The Painted Angel” They Are Admired for Beauty Alone, Then Progress Demands That They Wide
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: 4 . • f ’ THE PLYMOUTH MAIL THE HOME NEWSPAPER PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22,-1930. TWELVE PAGES* FIVE CENTS $i.5O per year, VOL. 42 NO. 40 CHENOT TALKS TO. Every member of the Plymouth Kiwanis Members Chamber of Commerce and others PUBLIC SCHOOLS LOCAL ROTARIANS concerned with affairs of civic in Hear District terest should read S e c r e t a ry G. OF C. MEMBERS URGED TO Moore’s report to the Board of Di rectors at their meeting* last Mon Music Chairman day, August 18th. OPEN TUESDAY, The Kiwanis Club had a very enjoy SUPPORT LARRY JOHNSON able meeting Tuesday. The program Will Dedicate was in charge of Rev. Oscar Seitz. Though for nearly two months past Walter Fenton. Kiwanis District music EX-LEGISUATOR JOHNSON HAS Plymouth and vicinity have not had a chairman of M.t. Clemens, was present Unaliyi Group At FINE RECORD. SEPTEMBER 2ND County Airport real hard rain, and the effects of the and gave an interesting talk and led prolonged drouth are everywhere ap the singing. Miss I’ansy Bell and Camp Wathana September 4 parent. the Village of Plymouth has Fred Shock of Mr. Clemens, were the THIS SATURDAY, AUGUST 23RD, Vacation period, which Is rapidly been fortunate in having had a abund accompanists. drawing to a close, has acted as a tune ance of water available for all do Nine girls of the Unaliyi Campfire YOl R LAST CHANCE TO in which the Board of Education could Last Monday the Wayne County mestic and industrial requirements, group of Rosedale Gardens are spend REGISTER. have the necessary repairs made and Airport was designated a port of entry while many nearby cities and villages Michigan Farmers ing the week of August 20 to 27 at the school building thoroughly clean for Customs and Immigration by tlie have had to seriously curb the uses Camp Watbana. Rose Center. Michigan. At. a regular meeting of the board ed. excerior woodwork ;rt Stark United States Treasury Department, I be camp of the Detroit Camp Fire stated Road Commissioner Edward N. of water in order to conserve tlie sup- Using Electricity of directors of the Plymouth Chandler weather and Central High School and Hines. This was a necessary step be pl.v. Girls. The campers are: Anna Bag- of Commerce held Monday evening, some of the interior rooms painted. fore the air mail carriers could start While Plymouth has had plenty of doims. Marie Desmond, Shirley Kalm- August istli, the directors present The supplies for the year including to use tlie port. water at the source the past summer, For Power baeli. Dorothy Metsger. Sara Davis. made the recommendation that the books, which are supplied to the pu Mr. Wadsworth, who is assistant to during the latter part of July ami the Betty Snell. Marion Snell. Eleanor Plymouth Chamber of Commerce sup pils at cost, have arrived and are the Postmaster General, in charge of first part of August the demand for One of tlie most important uses for Straelile. Eleanor also attended camp port J. L. t Larry 1 Johnson in his cam awaiting September second. water in the village was considerably electricity on any farm is the pumping for the preceding two week camp per paign for re-election to ilie House of The corps of teachers is not mater air mail, has set today as the date the mails in the Detroit district, will greater, some days from 150.IMHI to J ol' water. An electric motor on .a iod of August 7 to 20. Representatives. They made this rec- ially changed • from last year and start using the Wayne County Airport 500.000 gallons, than the capacity of | pump jack or a pressure system will Tlie girls earned the entire amount ommeiidalion in view of Larry's fine those having care of the buildings are as a base. our pumps to deliver water to the vil-' supply running water whenever desir neci-sary for their c.unp exiienses Iasi record in past terms of office, because the same as last year. Moving the activities of the air mail lage distribution system. The result I ed. The cost of pumping water with winter, with bake sales, paper sales, of bis \yide acquaint a nee in influential During the summer vacation, the was to seriously draw down the re- j electricity is very cheap. An average a bridge parly ami a candy sale. This circles and because ii should be a mat . teachers and pupils have been scat- to this airport means the Uqited Stales Weather Bureau will also lo serte supply in our 1.600.000 gallon 100 acre Michigan farm with running totalled seventy-nine dollars. As Camp ter of pride and direct business inter f tered from the Atlantic to the Pacific II0N. JAMES E. CHENOT cate there, said Mr. Hines. Mr. reservoir. The reservoir, which or water in the house consumes 300,000 Fire is a self supporting organization, est to Plymouth to have a local man and from Canada to the Gulf. Each tocucing Attorney of Wayne Co. Uofiger. who is in charge of this de- dinarily is kept, filled to a depth of gallons of water a year, about $6.00 ilie earning of their expense money represent this district. of those who has traveled will, in turn, parlmient is arranging a weather re- from leu to twelve feet, had been a year or fifty cents a montli is the wits a big part of the program of tlie Mr. Johnson sc cd ihis district with bring back an enriched life ns a re- IMirting bureau for aviation which will drawn down to' a depth of only two cost of current to pump that amount Rpscdalc group during the past year. credit Io himself ml bis constituents .sult of their summer experiences. feet and one inch on August ninth. of water. However they also entered many other during the 3925-2B and 3921P.127-2N i.-rms. Those who have spent their time at Last Friday noon at its regular he composed of five men and will ren weekly meeting the Plymouth Rotary der a twenty-four hour service. ' It was about this time that the vil Feed mills designed for electric oper activities. Among them were bikes, I Hiring I he 1927-2X term of ofiicc. Lar home or at nearby lakes should be in Club had the pleasure of hearing a The Military hangar, which was lage requested consumers to refrain ating grind grain at an energy cost of batik dying, outdoor cooking, doll ry was honored by being apiMiiuted to the best of physical condition as a re from night sprinkling, as a means of about 3 cents per bag. Three cents dressing and carolling at Christmas, the Wavs and Means Committee con sult of the summer out of doors, and very interesting address by Hon. James built -to accommodate such military E. (’lienor. l’rosecntiug Attorney of organizations as might want to use restoring our reserve supply of water worth of current a day will milk ten group suppers, church programs, and sisting "f nine members. Service on with the physical property of the in the reservoir.' The coojieration re cows night and morning. Due dollar work for advancement in Camp Fire this committee is the most important school renewed and a period of recrea- Wayne County. upon the general sub this field, has been completed and will ject of crime and the enforcement of receive its first occupant when the Na ceived was very satisfactory, so much and fifty cents worth of eljx-tric power rank. In ibis last, nine of the group appointmeni wliicli can he had. This • tion over, the association of pupils and so that within ten days the water in the will till a 32x40-foot silo. These are of lifleeii advanced one rank. commitlc<> lias the highly ini|Hirtant teachers should mean an exceptionally the law in Wayne County. In particu tional Guard moves in about August lar the address dealt with the explana 24th. reservoir had again reached a depth but a few examples of the low oper Activity lias slowed during lbe sum, and resiK.nsible duly of handling the good quality of work during the com of over ten feet. Tlie cooperation of ating costs of electricity. Michigan liter vacation but the girls are plan financial appropriations for all slate ing year. tion of causes leading up io the series Tlie formal ojiening and dedication of gang murders which has commanded of the airport will follow on Thurs our citizens which lias made possible farmers are taking advantage of these ning a full program for this fall ami institutions, such its colleges, hospitals, To any who may be hesitating in the restoration of our reserve supply conditions and^are increasing their prisons, elc. regard to the advisability of attending the attention of the law enforcement day. September 4th. 1930. winter. authorities of Wayne County the past of water is deserving of the highest current consumption on a profitable I.arry Has Host of Friends school because of our economic situa appreciation of the community. basis. Tlie Rosedale Campfire group cooked tion. they should realize that in a three mouths; and which culminated in Though water conditions have again Larr.v made a host of friends and the murder of Jerry Buckley, popular Dry Weather To grind grain cheaply, to fill silos an outdoor supper Thursday. August acquaintances in his former terms in period of economic stress is the time reached a satisfactory status in the satisfactorily and to accomplish the 14.