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DffiECTORY.] HUNTINGDONSHIRE. flC~11NGDOX. 33 from London to all parts of England, Scotland, lreland l Capta:n of Fire Brigade, John Wood lpgram l; Continent, 12 p.m.; Huntingdon, rural delivery, Collector of Rates, John Pascoe, Trefusis cot. Hartford 1·d 4 a.m School Attendance Officer, Wm. Read Todd, Hartford rd *These mails are also dispatched on sundays. Town Crier & Sergeant-at-Mace, Matthew Burton, Er- mine street PARCEL MAILS. Attendant at Town Hall, William Peacock London k all parts, 9· 20 a.m. ; London, Cambridge & a~l Town Toll Collector, William Brown, Great Northern it puts, 12 noon; London, St. Ives & all parts, 3·45 p.m. ; Peterboro' & N. & W. of England, Scotland & Ire:and, :Borough Magistrates. 5.40 p.m.; London & all parts, 6.15 p.m. ; Eastern 'l'be Mavor• . Oonnties & general dispatch, 7·45 p.m.; Bedford, They meet at the Town hall every monday at 10.30 a.m. Cambridge, Sandy, St. Ives, St. Neots, 8 p.m.; Clerk, F.dward Maule, High street. Hnntingdon., rural delivery, 9 p.m. Letter box clearPd D~puty & Acting Clerk, John Percy Maule, High strel't for wwn letters, 10 minutes before conrmencement of deliveries RuRAL DISTRICT CorNCIL. Me~ts at Union monthly on the first saturday at 11 a.m. DELIVERIES. Clerk, Edward Waiter Hunnybun, High st. Buntingdon London, all parts of England., Scotland, Ireland & foreign, Clerk to Highway Board, Gerald Hunnybun, 100 7.15 a. m. (sundays, 8.15 a.m.) ; wndon, hPland & Huntingdon foreign, 10.30 a.m.; London, Peterboro', Yorkshire, Treasurer, Char:es John Desborongh towns on G. N. line south of Huntingdon, 3· zo p.m. ; Medical Officer of Health, Lancelot Newton, Alconlmry, London, Cambridge, East Counties, York &<:. 6.30 p.m. for the whole district On Good Friday, Christmas Day & Bank holidays the Surveyor of H1gbways, ~Iorton Lewin, New Town dlspatclles & deliveries are the same as on sundays Sanitary Inspector, Frank Fo-rtescue, Spa:dwick County Magistrates for Leightonstone Petty Public Establishments. Sessional Division. Arcbdeaconry Court, Market hill, Charles Berkeley .Mar Tillard Philip Edward esq. The Holme, Godmancbester, getts, notary public, registrar Hnntingdon, chairman Cemetery, Priory road, Charles Berkeiey Margetts, cle1k Sandwich Earl of (lord lie ut. of the county), Hincbing to the burial bOard ; WilEam Ha12, cemetery keeper brooke, Huntingdon Corn Exchange, High street, Dilley & S'On, rnanage1·s Beart William Frederick esq. The ChPsimts, Godman- County Court, Market hill, His Honor "\Villiam Henry chest€r, Huntingdon Gunning Bagsha we Q.C. judge ; Charles Berkeley :Mur Browh Bateman esq. Bridge house, Huntingdon gpt~. registrar & high bailiff. The court is beld every Desborough Cbas. John esq. Hal"tford house, Huntingdon month with the exception of one month in the sum Gads by ·wiLiam esq. G orlm:mchester mer, the district comprising the following- plaCl'S : Green J{lhn George,esq. Birchdene, Houghton, Huntingdn Alconbury, Alconbury "\Veshm, llarham, Bluntisham, Jones Herberl Charles esq. The Priory, lluntingdnn Rnxwol'th, Brampton, Broughton, Buckwortb, Bury, Marshal! Col. Sir Arthur Wellington D.L. The Towers, C'olne, Conington (Carobs), C'_.onington, Coppingford, Buckden, Huntingdon :Earith, Easton, Ellington, Fendrayton, Fenstanton, Prior Benjamin esq. Leighton Bromswold, Huntingdon Fenton, Gidding (Steeple). Godrnanchester, Hamerton, Rust George John esq. D.L. The Views, Huntingdon Hartford, Hemingford Abbots, Hemingford Grey, Hil Sweeting A1fred Charles esq. Ambury house, HuntingJon ton, Holywell, Houghton, Hunhngdon (St. Mary, St. Th~kray George esq. Montagu house, Hnntingdon Bemdict, All Saints, St. John), Leightoo, LolworthF Veasey Francis Day esq. Park villa, Huntiugdon Needingworth, OM Burst, Over, Papworth St. Agne~, Clerk to the Magistrat~s. F.dward Manle, High strt>et l'idley, Ramsey, Rave:ey Magna, Raveley Pa1·va, Ripton Deputy Clerk, John Percy Maule, Hi~h streef _/1, bbots, Ripton Regis, St. Ives, Sawtry (All Saint!;, Petty sessions are held in the Court liall every saturday St. Andrew, St. Judith), Somersham, Spa'dwick. at 12 noon. The following is a list of places in thiil Stukeley Magna, Stukeley Parva, Swavesey, Uptcn, division of the county :-Alctmbury, Alconbury Weston, Upwood, Warboys, Wistow, Witton, Woodhurst, Wood Barham, Brampton, Brington, Bnckworth, Bythorn, walton & Woolley Great Catworth, Little Catworth, Coppingford, Caving For Bankruptcy purposes ·this Court is included in that ton, Easton, Ellington, Great Gidding, Little Gidding, of Peterborough; E. W. J. Savill, 5 Petty Curry, Cam Steeple Gidding, Grafham, Hamerton, Hartford-cum bridge, official receiver Sapley, Keyston, Leighton, Lymage, Molesworth, Old Certified Bailiffs rappointed under the "Law of Distress WestDn, Spaldwick, Sww, Great Stukeley, Little Stuke Amendment 'Act," William Orris, Ramsey; Simeon ley, Upton, Winwick, Woolley Croot, Brampton, Huntingdon County Hospital, Herbert Luca" M.R.c.s.Eng., Donald Corporation. McRitchie M.n., c.M. & David McRitchie M.B., r.v. medical officers; Joseph Henry Patterson M.B., 1897-8. house surgeon; Venerable Archdeacon of Huntingdon, MAYOR.-The Earl of Sandwich. hon. sec.; Arthur G. Di;ley, assistant secretary; ReY. DEPUTY MAYOR.-A.lderman John Samuel Smith. A. A. Honey, chap:ain; Miss Beatrice Carr, matron ALDERMEN:- County Hall, William Peacock, ·hall keeper County Police Station, Ferrars road, Major Henry GodoT tCo'. Sir Arthm: W. )larshall I ~Charles H. Margetts phin Rooper, ohief constab!e; John Copping, dermty !George Thackray §John Samuel Smith chief con,table ; the local force consists cf I superin CouNciLLORS :- tendent, I sergeant & 3 constables *Ebenezer Dear tThomas Absalom Clark Fire Brigade, engine house opposite Messrs. Marshall's, *William Henry Smith t Alfred Charles Sweeting High street; key at police station, Ferrars road, John *John Goodliff tA!fred Grist Wood In gram, captain *Richard Goodliff tFrancis Day Veasey Inland Revenue Office, High street, William David tJames Brown !Richard Ashton Mackay, supervisor tCharles Bryant tHez~kiah Peacock Isolation Hospit8l Literary & Scientific Institution, High street, Rev. H. L. Marked thus o retire in November 1898. Marked thus t retire in November 18!l9. .Tackson, curator; J. J. Read, sec.; W. R. Todd, treas.;. Marken thus t retire in Novemher 1900. David Ayres, librarian - Marked thus §retire in November 1904. Town Hall, Market place, William Peacock, attendant. Mayor's Auditor, Richard Goodliff MILITARY. E:ective Auditms, Robert 1\leaBures & Chas. Arth.Bryanb sth Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps (Hnntingdonshir& Militia); stores & armoury, The Barracks; Hon. Col._ OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION. Earl of Sandwich, commanding; A. D. Pixley, Town Clerk & Clerk to School Attendance Commrittee, Edward Maule, High street major; Capt. C. S. Obaplin, adjutant Deputy Town Clerk, John Percy Maule, High street HUNTINnnoN u~~oN. Borough Troo.surer, Thomas Henry Bush, Godmanchester Board day, every alternate saturday at 11 a.m. Th&· Medical Officer of Health, Herbert Lucas :M:.R.C.S.:Eng. 18 union compri8es the following parishes, viz.. :-Abbots. George street Ripton with Wenning>ton, Alconbury, Alconbury Wes Borough Surveyor, Ernest Borissow, lligh street ton, All Saints (Huntingdon), Barham, Brampton., Engineer of Waterworks, Ekim Deigbton 1 Buckworth, Conington, Coppingford, Easton, Ellin{!ton, Sanitary ln'!pector, Samuel Bere&ford, St. Peter'• 'hiJ Godmanchester, Great Raveley, Great Stukeley, HSID- HUNTEZ. 3 .