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Fage-Guide-Selected1.Pdf xx ii !'OTES CN 1HE ENTRIES TRANSLATICNS arc indicated by ' Fr . trans.', ' Ger. trans.' etc followed by dates: titles of trans lation s are given only when they differ s ignific antly from the titles in the o riginal languages. MODERN EDITICNS arc mentioned in the line or lines below that in wh ich translations have been indicated : these may of course incl ude mode rn translations. COLLECTICNS OF \UYAGES. If the compiler was aware that a work entered in its own right is also reproduced in some form in a collection of voyages , thi s i s indicated following any mention of translations or modern editions by the name - using lower case letters - o f the editor or publisher of the col lection preceded by the date of its publication. e .g. ' 1745 Astley', ' 1826 Walckcnaer · . CROSS REFERENCES are given in the f o rm : date of the entry (or firs t date where a span of years is indicated) f o llowed by the s ignificant name of the author or headword(s), e.g . '1447 MALFANTE' or '1552 SAOMIGCIEL'. Note:: that i n the case of members of the Catholic mendi can t orders before modern times , the significant pe r sonal name is usually the Christian name . thu s Father Bonaventura da Corella become s 1654 BONAVENTURA . If a publication is a co llection of documents o r o f voyages rather than an individual work. then the appropriate clue has been inse rted in the cross reference , e . g . ' 1450 COLLECTION: BLAKE ' . ' (1507) VOYAGES: PAESI ' . ~OTES AND COMMENTS by the Guide 's compiler are printed in closely set type. and for the most part come at the end of an entry. Absence in the notes of any indication of the geographical or chronological coverage of a wo rk may indi cat e one of a number of things: the work is very well known (e.g. 1795 PARK ) ; the coverage is already reasonably wel I indicated in the work 's own titl e; o r the compiler is no t s ufficiently familiar with the work t o be able t o provide an indication whi ch will be at once succinct and unlikely t o mi slead ! ABBREVIATIONS USED Ac . Ak. Academy , Academic, Akademic etc . AfS African Studies ALS African Language Studies ARB Africana Research Bulletin (Sierra Leone) ARSCICM Academic Royale des Sciences Coloniales/d'Outre-Mer b . born; bin, ibn BCFHSAOF Bulletin du Comit6 d'Etudes Historiques ct Scicntifiqucs de J 'Afrique Occidentale Franfaisc ABBREVIATICNS USED xxiii BCXJP Boletim Cultural da Guine Portuguesa Bibi. Nat. Biblioth~que Nationale (Paris) BIFAN Bulletin de J ' Institut Franr;ais/Fondamental de J'Afrique Noire BIHBR BuJJetin de 1 'Institut Historique Beige de Rome Bk . Book Bp Bi shop Br. Lib. The British Library BSGP Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic (de Paris) BSCM.S Bulletin of the School of Oriental &African Studies Capt. Captain Cdr Comnander CE4. Cahiers d 'Etudes Africaines cent. century Ch. , ch. Chap!er, chapter C.M.S. Church Missionary Society Dr Doctor ed. edition, edited by EHR English History Review Eng. Eng Ii sh EtHA Etudes Historiques Africaincs f ac s. facsimile Fr. French Fr Father Geog. , Gtog. Geographical, Geographique etc. Ger. German Hak. Soc. Hakluyt Society HA Hisiory in Africa IFAN Institut Fran~ais/Fondamental d'Afrique Noire llAHS International J ournal of African Historical Studies intro. introduction Is . I s land(s), Isle(s) I t . Italian xx iv ABREVIATICNS USED IUP Irish Universi ties Pre s s I Irish Academic Press JAH Journal of African History JASoc Journal of the (Royal) African Soc i e ty JHSN Journal o f the Hi s t o ri c al Soc iety of Nigeria JRGS Journal o f the Royal Geographical Society mAL J ournal o f \Vest African Languages Linsch.Ver . Linschoten Vereeniging Lt Lieutenant Mcm.' Mtm . Memoir( s), Wmoire( s) ~r M>nsignor M.R .C.S . Member of the Royal Col lege of Surgeons (London) MS. MSS Manuscript, Manuscripts n.d . no date of publication is s tated n.p . no place o f publication is stated M.JC National Union Ca talog (United States) p .• pp . page , page s Parl .Pap . Papers of the United Kingdom Parliament pub . publi s bed repr . reprin t , r eprinted rev . revi sed Rev . Hi sp . Revue Hi spanique R.RCM Revue Franfai s e d'Hisroirc d 'Outre-!d:r R.N. Royal Navy (of the Uni t ed Ki ngdom) Roy . Roya l Ser. , Ser . Series, Serie Sgt Sergeant Soc . Soc iety , Societe Sp . Spanish Swed . Swedish THSG Transaction s of tbe Hi s t o rical Society o f Ghana tr . , trans . t r ans lation , translated by U. S .N. United States Na vy V. , Vol ., vol. Volume( s) 1.501 1.S.SO 1501-1800 BALANDIER, Georges La vie quotidicnnc au royaume de Kongo du xvre au XVIJJC sicclc , Paris, 1965 . Eng. tra n s. by H .WEAVER: Daily life in the kingdom of the Kongo ... , London , 1967. The weaknesses of this attempt by an eminent sociologist to reconstruct 17th and 18th century Bakongo society from the contemporary accounts written by visitors to it have been fully set out by the historian cum social-anthropologist Jan Vansina (see Africa 39, 1 (1969) 62-67). He shows that Balandier·s use of the sources is lacking in rigour, and that his reconstruction is neither synchronic nor diachronic. c. 1502 a l -MAGH IL I , Mu h amm ad b . c Ab d a l - Ka r i m J o hn HUNWJCK (ed. & tr.), Sharica in Songhay: the replies of al-Maghili to the questions of Askia al -Hajj ktihanmad. London , 1985 . 1502- 03 REM , Lucas B. GRIEFF, Tagebuch des Lucas Rems aus dem Jah ren 1494-1541 .. , Aug s burg, 186 1 Rem represented the Welsers in Portugal during 1503-08 and so had acccess to accounts of Vasco da Gama's second voyage to India in 1502-03. His brief account of C. Verde and the C. Verde Isles is available in an annotated English translation: Adam JONES , 'The earlies t German sources for West African hi s tory (1504 - 1509)' , Paideuma , 35 ( 1989) 148. c.1505-08 PACHECO PEREIRA , Duarte Esme r aldo de s itu orbi s , ed . by Raf a el Eduardo de AZEVEDO BASTO, Lisbon, 1892, Augusto Epiphanio da S I LVA DIAS , Lisbon , 1905 ; repr . 197 5, DamiAo PERES , Li s bon , 1954. Annotated Eng . trans. by G.H .T.KIMBLE, Hak. Soc ., 2nd ser . 79, London , 1937 . Port . text with Fr. trans, anno tated , by R .MAUNY , Bi ssau, 1956. Pereira's work is renowned as the first comprehensive guide: to the coastlands of western Africa (from Morocco to the Great Fish River in South Africa); it is supposed that it was not published at the time it was composed because the Portuguese authorities did not want rivals to have access to its infonnation. Pacheco Pereira was involved with the overseas enterprise of the Portuguese crown throughout his active career. Mauny's edition is to be preferred to Kimble's, but it does not extend south of Gabon. For comment on, and interpretation of, the section on lower Guinea, see J.D.FAGE in HA, 7 (1980). 8 1 s 0 5 - 1S05 - 06 SPRINGER (or SPRENGER), Balthasar Die Merfahrt un Erfarung nuwer Schiffung und Wege zu vii oncrkanten lnscln und Kunigrcichcn .... n.p .. 1509. facs . Strasbourg. 1902. modern printing in W.HIRSCHBERG, Monumcnta Ethnographi ca. 1, Schwa rzafr ika. Graz, 1962 . annotated English translation in Adam· JONES , ' The earliest German sou r ces for Wes.I African history (1504-1509)', Paidcuma. 35 (1989) 149-53. Sometimes called Balthazar Springers lndicnfahrt, this is an account of the voyage made by the author on a Portuguese fleet to India, touching at Goree and C.Verde (and also at Mozambique). See art. cit. by JONES for other published accounts of Springer's voyage and for relevant literature. 1506-43 AFONSO I. Mani congo Corrcspondance de Dom Afonso. Roi du Congo, 1506-1543. trans. & ed. Louis JADIN & Mi rei I le DICORATO, Brussels , 1974. The translations may not always be depended upon. See also 1492 COLLECTION: PArvA MANSO. c.1506-07 FERNANDES ALEMAO. Va len t im Antonio BAL.\O, Omanuscrito Valentim Fernandes. Lisbon , 1940. Fernandes was a Gennan or Moravian prinrer, publisher and courtier living in Lisbon who collected MSS relating to geographical exploration for transmission to the Augsburg savant, Konrad Peutinger. These included MSS of 1441 EANES and of 1457 GOMES, and also an account of the western coastlands of Africa from Ceuta to Cape Mount which he himself had put together from a variety of sources. some of which are clearly first-hand. This last was first published as: 'Valen rim Fernandes Beschreibung der west lichen Ktiste Afrikas'. ed. Friedrich KUNSTMANN. Abbandl . hist . Kl.. K . Bayer Akad. d. Wis s . ( Munich) . 8. I (1856); 8 , 2 (1857) ; 9 , l ( 1862). There is an extensively annotated modem edition of the Portuguese text as established by Baic\o with a parallel Fr. trans; this was published in two parts: (I) Description dc Ia cote d 'Afrique de Ceuca au Senegal. ed. P . de CENIVAL & Th . MONOD , Pa r i s , I 9 3 8 . ( 2) Description de la cote occidcntale d 'Afrique (Senegal au Cap de Monce. Archipels). ed. Th. MONOD . A . TEIXEIRA da MOTA , & R . MAUNY , Bi ssau. 1951. The relation of Bai!o's text to the: MSS has been critically examined by P.E.H.HAIR in BIFAN, B, 33.
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