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EJC Cover Page Early Journal Content on JSTOR, Free to Anyone in the World This article is one of nearly 500,000 scholarly works digitized and made freely available to everyone in the world by JSTOR. Known as the Early Journal Content, this set of works include research articles, news, letters, and other writings published in more than 200 of the oldest leading academic journals. The works date from the mid-seventeenth to the early twentieth centuries. We encourage people to read and share the Early Journal Content openly and to tell others that this resource exists. People may post this content online or redistribute in any way for non-commercial purposes. Read more about Early Journal Content at http://about.jstor.org/participate-jstor/individuals/early- journal-content. JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals, books, and primary source objects. JSTOR helps people discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content through a powerful research and teaching platform, and preserves this content for future generations. JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization that also includes Ithaka S+R and Portico. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. [ 441 ] PRESENTSP R E S E N- T S RECEIVED BY THE ROYAL SOCIETY, From November 1820 to July 1821. WITH THE NAMES OF THE DONORS. 1.820, PRESENTS. DONORS. Nov. 9. Karamania, or a brief Description of the South Capt. Francis Beaufort. Coast of Asia Minor, and of the Remains of An- tiquity, with Plans, Views, &c. Collected du- ring a Survey of that Coast under the orders of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, in 1811 and 1812, by Francis Beaufort, Esq. Lon- don, 1818. 80 Survey of the Coast of Karamania, 4 sheets. Memoir of a Survey of the Coast of Karamania. Librorum Impressorur qui in Mus2eo Britan- The Trusteees of the nico asservantur Catalogus. Vol. VII. Lon- British Museum. don. 8? A Chemical and Medical Report of the properties Dr. Charles Scudamore. of the Mineral Waters of Buxton, &c. By Charles Scudamore, M. D. London, 1820. 8o Transactions of the Geological Society, Vol. V. The Geological Society. Part Ist. London, 8 9. 4? The Life of Thomas Egerton, Lord Chancellor of The Hon. and Rev. England. 4 Francis Henry Eger- ton. Principles of Military Surgery, by John Hennen, John Hennen, M. D. M. D., &c. znd edition. Edinburgh, 1820. 8S The Characters of the Classes, Orders, Genera, Frederic Mohs, Esq. and Species, or the Characteristic of the Natut ral History System of Mineralogy, by Fre- deric Mohs. Edinburgh, 18zo. 8? Medical Transactions, published by the College The Royal College of of Physicians, Vol. VI. London, 1820. 8Q Physicians. Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, Vol. XI. Part The Medical and Chirur- ist. London 1820. 80 gical Society of London. [ 44 1] 1820. PRESENTS. DONORS. Principes d'Astronomie, et Amours de deux Amans, M. Roucher-Deratte, par C. Roucher-Deratte. Montpellier, 8o4. 80 Traite sur la Luminologie, par M. Roucher-De- ratte. Montpellier, x809. 8? The Nautical Almanack and Astronomical Ephe- The Commissioners of meris, for the year I82z. London, 1820. 8o Longitude. L'Attraction detruite par le Mouvement Primor- Le Comte de Zuylen de dial, par Le Comte de Zuylen de Nyevelt. Brus- Nyevelt. sells, 181 9. 12 Annales des Mines, redigees par le Conseil Gen6- Le Conseil des Mines. ral des Mines. Vol. IV. Part 4, and Vol. V. Part Ist and zd. Paris. 8? Introductory Lecture to a Course of Botanical Lec- James Robinson Scott, tures, Excursions, and Demonstrations, by Esq. James Robinson Scott. Edinburgh, 1820. 8? Memoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, de The Royal Institute of 1'Institut de France, Annee S181. Tome III. France. Paris, 1820. 40 Kongl Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar f6r The Royal Academy of Ar i819. Stockholm, 1819. 8? Sciences of Stockholm. Ephemeris of the Distances of the four Planets Prof. H. C. Schumackero Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, from the Moon's Centre, for I822; to which are annexed, Tables for finding the Latitude by the Polar Star, for 1821 and 1822, by H. C. Schumacker. Copenhagen, 1820. 4? Hiulfstafeln zu Zeit und Breitenbestemmungen herausgegeben, von H. C. Schumacker. Co- penhagen, 1820, 1z? An Analysis of the Leamington Spa in Warwick- Dr. George Hume Wea. shire, by Geo. Hume Weatherhead, M. Lon- therhead. don, x820. 8? Dissertatio Physico-Mathematica Inauguralis, de Prof. Moll. Celeritate Soni per Fluida Elastica propagati, Auctore Richard Van Rees. Utrecht, i 8 9. 40 Tentamina Mathematica de Cubatura Segmenti aaur rro- I.LPP -lP -h-L Ellipsoidis, Auctoribus Rb. van Tuyl van Se- rooskerken et R. Van Rees. Utrecht, 1819. 40 Richardi Van Rees Disquisitio de Decompositione Acidi Carbonici in Vegetatione. Utrecht, 18x8. 80 Discours sur les Medailles d'Auguste et de Tibere M. F. Artaud. au Revers de l'Autel de Lyon, par F. Artaud. Lyons, 182o. 8? Meteorological Observations made in the Vici- W. Gwynn, Esq. nity of Baltimore, during the years 1817 and 1818, by Lewis Brantz. Baltimore, 1818 and 1819.- 40 C 443 3 Ioz20 PRES ENTS. DONORS. A Chinese Chronicle, by Abdalla of Beyza, trans- Rev. Stephen Wes ton. lated from the Persian, with Notes and Expla- nations, by S. Weston, B.D. London, 1820. 80 Beytrage zur Geschichte und Kenntniss meteori- M. C. Von. Schreibers. scher Stein-und Metall-messen und der Er. scheinungen welche deren Niederfallen zu be- gleiten pflegen, von D. Carl. von Schreibers. Vienna, 182o. FO A Chemical and Medical Report of the Properties Dr. Charles. Scudamore. of Mineral Waters, by Charles Scudamore, M. D. London, 1820. 8? Conclusions d'un Memoire sur l'Action mutuelle M. Ampere. de deux Courans electriques sur celle qui existe entre un Courant electrique et un Aimant l'un sur l'autre, par M. Ampere. i82o. 12o A Treatise on Heat, Flame, and Combustion, by Lieut. Col. Pasley. T H. Pasley. London, x820. 8" Almanak ten Dienste der Zeelieden voor het Jaar Professor Moll. 1821, op last van Zijne Majesteit den Konig der Nederlanden & Amsterdam, 18 9. 8? The Second Part of a Letter to the Parisians and The Hon. and Rev. the French Nation, upon Inland Navigation, by Francis Henry Eger- the Hon. and Rev. Francis Henry Egerton, &c. 8? ton. Supplementary Table to that usually given of Lieut. Gen. Sir Thomas Equations to Equal Altitudes. Brisbane, Bart. Table to determine accurately the Time of High Water at any given Port, dependent on the ac- celerated or retarded Motion of the Moon on the Tides, on passing .the given Meridian in her different Parallaxes. The Ordnance Survey of Great Britain, No. 9. Capt. Thomas Colby. 4 Sheets. The Statutes of the Realm, printed by Command The Commissioners of of H. M. King George III. in pursuance of an Public Records. Address of the House of Commons of Great Britain, from Original Records and Authentic Manuscripts, Vol. VIII. 1820. F? A Lithographic Print of the Upper Jaw of a Fossil H. T. Dela Beche, Esq. Crocodile from Havre, in the Museum of the Academy of Geneva, from a Drawing by H. T. Dela Beche, Esq. Nov. I6. A Synopsis of the Diseases of the Eye, and their Benjamin Travers, Esq. Treatment, by Benjamin Travers, London, 182o. 80 23. Flora Batava, No. 57. H. M. The King of the Netherlands. An Historical and Practical Treatise on the Inter. Dr. Augustus Bozzi nal Use of the Hydro-Cyanic, Prussic Acid, Granville. in Pulmonary Consumption, &c. by A. B. Granville, M. D. zd. Edition. London, 182o. N~MDECCCXXt~I. ~8 L MDCCCXXI. L C 444 i I zo. PRESENTS. DONORS. Dec. 7. The Climaateof London, deduced from Meteorolo- Luke Howard, Esq. gical Observations, made at different Places in the Neighbourhood of the Metropolis, by Luke -Howard. London, I818. 2 vol. 8s Sur les Experiences Electro-Magnetiques de MM. M. Hachette. CEersted et Ampere, par M. Hachette. 4? Introductory Lecture read in the Theatre of the B. C. Brodie, Esq. Royal College of Surgeons, on the 8th of May, 1820, by B. C. Brodie. London, 182o. 80 the of A Memoir on Voyage D'Entrecasteaux in James Burney, Esq. Search of La Perouse, by James Burney, Esq. London, 182o. 8? Dec. 14. Memoirs Historical and Illustrative of the Bota- The Master, Warden, nic Garden at Chelsea, belonging to the Soci- and Society of Apo- ety of Apothecaries of London, 1820, 8? thecaries. 2I. Discours sutr Nicolas Kopernick par Jean Snia- Dr. -Slavinski. decki. Paris, 1820. 8? Precis des Travaux de la Societe Royale des Dr. Lewis Valentin. Sciences, Lettres, Arts et Agriculture de Nancy pendant les Annees, 8 I6-1818. Nancy, 8 I9. 8? Prof.?Frances Fan- Memorie sopra Alcuni Pezzi Morbosi conservati Luigi nel Gabinetto patologico dell' I. R. Universita' zago. di Padova di Francesco Luigi Fanzago. Parte la. Padova, i82o. Fo Sulla Pellagria, Memorie di Francesco Luigi Fan- zago. Padova,1815. 8? ii, : - . - .- 33 11llUI?~ Institutiones Pathologica Auctore Francisco Aloy. isio Fanzago. Patavii, 813. 2 Vol. 8? 182I. Jan. I . Commentaire de S. J. Frontin sur les Aqueducs de M. J. Rondelet. Rome, traduit avec le texte en regard, par J, Rondelet. Paris, 18zo. 40 A Description of the Collection of Ancient Mar- The Trustees of the Bri- bles in the British Museum, with Engravings. tish Museum. Part IV. London, 18o2. 4? Introduzione alla Geologica di Scipione Brieslak. M. S. Brieslak. Milan, 18 x. 2 vol. 8? Memoires sur l'Action mutuelle de deux Courans M. Ampere. electriques sur celle qui existe entre un Courant electrique et un Aimant ou le Globe Terrestre et celle de deux Aimans, l'un sur l'autre, par M. Ampere. 8 Astronomisches Jahrbuch fur das Jahr 8zz.
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