
(No Model.) G. W. WEBER, or , No. 488,783, Patented Dec. 27, 1892, {} zezz0

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SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 488,783, dated December 27, 1892. Application filed January 21, 1891, Serial No. 378,56l. (No model.) To all whom it invay concern: reason of the large number of thicknesses of Be it known that I, GEORGE W. WEBER, a paper which must be doubled in the fold and citizen of the United States, residing at Chi the stiffness caused thereby. It is desirable cago, in the county of Cook and State of Illi that this fold should take place along the nois, have invented a new and useful Improve lower edge of the metal locking strip in order 55 ment in Paper or , of which that the package may be securely closed and the following is a specification. to render the fold a neat and symmetrical This invention relates to improvements in one. As heretofore constructed the tendency, paper bags, envelopes or analogous articles of unless great care is exercised, has been to that class in which a metallic strip is secured fold upon an irregular line at some distance along one side of the mouth of the bag or below the lower edge of the metal strip, and other article with the ends of the metallic this is objectionable not only because it is strip projecting somewhat beyond the edge of less sightly but because it does not close the the bag on either side, whereby by folding package as securely, stimall articles such as 65 the metallic strip over the mouth of the bag seed being able to work their way out. To and then bending the ends or projecting por render the folding at this point easy and pre tions of said strip transversely to the first vent its taking place at any other point lower fold the mouth of said envelope or bag will be down on the bag, I a transverse crease securely closed and the fold removably re in the bag immediately below the metal strip, tained in its position. whereby the fold in closing the bag is natu The invention relates more particularly to rally made in the proper manner and the free the novel arrangement of the metallic strip, side of the mouth is left upon the inside of the one object being to provide a retaining strip metal strip, so that it cannot gap. that can be easily and securely fastened to The above stated objections may be over 75 25 the envelope or other article, that can be eas come in several ways as hereinafter described, ily bent to open the mouth of the bag and and to this end my invention consists in a bag which at the same time shall possess suffi or pouch provided at its mouth with a flexi cient rigidity or stiffness in its end portions ble metallic strip possessing less pliability at to securely lock the mouth of the envelope or its end portions than in its central portion. bag against accidental displacement. One In the accompanying drawings, which form objection to this class of articles as heretofore a part of this specification, and in which simi constructed has been that the strip of metal lar letters of reference indicate like parts, if made sufficiently stiff to serve the purposes Figure 1 is a perspective of one of my bags for which it was designed would not bend held open in the hand ready for filling; Fig. 35 readily when the mouth of the bag was opened 2 is a top view of the same in the flat; Figs. so that the bag could be filled; and it follows 3 and 4 are opposite sides of the same; Fig. that when attempts were made to open the 5 is a view of the same side shown at Fig. 4 mouth of such a bag the edges thereof would after the folding down at the mouth has taken be oftentimes torn in the act of filling the place; Fig.6 shows the side shown at Fig. 3 bag and thus render the latter unfit for use. after the bag has been completely closed; Fig. One object of the present invention is to 7 is a top view of the closed bag; Fig. 8 is a obviate this difficulty and to provide the bag detail section on the line 8-8 of Fig. 5; Fig. with a metal strip which shall possess the de 9 is a like section on the line 9-9 of Fig. 3; sired rigidity when folded but which also Fig. 10 is an enlarged view of one form of 45 shall possess a desirable yielding quality the metal locking strip; and Fig.11 is a view whereby the mouth of the bag may be readily similar to Fig. 3 of the modified construction. opened. In said drawings. A represents the body of Another object of my invention is to over the bag, O, being the side seam or fold. come the difficulty in readily folding the B is the metal locking strip, which is se co edges of the mouth over upon the bag in clos cured to one side of the mouth of the bag, as ing. This has been a difficult operation by shown. It is Wrapped in a piece of Manila,

488,783 or other suitable paper C, such wrapper form drawings are shown as extending lengthwise ing a means whereby it may be pasted to the of the strip, but it is perfectly obvious that body of the bag. In order that this strip the shape of said openings is immaterial and may readily yield to pressure exerted upon that a greater or less number may be em- 5o the ends b and bend so that the bag will open, ployed, as desired. It will further be under that portion of the strip lying between the stood that in that class of paper bags wherein ends b may be cut away in part, as shown at one side of the bag is extended beyond the d, Fig. 10, and in broken lines at Fig. 3. Or mouth thereof to form a tongue the metallic the same object may be accomplished by mak Strip B may be secured to said tongue instead 55 ing the strip in parts and a portion of the of being secured as shown adjacent to the center may be entirely omitted, for instance mouth opening of the bag, inasmuch as When that portion in between the broken linese in said tongue is folded over the mouth the said Fig.11, enough of the metal being retained strip will be adjacent to the mouth thereof to securely hold the ends b in the wrapper C. and may be foided in the manner hereinbe- 6o With the locking strip thus weakened at the fore described. It is not thought desirable center so that it will readily bend there is no to illustrate this change of form in view of danger of tearing the bag or envelope in open the illustration hereinbefore referred to and ing it. the obviousness of the modification. Including the wrapper C, the portion c I claim: 65 whereof is extended down upon the bagaind 1. The paper bag or envelope having a lock the parts lapped at the joint Cl, there are at ing metal strip made yielding at the center least four thicknesses of paper, which must be and rigid at its ends, substantially as specified. bent in folding over the mouth of the bag, and 2. A bag having at its mouth a locking as these bags are usually made of heavy paper metal strip made pliable at its center and less-7o 25 there is a very considerable degree of stiff pliable at its ends, substantially as specified. ness to be overcone. This stiffness not onl 3. A bag provided at its mouth with a me renders the making of the fold difficult but tallic strip projecting beyond the sides or tends to render any fold which may be made edges of the bag, said projecting end portions imperfect. It is overcome and the formation of said strip being more rigid than the central 75 of the fold at the proper point is insured by portion thereof, substantially as described. creasing the paper upon a line transverse of 4. A bag or pouch having a tongue at its the bag and immediately below the metal mouth and a flexible strip folded upon itself strip, as indicated by the broken lines g in and upon said tongue, substantially as de Fig. 1. This may be done by passing the bag Scribed. 35 between rollers, one of which is grooved and 5. A bag or pouch having a tongue at its the other of which flanged, or by subjecting mouth extending across the width of the bag the bag to the impact of a knife-edged instru and a metallic strip applied to said tongue ment, or in any other well known way. adjacent to the mouth of the bag, provided I do not desire to be limited to the precise with end portions b projecting beyond the 85 constructions illustrated and described inas edge of the bag, said projecting end portions much as other forms of metallic strip having being less rigid than the main portion of said a pliable or yielding central portion and rela strip, substantially as described. tively rigid end portions will readily suggest GEORGE W. WEBER. themselves without being further illustrated Witnesses: 45 -or described herein. For example, the cut H. M. MUNDAY, away portions d illustrated in Fig. 10 of the EDW. S. EVARTS.