Early Biographies of Isaac Newton 1660-1885

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Early Biographies of Isaac Newton 1660-1885 EARLY BIOGRAPHIES OF ISAAC NEWTON 1660-1885 Volume 1 Eighteenth-Century Biography of Isaac Newton: The Unpublished Manuscripts and Early Texts Edited by Rob Iliffe Preface by Milo Keynes LONDON PICKERING & CHATTO 2006 CONTENTS Preface vii Acknowledgements ix Introduction xi Conventions for Manuscript Transcription lxx Trinity College and Fitzwilliam notebooks: Short-Writing (1662); Expenses (1661-8) 1 John Flamsteed, MS material on Newton 15 John Flamsteed, Suppressed preface of the Historia Coelestis (1717) 23 John Conduitt, Material I 55 Thomas Mason to Conduitt, 23 March 1726/7 57 Conduitt to Bernard de Fontenelle and Horace Walpole, 27 March 1727 58 Mist's Weekly Journal, 103:8 (April 1727), extract 61 John Craig to Conduitt, 7 April 1727 63 Fontenelle to Conduitt, 14 April 1727 66 William Stukeley to Conduitt, 26 June 1727 67 Stukeley's memoir of Newton, sent to Richard Mead, 24june-15 July 1727 68 Mead to Conduitt, 7 July 1727 84 Stukeley to Conduitt, 15 July 1727 84 Conduitt to Fontenelle, c. 21 July 1727 85 Stukeley to Conduitt, 22 July 1727 87 Conduitt to Fontenelle, 31 July 1727 88 Conduitt's memoir, draft sections 89 Conduitt's memoir, revised 98 Conduitt to Fontenelle, 5 October 1727 106 [Bernard de Fontenelle], 'Eloge' (trans., 1728) 109 Abraham de Moivre, Memorandum (1727) 123 John Conduitt, Material II 127 Fontenelle to Conduitt, 15 November 1727 129 Conduitt to Fontenelle, 23 November 1727 129 Conduitt to Fontenelle, 1 January 1727/8 130 Nicholas Wickins to Robert Smith, 16 January 1727/8 131 Stukeley to Conduitt, 16 January 1727/8 133 Humphrey Newton to Conduitt, 17 January/17 February 1727/8- 133 Conduitt circular letter, 6 February 1727/8 138 Stukeley to Conduitt, 13 February 1727/8 139 Stukeley to Conduitt, 29 February 1727/8 140 Henry Pemberton, A View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy (1728) 141 William Whiston, View of Newton from his Collection of Authentick Records (1728) 147 John Conduitt, Material III 155 Conduitt's memoir of Newton in various drafts 157 Conduitt to Owen MacSwinny, 4 June 1729 222 MacSwinny to Conduitt, 27 September 1730 225 Ferdinand de Saint Urbain to Conduitt, 9 January/ 16 August/12 October 1730 227 William Derham to Conduitt, 18 July 1733 231 Abbe Conti, Account of 1715 interview with Newton 237 William Stukeley, 'Memoirs' 243 Editorial Notes 309.
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