Wikivoyage Iran March 2016 Contents

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Wikivoyage Iran March 2016 Contents WikiVoyage Iran March 2016 Contents 1 Iran 1 1.1 Regions ................................................ 1 1.2 Cities ................................................. 1 1.3 Other destinations ........................................... 2 1.4 Understand .............................................. 2 1.4.1 People ............................................. 2 1.4.2 History ............................................ 2 1.4.3 Religion ............................................ 4 1.4.4 Climate ............................................ 4 1.4.5 Landscape ........................................... 4 1.5 Get in ................................................. 5 1.5.1 Visa .............................................. 5 1.5.2 By plane ............................................ 7 1.5.3 By train ............................................ 8 1.5.4 By car ............................................. 9 1.5.5 By bus ............................................. 9 1.5.6 By boat ............................................ 10 1.6 Get around ............................................... 10 1.6.1 By plane ............................................ 10 1.6.2 By bus ............................................. 11 1.6.3 By train ............................................ 11 1.6.4 By taxi ............................................ 11 1.6.5 By car ............................................. 12 1.7 Talk .................................................. 12 1.8 See ................................................... 12 1.8.1 Ancient cities ......................................... 12 1.8.2 Tombs of some famous people ................................ 13 1.8.3 Museums ........................................... 13 1.8.4 Palaces ............................................ 13 1.8.5 Palaces ............................................ 14 1.8.6 Squares and Streets ...................................... 14 1.8.7 Parks and Gardens ...................................... 14 i ii CONTENTS 1.8.8 Armenian churches ...................................... 14 1.9 Do ................................................... 14 1.9.1 Desert trekking and desert excursions ............................. 14 1.9.2 Festivals ............................................ 15 1.9.3 Ski .............................................. 15 1.9.4 Swim ............................................. 15 1.9.5 Itineraries ........................................... 15 1.10 Buy .................................................. 15 1.10.1 Currency ........................................... 15 1.10.2 Toman ............................................ 15 1.10.3 Exchanging money ...................................... 15 1.10.4 Bazaars and bargaining .................................... 16 1.10.5 Tipping ............................................ 16 1.10.6 Foreigner surcharges ..................................... 16 1.10.7 Budgeting ........................................... 16 1.11 Eat ................................................... 17 1.11.1 Traditional cuisine ...................................... 17 1.11.2 International cuisine ...................................... 18 1.11.3 Fast food and snacks ..................................... 18 1.11.4 Sweets and desserts ...................................... 18 1.11.5 Special needs ......................................... 18 1.12 Drink ................................................. 18 1.13 Sleep .................................................. 19 1.14 Learn ................................................. 19 1.15 Work ................................................. 19 1.15.1 Business customs ....................................... 20 1.16 Stay safe ................................................ 20 1.16.1 Iranian perceptions of outsiders ................................ 21 1.16.2 Photography .......................................... 21 1.16.3 Women ............................................ 21 1.16.4 Gay and lesbian travel ..................................... 21 1.16.5 Emergencies ......................................... 22 1.16.6 Natural disasters ....................................... 22 1.17 Stay healthy .............................................. 22 1.18 Respect ................................................ 22 1.18.1 Iranian nationality ....................................... 22 1.18.2 Dress ............................................. 23 1.18.3 Conduct ............................................ 23 1.18.4 Tarof ............................................. 23 1.18.5 Visiting holy sites ....................................... 24 1.18.6 Obscene gestures ....................................... 24 CONTENTS iii 1.18.7 Religion ............................................ 24 1.18.8 Music ............................................. 24 1.19 Connect ................................................ 25 1.19.1 Emergency services ...................................... 25 1.19.2 Embassies and missions .................................... 25 1.19.3 Landline Phone ........................................ 25 1.19.4 Cell Phone (SIM card) .................................... 25 1.19.5 Post .............................................. 25 1.19.6 Internet ............................................ 26 1.19.7 Internet cafes ......................................... 26 1.19.8 Working hours ........................................ 26 2 Babolsar 27 2.1 Get in ................................................. 27 2.2 Get around ............................................... 27 2.3 See ................................................... 27 2.4 Do ................................................... 27 2.5 Buy .................................................. 27 2.6 Eat ................................................... 27 2.7 Drink ................................................. 27 2.8 Sleep .................................................. 27 2.9 Connect ................................................ 27 2.10 Go next ................................................ 27 3 Bajgiran 28 3.1 Get in ................................................. 28 3.2 See ................................................... 28 3.3 Buy .................................................. 28 3.4 Eat ................................................... 28 3.5 Sleep .................................................. 28 3.6 Connect ................................................ 28 3.7 Go next ................................................ 28 3.7.1 To Quchan .......................................... 28 3.7.2 To Mashhad ......................................... 28 3.7.3 To Turkmenistan ....................................... 28 4 Bojnourd 30 4.1 Understand .............................................. 30 4.2 Get in ................................................. 30 4.3 Get around ............................................... 30 4.4 See ................................................... 30 4.5 Do ................................................... 30 iv CONTENTS 4.6 Buy .................................................. 30 4.7 Eat ................................................... 30 4.8 Drink ................................................. 30 4.9 Sleep .................................................. 30 4.10 Connect ................................................ 30 4.11 Go next ................................................ 30 5 Dizin 31 5.1 Get in ................................................. 31 5.2 Get around ............................................... 31 5.3 See ................................................... 31 5.4 Do ................................................... 31 5.5 Buy .................................................. 31 5.6 Eat ................................................... 32 5.7 Drink ................................................. 32 5.8 Sleep .................................................. 32 5.9 Connect ................................................ 32 5.10 Go next ................................................ 32 6 Hamadan 33 6.1 Understand .............................................. 33 6.2 Get in ................................................. 33 6.2.1 By plane ............................................ 33 6.2.2 By train ............................................ 33 6.2.3 By car ............................................. 33 6.2.4 By bus ............................................. 33 6.3 Get around ............................................... 33 6.4 See ................................................... 33 6.5 Do ................................................... 34 6.6 Buy .................................................. 34 6.7 Eat ................................................... 34 6.8 Drink ................................................. 34 6.9 Sleep .................................................. 34 6.10 Connect ................................................ 34 6.11 Cope .................................................. 34 6.12 Stay safe ............................................... 34 6.13 Go next ................................................ 34 7 Masjed Solayman 35 7.1 Get in ................................................. 35 7.2 Get around ............................................... 35 7.3 See ................................................... 35 CONTENTS v 7.4 Do ................................................... 35 7.5 Buy .................................................. 35 7.6 Eat ..................................................
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