Nuclear Developments in China A report by GUO Wentao December 2015 GUO Wentao: Nuclear Developments in China. Swiss Nuclear Forum, Dec. 2015 1 Th e Swiss Nuclear Forum is a non-governmen- tal association with the purpose of fostering the peaceful use and further development of nuc- lear power in Switzerland. Since more than 50 Publisher: years, it has been promoting a factual and ob- Swiss Nuclear Forum, P.O.Box 1021, CH-3000 Berne 14 jective debate. Th e Forum serves as a platform Switzerland for the science-based dialogue on nuclear tech- nology, primarily among experts in academia, Phone: +41 31 560 36 50, fax +41 31 560 36 59 industry and administration, and including
[email protected] politicians, the media and the general public. Cover photo: shutterstock/Anton Balazh This report is online: © 2015 Swiss Nuclear Forum 2 GUO Wentao: Nuclear Developments in China. Swiss Nuclear Forum, Dec. 2015 Preface China has a history of developing nuclear power for more than 20 years. In 2015, four years aft er the Fukushima nucle- ar accident, China restarted its nuclear power projects. Recently, considerable progress has been made in the country’s nuclear industry. Now it has become the most dynamic country in developing nuclear power and attracted widespread attention. In this report, I attempt to give a brief introduction of the entire nuclear system in China and provide readers with a good insight of China’s nuclear power fi eld. Th is report is composed of 10 chapters. Chapter 1 is written by Prof.