Nostalgia and Hapa Haole Music in Early
, (y u'\'iA!ILlBK"""j UNIVERSIITY -- - ,. I'LL REMEMBER YOU: NOSTALGIA AND HAPA HAOLE MUSIC IN EARLY TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY HAWAI'I A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE DIVISION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF HA WAI'I IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS IN MUSIC AUGUST 2007 by Masaya Shishikura Thesis Committee: Ricardo D. Trimillos, Chairperson Frederick Lau Christine R. Yano , ii, We certify that we have read this thesis and that, in our opinion, it is satisfactory in scope and quality as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in Music THESIS COMMITTEE ~~~'~ Chairperson + HAWN CB5 .H3 no. 3~2~ , III Copyright by Masaya Shishikura 2007 All Rights Reserved IV DEDICATION This is dedicated to my parents Makoto and Hiroko Shishikura v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS After passing this thesis defense and coming back to Japan, within a month, Hawai'i and its people became nostalgic to me. I miss the large plate lunch, the gentle rain showers and the people, who collaborated and supported this thesis. I would like to acknowledge them briefly below. First, I thank my thesis committee members: Drs. Ricardo D. Trimillos, Frederick Lau and Christine R. Yano. They patiently kept on encouraging and advising me in the course of writing. Also, my gratitude extends to Dr. Ty P. Kawika Tengan, who acted as a proxy of Dr. Yano in the defense. All of them gave me insightful comments and suggestions, which are included in this thesis. All the classes at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa helped me to establish scholarship as an ethnomusicologist.
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