November '92 Sound
mb Nove er ’92 . 2 , NoSS UUNN DD HHHH, YOU DON’T know the shape I’m “O in,” Levon Helm was wailing plaintively over the P.A. as the lights came up at Off Broad- way, a St. Louis nightclub. The DJ’s choice of that particular Band normally prohibits). Brian McTavish of the number couldn’t have been more Star’s “Nighthawk” column was on assign- relevant. Four days on the road ment, so no luck there. A television spot with the Tom Russell Band were wasn't in the budget, so we'd have to rely coming to a close, leaving me primarily on word of mouth for ticket sales. fatigued and exhilarated at the same time. Day 1 – Kansas City The show had run late, and The Tom Russell Band, standin’ on the corner: Barry the management was doing its Ramus (bass), Fats Kaplin (accordion, pedal steel, Waiting at the Comfort Inn for the band harmonica, and more), Tom Russell (guitar, vocals), to roll in to town provided a chance to see a best to herd patrons out the Mike Warner (drums, backing vocals), Andrew Hardin door. As the crowd congratulat- (guitar, harmony vocals). prima donna in action. A member of Lash ing the band dispersed, S LaRue’sband was pressuring the desk clerk staff cartoonist Dug joined me in ap- to change his room assignment, first to down the hall, then, deciding that wasn’t proaching Tom, and in our best Wayne and up a request for an interview left on his toll good enough, to a different floor.
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