Notes and addresses in front of Diary:

Linley Sambourne, 18 Stafford Terrace, Kensington, London, W. 5/s Reward if lost & returned to above address.


A & N, Managing Director. W.Phaysey Athenaeum Secy. R.Tedder. Armour G.D. Etchelhampton House, Devizes. Bellini. Hanover Restaurant, Mill Street, W. Bonvoisin. 53 Rue Père Charron. Bingham 15 Kenbourne Rd, Sharrow. Churchward, Capt A.W. 30 Rue des Italiens. Miss Gordon Bennett T.J. Peacock, Fisher & Chevasse, 3 Field Court, Grays Inn, WC. Ayala, L de. The Chestnuts, Epsom Hill. Continental Hotel. A.Lotti, 399 Room. Boyson, Constance Marguerite. 14 Caroline Place, Claughton, Birkenhead. The Addresslet Co Lt, 24 Strand, WC.

Easter Day is always the first Sunday after the Full Moon which happens upon or next after the 21st day of March & if the Full Moon happens upon a Sunday Easter Day is the Sunday after. Hones Everyday Book 1826.

Biancardi. 15 Strada Cristofero, Valetta, Malta. Dallmeyer, J.H Lt. 25 Newman St, W. Addresslet Co Lt. 34 Strand, WC. Blenheim Club. 28 King Street. Allenbach, Marie. Jan 14 08. Viviane. French Embassy, Madrid. Vivien Bourke. Felsden, Roydon, . Brown. 2 Edwardes Place, High Road Kensington.

Gotz, Ina. R.Gotz & Co, 215 Shaftesbury Avenue, Oxford St, WC Electrician. Enlarger. J.W.Brettall. 18 Adam St, Adelphi, WC. Emmanuel, Walter L. 17 Holland Pk Avenue. Graves, C.L. 50 Iverna Gardens. Earls Ct Ex. Press, Henry J.Thompson.


Hartree, W. Havering, Tonbridge Wells. Horlick. Arlesbrook Farm, Esher. Hickman Sir A. Dunbeath Castle, Caithness, NB. Graphic, Tallis St, Victoria Embankment, EC. Herapath, Mervyn. 2 Heath Mansions, Putney Heath Lane, S.W. The Gaumont Compy. 5-6 Sherwood St, Piccadilly Circus, W. The Daily Graphic. Milford House, Milford Lane, Strand, WC. Masseur, Gillgood. M.Carnachan, 24 Beaumont St, W. Moon. Penyvoel House, Llanymynach, Mont. Lucas, E.V. 2 Gordon Place, Kens. Knightley. Rider Heaton & Wigram, 8 New Square, Lincolns Inn, WC. Lumière. 89 Great Russell St, WC. Thos K.Grant. Moore & Co. 3 Stratford Road, Kens. Messel. 31 Throgmorton St, EC. Ostend. Hotel Continental. A.Duclerck, Proprietor. Lincoln Bennett & Co. 16 June 08. L.B.Soldi Esquire, manager. Macmillan & Co. St Martins Street, London WC. Lowe, J. 138 Wardour St, W.

F.W.Stevenson. Photographic Association, 14-15 Conduit Street, New Bond Street. Telegrams Cameracum, London. Telephone 6061 Gerrard. Attendant. E.Beesley, 13 Robert Street, Bedford Row, WC. Nembhard. 27 Gilbert Street, Grosvenor Square, W. Photographer recommended by Miss Gladys Crozier: F.Smart, Chemist, High Street, Steyning.

Rear Admiral Sir Percy Scott. F.H.Townsend Esqr. 27 Warwick Gardens. 1 Turner Studios, Glebe Place, Chelsea. Soap, Courts Castile. 5½ lb bar 2/9 Ross St. J.G.Anderson, Secy. Sintram Freemantle & Co. Piccadilly Trendell, Sir Arthur. 18 Oakwood Court, W. Tuck, Raphael & Sons. Raphael House, Moorfields, EC. Workhouse: C.Francis Birchmaster. St Mary Abbots W-H, Marloes Road, Kensington W. Waterbury Watches, L.A.Parker, 15 Newgate Street, EC.


Wednesday January 1 Balcombe House. Up 8.0am. A good bath. Decided to shoot & left in motor for Nymans at 10.0am, Guthrie & Lennie & self. Rev Stephen Boyd, Captn Gibbes, Eric P. Saw Captn Loring, Mrs Messel etc. All went to farm along road. Self got 5 pheasants & 1 partridge. Lunch at Swiss Chalet when Guthrie & self left. Back by motor to Balcombe. Changed. Diabolo going on. Left all there & up to town by the 4.20pm. Upton took bags home. Bitterly cold wind. Called Blenheim & Athenaeum. Xmas boxes. To the Punch Dinner. O.S, self, F.H.T, R.H, C.G, L.B, H.W.L. Got cut of Sydney Buxton & Limerick Goose. Home by carriage taking F.H.T as far as Court Theatre. He gave me a drawing. On home. Bitterly cold. Fire in Bed Room. Bed 12.0am. Partridge at Monte Carlo. (Red ink: Shot at Nymans. Felt walking very much.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Frank Bergne. Obituary of Frank Bergne.)

Thursday January 2 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10am & out. Bitterly cold. Sent Upton to P.O for hat & coat, could not get them. After at 12.0am photod Upton & a Postman he had got. Enlarged a Goose & page of Punch for Sir Percy Scott. Got all ready. Rest from 3.0 to ½ past 4.0. Tea. Out. Met R.H. Awful cold. Back & outlined the cartoon. Dressed & drove to dine with Spencer, Ada, Hylda & a Major & his wife at the Carlton. There to the strike of clock. A remarkably good dinner & wine. Lord Lonsdale & Haddon Chambers dining. Left 10.30. Letters at Athenaeum. Home. Fire in room. Looked over papers. Bed 11.30pm. (Red ink: Good dinner with Spencer at the Carlton.)

Friday January 3 Stafford Terrace. Rather overslept. Down at 9.0 & out. Up Church St & round by Gordon Place. Missed Band. At work all day on drawing of Limerick Goose & the Postmaster General. Finished at 9.30 when dined. Roy with me. Intensely cold. Bed 12.0am after Morning Room. (Cutting glued in: The wife of Capt M.P.H.Oakes, of a daughter.)

Saturday January 4 Stafford Terrace. My birthday. Up 8.0am & out. Round Cromwell Road. No Legs. Back. All the morning tidying up etc. At 1.0 a man came & photographed me at the back for the Tribune & after made

3 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 a beastly mess in my room with a flash light. Got off at 3.45 & caught the 4.30 train down to Balcombe. There to tea. Mr Bertram Stewart came up from station with me. Ellie Ritchie there. Dinner. Health drunk. After played Roulette. Won a few shillings. M played also. Bed 11.45pm. (Red ink: My birthday. Alone. Went down to Balcombe in afternoon.) (Cutting glued in: Many happy returns of the day to Mr Linley Sambourne.)

Sunday January 5 Balcombe House. Up 8.30. Fitzroy long time in the bath. Lovely sunny beautiful winters day. No wind. Took M for walk down to the lake. People skating. Back by 12.30pm. Signs of wind shifting. Lunch at 1.0. Felt tired. Livery & seedy. After at 2.0 we all went down to the lake for skating. Miss R, Mite, M, self, Mr Stewart, Linley, Fitzroy etc etc. My skates put on by Mitchell & started away all right. Not skated for some years. Ice in perfect condition. Black. Not skated on black ice since 1863 or 6? Kept on till 4.45 when back to M. Vince had been insolent to M. Wrote letters & diary. Dinner. After Roulette. Won 17/3d. Bed at 11 45 pm. (Red ink: Skated on lake 1st time on black ice since 1863.(Red ink: (Cuttings glued in: The wife of Arthur Ladenburg, of a daughter. Obituary of the Hon Mrs William Lowther. Tuesday 7 Jany 08.)

Monday January 6 Balcombe House. Up 8.30. Bath. Breakfast. Great change in the weather. All the frost gone & much warmer. Stewart left early. Wrote diary up. After Lennie went to town for old Nannie funeral. All morning at work on drawing for Admiral Sir Percy Scott. Re- production. Lunch. Took M for walk down to lake & thro upper road. Mite's carriage passed going to Lady Denman's. Back. Tea. Worked from 4.15 to 6.0pm. Got outline done. After squared prints of Sketch. Dinner 9.0pm. Lennie brought Captain Bigge & Lord Chichester to dinner in mess jackets. Champagne. Roulette after. Cough troublesome. Won 6/s about. Bed 12.0am. Talk of Jack Bennett. (Red ink: Frost all went. Began Adml Sir Percy Scott's replica. Lord Chichester & Captain Bigge dined.)

Tuesday January 7 Balcombe House. Up 8.20. Bath. Down ¾ hr to soon. Breakfast 9.30am. Captain Bigge left by the early train, Lord Chichester at 10.30, Ellie Ritchie by the 12.10pm train. Worked all morning on drawing for Admiral Sir Percy Scott. Lunch at 3.15. Lennie & Mite left in the motor to go to Lord Zouche's. Took M for walk up the


Red Road. Back at 4.15pm. Wrote letters & changed my drawing to the upper room. Tea. Oliver & pistol spring. Miss Crozier came. Letters & diary. Long letter to Henry Silver. Dinner, M, Miss Crozier & self. Quiet evening aftewards. Bed at 11.30pm after rest.

Wednesday January 8 Balcombe House. Up 8.30. Miss Crozier & I breakfasted together. Worked all morning in upper bed room on Sir Percy Scott's re- production. Lunch. Shave etc & packed & off by the 4.20. Met a Mr Belloc M.P in the train. Talk about S(illeg). Upton met me & took bags. By bus to the Athenaeum & to the Punch Dinner. O.S, self, F.H.T, R.H, R.L, P.A, E.V.L, B.P (back from Monte Carlo) E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Pleasant dinner & got good subject of Veteran in Workhouse. Home by carriage & wrote letters at the Athenaeum. Roy in & up in bed. (Red ink: Worked on Sir Percy Scott's replica. Finished outline. Met Mr Belloc in train.)

Thursday January 9 Stafford Terrace. Up late, 8.45. Overslept myself. Out & up Church St. After schemed subject of Gratitude & Veteran. Upton to Mays. A wire from Miss Huxley to say she could not come. Sent Marie for boy messenger to Miss Beckington who sat for 1st time. An old man came from the Workhouse just what I wanted. Got all done by 3.30pm. Wrote & on to work. Roy wired to say he would dine. We both dined together at 8.45 & bed at 12.0am after looking at papers. Very cold. (Red ink: Bother about Miss Huxley not coming. 1st sitting Miss Beckerton. Roy & self dined.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Wilhelm Busch. Jany 10.)

Friday January 10 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out up Church St. Man waiting for Xmas box for Band. Gave him 2/6. After all day at work on Gratitude & Old Veteran. Finished at 10.15 when dined by self. Roy had been to Olympia with the Pohls. Very cold. Bed 11.45pm. (Red ink: Gave Bandsman Xmas box.)

Saturday January 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.5am & out. Cold. No Payn. Back. Breakfast after. Tidied up all morning. Sent bookmark. Lunch. Put up No 1 & No 4 magazines for Watson. Left 3.45 in carriage. Down to Balcombe with Dr Messel. To Mite’s. Lennie & Miss Crozier there. Wrote letters. Dinner. Claret. After we played Roulette & I lost £1.1.0. Bed late. M awake 12.15am. Very cold in

5 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 the night. (Red ink: Went down to Balcombe. Bitterly cold again.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Fanny Twiss.)

Sunday January 12 Balcombe House. Up at 9.0. Rest. Both breakfast. Lovely bright sun all day. Clear & cold. Went for a walk with M as far as farm. Little black Persian cat. Back down the other side of lake. Ice bore & people skating. Walked home. Lunch. After Lennie Linley & self went to skate from 2.15 to 5.15pm. Servants on. Cook Rainbow. Lord & Lady Denman, also Mr or Captain & Mrs Sargeantson. Rookwood. Mite & Miss Crozier went to call on Lord Frederick. Dinner after writing letters. After won back nearly all I lost last night. Bed at 11.15pm. (Red ink: Most lovely bright sunny winters day. Took M for long walk. Skated on lake 2.30 to 4.10pm.)

Monday January 13 Balcombe House. Up 8.35. Lovely bright cold morning. Lennie up to town. All to clear out. Dear Oliver's birthday. Wrote letters. At 11.30 M, Miss Crozier & self all went down to the lake. Hockey going on. Mrs Oxley, Miss C & self skated. Tripped up over piece of a twig. Strained back of thigh. Frost giving. Mite, servants & Miss C, M & self, all came up to town by the 4.23pm train, M & self walking to the station. Home by 1 horse bus. Dinner. Roy rather cantankerous. In Morning Room after. Had rather bad night with cough. (Red ink: M & self returned home to 18 Stafford Terrace from Balcombe. Skated on lake 11.30 to 1.0pm.)

Tuesday January 14 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15am & out up Church Street. After all day at work on Admiral Sir Percy Scott's replica. Shaded it. Frost all going. M, Roy & self dined. In Drawing Room after. Read Guy's Journey to Exeter to M & Roy. Felt very much better, cough not so troublesome. (Red ink: Finished or rather went on with Admiral Sir Percy Scott's replica. Cough not so troublesome.)

Wednesday January 15 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15am & out up Church St. At work all the morning & finished Adml Percy Scott's replica drawing at 4.50pm. After went up by bus to the Punch Dinner calling Blenheim & Athenaeum. No letter from M. O.S, self, F.H.T, R.H, C.G, R.L, L.B, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. A long weary sitting. Got stupid cut of Conservative Free Trade being waylaid. Left 10.50 & home by

6 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 carriage calling at Athenaeum. (Red ink: Lytham House school resumed. Vince left M's service.)

Thursday January 16 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15am & walk up Church Street. Back. Breakfast. Sent Upton to Mays & at 12.15 photod Britten for masked figure & after Pegler & Upton. Enlarged up in my room & got all ready by 4.0pm. Rest & worked from 5.0 to 8.0pm when M & I dined together. My face swelled up & became very painful. Gum boil in left eye tooth. In Drawing Room. Missed papers. Very mild weather. Bed at 11.30. My tooth hurt very much in the night. (Red ink: Horrid swelled face & ache came on about 5.0pm.)

Friday January 17 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out up Church St. Back & Rags got hold of a cat at end house opposite. Back. Face & gum B most painful. At work all day on drawing of Unionist F Trade being waylaid. F.C.G did it on Saturday. Worked up to 9.45pm when dined by myself. Gum boil & face extremely painful. In Drawing Room. Bed at 12.0am. Tired & done. A most lovely sunny day. Quite warm like Spring. (Red ink: Lovely spring like day. Face swelled & most painful & cough troublesome at night.)

Saturday January 18 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15am. Fair night. No Rags. Out up Ch St. Breakfast. My face much swelled & very painful. Put all away & wrote on Admiral Sir Percy Scott's 2 drawings. Sent them to Johnson. Lunch. Rested in chair Morning Room. Slept for 2 hours, 2.0 to 4.0pm. Dressed. Tea. Went in carriage to Walls & to Blenheim & Athenaeum. Wrote Sir Percy Scott & M. Saw Graves. Death of Sir Lawrence Walton. Back. Roy dressing. Enlarged 9 cards. Dinner. Baby food. Cough came on bad & my face still painful. Bed at 11.45pm. Had bad night with cough. (Red ink: Face all swelled & very bad. Bad night with cough.)

Sunday January 19 Stafford Terrace. Woke & up at 9.20. Had had bad night with cough & swelled cheek not very much better. A black fog. Roy not down till 10.40am. At 12.15 took M for drive round Park, Bayswater side. Dense black fog. Turned & walked down the Bayswater side of Park. Home 1.20pm. In afternoon rested an hour, then enlarged rest of schoolgirls etc up to dinner time. Spencer called at tea time. At 8.0pm M, Roy & self dined & had

7 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 quiet peaceful evening. Roy read Conan Doyle's book. Bed 10.30. Had very good night, both M & self. (Red ink: Awful fog. At 12.0 took M for drive round Park & walked part of way home down the Bayswater side. M, Roy & self dined. Lanced my jaw. Good night with cough. Both slept well.)

Monday January 20 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.5 & out with Rags. Went to Lytham House. Face still swelled & painful. Saw the Princess with a red bag. School commenced last Wednesday. Back. Breakfast. After printed blues of Pageant Wedy 17 July 07. Fine day. Devloped a few films. Rest after lunch. At 5.0 dear Mite & Linley came. Mite an awful cold. At 6.15 Dr Beauchamp came. Saw M & examined me. Said I had bronchial cataarh. Wrote a prescription. Began Siamese drawing. M, Roy & self dined. Roy left in the carriage at 9.15pm. Bed 11.0. My cough most troublesome in the night. Dear M much disturbed. (Red ink: Dr Beauchamp came.)

Tuesday January 21 Stafford Terrace. Had had very bad night with cough. M put embrocation on in the night. Up 8.10am & out in a wretched fog. Felt really seedy & difficulty in breathing & going up hill. Roy & self breakfasted. Took Beauchamp's syrupy medicine. Got on with drawing for Siam. In afternoon enlarged 3 or 4 small films for it. After M & self dined. Mite came in afternoon. Bad cold. Quiet evening & bed early. (Red ink: Felt very seedy. Ought to have dined at the Wirgmans. Beauchamp said better not.)

Wednesday January 22 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out over Notting Hill. Saw few school girls. Back & all morning tidying, enlarging etc. Letter from Sir F.Rawlinson about drawing for Lord Roberts. Rest after lunch. Went up to Walls & the Athenaeum by the carriage. Letter from Mrs M, also Moon. Wrote letters & on to the Punch Dinner. O.S, self, F.H.T, C.G, P.A, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R (on other side of table) H.W.L, A.G. Did not smoke. Left at 10.0pm & home by carriage, calling at the Athenaeum to write letters. (Red ink: Left at 10.0pm from Punch Dinner.)

Thursday January 23 Stafford Terrace. Black fog all day & could take no photos, almost for 1st time. Wired Huxley not to come. Upton to Mays, never used them. Looked out old studies for Canada & Japan & enlarged

8 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 them in afternoon. Worked till 8.0pm when M & Roy & self dined. Bed at 11.0. Cough bad. Had a bottle of Geisler '98 to cheer us up & smoked a cigar. Did not sleep well from cough. In morning walked to Lytham House. Saw the Princess. Wonderful figure behind. (Red ink: Dense black fog all day. Impossible to photograph.)

Friday January 24 Stafford Terrace. Black fog all day. Could not photo. Did not go out at all. Worked on drawing of Japan & Canada. Finished 10.30 when dined alone. Tired & seedy. Cough bad. Very bad night. At last a pine lozenge quietened me & I slept. Roy out. (Red ink: All day at work by the Electric Light. Dense black fog.)

Saturday January 25 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Up Church St. Very seedy & had had bad night. Cook shouted at Rags. In morning put things straight. No theatre tickets. After lunch at 3.0 walked with M to 104 Lancaster Gate. Carriage at door & Oliver & Ann. Went on with M to Athenaeum. Disappointing letter from Genl Sir H Rawlinson. On to Lower Butts. Tea. Enlarged 6 girls over again & 18 Spanish ones, the first I had done. M & self had quiet peaceeful evening & bed 11.45 after snooze. Dr Beauchamp came & saw M & self at 1.15pm. Self bronchial cataarh.

Sunday January 26 Stafford Terrace. Had 1st better night. Much warmer. No cough, no lozenges. Out up Church St & down Lower Phillimore Gardens. At 11.30 drove with M to the Zoo. Man feeding lemurs. Baby giraffe. Left 1.5pm, back 1.30. After lunch rest. At 4.0 enlarged 6 of Bull Fight. Very small lens. Tea. Upset cup. Hilda Herapath & a friend called. Wet. Bathed 24 photos. 1st Spanish enlargements. Lennie, Mite, Roy & Miss Crozier dined. A very pleasant evening. They left at 11.0pm. Had good night. (Red ink: M & self drove to the Zoological Gardens. Giraffe. Lennie & Mite dined.)

Monday January 27 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.5am. Wet damp morning. Walked over Notting Hill with Rags & back. After all day at work on Siam drawing. After lunch developed 30 of films across Channel Sunday 28 July last. 16 spoilt. Rest. Very tired. From 4.30 to 8.0 went on with Siam. Took figure & altered it putting another in. M in room. M & self dined. Roy out. Read Napoleon of Notting Hill. Bosh. Bed


11.15. Something disagreed with me, either warmed up food or mince pie. (Red ink: Began drawing for Siam.)

Tuesday January 28 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.5. Had been up with slight indigestion. Bright sun for a time. Out & to Lytham House. Saw Princess. Must get that back figure. King opens Parliament. Lovely day. Bright sun. King opened Parliament tomorrow. All day at work on drawing for Siam. Callers in afternoon. M & self dined quietly. In the Drawing Room after. Bed at 11.0pm. Did another lot of films after lunch. (Cutting glued in: Estate of Admiral Sir Arthur Farquhar. 27 June.)

Wednesday January 29 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & walked to corner of Lytham House. Princess without servants. Back & in morning shaded drawing for Siam. After lunch did a few films. Rested from 3.0 to 4.30. Left in carriage at 3.45 & drove to G.Portland Pl. Had teeth seen to by Gabell. To Walls, Blenheim & Athenaeum. Wrote C.M & to the Punch Dinner by bus. O.S, self, F.H.T, L.R.H, C.G, R.L, L.B, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Full dinner. Got away 10.45 & to the Athenaeum where carriage was. Home. Got subject of Princes in the Tower. Felt seedy & slack. King opened Parliament & made slip of speech. Prevention of children. (Red ink: King opened Parliament. Fine day. Tooth looked to.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Sir Arthur Farquhar. Jany 31.)

Thursday January 30 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out to Lytham House. Saw Princess. Called print shop for copy of Princes in Tower. After breakfast book was sent from Methuens & photo from Elliott & Fry. Schemed subject & photod at 12.15pm 2 boys. Got all done by 3.30pm. 1 hr rest. After worked from 5.0 to 8.0pm, M reading about Babylon. M & self dined & in Morning Room after. Tired & slack. Bed at 11.0pm.

Friday January 31 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Good night. Out at 8.40 & walk over to Notting. Saw most of the habitués. Squills etc. Band in Argyll Road. All day at work on drawing of parody of Millais' Princes in the Tower. Finished 9.45. Dined by self, M sitting till 10.20. Cigar & up to bed at 11.45. Roy back 11.30pm.


Saturday February 1 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0. To Cromwell Road. Saw T's sister. Towell moved to nearer station. A fine bright morning but cold. Hair cut. Put things away & left with M in carriage at 12.20 & to the Savoy. Lunched. Theatrical people near us. Saw Lady Lawrence, her son & his fiancée. After went with dear Linley & Nurse Francis to the Adelphi Theatre & saw Pantomime of Aladdin. Happy Fanny Fields good. Saw young Aird. Out at 5.15. M & self walked to the Athenaeum. Carriage there. Home. Tea. Wrote C.M & went out & posted it at too late post at Young Street. After M & self dined quietly. Cough troublesome in Morning Room after. Bed 11.15pm. (Red ink: M & self lunched at the Savoy. Saw Lady Lawrence. Took Linley & Nurse Francis to Pantomime 'Aladdin ' at the Adelphi Theatre.)

Sunday February 2 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.45 & out. Sunny morning. Printed some blues X Channel & Pageant. At 11.45 took M for walk. 1st saw Watts Physical Energy. Met Cap Adrian Jones. Home 1.10pm. Lunch. Rest till 4.0. Paxton called. Broken up. Printed - no - enlarged 16 Bull Fights & 2 over again of Madrid. Dressed 6.45 & left in carriage & dined at Lady Spielmann's. M & self out to dinner 1st time since Novr 1906. Bitterly cold. Back by carriage. Good fire in Drawing Room. Read Camera in Jamaica. Bed 12.0am. Cough troublesome in Drawing Room. (Red ink: King of Portugal & Crown Prince assassinated in Lisbon. M & self dined at the Spielmanns.)

Monday February 3 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10. Raw. Slight rain. Walked thro Victoria Road to Cromwell Road. Saw the Princess. Must get picture at that spot. Walked round past Eldon Lodge. Back 9.30. Breakfast. Paid for & ordered coals. Dull rainy & raw. After worked all day & finished drawing for Siam. M Roy & self dined & in Morning Room after. Cold. Bed 11.30pm. (Red ink: Finished Siam drawing.)

Tuesday February 4 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & out over Notting Hill at 8.30am. Squills. Cold. Back. Men putting Electric cable. 1st free morning. Sent Siam picture to Johnson. Printed many Pageant blues. Saw Dr Beauchamp. Developed 12 Moon photos. After enlarged 36 Madrid photos. Roy dined at Mite's. M & self dined quietly. Bed 12.0 after Drawing Room. (Red ink: Sent Siam drawing to be framed.) (Cutting glued in: Funeral of Sir Arthur Farquhar. Feby 5.)


Wednesday February 5 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out. Went back for Lytham House, Young St end. Saw Cynthia comming from that side 1st time. Breakfast. After bathed many Madrid photos. Under exposed. Left at 5.0 & called 6 Stanhope Place. Then by bus to Punch Dinner. Called Athenaeum & B Club. O.S, self, F.H.T, L.R.H, C.G, R.L, P.A, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Congratulated on Princes in Tower cut. Got 2 Workmen to do & left 11.15pm. Home by carriage. Late sitting. (Red ink: Called 6 Stanhope Place. Saw same schoolgirl as last year coming from other side Lytham House.)

Thursday February 6 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Out. Met Coward & daughter. 'We walk faster than you'. Again saw C. Back. Britten not able to come. Got 2 men from Nash & at 12.0 photod them. One like Shakespeare. All ready by 3.0. Hour's rest & worked from 5.0 to 8.0pm, M with me in room. Dined quietly together after. Bed 11.30pm.

Friday February 7 Stafford Terrace. Up a 8.0am. Out. To Lytham House. Again saw Cynthia. Back. Band going away. All day at work on Two Topers. Finished 9.45 when dined. Dear M sitting up at dinner. Bed 12.0am. The 'Times' January 5. Looked out birth in Times in issue of Jany 5th 1844: On the 4th inst the wife of Mr Sambourne of 15 Lloyd Square of twin sons one of whom was stillborn. (Red ink: On Thursday the 4th inst the wife of Mr Sambourne of 15 Lloyd Square of twin boys one of whom was stillborn.)

Saturday February 8 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10am. Up Church St. Back & left 10.45 & up to Athenaeum. Wrote letters. At 11.45 to B. There 12.0 to 1.25. At 12.25 Study. Lunched at Athenaeum. Burgundy. In Billiard Room after. Looked out announcement of my birth in 'Times'. Left at 3.0 & ½ hour in the Old Masters. Then by bus home. Then by 2 busses to 104 Lancaster Gate. Childrens' party. Dear Ann & Oliver. Little girl, daughter of Lady Armstrong. Saw Guthrie, Gilbert, Jacomb Hood & many others. Back at 6.15. Rested in Morning room. Roy dined with Stern. M & self dined together. Bed at 11.0pm. Roy out very late. (Red ink: Went up early to


Athenaeum. Ann & Oliver's childrens' party.) Sent wire from Young Street in morning.

Sunday February 9 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.45am & out. Up Church St. Pigeon toes. Back. Put photos away & at 11.45 took M out for walk till 1.15pm. Dull morning. Lunch at home. After up to Athenaeum. Then to B from 3.0 to 4.15pm. Came on to rain. Back by self in bus. From 7.0 to 8.0 enlarged 6 Bull Fights. At 8.0 Mr & Mrs Phipson Beale, Lennie, Mite & Roy dined. Good dinner. 3 bottles Ayala 1892, & 1848 Brandy. They left 10.45pm. (Red ink: To Athenaeum in afternoon. Phipson Beales & Lennie & Mite dined at home.)

Monday February 10 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. A cold bath. Out & up Church St. Red Riding Hood, Lady D etc. Into Notting Hill & up Holland Walk. Back. Roy at breakfast. Death yesterday of Stephen Holland, aged 91. M went to lunch with Mervyn with Mite & Florence W at Wimbledon. Enlarged Bull Fight, 2nd edition. Rest & developed 30 Spanish photos. Roy went to a prize fight. M & self dined quietly & after snooze bed at 11.45. Both slept well. Applied for £1000 Bahia Blanca shares. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Stephen Holland. Death of Tom Holland.)

Tuesday February 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & out. Met Coward & daughter. Saw Cynthia & back by Eldon Lodge saw Princess. Dull raw morning. After enlarged 3rd Bull Fight & rest of Madrid. Wrote on Townsend's drawing. Lunch. Rest for 1 hr. Gold watch came home. Went on enlarging. Mite & Florence W, Mrs Bergheim etc came. Roy out. M & self dined alone. Bed 12.0 after snooze. Roy came in as I went up to bed.

Wednesday February 12 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0. Bath. Good night. Out. Fine morning. At 8.50 saw C. Up Church St & home through Phillimore Gardens & Upper ditto. George Meredith's birthday. M & self to go to the Prince of Wales's Theatre. Lunch at 1.0pm & at 1.30 drove to Prince of Wales's Theatre & saw for 3rd time Miss Hook of Holland. Florence Walford in box & Mite came after. Mite drove M & self to the Athenaeum. Upton there. Self drove to Miles's & had 2 suits fitted on. Back & wrote Meredith. Letter from C.M. To the Punch Dinner. O.S, self, F.H.T, A.G, R.L, L.B, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, A.G.


Lucas jubilant. Got Humanity & Gamin. Home by omnibus, 4d. (Red ink: M & self went to see Miss Hook of Holland.)

Thursday February 13 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & down to Kensington Court. Cynthia comes from Young St. Back & schemed subject of Humanity & Gamin. At 12.15 photod policeman & a boy. At 12.35 Miss Huxley. M out. All ready by 4. Rest 1 hr. Tea & work to 8.0pm. M & self dined quietly. Bed 11.30pm. Tired.

Friday February 14 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out up Campden Hill, Ch St. Back 9.0am. All day at work on drawing of Humanity & Police & Gamin. Finished at 10.10. Dined by self. Roy back 10.40. M a bad cold. Bed at 11.30pm.

Saturday February 15 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15. Very tired. Out up Ch St 8.50. Back. Roy off early to dentist's. Put things away. Lunch & at 2.10 M & self drove to the Play House. Rain came on. Delightful play called The O'Grindells by H.V.Esmond. Alexander Carlisle good. Back. Frightfully heavy rain at top of Constitution Hill. Tea after going to Upper Butts 1st time for 18 months. Enlarged last of Madrid. Roy out. M & self dined quietly. Bed 11.30. Both coughed slightly. (Red ink: M & self went to the Play House.)

Sunday February 16 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30. Hoar frost. Brilliant sun. Cripples. Up Ch St & through past Lewis's. Retouched chalk mark. So so bacon. After took M for walk to Kensington Gardens. Back. Went up at 2.30 to Club. No letters. Back 4.30. Mrs H.Dickens called. Enlarged many Seville photos, all of which were spoilt on Tuesday by Henrietta. Midge, Hamilton, Lennie, Mite & self dined at 8.0. Pleasant dinner. They left 10.45pm. (Red ink: Hamilton & Midge, Mite, Roy & Lennie dined.)

Monday February 17 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10. Pouring heavy wet. McIntosh. Stood at corner of Young St. Back. Breakfast. All day enlarging etc. In afternoon put drawing in Eileen Reed's book. Dressed & left in carriage & dined at Mite's. Dropped Roy at the Dickens'. Col & Mrs Welby, Mr & Mrs Hungerford Pollen, Mr Cocayne, Ellie Ritchie,


Ethel English, Alfred Parsons there. Pleasant dinner. Dropped Parsons. Home 11.15pm. (Red ink: Dined at 104 Lancaster Gate.)

Tuesday February 18 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.5 & out. Saw Cynthia. No P. Home. Found to great annoyance Antoinette had left the hot water tap running & spoilt 40 of my enlargements. All had to be done again & hard day to do it. No rest. M remained in bed all day. Roy & self dined at 8.0. Went to Post Office at 5.45. Saw R.H. Bathed 66 prints.

Wednesday February 19 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out over Campden Hill by Holland Walk to Notting Hill School. No one interesting. Back & all day enlarging & developing. After left for the P.D at 5.40. Called Blenheim & A Clubs. Letters. To the P.D. O.S, self, H.F.T, R.H, C.G, L.B, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, L.G. Got easy subject of Bear & Turkey & Eagle. Left 10.30 & home by carriage. Thanked by Reed for drawing. (Red ink: Dr Beauchamp came to see Roy at 7.0pm. M in bed all day.)

Thursday February 20 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & to Lytham House. Saw Princess at ten minutes to nine. Back & breakfast. After sent Upton to Mays. Schemed subject of Bear, Sultan & Eagle. Dull day & wet. All ready by 4.30. 1 hours rest & worked until 8.0 when M & self dined. Roy out. Letter from Mrs Samuel about last weeks drawing. In Morning Room. Bed after looking at papers 12.0am. Roy back. M & self dined together. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Dr Robert Fancourt Barnes. Obituary of Dr Robert Fancourt Barnes.) Friday February 21 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out up Church Street. Roy not down till late. Developed enlargement of Portland Rock. On with work all day, drawing of Bear & Sultan & Eagle. Letter from Mrs Samuel with cheque. Made 2nd enlargement. Finished drawing at 9.30. Dined. Roy not back. He came in 10.30 & went up. Snooze till 1.15am. Bed. M sleeping.

Saturday February 22 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.30. Put photo things up & after breakfast M & self good bye to Roy & off in a 1 horse bus to Waterloo. Stanley B at door. Left 10.45, Marie also. Down to Plymouth. Only stopped Salisbury, Exeter & Devonport. At Plymouth G.W. people most civil & changed into the G.W line & arrived Falmouth 6.30. Hotel quite

15 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 close. Good room. White shirts left at home. Fair dinner. Saw 2 games of Billiards. Bed at 10.15. Young clergyman. Sir Walter Gilbey. Shocking lot of people. (Red ink: M & self with Marie came down to Falmouth.)

Sunday February 23 Falmouth Hotel. Up at 8.0. Dull grey morning. Bath. Breakfast. 2 good soles. Took M for walk to the Fort. Entrance barred. Back. Wrote letters. Lunch. Sir Walter Gilbey next table. Shockingly uninteresting people. At 2.0 to 4.0pm rested in room. A dull & unprofitable day. After M & self walked along cliff & sea shore. Friendly dog. Back. Walked thro town 5.45 to 7.0pm. Slight rain. Dull dinner. Up in room 9.15. Bed 10.0pm. Slept fairly well. (Red ink: Bright sun & strong gale at Falmouth.)

Monday February 24 Falmouth Hotel. Up 7.50. Northerly gale in the night. Bath. Breakfast. Out at 9.30 with camera in the town. Nothing to photo. Back 10.30. People leaving. Strong wind. Cold. Sunny. Went out down in town. Took 4 photos. Back & out on sea shore till lunch time. Lunch. Hours rest & out to harbour & cliff. Took 6 photos. Back & M & self went as far as Burtons shop. Bought apples & bananas. Back at 6.0pm. Heavy gale all day. Quite exceptional. Dinner. After Sir Walter Gilbey came up & spoke to me. Introduced his daughter Mrs Hinde & asked us to go for a drive tomorrow. Bed 10.0pm. (Red ink: Made the aquaintance of Sir Walter Gilbey.)

Tuesday February 25 Falmouth Hotel. Up 8.0am. Dull morning. Wrote letters etc. At 11.30 went for drive with Mrs Hinde & Sir Walter Gilbey. Back. Lunch. Rest. After took M for walk on sands. Tea. Went into town & bought little china cottage. Back. Dinner. Talk to Mrs Hinde after. Bed 10.0pm. Spoke in the morning to Mrs Ramsden & pretty daughter who we met on the Orient in 1905.

Wednesday February 26 Falmouth Hotel. Up 8.0am. Good bye to M. Caught the 10.15am train to Paddington. £4.5.0. Girl saying good bye to her parents. Change at Truro. Weary journey. Carriage at Paddington. Home & tea. At 6.15 met H. On to the Punch Dinner by bus. O.S, self, F.H.T, R.L, P.A, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Fairly good dinner. Left at 10.45 & home by carriage calling Club. No letters.


(Red ink: Went up to town by G.W.Rly, £4.5.0.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Reginald Harrison. Obituary of Reginald Harrison. March 6.)

Thursday February 27 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & out by Lytham House. Saw Princess. Cold. Breakfast. After sent Partridge London Labour & London Poor. Schemed subject of Punch, Children, & Ecclesiastics. Photod Pegler, Upton & boy & girl. Worked till 8.30pm. Roy & self dined. Papers after. Snooze & bed at 12.0pm.

Friday February 28 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out. Up Campden Hill by Church Street. Very cold. Saw Lady D. Back when Band playing. After at work all day on drawing of Punch, Children, & Ecclesiastics. Finished at 10.15pm. Dined by self. Roy in 12.0pm. Snooze till 1.15am. Tired. Sir John Tenniel's 89th birthday. Wired congratulations from Ch Street Post Office at 8.45am. (Red ink: Mite presented at Court.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Sir Richard Ellison. Saty 29 Feby.)

Saturday February 29 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.30 & up in room & put things away. Drew cheque for Roy. Bath & down. Good bye to Roy & off in carriage 9.50. Very hard frost. To Paddington & off by 10.30. Mr Devitt in train. Arrived 5.0 Falmouth. Very pretty red girl, good legs, at Truro. Walk with M. Large anchor. Bitterly cold. Dinner. Miserable in Smoking Room. Indigestion. Bed at 10.15. Fire. Slept well. (Red ink: Came down to Falmouth for 2nd time.)

Sunday March 1 Falmouth Hotel. Up a 8.0. Bath run full & cold. Bitterly cold & miserable. Good breakfast. Wrote letters. After took M for walk. Beaten back by gale & snow. Out again. Fat blackbirds. Saw Pendennis Hotel. Lunch. After talk to Sir Walter Gilbey. Up in room. Mrs & Miss Ramsden & Flyman. Rest 3.0 to 4.0pm. After M & self from 4.30 to 5.45 walked up road by Fort. Peacock & 5 peahens. Back. Self just same walk as last Sunday, in town as far as just beyond Burtons shop. Back. Dinner. Talk to Sir Walter after. The Dean of Canterbury telling humorous stories. Bed 9.40. Very hot in the night. (Red ink: Awful rain & cold nearly all day at Falmouth.)


Monday March 2 Falmouth Hotel. Up 8.0. Lady in bath. Had different room. A better day. Bright sun but still cold wind. Out after & in town. Took 1 doz films of harbour etc. Wrote letters & at 11.50pm took M round the Fort Rock 50 mins. Photod a friendly robin. Back to lunch. Letters. P & O dividend. Sat out. Rest fom 2.40 to 4.0pm. After tea at 4.30 went along avenue back way to the town. To Market Place. Quaint old place. Girl in red with good legs. Bought fruit. Found out the Tantalum Lump. Changed magazine. One film had stuck. 16 taken, 4 put back blank. After dressed for dinner. Talk to Sir W.G after. Bed 10.15pm. Miss Ramsden went out with a boatman for a sail. (Red ink: Fine sunny day but cold.)

Tuesday March 3 Falmouth Hotel. Up 7.45. Both had a good night. Breakfast. A Colonel Ricardo's son going to be married. Wrote letters till 11.50 when M & self walked round the Rock. Lovely there, but a wretched day. Heavy cold sleety showers. Saw peacocks with tails spread. Sir Walter drove by. Lunch 1.15pm. After at 2.30 went out. Crawled along, caught in sleet & rain. Took 1 doz photos. Fear wrong films. 2 or 3 girls. Knife grinders, steps etc. Back 4.0pm. Tea. At 4.30 took M to Anchor. 3 photos. Very heavy rain clouds & thundery rain came on. Back to hotel at 5.20. Wrote diary. (Cutting glued in: Death of Adelina Cinquevalli.)

Wednesday March 4 Falmouth Hotel. Up 8.0. Bath. Tips. Good bye Miss Ramsden in lift. M, Marie & self off 11.5. Out & saw the Hoe at Plymouth. Took photos. Waterloo 8.10. To 'Punch' Dinner. O.S, self, F.H.T, R.H, R.L, P.A, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Left at 10.45 & home by carriage. Bed 11.30. Dined in train. Saw Merryweather.

Thursday March 5 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Out with camera & ineffective snap of Cynthia. Back. After schemed subject of Asquith at Picture. Photod self & Upton. Late with prints. Worked till 8.15pm when M & self dined. In Morning Room after. Bed 11.30pm.

Friday March 6 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Out up Church St. Back before Band. All day at work on drawing of Asquith painting Picture. Finished at 10.0. Roy & self dined & bed 12.0 after.


Saturday March 7 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Went down Earls Court Road. Called old curiosity shop. Back & all morning putting things away. No room at Lena Ashwell's play. Took M for walk Round Pond in afternoon. Went & bought caramels. R.H understood to come tomorrow. Back & M & self dined quietly. Roy at Mite's. Bed 11.30pm. Saw girl with good legs, 51 Campden Hill Road.

Sunday March 8 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30. Dull grey morning & all day. Children came at 11.0. At 11.20 took M to the Zoo. Met Pollock. Back 1.30 precisely. Lunch. At 2.5 up to C.S. Disappointed of model. To Athenaeum Club. Wrote letters. Saw Montague Fowler. Home 6.30. Put films in magazine. Lennie dined & M, Roy & self. Mite a cold. Fell asleep in chair. M came down. (Red ink: Took M to the Zoo. Met Mr Pollock. R.H. never came.)

Monday March 9 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out. Snatches of bright sun. Took 1st photos of street season, Princess & Scotch. Rain came on. Back. In morning letters & developed above. Afternoon enlarged Spanish etc. Changed cards. M & self dined quietly by ourselves. Quiet evening after. Still cold. North wind strong. Bed 11.30. Could not get to sleep for a long time. Dr Beauchamp called in the morning at 11.45. Sent drawing to Mrs Herbert Samuel & to Johnson for the Academy. (Red ink: 1st photos of the street season.)

Tuesday March 10 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0. Dull cold morning. Walked over to Notting Hill & home down past Boughtons. Met no one. Wall of Sir Walter Phillimore's blown down. Developed Falmouth photos etc. Rest after lunch. Enlarged 1 doz Sevilles. After Nellie Keith dined with M & self. She left at 9.50pm. Bed at 11.30pm. Sent costume by post to R.H. (Red ink: Nellie Keith dined with us.)

Wednesday March 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Strong north wind. Out with camera. Took several school girls, Lytham House. Also No 51 C.H.R. Back. Breakfast. Enlarged Spanish photos Seville. After to the Athenaeum & on to P.D. O.S, self, F.H.T, A.G (out of place) C.G, P.A, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L. Late sitting. Got Asquith & Balfour as Sailors. Home by carriage. Very tired.


Thursday March 12 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Very tired. Out & walked over to Cromwell Road. Saw no one. Back for work & schemed Asquith & Balfour as Sailors. Got a good policman for model & Britten. Photod them & got prints by 4.30. Came over very dark & delayed me. Late with the outline. M & self dined at 8.0 by ourselves. Papers after & bed 11.30pm. (Red ink: New policeman model.)

Friday March 13 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out with camera. Up Church St & waited for Lady Dudley. No one. Back just as Band playing. Roy down. All day at work on Asquith & as 2 Sailors. Much bothered & pushed for time. Finished 10.15pm when Roy & self dined. Bed 12.45 after snooze in Morning Room. Very tired.

Saturday March 14 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & very tired. Out up Church St. Back. Cheques. Put things away. Mite wired about carriage. At 12.30 M & self drove up to the Savoy. Lunched. Roy in after. To Drury Lane & saw the last matinée of Babes in the Wood. Walter Passmore. Out 5.10 & drove home in carriage. Tea. Dressed. Met R.H & walked to 104 Lancaster Gate. Miss N.Mackintosh. Dined with Lennie & Mite. On in taxy after to Tivoli. Met Tom Thorne. Saw Cinquevalli, Arthur Roberts & Harry Lauder. Good box. Out & home by bus 11.30. Bed 12.0. Bitterly cold all day. (Red ink: Went with M to the Savoy & lunched. After to last matinée of 'Babes in the Wood'. Dined at Mites & went to the Tivoli to see Harry Lauder.)

Sunday March 15 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30. A bright sun but bitterly cold. Took camera out. No good. Took Lumps. Back. Roy late at breakfast. At 11.15 drove with M to Lancaster Gate. All 3 children & Nurse Francis laid up with influenza. M & self walked home from top of Park. Wrote letters. Lunch. After went up in steam bus to 15 C.S. At 3.15 photod R.H. At Athenaeum 5.0. Tea. Looked over papers for steamers. Home 7.15. At 8.0 Mr & Mrs Pollock, Lennie & Mite, Roy, M & self dined. Good dinner. They left at 11.0pm. Came over dark & foggy veil. Very cold at night. (Red ink: Photod R.H 1st time since last Sepr 11th. Mr & Mrs Pollock, Lennie & Mite & Roy dined.)


Monday March 16 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15am & very tired. A raw rainy morning. Out with Rags up Church St. Met no one. Roy at breakfast. Felt seedy. Put sailors photos away etc. Tidied up all day & bathed enlargements of Cordova & last of Seville. Drove at 5.15 & voted for H.B.Irving at the Athenaeum 6.0pm. Back & M, Roy & self dined. In Morning Room. Bed 11.45. Roy's foul paper. M indigestion in the night. Voted for H.B.Irving at the Athenaeum. He got in.

Tuesday March 17 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out Lytham House. Took 5 phs. No Cynthia. Back. All morning enlarged. After lunch rested for 2 hours in Morning Room. Many callers. Changed cards. Bromides. Dressed at 7.15pm & drove by self & dined with Mr & Mrs Harold Messel. Met Gilberts, Waterlows, Miss McIntosh & 2 others. Very cold. Back 11.20. Bed 12.0am. (Red ink: Dined at the Harold Messels. Met Gilberts.)

Wednesday March 18 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Walked round by Cromwell Road. Saw W.Pyne going to work. Back. Enlarged some Cordova photos. Rest in afternoon. At 5.0 to Athenaeum by motor bus. Punch Dinner. O.S, self, F.H.T, R.H, C.L.G, L.B, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Got Gun Haldane & Punch to do. Home by carriage 10.45pm. Letters from Peal, Macmillan etc. Bed 11.50pm.

Thursday March 19 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Out with large camera. Bungle of Princess. Took her & 2 of pairs of shop girls. Back. Breakfast. Schemed subject. No Mays. At 11.50 Britten came. Photod him & Upton for Haldane, Punch & Gun. Go all ready by 4.50. Worked till 8.0 when dined. M reading Lucas Cleeve's 'An Old Man's Darling'. After dinner Mr Currie called about proposed trip to Madeira. Stayed an hour. Papers. Bed 11.30pm. (Red ink: Mr Currie called about proposed trip to Madeira.)

Friday March 20 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Walked over Notting Hill & down Argyll Rd. Saw German governess. Missed Band. At work all day on drawing of Haldane, Punch & Gun. Roy had very bad cold.


Finished 10.15 & Roy & self dined. Hot toddy after. Bed 1.0am. Very cold weather.

Saturday March 21 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.20 very tired. Out & round Cromwell Rd. Met no one. Breakfast. In morning tidied up. Enlarged 8 Malaga photos. Lunch & after at 2.30 M & self drove in Mite's victoria to Wyndhams Theatre & saw When Knights were Bold. Met Lady Monckton. Home 5.45. No letters at Athenaeum. M, Roy & self dined. Bed 11.15pm. (Red ink: M & self went to matinée at Wyndhams Theatre & saw 'When Knights were Bold'.)

Sunday March 22 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Bright sun. Out 9.15. Duller. Took 4 photos. At 11.15 went in carriage with M to Zoo. Called on Miss Rose Innes. Left note. Met Harold & wife. Wonderful Gibbon apes. Delightfully pretty girl, about 13. Lame of one foot. Left 1.5 & home 1.40. Lunch. After from 2.0 to 5.0 bathed about 80 photo bromides. Tea. After at 8.0 Henry Silver, Arthur Ryle & Roy, M & self dined. Bartons Champagne gave M a headache. (Red ink: Went with M to Zoo. Henry Silver, Ryle, Roy & self dined.)

Monday March 23 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out without camera up Church St. Sun after. Saw Lady D. Back & all morning re-printing Malaga & Cordova. Lunch. Went up at 2.0 by steam bus to see Fk Macmillan. Satisfactory interview. Called & paid bill at Turnbull & Assers. Then to Athenaeum & home by carriage. Met Orchardson. M & self dined quite quietly. Very warm in afternoon. Bed 11.30pm. (Red ink: Went to see Frederick Macmillan.)

Tuesday March 24 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45am & out with large camera. Bright sun but misty. Took 2 of Princess, side & back. 3 or 4 more. Back. Breakfast & off in carriage 10.5 to Victoria. Went down to Dover. Dense fog. Saw Capn Dixon. Hurried lunch at Lord Warden & back to Charing X at 4.0 by the 1.35 from Dover S.E.R. Ginger haired girl. Home by bus. Mrs Nemhard there. Changed & enlarged 16 after letters. M & self dined. Read Mons Claude. Bed 12.0. Roy back at 12.10. (Red ink: Went to Dover intending to X Channel. Dense fog. Came back.)


Wednesday March 25 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10. A very wet morning. Out up Ch St. News of Peckham Election, great Unionist victory. All day enlarging & bathing Granada. Rained the entire day & night too. M lunched at Mites to meet Dar Rhodes & also Mrs Mackenzie. Left at 5.30 in carriage & drove in rain to the Athenaeum. Letter from C.M. To 'Punch' Dinner. O.S with a cold, self, F.H.T with a cold, R.H, C.L.G, R.L, P.A with a cold, B.P, H.W.L. O.S long discussion. Decided I should do a cartoon in case of the Prime Minister. Left at 10.50. By bus to Athenaeum. Conductor an old friend. Wrote 3 letters & home by carriage. (Cuttings glued in: Death of the Duke of Devonshire. March 25. Obituary of the Duke of Devonshire. Mar 25)

Thursday March 26 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out. Met W.G. Up Church St & back. Disappointed about Miss Huxley. Wired for Miss Johnson. Sent Upton to Messrs May. Schemed subject with great difficulty. Wet & miserable. At 12.45 got photos from Miss J & all ready by 3.45pm. Rest an hour. Tea. Worked to 8.0pm when M, Roy & self dined. In Drawing Room after. Papers & bed 11.30pm. The last of the soap in wooden bowl used. Put in Bath Room by Mite, Decr 1906, when dear M was ill. (Red ink: Photod Miss Johnson.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Major Arthur Griffiths. Mar 26.)

Friday March 27 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Dull damp morning. Up Church St. Many shop girls. Back before Band. Work at 10.30. All day at drawing of 2 figures at the C.B. Worked up to 10.40pm when Roy & I dined. The cartoon won't be used this week after all. Bed 12.30pm after rest in Drawing Room. Met W.G. (Red ink: Cartoon appeared April 29.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Major Arthur Griffiths. Mar 26.)

Saturday March 28 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.5. Out. Dull morning. Met Mr Lemon. Also W.G. Round by Cromwell Road. Also W.P. Back. Breakfast. Put things away. At 12.30 M & self drove to Savoy. Lunched. After went to see drivel at Aldwych Theatre, Gay Gordons. Back by carriage from Athenaeum. Fruit. M, Roy & self dined. In Morning Room. Bed at 11.30pm. (Red ink: M & self lunched at the Savoy & went to see The Gay Gordons at the Aldwych Theatre. Poor stuff.)


Sunday March 29 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30. Out. No photos. At 11.15 took M to the Zoo. Back. Lunch. Left at 2.0pm for C.S. At 3.30 took few photos R.H. Out & to the Athenaeum Club. Wrote for permits L.N.W.R. Back home 6.45. At 8.0 Mite, Lennie, Harold Messel & his wife, Roy, M & self dined. Pleasant evening. Bed at 12.0 after snooze. Read The Blue Lagoon. (Red ink: M & self went to the Zoo. Harold & Lennie, Mrs H & Mite & Roy dined. Photod R.H. Spoilt in back carriers.)

Monday March 30 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. At Cromwell Road 8.50. Took 2 of Princess. After 3 or 4 at corner. Decided to go across Channel. Left 10.0 & by bus to Victoria. Down with one other. Lovely Xing. No one I knew. Lunch as usual at Calais. Met Rogers going home. Home at 7.45pm. M & self dined quietly. Roy out. In Drawing Room. Bed 12.0am. (Red ink: Xd Channel. Took girl on deck.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Harriet Wigram.)

Tuesday March 31 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Out & at Cromwell Rd. 8.50. Took Princess. Back. Breakfast. Partial sun. New sheaths came for films. Developed a good many plates & films I took yesterday. Callers. Enlarged last of Granada. M & Roy & self dined. Pain in my back. Bed 11.30 after being in Drawing Room last time. At 5.0 packed bags for Scotland. Mite & Lennie went north. (Red ink: Got ready for Banchory.)

Wednesday April 1 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Out. Waited morning corner Lytham House. Sun. Took 7 photos. In morning bathed many Granada prints. Lunch. Rest & after left & up by motor bus to the Athenaeum. Letter from C.M. To the Punch Dinner. O.S, self, F.H.T, C.G, R.L, L.B, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, A.G. Reed could not get a show of his drawings anywhere. Got after much discussion drawing of a Stained Glass Window to do. Left 11.0. Bus to Athenaeum & home by carriage.

Thursday April 2 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & dull gray morning. No photos. Up Church St. Children. Back. Letters. Sent Upton to Mays for Monk's

24 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 robes. Schemed subject of Birrell & Stained Glass Window. Photod Upton at 12.30. Got all ready by 4.30. Rest. Worked from 5.30 to 8.0pm when M, Roy & self dined. Papers in the Morning Room. Bed 11.15pm.

Friday April 3 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.0 & did 1 hrs work before breakfast. After out with camera. Sunny morn. Took 11 photos, old corner & one of Princess. Back 9.15. All day at work on Stained Glass Window. Finished 9.0pm. At 9.30 M & Roy & self dined & left 10.45 for Euston with Marie. Good omnibus. Most comfortable journey. Read Leaves from a Life. Slept fairly well. (Red ink: Left Stafford Terrace with M & Marie for Euston en route for Banchory.)

Saturday April 4 On board train, Perth. Got good basket for breakfast. M slept well & bore the journey well. Arrived at Aberdeen at 11.55. Changed into train at Banchory, or for B, at Aberdeen. Mite met us 12.50 & to Inchmarlo in time for lunch. Wet. Rested. Gave up going in motor on acct of rain. Ruth & Eric Parker there. Comfortable house. Lunch. Very tired. Livery. Rest from 2.0 to 4.10. Tea. Gave up going in the motor on account of rain. From 5.20 to 7.10 walked through Banchory. Very much out of condition & short of breath. Bath. Dressed & dinner. Sleepy after. Bed 11.45. Slept well. Dream of being returned as a Member of Parliament. Boat Race. Cambridge won by 2½ lengths. (Red ink: Walked into Banchory. Very much out of condition.)

Sunday April 5 Inchmarlo, Banchory. Up 9.0am. Bath. Breakfast. Cold & dullish. Started at 11.15 & went in motor with Lennie & Ruth & Eric Parker. Through Aboyne & Ballater to Balmoral Castle. Disappointed. Lunch on high road. Back by 4.0pm. Sleepy in car. Mary Nicol, Mr & Mrs King & Miss Parker came over. After walked through grounds & down to the river. Back 7.0. Dressed. Dinner & sleepy after. Still out of sorts & very livery. Bed 11.30pm. 'Letters from Hell'. Given in English by L.W.J.S. Richard Bentley & Son, New Burlington St, 1885. (Red ink: Motored with Lennie, Ruth & Parker to Balmoral.)

Monday April 6 Inchmarlo, Banchory. Up 8.0am. Poor bath. Bright sunny morning. Eric P & Ruth off to fish & Lennie also. Linley too. At 10.30

25 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 clouded over & very cold. Read Letters from Hell. After took M down to the river. Lennie had got a 9½ lb trout, Ann a flounder. Lovely morning. Took several photos. Rest after lunch & at 3 went in motor to Banchory. Missed Maud & Ruth. Took ½ doz photos. Walked back. Met Mite & Ruth. To the river. M & Marie. Back in time to dress for dinner. Mrs Fleishmann fishing. Dinner. Champagne. Roulette after. Bed 11.15pm. (Red ink: Photod Ann fishing etc. Roulette in evening.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Lt General Sir Drury Drury-Lowe.)

Tuesday April 7 Inchmarlo, Banchory. Up at 8.0. Same cold bath. After went with Lennie & Ruth Parker to upper water by motor. Last day of the gillie. Back by 12.0. Took M down to the river again. Brilliant sun. Spoilt my box of films by taking them out of camera. Lennie - no Eric P - & Mrs Fleishmann fishing. Back lunch. Packed. Took M up into Kitchen Garden. Left with the Parkers at 6.15pm. By fly to Banchory. Train to Aberdeen. Dinner sent in to the train. Slept fairly well. Woke up at 7.0. Got to Euston 8.25am. (Red ink: Left Inchmalo for London.)

Wednesday April 8 On board train from Banchory. Arrived Euston 8.25. Good bye to Parkers. Cart met me. Home at 9.10am. Breakfast with Roy. After tidying all day. At 5.5 took cab to Welback Street. Called Mrs Moon. Joe Carr there. To Athenaeum. Wrote letters & to P.D. E.V.L, self, F.H.T, C.G, R.H, P.A, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Cuts made up early. Left at 10.0 & to Athenaeum & wrote letters. Home by carriage at 11.0pm. (Red ink: Called on Mrs M at Welbeck Street. Arrived home in the morning from Banchory.)

Thursday April 9 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Out up Church St. Saw Couple. Breakfast & schemed subject of Asquith & 'Answers' Puzzle. Sent to Barkers for Eton suit & photod boy at 12.20. A coppery dark day & great difficulty in getting enlargements. Roy & self dined at 8.30pm. Papers after & bed at 12.0. 4 C.L.L.P.

Friday April 10 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.oam. Out. Saw Couple. Walk over past Lucas's. Saw Lady D. Back by 9.0 & breakfast with Roy. After at work all day on drawing of Asquith & Elephant Puzzle. Finished at 9.30 when Roy & self dined. 3 C.L.L.P.


Saturday April 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Wrote letters & out at 9.0am. Dull grey morning. Had hair cut. Sorted photos. Developed 10½ plates of R.H. Most had moved badly. Lunch. Rest. Enlarged some Granada & fishing cards. At 5.45 out & met R.H. No good for study. Back. Roy & self dined at 7.30. Drove in carriage to the St James's Theatre & saw an indifferent play called 'The Thief'. Walked to the Garrick & had plovers eggs. Wyndham, Galloway, Joe Carr etc there. Also Pellett, schoolmaster. Left 12.15 & home by the carriage. Bed 1.45. 3 C.L.L.P. (Red ink: Roy & self went to the St James's & saw a play called The Thief.)

Sunday April 12 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30am. Out up Church St. Cold grey morning. After breakfast went & wired not to make any studies. In all day. All morning wrote letters Lunch. Developed 22 cards. Fishing, Granada etc. Rest. Enlarged for an hour & at 7.40 drove in carriage to Willis's Restaurant & dined 1st time since 1887 with the Kinsmen Club. Trower, Marshall, Chudleigh, Pinero, self, 3 others, Tree, another & Joe Carr there. Pleasant evening. Stayed till 11.15 when Roy having met the carriage at the Athenaeum drove home together. Back 11.45. 1 C.L.L.P. (Red ink: Very pleasant dinner at the Kinsmen Club.) (Cutting glued in: The wife of Ernest Carpmael, of a daughter.)

Monday April 13 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0 & out. Took 9 photos. 1st of Work Girl. Back of Princess. Met Sir Algernon Ledyard. Back. Did some developing. Lunch at 1.0pm. Left at 1.20 & at Pall Mall by 2.5. Set up large camera. At 2.40 C.M came. Took 1 photo. Back home at 4.30. Tea. Rest. Left 6.5 & all the way to Punch Dinner by Turnham Green bus. E.V.L, self, F.H.T, C.G, L.B, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. 2 cartoons made up. Self suggested Cherubs for Partridge. Left at 10.15. Wrote letters at the Garrick - no Athenaeum Club & called for Roy at the Oxford & Cambridge in carriage. Home by 12.0am. (Red ink: Went to 58 Pall Mall. Last time photod C.M.)

Tuesday April 14 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Out. Took W.G alone. Spoke to her. After to end of Lytham House. Took several. After schemed subject of Morley Britannia India & Literature. Photod Miss Huxley

27 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 at 12.15 & Upton in Peer's dress. Got on with it & at 8.45 Roy & self dined quietly together. Bed 11.45pm. (Red ink: Photod Miss Huxley.)

Wednesday April 16 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. No, earlier & in room. Out & cut by W.G & another. Up Church St & got at last Lady D & others. After at work all day on drawing of Morley in peer's robes. Finished at 10.15pm when Roy & self dined. Both snoozed in Morning Room until 1.45am. Bed. (Red ink: Obituary notice of death of Willie Edouin in Times today. Left very little money. Page 10, T.)

Thursday April 16 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out with camera. Again cut by W.G. Took 2 or 3, girl in black, & back home. Lovely sunny morning. Photod a new model Policeman Bird & also Upton. Got all ready. Roy left at 4.40 by cart for Leweston. Put prints to dry & at 8.30 dined by myself & a quiet evening after. (Red ink: Roy went to Leweston Manor. Photod Bird.)

Friday April 17 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30 & out. No photos. Back & all day on drawing of Asquith & Lions. Got outline in. Dined at 9.0pm & left in cart at 10.40 for Euston. Very tired. Turned in. Slept fairly well. Guthrie in berth next to me. (Red ink: Worked on Asquith & Lions. Left for Euston en route for Banchory.)

Saturday April 18 On board train from Euston. Woke up at Stirling. Good morning to Guthrie. Both got to Banchory at 1.20 by fly from the station. After lunch did 2 hours work on drawing of Asquith & Lions. Frightfully drowsy. M & self out at 5.30 & to Hut for tea & back. Mary Nicol & young Farquhar & his sister & another young Naval officer to dinner. Burst waistcoat. Felt so tired & seedy left & in Smoke Room after dinner. Took 3 C.L.L.P. (Red ink: Guthrie & self arrived at Banchory 1.20pm. Worked on Asquith & Lions.)

Sunday April 19 Inchmarlo, Banchory. Up at 8.45. Walked though Grounds & past Mill. Bright morning. Breakfast. After went on with drawing of Asquith & Lions. Put in figure & good likness photo taken in afternoon. Tea in Hut. M & self went. Dinner & pleasant evening

28 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 after. Not sleepy. Took 3 C.L.L.P. Heavy intermittent snow all day. (Red ink: Worked on Asquith & Lions. Heavy snow storms.)

Monday April 20 Inchmarlo, Banchory. Up 8.0 am. Lennie & Guthrie down. Cocayne went off to Kincardine. Got a fish. Went on in morning with drawing. Put in last Lion etc & in afternoon began to shade. Mr & Mrs Davidson came to lunch. Harold Messel & wife left at 4.0pm. Took M down to Hut. Had tea. Back. Sleepy after dinner. Liver still bad. All day intermittent heavy snow showers. Bed at 11.30pm. No pills. (Red ink: Worked on Asquith & Lions. Harold & his wife left Inchmarlo. Heavy snow storms.)

Tuesday April 21 Inchmarlo, Banchory. Up 8.15. After all morning went on with cartoon of Asquith & Lions. Put in shading of Lions & figure. Lunch. Worked from 3.0 to 4.30 & from 5.0 to 6.0. Took M to Hut & back. Mr Cocayne got a 15lb fish. Walked round by Mill. Lennie not back till 8.0pm. Sleepy after dinner. Liver still upset. Took 1 C.L.L.P. Guthrie went with Lennie in the morning in the car to Kindardine & walked back, 7 miles. (Red ink: Worked all day on Asquith & Lions.)

Wednesday April 22 Inchmarlo, Banchory. Up 8.15. Bitterly cold. Eat small trout. Mrs Gibson came at 9.10am. After all morning from 10.0 to 1.45 finished cartoon of Asquith & Lions. Lunch. Mr Cocayne had taken a fish. After rest took M for walk to Hut. Little drowned lamb. Lovely evening. Back 7.0pm. Wrote diary. Still head & liver. Mary Nicol & niece came to dinner. Roulette after. Won 6/s. Pleasant evening. Bed 11.45. 1 C.L.L.P. (Red ink: Finished cartoon of Asquith & Lions. Sent it off.)

Thursday April 23 Inchmarlo, Banchory. Up 8.0am. 1st free day. Letters & square up in morning. In afternoon went in motor to tea at (blank) Castle, Sir Thomas & Lady Burnet. Delightful old tower. Little mannikin on roof. Picture by Frith in 1842 of a Bishop Burnet, an Edinboro advocate & 2 other men come to address meeting for Kincardine election. Cold & snow on ground. Motored back. Took M for walk. Dinner. Sleepy after. 1 C.L.L.P. M, Mite, Guthrie & Mrs Gibson came. (Red ink: Went in motor to call on Sir Thomas & Lady Burnet.)


Friday April 24 Inchmarlo, Banchory. Up at 8.0. Cold. Sunny. At 10.30 Guthrie, Lennie & self motored into Aberdeen. There 11.45. Went to Art Gallery. My portrait very bad. After took many street people. Then to curiosity shops. Bought a convex mirror from a Mrs Menzies. Took factory girl & little girl with good legs. To the Palace Hotel. Lunch. Left at 4.0 & home other side of the Dee. Tea. Walk with M to Hut. Dinner. Went up after & changed films. Bed at 11.30. 1 C.L.L.P. (Red ink: Motored into Aberdeen & lunched there. Bought a convex mirror from Mrs Menzies.)

Saturday April 25 Inchmarlo, Banchory. Up at 8.0am. Letter from Emma about man in Stafford Terrace for King's taxes. Wrote letters & walked into Banchory & sent wire. Kincardine election on. Took 7 photos of girls. Down to the Fishing Hut where I found M & Mite. Walked back with them. Lunch. All afternoon writing back letters & squared prints. Took M for walk at 6.0pm round by Lodge. Saw the late Mrs Davidson's grave. Dinner. Sleepy after. M upset about it. Bed at 11.45. 1 C.L.L.P.

Sunday April 26 Inchmarlo, Banchory. Up 8.30. Grey cold day. Guthrie, self, Mr Cocayne & Lennie left at 10.30 in motor. Slight delay at 1st. Ran thro Kincardine, Aboyne, Ballater to Braemar & Mar Lodge. Lunch on riverside opposite Mar Lodge. Saw 2 herds of deer cross the river. Left at 2.30pm & home by 4.15pm. Slight rain. Wrote many letters & squared prints. Not sleepy after dinner. Bed 11.20. 1 C.L.L.P. (Red ink: Motor run to Braemar & Mar Lodge.) Monday April 27 Inchmarlo, Banchory. Up 8.0. Grey morning. L & Mr Cocayne off to fish. Finished the last of prints to be squared. Wrote letters. At 12.0 took M to Hut. Saw Mr Cocayne land a fish. Back lunch. Rest till 4.0pm. Mr Marriott expected at 4.15. Again walked M down to the Hut for tea. Again took Mite & Lennie fishing. Took 3 of upper river, 1 of Hut, 3 of ruin. Drew Punch fishing on wall of Hut. M & Mrs Gibson left at 6.30, self, Guthrie & Mite at 7.0pm. Carried Lennie's camera. Got hot. (Red ink: Drew cartoon for Duncan Davidson on wall of Fishing Hut.)


Tuesday April 28 Inchmarlo, Banchory. Up 8.0am. Dullish day. Down to Hut in the morning. Took Mite fishing, Ruin etc. Packed. Lunch. In afternoon after packing went with M & Mite & Mrs Gibson to Mary Nicols. Took ponys & the Whitelaw girls. Good bye at Hut & left Banchory by the 6.50 train & back to Euston. Only chicken for dinner by Berenger's mistake. Slept fairly well. (Red ink: Went to Mary Nicol's & left after with Guthrie & Cocayne for Euston.)

Wednesday April 29 On board train from Aberdeen. Euston 8.20. Good bye to Guthrie & Cocayne. Car met me & home at 9.10am. Roy there, all well & right. Gave Roy a cheque for £17.0.0. Put things straight & left in afternoon for the Punch Dinner. E.V.L & self, F.H.T, C.G, P.A, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. All over by 9.0pm. To the Athenaeum & home by bus. Roy left by the 8.0pm for Banchory. (Red ink: Arrived home from Banchory. Roy left for Banchory.)

Thursday April 30 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & out. Saw W.G. Dropped a packet. By Church Street & home. Took 3 or 4 photos. Girl in Argyll Rd etc. Servant posting letters. After schemed subject of Workman's Wife & Asquith. Photod Miss Beckington. Got outline. Dined 8.0pm. Went in carriage to the Garrick Theatre. 1st night of revival of The Gay Lord Quex. Sat next Lady Pirrie. Saw many I knew. To the Garrick. Had a couple of plovers eggs & talk to Wicks. Home by carriage. (Red ink: Went to the 1st night of revival of The Gay Lord Quex. Saw Sir John Hare.)

Friday May 1 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Out with camera up Church St. Missed W.G. No photos. After hard at work all day on drawing of Asquith & Workman's wife. Finished at 10pm when dined by myself. Bed tired at 12.30pm. Much warmer weather. (Cutting glued in: Death of Eliza Smale.)

Saturday May 2 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45. Very warm wave set in. Out along Earls Court, met W.P. Sun scorching hot. No photos. Breakfast & left in carriage 9.45. To the Private View of the Royal Academy. Saw many friends. Lord Pirrie, Devett & others. Rhodes's, Leslie etc. Very hot. To Athenaeum to lunch with Graves. Wrote M etc. Did

31 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 not go back to R.A. Frightful heat. Motor bus. Tea at home. Looked out pictures for French Exhibition. 85° outside my window, in room 74°. Dined at 6.45 & went in carriage at 7.45 to His Majesty's Theatre. Saw The Merchant of Venice. Tree's Shylock good, very. Felt hungry & had sandwich at the Athenaeum. Never again. Home by 12.0am. (Red ink: Private View of Royal Academy. Frightfully hot. Went to see Tree's Shylock.)

Sunday May 3 Stafford Terrace. Up 9.0am. Cold dull morning & all day dull. A difference of 30° between today & yesterday evening, 85° & 35°. In morning looked out pictures & wrote. Made a few enlargements. Lunch 1.15. At C.S 2.30. Took a few films of R.H to try camera. Back 5.30. Met Spencer who came to tea. At 7.0 developed bromides & dined by self at 8.15. Had a very good dinner. Bed 12.0. A fire necesary. (Red ink: Photod R.H. First couch with big camera. Fish girl.)

Monday May 4 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.50. Letters from M. Dull cooler morning. Cut by W.G. No school. Met Lady D in new dress going to work in Emperors Gate. Back. All day doing Spanish photos. After dinner went by self in carriage to Empire Theatre. A poor show. After to Garrick. Eat 3 plovers eggs. Talk to Col Lucas & a friend. Home by carriage. (Red ink: Went by self to Empire Theatre.)

Tuesday May 5 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. A dull dark morning. Went to Cromwell Rd. No school girls. But! saw Lady D going to work for 1st time with her mother. No, above was yesterday. Up Church Street only. Dull morning. After all day getting on with Spanish photos. Spencer dined at 7.0 & we went to see The Waltz Dream. Poor stuff. To the Garrick after. Home by carriage. Sent Spencer home. Saw Col Lucas. (Red ink: Spencer dined with me & we went to see The Waltz Dream.)

Wednesday May 6 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.50. A windy stormy morning. Up Campden Hill. Saw Lady D. 2 plates in, snapped them in dull light. Back. All morning pottering. After lunch went to the Franco British Exhibition. Shocking muddle. Very tired & seedy. Took 22 films. To the Punch Dinner after rest, calling Athenaeum & Blenheim. Seaman back from Spain. O.S, self, F.H.T, C.G, P.A, B.P, E.T.R,


H.W.L, A.G. Cuts made up early. Bus to Athenaeum & home by carriage by 11.10pm. (Red ink: Went to Franco British Exhibition. Very unfinished. Took 22 films.)

Thursday May 7 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.50. Lovely morning. Took W.G, Lady D, 2 Plats etc. After drove in dog cart to Zoo. Took 8 plates. Made a mess of the whole thing. Exposed 2 plates twice. Only 3 out of 8. Back & developed. Late for figure. Upton & boy. After got all ready by 5.0. Worked till 8.15 on Elephant & Asquith. Dined by self & bed tired after. (Red ink: Went to Zoo to photo elephant.)

Friday May 8 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out. Saw good looking girl go into 13 Lower Phillimore Place, a work shop. All day at work on Elephant & Asquith & Johnny Bull. Budget out yesterday, £1,200,000 for Old Age Pensions. Worked to 10.20 pm when dined by self. Bed very tired.

Saturday May 9 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Tired. Round Earls Court. Met W.P. Sunny morning. Took 2 or 3 snaps. Back & all morning squared up back bromides. Spencer came to lunch & we went to the Earls Court Ex'n. Only took 1 photo. Saw Tadema, also Edis, Thompson Lyon & others. Back. Tea. Changed films etc. Dined 7.15 & went in a taxy cab to Duke of York's Theatre & saw The Admirable Crighton. Missed Spencer at Club. Supper with Dr Orwin & friend. Home by carriage. Bed 1.0am. (Red ink: Spencer lunched & we went to the opening of the Earls Ct Exhibition. Went to see The Admirable Crighton at the Duke of York's Theatre. Missed Spencer & Nelson at Club.)

Sunday May 10 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30 & out. Wired Spencer & Langley. The whole day at work. Finished Spanish enlargements. In evening drove by self to the Coburg Hotel & dined with Hamilton Langley & Midge. Saw Green the yachtsman. Home 11.40. Bed. Good dinner. (Red ink: Dined with Hamilton & Midge at the Coburg Hotel.)

Monday May 11 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out end of Phillimore Gardens & to Lytham House. Lo! Cynthia. Got snap. Back & left at 10.0 by bus

33 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 to Victoria. Down to Dover by self. X'd Channel. 2 little girls with good legs. Met no one either way. Expensive lunch & bad. Cold & wet returning. Dog cart met me & home to dinner at 8.15. Had fire. Bed at 12.0am. Roy left Banchory. (Red ink: Saw Cynthia back again. Crossed the Channel to Calais.)

Tuesday May 12 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out. Lovely morning. Saw Roy driving home. Snapped Cynthia 3 times & 1 of Princess. 1 exposed twice. Back to breakfast with Roy. Roy looking well & had enjoyed Banchory. All day developing street photos & those taken yesteday. Did books for Spanish photos. At 8.10 Mervyn & Roy & self dined. Langley's partridges good. Bed 12.30 after snooze. (Red ink: Roy back from Inchmarlo. Mervyn dined in the evening.)

Wednesday May 13 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45. A bright morning. Out. Got 1 snap of Princess. Profile. No Cynthia. 2 mysterious Policemen. Back. Clouded over. Met Sir Henry Bergne. All day enlarging etc etc. Left in carriage at 5.15pm dressed for Royal Society. Called Blenheim & Athenaeum. Man coughing aggressively. To the Punch Dinner. O.S, self, L.R.H, C.G, R.L, L.B, B.P, H.W.L, A.G. Tiresome discussion about religious education. Got rotten cartoon, Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Clifford & Mr Runciman. Left at 11.5. Cab to Athenaeum. To the Royal Society. No one there. Left after 5 minutes. Home by carriage. Lawrence Bradbury told me he had bought a house in Bedford Gardens. (Red ink: Went late to the Soirée of the Royal Society. No one there.)

Thursday May 14 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.0am & in room. Dull cold wet morning. No photos. Back. Breakfast with Roy. After schemed rotten cartoon of Archbishop & Clifford & Runciman. Photod Britten in Archbishop's dress. Man from Nash's in after. Wet & miserable all the afternoon. Dined by self & bed at 1.0. Roy back. Opening of French Exhibition. Out of it completely. (Red ink: Franco British Exhibition opened by Prince & Princess of Wales.) (Cuttings glued in: Obituary of Edward Hughes. Photograph of the late Mr Edward Hughes. May 23. I.L.N.)

Friday May 15 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out up Church Street. Dull cold morning. No photos. After all day at work on drawing of


Archbishop, Runciman & Dr Clifford. A hard unsatisfactory day. Roy had sat for me for photo at 9.15 partly in the wet. Finished 10.30pm when dined. Very tired.

Saturday May 16 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0 & out Earls Court. Met no one. Took camera but no photos. Lucky as had put wrong half of lens in. All day tidying up & enlarging. In the evening after dining together Roy & self went to the Hungarian Exhibition. Home & there by carriage. Saw Thompson Lyon. (Red ink: Roy & self went to the Hungarian Exhibition.) (Cutting glued in: Letter to about Sir W.H.Russell. May 16.)

Sunday May 17 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Out for walk. After breakfast left at 10.15 & by bus to C.S. At 11.15 photod R.H. Out at 1.0 & home by bus. Roy & self at lunch. Rest after & at 4.20 went in carriage with Roy & played several sets at Sir Alfred Hickmans. 1st of season. John there & the Secy. Left at 7.0 & home. Roy & self dined together & had a bottle Ayala wine. Very good. Rest after & bed 11.30pm. (Red ink: Photod R.H in morning. Played Lawn Tennis for the 1st time in season at Sir Alfred Hickmans.)

Monday May 18 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out to Lytham House. Took C & also Princess. Profile. Failure. Also Shannon on horseback. Lovely day. M leaves Inchmarlo for Banchory & home. All day enlarging. In the afternoon Electric Light of Enlarger gave in after a year's use. Changed plates & film. Roy & self dined quietly & bed 11.0pm. (Red ink: M left Inchmarlo for home.)

Tuesday May 19 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.30. Out to meet dear M. Saw bus on Campden Hill. Back. They arrived at 8.35. After all day putting Spanish photos in books. Thought Sands & Hunter had never sent about enlarger. They had. M, Roy & self dined in evening. M tired & her throat hurt her. Bed 12.0pm. Roy & self went in carriage & had an exceedingly dull evening at Sir Cuthbert Quilters in the evening. Saw many I knew. Horrid Rollit, Storey etc etc. (Red ink: M returned from Inchmarlo with a bad throat. Ill for a long time after. Roy & self went to Sir Cuthbert Quilter's Smoking Concert.)


Wednesday May 20 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45. M's throat bad. Dull windy morning. Walked over Notting Hill & down to High School. Met Sylvia Llewellyn Davis & 2 little boys. Back & with M unpacking. Turned on Electric Light on Enlarger & found it worked all right. Put some more Spanish photos in books. Left in afternoon for the Punch Dinner by carriage. Called at Athenaeum & Blenheim. Had been undecided whether to go to Military Tournament. Spencer called 2.30pm. Punch Dinner O.S, self, F.H.T, R.H, C.G, R.L, P.A, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, A.G. Lucas & Townsend back from Paris. O.S not very well. Got subject of Mill Stone round Lloyd George's neck. Left 10.40. By carriage from Athenaeum. Upton had been for Doctor Beauchamp for dear M's throat. (Red ink: Upton went for Dr Beauchamp for M's throat.)

Thursday May 21 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out. Lytham House. Photod C, Princess sideways. Failure. Back. Breakfast. Britten unable to come. Schemed subject of Lloyd G with Mill Stone & Asquith. Photod Upton & self. All ready by 4.30. Tea in M's room who had been in bed all day with her throat. Worked till 8.15 when dined by self. Roy at the French Exhibition. Bed 11.30. (Red ink: M's throat bad.)

Friday May 22 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out up Argyll Rd & to Notting Hill. Met Board School girl & took several of last year's school girls. Back & breakfast. M remained in bed all day. At work on Lloyd George with Mill Stone round his neck & Asquith. Finished at 10.0pm. Dined by self. Roy went on the river. Very cold at night. Bed at 1.45am. Had slept, tired.

Saturday May 23 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.30 & drove 9.20 to Charing X. No doubt of the cold. Down to Surrenden Park with Press men. Rain came on from 12.0 to 2.20pm. Saw trotting horses. Curious young man to ride. Dealer named Gooch. Lady, daughter of late Ed Colman & niece of Angell. Man who knew Graves & Seaman. An old banker. Photod at 1/150 second. Fine young girl in a red cloak. Poor lunch & horrid Champagne. Got off in a hurry & caught 5.15 train from Pluckley. Driven there with fast horse. Weary journey to Charing X. Home 7.50 by cab. M not so well. Hot. Roy & self dined. Poor

36 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 dinner. Emma out all day at a wedding. Bed 11.0pm. Cold. M's cough bad in night. (Red ink: Went down to Surrenden Park to Wenans horses. M not so well.)

Sunday May 24 Stafford Terrace. Up 9.0am. Dear M had bad cough & not a good night. Out up Church St, down Argyll Road. Got M Practise of Medicine. Mite away. All morning writing etc. Lunch by self. Rest & at 4.0 went with Roy in carriage to Sir A.Hickman. Played 8 sets of Lawn Tennis. Each won 4. Home 7.0. Mite & Lennie dined. M slightly better. (Red ink: Played Lawn Tennis at Sir Alfred Hickmans. M very seedy with cough etc.)

Monday May 25 Stafford Terrace. Up M had a very bad night. Up at 7.45 & out, Lytham House. Took C. Missed Princess. Met Sir Algernon Ledyard. Back. Breakfast. All day putting photos in books etc. William Hartree called. M better in afternoon, Mite with her all day. Mite lunched with me. Roy & self dined together. Bed at 11.30 after Drawing Room. (Red ink: M very seedy.)

Tuesday May 26 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.40 & out, Lytham House. Took 3 or 4. Princess turned back. Silly old man running. M decidedly better. Left at 11.0, after seeing man about books for photos, for Franco British Exhibition. Difficulty with camera. To Art Pavilion. Saw Spielmann & just glanced in. Again difficulty with camera. Back at 1.0. Mite with her mother. Better. Lunch. Did photos till 3.0pm. Hours rest. Edith Furrell with M. Tidied. Dressed & left at 6.45 to dine at 104 Lancaster Gate. Glorious evening. Never saw Gardens looking so beautiful. Had to walk across Park on acct of traffic being stopped for the King & President. 1st saw new tutor. After went with Mite & Lennie & Roy to see A White Man. To Garrick after. Supper next Spottiswoode. Home at 12.0 by carriage. (Red ink: Roy & self went to Lancaster Gate. Went to see 'A White Man'.) (Red ink across page: Went to opening of the Franco British Exhibition.)

Wednesday May 27 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.40. Lovely hot morning. Up Argyll Rd over Notting Hill. Took 5, Legs & Lady D. Camera broke down. Home. Short morning. Went to lunch at Lucy's. Very hot. Sir F.C & Lady B, Sir A & Lady Sassoon, Sir A & Lady Tadema, Sir Charles


Scotter, Hon Mrs C.N.Lawrence, Lady Dorothy Neville, Edward Terry, Mr & Mrs Lucy & self. Pleasant lunch. Home by 3.30 by bus. Rest. Mite came at 5.40. Dr Warrington Haward & D Beauchamp came to see dear M. Also the Austro Hungarian ambassader at above party, making 14. Left at 6.10 & down all the way to the 'Punch' Dinner. Emptied my locker at the Blenheim Club. No letters. O.S, self, F.H.T, C.G, E.V.L (out of place) L.B, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Long discussion about opening Exhibition on Sunday. Left at 11.0. Home by carriage from Athenaeum. Gala night at the Opera. Pall Mall blocked. (Red ink: Lunched at Lucy's. Drs Haward & Beauchamp came to see M.)

Thursday May 28 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.40 & out up Argyll Road same as yesterday. Took Lady D 1/150 second & a few others. Too late for habitués. Back & after sent Upton to Miss Huxley's. Britten could not come. Photod Bird & Miss H & well forward. Mite laid up with cold. Worked from 5.0 to 8.30. Roy & self dined. Looked over papers & bed at 11.30pm. M not so well today. (Red ink: Both Mite & M laid up with severe colds.)

Friday May 29 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out. Brilliantly fine morning. Took successful 1/100 Cynthia, 2 Princess. Tried to rush past. Got her. Back & hard at work all day on drawing of Fallières & Madame La République. Finished 9.50pm & dined by myself. Snooze till 2.0am when Roy returned from Fleishmans' dance. M had good night. Strong wind all day. The President Fallières returned to France.

Saturday May 30 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30. Did not go out before breakfast. Dull grey morning. Developed Hornsby couch photos & street yesterday. Rest in afternoon. Tabs came in. Dressed & left with Roy in carriage at 7.0 & dined with Lennie. Saw dear Mite in bed. After we went to the Vaudeville Theatre & saw Hawtrey in a piece called Jack Straw. A very palpable crib of Guthrie's Man from Blankley's. Back to Lancaster Gate & home. Hungry. Bed 12.0. (Red ink: Went with Lennie to see a piece at the Vaudeville called Jack Straw. Hawtrey in it.)

Sunday May 31 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30. Out 9.15. Lovely morning. Breakfast. In morning developed Inchmarlo fishing etc, some of Gs.T taken


1906. Lunch. Rest. At 4.0pm went to Sir Alfred's, played 8 sets. Sir A & Roy v John & self. They won 5, we 3. Back 6.45pm. M on sofa. Very warm evening. Dividend £17.18.0 from Leopoldina Railways. At 8.15 Tabs, Gwen, Hamilton Fletcher, Lennie Roy & self dined. Fan going. They left in taxy at 10.45pm. Bed 12.0. Very hot. (Red ink: Played tennis at Sir Alfred Hickmans for the last time this season. Hamilton F, Tabs, Gwen, Mite & Lennie dined.)

Monday June 1 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.40 & out up Argyll Road & Notting Hill. Took 1 doz photos. Servant at Airlie Gardens etc, school girls. Back 9.30. Very warm morning. All day enlarging & putting things straight etc. Edgar with M in afternoon. Left & up by bus in afternoon. Called A & B Clubs & to the P.D by bus after. Letter from M at the Athenaeum. O.S, self, F.H.T, E.V.L, P.A, B.P, R.H, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. The Sweep drawn. Long discussion. Left & to Athenaeum. Graves there. Wrote letters & home by the carriage. O.S, self, F.H.T, R.H, E.V.L, P.A, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. 10 in all. (Red ink: Punch Dinner. Derby Sweep.)

Tuesday June 2 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.45 & out with camera, Kensington Court. Met Col Crompton. Snapped cycling little shop girl. Back & disappointed of Britten & also Bird. Schemed subject of the Emperor of Russia & H.M the King. Photod Upton & self & got all ready by 5.0pm. Delay with enlarging. Worked till 8.30pm when dined by myself. Bed tired after. Roy dined at Mite's. Frightfully hot. (Cutting glued in: Death of Sir Redvers Buller. Wed 3 June.)

Wednesday June 3 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.45 & out to Kensington Court. Snapped one or two. Met Coward. Derby Day. Frightfully hot. At work all day on drawing of the King, Emp of Russia. Worked up to 10.0 when Roy & self dined together. Signorinetta won as an outsider 100 to 1. Very tired. Bed after Drawing Room & fan at 12.30am. Edgar in at tea time. Frightfully hot. Violent thunderstorm in the night. Never woke me. (Red ink: Derby Day. Signorinetta won. Very hot day.)

Thursday June 4 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45am & out. To High Street. Snapped small girl on bicycle etc. No Cynthia. Back & all morning tidying. Developed this morning's plates etc. Mite came & took M for drive. Out 1st time since M returned from Inchmarlo. At 4.0 thermometer


82° in rooms. Tilda came. Frightfully hot. Dressed & at 5.30 Lennie called in motor for F.B. Exhibition. Motor would not work. Roy & self left in carriage at 6.0, no, 6.45, & drove to Wood Lane entrance. A violent thunderstorm came on 5.15pm. No pictures on view. Dined with Mr Messel at the Garden Club. 14: Gilberts, Mr & Mrs M, Harold & wife, Lennie & Mite, Roy & self, young Webber, Mrs Gibbs, Muriel, Miss McIntosh. Put Mite in chair & out by the Shepherds Bush entrance at 10.30. Home by carriage & bed 11.30pm. Cooler. (Red ink: Thunderstorm in evening. Dined with Mr Messel at the Garden Club, Franco British Exhibition.)

Friday June 5 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45. Cooler. Out with camera over Notting Hill. Took servant, Lady D, red haired girl etc. In morning got ready for Leweston. M went out in Bath chair at 12.0. Lunch together. Left in cart at 1.30pm. Picked up Roy & after Guthrie. To Sherborne. Extraordinarily pretty girl on platform. Umbrella - not ours - left in train. By motor to Leweston Manor. Tabs in. Walk. Dressed. 2 Mr Ponsonbys there. Bed 11.45 after talk. Sent Upton to Police Station about Rags having barked & bitten. (Red ink: Went down by myself to Sherborne, Roy & Mr Guthrie also. M remained in town.) (Cutting glued in: Funeral of Sir Redvers Buller. Times, Saty 6 June 08.)

Saturday June 6 Sherborne, Dorset. Leweston Manor. Up at 8.0. Bath. Stroll before breakfast. After wrote letters & at 12.0 Hamilton, Guthrie, Roy & self left in motor for Dorchester. Played 16 holes on Golf course. Weymouth in distance. Quite cold. Lovely view. Left after tea at 6.0pm. Motored back thro' Dorchester. Called old curiosity shop. Very cold wind. Back 7.30. Felt seedy & cold. Dressed. Dinner. Miss Nemhard had come. Good dinner. Went to bed 10.45pm. Slept well. (Red ink: Played Golf on Dorchester & Weymouth Links, Hamilton & Roy, Guthrie & self.)

Sunday June 7 Sherborne, Dorset. Leweston Manor. Up 8.0. Woke 6.0am. Most lovely morning. Wrote Trendell before breakfast. Letters from M. After read Cockburn's Voyage 1809. Wrote letters. Lunch. Went to church 3.30 to 4.30pm. At 6.0 all went for walk. 2 Mr Ponsonbys, elder an ornithologist. Back 7.30. Dinner. Tired after. Bed 11.30pm. Got an answer from Trendell on Wednesday morning.


Monday June 8 Sherborne, Dorset. Leweston Manor. Up & bath. Warmer. Read Cockburn's Voyage 1809. Walk round with H to look at walls. After rest all afternoon. Motor went over to an old house where Lady Grove was. At 5.0 Lady Cairns & another to tea. Played Lawn Tennis, H, self, Roy & Gwen. Bottle of Madeira at dinner. Bed 11.30pm. (Red ink: Played Lawn Tennis.)

Tuesday June 9 Sherborne, Dorset. Leweston Manor. Woke 6.0am. Roy moving about at 7.0 & he left for town. After letters Guthrie & self motored into Sherborne. Took all 8 films, girls etc. After looked over Abbey & schools. The tomb of the De Horreys, Lewestons & also Digbys. Long talk with the Verger. Back 1.20. Lunch. Rest in afternoon. Tabs went to Sherborne Castle, the Digbys. Miss Nemhard to the church. At 6.0 played 4 excellent sets of Lawn Tennis, H & Eve v self & Gwen. They beat us. After 2 girls v H & self, 1 set each. Dinner. Bed 12.0 after snooze. (Red ink: Took photos at Sherborne.)

Wednesday June 10 Sherborne, Dorset. Leweston Manor. Up 8.10. Bath. Grey morning. Letters from Trendell. Spielmann, Bryson. Wrote letters. Good bye to H. Guthrie & self left at 11.45. Caught train 12.10. To Salisbury. Great difficulty in changing into London train. Impertinent ticket collector. Lunch in train. Uncomfortable & hot & stuffy. Into smoking carriage. Waterloo 3.17. Drove home by cart. Dear M not so well. Wrote letters. Tea. Left for the Punch dinner at 6.0pm. Up by steam bus. Called Athenaeum. No letters. To the Dinner. Partridge had won the sweep. O.S, self, H.F.T, C.G, R.L, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. No Phil or Lawrence. Felt tired. Got cartoon of Rosebery & Peer. Home by carriage from Athenaeum. Lord Welby there whilst I was writing letters. (Red ink: Left Leweston Manor & up to town with Guthrie.)

Thursday June 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.45 & out up Argyll Rd. Snapped Lady D, Board School etc. Back. Disappointed of Britten. M better & had a good night. Sent Upton to Mays. At 12.30 photod Upton for Peer & Lord Rosebery. Edgar & Sophia Herapath came to lunch. Lovely afternoon. Finished enlarging at 4.0pm. Tea. Worked on to 8.0pm. Roy & self dined at 8.30pm. Bed 11.30 after papers. (Cutting glued

41 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 in: Photograph. The latest frocks. Mrs G.Keppel & Lady Sarah W. June 16.)

Friday June 12 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.40 & out 8.25. Met shop girl in Church Street. Back home at 8.55. No photos. Band. Roy down. All day at work on drawing of Lord & Lord Rosebery. Finished at 9.45pm when Roy & self dined. Snooze after till 12.45 when bed. M had good night.

Saturday June 13 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.45 & out. Camera. Down Earls Court Road. Took little girl in Kensington High Street. After 2 of servant. No W.P. Back. Breakfast. After put things away & also packed. Suffragette procession to the Albert Hall. M & self got away at 3.50 & drove in carriage to Victoria. Suffragettes. Edgar met us. Roy down also. Roy not very well & looked seedy. To Balcombe. Lennie & Mr Webber at Nymans. Caught a couple of really good trout. Had brought down trout Langley had sent. Had them for dinner. Champagne. Roulette after. Lost 8/s. Bed at 11.30pm. M slept well. (Red ink: M & self went down to Balcombe after M's illness.)

Sunday June 14 Balcombe House. Up 8.15. M had good night. Bath. Lovely morning. Sat out with M & Roy for 2 hours. Lunch. Walk with Mite & Roy. Rest after in M's room till 4.30. Out again. Mr & Mrs Messel came over to tea. 3 sets of Tennis, Roy & self v Lennie & Webber. Beat them by one set. After one other Roy & self v Lennie & Bridgeman. Beat them. The Hohlers & another & a Miss Vesey came in a motor car & stayed to dinner leaving at 10.20pm. Bed at 11.15. M & self slept well.

Monday June 15 Balcombe House. Up 6.45am & bath. Packed. Breakfast at 8.0am with Roy, Mr Webber & Lennie. Good bye to M & left 9.15 am. Met Major Oxley in train. Home by cart calling Athenaeum & the Blenheim. Fine morning. Home. Letters. Lunch. At 2.0pm photod Miss Johnson & also Bird for Opening Volume 134. All afternoon developing & printing. Got ready & worked from 6.0 to 8.30 when dined with Roy. Roy went to a dance after. Bed at 11.30pm. Tired. (Red ink: Photod Miss Johnson.)


Tuesday June 16 Stafford Terrace. Woke 4.30. Up 7.40. Out 8.15am to Cromwell Road. Took 9 snaps including Princess. Back to breakfast. Manleys leaving next door. Dullish morning. After at work all day on drawing for Volume Title Page 135. Got it in outline. Roy & self dined & Roy went to a dance after. Bed at 11.30pm. (Red ink: Ascot week.)

Wednesday June 17 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out. Dull wet morning. No photos. Walk up Church St. After all day again on Title Vol 135.Could not quite finish by 5.0pm. Dressed & left in the carriage at 5.45pm for Earles Hotel, 21 Grosvenor St. Called on Mrs Moon. Felt very seedy. Walked to Athenaeum & bus to Punch Dinner. Drunken man had been to Ascot, bottle of Whiskey in his pocket. O.S, self, H.F.T, R.H, C.G, L.B, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, A.G. Talk by Reed of my sale of drawings 1906. Got cut of Haldane & Suffragettes. Bus to Athenaeum. A dinner on. Went upstairs & wrote letters. Home by the carriage. Roy out. He dined at the McLarens & went to a dance. (Red ink: Title John Bull & France.)

Thursday June 18 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out. Over to Notting Hill. Took girls walking. Lady D's father named Edwards, a letter cutter. Had camera stopped down too much. Britten came at 12.0. Photod him for Haldane in Napoleonic attitude. Developed & got all ready. Finished drawing for Vol 135 Title by 6.30pm. Traced Haldane & got him on the paper as usual. Dined by self at 8.30pm. Roy at another dance. Bed at 11.30. Very tired. (Red ink: Did good cartoon, Haldane as Napoleon.)

Friday June 19 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.40 & out by Lytham House. Writing letters before breakfast. Bright sunny morning. Snapped Princess, rather off the plate, & others. Back & all day at work on drawing of Haldane & Suffragettes. Got thro' easily. Finished 9.45. Roy & self dined. Mite called 12.30pm. Enlarged & took Suffragettes at 12.0. Bed 11.30pm. Saw 2 Plats going by bus from Kensington Church. (Red ink: Acct in Times (today) of Sir Nicholas O'Conor's will, page 14.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Admiral Rozhdestvensky. July 21.)


Saturday June 20 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.50. Very tired. Out in most brilliant sun. Took 11 up Church St at 100 second. Sent shirts. After put things away & letters. Lunch. Dressed. At 2.15 drove in carriage to Paddington. Saw Lady Roxborough, Causten etc etc. Caught one of the 1st trains to Windsor for His Majesty's Garden Party. On to Castle with 3 Americans. Medalled police. Lovely day. Strong N.E wind. Indian bodyguard. Foreign officers. Saw Burnand, Bancroft, Pinero etc, Weigall & Mrs W. Trendall, Eve & Lawrence Fisher- Rowe, O.S, Phipson Beales, Col & Mrs Lucas, Whitaker Ellis, Coleridge, Grove & many others. Rivières, Mr & Mrs Abbey. Had tea & after 1 glass of Champagne. H.M.the King, Prince & Princess of Wales & Prince Edward etc. Band. Left at 6.0. Easy train back. Curious garrulous old lady in train. By cab to Stafford Terrace at 7.15. Out & wired R.H to come tomorrow. Dined by self at 8.20pm. Went to the Hungarian Exhibition after. Cold & no one there hardly. Back by the carriage. Bed at 11.30. Tired. (Red ink: Went to the King's Garden Party at Windsor. Lovely day.) (Red ink across page: H.M the King's Garden party at Windsor.)

Sunday June 21 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & out. To Kensington Court. R.H. Wired Beasley & Grosvenor Street. Back. Breakfast. Roy to go on river. Motor called 11.30am. Grey dull morning. Wrote many letters. Lunch 1.20, out 2.0. Great crowd of Suffragettes. Met Manley & wife. Cab to Berkeley Square. Walked to C.S. Had to wait 25 minutes. At 3.0 photod R.H. Out at 5.0. Home by bus. Seen by Spencer. 300,000 in Park. Huge crowds. Home by 4 wheeler. Wrote on mount of Spielmann's drawing. Developed 1 doz plates of yesterday & filled boxes. Dined by self at 8.15. A very good dinner. Read & to bed 11.45. Roy motored from the river to Lyndhurst & home 1.30 from Southampton. (Red ink: Photod R.H. Great Suffragette meeting in the Park.)

Monday June 22 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & walked over to Notting Hill School. Took 11 photos, no 1 mag. Good looking servant. Back. Breakfast. At 12.10 Owen S came & settled for Opening Volume 135. In the afternoon photod vase etc & got all ready. Dined by self after & bed at 12.0am. A fire at Phillimore Place. Roy saw it going home. The above is wrong. Spencer came to dinner with Roy & self & left at 11.0 in carriage. (Red ink: Spencer dined with Roy & self.)


Tuesday June 23 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45am & walked over to Notting Hill. Took 10 photos, girls coming from Shepherds Bush. Went on with drawing of Greek Vase all morning for Vol 135. Gwen came at 2.0pm & we went in the carriage to Olympia & saw the Horse Show. Close & hot. Back at 5.30 to Stafford Terrace. Tea. Sent G by carriage to Paddington. Worked till 8.30pm when dined by self. Bed 12.0am. (Red ink: Took Gwen to the Horse Show at Olympia.)

Wednesday June 24 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & to Cromwell Road walking round by Wrights Lane. Princess with a young man. 1 snap of white dress. Failure. All day at work on drawing for Title - no, Heading - Volume 135. Finished at 5.45pm. Drove in carriage to Athenaeum. Letter. Garden Party at Marlborough House. Academy Soirée. Roy & Mite went, dining 1st Mr Messels. To the Punch Dinner. O.S, self, F.H.T, C.G, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. No Proprietors. Got good subject of Britannia & Pageants. Home by carriage from Atheneum after letters. Bed 12.0am. (Red ink: Royal Academy Soirée. Did not go.)

Thursday June 25 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Dull grey morning. Walked up Church Street. No photos. Wired Johnson not to come. At 12.0 photod Miss Huxley for Britannia & Pageants. Got all ready by 4.30. Worked on till 8.30pm, when dined by self. Looked over papers. Very tired. Bed at 12.30 after snooze. (Red ink: Photod Miss Huxley for Britannia & Pageants.)

Friday June 26 Stafford Terrace. Up at 5.50am. Did 2 hours work before breakfast. A came in in robe de nuit looking well. Out at 8.25 with camera. Took shop girl & also Princess sideways. Silly old man running. Back. Breakfast. All day at work on Britannia & Pageants. Mite came at 1.15. Finished at 8.40pm successfully. Roy & self dined at 9.10pm. Mite came in motor at 10.0pm. We went to the Foreign Office together. Saw Sir A.Tadema, Reeds, Lucys, Lady Pirrie, Gould, Tree, Irene Vanborough & many others. Royal Procession. Asquith with Princess of Wales, P of W, D & D of Connaught, H.H the Khedive, Indian princess, McKenna, Haldane & many others. 1 glass of Champagne & left at 12.15am. Home at


12.45. Roy back. Bed tired. (Red ink: Went with Mite to the Foreign Office Reception.)

Saturday June 27 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Overslept. Tea cold. Grey morning. Out short walk up Church Street. No photos. Put things straight & away. Developed (?) plates. Those taken yesterday & Monday last. Put things up. 1 Vol Spain. Lunch & left in cart 3.45 for Victoria & down to Balcombe. A Miss Manisty came same train. Lennie at Nymans fishing. Mr Wynne there. Tea & walk round. Dear M looking much better. Good dinner & Roulette after. Lost 1/s. Bed at 11.15pm. M & self slept well. (Cutting glued in: Sale of the Holland Pictures. June 27.)

Sunday June 28 Balcombe House. Up at 8.15. Good bath. Grey morning. Decided not to go sea fishing. Lennie & Webber off at 9.0am. Wrote many letters about Pageants etc. Sat in garden with M. Lunch. Rest in Drawing Room. Again out & wrote letters. Eclipse of the sun partial at 5.30pm. Old mare galloped in paddock. Lennie & Webber back very late from sea fishing. Dined 8.30. They came 9.0pm bringing 62 dabs & flat fish. Quiet evening after & bed 11.15pm. (Red ink: Eclipse of the sun.)

Monday June 29 Balcombe House. Up at 4.0am & also at 7.30. Bath after Webber. Caught the 9.52 train & up to town. Cart met me & home to Stafford Terrace. Letters. Lunch & at 2.30 to the Chelsea Pageant. Very hot. Difficulty in getting in. Civil Dr Johnson. Did not recognise Phil Agnew. Took 4 magazines, one No 4 faulty. Caesar. Many girls. Saw Partridge & Belcher. Pretty dark girl. There till 5.45 when drove home in the carriage. Tea & after Hut. Dined by myself & quiet evening & bed 11.30pm. Changed magazines between 6.30 & 8.0pm. (Red ink: Went to the Chelsea Pageant.)

Tuesday June 30 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out with camera. Snapped Princess & bright sun. Back. Breakfast. All day writing, tidying etc. Developed few plates. Rest in afternoon. At 4.45 went by motor bus to C.S & at 5.45 photod O. Doubtful about Studio. Out 6.45 & to the Athenaeum & home by carriage at 7.30pm. Changed & dined by

46 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 self. Bed at 11.30.(Red ink: Photod Moon at 4.45pm.) (Cutting glued in: Marriage of Captain Leonard Bell to Catharine Coward.)

Wednesday July 1 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out in brilliant sun. Met Manley. Took 9 of schoolgirls at corner of Kensington Court. Back. Breakfast & at 10.45 drove in cart to Waterloo. Frightfully hot. Caught the 11.30 for Winchester. Got fearfully hot walking to the George Hotel. Next Quiller Couch, Genevieve Ward. Sat next to a table with Mrs Athol Purdy & her son & another gentleman who knew my work. To the Pageant. Took 2 magazines without a hitch. Saw Benson, Montague Fowlers. Delightful tea with Charles 2nd. Left at 5.20 & caught the 5.50 train. Got hot again. To Waterloo. Cab to the Garrick & had good dinner. Saw Galloway, Bangs, Weldon etc. Capn Jessel asked why Seaman did not belong to the Garrick. To the P.D. O.S, self, F.H.T, R.H, R.C.L, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Bogus cartoon made up. Got fair subject & left at 10.40. To Athenaeum. Wrote letters & home by carriage. Bed tired 12.0am. (Red ink: Went to the Winchester Pageant. Dined at the Garrick Club.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Lord Chelsea. July 3.)

Thursday July 2 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.45 & out. Took 2 snaps, Edward's sister & Raffles. Back. Breakfast. Britten to come. Roy went to Henley by motor at 11.30am. Schemed subject with difficulty. At 12.0 photod Britten for Ulysses & at 12.30 Miss Johnson & Antoinette for Suffragettes. Developed & got all ready. Rest from 5.0 to 6.0. Worked till 8.30pm. Dined by self. Papers & to bed at 11.30pm. Very hot. Roy back 1.30am. (Red ink: Photod Britten, Miss Johnson & Antoinette for Suffragettes.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Eugenie de la Penha.)

Friday July 3 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.0 & did hours work before breakfast. After out in most brilliant sun. Took 7 photos, one good one of Princess, 2 shop girls etc staring butchers. Back. Roy went again to Henley & had delightful day. Thermometer 84° in my room. All day on drawing of Asquith as Ulysses & Suffragettes. Nearly done up with the heat. Had fan in room. Finished at 9.30pm. Dressed & dined by self. Went in carriage at 10.0 to Lady Henderson's evening party to meet Arthur Balfour. Saw Dixon-Hartlands, Col & Mrs Lucas, Lady Milman, Snagge & his wife, Mrs Arthur Lewis, Col Malet & many others. Lucy. Talk to Mr Balfour. Left at 12.0 &

47 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 drove home & to bed. Tired. Thunder in the night. (Red ink: Henley. Very hot day. Went to Lady Henderson's at home.) (Cutting glued in: Art Sale. July 3.)

Saturday July 4 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10. Had been a thunder storm at 2.0am. Grey dull morning & all day. Slightly cooler. Roy only eat a few strawberries for luncheon, no breakfast. Check & put things away. Sent Upton to photo ass'g. Developed 1 doz of Pageant, 1 doz taken Wednesday & Thursday & 7 yesterday. Lunch & left with Roy in a taximeter cab at 3.45 for Balcombe. Roy to Worthing. Saw Ruth Messel, Mr & Mrs M & Miss de la Penha. Lennie at Balcombe just starting for Worthing. Sat out till 7.15. Dressed. Thunder about. Dinner, Mrs G, Mite, M, self & Mr Bridgeman. Rest after. Bed 11.30pm. (Red ink: Roy went down to Worthing. Self to Balcombe.)

Sunday July 5 Balcombe House. Up 8.30. A grey cooler morning. Breakfast by self. After wrote letters & began Spanish Volume 1. Sat out with M & strolled, Mrs Gibson also. After lunch sat on lawn & read. Lovely weather. Read 'Tracer of Lost persons' to M & Mrs Gibson. Took M round the field at 6.0pm. Mite & Mrs G went on to the lake. Dinner. Mite played the pianola after. Bed at 11.30pm. (Red ink: Quiet day at Balcombe.)

Monday July 6 Balcombe House. Up at 8.0am. 'Times'. Breakfast. Lovely day all day. Took M for slow walk over fields & back. All day at letters & doing the Spanish 1st Volume. Quiet dinner & pianola after. Rest & to bed at 11.30pm. Mrs Gibson left in the morning at 11.30am. (Cutting glued in: Marriage of Francis Langdon to Frances Mount Batten. July.)

Tuesday July 7 Balcombe House. Up at 8.0. No 'Times'. Breakfast. After to 11.0 did Vol 1 Spain. At 12.30 M & Mite & self motored to Brighton. Took a few snaps in high wind. Then on along the sea shore to Worthing. Past a travelling circus. Very good lunch at Worthing. Then at 3.0 to the Camp & saw Lennie. Was awakened in his tent. Also Lord Zouche, Duke of Norfolk etc. Run home though Handcross. Hot very, even on the motor. Bath. A Miss Something arrived & Ethel Cusans. Dinner. Miss (blank) played well. Bed


121.30 after. (Red ink: M, Mite & self motored to Worthing & back.)

Wednesday July 8 Balcombe House. Up 8.0am. Dull morning. Breakfast. After went on with Volume 2 of Spain. Letters etc. Lunch. At 3.0 M, Mite & self left in motor for 3 Bridges. Good bye to them. Up to town. Carriage met me. Heavy rain. To Stafford Terrace. Wrote letter. Tea. On to the Punch Dinner by bus. O.S, self, F.H.T, R.H, R.C.L, P.A, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Very late discussion. Got another Britannia cut & at 10.45 to Athenaeum. Wrote letters & home by carriage.

Thursday July 9 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.30. Out with 2nd camera up Church St. Took one of tall girl in black. After schemed subject of Britannia & Nelson. Photod Miss Huxley & after Upton. Fine hot morning. Could not get policeman. All ready by 4.30. Rest for an hour. Worked from 5.0pm to 8.20. Roy & self dined together. Bed after at 12.0am. (Red ink: Photod Miss Huxley for Britannia.)

Friday July 10 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.30. Had had most awful cramp in my thighs in the early morning. Woke up in agony. Out up Church St. No photos. Poor old Rick crushed under a motor at 11.30am. Motor coming out of stable next door. Dear Mite & Linley came at 12.30pm. Rain set in for the Eton & Harrow Match. Worked on drawing for Britannia & Nelson till 8.30pm when finished. Dined by self tired. Roy out. Bed 11.0pm.

Saturday July 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out. Dull morning & much wind. Up Church St. Back & put things away. Developed at 12.0 films of R.H taken Sun 21 June. Dressed. Met Bonvoisin coming along at 1.10pm. Drove him in carriage to Lords & saw a disastrous Eton & Harrow Cricket Match. Dull. Lunch with Roy, Hamilton Fletcher, Stern, Bonvoisin & self. Very good lunch. All over at 4.0pm. Harrow won by 10 wickets. Left. Took 1 doz small photos. Most successful for dull light. Home. Roy & self dined after my developing 30 small films & plates taken last Tuesday & today. Drove in carriage at 10.35 to the Garrick & had Bonvoisin to supper. Tunstall, Wyndham, C.Disraeli, etc. Bonvoisin liked the


Cider. Home 1.0am. (Red ink: Eton & Harrow match. Poor cricket. Took Bonvoisin.)

Sunday July 12 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30 & out at 9.5. Went to Kensington Court. No R.H. Back & breakfast. After Roy out. Left at 12.0 & motor bus to Athenaeum. Letter at B.Club. Wrote M etc. Lunch & at 3.0 to 5.0 photod R.H, Turkish dress. Dark dull day & heavy rain. Home 5.30. Muggy & hot. From 6 to 7.45 rested in Drawing Room, fan going. Read Chambers book. Roy & self dined at 8.0 & had a bottle of Ayala '92. Bed at 11.0pm. (Red ink: Photod R.H. Dull dark afternoon. Turkish dress.)

Monday July 13 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.35 & out. A hopelessly wet & miserable morning for the King to open the Olympic Games. Out & up Church Street. Felt tired & muggy all morning. From 10.20 to 11.0pm writing letters. Lunch. As still heavy rain did not go to the Franco British Exhibition. Lucky I did not as should not have got in. The King opened the Olympic Games at 3.30pm. Rest in chair from 2.0 to 4.0. Tea. Put away back photos etc. Roy brought home a good lobster & we dined together. Rags sick in his basket. In Drawing Room after & bed 11.0pm. (Red ink: King opens Olympic Games. Heavy wet.)

Tuesday July 14 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.40 & out. Clouds. Snapped Princess who ran violently after. Back. Roy & self breakfast. Squared up back bromides. Letters etc. Lunch & at 2.10 went in carriage to the Franco British Exhibition. Saw the Olympic Games. Principally cycling. Out 5.0 & home 5.30pm. Tea. Developed films taken in Oct 1906. No good. Roy back & we dined together. Quiet evening after. Full moon. Bed 12.0 after snooze. (Red ink: Went to the Franco British Exhibition for the Olympic Games.)

Wednesday July 15 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.30 & out. Clouds. Snapped Princess at Cromwell Road & others. Met Sir Henry Bergne. Sent shirt & belt to Stores. Developed some films taken of Morgan, May 1907. Rest after lunch. Carriage to Athenaeum. No letters. On by bus to P.D. O.S, self, F.H.T, R.H, R.C.L, P.A, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, A.G. Got cut of Wolfe & Montcalm. Left with Lucas in bus. Lawrence B away for


3 months in France. Wrote letters at Athenaeum & home by carriage. (Red ink: Lawrence Bradbury away indefinitely.)

Thursday July 16 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out. Wet morning & a pouring wet day all day. Dreadful for work. Schemed in a hurry subject of Prince of Wales & Wolfe & Montcalm. Sent Upton to Mays & photod with extreme difficulty Pegler & Upton for naval uniform & also for Montcalm & Wolfe. Enlarged upstairs. Very tired. Roy & self dined at 8.30pm. Stern sent me 2 bottles of Brandy, one 1820. Read & bed 11.45pm. Still heavy rain. (Red ink: Very wet for photographing for my work.)

Friday July 17 Stafford Terrace. Up & out. Walk up Holland Walk. Saw Elliott, Spanish girl. Back before Band. Dull grey day. Breakfast & all day at drawing of Wolfe, Montcalm & Prince of Wales. Finished 9.45pm. Roy out to dinner. Very tired & seedy. Bed 12.30pm.

Saturday July 18 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0 & out up Church Street. Back. Breakfast. Dull morning. Put things away etc etc. No photos. Roy back to lunch. Left in taxy for Victoria & to Balcombe. Had been heavy rain. Met Mr Labouchere at station. Mr Everard, Mr & Mrs Fisher Dilke, Mr Johnston at house. Pleasant party. Fit of indigestion & breathlessness. Stroll round by village with M. Dinner, next Mite. Roulette after. Lost 4/s. Bed at 12.0am. Slept well. (Red ink: Roy & self went down to Balcombe.)

Sunday July 19 Balcombe House. Up at 8.15. Bath etc. Dull grey day & strong wind but no rain. Wrote 4 or 5 letters. Then took M for walk to the lake. Like yachting. Lunch. After rested. Liver out of order & breathless. Took M at 4.15 for another walk. Met Mr Everard & Bridgeman, after Mite & Mrs Dilke. Vic killed a rat & carried it home. Miss Parker here with a little dog. Tea & Tennis, played 1 set. Good set, Mr Dilke & Mr Labouchere v Roy & Lennie. Dinner. Took Mrs Dilke in. Pianola after. Bed at 11.45pm. (Cutting glued in: Hooligans and the Police. July 20.)

Monday July 20 Balcombe House. Up 8.15. No bath. General exodus. Nurse Francis & Linley, Mr Everard, Mr Labouchere, Mr & Mrs Fisher


Dilke, Mr Johnstone. etc. Dull morning again. Wrote letters. Doubtful as to going to Brighton. Did not go. Did Spanish book. A Miss Hughes came. Rest in afternoon. Had 3 sets of Lawn Tennis. Curate & self v Mr Labouchere & Lennie. Beat them. Dinner & quiet evening after.

Tuesday July 21 Balcombe House. Up 8.0am. Lennie & Mr Labouchere went to town. Did Spanish books. Mite, M & self motored to Nymans & M & self went to Ifield & saw Mark Lemon's grave. Back to lunch from Nymans. After rest. Letters etc. Spanish Volume 3. Took M for walk round field. A Miss Bagge came. Dinner. Took Miss Hughes in. Left at 9.15 & up to town. Roy met me at Victoria. Home by carriage. Sandwiches & bed at 11.30pm. Played 3 sets of Lawn Tennis, self & Mr Labouchere v Lennie & Mr Bridgeman. They beat us 5 games all in all the 3 sets. (sic: Tennis match played the previous day.) (Red ink: Went to Nymans & after with M to Ifield. Returned to Stafford Terrace in the evening.)

Wednesday July 22 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45. Had the carriage & drove to Cromwell Rd. Snapped the Princess running. After got ready & drove to Victoria & caught the 11.0 train to Dover. Lovely day. Saw the Pageant & took 79 snaps. Saw Mr Weigall, Lady Rose & their daughter. Left at 4.45 & caught the boat train back. To the Garrick Club by 7.40. Dressed & taxy to the Dinner at the Savoy. O.S, self, A.G, F.H.T, R.L, P.A, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L. Got Turkish subject, Sultan & young Turkey. By cab to Athenaeum at 11.30. Home by carriage. Sandwiches. Long day. (Red ink: Went to the 'Dover Pageant'. Dined at the Savoy in the evening for 'Punch' Dinner.)

Thursday July 23 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out through Holland Walk. Saw girl. Bright morning. Had taken a doz plates on Notting Hill. Sent Upton to Mays for Sultan's costume. Photod Upton & got all ready by 3.30pm. Rest till 5.0. Worked from 5.15 to 9.30pm. Roy & self dined & Roy left in cart at 10.50pm for Euston. Looked at papers & bed 11.50. Roy went to Galbraith's.


Friday July 24 Stafford Terrace. Up 5.30am & at work at ¼ to six. Tea. Worked to 8.0am. Had carriage & drove down to Cromwell Road. Slightly misty. Snapped Princess & again in St Albans Road. Also common shop girl. Home. Breakfast. Took plates out of water & filled No 4 magazine. Work from 10.15 to 12.15. Finished drawing. Lunch. Packed from 3.0 to 4.30. Drove in cart to Waterloo. Forgot money. Called Athenaeum. Saw Sir T.Snagge. Saw Spencer & Nelson. Down to Southampton. On board at 8.0pm. Dressed. Dinner 8.30. Sat next Parkinson. After talk to Sir Walter Lawence & Snagge. Bed at 11.45. (Red ink: Got done early & went on board S.S. ‘Salsette’. Great race from 'Marathon'. Dorando Pietri in first.)

Saturday July 25 P&O S.S.'Salsette'. Up 6.30 & out 7.0. Tea. Dull morning. Breakfast 8.0am. Good sole. Gilbert eating heavily. Got a Princess of Thule. Rest from 10.30am to 12.0pm. Talks. Lunch. Carbonnais. After smoke. Rest. Talk to Alverstone. Passed 7 submarines & the Eddystone Lighthouse. Steamed down as far as Falmouth when turned & anchored at Plymouth. A New Zealand White Star ship starting, the Ionic. Dinner. Claret. Sutherland pointed guests where to go. Smoke after. Sleepy. Rested in deck chair. Sandwich with Snagge. Bed at 12.0am. (Red ink: Delightful run down Channel on board S.S. 'Salsette'.)

Sunday July 26 P&O S.S. 'Salsette'. Up at 6.50. Good warm sea bath. Out. Talk to Fildes, East & Gilbert about camera. Breakfast. Pipe & read about Marathon race. Took many snaps. Talk to Snagge, Sutherland & after to a man who had been all over the world, an architect. Lovely morning. Steamed up from Plymouth back past Swanage to Isle of Wight. Parade of Lascars & men at 10.30. The above man was a Mr George Edwards Chairman of the A.B.C. Lovely day. Steamed round the Isle of Wight round to Spithead, a great fleet there. Then up to Southampton Water. About 10 of them left the ship at 7.0pm. Henderson, Alverstone, Parkinson & others. Pleasant dinner. East's boring stories. Speech by Lord Selby after. Talk of Busch to Sir Walter Lawrence. Bed at 12.0am. (Red ink: On board P&O Salsette.)


Monday July 27 P&O S.S.'Salsette'. Up at 5.0am. Bath & packed leisurely. Breakfast at 8.0am & left the ship in a tender & caught 9.45 train. In carriage with Hunter, Bancroft, Snagge & Fildes. Cart met me at Waterloo & home at noon. Changed films & after lunch developed a few films. Had printed 50 blues all defective owing to bad paper. Left at 5.45 & up by steam bus to Athenaeum. No letters. To the Punch Dinner. O.S, self, F.H.S, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, A.G. Left 10.45 & home from the Athenaeum Club at 11.15pm. (Red ink: Back from P&O steamer to Stafford Terrace. Punch Dinner.)

Tuesday July 28 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.45 & over Campden Hill, no Holland Walk, to Notting Hill. Took 10 films etc of girls. Back & schemed subject of Lloyd George as Highwayman. Sent Upton to Mays. Photod him in frock coat & hat. Got all ready by 4.0pm. Half an hour's rest & worked till 9.0pm. Put most of the drawing in outline. Dined by self. Tired. Bed at 11.30pm. (Red ink: Last Notting Hill photos.)

Wednesday July 29 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.0 & did one hours work on Lloyd George as Highwayman. Ordered carriage & drove to street before Cromwell Road. The last day of High School. Snapped Princess twice. Girls with bouquets of flowers. Lovely morning. All day at work. Wire from Mite to go to Goodwood tomorrow. Got done 9.20 & dined by self. Very tired. Bed 11.30pm. (Red ink: Last day of High School. Last photos of season.)

Thursday July 30 Stafford Terrace. Up 5.30 & packed. Upton round by 7.0. Breakfast 7.45 & off in cart at 8.15am to Victoria. Caught the 9.55 for Balcombe. Changed & left in motor for Goodwood, Mite, self, Miss Bourke & Mr Labouchere. Hot day. Puncture just after Petworth & after something wrong. Taken on to course by a stranger in 2 cars. Lunch in naval tent. Seated on lawn after. Saw Pinero. Introduced to Percy Scott etc. Mite & self had tea. Saw Phillis Dare etc. Took 10 photos. Difficulty to find car. Left 5.0pm. Broke down again twice & stranded in wood. Children looking on. Got a fly & by train to 3 Bridges. Very thin new moon. Drove home in wagonette. There 11.15. Dinner & bed very tired at 12.25. Fearful cramp in the night. (Red ink: Left S.T early & went to


Balcombe. After motored with Mite, Miss Bourke & Mr Labouchere to Goodwood. Breakdown.)

Friday July 31 Balcombe House. Up at 9.0. Late. Grey morning. Breakfast 9.45, Miss Bourke sitting with me. Delightful to talk to. Out on lawn till 11.0am. Took M short walk after writing Roy. Lunch. Rest. Read a book of Jack London's called White Fang. Up & wrote to Guy Granet, Forbes etc. Changed for Tennis. A Mr Bridgeman & his wife called. Lovely evening. Played 3 sets of Lawn Tennis. Mr Labouchere & self won one. Bath. Dressed. Took Miss Bourke in to dinner. Major & Mrs Oxley & Miss Loder at dinner. Roulette after. Neither won nor lost. Bed 11.45pm.

Saturday August 1 Balcombe House. Up 8.20. bath. Sat in sun reading 'Times'. Breakfast. After Lennie, Mr Labouchere & Miss Bourke went to rifle butts. Letters. Settled with M about going to Scotland. Short walk. In to lunch. Eric Parker came over & he & Lennie fished. Rest till tea on the lawn with children. M, Miss Bourke & self went to the lake & saw a fish caught. Took Vic. Back 7.0pm. Dressed. Wrote diary. Claret for dinner. Mabel Beaumont & her husband at dinner. Roulette after. Won 6d. Bed at 11.30after. The Beaumonts arrived at 11.0.

Sunday August 2 Balcombe House. Up at 8.20. bath. Most lovely morning. Breakfast 9.30am. Letter from Roy. After read. Very hot. Lunch. Rest. Party from Major Oxley's came for Tennis. Beaumont good at it. Played 1 set. Lovely afternoon. Took Miss Bourke in. Lennie annoyed at talking during pianola. Up at 10.30pm. Changed films. M woke several times in the night. (Red ink: Lovely weather. Warm & fine.)

Monday August 3 Balcombe House. Up 8.0am. Bath. Breakfast. At 10.15 left in pony trap for station. Met Hayworth Booth & Pigott. An hour late in getting to Brighton. Took 1 magazine before lunch & 2 after. Very hot & great vulgarity. Lunch at the Bedford. Empty. Fly to station at 3.15 & at Balcombe at 4.45. Changed & walked M, Miss B & self to lake. Took 4 photos. After took Miss Bourke a row on the lake. Delightful. Hard walk back. Much distressed. Bath & dressed. People to dinner. Major & Mrs Oxley etc. Tired & in Lennie's room & outside. Heavy dew. A dance after. Mr & Mrs Hayworth Booth,

55 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 party from Nymans, Murray's daughter etc. Mistook the daughter for the sister. Bed after. M went up at 11.0pm. Went to Brighton. (Red ink: Took Miss B for a row in dinghy. Dance at Balcombe House.)

Tuesday August 4 Balcombe House. Up at 7.30. Bath. Lennie & Mr Labouchere went to town. Out & sat & talked with Miss Bourke. Lunch. Decided to go to Lord Zouche's Garden Party. Left at 3.15pm with Mite & Miss B. Delightful motor ride over nearly to Worthing. Lovely old Elizabethan house. Spurious old armour. Threatened thunder shower. Saw Mrs (Longan) Newman & after Dove-Keithley who was unshaven. Bother to get the motor. Insufferably close. Home in 2 hours. Lennie rather upset. Mr Cadogan arrived. Dinner. Took Miss Crozier in. Roulette after. Next Miss Bourke. End of a delightful six days. (Red ink: Went with Mite & Miss Bourke to Garden Party at Lord Zouche's.)

Wednesday August 5 Balcombe House. Up 7.0 & in room & packed. Down to breakfast 8.30. Disappointed Miss Vivienne Bourke not going up by 12.15 but by the 9.30. Too bad. Good bye to her. Went on with Spanish Vol 2. Left by 12.15. Good bye to dear Mite & M. To town. Cart met me. Heavy wet. Stafford Terrace. Lunch 2.15pm. Developed the films taken at Brighton on Monday, 7 or 8 double exposures. Sad. Left & to Athenaeum by bus. Letters at Blenheim & there. On to the Punch Dinner. O.S, self, F.H.T, R.H, C.G, B.P, A.G. Got Grouse cut. Left 11.0 & to Athenaeum. Very sleepy at the Punch table. Home by the carriage & bed. (Red ink: Miss Vivien Bourke left Balcombe early in morning.)

Thursday August 6 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.45. Out with large camera. Took 2 only, Church Street. Back & schemed subject for Grouse, Asquith & Churchill. Photod Upton & self. All ready by 2.30. Hours rest & worked till 8.30. Dined by self. Frightfully tough chicken. In Drawing Room & bed after at 12.0am.

Friday August 7 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.0am & put room in order. Out for short turn. Back before nine. Worked all morning on Grouse picture. M & Marie back at 2.15pm. Lunched together. On with work & finished at 8.0pm. M & self dined 8.15. In Morning Room. M looking over

56 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 papers. Tired. Could not find Apollinaris. Some in Dining room. Bed at 11.15.

Saturday August 8 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.45am & out up Church Street. Took one photo. Breakfast. All morning writing & putting straight. Lunch 1.30. At 2.0 M & self went in carriage to Daly's Theatre & saw 'Merry Widow'. No underdstudies. Good. Large box. Saw Ethel Warwick in cast. Out & walked to Athenaeum. Drove home calling at Butts. Developed Moon photos. M & self dined. In Morning Room after. Bed at 11.30pm. (Red ink: M & self went to the matinée of The Merry Widow. Saw all the stars.)

Sunday August 9 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & out with Rags. Met R.H. Back & wrote letters. Put phos away. M & self lunch. Left by bus at 2.15 & to C.S at 3.0, took 18 photos R.H. Very hot. Out & to Athenaeum. Tea & wrote list of books. Dinner 8.0pm. Bottle of '89 Ayala. Bed at 11.0. M did not sleep well. (Red ink: Photod R.H in afternoon. Quiet day at home Went to C.S & Athenaeum in afternoon. Very hot day.)

Monday August 10 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.0. Dear M complained of her throat. Wrote letters, cheques & finished packing. Breakfast & M, Antoinette & self got off by a bus for St Pancras at 10.30. Comfortable journey to Dumfries. Lady told M charming French maid. At Station Hotel 7.0pm. Went & got medicine. Dinner. Smoke & up in M's room 9.30pm & to sleep. M not quite so well. (Red ink: M & self left London for Drumlanford via Dumfries.)

Tuesday August 11 Station Hotel, Dumfries. Woke still dark. M said she was afraid to go on. Up at 7.30. Down & wired Maxwell & Galbraith. Waked into town & called on Dr Kerr (Carr). Saw young girl tall & wonderful legs. Back. Breakfast at 10.15. Dr called & saw M. Better. Out. Wired again & to Drumlanford. At 11.25 out to get prescription made up at Johnstones. Took 20 films in town. Children etc. Many very good. Back at 12.45. M still in bed. Lunch at 1.30. Galbraith & Ian called. Good bye to M at 2.30 & caught the 2.50 train for Newton Stewart. Dog cart met me. Drove to Drumlanford. Dropped a bag. Through Knowe, arrived 6.30. Letter fom M.M. Only Mr & Mrs B there. Dressed & dinner at 7.30. Quiet evening & bed 10.20.


Changed films taken today. Cold. Sleep 11.0pm. (Red ink: Left M at Station Hotel Dumfries & went on by self to Drumlanford. Took 20 photos of people in Dumfries.)

Wednesday August 12 Drumlanford. Up 7.45. Bath. Grey coldish morning. Davidson & Glasgow chauffeur looking at Albion motor, Glasgow. Wrote Mite & several letters. At 12.30 Lord Justice Kennedy arrived. Beale & I had lunch. Started off at 1.20pm, 3 guns. Ld Justice K & Beale & self. Walked till 7.30. Got 10 brace of grouse & a rabbit & 1 partridge shot by the Judge. No rain but tired. Rush. Frightfully done up. Welcome Ginger Beer. Dined 8.15. Patience after. Bed at 10.20. Woke up at 2.0pm with strange dream. Room close. Opened windows. Dream of adventures in war. M alone at Dumfries. (Red ink: 1st days shoot Drumlanford.)

Thursday August Drumlanford. In morning rest & wrote letters. Looked at the Albion motor. Letter from M, two from Dumfries. Lunch at home & after started to shoot. Past farm & golden plover beat. Walked till 6.30pm, not nearly so tired as yesterday. Back & found M's carriage back. She & Antoinette arrived 6.30. Bath & dinner. Bed 10.30pm. (Red ink: 2nd days shoot at Drumlanford. Half day.)

Friday August 14 Drumlanford. After breakfast Ld Justice went into Barr Hill about telegrams. After lunch they went in motor. Went for walk to farm by Loch Drumlanford with Mr B. Farmer ill. Got frightfully hot in sun. Wet thro'. Took M for walk along the Flirtation Walk. Changed. Read Roman book. Dinner. Patience & bed. M much better. (Red ink: Quiet hot day at Drumlanford.)

Saturday August 15 Drumlanford. After B started at 10.30 & went the Ruin beat. Very distressed from heat & flies. Very few birds. Lunch at Ruin. Got hare. Turned back again to trees & left off at 5.0. Walk home. Very tired. Rested in M's room. Dinner. Patience & bed 10.45pm. Sleepy. (Red ink: 3rd days shoot at Drumlanford. The Ruin beat.)

Sunday August 16 Drumlanford. Up at 7.45. In M's room. Drew cheque for Knightley & balance of Parish Taxes. Breakfast. Read Gibbon all the morning. Found out about Maximus & Theodosius, 375 after


Christ. Lunch. No letters. After did not go to Fox's, midges very bad. Heavy stuffy thundery day. The Lord Justice & Mr B started for walk. Came back because boat was out. Tea. Took M & Mrs B for walk. Wrote diary. Dinner supper 7.45. Bed at 10.30pm after. (Red ink: Very close thundery day.)

Monday August 17 Drumlanford. Up & started at 10.30 in break. Mrs Beale going also. Drove towards the Cree & started shooting right & left of road. Got on to the snipe park. Very hot sun. Done up walking. Lunch by spring. Left off at 5.15 & drove home in break. Ginger Beer. Bath. Rest till 7.15pm. Dinner & pianola after. Wire for the Ld Justice. 8 brace grouse, 1 hare, snipe. Self got 4 brace. No bath water in the morning. (Red ink: 4th days shoot at Drumlanford.)

Tuesday August 18 Drumlanford. Dull morning & colder. Windy. Ld Justice off to fish. Wrote letters etc. Took M for walk as far as Wheel & saw Ld Justice fishing. Back. Lunch. Got A Window in Thrums. Rest etc. Mr B & Ld Justice caught 7 trout weighing all together over 5 lb. Another walk after tea & dressed. Dinner. Shave. Bed at 10.20pm. Tired. (Red ink: Quiet day. More wind. No shooting.)

Wednesday August 19 Drumlanford. Idle day. Wrote. Read A Window in Thrums. Ld Justice went to fish in the afternoon. Took M for walk round two drives. Fast trotting pony with action. Lunch at home. Another rest. Walk with M to Wheel at 5.30pm. Dinner. Pianola after. Bed 10.30pm. (Red ink: Quiet day, no shooting.)

Thursday August 20 Drumlanford. Idle morning. Wrote letters etc. Lunch at home. Started in break at 2.45 & shot over moors to left & to snipe park. Beautiful fresh day. 3 guns over Larry. Left off 5.0pm & home by break. Bath. Dinner. Sleepy after. Bed 10.45. Cough troublesome. (Red ink: 5th ½ day shoot at Drumlanford.)

Friday August 21 Drumlanford. At 9.30 started for driven grouse day. Began at 10.0am bottom of drive. 7 guns. One lost an arm in South African war. Rainy day. Only got 2½ br all day & hard walking. Very hot in overcoat. Lunch in barn. Very long walks to butts. Left off about 6.0pm, up to house in motor. Ginger beer. Bath. Rest. Dinner. Not

59 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 sleepy after. Patience. Bed 10.30. Midge bites very irritable. Only 18½ brace to 7 guns. (6th grouse drive shoot. 7 guns. Wet uncomfortable day & midges dreadful.)

Saturday August 22 Drumlanford. Fine morning. Sun dial. Wrote letters & put moon right after. After lunch stuck what few paragraphs there were in book. Took M for walk before luncheon. Found white heather. Photod pigs, Maggie, Mrs B etc. Went out again 12.40 & photod landscapes, house, stile etc. Rest after. Read A Window in Thrums. Tea. After Mrs B, M, the Lord Justice & self walked round the roads, ¾ mile. Robin. Lovely evening. Mr B came in having looked for birds. Former owner of Drumlanford Wason. At 6.0pm found a most curious sort of fungoid growth like a banana. Awful scent. Dinner. Pianola. Bed at 10.30pm.. (Red ink: Quiet restful day at Drumlanford. Most lovely weather.) (Small drawing of fungus) White sort of light fretwork. Nauseating smell.

Sunday August 23 Drumlanford. Most lovely morning. Most went to church in break. M & self walked along Flirtation Walk. Sat out & read Hone's every day book. Hot. Back 1.45. Lunch. Rest after on sofa. At 5.20 Mr & Mrs Wason, a youth & Mrs Sweeting called in a motor. Took M for walk round road. Supper 7.45. Sleepy after. Bed at 11.0 after changing magazine as a plate or rather film had stuck. (Red ink: Mr & Mrs Wason called.)

Monday August 24 Drumlanford. Grey & rather muggy morning. Breakfast. Was shown the Judge's camera. Wrote Gaumont. Lunched in house. After W.B, Lord Justice & self walked to the Ruin & all about. Self only shot 1 young black cock. Rain & strong wind. Very cold. Children coming back from school. Back 5.30. Bath & quiet dinner. Bed 10.30pm. Felt well. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Caroline Luard. The murder of Mrs Luard. Photograph of Ightam Knoll. Aug 20.)

Tuesday August 25 Drumlanford. (illeg) Packed. (illeg) Breakfast. Goodbye at 11.5 & 2 traps to Newton Stewart. Antoinete in one. Got off & from Dumfries quite comfortably. Carriage reserved. I dined in train. At St Pancras 10.15 to the minute. Bus home. Supper & bed. M bore the journey well. Bed 12.30. (Red ink: M, self & Antoinette

60 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 travelled back from Drumlanford.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Sir Eyre Massey Shaw. Photograph of the late Sir Eyre Massey Shaw. Aug 20th. The wife of Arthur Popham, of a daughter. Aug.)

Wednesday August 26 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out. Lovely morning. Up Holland Walk. No shop girl. Met W.P on bicycle. All day putting up things for Saturday. Rest. Developed last street photos in July & also Chelsea Pageant. Left by steam bus. Called Blenheim & also the Athenaeum. To the Punch Dinner. O.S, self, F.H.T, C.G, P.A, B.P, H.W.L. Good dinner & over early. Got subject of Europa. Home by bus. Called Athenaeum. Bed 11.30pm. Sandwiches. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Gustav Natorp. Aug. Will of Gustav Natorp. Nov 16. Sir Hubert Jerningham left London yesterday. Obituary of Sir Eyre Massey Shaw. Aug 26.)

Thursday August 27 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out with big camera. Took B.S.G from Notting Hill & one other. Policeman that had sat to me spoke. Back. No model, Miss Huxley & Miss Johnstone neither could come. Used a photo of Miss Mackenzie. Photod 2 boys. All ready by 4.30. M & self dined at 8.0 & to bed early. Death of Sir Eyre Shaw in Times. (Red ink: This cartoon not a success.)

Friday August 28 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.0 & did hour's work on perspective of drawing. Out. No photos. Breakfast. All day to 9.20 at work on drawing of Europa & quarrelsome Moors as boys. Finished & dined by self. M went to bed. Felt very tired & done up after. Violent clap of thunder in the afternoon. Edie Furrell to tea. Bed 12.0. (Red ink: Very tired after work.) (Cuttings glued in: Obituary of Captain J.Craik. Tues 25 Aug. Funeral of Captain John Craik. Aug 27.)

Saturday August 29 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.0. Finished packing. Out 8.30. Met W.P on bicycle. Felt very cold in thin coat. Changed everything. M, Marie & self left at 11.0 in bus for Marylebone Station. Mr Monckton most civil. Left 12.15 in a through carriage to Scarboro'. Most comfortable journey. Arrived Scarborough 7.20pm. Confusing station. By bus to the Grand Hotel. Had to go below to rooms. Dined by self. Band after. Pierrots (Catlin's) playing

61 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 outside. Bed 10.30. M slept well. (Red ink: M, self & Marie went via Marylebone to Scarborough. Uncomfortable uncivil hotel.)

Sunday August 30 Grand Hotel, Scarborough. Up 7.0. Bath in M's room. Out & stroll after breakfast. Lovely hot sun. M & self out at 11.0. Chaise with postillion driver. Took tram 'Round the Town'. Back. Lunch. Rest. Out again 4.0 & to the Spa. Good music, shoals of people. Up in mountain railway. Lovely light. Took a few girls etc, 9. Back. Dressed leisurely & fairly good dinner. M went up at 8.45, self 10.0. Cough troublsome. Both slept well. Read Wells' silly story about airships & fights in the air. (Red ink: Cough troublesome.)

Monday August 31 Grand Hotel, Scarborough. Up 7.0am. In M's room. Bath. Lovely sun. Out 8.15 & took nearly 22 photos. Girls on sands etc. Back 9.0 for breakfast. Walked to station & interviewed the Enquiry Office. At 11.30 M & self went to the Spa. Good music. On sands. No sun after 12.0am. Took several pretty girls. Back & lunch at 1.30. Rest till 3.20 when M & self walked to station & back. Felt cough troublesome. Tea. Pierrots. Wrote letters & diary. Dinner. Table taken by other people. A Lady Humphreys & friend of Edgar's spoke to me. Strong wind & gale after. Saw Gerry Weigall. Bed at 10.30. Changed films. (Red ink: Saw Gerald Weigall.)

Tuesday September 1 Grand Hotel, Scarborough. Up 7.0am. Out on chance of seeing bathing. Nothing. Back. At 10.0 to 11.0 took M to Band. Not so many people. On sands again, M & self. Back to lunch. Rest. After M & self walked to station. No, self only. At 4.0 took M to Band again. Took girl putting socks on at seat. Up in Rly & back to hotel at 5.0pm. Dressed. Wrote letters. No paper. Dinner at own table again. Inattentive waiters. Sat in hall after girls took my seat. Bed at 10.0. Changed 3 magazines. (Cutting glued in: Funeral of Sir Eyre Massey Shaw. Aug 31.)

Wednesday September 2 Grand Hotel, Scarborough. Up 7.0am. Hot sun. Bath. Paid bill £9.7.6. Both left at 9.45am. Most comfortable journey via York & Sheffield. M to Grimsby, self London. Arrived to the minute 5.45. Cab to Blenheim. Letters. Upton met me & took luggage home. Doubts about bag as he was outside. Punch Dinner.O.S, self, F.H.T, C.G, E.V.L, E.T.R, H.W.L, R.H late. Tiresome sitting. Got

62 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 cut of Eagle & Lions. Left at 10.15 & home by motor bus. Roy at Balcombe. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Charles Roe. Death of Lionel Sackville. Obituary of Lord Sackville.)

Thursday September 3 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.45 & out. Spoke to school girl. R.H skirts lengthened. Letters. Late scheming subject. Upton to Mays for sailor dress. Photod Upton & all ready & to work 5.0pm. Tired. Worked to 8.15 when dined by self. Bed after 11.30. In Drawing Room. Very tough grouse, Sir A.H. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Lord Sackville.)

Friday September 4 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.15 in room for an hour tidying. Walk up Campden Hill by Church St. No phos. Back before Band which now plays far away. All day at work on Yankee Eagle dancing Hornpipe, Lion & Australian Cub. Finished at 9.30pm when dined by self. Bed 11.30.

Saturday September 5 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out. Had hair cut. Breakfast at 9.20. All day developing Hornsby & Chelsea Pageant & Tuesday's photos at Scarborough. After all day developing etc & tidying. Dined at 6.30 by self. Went to première of Faust at His Majesty's Theatre. Next to Willard. Left in middle. Talk to Smolley, Mason etc. Home by L motor bus. Bed 12.0am. (Red ink: Went by self to première of Faust at His Majesty's Theatre.) (Cutting glued in: Estate of Baron Sackville. Estate of Joseph Duveen. Dec 7.)

Sunday September 6 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out. To St Albans Rd. Fine morning. No R.H. Developed some more Pagent. Lunch 1.0pm. Left 1.25 & to Conduit St. At 3.0 photod R.H. Back to tea. More developing. Dined by self. ½ bottle Geisler 1898. Good dinner & bed after reading Young Lord Strangley. (Red ink: Photod R.H.)

Monday September 7 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45. Out. Snapped L. After all day developing, putting away etc. Dined by self. In the evening taxy to Haymarket Theatre & saw a play by W.Somerset Maughan called Lady Frederick. Girl exactly like Dora in stalls. Called United Service Club after. No letters. Came by L motor bus. Sands. Bed 12.0am. Went up after lunch & at 2.45 had cast of mouth taken by


Mr Gabell at 9 Portland Place. Back home at 4.15pm. (Red ink: Saw a play called Lady Frederick at the Haymarket by self.) (Cutting glued in: Death of John Collins, with photograph. Sepr 10th. Death of Charles Whitmore, with photograph. Sepr 19th.)

Tuesday September 8 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out. Snapped L sideways. Left & at 10.0 by bus to Victoria & down to Dover. Saw Captn Dixon. Very uninteresting passengers both ways. Lunch at Calais. Back & home 8.0pm. Dressed & dined. After by hansom & went to see Maud Allen at the Palace Theatre. No seat. Left when over & back to Stafford Terrace by hansom. Bed 12.0am. (Red ink: X'd the Channel to Calais. Saw Maud Allen at the Palace.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Captain Stapleton Cotton.)

Wednesday September 9 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45. Out up Church St. No L. After at 11.30 took taxy to F.B.Exhibition. On to the Scenic railway. Great gale. Took 1 doz small snaps most successfully. Back at 1.20 by taxy. Developed plates & also the last of Winchester Pageant. Carried by L bus all the way to Bouverie St. Lawrence Bradbury back after long absence. O.S, self, F.H.T, C.G, R.H, R.L, L.B, E.V.L, E.T.R. Discussion about Roman Catholic Procession. Words between R.L & L.B. Left & home after writing letters at United Service Club. (Red ink: Took photos in a gale at Franco British Exh'n.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Captain Stapleton Cotton.)

Thursday September 10 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.45 & out. Up Church Street. Small boy yelling not to go to school. Snapped L. Schemed subject of Genl Booth & Burns. Photod an old man from the workhouse, the same as in January, & also Nash's man. Also developed 2 packets of Dover Pageant. All ready by 5.0pm. Worked till 8.30pm when dined by self & bed 12.0am. Spencer wired from Hereford to say Bogey S killed this afternoon by motor. (Cutting glued in: Death of Charles Whitmore.)

Friday September 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.30 & wrote letters in room. Out & up Campden Hill. Met L. Round before Band. Work on drawing of Genl Booth & Burns. Finished at 10.0pm. Letter from Seaman. Dined by self & bed 12.30. (Cutting glued in: The coroner and


General Luard ariving at the inquest on Mrs Luard, with photograph. Saty 10. 1908.)

Saturday September 12 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & out up Holland Walk & short turn. Fine morning. Breakfast & left at 10.5 for Gabell's. Waited from 10.40 to 11.0am. There till 11.30. Back by steam bus. Put Pageant film away & things up & left in a taxy cab for Victoria. Saw Genl Stracey & Gillie Farquhar. To Balcombe. Gave Linley an axe & hatchet. Many staying there. Stirling McKinley, Miss Hemmings, Mr & Mrs Stewart, Tilda, Bridgeman, Roy. Eric P & Ruth came after to dinner. Singing. Bed 12.0am. Roy & self in same room. (Cutting glued in: Marriage of Harold Borrett to Marie Studholme.)

Sunday September 13 Balcombe House. Up 8.0 & a lovely morning. Bright sun. Felt seedy & livery. After writing diary Roy & self went for walk round lake taking Vic & Dudley. D lost. Back to lunch after Golf. Rest in room from 2.30 to 5.0. After Major Oxley & party came. Wrote letters till dinner time. Dinner, Mr & Mrs B Stewart, Miss Hemmings, Mr Bridgeman, Captn & Mrs Gibbs L & Mite, Roy & self, Mr Sterling McKinley. Sang after. Miss H violin. Bed 11.15. In new room with Roy. (Red ink: Roy & self walked round the lake.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of C.A.Whitmore.)

Monday September 14 Balcombe House. Up at 6.45. Bath. Shave. Off by the 9.30 train. Lennie, Roy & Stewart on the platform still. Frightfully crowded train. Tilda & self had to travel to Victoria in the luggage van. Saw Tilda off & home in 4 wheeler to lunch. Developed last of the Dover Pageant & part of the Brighton Bank Holiday. Roy back to dinner. Good grouse. Wire from Spencer. Left at 8.10 in taxy to St James's Theatre. Saw a good play by J.K.Jerome called 'The Passing of the 3rd Floor Back'. Spencer came in. Home at 11.10 by taxy. Bed after reading The Court of the Tuilleries at 12.30. (Red ink: Went up with Tilda in the luggage van to Victoria. Went with Roy to see 'The Passing of the 3rd Floor Back'.)

Tuesday September 15 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out. Met L. Breakfast & after letters. Developed some Brighton photos, Bank Holiday. Left at 12.50pm & up by motor bus to 10 Bouverie St. There 1.30 to the minute. Pleasant lunch with O.S to settle Almanack at Keysers Hotel. Left


3.30 & home by motor bus. Wrote letters etc. Upton back. Could get no seats at any theatre. Very wet all day. Roy went to the Exhibition with Stern. Dined by self & quiet evening after. (Red ink: Lunched with O.S at the Keysers Hotel for Almanack.) (Cutting glued in: Harry Lauder's Command Perfomance. Marriage arranged between Patrick à Beckett and Norah Kitchener.)

Wednesday September 16 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out round Lytham House. No school girls. Back & developed photos etc in morning. Went up after lunch & wrote letters at the United Service Club & then by bus to 9 Portland Place. Saw Gabell for ¼ hr. After walked through Wardour St. Called Lowes' & bought a clasp for cloak. On & through Longacre. Called on Clarks. To P.D. O.S, self, F.H.T, C.G, R.L, L.B, E.V.L, B.P back, E.T.R. Got cut of German Emperor & Peace. Home by motor bus. Bed 11.45pm. (Red ink: Clasp hunting for Spanish cloak.) (Cutting glued in: Sir Edward Birkbeck's association with the International Fisheries Exhibition.)

Thursday September 17 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.45 & out up past Tennis Court. Got girl's name, Battersby. Back. Sent Upton to Mays. Schemed subject of German Emperor & Peace. At 11.45 Miss Woodcock came. Photod her for Peace & Upton for German Emperor. Got all ready. Hour's rest from 4.30 to 5.30 & after worked till 8.30pm. Dined by self & bed 11.30 after. (Red ink: Got school girl's name, Battersby.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Sir Edward Birkbeck.)

Friday September 18 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out. Up Argyll Road. All day at work on German Emperor & Peace. Finished at 10.15pm. Dined by self. Very tired. Bed 1.0am after snooze. Up in room & worked from 7.0 to 8.10am on German Emperor. Put in sword etc.

Saturday September 19 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Out with Rags. Up Holland Walk. Back. Put away photos etc. Roy went to Balcombe. All day developing etc, Scarboro etc. Dined by self. Left 7.45 in taxy & to the Apollo Theatre. Saw a piece called Butterflies. (illeg) & Ada Reeve most amusing. Home by bus & bed 12.0. Carried on towards Hammersmith by Met steam - no, Union Jack bus. (Red ink: Went by self to see a play called Butterflies at the Apollo Theatre.) (Cutting glued in: Suicide of General Luard. Sep 19.)


Sunday September 20 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & out 8.40. Walked to St Albans Road. Settled sitting. Up by Met bus & at C.S by 11.0. Photod R.H. To United Service Club at 1.45. Bad lunch & badly served. Wrote letters & left 4.0 for home. Tea. Put old things on & developed Scarboro etc & back films. Dined by self & bed at 11.0pm. (Red ink: Photod R.H. Good sitting.)

Monday September 21 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.40 & out in wet up Holland Walk. Met Red Girl. Into Notting Hill & home down over Campden Hill. All morning putting photos away etc. Developed Hornsby 1st taken July 1907 & Monday Scarboro. A rest after lunch. Roy came at 5.15, Mite at 3.15 & 5.30. We all waited for M until bus came at 6.20 from Kings X. Tea. Left with Mite & Roy in taxy cab. Was put down at the Exhibition. Dined with Seaman & Partridge to settle Almanack. Good dinner. Put down by Seaman in Hammersmith Road & home by bus. Income Tax Paper returned. Bed 11.30pm. (Red ink: M returned from Grimsby. Dined at Franco British Ex with Seaman & Partridge.)

Tuesday September 22 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & over Notting Hill. School girls back. After at 11.30 took M to the F.B Exhibition. Dull morning. Went into English Pictures. Back by taxy to lunch. Mite lunched with us, not tomorrow as I have put down. Quiet afternoon. M & self dined quietly at 6.45 & I went after by taxy to Drury Lane Theatre & saw The Marriages of Mayfiair. Rot. In box with O.S & Mr Haselden. Sir Francis & Lady McLaren in stalls, also Sam Heilbut. Home from Strand by Turnham Green bus. Bed 12.0. (Red ink: Took M to F.B.Exhibition. 1st met Haselden at Drury Lane. School girls back.)

Wednesday September 23 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.45. Over by Lytham House. School commenced. Mrs Dick Courtnell. Went after breakfast & interviewed the Commissioner of Taxes, 4 Penywern Road. Mite lunched with us. All afternoon putting things straight. Left by bus & all way up to Fleet St to Punch Dinner. O.S, self, F.H.T, R.H, C.G, R.L, L.B, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L. Good dinner. Left 11.0 & home by Turnham Green bus. Bed 11.50pm. Took M for walk into Kensington Gardens at 12.0 & to Barkers. Met Mrs McKenzie. (Red ink: Lytham House school girls back.) (Cuttings glued in:


Obituary of Mrs W.C.Macready. Mrs Macready's husband died 1873.)

Thursday September 24 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & out. Went to Lytham House. School girls. No Princess. Back & after breakfast. Schemed Rams & Storm for Railways. Enlarged some photos & developed some back films. Work from 5.30 to 8.0pm. M in room. M & self dined at 8.0. Mervyn came also. Bed at 11.30. Gave Mervyn some Tower armour photographs. (Cutting glued in: Death of William Farren.)

Friday September 25 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.45. Walk up Holland Walk & to Notting Hill. School girls. Back before Band had done. All day at work on drawing of Sheep, Rams & oncoming Storm. Worked up to 10.0pm when finished. Dined by self & to bed tired after. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of William Farren. M 28 Sep.)

Saturday September 26 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0. Tired. Out & met country girl in Holland Walk. Back behind Phillimore Gardens. All morning preparing to go to Westgate. Lunch. M & self got off at 2.30 & down by the 3.25pm most comfortably to Westgate-on-Sea. Comfortable suite of rooms. Stroll on sands. A man like Louis Sterne there & man & wife Hamilton. Another party. Dinner. Talk to proprietor. Went up 9.0pm & bed 10.15pm. (Red ink: M, self & Antoinette went down to Westgate-on-Sea.)

Sunday September 27 St Mildred's Hotel, Westgate. Up 8.20. Out. Breakfast 9.0. Dull day. No photos. M & self strolled towards Birchington. Westgate much improved. Lunch. Rest. Again a walk & just before dinner along towards Margate. Bats. All the house martins went today. Good dinner. 2 parties at hotel. Went up 9.0 & bed at 10.15. Very warm at night. (Red ink: Dull day in weather at Westgate.)

Monday September 28 St Mildred's Hotel, Westgate. Up 8.20. M had not slept well. Out. Breakfast. Flies. After on sands. Took nearly all one magazine. Back & left 11.45, no 12.5, for Ramsgate. Much building at Margate. Called Hills. To the Burnands & lunched there. Next to look at St Mildreds Road & after M to St Peters. Self to Hills. Bought cups & a piece of china etc. Caught the 4.20pm & met M

68 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 at Broadstairs. Back to hotel. Dressed. Dinner. Up in our room 9.0. Changed films. Bed at 10.30. M slept well. (Red ink: Lunched at the Burnands.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Lady Gull. M 28 S.)

Tuesday September 29 St Mildred's Hotel, Westgate. Up 8.15. Dear M's birthday. Lovely morning. Out. Got papers. On sands. Took a magazine & 2 of others. Saw 2 little girls, twins. Met Marshall Hall. F.C.B & Lady B came over to lunch. 1½ bottles Geisler '98. They left at 3.30. Rest & then M & self went over & had tea at the Marshall Halls. Dear little girls. Poky rooms. Good furniture. Lovely new moon. Walk to where children were last year. Dinner. Sat outside. Bed 10.30 after changing plates. M slept well. The father of above girls is Dr Bruce Porter. (Red ink: Sir F.C.B & Lady Burnand came to lunch. Tea at the Marshall Halls.) (Cutting glued in: Resignation of Lord Tweedmouth. T 29 S.)

Wednesday September 30 St Mildred's Hotel, Westgate. Up 8.10 & out. Took 13 photos of Rose Marie & Marie Rose. Breakfast. 2 dabs. A most lovely morning. On sands. M & self walked to lodgings Nurse Francis. Back. Packed. Lunch. Paid bill £10.6.0. Left by 2.59. Very hot in carriage & Victoria by 5.5. Home by bus. Runners. Boys & bottle. Tea. Mite came. To Punch Dinner by busses. No letters. Saw Lucy. O.S, self, F.H.T, C.G, P.A, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L. Cuts made up by 9.30. Got Turkey & Game Cock. Partridge one suggested by Townsend on Unemployed. Very good. Left 9.50. Home 10.30 by motor bus. Dividends. (Red ink: Came up from Westgate.)

Thursday October 1 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out. Foggy. Up Holland Walk & over Notting Hill. Same little girls as last 2 years. Good breakfast. Broach & plate from Rowe. Schemed subject of Railways, Turkey, Cock & Austrian Eagle. At 12.30 enlarged some photos & also after developed films taken yesterday at Westgate. Got all ready by 5.0pm. Rest for ¾ hour. After on with work until 8.0pm. M in room. After we dined quietly together & bed at 11.30pm. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Louisa Clutterbuck. Oct 3rd.)

Friday October 2 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45. Wrote letters before going out. Walked over to Notting Hill. No shop girls. Back & at work all day on

69 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 drawing of Turkey, Game Cock & Austrian Eagle. Very hot all day. Thermometer 100 in sun in yard. M did not go out. M in room 6.0 to 7.0pm. Finished at 9.45. Tired. Dined by self. Bed 12.0pm. (Red ink: Very hot weather.)

Saturday October 3 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.40. Tired. Letter from O.S complaining of caption. Out at 8.30. Up the Holland Walk. Met Benday, Kelsey's shop. Back. Breakfast. Answered Seaman's letter. Put photos away. Developed few in magazine. Lunch. Marie left at 3.30 with Upton. M & self left at 3.50. At Victoria from High Street in 8 minutes by taxy. Down to Balcombe. Miss Crozier there. Tea. Dressed. Dinner. Pianola after. Bed 11.15. M & self good night. (Red ink: M & self went to Balcombe. Gladys Crozier there.)

Sunday October 4 Balcombe House. Up at 8.15. Most brilliant hot sun & very hot all day. Down at 9.0 Out & read Conan Doyles story by the gate. Breakfast at 9.30am. Wonderful morning. After out in great heat & went down & photod Turkeys. Dudley went. Wrong focus. Back & sat with M. Good lunch. After at 2.30 went again with Miss Crozier & took another dozen. Back in Lennie's room. Lennie packing to go to Ireland all afternoon. Dressed. Dinner. Pianola after. Changed films. Bed 11.50pm. M & self slept well. 2 of M's pills. (Red ink: Lennie went to Ireland with Mite. sic, this shoud be on Wed 7 Oct)

Monday October 5 Balcombe House. Up 7.45. News of Declaration of Independence of Bulgaria. Lennie off to town. Went up after breakfast & began to scheme the 2 Almanack pages in earnest. Out at 11.30 & photod Oliver in large motor. Miss Parkin & Miss Brightmeyer had called on horseback. Saw them not. Mite left for London in her own motor at 1.25. Lunch. After a rest. Up in room at work again. At 4.45 tea, then took M & Miss Crozier down to the lake for a walk. Back 5.45. Rest. Wrote diary & after before dinner changed films. (Red ink: Schemed Almanack subject & photod Oliver in the large motor.)

Tuesday October 6 Balcombe House. Up 8.0am. Lovely day & morning. Photod Oliver in motor & Beech in cab etc. Little Vic. Brilliant sun. Went on with drawing & scheming 2 pages for the Almanack 1909. Got tracing done etc. After lunch went in to stable yard & photod motor again.


They did not come out for some reason. Also Linley, Ann & Oliver with race, a duck a kitten & a rabbit. Ann screamed at duck. Work till 5.0 when after tea took M & Miss C for walk round by railway. Splendid new road made by Sir Wheatman Pearson. Dinner. No pianola. Read Puck of Pook's Hill. Bed. Changed films before dinner. (Red ink: Photod Oliver & Beach in motor for Almanack.)

Wednesday October 7 Balcombe House. Up at 7.30. Put things up. Good bye to M & caught the 9.30 & up to Stafford Terrace. Had taxy. Registered 2/4 from Victoria Station. All day developing films taken yesterday & Monday & also took Upton for Punch & Monk for Almanack. Left 5.30 & called at Blenheim & letters from Moon at Athenaeum. To the Punch D. O.S, self, F.H.T, C.G, R.L, P.A, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L. Got cut of Emperor of Austria & Bismarck. Called Athenaeum & wrote letters. Home by Turnham Green bus.

Thursday October 8 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.40 & out. Walked. Passed Lytham House. Saw Princess back at school again. Met Manley & Edwardes, Lady D. Back breakfast. Schemed subject of Emperor of Austria as Jack Horner. Much worry & delay had no photo. Sent boy to Daily Graphic & Upton to Mays. Boy also late for sitting. Got enlargements by 4.30pm & worked from 5.0 to 8.30. Dined by self & bed after snooze.

Friday October 9 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.30 & out up Holland Walk. Too late for Benday. Schoolgirls. Back for last tune of Band. Breakfast & after at work all day from 11.0 to 10.0pm. Rather bothered with face of Emperor of Austria. Very done up & tired. Dined by self at 10.0pm & bed at 12.0 after snooze. My left front tooth came out without pain whilst I was at breakfast this morning. (Red ink: Lost left front tooth.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Benjamin Kennedy. Oct 12.)

Saturday October 10 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45. Slight headache & very tired. Out & met R.H. Breakfast. After at 11.0 began to enlarge for the Almanack. At 12.45 man called about rugs in the Drawing Room. Lunch. Went on enlarging from 2.0 to 4.30. Rest after tea. Sent clasps to Stores. Roy came in at 3.30pm. Had sent to Gaiety, no seat. Dined by self quietly & bed at 11.0pm. Slight headache all day.


(Red ink: Headache all day.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Sir Henry Drummond Wolff. Oct 12.)

Sunday October 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Out & thro back of church. Breakfast. After left at 10.0. Up by bus to Conduit St. At 11.0 photod R.H. Out at 12.15 & home by Turnham Green bus. Did some enlarging. Last took Whiskey. After developed some of R.H taken Sepr. Rest & began to put in motor in earnest. Dined by self. Still headache. Bed at 11.0pm. (Red ink: Photod R.H for last time this year. Last Whiskey at lunch. Headache.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Sir Henry Drummond Wolff.)

Monday October 12 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.45 & out up Holland Walk & across to Campden Hill. Saw an exceedingly pretty brunette walk down to High St & get into Met bus. Breakfast. After got on with Almanack pages. In afternoon Roy back from Savoy for good. We dined at 7.0 & went by taxy to Gaiety & saw Havannah. Digby in front. Poor piece. Olive May & Kitty Mason played & 2 funny sailors. Wasps. Home by taxy in ¼ hr. Took 3 of M's pills. Went up after breakfast & called 9 Portland Place & after to A.W.Miles's. Back at 12.0pm. Found out in morning that the Edwards girls were sisters. (Red ink: 1st saw Lass o' Campden Hill. Long bilious attack coming on. Took 3 of M's pills.)

Tuesday October 13 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.45.. Out & looked for yesterdays schoolgirl. Vanished. After got on with Almanack pages. Worked all day. Put in Punch & motor car. Re-enlarged some of the cars, horses etc. Roy & self dined together & quiet evening after.

Wednesday October 14 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45am & out. Lovely morning but foggy. Up Church St. Could not see Monday's girl. Back. On with Almanack pages. Did some more enlargements. Rest after lunch & woke up feeling really better. Put in Punch & 2nd page horse. Left at 5.15 & up to Clubs. Letter at Blenheim. Saw Macmillan at Athenaeum. Cab on to 9 Portland Place. Final fitting of denture. Bus to Bouverie St. O.S, self, F.H.T, C.G, R.L, L.B, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L. Long discussion. Self drank nothing but water. Lucy took Whiskey after Champagne. Home by Turnham Green bus. Bed at


12.0am. 1 of M's pills. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Sir William Pollitt. Death of William Treves.)

Thursday October 15 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.45 & out. Lovely morning but foggy. Took camera up Church St. Did not use it. Breakfast. After schemed subject of Ferdinand of Bulgaria & 6 Great Powers. Sent Upton to Mays & at 12.15 photod Constable Bird & also Pegler & Upton. Got all done by 3.15 & had one hrs rest. Worked from 5.0pm to 8.30 when dined with Roy. Papers. Headache. Bed at 10.30pm. A most lovely sunny morning & afternoon. Roy came home 2.30 & went to play Golf with Webber at Hurlingham, no, Ranelagh.(Red ink: Headache.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Robert Kettle.)

Friday October 16 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45. Head slightly better. Another lovely morning. Out & thro' Kensington by Tennis Court. Met Mr Freeman. Spoke to Band master. A wire had come from O.S. Breakfast. Rags off his food. Letters. At 11.0 Seaman called. Did not alter cut much. Most lovely morning. Went on. Bothered over King's head. Nervous at lunch. Went on & hard at work all afternoon & up to 10.0pm when finished. Dined by self alone. Headachy. Snooze till 12.0 when Roy came home. (Red ink: Headache. Evidently bilious attack coming on.) (Cutting glued in: Will of Sir Elliott Lees. Dec 12.)

Saturday October 17 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10 with a nerve headache. Had been heavy rain in night. Out up Campden Hill. After met Keith. Gloomy view of unemployed etc. Breakfast. After put all photos away & put up things to take to Balcombe. Taxy to Victoria 1.10. Met Paul & Dora. Down to Balcombe. Very foggy. M met me. All well. Dear Chicks. Dressed. Dinner. Sat opposite Miss C. After when going out to see comet hit my head against iron shutter & cut it. Bled very much. Bed after being in Drawing Room. Still headache. (Red ink: Headache. Evidently bilious attack coming on. Hit my head looking at comet.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Sir Elliott Lees. 17 Oct.)

Sunday October 18 Balcombe House. Up 8.30. Breakfast 9.30am. After 10.15 began to finish outline of Almanack. Put in New Year & the calendar. Left off at 4.30. After went for walk down by old road & new Weetman


Pearson's road. Lovely starlight night. Looked at comet. Dinner after in Lennie's room. Miss C & M went to bed 10.30. Mr B snuffled. Bed 11.15.

Monday October 19 Balcombe House. Up 8.0am. Down. Misty moning. Mr B eat nearly the whole of the sole cooked for me. At work at 9.45 to 1.30. Put in figures of Almanack & by 4.30 the 2 pages ready to shade. M drove over to Cuckfield & at 5.15 we went for walk with Miss C along the new road backwards & forwards. Letters & dinner. Pleasant evening. Bed at 10.45pm. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Rupert Kettle. W 21 Oct.)

Tuesday October 20 Balcombe House. Up at 8.0. Our Wedding day. M & self had a cake & chicks brought flowers. At work all day up to dusk on Almanack pages. Began to shade & finished No 1 & began No 2. At 5.0 saw Dr Parker about headaches. Have to ride again, not walk. Long talk. He left 6.45. Fight between Vic & the dogs. Dinner. Pianola & after read Puck of Pook's Hill. Bed at 11.0pm. (Red ink: Consulted Dr Parker. Told to ride again.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Frederick Longman.)

Wednesday October 21 Balcombe House. Up 8.0am & went on at 9.30 with shading 2nd page for Almanack. Worked up to 1.30. Lunch. Gladys Crozier in my room. Packed & up to town by the 4.25 train, M driving me there. Saw Mrs Hayworth Booth. 2 hours getting to Victoria. Upton met me & took bag. Went to the B & Athenaeum Clubs. Saw Rider Haggard. To the Punch Dinner. O.S, self, F.H.T, R.L, L.B, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L. Long discussion. Did not leave till 11.20. Home by Turnham Green bus. Fire in Morning Room. Took Dr Parker’s bromide 1st time. (Cutting glued in: Photograph of grave. Friday Oct 23 1908. D.M.)

Thursday October 22 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45. Down & put plates in magazine for 2nd camera & went by steam bus to Trafalgar Sq. Left 8.40, there 9.0am. Took 1 doz photos of Recruiting Sergeant & backgrounds. Back by 9.45 by taxy 2/4d. Breakfast by self. After schemed subject. Upton to Mays at 12.30. Photod Bird & a man from Nash's. Got all done by 3.45. Letters. Rest after tea. Roy in room.


Dined at 8.30 by self. Looked at papers. Bed at 11.30pm. Roy back.

Friday October 23 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & no hot water in bath. Out with large camera & snapped Princess who had long dresses & gone off. One other girl running. Back. Much colder. All day at work on cartoon Haldane as Sergeant & Unemployed. Bothered with the head. Finished 9.50. Roy dined with me. In Morning Room at 10.45. Snooze till 2.0am when to bed. Much colder. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Captain Arthur Jephson. Oct 23.)

Saturday October 24 Stafford Terrace. Up later. Tired. Hot bath. Out 9.0am through past Tennis Court. Home along Phillimore Gardens. Rags refused his breakfast. Roy shewed me funny monk picture in yesterday's Mirror. Up in room & went on & finished the two Almanack pictures at 2.10pm. Annoyed V & C never sent for them. Put up things & got away by taxy at 3.55. Told Emma about gas water heater. Down to Balcombe. M met me. To Balcombe House. Miss Crozier departed. Very cold. Dinner, M self & Mr Bridgeman. Pianola after. Bed 10.40. (Red ink: Finished the 2 page drawing for the Calendar Punch 1909 at 2.0pm. V & C never sent.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Constance Ansdell. Death of Joseph Parkinson.)

Sunday October 25 Balcombe House. Up 9.0am. Most lovely sunny morning but bitterly cold. Breakfast. Addressed envelopes. After from 11.30 to 1.10pm took M to lake & Mill Cottage. Brilliant sun. Thermometer extraordinarily low. Lunch. Rest from 3.0pm to 4.0pm. After wrote many letters. Gave up hill shoot for Galbraiths. After cut out 'Times' etc. M, self & Mr Bridgeman dined. Pianola in evening. Bed. Took Dr Parker's bromide. Good night. (Cuttings glued in: Obituary of Joseph Parkinson. Will of Joseph Parkinson. Dec 10.)

Monday October 26 Balcombe House. Up 8.0am. Mr B went to town. Squared up prints etc. Walk with M in the morning. Rest after lunch. Letters etc. Still seedy but headache gone. M & self dined by selves. Colder. Went to read in Lennie's room & fell asleep till 12.10am. M upset. Both slept well after. (Red ink: Still seedy. Bilious attack coming on.)


Tuesday October 27 Balcombe House. Up 8.0 & breakfast 9.0. Out for walk up towards Balcombe Place. Squared prints. In afternoon Dr Parker came to see me. Paid him 2 guineas. Prescribed no particular regime. Dinner. Pianola. Bed 10.45pm. Both slept well. (Red ink: Dr Parker came to see me. Two guineas.) (Cutting glued in: A 'Punch' Exhibition. Oct 24.)

Wednesday October 28 Balcombe House. Up at 8.0. Got packed & away by the 10.50. M & little Ann saw me off. Home in hansom from Victoria. Found had let Life Insurance policy lapse. Sent it. Developed 22 taken May 6th, Franco British. Got off & left at 5.30p. To Miles' about cloak. Saw Gas man & also man from Stores about clasps for cape. Called Athenaeum & also Blenheim. To the P.D. O.S, self, F.H.T, R.H, C.G, R.L, P.A, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L & A.G, back after long time. Got cartoon of Guy. Left 10.45 with Townsend. Began about Partridge's Almanack being late when my bus passed. Home by Turnham Green bus. Very hot fire.

Thursday October 29 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.45. Out. Went to corner of St Albans Road. No good for photos. Back. Behindhand with work. Upton to Mays. Photod 2 boys & made up a Guy Fawkes. Finished by 4.15pm. Work at 5.30pm to 8.30 when Roy & self dined together & a quiet evening with papers after. Snooze till 1.30am & bed after. Overslept myself in morning. (Red ink: Evidently bilious liver attack coming on.)

Friday October 30 Stafford Terrace. Extraordinary thing overslept myself until nearly 9.0am. Could not go out. Did not begin work till 11.0. Worked all day on drawing of Guy Fawkes. Finished at 10.0pm when Roy & self dined together. In Morning Room after. Bed at 12.45 after snooze. Roy went up 11.0pm. Receipt. (Red ink: Bilious attack coming on.)

Saturday October 31 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out. Felt very done up & seedy & head bad again all day. Put things away. Roy back at 3.0pm. Drew cheque. Left in taxy at 3.50 & down to Balcombe. Captn & Mrs


Gibbes there. M met me. Dinner. Quiet evening after. Self not at all well all day. (Red ink: Evidently bilious attack coming on.)

Sunday November 1 Balcombe House. Up at 9.0. Most lovely morning. Breakfast, Captain Gibbes, Mrs G, Bridgeman. Felt very bilious & seedy. At 11.0 went for walk to lake & round new road. Lennie & Mite returned at 12.30. Head felt buzzy. Lunch. Rest. Lawrence F-R & Evie came at 4.30pm. Wrote letters. Tea etc. Lennie brought a 20lb salmon. Felt very seedy & livery. Dinner, M & self, Mr & Mrs L.Fisher-Rowe, Capn & Mrs Gibbes, Mr Walsh Thornton, Mite & Lennie, Mr Bridgeman. Roulette after. Lost 8/6. Sleepy & stupid after. Bed 11.30pm . M & self slept well. (Red ink: Felt very livery & bilious.)

Monday November 2 Balcombe House. Up at 9.0am. Slept well but still bilious & spot over eye. All left to shoot at Nymans by 9.15. Breakfast with Mite & Hilda Gibbes at 9.40. At 11.0 went for walk up new road with M & Evie Fisher-Rowe. Felt very shaky & then nearly fell from giddyness. Back & sat in porch till 4.0. Up in room. Tea. Dr Parker had been sent for. Prescribed nothing. A 10.45 looked at a roan cob, 14.2 H. Dinner. No Champagne. Lennie, Captain & Mrs Gibbes, Mite, M & self & Mr Bridgeman. Pianola after. Bed 11.0pm. (Red ink: Felt so seedy nearly fell in road with M & Evie Fisher-Rowe. Did not shoot.)

Tuesday November 3 Balcombe House. Up at 8.30. Lennie & Captain Gibbes went up. All day putting slips in diaries etc. At 11.45 M & self went for walk as far as Balcombe Place. Lunch. Rest. At tea time Dr Parker came to see me again. After the coachman Suter about Miss Powys-Hill's cob. Sent message & after wrote a letter. Dinner, M, Mite & Mr Bridgeman. Pianola after. Bed at 10.34pm.

Wednesday November 4 Balcombe House. Up 8.0am. Packed. M & self & Marie got off & up to London by 10.51pm train. Bus & Upton met us & home 12.45. Letters. Lunch. After a rest in Morning Room. Tea. Went by steam bus to the Athenaeum. Great General Meeting there for or against Strangers. Against. Cab to Miles & had my Spanish cloak tried on. Then cab to 9 Portland Place & had denture fitted. Then cab to the Punch office. O.S, self, F.H.T, C.G, A.G, L.B, E.V.L,


B.P, ET.R, H.W.L. Got German Emperor as Conjuror. Left at 11.0pm . Home by Vanguard. To bed at 12.0am.

Thursday November 5 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out with Rags. To Lytham House. Saw Princess. Gone off. Back. Roy at breakfast. Sent Upton to Mays at 12.0. Photod Bird for German Emperor 2 views. Got done at 4.0. Wrote letters. M in my room reading Irving's reminiscences by Stoker. Mite lunch with us. M, Roy & self dined with us. M, Roy & self dined at 8.0pm. Roy grumpy at dinner. He went to bed 10.0pm, self at 11.0pm.

Friday November 6 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.45am & out over Campden Hill. Took photo of Terrier & one other. Back. Roy better in morning. Went on with work on German Emperor as Conjuror, all day at it. Took me a long time to put in the Bogey. Finished at 10.0pm. Mite round at 6.0pm. Roy & self dined together. In Drawing Room after. Bed at 11.30pm.

Saturday November 7 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Out. Had hair cut. Back. Breakfast. Good bye to Roy. Put things up & packed. Note came round fom Irving about cob. M, Marie & self got off at 12.0 by omnibus & caught the 1.0pm train for Ilfracombe. Very pleasant journey. Past Pyt House. Drunken sailors got out for Exmouth. Past Eggesford. Arrived 7.45. Thought room was all right but bitterly cold. Dined by self. So so. Cigar in the Smoking Room & up to bed at 9.45. Large fire. M & self slept fairly well. (Red ink: Went down to Ilfracombe, M, Marie & self. Bitterly cold.) (Cutting glued in: Estate of John Haynes -Williams. Dec 16.)

Sunday November 8 Ilfracombe Hotel. Up 8.30. So cold decided to change room. Out on to a bare cold sunless piece of ground. Felt seedy with chest. M fixed for new room. Wrote a few letters in Reading Room. M & self out & on to the Capstan Rock. Bitter east wind & most brilliant sun. Back to lunch. Had taken 6 photos girls in wind etc. Fair lunch. Up in room. Rested after. Down to tea. Wrote 5 or 6 letters & down to indifferent dinner at 7.20. After in our oom. Changed films & M & self to bed & both had good night from 10.0pm. (Red ink: Bitter cold & east wind. Changed room. Last x. Failure.)


Monday November 9 Ilfracombe Hotel. Up at 8.0. Most heavenly morning & bright sun all day. His Majesty's birthday. Bunting flying from the Capstan Hill till sunset. Up at 8.15. Out. Walk round Capstan Hill. A very bad & indifferent breakfast. After up in room & wrote 3 or 4 letters. Out. Took a fly to the station & back after past the Golf Links. Took 2 views & an old stone breaker. Nearly fell off a bank. Back to hotel. M & self had a most indifferent lunch. Very bad. Up in room. Rest till 3.45. Out & walked up hill to High St. Arranged about cream. Back & M & self walked round the Capstan Rock & home. No tea. Frampton knighted. After an indifferent dinner up in our room at once. Rest & bed quite early 9.30pm. (Red ink: Poor day at Ilfracombe.)

Tuesday November 10 Ilfracombe Hotel. Up 8.0. Bath & poor breakfast. After got off at 10.30 & caught the 11.5 train for Templecombe. A very pretty smart lady & her husband got out at (blank). On. Lunch in train after junction for Sidmouth. Met Ada S.J & daughter. Waited 35 minutes. On to Bath, there at 4.30pm. A reception going on at Empire Hotel. 2 good rooms next one another. Dressed. Remarkably good dinner. Band. Everyone civil. Up to bed at 9.30pm. Both good night. Rather hot bed. Took photos at Ilfracombe station & Templecombe. Fine sunny day but cold. (Red ink: Went from Ilfracombe to Bath. Met Ada S.J. Cold.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary Sir Joseph Duveen. Nov 10th.)

Wednesday November 11 Empire Hotel, Bath. Up 8.45. Good bath. Down. Dull wet day. At 11.0 M & self went to the Holbourne Museum. Cusans portrait & most interesting collection. Apostle spoons. Met Mrs Mount Batten. Back. Lunch. Rest. After went out again. Walk. Wrote & read. Dinner. Good claret. Good Band. Sat after dinner in hall. 3 gossiping old ladies. Bed 9.30. Very hot in the night. Also went in tramway in the afternoon to top of hill. Man like John Bull & a young man like French officer.

Thursday November 12 Empire Hotel, Bath. Up at 8.30. Could not get bath. Extraordinary thing found my saphire safety pin in brown waistcoat. Had lain there since March last. M & self went to Roman Baths. Most interesting. Lunch. At 2.10pm Col Mount Batten took us in his motor to Timsbury. Saw the Old Manor House & church full of


Samborne family. Back. Tea after seeing the Circus & Crescent. Dinner. Introducd to Lady Watkin & Sir Alfred after. Bed 10.0pm. Did not sleep well. Too hot. No band at dinner. (Red ink: Found my sapphire pin in my brown suit pocket. Went in Col Mount- Battens motor to Timsbury, the seat of the Samborne family.)

Friday November 13 Empire Hotel, Bath. Up at 7.30. Early bath. Had not slept so well. At 11.15 M & self went out into Abbey & after by motor to Lansdowne. Very fat woman. After went into Malet's. Saw pair candelabra. Also a black jack. Lunch. Rest after. Went with M through 'the corridor' on to Jolly's. Dinner after being 1 hour writing letters. After Sir Alfred Watkin & party & Mr Mellor joined us close to the music. Lady W left. Bed at 10.45pm. No fire. Slept well. Drank Carbonnier.

Saturday November 14 Empire Hotel, Bath. Up at 7.30. Early bath. Breakfast. Down to write letters after till 11.15. Wrote White & Irving. M went to Jolley's, self to Malet's to look at candelabra again. Also to an auctioneers. Ugly children. M went back with me to look at a Japanese chair. Lunch at 1.30. After rest & read Times. A dull & almost rainy day. Rest till tea 4.30 when went out & into a wonderful old bric-a-brack shop kept by Walpole Brothers. Good Louis 14th clock & silk curtains, cocoa nut silver etc. Back. 6pm. Went up & dressed & dinner. Met Mr Kidson after. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Ellen Critchlow. Obituary of Katti Lenner. Nov 16.)

Sunday November 15 Empire Hotel, Bath. Up 8.15am. After breakfast M & self went to church. No anthem. After we walked up to the Crescent & back to hotel. Lunch. Wrote many letters. M came across Mrs Lawson, Ethel Mervyn's sister. Col & Mrs Mount Batten came to tea. More letters. Dinner. Long talk to a Mr Williams after who knew me at Tom Agnew's 30 years ago. Watkin's bores after. Bed at 10.30. Both slept well. (Cutting glued in: Death of Sir Henry Bergne. Nov.)

Monday November 16 Empire Hotel, Bath. Up at 7.30. Early bath. Dressed. Put things up. Breakfast. After went out for an hour. Took doorway & man playing drum etc. Back. Mrs Lawson in our room. Good bye to the Watkins etc & got off by bus. Bill £12.0.0 odd. By Templecombe. Saw Pyt. Lunch. Waterloo 4.40. Home by bus. Enlarged few street

80 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 scenes. M, Roy & self dined together. Bed early after. Tired. (Red ink: M & self returned from Bath & the west.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Sir Henry Bergne.)

Tuesday November 17 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & out. Lytham House. Saw Princess. Girl tumbled down. Back. After packing took M up to top of Row. Sent her back on bus. To Athenaeum. No letters. Saw Graves. After lunch went to Willsons, Spillmans. Also to shop near Mudies, Verity's etc etc. Home by Victoria & Kings X bus & Hammersmith. Tea. Wrote letters. Enlarged a dozen bromides. Dinner, M, Roy & self. Bed at 11.0pm. Man brought brown cob mare for me to see & shouted in the Terrace at 10.15am. Made up mind to have nothing to do with him. Saw Mr & Mrs Binns Smith in the Park. Poor Binns Smith looking very much broken. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Lydia Thompson. Nov. Death of Agnes Mellor. Nov.)

Wednesday November 18 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out up Argyll Road. Saw school girl. Back. Roy down. After left & went & had interview with Sir G.A.Critchett. Eyes tested. Then on to Cary's optician. Ordered glasses. Letter from M. Back to Stafford Terrace for lunch. Dear Mite had taken her mother for drive. Lunched with us. After M & self went in a taxy to Scala Theatre, leaving Mite at Lancaster Gate. Saw Ruth St Denis. Good. Home by 4 wheeler. Finished packing. Enlarged a doz street scenes. Roy out. M & self dined together & bed early. (Red ink: Went to Anderson Critchett's about sight. M & self went to La Scala Theatre & saw Ruth St Denis dance. No sign of cold.) (Cutting glued in: Photograph of Katti Lanner.)

Thursday November 19 Stafford Terrace. Up at 6.30 & packed bags & dressed & got off after breakfasting at 7.50. 8.30 to St Pancras. Left at 9.30. To Dumfries. Carriage filled up at Leeds by Jews. Mrs Galbraith met me Dumfries. At Terregles at 5.0pm. Might have gone by 2nd train. Dressed leisurely & dinner at 8.0. Mr Peddie, Mr & Mrs Mackenzie, Miss Graham & C.Maxwell & wife. Cold coming on very badly. Bed at 11.15. Cough on chest very bad in the night. Much disturbed. (Red ink: Frightful cold came on very heavily & on chest. Quite spoilt my visit to Terregles.)


Friday November 20 Terregles, Dumfries. Up 8.15. My cold very bad & on chest. Breakfast at 9.0. Decided not to go out at all. Stayed in wrote letters & diary. Cough on chest very bad. Very seedy. Grey morning. Wish I were home again with M. Not a bit feverish but chest bad. Mrs Galbraith & Mrs McLagan came back. From 3.10 to 4.30 went for a walk by self. Round Park wall. After an indifferent bath lay down. Galbraith gave me a bottle of Burmah oil. Dinner. Took in Mrs Galbraith. Music after. Bed at 11.0pm. Very seedy. (Red ink: Really seriously ill with heavy cold on chest. Walk round Park in afternoon.)

Saturday November 21 Terregles, Dumfries. Up 7.45. Cold a little better but still very bad. Dressed leisurely in Lady Margaret suit. Good breakfast. Started off at 10.0am & began cover round house. Guns, C.L.G, Mr Peddie, Mr Mackenzie, Mr McLagan, Mr Stewart Lyon, self, (illeg). Shot badly, got about 16 pheasants, 1 pigeon, 4 rabbits. The worst of any year I have been up here. Lunch in Harness Room. After left off at the island as it had come on to rain heavily. Went up & had bath & rest. Tea. After dressed & came down & had long talk. Dinner. Took Mrs Stewart Lyon in. A general & his wife came. Most interesting talk to Lady Barton whose aunt married Jemmy Molloy. Jemmy now a shrunken old man. Dancing after. Mackenzie very funny. Tired. Bed 11.15. Slept better. The Genl was Genl Sir Geoffrey Barton. (Red ink: Last shoot of year. Cold bad on me. Had to leave off for rain.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Fanny Ainsworth.)

Sunday November 22 Terregles, Dumfries. Up 8.10. Had slept better & felt better. Breakfast. Talk to Peddie & others after. Peddie went off in motor at 11.0am. Wrote letters. After at 12.0 went in showery weather to stables. Galbraith & Mrs Stewart Lyon there. Cocky little game bantam. Took photos of porch again. Lunch after. Sat in & read 'The Vulture'. Packed. Dressed. Took Mrs Mackenzie in. Quiet evening. Bed at 11.15pm. Cold a little better. (Red ink: Cold still bad.)

Monday November 23 Terregles, Dumfries. Up 8.0am. Packed. Down. Breakfast. Letters. After got off with Mr & Mrs McLagan at 10.30. Bother about flat

82 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 bags. To London. Carriage full. An old Scotsman & another Glasgow man. Cold bad & troublesome. St Pancras at 6.30. Upton & bus. Home. Dear M well. M, Roy & self dined. Late in going up after. Bed at 12.0am. Bad cold on my chest. (Red ink: Returned after Terregles visit. Cold still bad.)

Tuesday November 23 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Over Campden Hill. Met & spoke to school girl. Same scholars. Back. All day in putting straight. Enlarged Gentleman Joe for drawing. Bathed bromides. M, Roy & self dined quietly. Bed early. Cold still bad. (Cutting glued in: Photograph, the late Lord Glenesk.)

Wednesday November 25 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0pm. Out. Lytham House. Saw the Princess. Back. Breakfast. Developed some bromides. After lunch M & self went in 4 wheeler to His Majesty's Theatre & saw Faust. Mite came in after. Marie Lohr charming as Marguerite. Out & to Carey's, then to Athenaeum. Wrote letters. To the Punch Dinner. P.A, O.S, self, F.H.T, R.H, C.G, R.L, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, A.G. Stupid suggestion of Archbishop & Clifford across Chasm. Altered to carrying Runciman. Late sitting. Left 11.30 & just caught bus. At pillar box only 3 min before 12.0am. Bed after sandwich.

Thursday November 26 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Round Earls Court with Rags. Met W.P. Back. Breakfast. Schemed subject of Archbishop & Clifford carrying Runciman. At 12.15 photod Bird, Pegler & boys. Most lovely morning. Felt very slack. All finished by 3.30. Rest & on with work till 8.0pm. M & self dined. Roy at Lancaster Gate. Bought 2 boxes of cigars. Bed 11.0pm. Chest rubbed. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Lord Glenesk. Nov 25.)

Friday November 27 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Out & up Church St & home. Band playing in Terrace. All day at work on drawing of Archbishop & Clifford carrying Runciman. Cold still bad. Finished at 10.0pm. Roy & self dined. Bed 11.30pm.

Saturday November 28 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Slightly foggy. Out up Earls Ct. Met W.P. Back. Breakfast. Roy not going to the City. Cheque sent for £162.10.0. from the firm for Almanack & month. In all day sorting

83 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1908 etc. Did not go out with M in the afternoon. Col & Mrs Welby called. M, Roy & self dined. Quiet evening. In Morning Room.

Sunday November 29 Stafford Terrace. Overslept self. Roy down before. Up at 9.0. Breakfast 9.45. Not out. M & self went for walk in the rain at 11.45. Round Round Pond & home by bus from Knightsbridge. Saw Mr Wankes. Lunch. After letters. Lawrence & Evie Fisher-Rowe. Enlarged some streets. Dinner 8.0pm. John Dory. M, Roy & self. Bed 11.0 after. Both had very good night. (Cutting glued in: Death of Julia Huxley.)

Monday November 30 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Round Lytham House. Saw 2 Manleys in distance. Missed Princess. Sent Upton with a note to Irvings. Brown mare cob sent in at 11.0am to try. Enlarged a few 7½ x 5. Lunch. M saw cob. After bathed 20 street photos. 1 hrs rest. Worked from 5 to 8.0pm on design for card for Punch invite. M & self dined. Roy out. Bed at 11.0. Not sleepy. Indifferent night. Saw Mrs Keith in the morning.

Tuesday December 1 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0 & up Campden Hill. Saw Brunette meet a friend & walk down to get in a bus. All day at work on Punch card & finished it before dinner. Got on Irving's mare cob in the morning. Too high for me. Saw Chesterton. No one called. M, Roy & self dined. Cough still troublesome. (Red ink: Finished invitation card for 'Punch' Pageant.. Rode Irving's mare cob.)

Wednesday December 2 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Up Church Street & home. After breakfast went up by bus at 11.0 & to Conduit Street. At 12.0 photod C.M. Dull light. Had to give up. Came over as dark as night. To the Garrick Club to lunch. Very crowded. Saw Sam Sothern. After called on Brown at the Leicester Galleries. Home by 3.15 by bus. M & Mite there. Rested till time to go back to Punch Dinner. There by bus. O.S, self, F.H.T, C.G, R.H, R.C.L (late) L.B, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L (back) A.G. Done fairly early. Got subject of Austrian Eagle & Emperor. Home by a motor bus. Roads up in Fleet Street. Sent Upton to Ascot to look at White's pony. (Red ink: Photod C.M.)


Thursday December 3 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & round by Lytham House. Saw Manleys in distance. Just missed Princess. After as dark as night. Skemed subject & had extreme difficulty in getting photo of Pegler. 1¾ min exposure. Enlarged by Electric Light. All done by 3.0pm. Hours rest. Worked till 8.0pm when M, Roy & self dined. Cough troublesome in throat. The above Lytham House was on Monday. Thick dark morning. Sky fog. Walked past Tennis Court & back. Breakfast. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Diana Haden. Death of James Dyce. Dec.)

Friday December 4 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Up Campden Hill. Saw Brunette & friend get into bus. Bought fruit. All day at work on drawing of Austrian Eagle & Emperor. M in room. Roy & self dined at 10.0pm. In Morning Room. Bed at 11.15. Cough troublesome after. Rags bit Marie. Trouble with Electric Light. All went out at 7.0pm. Put it on again. Sent Irving's mare cob back. (Red ink: Sent Irving's mare cob back.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Christopher Wheat. Obituary of Lady Haden. 4 Dec.)

Saturday December 5 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & out. Through past Tennis Court. M told me of Rags having bitten Marie yesterday. Told Upton to have him put away. It was done in the morning. Felt very tired & worn out. Cob sent up from White's at Ascot. Liked the look of him very much. No box came from the Playhouse. Rested in afternoon & after began the Replica of Gentleman Joe. Took M for a walk at 5.30pm to Butts. M & self dined. Roy out. (Red ink: Rags destroyed.)

Sunday December 6 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30am. Very wet morning & all day. At 11.15 went & got on White's cob & rode him along Cromwell Road & round Park. Buckled over a good deal. Fear won't do. Lunch. Rest & went on after with Replica of Gentleman Joe. In evening at 8.0 Mr & Mrs Phipson Beale, Miss Rose Innes, M, Roy & self dined. Good dinner & pleasant evening. Cough still very troublesome at night. Wretched day. (Red ink: Rode White's cob. Buckled over a good deal.)


Monday December 7 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Out. To Lytham House. Saw Princess. Back by High St. Felt very seedy & tired. Put on breeches & rode the cob round Bayswater & Park & Princes Gate at 11.0 to 12.45. Buckled over. Met Orton. Talk. Lunch. After rested in room. At 4.30 dear little Ann came up & took me down to tea. Mite & Linley, Fraulein & Miss Cusans there. Very seedy & tired. After worked on Gentleman Joe till dinner. Roy out. Bed early. Both M & self had poor night. Coughed. (Red ink: Rode White's cob. Won't do.)

Tuesday December 8 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Most lovely sunny morning. Up Campden Hill. Saw Battersby & after Brunette & friend. Went down in Met bus & found College. Near Jarvis's. Back 9.40. After worked all day on Replica of Gentleman Joe. At 2.0pm Upton brought a cart horse pony for me to see. Effie H at lunch. Many callers. M very tired. Roy & self dined. All to bed early, M 9.30, Roy & self 10.30. All had good night. My cough not so troublesome. Unemployed in Stafford Terr, 50 of them.

Wednesday December 9 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0. Had better night. Dull & grey. Out. Met Brunettee on Campden Hill. After met Pepys Cockerell. M remained in bed. Worked all morning up to 1.45 on Gentleman Joe. Mite came 12.15pm. M in bed. Lunch by self. At 2.0pm man brought cob round. Liked him fairly well. Finished & sent off Gentleman Joe at 3.0pm. Put things away. At 5.30 Roy brought a new & handsome fox terrier which was bought by Lennie at Convent - no, Leadenhall Market, for 2 guineas. Left & to the Punch Dinner by motor bus. Talk to Phil Agnew. O.S, self, F.H.T, P.A, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, A.G. Got Asquith & Lord Lansdowne to do. Home by Turnham Green bus. Roy out. Bed. (Red ink: Taxy came.) Sent pony back to Ascot at 10.20am. Address Dealer, Alfred Phillips, 28 Colville Square, W.

Thursday December 10 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Cough troublesome. Out. Saw Brunette turn up Bedford Gardens. Very wet. Sent Upton to Mays. Schemed subject. At 12.0 photod Pegler for Lansdowne. Also Upton & self. After photod Stanfield for the 1st time for John Bull. Finished 4.0pm. Tea & on with work from 5.0 to 8.0pm.


Behindhand. M, Roy & self dined. Bed at 11.0. Both had better night. Man from Peal's called & measured me for alteration of boots at 7.30pm. (Red ink: Photod Stanfield.) (Cutting glued in: Death of William Black.)

Friday December 11 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Up Campden Hill. Saw Brunette. Just too late. Turned into Bedford Gardens. Back. Breakfast 9.10. Worked all day on drawing of Asquith, Lansdowne & John Bull. Mite in to lunch & afternoon. Finished 10.30. Dinner 10.45. Roy back. Went to bed at 11.45. Cough bad. Snapped Brunette in distance. (Red ink: Did a good cartoon.)

Saturday December 12 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30. Out 9.0. Up Church St & thro past Lord Alverstone's. Home. Breakfast. Letters & put things away. At 2.10 M & self went in taxy to the Playhouse & saw The Flag Lieutenant. Big box. Much pleased. Home by Turnham Green bus. Bought fruit. In Morning Room after. Began to look over drawings for Brown & Punch's Pageant. M, Roy & self dined. Wrote White's about piebald pony. Bed early. M & self had better night. Cough much better. (Red ink: Got drawings ready for Punch Pageant.) (Cutting glued in: Deaths: Allen, Barron, Bourne, Bourne, Cameron, Chignell, Churchill, Dalton, Forsyth, Holt, Kershaw, Longueville-Jones, Lucas, Massy-Dawson, Maylor, Norton, Robertson, Sperling, Tilly, Ware. All marked in L.S's hand with their above average ages at death. Dec 12.)

Sunday December 13 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Felt seedy. Took Taxy for walk on lead for 1st time. Up Church Street. Breakfast. Went on the entire day sorting out drawings for Punch's Pageant. At 11.30 M & self walked round Round Pond, I leading Taxy. M picking up leaves, Taxy picking quarrels. Back 12.40. Went on with drawings. Down Drawing Room to tea. Felt very tired & done up. Miss Rose Innes called. Went on & finished drawings & began Title for Vol 135. At 8.0 Miss Crozier, Lennie, Mite, Roy, M & self dined. Miss C in trouble about her brother. Bed 11.15. M & self had much better night. Self upset inside from having stewed pheasant at lunch. Had to get up & go down.


Monday December 14 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Took Taxy on lead. Met no one. All day at work on Title Page for Vol 135. M out in Bond Street. At 12.40 photod dead leaves. Enlarged them by Electric L. After lunch. Rest. Work from 4.30 to 7.45. Roy dined at the Garrick & went to the National Sporting Club. M & self dined by selves. Bed 11.0pm. Taxy made noises in Roy's room. M had to wake up Antoinette. Both had better night, did without lozenge. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Major Dudley Hambrough. Dec 14.)

Tuesday December 15 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Out with 2nd camera. Met Battersby. Snapped Brunette. Home. Breakfast. After at work all day drawing for Title Page Vol 135. Beautiful day. M out in carriage & called at Jones's. Lunch & rest after. Went on till 7.40. Roy dining at Mite's. Taxy in room. M & self dined together. Bed early, fair night.

Wednesday December 16 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Out for short round through past Tennis Court. Back & after all day on drawing of Title Page Volume 135. Left at 6.0 & up by Met bus in evening dress. 1st wore my Spanish cloak. Called Club. A letter from C.M about cob. On by bus to the Savoy. 'Punch' Dinner there. O.S, self, F.H.T, C.G, R.L, L.B, E.V.L, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Poor dinner. Good coffee & Claret. Very late sitting. Left at 11.30 & home by bus, No 9. Very tired & exhausted. (Red ink: Punch Dinner at the Savoy.)

Thursday December 17 Stafford Terrace. Down late. Did not go out. Roy & self at breakfast. After sent Upton for Father Xmas's dress. Schemed subject & at 12.15 photod Stanfield for Butler & Bird for Father Xmas. Bother with enlargments. Finally used the Electric Light. Worked from 5.30 to 8.0 when M, Roy & self dined. Very tired. Roy left at 11.0pm for Dumfries. Bed at 11.10. Good night. (Red ink: Photod Stanfield, also Bird for Father Xmas. Roy went to Terregles.)

Friday December 18 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out by Lytham House. Saw Princess in a blue dress. Back. After all day on drawing of Father Xmas & Butler. Finished 10.15pm. Dined at 10.30 by self. Roy at


Terregles. Bed 11.30. Both slept well. Seaman returned drawing for Vol 135, just to alter coronets.

Saturday December 19 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30. After went out & had hair cut. Cheque & letters. All morning tidying up. Lunch, when M & self went in taxy to the Apollo Theatre & saw The Follies. On the whole poor. Back by Met bus. Bought fruit. Tea & after drew in the coronets altered for Title Page Vol 135. M & self dined quietly. Both had good night. (Red ink: M & self went to the Apollo Theatre. Saw the Follies.) (Cuttings glued in: Sir Richard Nicholson unwell. Dec 19. Mr Vincent Hill left London for Folkestone. Dec 19.)

Sunday December 20 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.45. Dull damp morning. Out up Church St with Taxy. Back. Breakfast. Roy at Dumfries. Too dark to do any photography. Tidied up. At 12.0 took M by steam bus to Hyde Park Gate & walked home. Row in shocking condition. Met Graves going home. Lunch. Rest after. Finished Opening Page for Volume 135. Dressed & left at 7.0. Met Graves at Kensington Church & both went up to dine with O.S at the Savile Club. A sort of Punch Dinner. Very good. Felt seedy. Guthrie in good form. O.S, F.H.T, E.V.L, C.G, E.T.R, A.G. Got cut of Castro. Left at 11.30. Missed Townsend. Home in 7 min by taxy. Wore Spanish cloak. Bed 12.0. Herbert & Edie Furrell dined with M in evening. (Red ink: Dined with O.S at the Savile Club.)

Monday December 21 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0. Annoyed at pipe dripping down the wall. Sent for Dixon. Proved to be upper lavatory. Up Campden Hill. Saw Battersby go round side street. Back. Schemed subject of Castro President of Venezuela. At 11.45 Pegler came. Photod him & Upton. Developed them, then photod Upton for Punch. Got all ready. Partial development. Rest by Electric Light. Rest & at work from 5.30 to 8.0pm. Ethel English, M, Roy & self dined. Felt very tired after at 10.30. E.E left 11.0. Bed & good night. Roy returned from Terregles at 7.30am. (Cutting glued in: Death of Edward Swanborough.)

Tuesday December 22 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Poor bath. Out & up Campden Hill. Met no one. Breakfast. Brown waiting. Bought drawing of Asquith, Lansdowne & John Bull. After at work all day on drawing of


President Castro. Finished at 10.15pm when Roy & self dined. Bed at 11.45 from Drawing Room. Very tired. A little colder.

Wednesday December 23 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. No hot water. Out up Campden Hill. Saw Battersby. Dull raw morning. Ill papers. Breakfast. After sent cards etc. Put things away. Put up material for Vol 136. Lunch. Rest from 3.0 to 4.15pm. Tea in the Morning Room. Tea. Edie Furrell there. At 6.0 went to Upper Butts. Got Comice pears. Met R.D.H. Home 7.0. Put up material for Vol 136. M, Roy & self dined. In Morning Room after. Bed at 11.0. Both slept well. News of Castro's downfall. Card from Miss Vivian B.

Thursday December 24 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Up Church St. After put materials up to take to Balcombe. Marie left in 4 wheeler at 10am. M, Roy & self left in taxy at 3.50 for Balcombe. Reserved carriage. Down with Lennie & Mr & Mrs Harold. Cold. Arrived Balcombe. Looked over Japanese prints. Dinner. Bed at 11.15. Both slept well. Roy went to Leweston by the 5.0pm train. (Red ink: Roy went to Leweston.)

Friday December 25 Balcombe House. Up at 3.45. Breakfast. After put out things & began Opening Vol 136. Worked all morning & after up to 3.0pm. Then put all right for working. All went over to Nymans. Dressed 6.30 & M & self left in motor with Nurse Francis at 7.30 to dine at Nymans. Many to dinner. Mr & Mrs M, Lennie, Mite, Harold & Mrs H, Capt Loring & Mrs L, Capt & Mrs Gibbes, Muriel, a funny little German girl, Fraulein to Mrs Loring, Miss Gibbes, 2 de la Penhas & Miss ditto, Dr Messel. Charade after, Win-Chest-er. Mrs Harold in chest. Left at 11.30 & home with M, Linley & Fitzroy. Cold. (Red ink: Dined at Nymans.)

Saturday December 26 Balcombe House. Up at 8.30. Breakfast 9.0am. All morning at work on Opening Page Vol 136 & up to 3.15. Rest at Nymans shooting. At 3.30 to 4.40 took M for walk across fields by station. Back. Tea. Lennie back. Letter from Guthrie & Ferdy. At 6.0 all tenantry came for presents & Xmas Tree. At 6.30 dressed leisurely. Mr & Mrs Messel, Dr M, Mr & Mrs Hayward Booth, Capain & Mrs Gibbes, Muriel, Mr & Mrs Harold etc dined. Charade, Burnham. Felt tired after. They all left at 11.45. Bed


12.15. Both M & self slept well. (Red ink: Nymans party came over to Balcombe & dined.)

Sunday December 27 Balcombe House. Up at 8.45. Breakfast by self. Got to work at 10.0 on drawing for Opening Vol 136. Worked all morning up to 1.0pm. Snow. Lunch. Worked 1½ hrs after. Took M for walk to lake & thro' Balcombe. Very cold. Back 4.45pm. Wrote diary. Tea. Felt much better. Dinner 7.45. Claret. Roulette after. Lost 2/s. Effie won 5/-. Mrs Harold 20/-. Bed at 11.15. Took 1 of M's pills. Both slept well. (Red ink: Bitterly cold.)

Monday December 28 Balcombe House. Up at 8.0. Breakfast. Lennie went to town. Worked from 10.0 to 1.0pm. Bitterly cold. After lunch shifted into M's room. Much better. A lovely day, bright sun. Took M for walk from 4.0 to 5.0 over fields by pond. Back & saw fire we thought was the Faure Walkers. Proved to be 3 miles beyond. Dinner 8.0pm. Lennie back in uniform. Had grit in his eye. No games. Bed at 10.45. Bitterly cold. Took 1½ pills. Both slept well. (Red ink: Worked on Punch & his Show for Opening Vol 136.)

Tuesday December 29 Balcombe House. Up at 8.0. Lo! ground covered with snow & snowed hard all day. Bitterly cold. Lennie to town. In M's room & worked from 9.30 to 1.30pm. Shaded picture Vol 136 & nearly finished. Lunch. Heavy snow. Worked from 2.15 to 3.45. Then put Fletcher boots on & went out with M & Harold & Mite for walk. Snow too deep. Back. Tea. After wrote letters in my room. (Red ink: Heavy snow. Could not make headway walking.)

Wednesday December 30 Balcombe House. Up at 8.0. Bitterly cold. In M's room after & went on shading Opening Page for Vol 136. Finished at 12.0. Took M for walk. Lunch. Packed. Good bye to Effie H etc. Left by 4.26pm & 2 hours getting to Victoria. Miserable. Upton met me. Took bags on by 4 wheeler to Garrick Club calling Athenaeum. 2 letters. Punch Dinner at the Club. L.B, O.S, self, F.H.T, R.H, C.G, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Room cold. Congratulated on Title Page. Left at 10.45. Saw Bangs, Spottiswoode & also Lord Cook. Took Reed home in 4 wheeler. Fire in room. Bed at 11.30pm. (Red ink: Finished Opening Vol 136. Punch Dinner at the Garrick Club.)


Thursday December 31 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Deep snow on ground but signs of the bitter cold passing off. Walked round by Cromwell Road. Missed W.P. Sent Upton to Miss Huxley's & after to Mays. Schemed subject of Britannia & Italy. At 10.15 a wire fom Miss Huxley to say she could not or would not come on acct of the weather. Wired Miss Mabel Woodcock. She came 12.15. Heavy drizzle of rain but got studies. Developed them & got to work after letters at 5.30. Worked up to 8.30pm. Dined by self with Taxy at 9.45. In Morning Room, & heard the bells ringing for the year 1909 in bedroom by myself. Slept well. (Red ink: Photod Miss Woodcock. Bitterly cold.)

Notes and addresses at back of diary:

Ada Beckington 4 Irving Mansions, Queens Club Gardens, W. Rose Hornsby 6 South End Gardens. Ethel H.Viney 45-47 High Street, Cheshunt, Herts. E.Huxley 1 Portland Mansions. E.L.Mackenzie 45 Berners St. Mabel Woodcock 122 Victoria Rd, Kilburn S.W. Winnie Payne. 8 Scarsdale Terr, High St Kens. F.Johnson 94 Blenheim Court, Holland Park, W. Nellie Bullimore 11 Gertrude Street, Chelsea, S.W. Mrs A.H.Morgan 44 Hallam St, Portland Place, W. Annie Hunt c/o Mrs Weston, 1 Hare Court, The Temple, E.C. L.Battersby 3 Ladbroke Grove, Holland Park. H.L.Pegler 6 Sharples Hall Street, Regents Park Road. Ser't Freeman Police Station, High St Kensington, W. Other Constable 133 Campden Houses, Peel Street W. Geo Bird 4 Vernon St, North End Road, Hammersmith Road, W. Thin Constable 28 Milson Rd. Mr W.Eldridge Blyth Road, West Kensington Pk. Henry Stanfield 11 Gloucester Walk, Campden Hill, W. Mr L.M.Lilmont 60 Marylands Road, Paddington, W.

Adelphi 420 Strand, W.C. A.Gifford Stacey for


B.Davis. Aldwych Aldwych, W.C. Apollo Shafts' Avenue, W. A.C.Belsay Comedy Panton Street, S.W. Coronet High St N.H, W. Criterion 218 Piccadilly, W. Daly's 2 Cranbourne St, W.C. G.E.Minor Duke of Yorks St Martins Lane, W.C. James W.Mathews Gaiety Aldwych & S, W.C. E.Marshall, W.H.Dawes Esq Garrick 2 Charing X Rd, W.C. Arthur Bourchier Haymarket 7,8 Haymarket, S.W. Frederick Harrison His Majesty's Haymarket, S.W. Henry Dana Lyric 29 Shaftes' Aven, W. A.C.Belsay New St Martins Lane, WC. Charles Wyndham Palace Cambridge Circus, W.C. Alfred Butt Playhouse N.A, Charing X, W.C. Cyril Maude Prince of Wales Coventry St, W. A.S.Donald, W.H.Dawes Royal Court Sloane Square, S.W. St James's King St St J, S.W. George Alexander Savoy Savoy Court, W.C. Mrs D'oyley Carte Shaftesbury 3 Shaftesbury Aven, W. Terry's 105 Strand, W.C. Thea' R.Covent Bow Street , W.C Thea' R Drury Lane Catherine St, W.C. Sidney Smith Vaudeville 404 Strand, W.C. Herbert Clark Waldorf Aldwych, W.C. Wyndhams Charing X Rd, W.C. Alhambra Leicester Sq, W.C. Empire Leicester Sq, W.C. H.J.Hitchen

Railways General Managers Off General Manager Station



Gt Central Marylebone Sta, N.W. Sam Fay Esqr W.F.Monckton Gt Eastern Liverpool St Sta, E.C. T.F.S Gooday H.G.Drury Gt North King's X, N. W.Latter (Secy) Gt Western Paddington Sta, W. J.C.Inglis J.F.Johnson (Sec) Midland Derby W.Guy Granet W.S.Snow St Pancras L.B & S.C London B Sta, S.E. William Forbes L.N.W.R. Euston Station N.W. Sir Fred'k Harrison Mr Brook L.S.W.R Waterloo, S.E. Sir Chas Owens S.P.King S.E & Ct London B Sta, S.E . Vincent C.Hill, J.W.Green, C.Sheath North British Edinburgh, N.B. N.F.Jackson Caldonian Buchanan St, Glas. R.Miller William Hamilton Glasgow & SW St Enoch St, Glasgow. David Cooper C.E.Cockburn, Sup. Highland Inverness. J.A.Wilson Port Pat & W Carlisle. John Thompson W.Hutchinson

Hornsby Wednesday Nov 20th 07 Wednesday Decr 11th 07 Thursday January 2 08 Tuesday Feby 18 08 Saty March 7 08 Sunday 8 March never came spoilt mostly Sunday 15 March Fish girl. 1st large C Sunday 3 May couch Sunday 17 May twice self nude (illeg) Sunday 21 June " nude Turkish Sunday 12 July " nude, small lens Sunday 9 August once nude & folly Sunday 6 Sepr once nude, short skirt Sunday 20 Sepr good Greek classic Sunday 11 Oct fall off


Moon Saturday 16 Novr 07 Tuesday 19 Novr 07 oh man Saturday 8 Feby 1st ring off Sunday 9 Feby both well done Monday 13 April best drawback Tuesday 30 June Conduit St Wednesday 2 Decr-