Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00641-6 - Frontiers of Astrobiology Edited by Chris Impey, Jonathan Lunine and José Funes Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00641-6 - Frontiers of Astrobiology Edited by Chris Impey, Jonathan Lunine and José Funes Index More information Index Page numbers in italics refer to figures and tables. Acasta Gneiss, 52 Allen Telescope Array (ATA), anthropomorphism, 266, 291 accretion heating, 205 18, 295–7, 296, 299, 301, antibiotics, in search for acetylene, 189–90 302–3 non-standard life, 39 Achaean era, 188 Alpha Centauri B, 234 anti-greenhouse effect, 188–9 Acidiphilium spp, 160 altimeters, 182, 183, 185 aragonite, 64 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Altman, S., 62 Archaea (domain), 12, 29, 57, 160 aluminum, 205 94, 122n, 123, 133, 160, Acidobacteria, 160 Amazonian (cold and dry) 162, 164 Acinetobacter, 160 Period, 158, 172 metabolism in, 49, 58–9 Actinobacteria, 160, 164 Earth analogs for, 162–5 Archean Eon, 12, 53, 54–5, 97, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), amino acids, 49 118, 135, 159 49, 50, 136 as biomarker, 25 evolution of habitability in, Aeromonas, 160 in meteorites, 64 115–28 aerosols (tholins), on Titan, synthesis of, 12, 49, 59 fossils from, 102–3, 108 187, 188, 190, 192, ammonia, 120, 125, 192–3, late, 134 194 205, 214, 216–17, 219 Arecibo, Puerto Rico, Africa, 53, 55, 95, 100, 107, ammonia hydrates, 204, 208 observatory at, 294, 299, 119, 119, 126 anaerobic metabolism, 123–5, 303 Akilia island, 92, 95, 108 141 Ariel, 203, 212 albedo, 121n, 242, 270 analysis, in life theory Aristotle, 291 ALFA feed array, 294 formation, 28, 31 Arthrobacter, 164 algae, 122, 165 Andes Mountains, 163, 164 asteroid belt, 90, 205, 213, photosynthetic,
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