Agenda Item 14 Agenda Item 14



Designation of Local Heritage Assets

Supplementary Planning Document

Regulation 17 Consultation Draft May 2011

Designation of Local Heritage Assets SPD – Draft August 2011 1 Agenda Item 14 Agenda Item 14


This document is the first formal stage in the preparation of the Designation of Local Heritage Assets Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and will form part of the Heath Local Development Framework 2011-2028. The document is being prepared in accordance with Regulation 17 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) () Regulations 2004 (as amended).

The SPD sets out the criteria and survey methodology for assessing potential Local Heritage Assets for inclusion on the Council’s Local List.

Comments received on this document will be used to inform the preparation of the final version of the SPD. We invite comments on all elements of the draft SPD.

Any comments you wish to make should be sent to the following email address: [email protected]

Or alternatively to the following FREEPOST address: -

Business Reply Post Licence No CJM37 Planning Policy & Conservation Team Borough Council Surrey Heath House Knoll Road Surrey GU15 3HD

Should you have any queries regarding this document including whether you would like a copy in large print, Braille or another language, please contact the Council on 01276 707222 or alternatively e-mail [email protected]

The closing date for comments is [add date]. Any comments received after this date and time will not be considered.

Printed and Published by: Planning Policy and Conservation Surrey Heath Borough Council Surrey Heath House Knoll Road Camberley GU15 3HD

Designation of Local Heritage Assets SPD – Draft August 2011 2 Agenda Item 14 Agenda Item 14

Table of Contents

1. Introduction...... 4

2. Policy Background ...... 5

3. Proposed Criteria for Assessment...... 7

4. Survey Methodology...... 9

5. Identified Local Heritage Assets ...... 10


Appendix 1 SHBC List of Local Heritage Assets...... 11

Appendix 2 SHBC List of Statutory Designated Heritage Assets...... 18

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1. Introduction

1.1 The statutory list of buildings of special architectural or historical interest is defined with reference to standards of national significance and pays no regard to the local character, history and architecture of individual areas. Emphasis is very strongly in favour of buildings constructed before 1840.

1.2 Within Surrey Heath, there are many buildings and structures that may not meet the criteria for nationally listed buildings at present but do add to the cultural heritage of the Borough. Much of the historic development, particularly at the western end of the Borough, took place during the Victorian period. The result is that many fine buildings and structures that represent the early growth of areas like Camberley are unprotected by the statutory listing process. Consequently, from 1989 onwards Surrey Heath Borough Council has established and compiled a list of ‘Structures of Local Significance’ which have local architectural or historic significance and are deemed worthy of retention.

Image 1 Milestone,

1.3 There are currently 205 recognised Local Heritage Assets in Surrey Heath which contribute greatly to the local character of the Borough and should be protected or retained whenever possible. The purpose of this SPD is to provide the methodology and criteria for identification of buildings, structures and sites of local importance for inclusion in support of policy DM17 and supporting text of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies DPD (CS&DM DPD). Prior to the adoption of the CS&DM DPD, the SPD will support policy HE10 of the Surrey Heath Local Plan 2000 (Saved Policies).

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2. Policy Background


PPS 5: Planning for the Historic Environment

A heritage asset is defined as a building, monument, site, place, area or landscape positively identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions. Heritage assets are the valued components of the historic environment. They include designated heritage assets and assets identified by the local planning authority during the process of decision-making or through the plan-making process (including local listing).

The difference between a heritage asset and other components of the environment is that a heritage asset holds meaning for society over and above its functional utility. It is this heritage significance that justifies a degree of protection in planning decisions.

In addition to the national and statutory designations, local authorities may formally identify heritage assets that are important to the area. Though lacking the statutory protection of other designations, formal identification by the local authority through these processes is material in planning decisions.


Surrey Heath Local Plan 2000 (Saved Policies)

Policy HE10: Structures of Local Significance

The Borough Council will maintain a list of structures which it considers to be of local architectural or historic significance. The list is to be reviewed periodically with a view to amendments or alterations. The Borough Council will seek to retain and preserve the stock of structures on the local list and will apply the following criteria in relation to proposals affecting them:

a) Works of repair, alterations and additions to structures of local significance should be sympathetic to, and in character with, the structure; and b) Alterations and additions to structures of local significance or development within their curtilage should not detract from the character or setting of the building concerned, particularly with regard to its surrounding gardens, landscape, street scene or relationship to adjoining buildings or significant views.

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Core Strategy and Development Management Policies DPD

Policy DM17: Heritage

Development which affects any Heritage Asset should first establish and take account of its individual significance, and seek to promote the conservation and enhancement of the Asset and its setting. In determining proposals for development affecting Heritage Assets or their setting, regard will be had as to whether the Asset is a Designated Heritage Asset or a Local Heritage Asset in determining whether the impact of any proposed development is acceptable.

Within Areas of High Archaeological Potential, as identified on the proposals map, or outside of these areas on any major development site of 0.4ha or greater, applicants are required to undertake prior assessment of the possible archaeological significance of the site and the implications of their proposals, and may be required to submit, as a minimum, a desk-based assessment to accompany any application. Where desk-based assessment suggests the likelihood of archaeological remains, the Planning Authority will require the results of an archaeological evaluation in order to inform the determination of the application.

The Borough Council will from time to time review the Heritage Assets included on the Local Lists, with regard to the Historic Environment Record, in consultation with Surrey County Council.

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3. Proposed Criteria for Assessment

3.1 These criteria refer to Local Heritage Assets1 i.e. those assets identified by the Local Planning Authority which make a special contribution to the history, appearance, character and cultural value of Surrey Heath. Focus is on local rather than national significance. Only those assets that survive in a clearly recognisable form, with their historic features and layouts still present, will be chosen.

3.2 The following criteria are suggested for guidance:-

a) Pre 1700: All buildings which retain evidence of style, form, construction. (It is likely that these buildings would be on the statutory list already, any found to fall in this category should be proposed for statutory listing) b) 1700-1840: All buildings where style, form and construction are still evident or able to be restored. (The best of these buildings would again be likely to be listed already and would be candidates for statutory listing) c) Structures between 1840-1914 that are of definite quality and character. Selection is necessary to ensure poor examples are not included. Examples of “local styles” will be particularly relevant. d) Between 1914-1939, only structures of particular quality and character will be considered. The selection should include particularly fine examples of the contemporary architectural styles and the principal works of any notable local architects. e) After 1939 only outstanding structures that represent a particular architectural style will be considered.

3.3 Other features that need to be taken into account:

a) Significant internal features where known. b) Significant local historic or community associations – particular architect of regional or local note, historic associations, certain types of structure with specific community significance (schools, village halls, places of worship etc.) c) Examples of Artistic Innovation d) Example of new or emerging technology e) Group value – structures can be included for their group value if the structure is of marginal quality but has its significance enhanced due to its proximity to other good structures or to some formal planning layout of historic significance. f) Has it qualities of age, style, materials or any other characteristics which reflect those of at least a substantial number of buildings in the conservation area? g) Does it relate by age, materials or in any other historically significant way to adjacent listed buildings, and contribute positively to their setting? h) Does it individually, or as part of a group, serve as a reminder of the gradual development of the settlement in which it stands, or of an earlier phase of growth? i) Does it have significant historic association with established features such as the road layout, burgage plots, a town park, or a landscape feature?

1 It should be noted that for the purposes of this SPD, Local Heritage Assets only refer to buildings and structures and do not include sites, places, areas or landscapes as defined in PPS5.

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j) Does the building have landmark quality, or contribute to the quality of recognisable spaces, including exteriors or open spaces with a complex of public buildings? k) Does it reflect the traditional functional character of, or former uses within, the area? l) Has it significant historic associations with local people or past events? m) Does its use contribute to the character or appearance of the conservation area? n) If a structure associated with a designated landscape within the conservation area, such as a significant wall, terracing or a minor garden building, is it of identifiable importance to the historic design?

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4. Survey Methodology

4.1 The standard pro forma for survey purposes will need to detail the following information and each record will require visual documentation.

Reference Number (for internal filing purposes)

Address/Location of Asset

Established Date of Origin (including phases of development)


- Building Typology - External Appearance (materials/architectural details) - Wider context

Local Significance

- Justification for inclusion as determined against the criteria within this SPD

Group Value

- Yes/No (If yes, extent of group should be documented and mapped)

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5. Identified Local Heritage Assets

5.1 Any planning proposals affecting Local Heritage Assets as defined on the Council’s Local Heritage Asset List will need to give consideration to the policies outlined in PPS5: Planning for the Historic Environment. Of particular relevance to Local Heritage Assets are policies HE6 – HE8. An accompanying Practice Guide entitled PPS5 Planning for the Historic Environment: Historic Environment Planning Practice Guide2 provides further information for applicants.

5.2 Applicants will also need to give consideration to Policy HE10 (Structures of Local Significance) of the Surrey Heath Local Plan 2000 (Saved Policies 2007). On adoption of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies DPD, consideration will need to be given to Policy DM17 (Heritage).


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Appendix 1 SHBC List of Local Heritage Assets


NOTES List as at 1 April 2011

Town/Village Street Property Bagshot Bridge Road Hartdene Cottage Bagshot Church Road 8-34 (even) Bagshot Church Road 36 Horse Trough and Drinking Bagshot Church Road Fountain Bagshot Church Road 2, Watchers Cottage

Bagshot Church Road 13-15 (odd), Florence Villas Bagshot Church Road 44-48, The Mill Bagshot Church Road 17, Newstead Bagshot Church Road 19, Lilac Cottage

Bagshot College Ride 2, Church Lodge and Gates Pennyhill Park Bagshot College Ride Lodge/Gatehouse

Bagshot College Ride ( Rd) Bagshot College Ride 95, Wellington Cottage Bagshot College Ride Pinewood Bagshot Guildford Road 27, Peel House Railings and Gates of 1, 3, 5, Bagshot Guildford Road & 7 Bagshot Guildford Road Railway Bridge Bagshot Half Moon St 1, 2 & 3 2-4 (formerly 1 Brook Cottage, Bagshot Higgs Lane 63 London Road) Bagshot High Street 2, The Cedars Bagshot High Street 1, The Fighting Cocks PH Bagshot High Street 26, 28 Bagshot High Street 41 Bagshot High Street 43 Bagshot High Street 45 Bagshot High Street 46 Bagshot High Street 49, 51

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Town/Village Street Property Bagshot High Street 57, 59 Bagshot High Street 85, 87

3, Sunningdale Lodge & gates Bagshot London Road and pillars () 5, Station Lodge & gates and Bagshot London Road Pillars (Bagshot Park) Bagshot London Road 4-10 (even) 1 Brook Cottage, 63 London Road (now known as 2-4 Bagshot London Road Higgs Lane)

Bagshot London Road 94, Bagshot Methodist Church Bagshot London Road 105, Little Yews Bagshot London Road 128, Connaught Court Bagshot London Road 129, Clarefield Cottage Bagshot London Road 161 and 163 Bagshot London Road 173, The Foresters Arms Bagshot London Road Home Farm, Bagshot Park Bagshot School Lane Mortuary Chapel Bagshot Square The 1, Duncan Hamilton & Co Bagshot Square The 2, Mossops Solicitors Bagshot Square The Signpost & Lamp Bagshot Railway Station & Bagshot Station Road Canopy on Down Line Bisley Ford Road Ford Farm Bisley Ford Road Springfield Cottage Bisley Guildford Road 361, The Willows Princess Christian Homes and Bisley Stafford Lake Training Centre Bisley Stafford Lake Strawberry Farm Camberley Avenue The 4 Camberley Avenue The 41, 43 Camberley Avenue The 47, 49, 51 Camberley Avenue The 57, Pinewood

Camberley Branksome Park Rd Tudor Hall Camberley Church Hill 1, Broad Eaves 13, Church Hill Cottage and Camberley Church Hill Wall Camberley Church Hill 9, Heatherbank House Camberley Church Hill 11, Heatherbank Cottage Camberley Church Hill 16 Camberley Church Hill 18, Sandstones

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Town/Village Street Property Camberley Crawley Drive Anchorage Camberley Crawley Drive Two Pillars Camberley Crawley Hill 11, Betterwords Camberley Crawley Hill 22, Mylesdown 2, The Gatehouse (formerly Camberley Crawley Hill Waverley Cottage) Camberley Crawley Ridge Hall Hotel

Camberley Adult Education Centre (listed as Camberley Camberley France Hill Drive County First School) Camberley Frimley Road 31 Camberley Frimley Road 133, 135 Park Cottages 1-5 (see 229, 231, London Camberley Grand Avenue Road) Camberley High Street 24, 26 Camberley London Road 479, The Crown Camberley London Road Milestone at 451

Islamic Centre (listed as St. Camberley London Road Gregory’s R.C First School) Camberley London Road 281 Memorial, London Road Camberley London Road Recreation Ground 229, 231 London Road and Camberley London Road 1-5 Grand Ave Camberley London Road 227, The Vicarage Camberley London Road 65, Doonaree Camberley London Road Concrete Elephant Camberley Maultway, The Yockley House, 76 East Brook House, Brook Camberley Middleton Road Lawn Camberley Old Bisley Road The Ridgewood Centre 2, 4 Collingwood Grange Camberley Portsmouth Road Cottages

Camberley Portsmouth Road 9, Collingwood Grange

Camberley Portsmouth Road 42, East Lodge

Camberley Portsmouth Road 3, Surrey House

Camberley Portsmouth Road 104, ( formerly Tekels Lodge) Camberley Tekels Park 12 Tekels Park

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Town/Village Street Property Camberley Tekels Park Wall 232 & 234 Heatherside House and Heatherside Court, Camberley Upper Rd Augustus Gardens

Camberley Upper Chobham Rd 256, 258, 260

Camberley Upper Gordon Rd 27, Lochnabo 7-25 (odd) (with 39, 41 Upper Camberley Upper Gordon Rd Park Rd)

Camberley Upper Gordon Rd 2, Curraghvoe Camberley Upper Park Road 39, 41 Camberley Watchetts Drive 63, Hacklane Farm Chobham Bagshot Road The Old Vicarage Chobham Brimshot Lane 25, Ha’penny Cottage Chobham Brimshot Lane 39, Greensleeves

Chobham Burrow Hill Green 13-15, The Four Horseshoes

Chobham Burrow Hill Green 21, Rowan House

Chobham Castle Grove Road Hazeldene House Chobham Chertsey Road Copyhold Chobham Ford Road The Ford GRACIOUS POND RD Chobham (Off) Langshott Poultry Farm

Chobham Gracious Pond Rd Gracious Pond Farm

Thatched Cottage in grounds Chobham Gracious Pond Rd of Gracious Pond House

Chobham Highams Lane Valley End School Chobham Highams Lane Rose Cottage Chobham High Street 2 Chobham High Street 49 Chobham High Street 51 Chobham High Street 53 Chobham High Street 55 Chobham High Street 68 Chobham High Street 70 Chobham High Street 90, 92 Chobham High Street 94 Chobham High Street Frogpool Cottage

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Town/Village Street Property Chobham Mincing Lane 12 Mincing Lane Farm Chobham Penny Pot Lane Cottage on the Bend Chobham Philpot Lane Emmetts Mill

Chobham Sandpit Hall Road Sandpit Hall Chobham Station Road The Cottage Chobham Station Road Chobham Village Hall Chobham Station Road St. Nicholas Cottage Chobham Station Road Coxhill Manor Gates at entrance to Chobham Road Westcroft Park Chobham Windsor Road Quince Cottage, 85

Deepcut Bridge Rd Alma House

Deepcut Deepcut Bridge Rd Frimhurst Cottages Deepcut Guildford Road The tower to Ketton Dene Frimley Apex Drive 1 to 40 Frimley Cedar Lane 1-7 (odd) Frimley Cedar Lane Little Priory Frimley and Camberley Frimley Church Road District Hospital 8 (formerly Drum and Monkey Frimley Field Lane Cottage) Frimley Frimley High St 70 Frimley Frimley High St 76 Frimley Frimley High St 11-13, Maybury House Frimley Frimley High St The Railway Arms Milestone opposite Frimley Frimley Portsmouth Road Park Hospital Frimley Church of England Frimley Green Rd Primary School Frimley Green Guildford Road The Kings Head Frimley Green Henley Drive 20, Moor Farm St Catherines Residential Frimley Green St Catherines Road Home Wykeham Park House & Frimley Green St Catherines Road Richmond House Frimley Green Guildford Road Frimley Lodge

Mytchett Place Rd Mytchett Place West End Bagshot Road Bramble Cottage West End Bagshot Road Cold Harbour West End Bagshot Road Hawthorn Cottage

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Town/Village Street Property Gordon’s School (to include statue of General Gordon on West End Bagshot Road Camel) West End Bagshot Road Mulberry House West End Bagshot Road Penny Fields West End Bagshot Road Timbers West End Bagshot Road The Old Forge West End Bagshot Road White Down Cottage

West End Beldam Bridge Rd Queens Lodge

West End Benner Lane The Inglenook, 67 West End Brentmoor Road Brentmoor West End Brentmoor Road Burnstubb Farm West End Brentmoor Road Hagthorne

West End Brentmoor Road Stone Cottage West End Church Road Holy Trinity Church West End Fenns Lane Fenns Farm West End Fenns Lane Heathermead West End Ford Road Lucas Green Cottage West End Guildford Road 164, Newbridge Cottage West End Halebourne Lane Halebourne House West End High Street 5, Vine Cottage Furze Farm (off) Lucas Green West End Lucas Green Road Road

West End Lucas Green Road Glencroft West End New England Hill Heather Hills West End New England Hill Ivy Dene West End Red Road High Lodge

West End Street’s Heath 26, Walnut Tree Cottage

Windlesham Chertsey Road 69, 71, 73

Windlesham Chertsey Road The Gatehouse, Ribsden Holt Brick Wall to East of The Windlesham Chertsey Road Gatehouse Flats 1 (Gunners Meadow), 2, Windlesham Chertsey Road 3 & 4 Gunners Windlesham Chertsey Road The Brickmakers Arms The Clock Tower in grounds Windlesham Chertsey Road of the BOC Group Windlesham Church Road Cedars Lodge Windlesham Church Road 1 and 2 Heydon Cottages

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Town/Village Street Property Audley Cottage and Corner Windlesham Church Road Cottage Windlesham Church Road Vine Cottage Windlesham Church Road Garden Cottage Sherwood House Coach Windlesham Church Road House Windlesham Church Road The Hedges Windlesham Church Road Whitmore Farm Windlesham Hatton Hill Hatton Hill Windlesham Hatton Hill The Coach House Windlesham London Road Windlesham Cottage Coach House adjacent to Windlesham London Road Windlesham Cottage Windlesham Pound Lane Box Cottage Windlesham Pound Lane Penny Cottage Windlesham Manor and Apple Windlesham Rectory Lane Cottage Windlesham Rye Grove Manor Farm Cottages Windlesham School Road Thatched Cottage

Windlesham Snows Ride Woodcote House Windlesham Snows Ride Woodcote Lodge Windlesham Sunninghill Road Coombe Edge

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Appendix 2 SHBC List of Statutory Designated Heritage Assets


NOTES List as at 1 April 2011

Town/Village Street Property Grade Bagshot Bridge Road Queen Anne House II Bagshot Church Road Church Of St. Anne II Bagshot High Street 44 II* Bagshot High Street 25-31 (Odd) II Bagshot High Street 63 (Library) II Bagshot High Street 75-79 (Odd) II

54-56 The Three Mariners Ph And Cottage To West (Formerly Listed As The Bagshot High Street Three Mariners Inn) II Bagshot London Road Bagshot Park Mansion II Bisley Church Lane The Old Cottage II Church Of St. John The Bisley Church Lane Baptist II* Bisley Clews Lane Clews Farm House II* Barn 15 Yards East Of Bisley Clews Lane Clews Farm House II Holy Well Of St. John The Bisley Clews Lane Baptist II Bisley Guildford Road 320, Pound Cottage II Bisley Shaftesbury Road Heathcote II Bisley Shaftesbury Road Bullhausen Farm House II Church Hill/Crawley Camberley Ridge Church Of St. Pauls II Camberley Frimley Road Frimley Park Mansion II Remains Of Obelisk (Listed As‘ In Grounds Of St. Camberley London Road Tarcisius School’) II

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Entrance Lodges To Royal Camberley London Road Military Academy II Camberley London Road The Staff College II Gates And Gate-Piers To Camberley London Road Main Front Of Staff College II Lamp Post East Of Main Entrance Lodge To Royal Camberley London Road Military Academy II Lamp Post West Of Main Entrance To Royal Military Camberley London Road Academy II

Lamp Post 8 Yards East Of War Memorial In Staff College(Grid Ref. Su Camberley London Road 87216082) II Lamp Post 40 Yards South Of Staff College (Grid Ref. Camberley London Road Su 87236086) II Lamp Post 15 Yards South Camberley London Road East Of Staff College II Lamp Post 40 Yards West Camberley London Road Of Staff College II Church Of St. Michael, York Camberley London Road Town II Gates And Gate Piers To Camberley London Road Royal Military Academy II Entrance Lodge To Royal Camberley London Road Military Academy II Staff College House & Attached Basement Camberley London Road Railings, Staff College II Camberley London Road The Terrace, 1 II Camberley London Road The Terrace, 2 II Camberley London Road The Terrace, 3 II Camberley London Road The Terrace, 4 II Camberley London Road The Terrace, 5 II Camberley London Road The Terrace, 6 II Camberley London Road The Terrace, 7 II Camberley London Road The Terrace, 8 II Camberley London Road The Terrace, 9 II Camberley London Road The Terrace, 11 II Camberley London Road The Terrace, 12 II Camberley London Road The Terrace, 12a II

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Camberley London Road Woodcote, 33-35 II

Church Of St Tarcisius (Originally Listed Under Lower Charles Street, See Camberley London Road Below) II Church Of St Tarcisius (But See Also Under London Camberley Lower Charles St Road) II Camberley Park Street Witwood II

Telephone Kiosk (K6) East Of ‘Browsers’ (Listed Under Vicarage Road, East Of Chobham Bagshot Road Chobham Garden Centre) II

Garden Wall 1 Yard South Of Frogpool House - See Also High St (Listed Under Chobham Bagshot Road Vicarage Road) II 87 & 89 - See Also 83-89 High Street (Listed Under Chobham Bagshot Road Vicarage Road) II Chobham Burr Hill Lane Burr Hill Cottage II Chobham Castle Grove Road Pond House II Castle Grove Road (Note: See Under High Street For Grants Chobham Cottage) Castle Grove House II Chobham Chertsey Road 14, Coopers Lodge II Chobham Chertsey Road 1, Pear Tree House II Chobham Chertsey Road 5 (Old Pound Cottage) II Memorial Cross, Chobham Chobham Chobham Road Common II

Chobham Chobham Park Lane Chobham Park House II Chobham Clappers Lane Bourne Brook Cottage II Chobham Ford Road Shrubbs Farmhouse II 1, Grants Cottage (Listed Chobham High Street Under Castle Grove Road) II 96, Laurel Cottage And Chobham High Street Cannon Cottage II Chobham High Street 88 (Saddlers Halt) II Chobham High Street 58/60 (Cross & Herbert) II Chobham High Street The White Hart Inn II Chobham High Street Church Of St.Lawrence I

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Moore Chest Tomb 20 Yards South Of Church Of Chobham High Street St Lawrence II Moore Chest Tomb 22 Yards South Of Church Of Chobham High Street St Lawrence II 40-42(Even) (Listed As Chobham High Street Tarrystone Antiques) II

26-32 (Even) (Listed As Chancellors,Gemmas Fashions, National Chobham High Street Westminster Bank) II 24 (Listed As Holly Style Chobham High Street Antiques) II 14-22 (Even) Four Seasons Chobham High Street Restaurant II Chobham High Street Frogpool House II Garden Wall To Frogpool House (See Also Bagshot Chobham High Street Road) II Chobham High Street 83-89 (Odd)) II 69-71 (Listed As The Baker And Penny Farthing Chobham High Street Antiques) II 59-61 (Listed As Bridal House, Chobham Antiques Chobham High Street And J E Ingram) II 45-47 (The Sun Public Chobham High Street House) II 23-31(Odd) (Listed As Lynton House And Colmans Chobham High Street Shop) II 5, El Laurel (Listed As Chobham High Street Myrtle Cottage) II Chobham Little Heath Road Little Heath Farm House II Chobham Mincing Lane 2 (Three Ways Cottage) II Chobham Mincing Lane 32 (Wayside Cottage) II Chobham Mincing Lane 35 (Old Cottage) II Chobham Mincing Lane Paradise Farm House II Chobham Mincing Lane Westways Farm House II Chobham Old Chertsey Rd Fishpool Cottage II Chobham Pennypot Lane Pennypot Cottage II Chobham Pennypot Lane Yew Tree Cottage II Chobham Philpot Lane Brooklands Cottage II

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Brooklands House (Listed Chobham Philpot Lane As Brooklands Farm House) II Barn Opposite Brooklands Chobham Philpot Lane House II Former Dairy Buildings At Chobham Philpot Lane Brooklands Farm II Chobham Philpot Lane Cedar House II Chobham Scotts Grove Road Scotts Grove House II Chobham Stanyards Lane Stanyards Cottage II Chobham Steep Hill Burrow Hill Farm House II Chobham Steep Hill Home Farm House II The Old Cottage In The Grounds Of Frogshole Chobham Steep Hill Cottage II Chobham Stonehill Road Stanners Hill Farm House II Barn 25 Yards East Of Chobham Stonehill Road Stanners Hill Farm House II Chobham Valley End Church Of St. Saviour II Chobham Valley End The Old Vicarage II Chobham Windlesham Road Biddles Farm House II Barn 10 Yards North Of Chobham Windlesham Road Biddles Farm House II Barn 30 Yards North West Chobham Windlesham Road Of Biddles Farm House II Chobham Windlesham Road Buckstone Farm House II Clock Tower 350 Yards North East Of Westcroft Chobham Windlesham Road Park II Chobham Windlesham Road Steep Acre Farm II Chobham Windlesham Road Woods Farm House II Chobham Windsor Road Dial House II Chobham Windsor Road 6, (Northbourne) II

44, Fowlers Wells Farm (Listed As Fowlers Wells Farmhouse Under Fowlers Chobham Windsor Road Wells Rd) II 56, Fowler Wells (Listed Chobham Windsor Road Under Fowlers Wells Road) II Chobham Windsor Road The Cloche Hat Restaurant II Pump At Windsor Road Burrow Hill (Grid Ref Chobham Windsor Road 97076293) II Chobham Windsor Road Wayside II

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Fosters Farm (Listed As Chobham Woodcock Lane The Cottage) II Aden Cottage And The Chobham Windsor Road Homestead II Garrison Church Of St. Deepcut Deepcut Bridge Rd Barbara II Frimley Frimley Green Rd Church Of St. Peter II 72-74 (Listed As Anglia Frimley Frimley High St Building Society) II The White Hart Public Frimley Frimley High St House II Frimley Grove The 11, Middle Gingers II 105/107 Old Rectory House Frimley Portsmouth Road (Listed As The Old Rectory) II Frimley Green Cross Lane Cross Farm House II Frimley Green Cross Lane Cross Cottage II Frimley Green Guildford Road Deepcut Place II Frimhurst Lodge (Formerly Frimley Green Guildford Road Listed As Canal Cottage) II Frimley Green Hatches The 5, Bedfords Farm House II Frimley Green Hatches The 7, The Barn II Frimley Green Kingsmead Whitewells Farm House II Frimley Green Old Guildford Rd The Old Mill II Frimley Green Sturt Road Church Of St Andrew II Guildford Road 142 (Pleasant Cottage) II

West End Bagshot Road Bourneside II West End Bagshot Road Brook Place II* Wall To Front Of Brook West End Bagshot Road Place II West End Bagshot Road Maltmans II West End Bagshot Road Pankhurst II West End Bagshot Road Penny Cottage II West End Beldam Bridge Rd Beldam Bridge Farm House II Barn 20 Yards Sw Of West End Beldam Bridge Rd Beldam Bridge Farm House II West End Benner Lane Malthouse Farm House II Granary 25 Yards East Of West End Benner Lane Malthouse Farm II

West End Blackstroude Lane East Brooklands Farm House II

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Barn 30 Yards To South Of West End Blackstroude Lane East House II Brentmoor Dene House (Listed Under Brentmoor West End Brentmoor Road Lane) II West End Fellow Green 19, Rose Cottage II 89, Fellow Green House West End Guildford Road (Listed As Feltons) II 124 & 126 (Fellow Green Cottage And The White West End Guildford Road House) II West End Hookstone Lane Hookstone Farm House II Barn 20 Yards From West End Hookstone Lane Hookstone Farm House II West End Lucas Green Road Manor Cottage II Lucas Green Manor House (Including Barn To Right West End Lucas Green Road End) II Barn 2 Yards East Of Lucas West End Lucas Green Road Green Manor House II Granary And Dovecot 20 Yards South West Of Lucas West End Lucas Green Road Green Manor House II West End Pennypot Lane Hatchgate Farm House II West End Willow Green Fellow Green II Windlesham Broadway Road Lee Lane Farmhouse II Windlesham Broadway Road Rectory Farm House II Barn 20 Yds Off Rectory Windlesham Broadway Road Farm House II Church Of St. John The Windlesham Church Road Baptist II Chest Tomb 3 Yards South Of South Wall Of Church Of Windlesham Church Road St. John The Baptist II Birch Tomb 1 Yard South Of South Aisle Of Church Of St Windlesham Church Road John The Baptist II Jenkins Tomb 2 Yards East Of Church Of St. John The Windlesham Church Road Baptist II Cedars Court And Cedar House (Formerly Listed As Windlesham Church Road The Cedars) II Windlesham Church Road Birch Hall II

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Windlesham Kennel Lane Walnut Tree Farm House II Windlesham London Road Hall Grove School II Windlesham Pound Lane Pound Cottage II Windlesham Pound Lane Pound Meadow II Kenworthy Cottage (Listed Windlesham Rectory Lane As Nursery Cottage) II

Teesdale (Listed As Benjamin’s Mount) And Windlesham Westwood Road Attached Steps II* Windlesham Westwood Road High Chimneys II Windlesham Westwood Road Lennoxwoood II

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