Board Meeting Briefing Packet

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Board Meeting Briefing Packet Clackamas Fire District #1 Board Meeting Briefing Packet December 17, 2018 Click on the red page numbers to be instantly linked to the particular report. To safely protect and preserve life and property Board of Directors’ Meeting Monday, December 17, 2018 Meeting Location: Mt. Scott Fire Station 6:00 pm AGENDA REGULAR SESSION I. CALL TO ORDER PER ORS 192.610 TO 192.690 ORS 192.650 – The meeting is being recorded. II. CHANGES TO AGENDA III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING ON NOVEMBEER 19, 2018 (p. 5) IV. PUBLIC COMMENT (The President will call for statements from citizens regarding District business, not to exceed three minutes per person.) V. PRESENTATION OF ANNUAL AUDIT – Jarrard, Seibert, Pollard & Co. – CPA Russell Ries VI. PRESENTATION OF SUPPLEMENTEMTAL BUDGET – Senior Accountant Anh Le VII. PRESENTATION – Insurance Renewal with SDIS for longevity Credit and Rate Lock Guarantee Program – Agent of Record Jeff Griffin with Wilson-Heirgood Associates V. BUSINESS – Action required B-1 Request Board Approval of Annual Audit – Senior Accountant Anh Le (p. 11) B-2 Request Board Approval of Resolution 18-05 – Adopting and Appropriating a Supplemental Budget for Fiscal 2018-2019 – Senior Accountant Anh Le (p. 80) B-3 Request Board Approval of Insurance Renewal with SDIS for Longevity Credit and Rate Lock Guarantee Program – Chief Charlton (p. 90) 1 Click on the red page numbers to be instantly linked to the particular report. To safely protect and preserve life and property VIII. OTHER BUSINESS – No action required. (These items will be presented individually by staff or other appropriate individuals. A synopsis of each item together with a brief statement of the action being requested shall be made by those appearing on behalf of an agenda item.) OB-1 Legislative Update – Lobbyist Genoa Ingram OB-2 Board Discussion of Work Session Summary of Special Districts Insurance Services Assessment – Chief Charlton OB-3 Bond Update – Division Chief Corless OB-4 Board Committee/Liaison Reports Executive Committee – President Syring/Director Wall Interagency Committee – Director Joseph/President Syring Foundation Liaison – Director Trotter Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC) – Director Trotter OB-5 Board Informational Updates/Comments IX. INFORMATIONAL ONLY A. Divisional Reports R-1a. Chief’s Report – Verbal - Chief Fred Charlton R-1b Business Services Division – Deputy Chief Doug Whiteley (p.111) R-1b.1 Business Services – Division Chief Josh Gehrke R-1b.2 Fire Prevention – Battalion Chief Burke Slater (p. 113) R-1c Emergency Services Division – Deputy Chief Ryan Hari (p. 125) R-1c.1 Emergency Medical Services/Training – Division Chief Bill Conway (p. 127) R-1c.2 Operations – Division Chief Mike Corless (p. 142) R-1c.3 Volunteer Services – Volunteer Services Chief Steve Deters (p. 162) R-1c.4 Volunteer Services President’s Report – Verbal – President Ryan Kragero R-1d Financial Services Division – Senior Accountant Anh Le (p. 165) B. Correspondence (p. 190) C. Informational Items (p. 195) 2 Click on the red page numbers to be instantly linked to the particular report. To safely protect and preserve life and property D. Next Meeting The next Board of Directors’ meeting will be on Monday, January 28, 2019 at 6:00 pm at Mt. Scott Station 5. X. REGULAR BOARD MEETING RECESSED XI. EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS OF PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES PURSUANT TO ORS 192.660(2)(i) XII. REGULAR BOARD MEETING RECONVENED XIII. ADJOURNMENT UPCOMING EVENTS: January 28 - Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting – 6:00 pm 3 Clackamas Fire District #1 REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING (This meeting was recorded.) November 19, 2018 I. CALL TO ORDER PER ORS 192.610 TO 192.690 ORS 192.650 – The meeting is being recorded. President Syring called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Present: Board of Directors Jay Cross, Thomas Joseph, Jim Syring, Don Trotter, and Marilyn Wall; Chief Fred Charlton; Deputy Chief Ryan Hari; Deputy Chief Doug Whiteley; Division Chief Bill Conway; Division Chief Mike Corless; Division Chief Josh Gehrke; Battalion Chief Burke Slater; Battalion Chief Brian Rooney; Battalion Chief Jonathan Scheirman; Volunteer Services Chief Steve Deters; Volunteer Association President Ryan Kragero; EMS Training Officer Lieutenant Mike Verkest; Finance Director Christina Day; DFM/Captain Mike Boumann; Senior Accountant Anh Le; Estacada Fire District #69 Interim Chief Jason Crowe and Director John Bresko; Courtney Dausz, financial legal counsel from Mersereau Shannon; Citizens Thelma Haggenmiller, John Kihlstrum, and Lowell Peterson; and Executive Assistant Karen Strejc. II. CHANGES TO AGENDA Chief Charlton noted that item B-4 - Request Approval to Surplus UASI Apparatus – which was currently on the agenda would be tabled for the December Board meeting. It was noted that Lobbyist Genoa Ingram was absent. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING ON OCTOBER 15, 2018 AND THE BOARD WORK SESSION ON OCTOBER 30, 2018 The minutes from the regular board meeting on October 15, 2018 and the board work session on October 30, 2018 were unanimously approved as written. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT None. V. BUSINESS B-1 Request Board Approval of Christina Day as Budget Officer for 2019-2020 Chief Charlton noted the approval of a budget officer was an action taken each year in November prior to preparing for the next year’s budget. 1 11300 SE Fuller Road · Milwaukie, OR 97222 · 503-742-2600 · Director Trotter moved and Director Joseph seconded the motion to approve Christina Day as the Budget officer for 2019-2020. The motion carried unanimously. B-2 Request Board Approval of Resolution 18-04 – A Resolution Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Full Faith and Credit Financing Agreement in a Principal Amount Not to Exceed $10,000,000; Designating an Authorized Representative and Special Counsel; and Related Matters Finance Director Day shared that, if approved, the funds would be used for the new Administration Building, Training Center, and completion of bond funded projects. The resolution would give authority to do so. Courtney Dausz, financial legal counsel, from Mersereau and Shannon was available to answer any questions regarding the loan. Director Wall noted the Debt Management Policy stated that the Fire District must have plans for completion of current projects with capital improvement plans. Finance Director Day explained that all projects would qualify under the capital improvement plan. Division Chief Corless noted that $5.3 million was remaining in the bond fund as of July 2018. As of the end of December 2018, the bond funds would be fully expended for replacing Stations 16 and 19. Finance Director Day shared that staff had already planned on having $500,000 transferred from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund to help complete these projects. If the loan was approved, it would cover the expenses needed for the capital improvements projects. The cost of the loan would be $725,000 per year if the entire $10 million was used. It was also noted that the policy debt service requirements were met. Discussion followed. Chief Charlton inquired on whether proceeds from a future bond could pay off the $10 million loan, once the current bond debt was satisfied. Staff was working hard to locate cost efficiencies for the new Admin building and the Training Center. The urban renewal funds would need to be spent for the Admin building within five years. Chief Charlton noted a verbal agreement was made to extend the time to allow for the construction of the Admin building. Director Trotter moved and Director Joseph seconded the motion to approve the Resolution Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Full Faith and Credit Financing Agreement in a Principal Amount Not to Exceed $10,000,000; Designating an Authorized Representative and Special Counsel; and Related Matter. The motion passed unanimously. B-3 Request Board Discussion and Direction Regarding the Intergovernmental Agreement with Estacada Fire District #69 Chief Charlton shared that CFD received a letter from the EFD Board last month to extend the current IGA. The CFD Board decided at their October board meeting to table the discussion until the November board meeting as Director Wall was unable to be at the October board meeting. By waiting until the November meeting, the entire Board could provide direction to staff. 2 Director Wall moved and Director Trotter seconded the motion to remove the Intergovernmental Agreement discussion with Estacada Fire District #69 from the table. The motion passed unanimously. Director Joseph stood by the determination to terminate the IGA as of January 2019 until EFD agreed to the feasibility study. EFD Director Bresko noted the cost of the internal audit was $25,000. Discussion followed regarding the IGA extension. EFD Director Bresko was asked why a six month extended contract was needed, if they would know by January 17, 2019 as to whether a feasibility study would be done or not. The maximum time for an extension was one month, and it was only to decide on whether to conduct a feasibility study. EFD Interim Chief Crowe noted there was discussion with their Board to have a work session after January 17 and they would have an answer to CFD on January 28. EFD Interim Chief Crowe explained that their Board wanted to conduct a study to determine if services would continue on their own or if a merge was needed. CFD would need time to strategically plan for services, if there was a merge with EFD. If EFD was unable to make a decision, then it was of the suggestion of Director Joseph that CFD couldn’t wait for an extended period of time for EFD to decide. Discussion followed regarding the possibilities of moving forward with a one month IGA extension. Chief Charlton suggested scheduling an IGA meeting the week of January 21 to discuss further.
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