YOUR EXCELLENCY FATOU BENSOUDA, PROSECUTOR OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT PARTIDO DEMOCRÁTICO TRABALHISTA – PDT, registered under Federal Tax CNPJ/MF No. 00.719.575/0001-69, having its registered office at SAFS - Quadra 02 - Lote 03 (behind the ItaMaraty annex building), Plano Piloto - Brasília/DF, ZIP Code 70042-900, herein, represented by its national president, CARLOS ROBERTO LUPI, Brazilian, single, adMinistrator, bearer of identity card No. 036289023, registered under Federal Tax NuMber CPF/MF No. 434.259.097-20, with eMail address:
[email protected] and its registered office at SAFS - Quadra 02 - Lote 03 (behind the ItaMaraty annex building), Plano Piloto - Brasília/DF, ZIP Code 70.042-900, respectfully coMes, through its undersigned Counsel, constituted by power of attorney attached (doc. 01), before Your Excellency, based on articles 15.1 and 53 of the RoMe Statute, to present COMPLAINT against JAIR MESSIAS BOLSONARO, Brazilian President, brazilian, Married, with address at Palácio da Alvorada, SPP Zona Cívico- AdMinistrativa, Brasília, Distrito Federal, ZIP Code 70.150-000, for the criMe against huManity described in article 7, iteM “k”, of the RoMe Statute, endangering the Brazilian people and the world population, as will be duly proved in the following topics. 1 I. PRELIMINARY STATEMENTS I.I LEGAL COUNSEL AND NOTICES The present legal counsel will assist the Plaintiff regarding nuMerous CriMinal attitudes engaged by Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of the Federative RepubliC of Brazil. The Plaintiff, Partido DeMoCrático Trabalhista (PDT) will be represented in this coMplaint by the following attorneys, duly registered in the Brazilian Bar Association - OAB: WALBER DE MOURA AGRA (registered under OAB/PE No.