10/10/14: Claudia Fragapane has finished 10th and 11th in the World Championship all-around final in Nanning, China. Competing on all four apparatus the all- around competition showcases the very best overall gymnasts, American favourite Simeone Biles taking the gold medal in style with an unbeatable 60.231 points.

Claudia and Ruby, both multiple medallists this summer, preformed superbly throughout the final with no major errors under pressure. Claudia scored 56.098 with high points on and beam whilst Ruby excelled on bars with her score totalling 55.615, both girls delighted with their composed and consistent routines.

An excited Claudia said after: “I’m really happy with today. The experience of being in a World Championship final is just incredible and I’m really happy that I went out there and competed well under pressure. The week has been amazing and there’s still more to come with the apparatus finals on the weekend, I’m just going to go out and enjoy myself again – can’t wait.”

Ruby was similarly proud saying: “I enjoyed that from start to end. The atmosphere was so good and to have that experience and to be able to produce good routine shows that all the hard work in training is absolutely worth it, we both had lots of fun today.”

Ruby qualified in superb 8th place for the final and began the girls’ competition on bars one of her favoured apparatus and the piece she has made an individual final on this championship. Her routine featured many unique moves that wowed the crowd; she looked incredibly focussed throughout with a step forward on landing her only fault to score 14.400 - slightly down on qualifying. On beam Ruby used her major championship experience to stay composed and calm, a few slight wobbles were soon controlled and she dismounted well to score 13.066. On floor she was expressive and again produced a controlled routine with limited errors giving her 13.466 while her was also strong to score 14.683 for an all-around total of 55.615.

In contrast to Ruby, bars is one of Claudia’s lower scoring apparatus and she will have been glad to have performed with no major errors showing great fight to battle through her routine and score 13.066. Her beam routine was very composed after a long wait to compete, she was precise in all her skills and scored an impressive 14.166 marks. Floor is

where Claudia comes alive, her energy levels and dynamic tumbling, along with some original breakdance style choreography always entertains scoring 14.266 to register one of the higher scores of the day. There were a couple of little bounces on lading her vault to end the competition but still a strong score of 14.600 for a total score of 56.098 points.

The World Championships continue on Saturday with day one of the apparatus finals featuring Daniel Keatings on pommel, Claudia Fragapane on vault ,Ruby and Becky Downie on bars and Courtney Tulloch on rings. BBC online and red button live from 06.00-09.40.