Adam Kubiś The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
[email protected] 11 (2018) 4: 495–519 ORCID: 0000-0003-4961-2254 ISSN (print) 1689-5150 DOI: ISSN (online) 2450-7059 The Old Testament Background of “Ecce Homo” in John 19:5 Starotestamentowe tło „Ecce homo” w Ewangelii św. Jana 19,5 Abstract. Pilate’s declaration ἰδοὺ ὁ ἄνθρωπος found in John 19:5 has given rise to a number of interpretations that seem in basic agreement, yet, at the same time, many others of a divergent and opposing nature. Among the many treatments of this verse is a whole set of proposals that see in Pilate’s words an allusion to various Old Testament texts. The present article aims at presenting the range of these scholarly interpreta- tions (both older and modern ones) which resort to an Old Testament background for the famous ecce homo phrase. The article then focuses the discussion on Daniel’s “Son of Man”, the Isaianic “Suffering Servant”, the messianic “man” of Zec 6:12 and Num 24:17 (LXX), Adamic typology, the king of 1 Sm 9:17, and finally the figure of the bridegroom from the Song of Songs. In each case, an evaluation of the hypothetical Old Testament background is given. The author concurs with the idea of multiple intertex- tual Old Testament references encapsulated in Pilate’s ecce homo utterance. Streszczenie. Słowa Piłata ἰδοὺ ὁ ἄνθρωπος (J 19,5) spotkały się z całą gamą różno- rodnych interpretacji, czasem wzajemnie się wykluczających.