Verend John Lovell Robinson,' B.A., Has Mclnnis, from the 21St Hussars, to Be Lieu- This Day Been Appointed a Chaplain in Her Tenant, Vice A
4952 THE LONDON GAZETTE, OCTOBEE 22, 1875. Admiralty, 20th October, 1875. 9th Lancers, Lieutenant Edward Bowater The Reverend John Lovell Robinson,' B.A., has Mclnnis, from the 21st Hussars, to be Lieu- this day been appointed a Chaplain in Her tenant, vice A. L. Wheeler, retired. Dated Majesty's Fleet, with seniority of 21st July, 23rd October, 1875. 1875. 10th Hussars, Captain Walter Yeldham, from the The Reverend William Trench, B.A., has this 18th Hussars, to be Captain, vice U. E. P. day been appointed a Chaplain and Naval Okeden, who exchanges. Dated 23rd Octpber, •Instructor in Her Majesty's Fleet, with seniority 1875. of 5th October, 1875. 12th Lancers, Sub-Lieutenant William Colquhoun to be Lieutenant. Dated 12th August, 1874. 13th Hussars, Captain Frank Osborne retires from the Service, receiving the value of his War Office^ Pall Commission. Dated 23rd October, 1875. 22nd October, 1875. 14th Hussars, Lieutenant the Honourable Hugh 8th Regiment of Hussars^ Major-General Rodolph George Gpugh to be Adjutant, vice Lieutenant de Salis, C.B., to be Colonel, "vice Lieutenarit- J. Kentish, promoted. Dated 23rd-0ctober, General John Charles Hope Gibsone, trans- 1875. ferred to the Colonelcy of the 17th Lancers. 15th Hussars, Paymaster and Honorary Major Dated 22nd September, 1875. Roger Sheehy, from the 74th Foot, to be Pay- 17th Lancers, Lieutenant-General John Charles raaster^ vice Honorary Major A. B. de Lasalle, Hope Gibsone, from the 8th Hussars, to be who exchanges. Dated 23rd October, 1875. 16th Lancers, The second Christian name^of Sub- Colonel, vice, Lieutenant - General Charles : William Morley Balders, C.B,, deceased.
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