
Mytchett, Green & Residents Society

Minutes of Half Yearly Meeting November 2006

Michael Gove, MP spoke on the topics of land, sea and air.

Land – Happy to see new housing but it must keep pace with the existing infrastructure. A question is hanging over land in Deepcut, but it is agreed that development should be restricted to the existing footprint.

Water – Angela ‘Connell has worked very hard to maintain public access to the Hatches. Details are posted on fencing around the Hatches.

Air – TAG have gone to appeal against Rushmoor’s decision to keep weekend flight at current levels. Weekday flights are acceptable, but the loss of quality of life at the weekends in not considered acceptable.

With regard to the NHS, Michael said there are always changes in medical practice procedures, but our area has not been as well funded as other parts of the country, so there is a question over the Royal A & E department, which provides services not available at Frimley Park and it’s closure would put an even greater strain on Frimley Park.

A question was raised regarding the use of gardens to build new homes despite the fact that they are important to the environment. Unfortunately, the government views them as brownfield sites and pushes for the maximum number of units although people want houses and bungalows with gardens. Ideally, planning should be led locally, not by the central government. SEERA calls for 200 extra dwellings for the next few years, but developers push for more and if they meet planning requirements they can prevail over the local wishes or requirements.

Questions from the public started with roads and traffic.

The dreadful state of the rusty yellow barriers on the side of the bridge over Sturt Road was mentioned and Chris Pitt said that he was asking SCC to maintain them properly or even to replace them as they were now the responsibility of the county council.

A complaint was made about the speed of traffic and size of lorries on Coleford Bridge Road and a derelict fence in Place Road. are looking for volunteers to man speed guns in our area. It was agreed that the speed indicator signs in Mytchett worked very well and some residents felt that there was no need for speed humps. A mirror for the end of Hamesmoor Road was requested for this dangerous junction.

It was hoped that the damaged bus shelter on the Green would be replaced with a Heritage shelter as well as the one opposite C of E School. It was observed that more flooding occurred at the Kings Mews roundabout after construction of the homes, which was due to some drains being tarmaced over. The exit from Henley Drive is now very dangerous with restricted vision due to cars parked in the layby on Road. Theinconsiderate parking of parents and pool users have resulted in gridlock. Other concerns raised were regarding the mature tree in front of Heath House and the development of Heath House resulting in the loss of retail units in the village, which the Council has a duty to retain.

Tony Moore brought up the subject of the old Scout Hut site that the Council had compulsorily purchased, the permission to build houses has long since lapsed.

The affect of SPA’s (special protection areas) has caused new development to stop in the area. The matter is difficult and divisive but comes from the EU.

Questions regarding the old Deepcut fire station and Cheswyks School were asked, but their future lies with developers. Money for a speed study on Lake Road is on the list, but no date has been given. It was suggested that 30 mph signs and/or hatching would be inexpensive ways to slow traffic.

There was also an update on the future of the , which currently is under funded. Cost cutting measures being considered are: to find ways of reducing services, find new management or not keeping it open, which has been rejected as too costly.

Helping Hands needs volunteers provides a valuable service for the older members of our villages. Volunteers are paid 40p per mile for petrol and 10p per phone call. Duty Officers are also needed. If you can spare an hour or two please contact Carol Heywood 49 Coleford Bridge Road 01252 660 298

Thank you to Angela Mitchell for taking the minutes of this meeting.