this year, was facilitated. our very own professor dr. t thyagarajan, who has

INSTRUE been appointed the director of the central library, anna university was also facilitated. Guest Lectures: IEA has organized guest lectures on many useful topics like Power plant instrumentation, Marine Instrumen- tation, Role of Instrument Engineers in various fields, Fiber optic sensors, Flow measurements, Instrument maintenance and management, Manufacturing, EPC/ Project management and Power plant fundamentals during the last academic year. IEA club: It is a new initiative by IEA and MIT Alumni association to keep the students abreast of the ongoing trends in various industries so as to improve the employability of students in such core fields. Interactive sessions between the student community and experienced alumni are held on a regular basis to bridge the gap between the college and industries. All students of E&I department can take part in it and reap the benefits. IEA is also proud to have conducted mock interviews for the benefit of the final year students to help them excel in their interviews. Student’s Profile Final Years: Mr. Gaurav Rajasekar and Mr. Vigneshwaran’s paper on “Three Dimensional OLED with depth sensitive multi touch has been select- ed for the regional IEEE international confer- ence at Shangai, China. Mr. E Aravind Krishnan, Mr. P Jayaraman, Mr. S Jeevanand, Mr. E Praveen Kumar and Mr. M Staff Profile: Sundaram along with other department stu- Dr J Prakash conducted a workshop on PLC in dents are building a real time formula type September 2010. race car, for SAE, India. Dr T Thyagarajan presented a paper titled Mr. Gaurav Rajasekar, Ms. N Harini and Ms. Aba- “Modeling and control of Inverse Response ya Meenakshi have completed their intern- process with time delay using relay feedback ship at IIT, Madras. test” at international conference ICMIC10, Ms. Abaya Meenakshi and Mr. Gaurauv Raja- held in Japan during July 2010. sekar have secured IEEE funding for their Mrs. S Sutha presented a paper titled “Eigen projects. Structure assignment based Multi-objective Ms Abaya Meenakshi, Ms. Akshaya Viswana- dynamic state feedback controller designed than and Mr. Gaurauv Rajasekar secured for MIMO systems using NSGA II” in the same enviable marks in GRE with 1470, 1290 and conference. 1460 respectively. Dr T Thyagarajan along with Dr J Prakash, Dr N Mr. M Sundaram topped our GATE-2010 scorer Pappa, Dr D Manamalli, Dr K Latha as co-in- list with all India rank 53 and Ms. N Harini, vestigators organized national level tutorial Ms. R Kiruthiga and Mr R Rupesh also cleared on 18.12.2009 on “Advanced Automation”. GATE 2010 with high marks. Dr J Prakash, coordinator of Faculty Develop- Students who have represented MIT in zonal ment Program delivered lectures on various events: topics of Process control including Advanced control schemes and Modeling. 1. Mr. J Parthiban – Shuttle Dr P Kanagasababathy delivered lectures on 2. Mr. S Jeevanand , Mr V Saran Raj– topics covering control strategies on Distilla- 3. Mr. V Raja , Mr S Madhan– Cricket tion Column, Heat exchanger and Evapora- instrue tors. 4. Mr. M Tamilselvan – Kabaddi Dr T Thyagarajan Delivered lectures on Drying 5. Mr. S Vigneshwaran – Tennis process. Dr N Pappa and Mrs Sutha organized a FDP on Third Years: adaptive control. Ms. G.Manasa and Ms. M.Vanathi have pre- Dr D Manamalli visited University of Cape town sented a paper on Measurement of fuel under DST funded project. consumptions in diesel engines in Livebeat Dr J Prakash visited university of Alberta, Cana- 2009 and secured 1st prize. da for collaborative research. Ms. S.V.Gayathri, Ms. R.S.Jaiyadharshini and Ms. of Rs. 25,000 by the Centre for Technology and K.Kiruthika have presented a paper on Tap- Development Transfer of Anna University, ping of Energy from human footsteps on Chennai. staircases in Livebeat 2009. Mr. S.Selvam Raju has presented a paper on Fuzzy controllers for air heating system in Einstra10, an EIE tech fest at Kumaraguru En- gineering college, Coimbatore. He has also won the third prize in technical quiz in the same fest and has been awarded a cash prize of Rs. 500. He has also presented a paper on Algae to tackle Climate Change in Drestein, the tech fest of Saveetha Engineering col- lege, Chennai. Students who have represented MIT in zonal events:

1. Mr. V A Kavin (Anna univ zone - 5000m and 1000m Bronze medals) 2. Mr. D R Rajendraa (Anna univ zone - 4*400m relay - gold medal) 3. Mr. K Arun Prasath (Anna univ zone – Bad- PLACEMENT RECORDS: minton - gold medal)

Second Years: That the prestigious Madras Institute Mr. R. Babu and Mr. Vinoth won the of Technology has achieved categorical rec- 1st place in the Robotics event conducted at ognition for being a point of reference, a cat- Intecho09. alyst, a facilitator, a trendsetter and a leader in technical education is an understatement. Mr. R Babu and Mr. Srikanth wont he For, it has succeeded in producing several lu- 2nd place in Robotics event conducted at minous intellectuals-our own APJ Abdul Ka- Drestein10, the tech fest of Saveetha Engi- lam for example –instilling a notion of pride neering college. amongst its students that is likely to be the Mr. Pradeep Kumar stood 19th in the status quo for aeons of time. World Youth Championship at Turkey. Notwithstanding the supercilious de- He stood 13th in Asian Chess Championship scription of the past, we ITMIT’ans are proud at Iran. He also stood 4th in Commonwealth to aver that amidst the “viral” trend of engi- Games. He was India’s number 1 in chess in neering graduates preferring the easy-go 2007, 2008 and number 2 in 2009 in the un- software jobs to hardcore engineering ones, der 20 age group. we have stayed true to the MIT tradition and Students who have represented MIT in zonal made it a point to ensure that a commen- events: surate share of our placements are in the 1) Mr. S. Karthick Raja (Anna Univ Zone – Bad- domains of process-control and Industrial miton – Bronze medal) Instrumentation herewith providing us an umpteen number of opportunities to put 2) Mr. A.K. Moorthy (Anna Univ Zone – Badmi- to test the true “engineer” in each one of us. ton – Bronze medal) Our placement records do speak for us… 3) Mr. Ravichandran (Zonals – Chess – Gold Medal)

INSTRUE 4) Mr. Abbas (Zonals – Chess – Gold Medal) 5) Mr. Pradeep Kumar (Zonals – Chess – Gold Medal, Interzone – Chess – Silver Medal)

Placement records: Dept of Instrumentation

Process control


Value controlled

study setup