Happy Birthday 2nd MAW

Celebrating 100 Years of Marine Aviation Vol. 69, No. 27 www.cherrypoint.marines.mil July 7, 2011 Wing Operations Center offers Force in readiness critical training opportunities

CPL. BRIAN ADAM JONES MCAS CHERRY POINT The 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing’s recent large force exercise, Exercise MAILED FIST 1-11, breathed life into a brand new tool that leaders say will redefi ne the way 2nd MAW conducts training and local operations. The Wing Operations Center, a windowless room with rows of work stations, a panel of large, wall-mounted monitors and, sometimes, an air of excited anticipation, offers a command and control nucleus for wing activity during major operational events. From the WOC, dozens of attentive Marines monitor occasionally hec- tic and elaborate missions and training events, keeping a close eye on everything from radar and weather patterns to video feeds and maps. “It’s a place where we can move the chess pieces across the operational spectrum,” said Lt. Col. Martin J. Forrest IV, the current operations offi cer for 2nd MAW. Forrest clearly sees the opportunities provided by the WOC. “It will allow us to train and execute large-force exercises much more realistically,” he said. Lt. Col. Matthew R. McGath, who served as the senior watch offi cer for the WOC during MAILED FIST, said that several times during the exercise, the existence of the WOC offered unique perspective or training opportunities that otherwise would have been lost. “The WOC allows coordination. It’s a big situational awareness tool and the wing’s current operations will really use it more often,” McGath CPL. R.J. DRIVER A bulk fuel technician Marine from Marine Wing Support Squadron 273 taxis in an MV-22B said. Osprey upon landing at Vidalia Regional Airport in Vidalia, Ga., in support of Exercise Forrest said having the WOC available for training exercises allows of- MAILED FIST 1-11 June 23. 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing units from MCAS Cherry Point, New fi cers to learn how a command and control environment operates. River and Beaufort participated in a large force exercise June 13-24 to polish the 2nd “For many of the young offi cers here, this is their fi rst exposure to a MAW’s ability to serve as the aviation force in readiness for all aspects of Marine Corps tactical air command center,” said Forrest. “This place will increase their operations by streamlining integration amongst 2nd MAW units. confi dence and understanding while allowing them to gel as a team and learn to execute command and control.” Prowlers serve MAW for more than 30 years

LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI MCAS CHERRY POINT Communications can win or lose wars. During World War II, American code breakers broke the Japanese naval codes, gaining enough intelligence to contribute to the victory in the Battle of Midway. In the European theater, code breakers deciphered the German’s Enigma code, leading to a fl awlessly executed deception campaign culminating in the successful landing at Normandy. With new methods of communication developing all the time, the United States military had every intention of attacking enemy communications effectively while maintaining proper communications internally. A proper platform for electronic warfare had to be mobile and transmit from a high location. The newly invented jet fi t the bill, and Marine squadrons would take the job. “It started in Vietnam with Lt. Gen. Philip D. Shutler, who was one of the programmers at D.C. Aviation and they found a need for jamming aircraft to support the bombers going into Vietnam from surface-to-air threats,” said Col. Philip J. Zimmerman, commanding offi cer of Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point and Prowler electronic countermeasures offi cer. “So they took an A-6 and modifi ed it, becoming the EA-6A with receivers and jamming pods on it. They found it to become effective, and it grew into a program of its own. The EA-6B was developed in the early 70s and from there they started fi elding it.” In 1978, the EA-6B Prowler became the electronic warfare platform of the Marine Corps. With the Prowler, the Marine Corps hoped to pass beyond just jamming enemy radar and gain control over the “electromagnetic spectrum,” or the medium through which modern militaries communicate. OFFICIAL MARINE CORPS PHOTO “The Prowlers essentially work in the electromagnetic spectrum, and within that realm, The EA-6B was developed from the EA-6A Intruder and has been flying for more there is a wide variety of things that we can touch, infl uence or manage the battlefi eld in than 30 years in the Marine Corps. The main role it was built for was countering some way, shape or form,” said Maj. Roderick D. Capili, the executive offi cer of Marine enemy radar installations to prevent effective anti-aircraft fire or fighter coordination Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron 2. “We can’t say specifi cally what we do, but a against American aircraft. lot of it involves hindering the enemy’s abilities to conduct a cohesive war front. We disrupt their ability to organize and disrupt their ability to be effective with command The age of the aircraft, however, may soon be catching up to it. and control functions on the battlefi eld.” “The Prowler has been in existence in the Marine Corps since at least the mid-70s,” On every deployment, VMAQ squadrons would take on this role during multiple said Capili. “We’re celebrating 36 years of the EA-6B in the Marine Corps July 1, training operations and several combat deployments, including the fi rst and second Persian Gulf Wars and the war in Afghanistan. See PROWLER page A7 Israeli Air Force looks at MV-22 capabilities

SPECIAL TO THE WINDSOCK visit with Marines of Marine Medium MCAS NEW RIVER PUBLIC AFFAIRS Tiltrotor Training Squadron 204 For the second time in two months, gaining an overall familiarization a team from the Israeli Air Force of the Osprey and examining its visited 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing capabilities related to reducing the units at Marine Corps Air Station New risks to pilots, aircrews and passengers River to evaluate the Marine Corps’ on the battlefi eld. The overall intent MV-22 Osprey, and aircraft that the of the visit was to learn about MV- Israelis, according to some reports, 22 systems and performance, and see as a possible platform for search to become “well oriented” with the and rescue operations, and for covert aircraft. special operations. “In order to be prepared for our The fi rst IAF visit, May 16-26, was June visit, we had to get some basic

LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI conducted by Lt. Col. Nimrod Golan, knowledge and basic skills, which is Lt. Col. Paul A. Rosenbloom, left, salutes the national ensign during the pass and a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter pilot, what ‘204 gave us,” said Golan. “We review, which marked the end of Marine Wing Support Squadron 271’s change of and Lt. Col. Avi Carmeli, a CH-53 were exposed for the fi rst time to this command ceremony outside the squadron’s engineer facility June 30. Lt. Col. Paul D. Sea Stallion helicopter pilot and Navy technology called tiltrotor, and not Baker relinquished command of MWSS-271 to Rosenbloom. graduate test pilot, both with the just exposed academically ... it was an Israeli Air Force. That was followed amazing experience.” June 13-23 by a seven-man team led Their second visit, with Marine Rosenbloom takes helm of 271 by Golan and Carmeli. Tiltrotor Test and Evaluation LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI squadrons in the wing as they support more “An invitation came from the Squadron 22 and Marine Medium MCAS CHERRY POINT than 30 operations, maintained readiness for Marines to the Israeli Air Force Tiltrotor Squadron 365, “... was The Workhorse of the Wing, Marine Wing deployment, and successfully supported 2nd to explore this aircraft and though the core of the whole evaluation Support Squadron 271, received a new Marine Aircraft Wing daily requirements,” currently, there is no procurement process,” said Golan, as the Israelis commanding offi cer June 30 outside the said Maj. Gen. Jon M. Davis, commanding process on the table, we were very looked more deeply into the aircraft’s squadron’s engineer facility. general of 2nd MAW, in a statement for Baker. happy to follow this invitation,” said capabilities and maintenance process. Lt. Col. Paul D. Baker relinquished “You took the majority of your squadron and Golan. “We are looking at the aircraft, “We conducted a variety of fl ights in command to Lt. Col. Paul A. Rosenbloom formed a special-purpose Marine Air-Ground trying to understand how the Osprey order to operationally evaluate the after 18 months of command. Baker took over Task Force and deployed to South America can contribute to our operational aircraft. We got the tools the last time the squadron while it was deployed in Iraq in for military-to-military exchanges that would requirements and also have an we were here,” said Golan. “Now we 2010 and saw the squadron through the end benefi t the armed forces for years to come. understanding of its implementation. are fl ying to learn to operate.” of its combat deployment and a deployment Under your command, Marine Wing Support In addition, this is a great opportunity After spending time in simulators, to South America to support humanitarian Squadron 271 has truly been the Workhorse to enhance our relationship and the visitors experienced the full efforts. cooperation with the Marines.” “You expertly managed one of the largest See LEADER page A7 The Israeli pilots spent their fi rst See ISRAELI page A7 A2 July 7, 2011 The Windsock Legal: Celebrating 100 years of Be aware of phishing CAPT. KEVIN HOFFMAN Marine Corps aviation JOINT LAW CENTER Phishing is a scam which attempts to gain useful fi nancial in- formation from a victim by pretending to be a legitimate organi- zation. If the phishing attempt is successful, the fi nancial infor- mation is then used to make purchases or siphon money out of accounts before the victim realizes what happened. Recently, there was a widespread phishing scam in eastern North Carolina which targeted Verizon and Gateway Bank cus- tomers. A mass text sent from the scammer stated, “Gateway Bank Alert, your card starting with 4138 has been deactivated.” Every debit/credit card issued by Gateway Bank begins with 4138 which made the text message seemingly apply to all Gate- way Bank Customers. The text went on to provide a number for the message recipients to call in order to remedy the deactiva- tion. Upon dialing the number a recording requested the caller’s full 16 digit account number, expiration date, and three-digit secu- rity pin. Once all of the information was received the record- ing stopped and the call ended. Obviously this text did not come from Gateway Bank, but thus far the bank is estimated to have lost $80,000 as a result. Phishing can take the form of an email, text message, letter in the mail, or even a telephone solicitation. To avoid becoming victims of phishing, please understand the following: • Banks, service providers, credit card companies, and other fi - nancial institutions will never contact you to verify your account information with them – they already know your account infor- mation. • If you are contacted by what you believe to be a legitimate fi nancial institution; and they are requesting that you take some sort of action, use the customer service number provided on your monthly statement or on that fi nancial institution’s website. • Limit the amount of personal information you give out. Many do not realize that when you sign up to win a free car in the mall, your contact information is sold by whoever is running the prize giveaway. Also, if you are ever given the option to disallow a OFFICIAL MARINE CORPS PHOTO company from sharing your information with third parties; doing Vought SU-2’s from Marine Observation Squadron 8 fl y in formation over San Diego, Calif., June so reduces unnecessary release of private information. 26, 1933. VO-8M was a predecessor squadron to Marine Attack Squadron 231. According to its If you have questions about phishing or other legal assistance unit history, VMA-231 is the oldest squadron in the Marine Corps, having begun as 1st Division, issues, contact Legal Assistance or visit our offi ce located at the Squadron D Feb. 8, 1919. Since its original inception, VMA-231 has been re-tasked several times Joint Law Center, Building 219. Walk-ins are seen daily starting during its long history to cover roles such as reconnaissance, air-support and air-supremacy. at 7:30 a.m. Sunburn safety tips SPECIAL TO THE WINDSOCK Chaplain: Getting back at enemies NAVAL SAFETY CENTER • Use a sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) CMDR. DAVID SHIRK a long way in showing that you are not only the bigger of at least 15. 2ND MAW person but you are a person of character and honor. In • Some types are waterproof, but even so, you should Have you ever known someone, or know someone the book of Proverbs it says: “If your enemy is hungry, reapply the sunscreen every two hours. now that you just cannot get along with? No matter how give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to • Use sunscreen on cloudy days, too. hard you try or what you do this person just simply rubs drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his • It may be slightly uncomfortable in the heat, but you you the wrong way and it seems every interaction is neg- head, and the Lord will reward you.” This is the scrip- should wear a long-sleeved shirt and long pants. ative and every conversation is an argument. tures’ way of saying, if you really want to get back at • Also put on a hat with a large brim and sunglasses. What do you do? Well for these relationships I have that person for what they have done, be nice to them, • If you have a choice, stay in the shade. Beach umbrel- a strategy that just might help. I refer to it as my three which will get them. las will protect you from some of the sun exposure. “Bs” of a bad relationship. They are: “B” polite, “B” B Gone: • Remember that children’s skin is even more sensi- civil and “B” gone. Being gone is really saying keep all your interactions tive than yours. They can start wearing sunscreen by B Polite: with that person as brief as possible. The longer the con- the time they are six months old. Minimize their ex- Being polite refers to the way you should speak with versation or the joint activity goes on the more likely posure. that person. In the words that you use, in the tone of there will be an argument or for a bad situation to de- • Avoid tanning parlors. voice or even in your body language there is no reason velop. Being brief will let that person know you have • The sun is strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Hit to be rude. The book of Psalms reads: “A gentle answer something better to do then argue with them. the beach early, use the main part of the day for other turns away rage, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Being Following these three “Bs”, whether the relationship activities, then go back later in the afternoon. rude does nothing but make the situation ugly, and even is personal or professional, will go a long way to bring- If you get sunburned worse, it may make you look like them. ing peace to your life. You can not change the other per- • Do not scrub your skin or shave your skin. Use a soft B Civil: son, or maybe even the way you feel about the other towel and pat your skin dry. Being civil refers to the way you treat someone. Want- person, but how you deal with that other person can limit • Use a sunburn remedy containing aloe vera. ing the best for that person, helping that person out when the negative effect that he/she has on your life. • Stay out of the sun. If the sunburn is severe or you you can, and not allowing others to bash that person goes are blistering, feel faint or nauseous, see a doctor im- mediately.

CPL. MATTHEW L. CHENEY Job Title: Water support technician Unit: MWSS-274 Hometown: Crescent City, Calif. Date Joined: Oct. 1, 2008 The editorial content is edited, prepared and approved by the Public Affairs Office at Cherry Point. Correspondence should be addressed to: Commanding Officer, Public Af- What’s your job? fairs Office, (Attn: Individual concerned), PSC Box 8013, We supply water to Marines in country and also MCAS Cherry Point, N.C. 28533-0013. To provide com- here in the states on any kind of field operation ments or suggestions call 252-466-4241 or email: cherry. or humanitarian mission. We can purify salt [email protected]. Windsock is a registered water, brackish water, and water contaminated by trademark. To address any distribution problems please nuclear, biological or chemical materials. contact the distribution manager at Ellis Publishing at 252- 444-1999. This Department of Defense newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the DoD. Contents What’s your favorite aspect of your of the Windsock are not necessarily the official views of job? or endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of My favorite aspect of the job is being able to see Defense, United States Marine Corps, Marine Corps Air the change from reject water into clean drinking Station Cherry Point, or the Public Affairs Office, Cherry water and being able to taste it and see it and know Point, N.C. The appearance of advertising in this publica- I was able to make that change. tion, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the U.S. Ma- rine Corps, or Ellis Publishing Co., of the products or ser- What’s the most challenging part? vices advertised. Everything advertised in this publication The most challenging part of my job is probably shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage doing corrective maintenance on the gear out without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, there. There’s so much mechanics that go into it age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation from pneumatic valves to pressure sensors and or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or pa- temperature sensors. tron. The Windsock is published by Ellis Publishing Co., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense or the U.S. Marine Corps under exclusive written How does your job support the mission contract with Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, N.C. of 2nd MAW and MCAS Cherry Point? The editorial content of this publication is the responsibility We can support 2nd MAW in a variety of ways. of the PAO. One, with providing clean drinking water. We can also support the air wing by providing water for COMMANDING OFFICER MCAS CHERRY POINT the internal systems of some aircraft. COL. PHILIP J. ZIMMERMAN


LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI The Windsock July 7, 2011 A3

LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI Beef cordon bleu is one of the three meals prepared by food service specialists during the chef of the quarter competition at the mess hall June 23.

Marine chefs heat up cooking competition

LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI MCAS CHERRY POINT Three Marines slaved over hot stoves and boiling pots for sev- eral hours preparing fully-fl avored perfect meals. With utensils at hand, the Marines were able to cook up individual meals that looked appealing to the eye and captivated three judges taste buds. Food service specialists battled in the kitchen, whipping up savory meals to be named the chef of the quarter at the Cherry Point mess hall June 23. The competitors were judged on their preparation, presentation and overall taste of their food. Cpl. Gary E. Havner with Marine Wing Support Squadron 271 won the competition with a meal of shrimp, calico corn and pineapple crunch for dessert. Havner is also scheduled to com- pete in the annual chef of the year competition. “It feels great to win a competition,” said Havner. “When I enter into a competition, I give it everything I have. The chef of the quarter competition exists to bring out potential from our LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI Marines. If they signed up to be a food service specialist, then Lance Cpl. Adam Valentin, a food service specialist with Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, adds fi nishing touches to his meal of beef cordon bleu, spicy brown pilaf and broccoli parmesan before the they must have some kind of a passion for food.” start of the chef of the quarter judgment at the Cherry Point mess hall June 23. Though Havner won the overall competition, the judges facial expressions showed they were content with each meal. “Overall, I think that the food was pretty good,” said Gun- nery Sgt. Timothy J. Lindeman, the acting Engineer Company fi rst sergeant for MWSS-274. “There were certain aspects of this dessert or that side dish that could have been better. I think the toughest time they had was the rice, making it taste good and not bland. I would have eaten all of that food any day of the week.” Pfc. Brandon M. Bower, a food service specialist with Head- quarters and Headquarters Squadron, took second place in this quarter’s competition, which was his fi rst time being a contes- tant in chef of the quarter. Bower said this competition will help him in future competitions. “I just took it as a learning experience because I’m new here,” said Bower. “I just go with the fl ow and learn as I go. It’s very important to know the job; we can’t risk putting raw food out. We make sure that the food people eat is safe.” Regardless of rank, every Marine needs to eat. Cooks fi ll an important role on the air station by feeding the Marines and Sail- ors of Cherry Point. Without sustenance, a force cannot fi ght. “The role of cooks in the military is (to feed the service mem- bers) and everyone needs to eat,” said Lance Cpl. Adam Valentin the third contestant in the competition from H&HS. “We’re there to lend a helping hand to all of the armed forces that need to be fed, so they can carry out their mission. This competition shows LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI the importance of our role and gives recognition to Marines who The chef of the quarter competitors wait for their meals to be served to Marines and Sailors who attended may deserve a little more by getting tasked to units where they the competition at the mess hall June 23. Competitors were judged on their preparation, presentation and can serve and make more of a difference (like the mess hall).” overall taste of their food.

LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI (Above) Gunnery Sgt. Timothy J. Lindeman, left, acting company fi rst sergeant of Marine Wing Support Squadron 274’s Engineer Company, and Petty Offi cer 2nd Class Paul E. Cuffee, a religious program specialist with the air station, make fi nal decisions on the competitors meal taste and appearance during the chef of the quarter competition at the mess hall June 23.

(Left) Cpl. Gary E. Havner, a food service specialist with Marine Wing Support Squadron 271, prepares his meal of shrimp and calico corn before presenting it to the judges during the chef of the quarter competition at the mess hall June 23. Havner won fi rst place in the competition and is scheduled to compete in the annual chef of the year competition. “It feels great to win a competition,” said Havner. “When I enter into a competition, I give it everything I have.”

LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI A4 July 7, 2011 The Windsock Military intelligence Marines speak on recent accomplishments

STAFF SGT. CHRISTOPHER FLURRY 2ND MAW (FWD) CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan – New software now enables the Marine Corps intelligence analysts to more quickly survey a suspected insurgent’s past activity and social ties, with the goal of providing a more accurate forecast of what he may do in the future, explained Cpl. Oscar Machuca, an intelligence analyst for the 2nd Ma- rine Aircraft Wing (Forward). “We can more easily recreate historical events so that we can better make decisions about the future,” said Machuca, a Pecos, Texas, native. “It’s able to link what they’ve done. It’s able to link criminal activity. I try not to make assumptions, I make assessments.” The assessments Machuca and the other aircraft wing intelligence analysts make go to help pilots in determin- ing the threat of a particular location before they fl y there. Machuca said he typically spends his time analyzing heli- copter landing zones so that aircrews are aware of any in- surgent activity that may be going on at any given time. “It’s important (the pilots) know where the biggest threat is,” said Machuca. “That way they know if they’ll need escorts, or if it’s a more secure location.” Machuca said the intelligence products the Marines prepare are provided to the squadrons supporting the air- craft wing for various missions, from close-air support to troop insertions and extractions. “When they rely on us, they’re putting the pilots’ lives in our hands,” said Sgt. John Panakal, an intelligence analyst PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY STAFF SGT. CHRISTOPHER FLURRY with 2nd MAW (Fwd.), and a native of Miami. “That’s a 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward) intelligence Marines are using new technologies and techniques to stay good thing, because that’s what we’re here for.” ahead of insurgents in Afghanistan. Additionally, based on the data they acquire and analyze using the new software, the military intelligence Marines surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities of unmanned is on his fi fth deployment, having four previous tours in are also able to assist combined ground and air forces in aerial vehicles. Iraq. “That’s where the COIN (counter-insurgency) is southwestern Afghanistan in pinpointing, and neutraliz- “Fusing – it was successful because of the coordination right now, on the ground level, on the company level.” ing, enemy threats. of ground, air and ISR assets,” said Vilca, who is also a In addition to working in close concert with other Ma- “Over the past month, we were able to take out a ma- Miami native. rines both in the air and on the ground, the 2nd MAW jor threat, based on our assessments,” said Machuca, who The weapon’s position was tracked by both ground (Fwd.) analysts said they also must work hand-in-hand like most of the aircraft wing’s intelligence Marines is troops and UAVs, and it was destroyed by the precision- across Afghanistan with other NATO International Secu- deployed to Camp Leatherneck from Marine Corps Air guided bombs of a Marine Corps attack jet. rity Assistance Force partners. Station Cherry Point, N.C. Vilca said in addition to working closely with Marines “When we have the extra coordination and intelligence, The incident, according to Gunnery Sgt. Moises Vilca, on the ground, he sees value in giving the aircraft wing’s it makes us that much more effective,” said Vilca. “Work- concerned removing a weapon from insurgent hands, analysts experience with ground units. So instead of rely- ing together helps in the overall mission of the coali- which could have been detrimental to aircraft, Marines, ing only on modern techniques of intelligence collation, tion.” and their Afghan and coalition partners operating in Af- the Marines also travel to the various areas they support That overall mission, Vilca said, is to help create a safer, ghanistan’s Helmand province. to see those locations fi rst hand. more stable home for the people of Afghanistan. “We’re responsible for that Marine, for that (private “Going to ground, it helps you to have a new perspec- “To remove insurgents off the battlefi eld and protect fi rst class), and for keeping him alive,” he said. tive,” said Machuca, who recently spent time in Kajaki the civilian population,” Vilca said. “That is one less bad Vilca, an intelligence analyst chief with 2nd MAW with Marines operating there. guy they have to worry about. It’s about letting people (Fwd.), said neutralizing the threat was a combined effort “It’s one thing to read about it, it’s another thing to meet live normal lives.” of Marines aviators, ground troops, and the intelligence, that person in charge of the battlespace,” said Vilca, who

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LANCE CPL STEVE ACUFF A Navy aviation boatswains mate guides a pair of Marine Corps AH-1W Cobras with Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 265 (Reinforced), 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, after landing aboard the flight deck of USS Essex in preparation for Exercise Talisman Sabre 2011. The exercise is a biennial training activity aimed at improving and validating the Australian Defense Force, and the United States combat readiness and interoperability as a combined joint task force. Of Fr rcle iend Ci Ranch s “Being Friends with Jesus” Vacation Bible School PETS MADE EASY. 520 Roberts Road, Newport, NC 28570 Pastor C. I. Eborn Date: July 11 - July 15 Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Place: Grace Baptist Church Pre-school to 6th Grade GOVERNMENT MADE EASY. *Bible Verses* *Bible Stories* USA.gov. Your offi cial *Bible Songs* source for government info. Come Join Us!!! for Pre-registration call 223-6088

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U.S. NAVY PHOTO An upgraded AV-8B trainer at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, N.C. ENC AIR-1.0 PUBLIC AFFAIRS NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND PATUXENT RIVER, Md. – Naval Aviation Training Systems Program Offi ce, PMA-205, here, in cooperation with Naval Air War- OMEO fare Center, Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD), Orlando, Fla., upgraded three AV- 8B Harrier II Plus maintenance trainers at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, N.C., in May. H Each trainer was returned to “ready for training” status approximately four weeks early PLANNERPLA – with the delivery of the third device, the upgrades were completed three months ahead • All new design and updated product information of schedule – and, upon testing, met all requirements, according to Brian Barnhill, the • Interactive workbook complete with planning AV-8B deputy integrated product team lead, PMA-205. sheets, product comparison, and tips. The AV-8B trainers, which are physical mock-ups of the Harrier II Plus aircraft, teach • Glossy cover booklet with full color on every page. Marine Corps maintainer students how to troubleshoot and repair a host of aircraft mal- • Distribution of over 26,000 copies in the functions. The devices can recreate almost any maintenance scenario maintainers may Jacksonville Daily News, New Bern Sun Journal experience in the fl eet. and Kinston Free Press on August 28th. “Being able to deliver these three trainers to the fl eet a month early apiece, and without • An additional 10,000 copies distributed thoughout the year at participating businesses, newspaper any issues during testing, is a signifi cant achievement,” said Lt. Col. Scott Harris, Marine offices and trade shows. Corps deputy program manager for naval training systems, PMA-205. Positioning reserved on a first come first The upgrades resulted in the confi guration of each device being fully concurrent with served basis. Reserve your space today. the operational aircraft, emulating capabilities the trainee will see when they arrive at Call Marketing at 252-635-5661 their fi rst squadron. The upgrades will free up the actual aircraft for other uses, and will focus the maintenance training in the squadron. DEADLINE AUGUST 1st Barnhill said to minimize disruption of training, the Marine Corps unit requested that no two trainers be taken down at the same time for upgrade work. This resulted in the contract requiring CymSTAR to work extremely irregular schedules. Despite this, Cym- STAR was able to deliver quality training products on cost and nearly three months 910-353-1171 252-635-5661 252-527-3191 252-444-1999 ahead of schedule. A Publication of Freedom ENC Communications

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Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and noon to 8 p.m. on Sunday The Windsock July 7, 2011 A7

PROWLER from page A1 ISRAELI from page A1 2011; it’s becoming a tired aircraft. The cost of maintenance and the cost of upkeep are capabilities of the aircraft with training fl ights that included familiarization, tactical becoming highly impaired.” approaches, confi ned area landings, low altitude tactics, formations and night fl ights The new F-35B will be expected to take over many of the same jobs the Prowler is with the goal of assessing the aircraft’s potential value to the IAF. With only 10 hours capable of undertaking. In past operations, the Prowler would support the fi ghter aircraft. of MV-22 fl ight time, one of the visiting CH-53 pilots, fl ying a VMM-365 Osprey, The F-35B can support itself in many respects and make operational planning easier. conducted aerial refueling with a KC-130J from Marine Aerial Refueler Transport “The F-35’s abilities in stealth or be undetected basically enables it to take some of Squadron 252, where he was rated as “on par with any other transition pilot.” the requirements that we provide in a strike package,” said Capili. “The intent was for Perhaps most importantly, the visiting pilots experienced the MV-22’s trademark the F-35 without having the need for a Prowler to jam radar, because they have the features of speed, range and maneuverability - proven advantages over the helicopters ability to not be detected. It’s basically integrating the capabilities that we provide into a that the Osprey has replaced. They learned, fi rst hand, how the Osprey can keep newer aircraft, which then reduces the requirement for the number of aircraft needed to its crews and passengers above the threat of ground fi re during fl ight, and how its carry out an operation. If the squadrons have a commonality in their aircraft, operational maneuverability, particularly its ability to rapidly accelerate and decelerate, reduces planning will be easier. “ exposure to threats during approach and departure. As 2nd MAW Commanding With the Marine Corps planning to change its AV-8B Harriers and EA-6B Prowlers over General Maj. Gen. Jon Davis has been known to say, “By the time the bad guys know to F-35s is the retirement of a Prowler due to the expected new aircraft an assumption you’re there, you’re already gone. on the author’s part ... or based on fact or statements by appropriate authorities. The fi rst As with any military personnel exchange, other benefi ts were realized. Both visits Prowler was offi cially retired June 10, 2011, when it made its fi nal active duty fl ight. were a learning experience for the seasoned Israeli pilots on how U.S. Marines Pilots from both the Harrier and Prowler community are already being selected to fl y the operate, and for the Marines who worked with them. new F-35. As technology advances, the Marine Corps again marches into the future. “We are not too different from each other, we think the same and understand each other very well,” said Carmeli. LEADER from page A1 “We came to agree on most topics and how to accomplish the missions.” Golan added, “The Marines did a marvelous job with their hospitality and professionalism, of the Wing.” it took a lot of effort and they are very good people here.” Under Baker’s tenure, the versatility of MWSS-271 was put to good use. While deployed and on other operations, the squadron consistently met its mission and completed duties not usually in the squadron’s job description. “The folks that you see standing out here represent about 700 Marines and Sailors,” said Col. Daniel Conley, commanding offi cer of Marine Wing Support Group 27. “There are about 70 different military occupational specialties contained in this unit. As the commanders know, a well-led and well-trained MWSS can do not just its doctrinal mission, but a whole lot of other missions as well. While other units were packing up and heading home, not only did Paul Baker and the Workhorses take over the aviation ground support that enabled the wing to do its job, but they also took over those missions that other units couldn’t or wouldn’t do.” Baker defl ected much of the credit, citing that much of the work was done by the members of the squadron. “I got there, and I found a very well-trained and prepared unit ready for combat,” said Baker. “You continue to strive and you continue to accomplish missions. Everything you do is preparation for combat. It was a great two-year command.” Rosenbloom has previous experience with support squadrons, having been the operations offi cer for MWSS-271’s parent command, MWSG-27. Between his prior knowledge of MWSS-271 and Baker’s guidance for the past two weeks, Rosenbloom expects the troops to stick to their exemplary performance and will be with them every step of the way. “Devil Dogs, Sailors, I don’t make a lot of promises,” said Rosenbloom. “But I will make one here today, I will truly dedicate myself 100 percent every single day to living up to the motto of being the most ready when the nation is the least ready. I’ve been truly impressed over the last couple weeks and I look forward to meeting each and every one of you.” FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, JUNE SPECIAL - $25 OFF SCIENTIST 406 MIDDLE STREET COMPLETE TRAILER PACKAGE SUNDAY SERVICE ...... 10:00AM (HITCH & WIRING) SUNDAY SCHOOL ...... 10:00AM WEDNESDAY MEETING ...... 7:00PM TOW, TOW, TOW ALL ARE WELCOME CHILD CARE PROVIDED YOUR BOAT, RV OR TRAILER TO THE BEACH WITH CONFIDENCE!

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For the latest & greatest on MC CS MCCS events & programs, visit Community Services MARINE CORPS Cherry Point mccscherrypoint.com mccscherrypoint.com A8 July 7, 2011 The Windsock The Marines have landed

SGT. JIMMY D. SHEA Marine pilots land a 4th Marine Aircraft Wing CH-53E Super Stallion as part of the static display at the Ballpark Village at Busch Stadium during Marine Week in St. Louis June 20. Marine Week provides an opportunity to increase public awareness of the Marine Corps’ value to our nation’s defense and to preserve and mature the Corps’ relationship with the American people. When it comes to accident damage... Roberts’ Body Shop Where Will You Head in Havelock has been servicing people in This Summer? this area for over 40 Book Your Vacation Flight Now years. We have what it takes to restore your car to Served by pre-accident condition DELTA and using the fi nest state- US AIRWAYS, of-the-art equipment and the latest with direct  ights to A National winner of frame-straightening Atlanta & Charlotte. customer service & techniques. Don’t satisfaction awards settle for anyone less than the best We’ll Roberts’ Body Shop even work directly always puts the with your insurance customer fi rst. ROBERTS’ BODYcompany. SHOP 562 U.S. Hwy 70, Havelock, NC 28532 (252) 447-3274 www.CoastalCarolinaAirport.com www.robertsbodyshop.biz CLOSE. CONVENIENT. CONNECTED.


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CPL. TYLER J. BOLKEN A Cadillac Pearl-colored, shovelhead style-framed, custom built motorcycle shimmers with Marine Corps-inspired artwork on its tank and fenders, of which the rear reads “All gave some, some gave all,” belongs to Gunnery Sgt. Brendan K. Malyk, a radio maintenance chief with Marine Wing Communications Squadron 28 and president of the squadron’s motorcycle club. Malyk and more than 200 other motorcyclists rode their bikes out to Cherry Point’s Miller’s Landing for the air station’s inaugural Marine Corps Community Services Biker Bash June 24. Marines let ride during Cherry Point inaugural Biker Bash CPL. TYLER J. BOLKEN Corps Community Services Biker Bash. dan K. Malyk, as MCAS CHERRY POINT The Marines’ bikes lined up from one George Thoro- The reverberation of a motorcycle’s end of Miller’s Landing to the other. The good’s “Bad to the Being Marines, freedom revving engine is an unmistakable sound purpose of the gathering was to give the Bone” blared in “ – one of power, fortitude and freedom, Marines a reason to ride out to an event the background. is fi rst and foremost on all which many Marines are drawn to. they could enjoy together on what turned “Being Marines, The booming noise of bikes was heard out to be a beautiful afternoon, explained freedom is fi rst and of our minds. throughout the air station June 24, as Terry Clark, MCCS chief operating offi - foremost on all of – Gunnery Sgt. Brendan” K. Malyk more than 200 motorcyclists, which of cer. Marines have shown to be inherently our minds,” added most were Marines, on cruisers and street drawn to motorcycling, and Clark estimat- Malyk, who is a MWCS-28 motorcycle club president bikes, motored through eastern Carolina’s ed that there are at least 800-1,000 motor- radio maintenance muggy, smoke-fi lled air to Cherry Point’s cyclists at Cherry Point alone. chief with Marine Miller’s Landing for the inaugural Marine “It’s freedom,” said Gunnery Sgt. Bren- Wing Communications Squadron 28 and Twenty-six local motorcycle shops took president of the squadron’s motorcycle part to better connect with the local rid- club. ers and Clark said it’s great when the local Malyk’s passion for motorcycling and community shows their support. serving as a Marine mesh as one on his “Safety is key on a motorcycle and mak- Cadillac Pearl-colored, shovelhead style- ing as accessible to the Marines as we can framed, custom built motorcycle that is important,” Clark said. shimmers with Marine Corps inspired Most of the groups of riders attended artwork on its tank and fenders, of which the bash with members of their squadron the rear reads “All gave some, some gave motorcycle club, going on their required all.” monthly ride as part of the Marine Corps “It’s gone through several transforma- motorcycle mentorship program. tions,” said Malyk, who drew up most of “The rides with the motorcycle clubs the bike’s artwork while serving at sea on boost morale,” said Sgt. James E. Bowl- a Marine Expeditionary Unit. “I got kind ing, crew chief instructor with Marine of bored out there at times, so I spent a lot Heavy Helicopter Training Squadron 302 of time drawing.” at Marine Corps Air Station New River. Malyk was introduced to motorcycles “It’s something for everybody to do as a at a young age and has been building and group.” modifying them ever since. Malyks pas- The Marine Corps’ has been doing its sion extends to his fellow Marines, and best to adapt to this lifestyle that infl u- he feels it’s important for him to offer his ences so many Marines. years of experience to junior Marine mo- “We’re getting the Marines the best torcyclists. training they can get, and the numbers on “That is what events like the Biker Bash the road are showing it,” said Malyk. are all about,” said Malyk. “Bikers can Clark said MCCS hopes for the Biker collaborate about what’s going on, on the Bash to become an annual event and con- roads, and what new gear is on the mar- siders it likely with the number of Marines ket.” that attended.

CPL. TYLER J. BOLKEN Cpl. Kody D. Richard-Garrison, an avionics technician with 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing’s Marine Heavy Helicopter Training Squadron 302 based at Marine Corps Air Station New River, removes his protective gear after arriving at Cherry Point’s CPL. TYLER J. BOLKEN Miller’s Landing for the air station’s inaugural Marine Corps Community Services Marine motorcyclists ride off from Cherry Point’s Miller’s Landing after attending Biker Bash June 24. the station’s inaugural Marine Corps Community Services Biker Bash June 24. B2 July 7, 2011 The Windsock

Announcements ►Indicates new announcement children that will be attending. For more information, call Donna Bagley, Cherry Point Marine and Family Programs ►Main Gate Detour School Liaison, at 466-4196. Westbound Hwy 70 traffic entering Cherry Point next Marine, Family Programs Office Numbers week will be detoured around the Roosevelt Blvd entrance Cherry Point Post Office hour changes The Family Member Employment Program, to the Main Gate. Effective Monday, the Cherry Point Post Office retail Transition Assistance Management Program, Beginning Monday, railroad crossing repairs on the window will be open Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Relocation Assistance Program and accredited Roosevelt Blvd extension straight out of the Main Gate, The change is due to the restructure and realignment of financial counselors can be reached at 466-4201. will close that part of Roosevelt Blvd for up to three days, resources to reduce costs and provide adequate service • Child Development Resource and Referral – 466- primarily effecting traffic approaching from and departing for both our military and civilian customers. 3595. to the east (Newport and Morehead City). The change will not affect P.O. Box customers, and • Exceptional Family Member Program – 466- The main detour will direct air station traffic to enter mail will still be put in on a daily basis. Service will not 7547. the Cunningham Gate on Hwy 101, via Cunningham change for the Havelock Main Post Office. • Family Advocacy Program – 466-3264. Blvd (near the Harrier on a stand display). From there, For more information, call Gunnery Sgt. Erskin L. • Library – 466-3552. military and civilian police will direct traffic to ensure the Townsend at 466-4276. • LifeLong Learning – 466-3500. smoothest transition of traffic onto the air station. • Military Family Life Consultant – 876-8016. Traffic that is not traveling onto the air station will Prevention and Relationship Enhancement • New Parent Support Program – 466-3651. remain on Hwy 70 westbound through Havelock. A Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program • Retired Activities – 466-5548. Please be patient and courteous during this construction workshop will be held at Miller’s Landing on Club Drive • Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program period, pay close attention to posted signs and message July 20-21. – 466-5490. boards, and obey traffic officials to ensure the speediest This two-day skills and principles building workshop • Substance Abuse Counseling – 466-7568. possible access to the air station. is free and for couples. It focuses on enhancing commu- • 24-Hour Victim Advocate for Confidential Services nication and problem solving skills, men’s and women’s relating to Sexual Assault or Domestic Violence ►All Cherry Point Pools Open differing views of life, keeping fun in the relationship, – 665-4713. Three Cherry Point pools are now open for recreational expressing concerns constructively, examining hidden is- swim and exercise Monday – Friday. All pools are open sues and expectations, and other skills associated with Budget for Baby noon - 7 p.m. Saturday, Sunday and holidays. effective marriages. The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society offers Combat Pool Hours: Advanced registration is required. Call the wing chap- Budget for Baby classes. Lap swim: 5 - 7 a.m., 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. lain’s office at 466-3314 to register. To register call 466-2031. Recreational swim: 5 - 8 p.m. Cedar Creek Pool Hours: Motorcycle Safety Classes Breastfeeding Class Recreational swim: noon - 5 p.m. Marines, Department of Defense civilians or dependents The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society offers Saturday, Sunday and holidays: noon - 7 p.m. for that need to take a motorcycle safety course can register free breastfeeding classes to expectant mothers. recreational swim. online at http://www.navymotorcyclerider.com. The purpose of the class is to help prepare the Hancock Pool Hours: The online course catalog includes the Basic Rider mother to be ready and confi dent to breastfeed Lap swim: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Course, Experienced Rider Course, Military Sport bike once the baby arrives. Recreational swim: 1 - 7 p.m. Rider Course, All-Terrain Vehicle Course and the Dirt To register call 466-2031. bike Rider Course. Early Registration for 2011-2012 School Year Regional/host commanders provide COMNAVSAFE- Veterans’ Assistance Local schools are suffering from some very significant CEN-approved traffic safety training at no cost to all A representative from the Veterans Affairs Office budget cuts, and many classrooms will see an increase military and civilian personnel seeking on-base driving visits Cherry Point each Thursday in building 4335. in class sizes this coming school year. Most of them will privileges. Call 466-4201 for assistance. have upward of 29 students in their classes. All other civilian personnel seeking on-base driving New residents to Cherry Point that have children who privileges including retired members of DoD and depen- will attend school this year, please register your child at dents may participate in motorcycle training at no charge school as soon as possible. by the Navy on a space available basis or obtain training Families that won’t arrive at Cherry Point until school elsewhere at the individual’s own expense. starts, please call the school to let them know they have Monthly and Weekly Events OFF Limits HERRY OINT REA Courage to Change Al-Anon Family Group Meeting Carteret County Domestic Violence MCAS C P A 98 CENT ONLY STORE Cherry Point and Havelock Cour- There are Alcoholics Anonymous Program. (BIG DADDY) WESLEY’S GROCERY age to Change is a support group for family group meetings Tuesdays at 8 The group meetings are held every COASTAL SMOKE SHOP friends and families of people who p.m. for family members and friends Wednesday at 6 p.m. EXPRESSIONS suffer from alcoholism. of individuals who may have alcohol For more information, call FRIDAY’S NIGHT CLUB (AKA CLUB INSOMNIA, CLUB Meetings are held at St. Paul’s problems. 728-3788. CLASSICS, INFINITY LOUNGE) Lutheran Church in Havelock, The meetings are held at Havelock H&D EXPRESS AKA CITGO Tuesdays at 8 p.m. First Baptist Church. Marine Corps League Meetings For more information, call For more information, call The Cherry Point Detachment NADINE’S FOOD MART 241-6155 or 670-6236. 447-8063 or 447-2109. of the Marine Corps League meets SUPER EXPRESSWAY the third Tuesday of each month at TOBACCO SHOP (NEWPORT AND NEW BERN) AA Beginners Meeting Together For Life Miller’s Landing at 7 p.m. TOBACCO SHOP & GIFTS There are two weekly Alcoholics The “Together for Life” one-day For more information, call TOBACCO TOWN Anonymous meetings aboard the premarital seminar is held for active 515-1175. TWIN RIVERS (NOT THE MALL) air station. The meetings are held duty personnel age 26 and under, WHITE SANDS CONVENIENCE STORE Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8 p.m. within 90 days of marriage. Disabled Veterans The meetings take place in Room Please call the chapel at 466-4000 Chapter 26 of the Disabled MCB CAMP LEJEUNE AREA 208 of Building 229, in the same for more information. American Veterans meets on the third BELFAST QUICK MART building as the tax center, next to the Tuesday of each month at the Senior BELL AUTO SALVAGE II Cherry Tree House. Domestic Violence Victims Center in Havelock at 7 p.m. BOTTA BOOMS For more information, call A support group for victims of do- For information, contact Doug CARLAND 447-8063 or 447-2109. mestic violence is provided by the Matthers at 447-2761. CENTENNIAL ENTERPRISES, INC. CJ’S QUICK MART COASTAL SMOKE SHOP DASH-IN Hotlines DISCOUNT TOBACCO D’S DRIVE THRU D’S QUICK MART 2nd MAW Command Inspector General Sexual Assault DOLL HOUSE 466-5038 This procedure is not to replace calling 911 if you are in EASY MONEY CATALOG SALES immediate danger. Immediately call 665-4713, which EXPRESS WAY Station Inspector is monitored 24/7. The person answering the call will FANTASIES 466-3449 help you decide the next steps to take. You may remain HIP HOP AND HOOKAHS anonymous. Remember, it’s not your fault. ILLUSIONS

Fraud, Waste and Abuse JACKSONVILLE SPEEDWAY AUTO PARTS Severe weather and force protection information If you know of or suspect any fraud, waste or abuse JOSHUA EXPERIENCE/ CLUB ACCESS Cherry Point personnel call 466-3093. aboard MCAS Cherry Point, call 466-2016. KINGS DRIVE THRU FRC East personnel call 464-8333. This line’s automated answering service is available KWIK STOP MART 24 hours a day. DDCN personnel call 466-4083. LAIRDS AUTO & TRUCK CENTER MILITARY CIRCUIT OF JACKSONVILLE MOE’S MART NASH MARKET ONE STOP SHOP PAR TECH PLAYHOUSE This week in PLEASURE PALACE PRIVATE PLEASURES (AKA CARRIAGE HOUSE) RACEWAY AUTO PARTS REFLECTION PHOTO Marine Corps History REID’S MART SMOKERS POST SOUTHERN COMFORT July 6, 1990 One of the oldest and most versatile attack aircraft in Marine Corps history, the A-4 SPEED MART Skyhawk, retired from the Corps’ active aviation structure after more than 30 years STUDENT ASSISTANCE COMPANY of service. The last two Skyhawks from Marine Aircraft Group 32 fl ew their fi nal TALK OF THE TOWN II fl ight from Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point to Naval Air Station Patuxent TENDER TOUCH (AKA BABY DOLLS) River. TOBACCO ALLEY TOBACCO AND MORE July 10, 1941 The 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing activated July 10, 1941, at San Diego, and stood TOBACCO CLUB up with two squadrons in San Diego and four squadrons in Hawaii. Less than fi ve TOBACCO FOR LESS months later, the squadrons in Hawaii suffered major damage during the attack by TOBACCO HOUSE CIGARETTE CENTER Japanese naval forces. The setbacks from the attack would not keep 2nd MAW out TOBACCO LEAF of the impending fi ght, however. The Marines and Sailors of 2nd MAW went on TY’S R&R to demonstrate their fi ghting skills and spirit, engaging and defeating the enemy VERONA QUICK STOP in numerous campaigns in the South Pacifi c, including Wake Island, Midway, VETERANS AFFAIRS SERVICES Guadalcanal, Saipan, Guam, Tinian and Okinawa. TheWindsock July 7, 2011 B5

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BRIDGE CONCRETE FINISHERS: Qualifications, Knowledge, Sales and experience to include: Flat work, Pointing and MAKE A DIFFERENCE Patching and Epoxies. Builder Hauling USE YOUR GI BILL Drivers *References and Previous A AFFORDABLE SERVICE All types TOPSOIL, SAND, rock, backhoe, Tele-Sales for NC/SC charities and make a great Bridge Finishing Experience of roofing, remodeling, painting, grading, ditching, clearing, cul- & BECOME A ACCEPTING living doing it! MUST BE pressure washing, foundation re- verts, debris removal, demolition, DENTAL ASSISTANT APPLICATIONS FOR: ABLE TO REBUTTAL AND Required.* pairs, concrete work, landscaping, drainage, landscaping, Reid Avery CDL CLASS A & ONE-CALL CLOSE! tractor work, decks & additions. (252) 638-2801 IN 10 WEEKS These are permanent BRIDGE Fully insured and Warranty. Classes start July 15th CLASS B DRIVERS positions! Full time days Interest free payments $10-$25/hour, Part time CARPENTERS: 252-670-7981 or 252-571-3035 Home Improvement also available. Hazmat required & warehouse nights $8-$12/hour. 1-877-432-3555 or duties. Clean driving record and (252)639-9937 Qualifications, Knowledge, Builder www.NCDENTALU.com ability to perform physically and experience to include: Professional Remodeling & Re- demanding work. Salary will Sales Bridge sub-structure, Bridge pairs. “We stay within budget”. Re- be based on experience. super-structure and box liable, reasonable, quality work Call (252)634-1683 culvert formwork. guaranteed! Kitchens, baths, sun- Now accepting applications ATLANTIC HOME IMPROVEMENT Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm *References and Previous rooms, rails, flooring, tile, tile re- General Storm and Insurance Work gladly •FULL-TIME FURNITURE Bridge Carpentry newal expert, painting. ROOFING: Experience Required.* accepted. Craven and surrounding. metal, rubber, repairs and coat- SALES ASSOCIATES Room Additions, garages, decks, GENERAL ings. Floor, foundation and struc- •FINANCE LICENSED BOAT vinyl siding and windows, painting tural specialist! Licensed. Member AUTOMOTIVE HELPER Drivers and roofing. All types of remodel- OFFICE/CASHIER CAPTAIN: of BBB. P&R (252)633-6675 Looking for someone to work ing. (252)571-8429 in busy tire shop. Must be able OTR TRUCK DRIVER •FURNITURE Qualifications, Knowledge, Carpentry to change oil, truck tires and At least 3 years experience with MOVER/ASSEMBLY and experience to include: Van & Flatbed, clean driving FREELANCE CARPENTER for hire. Home Improvement passenger tires. Staging material and crane Experienced. Reasonable. (252) Painting, Carpentry, Garages, Ad- record, must be able to pass a Must have valid DL, be drug pre-employment drug/alcohol barges for bridge 633-2672 ditions.... Reasonable rates and Experienced required. free, have clean background test, good customer service. construction. quality work! (252) 671-6606. If interested apply at Please call 252-393-1722 Apply in person Compost/Topsoil Potter Oil and Tire Co, between 9-5 Mon-Fri with resume at CERTIFIED CLASS A Compost Aurora, NC. or fax resume to *References Required.* $20/ton, mulch and topsoil, $25/ Home Improvement 252-393-1822 Rose Brothers Furniture Professional Interior Woodworks Applicants must be able to ton. Will deliver. No order too Inc. Interior, exterior trim work & Havelock pass a criminal background large or too small. (252)633-5334 light remodeling. (252)635-8165 General check and drug test. Concrete CONCRETE SLABS, FOOTINGS, Landscaping GROUND WORKER “Skanska is an Equal foundations, driveways. Licensed RANDY’S BED MAINTENANCE & for tree service. Must have ex- Medical Real Opportunity Employer, general contractor. Cedric White LANDSCAPING Summer is here. cellent driving record & be able Females and Minorities are (910)455-7990 or (910)340-1384 Planting, mulch, sodding, pine to drive standard transmission. DON/LPN encouraged to apply.” straw, and irrigation repairs. Call Starting pay $9 hour. CDL 910-743-2951 or 252-474-4491 for Carebridge Assisted Life. Concrete Preferred. Non-smokers only! Locations/Projects: DISCOUNT PRICES Driveways, pa- Living Supervisory experience Call Poor Boys Inc. Marine Corp Base Camp tios sidewalks No one can beat my Lawn Care 252-514-0500 leave message necessary. Lejeune, Jacksonville, NC price Daugherty’s (910)389-8575 CUTTING EDGE “Quality is the root Submit resume to: of our business”. Free estimates. Real [email protected] Drywall Repair 252-617-9176 or 244-1780 General Inquiries please email: NEW WORK or repair to existing or apply in person at 2915 042286ncproject@ walls and ceilings. Free estimates. Brunswick Ave., New Bern Lawn Care Savings. gmail.com Call 252-633-4909 SPRING CLEANUP Pressure wash- Instructional Equal Opportunity Employer ing, mulch flower beds, removing Engineering small trees, landscaping, painting, CAD DRAFTING SERVICES Large Technologist CLEAN YOUR & home remodeling. Campbell’s needed at Carteret scale plan printing, permitting and Every Lawn Care (252)342-1984 Community College. Medical inspection of water, septic, sewer, FOR APPLICATION PACKAGE ROOM clearing and storm water drainage. AND JOB DESCRIPTION, and sell your Sharpening Riverpoint Crest (252)444-5765 or 349-5803 PRINT FROM WEB SITE AT: unwanted items www.carteret.edu Week. Flooring COOL. CHEAP. STUFF HARDWOOD FLOORS Sanding, re- OR PICK UP AT THE COLLEGE. CARBIDE BLADES & DRILL BITS CNA ENC finishing, staining, repairs & in- DEADLINE FOR APPLYING IS Garden tools, scissors, knives. JULY 22, 2011. Full or Part-time, Classifi eds stall. Old floors made new! Call 252-626-2908 or 252-626-7942 newbernsj.com (252)634-7000 for estimates 11-7 888-328-4802 Handyman Tile Installation General Bathroom Remodeling, Handicap A QUICK SERVICE Can remodel, Specialist. Free Estimates. Call: 252-637-4730 or The Jones County Department of Social Services repair or install anything. Paint- (252)249-0381 WAREHOUSE/ drop in to see us at: ing, Flooring, Tile, Roofing, etc. is recruiting for: 30 years experience. Licensed. 2600 Old Cherry Point Quality Work guaranteed. Mem- Tractor Work SUPPLY Rd., New Bern PROCESSING ASSISTANT IV ber of BBB. Credit cards accepted. MOWING & BUSHHOGGING (252)633-6675 Call (252)670-0555 POSITIONS Eagle Support Services We honor years Position is responsible for clerical duties for all Corporation is accepting Handyman departments, front desk processing and child support Tree Service resumes for Warehouse and of experience and offer A-1 HANDYMAN SERVICE No job LEWIS TREE SERVICE Removals, Supply positions in Deh responsibilities to include maintaining a good filing too small. Reasonable rates! Dadi II, Afghanistan. an excellent benefit trimming, stump grinding. 30 system and ability to retrieve data from available (252)229-7016 package, competitive years climbing experience. Bucket Applicants with DLA system. Graduation from high school and demonstrated truck, chipper and stump grinder. experience strongly wage scale, shift and Handyman possession of knowledge, skills, abilities gained through Insured. For estimates call (252) preferred. DSS experi- EASTERN SERVICES Electrical, ence a plus. Background weekend differential. at least 2 years of Office Assistant/Secretarial plumbing, painting, pressure 670-1125 or email: mrrickylewis investigation required. Eagle experience or equivalent of training and experience. washing, tree removal, landscapng @gmail.com - THANK YOU Support Services offers a AA/EOE & more. FREE estimates! (252) competitive compensation 229-5647 and benefit plan. Salary range is $22,965.00. Closing date for receipt PLEASE APPLY ONLINE AT: of application is July 11th, 2011. Hauling www.eaglesupport.com HAULING TOP SOIL, sand, rock. EOE M/F/D/V Heavy bushhogging & lot clearing. Medical Interested candidates must complete a North Carolina Free estimates. (252)670-5311 State Application (FORM PD 107) at North Carolina QUALIFIED USED Employment Security Commission Office 1305 Hauling CAR MECHANIC MA & LPN LOT CLEARING, FILL DIRT, tree for busy specialty office in Simmons Street, New Bern, 252-514-4828. Top pay for the New Bern. OSHA experience removal, bush hogging, stump preferred for LPN position. grinding, debris sites, dump trucks right man with tools. Send resume to Jones County Department of Social Services is an for hire and landscaping. FREE es- 3110 Wellons Blvd timates! Call (252) 723-3537 . 252-241-2169 New Bern NC 28562 Equal Opportunity Employer B6 July 7, 2011 TheWindsock VISIT THESE

213 Bridge Pointe ~ $575,000 622 East Front Street ~ $449,500 JP Morgan custom home features luxury living near the Beautiful Historic Home w/a view of the Neuse River out the Trent River. Cherry cabinets, granite counters & stain- back door. Features new gas pack, heat pump & air handler less appliances in the kitchen open to the family area and system. It is nicely landscaped and has a double car garage stone fi replace. Formal LR & DR and large master suite. w/a UFROG. Large eat in kitchen with is- Deeded boat slip on the Trent River, land opens to the family room. Also has a community ramp and back yard pond. Jenn Air gas oven and electric range. www.enchomefi nder.com MLS#81500 Darlene Boyd 252-617-7315 MLS#79720 Jack Morton, Jr. 252-259-4736

242 Drake Landing ~ $385,000 4605 Helen Lane ~ $335,900 204 Eastchurch Road ~ $325,000 OLDE TOWNE WATERFRONT Lovely Neuse river view/pond front full of wildlife. 4 Bedrooms Custom built home on 1+ acre lot with partial Neuse River Custom home in Governor’s Mill across from River Bend. 3 Baths, Solid Birch hardwood fl oors in several rooms, high views without river view price! Spacious 4BR/3.5BA with SHORT-SALE ceilings, gorgeous kitchen w/zodiac countertops that opens to fully appointed kitchen, huge Carolina Room, workshop, For details and photos, visit “Featured Listings” at: CALL THE TYSON GROUP the family room. 3 car garage, large deck & patio. Owner is a wood “Epay” deck & separate storage building. Wood, tile, www.JLoCascio-NewBernNC.com Steve Tyson licensed Real Estate Broker. $5000 FLOOR vinyl & carpet fl ooring. Fenced back yard 252-675-9595 AND CARPET ALLOWANCE. and asphalt driveway. Move-In ready! www.NCmove.com MLS#77862 Jack Morton 252-259-4736 MLS#80157 Darlene Boyd 252-617-7315 MLS#78466 Joan LoCascio 252-229-7706


OPEN HOUSE Sun • July 3 • 2-

101 Portside Lane ~ $324,000 408 Rustic Court ~ $305,000 104 Oakgrove Court ~ $289,000 120 Tupelo Trail ~ $259,900 Beautiful River Bend Canal Waterfront! Beautiful brick home on wonderful wooded location. Great family home, 1st fl oor MBR, large room, Impressive home offering beautiful wood fl oors. Marble surround For details and photos, visit “Featured Listings” at: Gorgeous hardwood fl oors, Kitchen has beautiful cabi- wrap around porches, screened porch, county on Fireplace, Cathedral ceiling in LR and MBR. Tile fl oor in Mas- nets with plenty of counter space, Huge master bedroom www.JLoCascio-NewBernNC.com water and well water, 3BR/3.5BA, 1.3 acre lot, ter Bath and laundry room. Lovely corner lot with large back yard. with double vanity, FROG has plenty of room. Home backed by woods, immaculate Screened back porch with attached deck for has wonderful landscaping and a very home. Ample storage and closets. nice screened in porch for relaxing. entertaining. FROG has 4th BR and full bath. MLS#80264 Joan LoCascio 252-229-7706 MLS#81933 Deborah Shirk 252-665-0605 MLS#82091 Steve Little 252-633-2456 MLS#81200 Kelly Latimer 252-649-4620



108 Plantation Creek Drive ~ $253,600 112 Iverson Lane ~ $249,900 1238 Pine Valley Drive ~ $239,900 105 Plantation Creek Drive ~ $239,900 Bill Clark Homes-The Albemarle-Spacious 4 bed- PROGRESS ENERGY! Gorgeous home with hard- In GREENBRIER. From the time you enter, you know Bill Clark Homes-The Jackson Springs-Won- wood, tile and granite counter tops just to give you a rooms, 4 bath home with playroom and bonus room, on this is a very special home - 18X25 Great Room w/Cus- derful Family home, open fl oor plan with 4 idea of the upgrades!! Home has breakfast bar & dining tom F/P & looks out to the private back yard & deck. a large 1 plus acres lot makes it perfect for a growing area. Beautiful landscaping with a huge backyard for bedrooms, 3 baths, and bonus room. County family. County Water, Progress Energy family fun. FROG and security system. Many extras, Oversized Dbouble Ga- Water, Progress Energy & Natural & Natural Gas available. 3148 sq.ft. A must see!!! Seller’s are negotiable! rage, Close to everything! .50 Acre! Gas available. 2700 sq.ft. 252-514-2007 MLS#81498 Deborah Shirk 252-665-0605 MLS#77364 Johnnie Bunting 252-671-0414 252-514-2007

114 Bowline Road ~ $225,000 326 Windy Point ~ $210,000 122 Finch Lane ~ $204,900 106 Antler Drive ~ $193,000 WATERFRONT BARGAIN! Compare to similar homes and see why Enjoy the view and the easy living from deck of your elevated home Immaculate 3BR/2BA home with FROG. Love at fi rst site! This 3BR/2BA home has been meticu- this home is the right choice! Absolutely exquisite interior and park-like Berber carpet in family room and fi re place lously maintained inside & out. Nice open fl oor plan with overlooking the Bay River, minutes from Bayboro. 3 Bedrooms, 2 fully appointed kitchen, sep Dining & vaulted LR. Neutral exterior. Spacious rooms. Big living area and scrumptious Family Rm/ Baths, all appliances included, new boat dock, and an external elevator/ w/gas logs. Lots of shade trees on this lot. NO paint, 2 car gar, fenced back yard, wood deck, storage bldg Den. Eat-in kitchen. Split fl oorplan. Bulkheaded lot lift to the upper deck from the ground makes this CITY TAXES! Tideland EMC for & lawn irrig system. Centrally located for your boat and direct access to Trent River. home very accessible. Workshop under home. electric. between LeJuene & Cherry Point! MLS#81365 Steve Tyson 252-514-9157 MLS#80336 Connie Sithens 252-474-4054 MLS#81646 Aaron (Pete) Mallard 252-670-1621 MLS#81499 Darlene Boyd 252-617-7315

1361 Old Bay River Road ~ $160,000 304 Louisia Mae Way ~ $159,900 1404 Caracara ~ $146,900 115 Scamozzi Drive ~ $130,000 Enjoy living in convenient Grantsboro. Beautiful setting, pecan New quality 3BR/2BA home with covered front & rear Well maintained brick ranch being sold with furnishings Well maintained 3BR/2BA ranch, fenced in backyard trees, grape arbor, crepe myrtles & dogwoods, solid brick home, porches. Ceiling fans in all bedrooms. Master bedroom has and all appliances. Home features formal dining & eat-in w/10x10 workshop. Natural gas for cooking, heating kitchen, stone fi replace, separate laundry and sun room glass door to porch, large WIC & bath with garden tub & and hot water heater. Granite counter tops throughout. well maintained with large rooms. New windows in 2007. New well wide 2 bowl vanity. FR has cathedral ceil- that accesses back patio. Priced below tax value and pump. The home will be conveyed on one acre ing with gas FP & area above for TV. Chair ready to sell - owners will entertain all Fireplace in LVRM. Easy to show but of land for this price. Additional land available. rail all open areas. FP & HW is natural gas. reasonable offers! Move-in ready! call for appointment. Motivated sellers! MLS#78927 Connie Sithens 252-474-4054 MLS#79770 Pam Baumgardner 252-626-3721 MLS#81881 Darlene Boyd 252-617-7315 MLS#81375 Aaron (Pete) Mallard 252-670-1621 I’m ready to apply for a home loan. What’s next? Let us fi nd the home loan that’s right for you.

NEW PRICE Mary Ann Dunn Linda Dail Mortgage Loan Offi cer Senior Mortgage Originator Retail Mortgage Sales Vice-President Offi ce: 252-634-3000 ext. 225 Offi ce: 252-634-3000 Cell: 252-670-0175 Cell: 252-671-9102 2910 Mill Pond Road ~ $119,900 824 Airport Road ~ $119,000 134 Craven St 134 Craven St This beautifully maintained 4BR/2BA Jim Walters built Nice 3 bedroom on almost 1/2 an acre! New Bern, NC 28562 New Bern, NC 28562 home with split bedroom plan comes w/all kitchen ap- [email protected] [email protected] Large family room. Home has been pliances. 20x5 front porch plus 12x10 back deck. Con- venient Location/Country living in Bay- inspected and ready for you! LOW boro. $2,000 Buyers Closing Costs. Bank of America, N.A., Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender. Credit and collateral are sub- TAXES! Call to See! ject to approval. Terms and conditions apply. This is not a commitment to lend. Programs, rates, terms MLS#67095 Johnnie Bunting 252-671-0414 MLS#81429 Angela Jovanovich 252-474-5627 and conditions are subject to change without notice. © 2010 Bank of America Corporation. ARH353C5 Home Loans EACH OFFICE IS INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED

FORMER TEACHER AVAILABLE for OLD TATER BARN TRADING POST YELLOW & BLACK AFFORDABLE BARNS! 12X16 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH Arbor HAVELOCK NC Great location, tutoring, babysitting and/or house- Open Thursday thru Sunday. LAB PUPPIES AKC! $1,895; 12x20 $2,395; 16x16 Green, main floor bedroom, en- move in, everything furnished, no keeping. (252) 503-5374 10,000 items! Man cave stuff. Gift Great pets/hunters! $500! $2,795. Other sizes available. Built closed patio. $900/month + secu- deposits, extended stay less than and Thrift! New pricing! Veteran & wellerkennels.com on your lot. Call (252)531-0664 or rity deposit. (909)973-4791 $24 day, next to Food Lion. Host- military discounts! 21700 Hwy. New Bern (252)636-5225 800-218-BARN, Ayden ess House Motel 252-447-3689 55, Oriental. (252)249-0725 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH Trentwoods 220 Apartments for Rent At JL Kirkman’s Antique Mall CLEAN LONG LEAF we’re always “busy” picking up es- area, 3,300sq.ft., no inside pets, tates. In fact, we’ve picked up 5 PINE STRAW $1,250 per month. (252)670-1229 1 BEDROOM Furnished Apart- MOBILE HOME HEAT AND COOL estates in 1 week. At Kirkman’s we $4.25 per bale! Delivered! ments Waterfront setting, weekly, UNITS 24,000 BTU package sys- don’t let the grass grow under our monthly 910-578-5777 tem. $1499 Discount City Have- (252)244-1738 feet! We’re busy, busy, busy! Our lock 252-447-1880 building is full of wonderful stuff! 2/1.5 TOWNHOUSE Quiet neigh- Are you looking for an item? CLOSE TO BASE! Modern kitchen, borhood, no pets, $625 month Check with us first! “A short trip new carpet, large yard, private plus deposit. 252-675-3216 across the bridge to Bridgeton” 9-6 SPECIAL BUY! 3-ton, 36,000 BTU, BUYING ALL US AND FOREIGN deck, carport/shed. $825/month + coins and paper money, stamp M-F, 10-6 Sat. 252-634-2745 1989 GRADY WHITE 22 Evinrude 13 Seer Heatpump, split or deposit (252)725-5353 collections, gold, silver, platinum 200hp MagicTilt Trlr $9500. package system, $1,996. Discount jewelry and coins, sterling silver 252-637-9330 City Havelock 252-447-1880 flatware, candlesticks, more! Call AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOMES & HOMES & APARTMENTS APARTMENTS 1-4 bedrooms, fur- 919-608-6069 or email rattinnc@ New Bern and Havelock HOME AUCTION yahoo.com nished or not, from $375- $1000. 16’ SOUTHERN SKIMMER, 40hp From $595/month. www.ccrentals.net 54+ NORTH CAROLINA oil injected Tohatsu motor, galva- NeuseRentals.com 252-635-6800 (252)447-6170 nized drive on trailer, trolling mo- BANK-OWNED Homes SURESHOTGUNSPORTS.COM WANTED MOTOROLA/VERIZON tor, all in very good condition. New Shooting Range & Gun Store Selling: Tue 7/12/11 at 11am phones! Will pay cash! Great creek, river, sound fish boat. Near Havelock off Adams Creek Rd ALL THE BEST DEALS Apartments, From: Hampton Inn Washington (252)670-7732 STRICTLY RENTALS : 2 bed Townhouses, Duplexes, Mobile Check out this local home: $4200 or best offer. 252-447-6808 or 252-269-9256 rentals $550-$750 3/4 bed houses 252-635-2977 after 6:00pm. Open Wed-Sun 1-6 home lots or mini storages. Sec- 125 Pelican Dr., New Bern $750 & up. Call (252)447-0222 tion 8 accepted. (252) 637-5600 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2420 sq.ft. Management Services AGENT: Tripp Blandford 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Trent Carolina East Realty Rd, Glenburnie Rd, Tyson Mgmt 252-633-9060 SPACIOUS DUPLEX APARTMENT “DOG SCHOOL” 252-514-0188 UP to 2.5% Buyers Agent 1997 MALLARD CAMPER & LOT CLEAN FURNISHED NO SMOKING 1/1, new carpet & fresh paint. Basic/Advanced training OPEN HOUSE: FOR SALE! Rogers Bay Camp- near Tryon Palace. for single. $100 Convenient to everything! No pets. for all breeds! wellerkennels.com ground, Surf City, NC. Sleeps 9, Saturday & Sunday, July 9th & $50 PER MONTH! 8’x20’, 160 week & up 252-249-2200 $425 month. (252)633-9848 New Bern, NC (252)636-5225 flushable toilet, new refrigerator, 10th from 1 to 3pm sq.ft., We deliver to your site. deck, stereo, microwave, heat/ac, No Back Taxes, No Liens, On-Site Storage (910) 389-3659 Insurable Title cable or dish ready, use of pool, TYLER PLACE LUXURY APARTMENTS FREE BROCHURE: BOXER PUPS, AKC. Fawns, Brindle bath house, gameroom. Store, 866-826-1670 UTD shots/worming. Health guar- church services on Sunday & en- • High efficiency heat pumps antee, $450. 3 males, 3 female. • Water, sewer, trash pickup included • Large, open floor plans BidNowNorthCarolina.com tertainment throughout the sum- Call or come by today for more information HUDSON & MARSHALL (252) 883-6147. 2100 SQ.FT. MANUFACTURED H&M Rec1511 AUG643 mer! Easy access to beach for surf Email for Application: [email protected] fishing. Golf carts welcome. Ask- 4/5 bedrooms, 2.5 bath on large AFFORDABLE • ASK FOR SPECIALS ing: $68,000! CALL ANYTIME! lot with storage building. $3200 STOP SCRATCHING & GNAWING. No $Money...No Problem...Move in Today w/approved credit* (252)806-0086 or (252)775-9722 down. Call (252)426-5808 Promote healing & hair growth. Call for Details Stamp out ITCHAMACALLITS! $545 2 Bedrooms • $585 3 Bedrooms Shampoo with HappyJack® Itch Office Hours: Monday-Wednesday 9-5 & Thursday 9-2 No More, apply Skin Balm®, add RV 1990 DOLPHIN 45K original 447-5160 Located off Lake Road in Havelock Tonekote® to diet. Sportman’s miles, needs tune-up. Good condi- 2 BEDROOM 1.5 BATH DUPLEX *Limited time only. Some restrictions apply Toy Store (252)638-5600 www. tion! $4,500 or best offer! RIVERBEND. For Rent or Sale! We now accept credit cards kennelvax.com (910)340-8034 $725/month (252) 675-9200 TheWindsock July 7, 2011 B7 VISIT THESE


1003 Plymouth Drive ~ $114,900 3421 Elizabeth Avenue ~ $90,000 Ready to move in! Remodeled brick, 3BR, Last chance at this price! Great features 2BA w/open Family Room, new fl oor cover- in this 2 Bed 2 Bath home. Fenced yard, ings through out. Qualifi es for Chips 100% Financing. Built-ins in Family Low maintenance, Progress Energy. Room and Dining Room. Call to See! www.enchomefi nder.com MLS#78959 Steve Little 252-671-1997 MLS#75982 Angela Jovanovich 252-474-5627 ATTENTION REALTORS: NEED TO RAPIDLY SELL A HOME? Advertise it on the Real Estate 312 Edwards Avenue ~ $85,000 188 Foxwood Trail ~ $75,000 Great opportunity waiting for you with Why rent when you can own for the same monthly amount or less? Rapid Seller Page this nice 2 BR/ 1 BA vinyl sided home off Spacious 1/2 acre plus lot with roomy well maintained home outside Old Cherry Point Rd. Excellent Rental or of town! Mature landscaping with fruit trees, split rail fencing, large starter home. Hardwood fl oors utility shed, back carport, and covered front Simply Call Celia Rolison at (252) 635-5640 in living room. porch. Cathedral ceiling and newer shingles. MLS#81002 Pam Baumgardner 252-626-3721 MLS#81329 Kelly Latimer 252-649-4620 or Karyn Seltzer at (252) 635-5645 for Details EACH OFFICE IS INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Meet Your Neighborhood Real Estate Experts! Call these local estate agents or visit their offi ces anytime to see the best area homes. Listing & Short WHEN WAS THE LAST STEVE TYSON Sale Specialist TIME A GREAT HOME Realtor, CDPE, E-PRO DROPPED OUT OF THE Your Real Estate Authority Darlene Boyd SKY FOR BUYERS? 252-514-9157 The Best In Town For Licensed Broker #56806 DARLENE BOYD Your Property Turnaround! Realtors help buyers THE TYSON GROUP REALTOR®/Broker, ABR®,GRI®,SFR fi nd their dream [email protected] • www.ncmove.com 617-7315 home, and there’s no toll free 1-888-675-9595 • fax 1-888-603-3215 [email protected] better place to start www.NewBern-NC.info 1915 Trent Blvd., New Bern, NC 28560 than right here..... EACH OFFICE IS INDEPENDENTLY Each offi ce independently owned and operated Our Favorite Compliment is the Referral of Your Friends and Family OWNED AND OPERATED Angela Jovanovich, Broker am 252-474-5627 PBAUMGARDNER Whether Buying or Selling, I Put YOU First! [email protected] A Realtor Friends www.callnewbernhome.com Recommend! Supporting Our Military! www.new-bern-nc.com All My Active Military Buyers Realtors, introduce yourself to potential home 2305 Grace Ave., New Bern, NC Receive a Lowes Gift Card, buyers!! Run Your Business Card in the and Sellers a Special Rate Each office independently REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY 252 638-4242 for My Services owned and operated Each offi ce is independently owned and operated

220 Apartments for Rent SOUTHERN SUN IV MHP Appli- ances included. James City Area, DON’T near airport. Over 55 receive 10% AUTUMN CHASE 1 bedroom, 1 Discount. 252-639-1211 9a-5p bath. Attention Seniors!! Autumn CALL US! Chase now has apartment homes VANCEBORO NICE CLEAN 3 bed- reserved for seniors 55+ available room, 2 bath on large lot in quiet for immediate move-ins. Full park. No pets. $500 per month + Rental Assistance provided! Stop deposit. (252)671-1946 CHEVY 2000 IMPALA White, looks 1997 3500 work van Ready to put struggling to pay your bills- Call and runs good, must go, $2,800. Only 64k miles, built in Onan elec- Today (252) 635-2709 HO Plaza Sales Havelock tric start A/C generator, work your ad in the 252-447-0314 benches, toolboxes, ladder racks, NEWPORT, NC Quiet, clean, 1 conduit holders. Was $4,966, sell bedroom apartments. Completely $3,966. Plaza Sales Havelock classifi eds furnished including housekeeping. 252-447-0314 No deposits. No waiting. Pay by the day, week or month. Hostess online? House 252-223-6020 Do it yourself!

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SPRINT CUP NATIONWIDE SERIES CAMPING WORLD TRUCKS Race: Quaker State 400 Race: Feed the Children 300 Race: UNOH 225 NEXT Where: Kentucky Speedway Where: Kentucky Speedway Where: Kentucky Speedway When: Saturday, 7:30 p.m. (ET) When: Friday, 7:30 p.m. (ET) When: Thursday, 8 p.m. (ET) TV: TNT TV: ESPN TV: SPEED UP... Inaugural race, no 2010 winner 2010 winner: Joey Logano (right) 2010 winner: Todd Bodine

ByBy RICKRICK MINTERMINTER // TheThe AtlantaAtlanta Journal-ConstitutionJournal-Constitution

NOTEBOOK Martin wins 50th career pole

On the weekend that got his breakthrough Cup victory, the man who once drove the No. 6 Ford had a record-setting per- formance of his own. Mark Martin, who now drives the No. 5 WalkingWalking talltall Chevrolet at Hendrick Motorsports, won the pole for the Coke Zero 400, the 50th of his career. He’s now eighth on the all-time pole list. leads with 123, followed by David Pearson with 113. Jeff Gordon, with 70 poles, leads all active drivers. “I’ve had the pleasure Mark Martin of driving a lot of fast race cars and working with a lot of great teams through the years, and I’m really grateful for that,” Martin said. “This [pole] is really special because I know how much work goes into the four restrictor plate races each year by Hendrick Motorsports, and with the competition the way it is today, it’s kind of amazing that they manage to sweep the restrictor plate poles. It is just an engineering feat by all. “I was the lucky guy that really had noth- ing to do with it other than to be the lucky guy that got to strap in it today.” He wasn’t so lucky in the race. He wrecked near the end and finished 33rd. UPS, Ragan: Future undecided

David Ragan walks among fans after winning Saturday’s Sprint Cup Series Coke ZERO 400 at Daytona International Speedway. (NASCAR photo) David Ragan’s win in the Coke Zero 400 puts him in a good position to take one of the wildcard slots in the Chase for the Sprint Cup, but even so Ragan’s first Sprint Cup victory also first for Georgia racing family his immediate future is far from certain.The sta- tus of his sponsorship, from UPS, is still uncertain. avid Ragan’s first Sprint Cup victory, Kenseth pointed out after they finished 1-2 in Saturday’s 400 miler played out almost exact- “Certainly we were hopeful that UPS will carry which came at Daytona International Saturday’s Coke Zero 400 at Daytona. ly the same way, and this time Ragan made no on in a meaningful regard with the sponsorship of DSpeedway on Saturday in his 163rd “I’ve seen David mature a lot and learn a mistakes. With a push from Kenseth, he held the 6 car, but right now we are in negotiation,” career Cup start, was a long time in coming lot,” Kenseth said. “When he came in here and on throughout a green-white-checkered-flag team owner Jack Roush said. “We don’t have an for him and his family. And for race fans in his started driving the 6 car, I don’t know David’s run to the finish, redeeming himself for his assurance that’s going to be the case, but David home state of Georgia, it also had been a long whole racing history, but he didn’t have a lot of earlier mistake. has arrived at the upper echelon. He’s a winner time since anyone from the Peach State stood experience, especially driving big, heavy cars. “If we would have won at Martinsville this now, and he’s given a win to UPS, and hopefully in Victory Lane at a Cup race, although the “He’s had a couple of different crew chiefs year, I would have said, ‘Man, we’ve moved on they’ll consider that as they think about the value last two Nationwide Series races were won by and car chiefs and crews and groups until past that Daytona race,’” he said. “But coming of the program and what it means to all of their Reed Sorenson, from Peachtree City, Ga., and they found a good mix that worked really well back here and to get that win here at Daytona employees and what it means to their customers Joey Logano, who once lived in the north with him. I don’t know why it is like that, but is that extra little bit that I wanted kind of to to have this association.” Atlanta suburb of Alpharetta. you’ve got to get that right mix of people show the Daytona race track: ‘Here’s what Among those congratulating Ragan and wish- Georgia’s last Cup win came in 2003, when together and get them all working right we’ve got.’ ing him well in the future was one of his fellow Bill Elliott won the fall race at Rockingham. together. It seems like he’s got that right now.” “That makes it a little bit more special … com- Cup drivers, Dale Earnhardt Jr. That’s a short stretch compared to the And, as Kenseth pointed out, it was tough ing back here to Daytona, being able to run the “Real proud and happy for him,” Earnhardt Ragan family of the South Georgia town of for a then 21-year-old Ragan to take over the same type of race we ran in February and learn- said. “He’s a good guy. He’s a really nice guy, plays Unadilla. car made famous by Mark Martin. ing from our mistake, not making a mistake.” by the rules. He runs hard and is trying to do the “My grandfather, I never met him, but he “Stepping in the 6 car after Mark leaving He did, however, have several chances on best he can and keep himself a job, man, so this owned a car,” David Ragan said. “He never and all that stuff isn’t exactly the easiest job restarts to mess up, and didn’t. ought to help him out.” drove any, but he owned a car in the ’40s and in the world,” Kenseth said. “That’s gratifying that we were able to ’50s.” Ragan nearly got his breakthrough win at come back to Daytona and kind of prove to the Track, sponsors donate food Ragan’s father, Ken, and uncle Marvin Daytona in February. He was poised to win race track that we’re better than that – that caught the racing fever as kids and eventually the Daytona 500 on a late-race restart but was we can take you and we beat ’em,” he said. “It Daytona International Speedway paired with tried their hands at Cup racing, though with penalized for changing lanes too soon. feels good.” one of Jeff Gordon’s sponsors and donated extra little success. food items from Saturday’s race to the Second Ken Ragan, racing as an independent in Harvest Food Bank of Volusia County. cars owned by his brother, drove in 50 Cup The donations, made on behalf of Drive to races from 1983 to 1990 but never had a top- End Hunger, AARP and AARP Foundation’s 10 finish. nationwide initiative to end hunger among Once again, the racing fever spread to a older Americans, were expected to include new generation of the Ragan family. breads, produce and other food items. “That’s what ultimately sparked my inter- “This donation is a great opportunity to help est,” David Ragan said of his father’s racing people who are struggling in the Volusia County and the friends the family made during that area and to build momentum for Drive to End time. Hunger as we take the 24 car around the coun- Young David started out racing Legends try this season,” Gordon said in a statement. cars at and moved “Six million people over [age] 60 in this country almost directly from there to the upper levels struggle with hunger, but with the help of the of NASCAR. His lack of experience hindered sport’s dedicated fans, tracks and partners, we him early on, but he’s learned on the job, as David Ragan, driving the No. 6 Ford at far right, takes the checkered flag to win Saturday’s Sprint Cup Series Coke can make a real difference in the communities his Roush Fenway Racing teammate Matt ZERO 400 at Daytona International Speedway. (NASCAR photo) we visit each week.”

Harvick vaults ahead of Edwards to take lead in Cup points SPRINT CUP POINTS NUMERICALLY Kevin Harvick heads to the inaugural Sprint Cup a night like this and you can get a decent finish; you race at Kentucky Speedway as the series points always want to win, but they’re a crap shoot at the 1. Kevin Harvick leader, five points over previous leader Carl Edwards, end, and you’ve just got to be rolling to see what hap- 586; Leader SPEAKING who had a 25-point lead over Harvick entering pens,” he said. Daytona. Edwards said he decided early on to be aggressive, 2. Carl Edwards Harvick got the lead largely because Edwards knowing he was in good shape points-wise. Points separating wrecked early at Daytona and wound up 37th. “We were going to go out there and race a little 581; behind -5 41 Harvick, who finished seventh after drafting all harder this time,” he said. “We had the points lead Daytona winner night with his Richard Childress Racing teammate and not a lot to lose, so it’s no big deal. It is what it is. 3. Kyle Busch David Ragan, 17th in the Paul Menard, said the key to a good points night was If you take the last five restrictor plate races and simply being there at the end. average them out, we’ve done really well. We just 576; behind -10 Sprint Cup standings, and “It’s just one of those deals where if you can survive have to make sure we do well in the Chase.” Ryan Newman, who is 10th 4. Kurt Busch 570; behind -16 Points positions lost by 5. Matt Kenseth 5 Martin Truex Jr. at 564; behind -22 Daytona, to 23rd, the most of 6. Jimmie Johnson any driver 564; behind -22 Lead changes in the 7. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 57 Coke Zero 400, a 534; behind -52 Daytona race record, breaking 8. Jeff Gordon the old mark of 49, set in ’74 519; behind -67 9. Clint Bowyer Sprint Cup drivers in 25 the top 10 in the 505; behind -81 standings who have not won 10. Ryan Newman a race this year Kevin Harvick, driver of the No. 29 Chevrolet, drives out of the garage area at Texas Motor Speedway on April 7. (NASCAR photo) 498; behind -88