NASUTITERMES COSTALIS (ISOPTERA: ) IN FLORIDA: FIRST RECORD OF A NON-ENDEMIC ESTABLISHMENT BY A HIGHER Author(s): Rudolf H. Scheffrahn, Brian J. Cabrera, William H. Kern Jr., and Nan- Yao Su Source: Florida Entomologist, 85(1):273-275. Published By: Florida Entomological Society DOI:[0273:NCITIF]2.0.CO;2 URL: full/10.1653/0015-4040%282002%29085%5B0273%3ANCITIF%5D2.0.CO%3B2

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Scientific Notes 273


RUDOLF H. SCHEFFRAHN, BRIAN J. CABRERA, WILLIAM H. KERN JR. AND NAN-YAO SU Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, 3205 College Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314

Nasutitermes Dudley is a tropicopolitan the evening and into the night (R. H. S. 12 June of higher (Termitidae) of which many spe- 1992, Santo Domingo, unpubl. obs.). Flights in cies are arboreal and nest on or above soil level. Florida confirm that these populations are ma- Until now, no termitid has ever been recorded es- ture and have probably resulted in incipient col- tablished outside of its endemic range. We herein ony establishment outside the known foraging report the first such discovery: populations of Na- areas. As of 9 August 2001, no additional flights sutitermes costalis (Holmgren) in Florida. have been recorded. On 10 May 2001, a pest control inspector con- Nasutitermes costalis is part of a complex of ar- tacted R. H. S. to report an unusual termite infes- boreal New World Nasutitermes that includes, tation in a house in Dania Beach, Broward among others, N. ephratae (Holmgren) and County, Florida. Specimens collected 11 May from N. corniger (Motschulsky). Soldiers of all these foraging tubes on walls and from nest carton in species are characterized by their dark-brown to the attic contained soldiers (Fig. 1A) and workers blackish head coloration, a conical nasus from of N. costalis. Further inspection of adjoining which a defensive secretion is emitted, and six properties revealed additional infestations of erect setae projecting from the vertex. Edwards N. costalis. Evidence included numerous epigeal and Mill (1986) list 12 Nasutitermes species nests ca. 15-50 cm diam. at the bases of live and worldwide that are known to damage buildings in- dead trees (Fig. 1B), nests in tree cavities above cluding N. costalis. R. H. S. has observed struc- ground, foraging tubes on the ground, on a mobile tural infestations of N. acajutlae (Holmgren), home, and on dozens of trees and palms up to ca. N. costalis, N. nigriceps (Haldeman), and N. rip- 10 m high (Fig. 1C), and foragers and/or carton in pertii (Rambur) in the West Indies. Nasutitermes wood on ground. Several pieces of structural lum- costalis has a wide distribution in the West Indies ber were attacked and damaged. An inspection on including the islands of Antigua, Barbados, Cuba, 18 July 2001, revealed an infestation in a house Dominica, East Caicos, Grenada, Guadeloupe, 50 m west of the original house. A storage yard Guana, Hispaniola, Isla de la Juventud (Cuba), 0.5 km to the southeast was found to harbor ma- Jamaica, Little Tobago, Martinique, Middle Ca- ture nests as well. The known area encompassed icos, Montserrat, Nevis, North Caicos, Providen- by N. costalis activity, roughly triangular in ciales, Puerto Rico, Saba, South Caicos, St. shape, is ca. 0.15 km2 with boundary coordinates Barthelemy, St. Croix, St. Eustatius, St. Kitts, St. of 26.0693°N 80.1691°W (northern boundary), Lucia, St. Martin, St. Vincent, Tobago, Tortola, 26.0642°N 80.1714°W (southwest), and Trinidad, West Caicos, Union (St. Vincent), and 26.0631°N 80.1666°W (southeast). Adjoining Vieques (Scheffrahn et al. 1994, R. H. S., unpubl. properties have not all been surveyed at the time records). Martorell (1971) reports N. costalis from of this writing. The area is zoned for mixed-use Isla Piñeros (Puerto Rico) and St. Thomas, and with ocean-access water frontage. It consists of Emerson (1925) and Issa (2000) list mainland lo- commercial, residential, marina, and vacant calities of N. costalis in Guyana and Venezuela, re- wooded properties. spectively. Although attempted (R. H. S., unpubl. On 15 May, sixteen 10 × 16-cm sticky traps records), N. costalis has not been collected from (Victor® mouse traps by Woodstream, Lititz, PA), Anguilla, any island of the Bahamas, Barbuda, were hung 2 m high from trees and beneath two Culebra, Grand Turk, or St. John. security lights within ca. 0.5 ha of the infested No specific source for the Florida N. costalis in- zone. Traps were examined for termite alates ev- troduction can be identified. Given the proximity ery 1-2 days. On 23 May, the first substantial to leisure and commercial marine traffic in the in- rains of the wet season drenched the site. The fested area, we suspect that the likely method of subsequent trap inspection on 25 May yielded N. introduction was a result of dockside flights from costalis alates on two traps. On 29 May, addi- an infested boat or shipping container—probably tional alates were detected on three traps. The 8-10 years before discovery. Infested plant mate- dark brown bodies and blackish wings distin- rial has also been blamed as a source of exotic in- guish N. costalis alates from those of all other ter- terceptions of Nasutitermes (Gay 1967), but given mites in southeastern Florida. In the Dominican the situation in Florida, this seems a less plausi- Republic, N. costalis flights have been observed in ble source.

274 Florida Entomologist 85(1) March 2002

Fig. 1. A. Lateral view of N. costalis soldier showing nasutiform elongation of the head capsule and characteristic setal pattern on head vertex. B. Epigeal nest (arrow) at base of dead Grevillea tree. C. Foraging tube on Ficus tree.

Although accidental exotic introductions of The discovery of N. costalis in Florida follows species in the Kalotermitidae and Rhinotermiti- three recent pestiferous rhinotermitid establish- dae are becoming more common worldwide, es- ments in the State including Heterotermes sp. in tablishment of a non-endemic termitid appears to Miami (Scheffrahn et al. 1995), Coptotermes havi- be unprecedented. Based on a report by Kelsey landi Holmgren in Miami (Su et al. 1997) and (1944), Gay (1967) listed only one establishment C. havilandi in Key West (Scheffrahn 2001). of a termitid species, N. walkeri (Hill) from Aus- These were preceded by much earlier introduc- tralia to New Zealand. After surveys and record tions of non-endemic and now widespread species reviews in New Zealand, Bain and Jenkin (1983) including the kalotermitids Cryptotermes brevis reclassified the N. walkeri case as an interception (Walker) and Incisitermes minor (Hagen), and the and to this day have no evidence for its establish- rhinotermitid Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki ment (J. Bain, pers. comm.). Increased human (Scheffrahn et al. 1988). The discovery of N. costa- commerce may be enhancing the chances of fur- lis now brings the total count of Florida termite ther termitid establishments—especially with species to twenty (Scheffrahn and Su 1994, Schef- non soil-bound taxa like Nasutitermes. In July frahn et al. 2000). There exists no doubt that the 1996, a wooden 17-m sailboat docked in Ft. Lau- State’s other termitid, Amitermes floridensis derdale, Florida, and previously docked in Can- (Scheffrahn et al. 1989), is an endemic species. cún, Mexico, had an on-board infestation of We thank Mark Weinberg, Cobra Termite Con- N. nigriceps (Scheffrahn et al. 1996). The boat trol of Lauderhill, Florida, and his staff for calling was fumigated and no land infestation was ever our attention to the N. costalis infestation; the discovered. In September 2000, N. costalis was Gaskill family (Brian, Kate, Sara, Hayden, and found established in East Kilbride, Scotland, in a Katherine), Fred Elson, and Wilson Atkinson for of- pool area of an indoor fitness center decorated fering their properties for research; Vinda Maha- with plant material from the West Indies rajh, Dan Reisinger, and Jan Krecek for survey (R. H. S., unpubl.). The cold climate of East Kil- work; and F. W. Howard and R. Giblin-Davis for re- bride (56°N latitude) would prevent outdoor es- viewing this contribution No. R-08285 of the Florida tablishment of N. costalis there. Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series.

Scientific Notes 275

SUMMARY MARTORELL, L. F. 1971. New locality and host records for two species of Nasutitermes (Isoptera: Termiti- Populations of Nasutitermes costalis were dis- dae). J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 55: 135-137. covered in Dania Beach, Florida, in May 2001 and SCHEFFRAHN, R. H. 2001. A first for Florida (Coptoter- represent the first known establishment of a mes havilandi). Pest Control Technol. 29: 54, 56, 65- termitid species outside of its endemic range. The 66. infested area encompasses ca. 0.15 km2 including SCHEFFRAHN, R. H., J. P. E. C. DARLINGTON, M. S. COL- LINS, J. KRECEK, AND N.-Y. SU. 1994. Termites three infested structures, numerous ground (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae, Ter- nests, arboreal nests, and foraging sites. Colonies mitidae) of the West Indies. Sociobiology 24: 213-238. are mature as indicated by alate dispersal flights SCHEFFRAHN, R. H., AND N.-Y. SU. 1994. Keys to soldier in May 2001. A ship-borne infestation, initiated in and winged adult termites (Isoptera) of Florida. the West Indies by endemic populations and Florida Entomol. 77: 460-474. transported to dockage in Florida, is a likely SCHEFFRAHN, R. H., J. KRECEK, AND N.-Y. SU. 2000. Re- source. Twenty species of termites are now re- descriptions of the Dampwood Termites, Neotermes corded from Florida. jouteli and N. luykxi (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) from Florida, Cuba, Bahamas, and Turks and Caicos. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 93: 785-794. REFERENCES CITED SCHEFFRAHN, R. H., AND N.-Y. SU. 1995. A new subter- ranean termite introduced to Florida: Heterotermes BAIN, J., AND M. J. JENKIN. 1983. Kalotermes banksiae, Froggatt (Rhinotermitidae: Heterotermitinae) es- Glyptotermes brevicornis, and other termites tablished in Miami. Florida Entomol. 78: 623-627. (Isoptera) in New Zealand. New Zealand Entomol. 7: SCHEFFRAHN, R. H., J. R. MANGOLD, AND N.-Y. SU. 365-371. 1988. A survey of structure-infesting termites of EDWARDS, R., AND A. E. MILL. 1986. Termites in build- peninsular Florida. Florida Entomol. 71: 615-630. ings, their biology and control. Rentokil Limited, SCHEFFRAHN, R. H., N.-Y. SU, AND J. R. MANGOLD. East Grinstead, U.K. 261 pp. 1989. Amitermes floridensis, a new species and first EMERSON, A. E. 1925. The termites of Kartabo Bartica record of a higher termite in the eastern United District, British Guiana. Zoologica 6: 291-459. States (Isoptera: Termitidae: ). Florida GAY, F. J. 1967. A world review of introduced species of Entomol. 72: 618-625. termites. CSIRO Melbourne, Australia, Bull. 286: 1- SCHEFFRAHN, R.H., N.-Y. SU, AND T. WEISSLING. 1996. 88. Boat infested by nasute termites in Mexico docks in ISSA, S. 2000. A checklist of the termites from Venezuela Florida. PCO Magazine (Florida Pest Control Assn.) (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae, Termiti- October: 8-9. dae). Florida Entomol. 83: 379-382. SU, N.-Y., R. H. SCHEFFRAHN, AND T. WEISSLING. 1997. KELSEY, J. M. 1944. The identification of termites in A new introduction of a subterranean termite, Cop- New Zealand. New Zealand J. Sci. Tech. B 25: 231- totermes havilandi Holmgren (Isoptera: Rhinotermi- 260. tidae) in Miami, Florida. Florida Entomol. 80: 408-411.