West Side News, February 22, 1890
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Wright State University CORE Scholar West Side News Wright Brothers Newspapers 2-22-1890 West Side News, February 22, 1890 Orville Wright Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/west_side_news Part of the History Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright , O. (1890). West Side News, February 22, 1890. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Wright Brothers Newspapers at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in West Side News by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. IDE EWS. Vol. 1. DAYTON, OHIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1890. No. 48. onel turned red and white by A Capital Answer. West Side f'lews, turns, bit his lip , and bobbed JOHN A. SCHENK, about on the seat, and as we held Teacher (to dull boy of the 108 South Jefferson St., Prices that None PUBI~ISHED \VEETH~ Y. our breaths he lrnrst out with: class)-Which New England State Can ~frttch '"Gentlemen, h e~ ut s trings be has two capitals? Qua1itif'S tJ1at Non c C!>~:YJ~l:.'E W~JG}f?f-, blow eel ! The OJH' l'.V, thieving, ( ' an l~ ctuiil! Boy-New Hamp hire. I>h·c•c•t l)('alc•1· in nll EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. Ion ling, lying crow cl hn ve 0 ·one 'l1eacher-Indeed? Name -them. Goods J Helli and heaped a de<tdl.v inonlt upon SUBSCRIPTION ltATE~. lfJ-1 'E <::> 1:. t:> ~ E 1:. J}l B 1:. 'E m.e. and the next 250 years of my Boy-Capital N and ca1..i ital H. One Yen.1· • 75<', PIANO AND OHGAN HOUSE. life shall l>e devoted to wading in -llm')>er 8 Baza1•. Three JUonthK • 2 0<·. Pianos 1t11<l Orgam; Rulcl and P <> ul P<l on human blood clear 11p to the top Classified. mo111hly i11stallments. J'.?IO " 'ost '.l'I1ird St., J.J.AYTON. O. ve t bn tfon ! " All goods soldjupon their merits I SA'l'URDAY, F E BR UARY 22, 1 90. "Isn't it a crime,jucke, to loosen None Misrepresented ! Just the Same. of bees.. on a fellow ?:' a swarm Call and Examine Goods and I 1H<' udful things of tlwP art> spok t> ri-;-"' - - ~' ~-o .t ..a. cri,me. °JN(llJ mightil<CaU it ~ s Will Save you Monev. -"!)- A Token of Esteem. Thomas BracketL R eed of Maine; a · bee-setting sin."-New York Ancient precedent thou"st broken, Sun. THE As the train stopped at a station Loud the Democrats complain. about thirty miles west of Indian Every Bourbon 's t ongue is acid; In times like these tl{p doctor skilled WEST SIDE declaim; a~olis we noticed an unusually Hot and furious they His hopes of curing offers ; But, with mien s erene ·and placid, large crowd on the depot platform, His pockets are with money filled Thou dost count them just the same. Drawn from the public's coughcrs. Builllin~ Association and it was evident that speech -Milwaukee A.'e ntinel. - TVasldngton Capital. 1 making had been indulged in and l033 WEST THIRD STREE'1 • that somebody of note was taking Open Monday' 'and Tuesday A Pure Waste of Words, Miss Hardcash-'•Oh, Papa! I his departure, says a writer in the evenings. was down Broadway this afternoon New York Sun. \Ve soon discov A certain young Chicago law Now issuing paiQ. up stock which and I saw a diamond ring that ered that this person was a certain is just as well not to give pays a semi-annual dividend of yer-it was just too nice for anything !" Col. Blank, who came into the car his name-was trying a case in a 7%. Mr. Hardcash-"That's too bad. with a package under hi8 arm, justice's court, a few years ago. Samu«~i · L.:·Herr, Pres, If it had not been regarded as too and whose cheeks were wet with He was deeply interested in the J. 0. Patterson; Sec. and Atty, nice, I should have probably pur farewell tears. Ile called "Good case and most anxious to win it, James W. Booth ,Treas. for your birthday pres by !" a score of times from the so he put in a good deal of time chased it ent eweller's Weekly. window, and as thP, train finally looking up decisions bearing on ."-J :WMa p~ .. GRAYBILL rolled on he blew his nose, wiped the point, and when he made his DEALEJ.'t!IN a Did you go to the seance last his eyes and turned to us with: speech cited case after case. He PURE DRUGS14-:ND MEDIC lNES ?" "Yes." "Did the spirits P ~ rfumcry Toilet and Fancy Articl<·s in "Gentlemen, it touches the made the strongest speech he knew 11ight materialize?" "No; but the me I ii gn•at Yariety. heartstring lo part with old friends how to make, and the justice lis PrPscriptiom; Carefully Compouu<kd. dium told some." ~~Told some and neighbors." t~ned to it an intently. what?" "Material lies."-Ex , Oor. Third and Summit Sis. "You are sayincrfarewell, then?" ·When the young lawyer finish ':Yes. I am going tq Indiana ed the justice leaned back in his oltan,r;e. : 'f'a 'ft ·C::: J-1 a T<;:: 'E JYI 'E P. T polis to reside. 'fhe field here is too chair and appeared to be consid CALL ON the papers limited, as I have discovered after ering the matter. She-"What do J. ·E ·. Miltenberger mean by the Uudergronm.l Elec ten years' residence." "We ought to win this," said ?'f tt 'E (!) 1:. t:> "Well, it is certainly pleasant the lawyer to his client, "but I'm tric System ~" R~iiable ,< B.utcher, to part from friends in the way a 1i ttle afraid." He-"The Underground Electric 316 South Broadway, • ·"'·' ·.1 , you have." "You needn't be," replied the System is just the reverse of the "Indeed it is ! Over 200 of the clien, calmly. "You needn't have one now in use. It is a system in F. M. NIPGEN, best people in town came down worked so hard, either. I saw which it is proposed to bury the D"EALER IN to see me off, and the president of him this morning. He wanted wires instead of the citizens." the bank made a beautiful speech, fifty, put finally took twenty-five." Life. DRUGS, MEDICINES Physicians' prescriptions carefully com wished me every success, and all The justice, by the way, is not pounded. Mr. Lonely Villers-(turning that, and then handed me this as on the bench now.-Cliicago Tri S. W. Cor. Fifth and Williams Sta a token of respect and esteem." bune. suddenly to Suspicious Character, GO TO "Ah ! Made you a present, eh ? who has been following him home) Evidently something nice?" How to Raise Boys. -"Please sir, gimme a dime to W-. 0. HORRELL. "Bound to be," replied the col iz;it a cup of coffee; I've just walk Cor. Dale AYenue and ·water Strl'et. onel, as he took a package from Mrs. Hobbs(parent of an infant ed all the way from Albany. I Also Stall No. 2 Central Market. the seat. terror, and several half-grown ter don't want it to buy whisky with for Genuine sugar cured HAMS '~Perhaps you don't want to re rors )-Well, Mr. Hobbs, since you indeed, I don't.'' and B.AQO;N .. veal the contents here ?" are so dissatisfied with the way I U nsuspicious Character-" Bless (Our hams can n9~ . be bought elsrwhere.) Oh, I have no objections. We'll am raising our darling Willie. my soul! To think I've been Ask for a botpe C?f Gem Grip Glue, undo it and see what they have maybe you would conclP-scend to shadowing a blamed old pauper given me." inform me how you would raise for over three-quarters or a mile !" He carefullJ untied the string boys. and removed the several papers Hobbs-Certainly; ever.v boy ·J.C. STEEN, D. D, S. which wrapped the precious me ought te be kept in a hogshead mento, and lo! there was exposed and fed through the bunghole un DE ' l\lTI5.T .~ .' JJ_ to our gaze a-sponge! Yes, sir; til he is t\velve yenrs of age. No. 203. S. ,V. corner of Fifth and "\Vil- a great big sponge, which never "An<l when he rea<.:hes the age liam.s Streets. cost less than a dollar! We press of twel ,-e ?" Over Nipgen 's Drng Store. ed forward to see it, and the col- ''Stop up the bung-hole." Office always open. And don't forget the label is bhw. WEST SIDE NEWS. The filabustering Democrats b. a failure. Louisiana must decide Mr. Caylor, of the firm of Vance West Side f'lews, the House have found their equal the future existance of this won & Caylor, has <1bout recovered i1~ Speaker Reed. With his cool derful company-wonderful for from the measles. The friends of 1.'UBLISI:IED \VEE.I£LY,' Mr. Joe Vance.are congratulating deliberating manner, exempt from its prosperity and success in de- C!>~VJl:.l:.E him on his escape from them. W~TGl"Tt all signs of excitement and uneasi- frauding poor people throughout EDITOR .A.ND PUBLISHER. The residents of Hawthorne ness, he has quietly brought the the whole Union. It will surely street complain of a superabun- SUllSCltI.PTION RATES.