Birdwatching holiday in Arctic – Finnmark county / Varanger / March and April. In general:

Finnmark is the northernmost county in Norway, and it has always been an area where east meets west, in culture as well as in nature and geography. Finnmark is also a melting pot where northern and southern, western and eastern species meet in a variety of habitats. More than 250 species of birds are recorded in the county, and depending on the season you may find a large number of interesting species: White-billed Diver/Yellow-billed Loon, Whooper Swan, Bean Goose, King Eider, Steller’s Eider, Smew, White-tailed Eagle, Hen Harrier, Osprey, Gyr Falcon, Capercaillie, Hazel Hen, Rock Ptarmigan, Common Crane, Little Stint, Red Knot, Broad-billed Sandpiper, Jack Snipe, Spotted Redshank, Bar-tailed Godwit, Red-necked Phalarope, Long-tailed Skua, Little Gull, Glaucous Gull, Iceland Gull, Snowy Owl, Great Grey Owl, Northern Hawk Owl, Red- throated Pipit, Bohemian Waxwing, Bluethroat, Ring Ouzel, Arctic Warbler, Siberian Tit, Siberian Jay, Pine Grosbeak and Little Bunting. Almost everything may show up in Finnmark. The list of rare vagrants includes extraordinary species like Bridled Tern, Egyptian Vulture, Stilt Sandpiper, Little Curlew and Spectacled Eider. Text above: Morten Günther. Varanger:

Observe great assemblies of sea duck along the coast, including the largest concentration of Steller's Eiders in Europe. King Eiders, Long Tailed Duck and Atlantic Puffin will be amongst other target species.

We will use our floating hide to take a closer look at Steller’s Eider and other ducks in Vadsoe harbor. Floating hide info:

Steller’s Eider / Polysticta stelleri

King Eider / Somateria spectabilis

Long-tailed Duck / Clangula hyemalis

Photos above taken from our floating photohide / Arntzen Arctic Adventures.

Floating photohide, no sound/pullution. The electric engine is driven by batteries charged by solar-cells. Photo: Arntzen Arctic Adventures. We do visit Varanger Birdpark/Bird Reserve using snowmobiles/sleds, where the Siberian Tit is to be found daily among other birds. If any Northern Hawk Owls or Three-toed Woodpecker is reported present in the area, we will certainly try to look them up. It is also a slim chance that the Tree-toed Woodpecker is to be found in the Birdpark. It is a hide (not heated) in the Birdpark that we may use. Heated room available in the birdpark. More info about the Varanger Birdpark here:

Varanger Birdpark excursion. Object for study: Northern Hawk Owl. Photo: Arntzen Arctic Adventures.

Pictures below: Siberian Tit / Poecile cinctus, Varanger Birdpark.

Arctic Redpoll / Carduelis hornemanni

Birdphotos above taken from photohide in Varanger Birdpark / Arntzen Arctic Adventures.

Northern Hawk Owl / Surnia ulula Three-toed Woodpecker / Picoides tridactylus

Photos above taken in Varanger Birdpark / Arntzen Arctic Adventures. Other locations that we will visit:

- Hornoya, an offshore island - a breeding area for thousands of birds. Info: - church. Info: - Vestre Jakobselv Beach. Info: - - Varangerbotn. Info: -

Atlantic Puffin, Fratercula arctica, Hornoya. Photo: Bjørn Frantzen.

The day we are spending in the Birdpark, we will, if the weather is good enough, drive a tour (3 hours in all) up to the inner parts of the . We will there have a very slim chance to see the Snowy Owl / Gyr Falcon / Golden Eagle / Arctic Fox. The main goal on this part is Willow Grouse in the upper part of the Arctic Birch forest. This part of the tour is quite demanding / cold, and those that dont want to participate on this event, may stay in the Birdpark / cabin there. Due to weather-conditions, this part may be cancelled.

Checklist Norwegian birds: %20Namelist%20-%20ENGLISH.pdf

We will be on tour on the stretch between Varangerbotn and Vardoe. This is an area where the Gyr Falcon often is present. In March and April, Northern Light’s is a possibility.

Price pr. person: 9660 NOK / 907 English Pound / 1148 Euros

Duration: 4 days

Food: All included in the price. Not included: Alcoholic drinks.

Breakfast and lunsj: Make your own breakfast. Make your own lunch-package in the house you are staying, and bring it with you.

Dinner: You all get together in the evening to have dinner in the largest apartment. Catering food.

Accommodation: Comfortable apartments with birdfeeder outside. Double room. High speed Internet.

Accommodation info:

The group will alternate accommodation after two days, so that everybody get to experience the two units different qualities regarding birdlife.

Includes: Food, accommodation, transportation (included from and to Kirkenes airport), access to the Birdpark, ticket to Hornoya.

Car: Opel Vivaro, 9-seats.

Language spoken: English

Maximum participants: 6 persons. You have to arrange and pay for your flight to and from Kirkenes airport yourself, and be ready for pick-up in Kirkenes around mid- day on day 1. Tour back to Kirkenes in the morning last day.

Contact info: e-mail: [email protected]



Cellphone: +47 90760412