Armageddon: Cache Attacks on Mobile Devices
ARMageddon: Cache Attacks on Mobile Devices Moritz Lipp, Daniel Gruss, Raphael Spreitzer, Clémentine Maurice, and Stefan Mangard, Graz University of Technology This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 25th USENIX Security Symposium August 10–12, 2016 • Austin, TX ISBN 978-1-931971-32-4 Open access to the Proceedings of the 25th USENIX Security Symposium is sponsored by USENIX ARMageddon: Cache Attacks on Mobile Devices Moritz Lipp, Daniel Gruss, Raphael Spreitzer, Clementine´ Maurice, and Stefan Mangard Graz University of Technology, Austria Abstract the possibility to use Flush+Reload to automatically ex- In the last 10 years, cache attacks on Intel x86 CPUs have ploit cache-based side channels via cache template at- gained increasing attention among the scientific com- tacks on Intel platforms. Flush+Reload does not only al- munity and powerful techniques to exploit cache side low for efficient attacks against cryptographic implemen- channels have been developed. However, modern smart- tations [8,26,56], but also to infer keystroke information phones use one or more multi-core ARM CPUs that have and even to build keyloggers on Intel platforms [19]. In a different cache organization and instruction set than contrast to attacks on cryptographic algorithms, which Intel x86 CPUs. So far, no cross-core cache attacks have are typically triggered multiple times, these attacks re- been demonstrated on non-rooted Android smartphones. quire a significantly higher accuracy as an attacker has In this work, we demonstrate how to solve key chal- only one single chance to observe a user input event.
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