50000000 Housing Project for Southeast Matawan Township
MQ3KDUTH C O . HISTORICAL A SSS.,- FSBEHOLD* #.J. 'P,': f ’ ■ .... f;: . $50,000,000 Housing Project Street Signs. For IWarlboro Township Paul T. Caliill ’’Miss Rheingold” At Cliffwood Beach Buys Company For Southeast Matawan Township Cliffwood Beach Co., Frederick Weiuel, chairman of the Matawan Tpwuship' Planning Real Estate Firm, Sold Board, disclosed last night that a Coin-Boxing Barred P a u l T hom as C ahill, 157 N ether- developer who will adhere to the Matawan Is Key wood Dr., Cliffwood Beach, has lWM>y-150-foot m inim um lot a iie Chief Jeha J. Flood, Mata purchased the real estate bus|. Is In te reste d in buying up 1500 waa Police, aald yesterday he In Sterner Plan ness of the Cliffwood Beach Co., acres in the southeasterly section had received a directive from k s b e r t W arw ick, M onm outh Inc., from the Estates of Samuel of the township. At somewhat less Planning Chairman D. Walker and Charles W. Mor. than three houses to the acre, this Ceuaty traffic safety co-ordl- aatar, that all solidtalioni for Resubmits To State risey and has formed tlie Caliill would be a 3000-to-t000 hom esite Co. Officers of the new i^tjipany development. Tlie houses w ould be charitable or public service Matawan Station and the Mat are Mr. Cahill, president; Everett priced in the - >15.000 range, ic- purposes from motorists oa hlghwaya must stop. - The di awan Township-ftarilan area near II. Larrison, Broadwly, Keyport, cording to Mr. Wenzel, making tt vice president; Lillian A.
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