New Mexico Lobo, Volume 071, No 50, 12/18/1967." 71, 50 (1967)

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New Mexico Lobo, Volume 071, No 50, 12/18/1967. University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1967 The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 12-18-1967 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 071, No 50, 12/18/ 1967 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 071, No 50, 12/18/1967." 71, 50 (1967). daily_lobo_1967/117 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1967 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact Friday, December 15, 1967 . Page 8 NEW MEXICO LOJJO . , , -- . -: ;, ; I : . :37 8:. 7'39 Un::xlVV ' ... NOW SHOWING-MATINEE I 9Co7 V,7(no. OBO ~·sut~eon wa'l ti~ct:u·re' Tciaay ·· · IN GORGEOUS Dr. Owen H. Wangensteen, a time wheh technical training plete volufues on' intestinal ob- ' ' COLOR WHIP~S 1:1 O'f "f 'Z- world-~:enowned surgeon and p~:o­ and clinical experience were the struction. FOR MATURE "rst Year of Editorial Freedom fesssor emeritus of surgei'Y at only well-accepted ingredients in He is a past prr.sident of the AllULTS ONLY No. 50 the University of Minnesota, is the training of surgeons. American College of Surgeolls . Vol.71 Monday, December 18, 1967 .a. visiting professor of surgery He introduced into the train- and holds honorary doctoral de-' at the UNM School of Medicine ing program the exposure to new grees froni · six· universities; lie WOMEN this week. surgical techniques in the exper- has been recognized by the Royal · hOWIUBR)l His lecture on cancer of the imental laboratory. Some 33 for- College of Surgeons of England, ·women alimentary tract is scheduled for mer residents of his program are the Royal College of Surgeons ISpy's Bill U. Students Elect 2 p.m. today at Veterans Admin­ professors or chairmen of depart- of Edinburgh, and the Norwegian does one istration hospital. ments of surgery. Academy of ·Science. His visit is sponsored by the He has done extensive investi. A former student of his, Dr. 65;oiiili tt=. man na6cl. ~ department of surgery. gation in gastric secretion, pep- Edward T. Peter, has recently SHOWTIMES: To Perform Here; One of Dr. Wangensteen's ma­ tic ulcer, and gastrointestinal joined the faculty of the School · 8 New Senators jor achievements was the initi­ cancer. A book by Dr. Wangen- of Medicine in the department of 2:20-3:50- 5:20-7:00- 8:30 .. 10:00. ation of a residency program at steen is one of the most com- surgery. Eight new student senators sion, was later approved by stu­ dents in a special referendum. the University of Minnesota at He has joined in publication of Advance Sole Set were elected Friday and five 53 research papers, most of them others were chosen for another A second amendment requiring,... ---···--·--·.. --- ___ .,, .... --.... " UNM t;tudents wanting to at­ in cooperation with Dr. Wangen­ ; term. a waiting period before newly tend the Bill CosJ;Jy show Satur­ Re-elected to another term were elected Associated Students pres­ steeli, Dr. Peter's main investiga­ day night, Jan. 6, at Universit)Y WANT ADS tions have been in gastrointestin­ Anne Knight, who led ;n the vot­ idents take office was defeated in CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES: Arena will have an opportunity ing, Suzanne Ralls, Ray Schowers, Friday's balloting. O'HENRY'S 4 line ad., 66t-4 times, $2.00, Insertions al I'esearch. to reserve tickets in advance at ~)' must be submitted, by noon on day before this ts"THE GROUP" Ross Perkal, and Cleve Seamon. The Lobo was informed by stu­ publication to Room 169, Student Publica­ the Concert Hall box office begin­ dent government officials last tiona Building, or telephone 277-4002 or CHARLESK. ning tomorrow at 8 a.m. New· members of Senate in­ 277-4102. clude Sterling Nichols, Barbara week that the first amendment on country Bar-B-O 4 Topics Set FELDMAN Ken Gattas, Union activities the ballot would call for student FOR SALE Fl/tE$ENTS Bennett, Mike Gortney, Barney ~ ................. director, says this will give stu­ Paternoster, · Michael Cole, Rob· approval of the budget one item REBUILT TRB. Call Kuehlthau, 243-2141. dents who will be out of town 12/G-20. "THE GROUP" ert Speer, Dale Fogelstrom, and at a time instead of a blanket ... I \ \\I . ' 2nd Law Lecture during the holidays a better vote on all appropriations. Fi­ BOOK-FIND. Special 25% discount on all 11IE &IRLS: chance to get good seats, since George Hiller. r~~-..Jia, > new and used books. Visit the Bargain Butch Witcher was the only nance Committee· chairman. Cole­ Room-all books 50c. Records and prints, CANDICE BERGEN tickets go on sale Thursday to man Travelstead said yesterday ~, --..1-s . ,.. too. 2610 Central SE, aero" from ,fohn­ Scheduled Friday as Lakey the general public. member of the Senate who failed son Gym. JOAN HAGKETI to win re-election, running last in that an ambiguity in the first Y~ ~- P~GiDIIZinD MUST SELL: 1961i DKW convertible. The second in a series of lec­ as Dolli• Gattas said students c11n bring the list of 15 candidates. wording of the amendment caused Economical, 25-80 mi. per gallon. $600. their money tomorrow and pick Call after 6 p.m. 256-1997. tures by the UNM department of ELIZABETH HARTMAN A constitutional amendement the confusion. asPriss up their tickets after Christmas ~ ~Li~.·r~.- .in MOUNTAIN DULCIMERB-Hand made. law will be held Friday at 7 p.m. changing vote-counting proced­ "This is not accepted 11roced­ Easy to play. Call 877-4026 after 6 p.m. SHIRLEY KNIGHT vacation. Student tickets are $4, ure in · referendum elections," in Geology 122. as Pollv ures in the annual Associated (.~~ Pit Dar-B-0· ELECTRIC Sewing Machine with at­ Topics for the lectures will be: fS, and $2. Students budget referendum was Travelstead said. There is no pos­ tachments. Beautiful dark wood cabinet. JOANMPEJTET Cosby, a multi-talented humor­ . sibility of adding a single appro­ Excellent condition. Phone 842·1028. "The UNM Retirement Sys­ as Kay SENATOR ANNE KNIGHT (left) does some last minute cam· passed. Abstentions will now be ist has built an entire revue recorded as abstentions. Previous­ .priations clause to the budget ap­ ~~,.._~'~A~\. FOR RENT tem," presented by Kenneth Da­ MARY-ROBIN REDO paigning in the lobby of the Union Friday. Miss Knight a Senate vis, director of the educational re­ as Pokey around his talents and tho~ of veteran. polled the most votes of any candidate in the winter election ly they were counted as negati\'e proval procedure, he said. PLACITAS, 2 bedroom all-electric Adobe the musicians, singers, and danc­ Home. Lease to mature couple. Refer­ tirement board; JESSICA WALTER to filll3 one-year terms in the 25-seat legislative body. 'nte other 12 votes. The practice of counting CATERING-TAKE OUT ences required. Phone 267-2854, 12/15, ulibby ers in the troupe. "The UNM Insurance Pro­ posts will be up for grabs, along with major Assoeiated Students abstentions as negative votes 18, 20. IIATHLEEN WIDDOES Cosby, once known only as a helped defeat the proposed bud­ • Ribs • Chicken SERVICES gram," presented by Ulric Pat­ as Helena offices, in the April elect~. Friday's election saw five incumbents stand-up comic, has won high ac­ re-elected and eight new students elected to membership. (Photo by get in the first referendum last Church Shows· Work • Beef • Pork BABY-SITTER. References given, refer• rick, from the office of the comp­ COI.OI~IIII.UXE ences requested. One block from cam­ Released lhru claim for his acting ability, cal'J.'Y­ spring. That budget, after ·revi- • Fresh Water Catfish troller; Union Pawley) pus. Daytime only, weekly rates. Pre­ UNITED ARTISTS ing off several TV Emmy awards. • Hush Puppies schoolers but no diaper-age, please. "Community Property Laws Sun. 5 & 8 PM Theotre . Of U. Artist Adams Nicki Shirley, 265-6869. 12/6·11. His latest swing was into the and You," presented by Willis H. world of rock and roll with his Paintings of · Kenneth M. TYPEWRITER Sales & Services, all Hamburger makes. 20 percent discount with this ad. Elils, assistant professor of law; first singing album, "Silver Adams, late New Mexico artist, with F.F. TUESDAY lo THURSDAY 11 A.M. • 9:30 P.M. Free pickup and delivery. Open until 8 and Throat.'' Teacher-Aide Program Set: will remain on display at the First 55¢ FRIDAY lo SAWRDAY p.m. on Monday & thursday. E & E "The Social Security Program," Presenting The Drinking Song for Sprite: Unitarian Church through the 11 A.M. • 12 P.M. Typewriter Service, 2217 Coal SE, Phone Appearing with Bill Cosby in lege of Education office and the 243-0588. presented by Terry Mori, profes­ A new classroom aide program integrate it with one of our pre­ holidays, with the exception of All Sandwich•• SUNDAY featured performances are the sponsored by the UNM Student liminary education courses and Union. NOON • 9:30 P.M. PERSONAL sor of business education. Christmas Day. with "ROAR, SOFT-DRINK, ROAR!" Watts 103rd St. Rhythm Band, Education Association and the possibly obtain funds to pay the The program is open to . all French FriH CLOSED MONDAY WE'LL PAY YOU TO HAVE FUN: En­ All interested persons are inJ Dolores Hall and Jackie Lee, in The show, at 3701 Carlisle NE, thusiastic~ energetic junior or senior to Albuquerque Teacher Education students," said Dr.
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