A Method for Construction of Lie Group Invariants Arxiv:1206.4395V1
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A method for construction of Lie group invariants Yu. Palii Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia and Institute of Applied Physics, Chisinau, Moldova, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract For an adjoint action of a Lie group G (or its subgroup) on Lie algebra Lie(G) we suggest a method for construction of invariants. The method is easy in implementation and may shed the light on algebraical independence of invariants. The main idea is to extent automorphisms of the Cartan subalgebra to automorphisms of the whole Lie algebra Lie(G). Corresponding matrices in a linear space V =∼ Lie(G) define a Reynolds operator \gathering" invariants of torus T ⊂ G into special polynomials. A condition for a linear combination of polynomials to be G-invariant is equivalent to the existence of a solution for a certain system of linear equations on the coefficients in the combination. As an example we consider the adjoint action of the Lie group arXiv:1206.4395v1 [math.RT] 20 Jun 2012 SL(3) (and its subgroup SL(2)) on the Lie algebra sl(3). 1 1 Introduction Algorithms in invariant theory [1, 2] become inefficient for Lie groups inter- esting for physics. To overcome this problem, we try to use the following well known fact. Every automorphism of a Lie algebra root system (in par- ticular, an element of the Weyl group W) defines an automorphism of the Cartan subalgebra h and, subsequently, can be extended to the automor- phism of the whole Lie algebra g [3]. For example, let us consider sl(2) algebra with the standard basis X; Y; H = [X; Y ] and define the adjoint action adAB := [A; B]. The operator S = (exp adX ) (exp −adY ) (exp adX ) induces a second order inner automorphism of sl(2): S(X) = −Y; S(Y ) = −X; S(H) = −H: The action of S on to the Cartan subalgebra h = fHg corresponds to a Weyl group W = Z=2 reflection of the 1-dimensional sl(2)-root system: σα(α) = −α: This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 illustrates a method on the construction of two Casimir invariants of the Lie group SL(3). An adjoint representation for the Lie algebra sl(3) is done in the subsection 2.1. In 2.2, using a simple algorithm ([2], x4.3), we construct a Hilbert basis of invariants for a maximal torus T ⊂ SL(3). Subsections 2.3 and 2.4 describe two main steps of our method. In 2.3, we construct a set of the S-operators extending the action of the Weyl group for the sl(3) root system and apply corresponding Reynolds operator to the torus invariants. Derived invariants we call Weyl blocks. In 2.4, we join them into linear combinations which are invariant relative to the adjoint action of SL(3). In section 3, SL(2)- invariants in the algebra sl(3) are found. In 3.1, an embedding of SL(2) into SL(3) is used to construct all elements necessary for our method. In 3.2, we list a set of invariants and prove that it is a fundamental system of SL(2)-invariants in the adjoint representation of the algebra sl(3). 2 2 SL(3) Invariants 2.1 Linear representation of SL(3)-adjoint action on sl(3) The dimension of sl(3) is equal to 8 and the rank is 2 and, correspondingly, two sl(2)-triples generate the algebra: X1 = E12;Y1 = E21;H1 = E11 − E22; (2.1) X2 = E23;Y2 = E32;H2 = E22 − E33; (2.2) where (Eij)kl = δikδjl are unit matrices. These operators with two additional X3 := [X1;X2];Y3 := [Y2;Y1] (2.3) form the Cartan-Weyl basis of sl(3). Below we use the following notations for the basis elements: Y1 X1 Y2 X2 Y3 X3 H1 H2 (2.4) e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 8 Consider sl(3) as a vector space V with the basis feigi=1 corresponding to the generators ei. The adjoint representation of sl(3) k adei : ej 7! [ei; ej] = cij ek (2.5) k k induces a linear transformation Ai in V by the matrix (Ai)j = −cij : ~ k ~ −1 Ai (ej) := ek (Ai) j; Ai = χ Ai χ, (2.6) ~ k where k numerates rows, j numerates columns of the matrix (Ai) j and χ is the matrix of the Cartan metric on sl(3): q p χij := Tr(Ai · Aj) = cip cjq : (2.7) The adjoint action of the Lie group SL(3) on its algebra sl(3) exp(t ei) ej exp(−t ei) = exp(t adei ) ej ei; ej 2 sl(3); (2.8) can be represented as a linear transformation of V by one-parameter groups: ~ k Ci (ej) := ek(exp[t Ai]) j : (2.9) In this section we construct polynomial SL(3)-invariants in variables e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 (2.10) y1 x1 y2 x2 y3 x3 h1 h2 3 2.2 Torus Invariants ∼ ∗ d A d-dimensional torus T = (C ) acting on the ring C[V ] = C[x1; : : : ; xn] is isomorphic to a group of the diagonal matrices d d Y a1i Y ani T = diag( ti ;:::; ti ); (2.11) i=1 i=1 ∗ where t1; : : : ; td 2 C are torus variables and xi have the weights !i = (ai;1; : : : ; ai;d); aij 2 Z: T maps monomials into monomials and its invariant ring C[V ]T is monomial. Suppose T ⊂ G; for the Lie group G. Then the algebra of G-invariants is a subalgebra of torus invariants G T C[V ] ⊂ C[V ] ; i.e. a G-invariant polynomial is a linear combination of T -invariant mono- mials. By definition a weight !i of an element Xi is the set of values of the corresponding root αi on the elements Hj of the Cartan subalgebra h. The values αi(Hj) can be directly read from the commutation relations in the Cartan-Weyl basis: [Hj;Xi] = αi(Hj)Xi: (2.12) Weights of the variables (2.10) are ones of the generators (2.4) y1 x1 y2 x2 y3 x3 h1 h2 (2.13) (−2; 1) (2; −1) (1; −2) (−1; 2) (−1; −1) (1; 1) (0; 0) (0; 0) An efficient algorithm 4.3.1 from [2] allows to find the Hilbert basis [1], i.e. a minimal generating set, for the torus invariants. We realize it in the following way. Let us construct the d-dimensional set Ω of boxes marked by weights of the variables xi and ’filled in' with the corresponding xi considered as initial monomials. After that we produce new monomials degree by degree multiplying on xi monomials derived at the previous step. If a new monomial n1 nk m = x1 : : : xk with the weight k k X X !m = ( ai;1ni;:::; ai;dni) (2.14) i=1 i=1 4 is not divisible on derived early monomials with the same weight !m we put m into the corresponding box. We discard a new monomial if its weight is not in Ω. An output of the algorithm is the set of T -invariant monomials with the weight (0;:::; 0). | {z } d For T ⊂ SL(3) the two dimensional torus T (2.11) is the following: −2 1 2 −1 1 −2 −1 2 −1 −1 1 1 0 0 0 0 T = diag (t1 t2; t1t2 ; t1t2 t1 t2; t1 t2 ; t1t2; t1t2; t1t2); (2.15) and the Hilbert basis consists from the monomials: h1; h2; x1y1; x2y2; x3y3; x1x2y3; x3y1y2: (2.16) 2.3 Weyl blocks The root system Φsl(3) of sl(3) algebra lies in the Euclidean plane and has six roots ±αi; i = 1; 2; 3 (see figure 1). A group of the reflections σi relative to hyperplanes orthogonal to the roots αi, i.e. the Weyl group Wsl(3), is the permutation group S3 [3] S3 = fI; (12); (23); (13); (123); (132)g (2.17) The permutations (12) and (23) correspond to the reflections σ1 and σ2 (rel- ative to hyperplanes shown by dashed lines in the figure 1) respectively and generate S3 according to formulas: (123) = (12) ◦ (23); (2.18) (132) = (23) ◦ (12); (2.19) (13) = (12) ◦ (23) ◦ (12): (2.20) Suppose we treat sl(3) algebra as a linear space V according to the sub- section 2.1. The reflections σ1 and σ2 can be extended to linear operators in V analogously to sl(2) case (see Introduction) ~ ~ ~ S1 = exp[AX1 ] exp[−AY1 ] exp[AX1 ] (2.21) ~ ~ ~ S2 = exp[AX2 ] exp[−AY2 ] exp[AX2 ] (2.22) as we have two sl(2)-triples (2.1), (2.2) in sl(3). Transformations by S1;S2 of basis elements of sl(3) k Si (ej) := ek(Si) j ; (2.23) 5 Figure 1: sl(3) root system are shown in the following tables: y1 x1 y2 x2 y3 x3 h1 h2 S1 : (2.24) −x1 −y1 y3 x3 −y2 −x2 −h1 h3 y1 x1 y2 x2 y3 x3 h1 h2 S2 : (2.25) −y3 −x3 −x2 −y2 y1 x1 h3 −h2 where h3 := h1 + h2. As a proof of correctness of extension we compare the action of S1; S2 on the Cartan subalgebra h = fh1; h2; h3g and Weyl group reflections of the dual roots αi $ Hi; i = 1; 2; 3 in the sl(3) root space Φsl(3): σ1(α1) = −α1 S1(h1) = −h1 σ1(α2) = α3 S1(h2) = h3 σ1(α3) = α2 S1(h3) = h2 σ2(α1) = α3 S2(h1) = h3 σ2(α2) = −α2 S2(h2) = −h2 σ2(α3) = α1 S2(h3) = h1 6 Taking a Cartan decomposition a sl(3) = fh1; h2g ⊕ Lα (2.26) α2Φsl(3) we see from the tables (2.24),(2.25) that every one-dimensional subspace Lα is transformed according to the reflection σi: Si : Lα ! Lσi(α).