DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. Facts 2002 The Norwegian petroleum sector Ministry of Petroleum and Energy Visiting address: Einar Gerhardsens plass 1 Postal address: P 0 Box 8148 Dep, N-0033 Oslo Tel c47 22 24 90 90 Fax +47 22 24 95 65 http://www.mpe.dep.no (English) http://www.oed.dep.no (Norwegian) E-mail:
[email protected] Editor: Tore Fugelsnes, MPE English rditur: Rolf E Gooderhani Edition completed: March 2002 Iayout/design: Marketing Serviccs AS Illustration: Inger Farvik Photos: Q Terjc S Knudsen, Norsk Hydro ASA, 0 Oy-vind Hagm, Statoil ASA, field photos from operators’ archives. Paper: Cover: Munken Lynx 240 g. inside pages: Uni Matt 115 g. Printer: BK Vestfold Grafiskr Circulation: 14 000 Norwegian/Y 000 English ISSN-1502.5446 Foreword Even after 30 years of petroleum production from terms of both maturity and challenges between its the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS), we estimate various areas. A broad spread of companies will help that only about 24 per cent of these resources have to meet the rnnltiplicity of challenges facing 11s. been produced. Remaining recoverable resources Wiile the oil majors are relatively well represented are put at 10.6 hn scm of oil equiv;rlent, and could today, small and mediurn-sized players have a provide the basis for another 50 years of oil produc- weaker involvement. The prequalification system tion and a century of gas output. The petroleum is a new and important measure, which will make sector will thereby remain a major source of value it easier for new players to become established on creation for the Norwegian community.