Surrey. Gatto~
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DJ REG'TORY.] SURREY. GATTO~. 203 chea.le Harry 'l'homas, mstrket gardener, Harwood Arthur R. regiatrar of births Pursey John, boot repairer, Guildford Thl' Lodge, Mytchett road & deaths for Frimley sub-district & road, Frimlt>y Green Chriss William Valentine, cycle agl'nt, relieving & vaccination officer, Frimley Ridgers Charles, greengrocer, Frimley Grn Mytchett road district, Farnham union, High street Roff George Brookes, grocer, Mytchett Cleare James, nurseryman, Frimley Green HPrage. James Edward, cycle dealer, Rogers Thoma.'l, gardener to Arthur J. Cook William, farmE"r, Cross farm, 'Vharf road, Frimley Green Taylor esq. Frimley park Frimley Green Hewitt Jp,sse Raymond, firewood mer- Royal Society for the Prevention of Cnstall Frank. refreshment rooms, High st chant, Sturt road, Frimley Green Cruelty to Animals (W. P. Spens, hon. Dawes George Spencer, butcher, Guild- Hill Charles, fruit(rer, High street local sec.), Athallan grange ford road. Frimley Green Hill Charlotte (~frs.), refreshment rooms, Sheppeck Jonas, tailor, High street DawRon Thomas, gardrner to H. J. Rid- High street Singleton James Henry, hair dresser, well M. v.o. Tomlinscote lodge Hills Albert Henry, farm bailiff to Miss Wharf road, Frimley Green Dl'JCks Samuel J. cycle agent & dealer, Connop, Chobham road Skinner William, nurseryman, Newlands Guildford road, Frimley Green Howson Charles, gardener to Major-Gen. Mytchett road Drake & Mount Limited, coal & corn F. S. Robb c.B., M.v.o. :Mytchett Place Smith William & Geo. farmeN, Mytchett merchant!! & motor car & carriage pro- gardens Smith Henry Woodyer, contractor, High prietor'l. High street Jackson Albert, photographer, Salisbury land farm, Guildford rd. Frimley Green Dyv>r William Henry, nurseryman, Myt- grove, Mytchett Smith William Ashford, boot repairer, chett road Jermy Francis ~r. motor car proprietor, Frimley Green Eels Mrs. Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Guild- Leighton Holme, Frimley Green Southgate Richard Brown, baker & con- ford road, Frimley GrPen J ones Arthur, gamekeeper to H. J. B. fectioner, Church road Evason Arthur, gardener to Thomas Hollings B.A., D.L., J.P. Bristow farm Springate \Valte-r, dairyman, Sherbourne Rcynolds esq. Edgemoor gardens Kearley Charles,wheelwright, FrimleyGrn house, Mytchett road Finch Frederick Augustus, stationt>r, Kelly James, dairyman, High street Stephens \Yilliam, news agent, 1\Iytchett rd & post otlire, Deepcut Kemp Elisha, builder, Wharf road, Tubb George William,gardener to Thurlow Fmrh George, builder, High stree-t Frimll'y Green Astley esq. Eastlea Court garden.."! Ford Ernest, farm bailiff to H. J. B. Kinehen George, jobbing smith, Frimley Turner Arthur, shopkeeper. Mytchett road Hollinqs B.A.. D.L.• J.P. Watchetts farm Green road Urban District Isolation Hospital (Nevil FowlesJoseph, butcher&farmer,Parkfrm King ~'illiam George, Briilgehouse P.H. P. C'adell L.R.C'.P, & s.Edin. medical Freeman Hall, artif'cial teeth manu- Guildford road, Frimley Green officer; Miss Mary WhillO<'k, matron) facture-r (attends thurs. lO a.m. to Ledger George, beer retailer Usher Wil!iam, gardener to H. J. B. 6 p.m.). High street McGann Gt>orge Bounton, drapt>r, Frim- Hollings B.A., D.L., J.P. 'Yatchetts gdns Fr1mle-y District Cottage Hospital (H. J. ley Green Walker Benjamin, cycle agent, High street Bidwell M.v.o. hon. sec. ; Mi"'s Evt>lyn March Noah, dairyman, Frimley GrePn Ward Frederick William, coal dealer, M. Canc.. llor, matron ; for medical :M:organ Edwin C. coal merchant, Station Salisburv grove, Mytchett staff see above) road, Frimley Ward William W. tailor, Guildford road, Fnmley & Farnborough District Viyate-r Monlden Geo. photographer, Guildford rd Frimley Green Works C'o. (F. J. Garland M.I.M. E. Mytchett Horticultural Co. Glanmire, Warr Richard, farmer, Mytchett genPral manager & sec.), Ji'rimley Green MytC'hett road Webb Edward J. butcher. Frimley Green Fullick Waiter, King's Head P.H. Guild- Owen Russell, artificial tet>th maker, Webb H. (Mrs.), jobma-ster, Deepcut ford ro<td Dovercourt, Mytchett road Webb Henry, market gardener, Salisbury Gannon Edward, coal dlr. 4 Stream cots PageT. & Son, drapers & grocers grove, Mytchett Gates Jo"'-ln, Ro3e & Thistle P.H. Frimley Pain George John, Miner's Arms P.H. West Charles, confectioner, Guildford Green Mytp,hett road road, Frimle-y Green Greenfield Brothers, drapers, Sturt road, Patrick Arth. refreshment rms. Deepcut Weston Alfred, draper, Guildford road, Frimley Green Patterson John, clothier, Deepcut Frimley Green Hall .Jamt>s Harrison, farmer, Frimley Penton William, ~ardener to Nathaniel White James ,V, H. fishmonger, Guild- Green road Spens esq. Athallan lodge ford road, Frimley Green Hall James Harri"'on, jun. farmer, Lake Pollard Christopher Theodore, grocer, Woolley Charles Wm. boot repr. High st house, Wharf road, Frimley Green High street Working Men's Club (Alfred Parker, seo.), Hall Lydia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, High street Potter Phillip, cattle dealer, Fairholme, Sturt road, Frimley Green Harding Uharles, grocer, Buckhurst road, Mytchett road Wynn William, smith, High street Frimley Green Potter Thomas Edward, farmer, l\lytchett Yerrell Thomas, boot maker, High street Harm"' worth Alexander John & Sons, boat & Frimley Green builders, Guildford road, Frimley Green GATTON is a parish, under the range of chalk hills J.P. formerly belonged to Viscount Oxenbridge P.C. and waa abovu Reigate, on the main road from London to Brighton, sold by him to the present owner in 1888 ; it comprises the 2 miles north-east from Reigate, 1! north from Redhill, entire parish of Gatton, and portions of Merstham, Chipstead, a mile and a half west from Merstham station on the main Reigate and Nutfield; the park proper covers an area of line o£ the South East.ern and Chatham railway to Brighton about 550 acres, is charmingly picturesque, undulating and and 19 miles from London, in the South Eastern division well wooded, and contains a large lake of 27 acres ; the mansion, o{ the countv. Reigate hundred. petty sessional division which occupies a commanding position 440 feet above the and union, Redhill and Reigate county court district, and lo sea-level, contains a. costly .hall, the floor and walls of which the rural deanery of Reigate, Kingston arehdeaconry and are constructed of superb specimens of coloured marbles, and Southwark diocese: the river Mole has its source in this the upper portions are ornamented with frescoes by James parish. From the time of Henry VI. (1422-61), until the Severn. UpperGattonPark,alsothepropertyofSirJ.Colma.n pMSing of the Reform Act of 1832, this place, with a popu· hart. is the residence of Alfred Benson esq.; the mansion, lation of 145, and on one occasion with but one elector, re. formerly the seat of the Duke of St. Albans, stands upon a turned two m8mbers to Parliament. The 'l'own Hall, hill at an elevation of 600 feet, Plose to the Chipstt>ad ma.rking the site of the borough, and in which the result boundary ; it is surrounded by a park of lOO acres, and of the elections was announced, still stands in Gatton Park; comm~tndB magnificent views extending into Kent and it is not noW" used, but ma:v be viewed on application to the Sussex. Sir Jeremiah Colman hart. is lord of the manor and agent to the estate. The church of St. Andrew is of stone, principal landowner. The "Pilgrims· Way," which runs 'COvered with concrete, in the Early English style, and has a through this parish, takes its name from having formed tower containing a. clock and one bell ; the interior is fitted part of the route taken by pilgrims to the shrine of St. with finely-carved oak : there are 120 sittings. The register Thomas a Becket at Canterbury. The new fo:rt on Reigate dates from 1599 for all entries. The living is a rectory, net hill abuts on the extreme north-~ast boundary of the parish, yearly value' £175, and residence, with 7! acres of glebe, in- the altitude bein~ about 737 feet. The soil is loam; subsoil, 'eluding the churchyard, in the gift of Sir Jeremiah Colman chalk. The chief crops are wheat, C\ats, barley and mangolds. ba.rt. and held since 1894 by the Rev. Alfred George Rogers The area is 1,200 acres of land and 32 of water ; rateable 'l'h.A.K.C. and of University f'...ollege, Durham, who resides value, £3,576; the population in 1911 was 236. at Gatton rectory, Merstham. A sum averaging £17 yearly, Parish Clerk and Sexton, George Collip. ..' -derived from a. charity left by Henry Smith, alderman of 1 London, who died 30 Jan. 1628, at Wandsworth, is for Wall Letter Box cleared at 7 & 11 a.m. & 8.15 p.m.; sundays, clothing. At Battle Bridge the D"nes are said to have 10.45 a.m. Letters through Reigate & Redhill arrive at been defeated with great slaughter. At Gatton are good 6.45 & 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; sundays, 6.45 a.m. The qua.rriea of white stone, capable of being subjected to a high nearest money order & telegraph office is at Merstham degree of heat, but not now worked : there are also valuable The children of this pariRh att.end the schools at Merstham & layers of brick earth and sand. The historic estate of Gatton Chipstead Pa.rk. the property and seat of Sir Jeremiah Colman hart. D.L., Assistant Overseer, W. W. Priddy, Merstham (llarked thus * letters through Redhill, Colma.n Sir Jeremiah hart. :M.A., D.L., ;r,p, Hempson George Frederick, Ga.tton lodge others through Reigate.) Gatton park; & Reform & National Ja.rvis Capt. Charles Francis Cracroft, PRIVATE RESIDEN'ts. Liberal clubs s w & City Liberal club Nutwood lodge •Benson Alfred, Upper Gatton park E c, London .