H. Sleumer Leyden) Spiral Pseudo-Whorls, Subopposite
Proteaceae H. Sleumer Leyden) Trees or shrubs. Leaves spiral or in pseudo-whorls, sometimes subopposite, generally coriaceous, simple or pinnatisect, often dimorphous, entire or toothed, sometimes spiny. Stipules 0. Inflorescences mostly axillary or rami- or cauliflorous, terminal. but often minute and or Bracts (potentially) present mostly small, very early caducous or barely visible, sometimes large, accrescent and woody (in cone-like spikes). Bracteoles 0-2, small. Flowers in racemes, umbels or spikes, the latter sometimes cone-like, not rarely inserted in twos; pedicels of the pairs some- times connate to various degree. Flowers choripetalous (though segments some- times remain connate or partly so, sometimes with a spathaceous corolla), actino- morphous, sometimes zygomorphous (by one-sided saccate corolla base, oblique torus, disk glands, stigma), mostly bisexual, rarely only seemingly so and in fact unisexual and dioecious. Buds generally cylindric, straight or curved, more or less dilated towards the with clavate Perianth base, a mostly or globular apex. segments (tepals) valvate, with a distinctly broadened apex (here called: limb), in flower recurved, adhering to each other in the lower portion to various degree, at length mostly entirely free. Torus flat or oblique. Stamens 4, epitepalous; filaments con- nate with the tepals to various degree, sometimes very short; anthers erect, basi- fixed, 2-celled, introrse, dehiscing lengthwise, connective often prolonged. Disk an 4 annular or horseshoe-shaped, flat or oblique gland, or consisting of free or variously united hypogynous glands alternating with the stamens, rarely absent. Ovary superior, 1-celled, sessile or stipitate, often oblique; style terminal, thickened at the tip; stigma mostly small, terminal or lateral.
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