Question for Written Answer E-002282/2021 to the Commission Rule 138 Kostas Papadakis (NI)

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Question for Written Answer E-002282/2021 to the Commission Rule 138 Kostas Papadakis (NI) Question for written answer E-002282/2021 to the Commission Rule 138 Kostas Papadakis (NI) Subject: Creating an asbestos landfill site in Western Macedonia Western Macedonia regional authorities are planning to create an asbestos landfill site in the Zidani area. The landfill site was operated by the Asbestos Mines of Northern Greece until mining activities ceased in 2000, leaving heavily degraded asbestos-contaminated land. The authorities’ plan to transport asbestos waste from all over Greece and bury it in Zidani is causing both concern and anger among residents throughout the region. Asbestos is a serious threat to human health, and airborne and inhaled asbestos particles (fibres) have been proven to be carcinogenic (causing mesothelioma and other cancers, asbestosis, etc.). Ingesting asbestos, mainly through drinking water, is responsible for equally serious gastrointestinal diseases. The authorities’ plans have been in the pipeline for a number of years; the main objective being to facilitate capital investment projects with a satisfactory rate of return. In the light of the above: 1. What is the Commission’s view of the fact that, in the name of the so-called EU’s ‘green strategy’, an environmental crime is being committed in the region of Western Macedonia, given that scientists have already pointed out that asbestos is carcinogenic, that the rocks are water- permeable, that the area is seismogenic and that water from the Haliacmon river is used to supply Thessaloniki? 2. What is its position with regard to calls by residents and associations in Western Macedonia to halt the implementation of any such plans immediately? PE693.047v01-00.
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