Short Botanical List of Non-Bulbous Plant Families and Genera

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Short Botanical List of Non-Bulbous Plant Families and Genera SHORT BOTANICAL LIST OF NON-BULBOUS PLANT FAMILIES AND GENERA Apiaceae ​(was ​Umbelliferae​): Aciphylla, Astrantia, Azorella, Bolax, Hacquetia, etc. Asparagaceae​: Anthericum, Arthropodium, Disporopsis, Hosta, Maianthemum, Ophiopogon, Polygonatum, Speirantha, etc Berberidaceae​: Berberis, Bongardia, Dysosma, Epimedium, Gymnospermium, Jeffersonia, Leontice, Mahonia, Podophyllum, Ranzania, Sinopodophyllum, Vancouveria, etc. Boraginaceae: ​Alkanna, Anchusa, Eritrichium, Hesperochiron, Lithodora, Mertensia, Moltkia, Myosotis, Omphalodes, Onosma, Phacelia, Pulmonaria, Romanzoffia, etc Brassicaceae: ​Aethionema, Alyssum, Arabis, Aubrieta, Cardamine, Chorispora, Clausia, Degenia, Draba, Erysimum, Fibigia, Iberis, Matthiola, Morisia, Notothlaspi, Petrocallis, Thlaspi, Xerodraba, etc Cactaceae​: Echinocereus, Lobivia, Maihuenia, Mammilaria, Opuntia, Pediocactus, Rebutia, Sclerocactus, etc Calceolariaceae​: Calceolaria , Jovellana Campanulaceae​: Adenophora, Asyneuma, Campanula ( inc. Diosphaera), Codonopsis, Cyananthus, Edraianthus, Favratia, Isotoma, Lobelia (inc. Hypsella and Pratia), Physoplexis, Phyteuma, Platycodon,Trachelium, Wahlenbergia, etc. Caryophyllaceae​: Arenaria, Cerastium, Dianthus, Gypsophila, Lychnis, Minuartia, Petrorhagia (was Tunica), Saponaria, Silene, Vaccaria (was Melandrium) etc. Celastraceae: ​Euonymus, Parnassia Colchicaceae:​ Disporum, Uvularia Commelinaceae​: Weldenia. Compositae ​(was ​Asteraceae​): Achillea, Anacyclus, Anaphalis, Antennaria, Anthemis, Artemisia, Aster, Brachyclados, Brachyglottis, Carduncellus, Celmisia, Chaenactis, Cotula, Cremanthodium, Crepis, Erigeron, Euryops, Haastia, Helichrysum, Hippolytia, Hulsea, Hymenoxys, Inula, Leontopodium, Leptinella, Leucogenes, Ozothamnus, Pyrethrum, Raoulia, Rhodanthemum, Richteria, Santolina, Serratula, Solidago Tanacetum, Tetraneuris, Tonestus, Townsendia, Waldheimia, etc. Coniferae​: now consists of ​Cupressaceae​, ​Pinaceae​, and ​Taxaceae​. The term ​conifer ​includes all of these: Cupressaceae​: Chamaecyparis, Cupressus, Juniperus, Thuja. Pinaceae​: Abies, Cedrus, Larix, Picea, Pinus, Tsuga. Taxaceae​: Taxus Crassulaceae: ​Chiastophyllum, Cotyledon, Crassula, Dudleya, Jovibarba, Orostachys, Rhodiola, Rosularia, Sedum, Sempervivum, Umbilicus, etc Diapensiaceae​: Berneuxia, Diapensia, Galax, Pyxidanthera, Shortia (incl. Schizocodon), etc. Ericaceae​: Andromeda, Arctostaphylos, Bryanthus, Calluna, Cassiope, Chimaphila, Cyathodes, Epacris, Epigaea, Erica, Gaultheria, Kalmia, Ledum, Leiophyllum, Leucopogon, Loiseleuria, Moneses, Pieris (incl. Arcterica), Pentachondra, Pernettya, Phyllodoce, Pyrola, Rhododendron, Rhodothamnus, Trochocarpa, Vaccinium, etc. Ferns ​include all of these: Asplenianceae: ​Asplenium, Ceterach Athyriaceae:​ Athyrium Blechnaceae: ​Blechnum ​ ​Cystopteridaceae:​ Cystopteris, Gymnocarpium Dryopteridaceae: ​Dryopteris, Filix ​ ​Onocleaceae:​ Matteuccia, Onoclea Ophioglossaceae​: Botrychium, Ophioglossum Polypodiaceae: ​Lemmaphyllum, Lepisorus, Microgramma, Neolepisorus, Polypodium, Pyrrosia Pteridaceae​: Acrostichum, Adiantum, Cheilanthes, Cryptogramma, Notholaeana, Onychium, Pellaea, Pityrogramma, Pteris Woodsiaceae: ​Woodsia Fumariaceae​: ​ now included in ​Papaveraceae​. Gentianaceae​: Centaurium, Gentiana, Gentianella, Halenia, Sebaea, Swertia, etc. Geraniaceae​: Erodium, Geranium, Hypseocharis, Pelargonium, etc. 15 Gesneriaceae: ​Ancylostemon, Asteranthera, Briggsia, Chirita, Conandron, Corallodiscus, Haberlea, Jankaea, Lysionotus, Mitraria, Opithandra, Petrocosmea, Ramonda, Sarmienta, Streptocarpus, etc Hydrangeaceae​: Deinanthe, Deutzia, Kirengeshoma. Iridaceae: ​Libertia, Olsynium, Sisyrinchium. Lamiaceae ​(was ​Labiatae​): Acinos, Ajuga, Calamintha, Clinopodium, Dracocephalum, Horminum, Lavandula, Mentha, Micromeria, Origanum, Prunella, Salvia, Satureia, Scutellaria, Stachys, Teucrium, Thymus, etc. Leguminosae ​(was ​Papilionaceae​): Anarthrophyllum, Anthyllis, Astragalus, Cytisus, Erinacea, Genista, Lathyrus, Lupinus, Ononis, Oxytropis, Parochetus, Thermopsis, etc. Liliaceae​: Clintonia, Prosartes, Scoliopus, Tricyrtis etc. Lobeliaceae​: now included in ​Campanulaceae​. Melanthiaceae: ​Helonias, Heloniopsis, Ypsilandra, Zigadenus, etc. Montiaceae: ​Claytonia, Lewisia Onagraceae​: Chamerion, Epilobium, Fuchsia, Oenothera, Zauschneria, etc. Orchidaceae​: Anacamptis, Bletilla, Calanthe, Calypso,Cephalanthera, Corybas, Cypripedium, Dactylorhiza, Epipactis, Galearis, Goodyera, Gymnadenia, Habenaria, Listera, Neotinia, Neottia, Ophrys, Orchis, Pleione, Pterostylis, Serapias, Spiranthes, Thelymitra, Traunsteinera, etc. Orobanchaceae​: Castilleja, Euphrasia, Lathraea, Pedicularis, Phelypaea Oxalidaceae​: Oxalis Paeoniaceae​: Paeonia Papaveraceae​: Chelidonium, Corydalis, Dicentra, Eomecon, Hylomecon, Meconopsis, Papaver, Pteridophyllum, Sanguinaria, Stylophorum, etc. Phrymaceae: ​Lancea, Mazus, Mimulus, etc. Plantaginaceae​: Antirrhinum, Asarina, Cymbalaria, Digitalis, Erinus, Globularia, Hebe, Lagotis, Linaria, Melosperma, Ourisia, Paederota, Parahebe, Penstemon, Plantago, Rehmannia, Synthyris, Veronica, Wulfenia etc. Plumbaginaceae: ​Acantholimon, Armeria, Bukiniczia, Ceratostigma, Dictyolimon, Limonium Poaceae: ​Festuca, Hakonechloa, Hordeum Polemoniaceae​: Collomia, Gilia, Leptodactylon, Phlox, Polemonium Polygalaceae: ​Polygala Polygonaceae​: Eriogonum, Muehlenbeckia, Persicaria, Polygonum, etc. Portulacaceae: ​Calandrinia Primulaceae: ​Anagallis, Androsace, Coris, Cortusa, Cyclamen, Dionysia, Dodecatheon, Lysimachia, Omphalogramma, Primula, Samolus, Soldanella, Trientalis, etc. Ranunculaceae​: Adonis, Anemone, Anemonella, Aquilegia, Beesia, Callianthemum, Clematis, Delphinium, Eranthis, Glaucidium, Helleborus, Hepatica, Oxygraphis, Paraquilegia, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus, Semiaquilegia, Shibateranthis,Thalictrum, Trollius, etc. Rosaceae​: Alchemilla, Dryas, Fragaria, Geum, Kelseya, Petrophytum, Potentilla, Rosa, Rubus, Sorbus, Spiraea, etc. Rubiaceae​: Asperula, Coprosma, Houstonia, Mitchella, Nertera, Phuopsis, etc. Saxifragaceae​: Astilbe, Bergenia, Boykinia, Chrysosplenium, Elmera, Heuchera, Micranthes, Mitella, Mukdenia, Oresitrophe, Peltoboykinia, Saxifraga, Tanakaea, Tellima, Tiarella, etc. Scrophulariaceae​: Aptosimum, Diascia, Verbascum, Zaluzianskya, etc. Talinaceae: ​Talinum Thymelaeaceae​: Daphne, Pimelea, Stellera, etc. Violaceae: ​Melicytus, Viola, etc. References: World Checklist of Plant Families​ (WCSP) Maintained by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. The Plant List ​has been used where certain families have not yet been included in the WCSP. If there is doubt as to whether a plant belongs to one of the above families, enquiry should be made by email: ​[email protected] .
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