USG V.P. Violates Election Rules Elections Committee to Revoke 15% of Votes Editorial on F
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"Crossed Swords" In "Other Views" f A New Forum For Debate, Page 6 Volume 6, Number 6 College At Lincoln Center, Fordham University, New York April 10-23, 1985 USG V.P. Violates Election Rules Elections Committee To Revoke 15% Of Votes Editorial on f By Adriana D'Andrea Griffin's as well as other Coalition members' peti- Richard said. "We did take into consideration the tions had not been officially verified yet, accord- number of Obsener copies that were circulated, United Student Government Academic Vice- ing to Parenteau. that the ad would be visible in the Obsener for a President and USG presidential candidate Daniel "It was my impression that under last year's elec- full two weeks and that the other party was unable Griffin is charged with violating USG Election tion rules, which was all I had knowledge of until to compensate by placing a similar ad. Rules after placing a campaign advertisement in this year's election rules came'out, that as soon as "The rules were changed. We did not do it with the Obsener which appeared during petitioning someone got their petitions, they became can- any malice or intent. We genuinely believed we week. Each candidate whose name appeared in the didates," Griffin said. were within the rules. We made a mistake." Grif- advertisement will have 15% of his votes revoked Anne Robin Williams, a Coalition candidate for fin said. Griffin said he informed Richard over the as a result of the violation, according to Assistant Academic Vice President, said that she and Grif- Spring Break of the advertisement that was to ap- Dean of Student Affairs and Election Committee fin tried to make sure that the party members had pear in the March 27 issue of the Observer. At that ex-officio member Normand Parenteau. their petitions in by Tuesday evening or Wednes- time. Richard did not believe it would be a viola- The ad appeared in the March 27th issue of the day morning at the latest so that they would of- tion. After the spring break, Richard said she Observer, which was during petitioning week. It ficially be considered candidates before the realized too late that it was a violation. At that mentioned the names, of the six executive can- Observer, and the advertisement inside, was to be point, when the Observer had been distributed, a didates and 16 senatorial candidates who were run- distributed on Wednesday. However, the Observer member of the opposition party, Equity, brought ning under the party name of Coalition. According was distributed on Tuesday. the iss,ue to Parenteau's attention. to the USG Election Rules, "Campaigning is Griffin said that "the election rules changed to According to the USG Election rules the violator defined as the oral or written communication of reflect that campaigning didn't officially begin until H RICHARD and D. GRIFFIN would be issued a warning at the time the viola- a candidate's name in any way, shape or form for April 1." No rules were changed from last year ac- \\ hat we had to assess was what percentage did tion was observed. According to Griffin, he ftad the purpose of influencing voters to vote for that cording to Hillary Richard, outgoing USG Presi- the ad give them an edge by violating policy by received a warning but had not enough time to ap- person or party." dent and member of the Elections Committee. campaigning earlier," said Parenteau, "and with all peal to the Elections Committee. Griffin said that The first infraction that was violated was cam- "Due to a number of factors, we did not have to these people that had their names in there (the ad), he thought a decision would be made sometime paigning before campaigning, officially began," rewrite the rules as a number of committees have we had to figure out how many votes we thought over the weekend before campaign week. But the Parenteau said. "Those people were officially done in the past," said Richard. that affected. It was hard." Most other violations, decision was made the next morning regarding the cleared as candidates and were not supposed to The Elections Committee consisting of Paren- including overspending in a campaign and posting punishment and there was no time to act on the start campaigning until April J." According to teau and all the outgoing senior members of USG violations, result in only a 5 percent to lO^percent^ warning. Parenteau, the way in which a student is officially arrived at the 15 percent deduction of votes as a loss of votes by a candidate, according to the USG Griffin and Williams said that the 15 percent is cleared a candidate is by first obtaining either 35 compromise, according to Michael'Stratis, outgo- Election Rules. "We thought this was more serious. "excessive" and would have preferred another form signatures from his/her class standing for a ing USG Treasurer and Elections Committee We thought there was no turning back," said of punishment other than subtracting votes. "Why senatorial position or obtaining 50 signatures for member. "There were higher amounts asked for Parenteau. not penalize us by the amount of campaigning we an executive position and then presenting their and lower amounts asked for, and this is what we "We had to consider the impact the advertisment could have done?" Williams said. For example, the petitions to the Elections Committee to be verified. came to," said Stratis. would have had on the outcome of the race." forum Held For USG Candidates1 taw Society, secretary of Res Ipsa Loquitur and By founder and first president of the Entertainment Programming Board as positions of achievements. A forum was held for the United Student He advocated an infirmary, identification checks, Covernmeni executive candidates last Thursday on utilization of the Plaza and the inclusion of more Ihe Plaza. The forum consisted of two sessions, events such as the circus held last fall and increased one at 3 and another at 5 p.m. Outgoing USG social activities. president Hillary Richard presented the candidates ROBERT PICISTRELL1, presidents! candidate from the Coalition and Equity parties as well as on the slate of Equity, said he believes activities one independent cttndidate. that would accommodate night students enhance Candidates for President, Academic Vice- the atmosphere of the fourth floor student lounge, President, Traditional Vice-President, Non- utilizing the tennis courts on Amsterdam Avenue Traditional Vice-President, Secretary and und increase safety at CLC. "Let us not be duped Treasurer spoke about intercanipus unity, utiliza- into believing that holding a position fora year and tion of the Plaza area, security, academics, doing nothing in that position to implement new counseling and the need for an infirmary. procedures and making accomplishments is ex- Faulkner and Campaign Clown. DANIEL GRIFFIN, presidential candidate on perience," Piscistrclli said. "Experience is a the slate of Coalition believes that his "record has passage of time with accomplishments and benefU- said that as a student he cannot recall an ID check. proven innovation whereas my opponents talk ting those accomplishments. Unless advancements "I have been a student here at Fordham for over about change," Griffin cited his present role as have been made, experience has not been made. Ex- two years and was never once asked for my t.D. K.Picistrclli, presidential candidate, Equity. academic vice-president on the USG, a USG perience is not enough to prove worthiness." He presentation," he said. senator the year before, the president of «hc Prt- Handicapped Newborn Conference Held At CLC By John E. Heinbockel introduce children with birth defects into a normal and positive by saying. "1 have made it.. my life is well worth living. I am atmosphere. active politically, socially and any other way I choose to live. I have A conference on the Handicapped Newborn in American Society Dr. Watson A. Bowes, an obstitrician at the University of North accepted my disability —my mother hasn't." was held from March 28-30 in the Pope Auditorium. The conference Carolina Medical School and Dr. David McLone. a pediatric continued on page 3 dealt with the social, legal and medical issues that concern the handi- ncurosurgeon at the Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago, spoke capped newborn and their families. on these important medical implementation. Dr. Bowes said that' The conference, which was sponsored by Fordham University, some of the devices used to curtail the mortality rate arc: fetal the Horatio R. Storer Foundation, the Institute for the Study of therapy (which includes changing the baby's position by deliver- Disability Law, Medicine and Ethics, mid the National Legal Center ing it) and fetal surgery which includes using shunts in cases of Live From New York- for the Medically Dependent and Disabled, was brought about by hydroccphalus. Dr. McLone also advocated fetal surgery for deal- the reaction to the Baby Doc case in Bloomington, Indiana (in which ing with hydroccphalus and spina bifida and emphasized the the parents of Baby Doc chose not to authorize surgery for the in- importance of an informed physician in this process. He snjd.of the How to Get fix For fant and the baby later died), according to Kathy ttdwurds. a Baby June Doe case. "In the Baby Jane Doe case, the parents were spokesperson for the conference. Ms. Edwards said, "The con- so biully misinformed by the physician out of ignorance or malice. ference is a vehicle for bringing together experts in different fields." Any professional that wanders into this process and misinforms the The first day of the conference principally dealt with Ihe various family does Ihe child and the family a great disservice." The first Live TV page 13 methods which 11 re being implemented to significantly reduce the day endcil on an emotional note when A handicapped woman ad- mortality rate of babies afflicted with birth defects and effectively dressed the issues of selective non-treat incut and the quality of life page 21 The Observer I April 10, 1985 ^i^^-'»¥^?v:^^Hr">;?£ * Campus Ministries Lincoln Center University Forum Friday, April 19,1985 9 AM-1 PM imSE?* Fa£my9Lounge THE BLACK COMMUNITY: CRITICAL ISSUES V s, "They tell me this Democracy form of government is a wonderful thing.