Stonechat($ ¾o qutn) on $a.n Clemente Island:First record forCalifornia wRh. review of its occurrencein North America BRIAN L. SULLIVAN ß P.O. BOX51701 ß PACIFICGROVE, CALIFORNIA 93950 ß (EMAIL:
[email protected]) Abstract photographsfor review.Although not ideal maura), based on differences in natural This paper documents a photographic images, the photographsshowed a bird history, vocalizations, morphometrics. recordof a Stonechat(Saxicola to•tluata) having featuresinconsistent with Vermil- plumage,and genetics(Urquhart 2002). on San Clememe Island, Los Angeles ion Flycatcher,being too warmly colored There are nine confirmed Alaskan County,California on 20-21 October1995, with peach-buffcoloration on the breast, recordsof the species,but just two are the first record for California and one of with incorrectshape and posture,and very from the autumn. Six records are from 24 only two North Americanrecords outside long tarsi. The photographswere sent to May through 6 June at Gambell, St. of Alaska. numerous authorities on bird identifica- Lawrence Island: one male 6 June 1978 tion, and the consensuswas that the bird (Gibson and Kessel 1992); one male 5 The California record was a Stonechat(Saxicola torquata), likely June 1985 (Gibson and Kessel 1992, On 20 October 1995, while working as a one of the Siberiansubspecies (i.e., of the A.B.A. 2002); one female 4-5 June 1992 biologiston SanClemente Island, Los An- mauragroup; see Urquhart 2002). Pattong (A.B.A. 2002); one "immature" 31 May geles County, California, Robert Patton field notes indicated that the behavior of 2003 and one adult male 3 June 2003 found an unusualbird in the dr) vegeta- the bird was alsoconsistent with the typi- (both Tobish2003); and one 24-26 May tion surroundinga vernal pond at the cal foragingstyle of stonechatsrather than 2006 (T Tobish, pers.