SpringwaterDISPOSAL News • June BIN 25, RENTALS 2020 • Edition • 705-733-BINS 576 • Phone (2467) 705.322.2249 • www.clarksonbins.com Cell: 705.321.2653 Location of my desk: 44.5864°N - 79.8659°W • Altitude: 224 meters! 4944 kms to Equator • 14,894 kms to South Pole • 5110 kms to North Pole Open 7 Days a Week! Take out and delivery 705 322 2249 •
[email protected] PATIOS are OPEN Front & Back 23 Queen St. W. Elmvale 705 322 2652 Detached homes in www.SpringwaterNews.ca Detachedthe heart Customer # 0003684814 / Publication/Admail # 0040027838 homesof Elmvale. in the heart of REGISTERElmvale. Your Locally Owned Community Newspaper REGISTERONLINE ONLINENOW NOW Edition 576 - June 25, 2020 Next Issue July 9 • Deadline is Mon. July 6 greenmeadowselmvale.comgreenmeadowselmvale.com Elmvale & District Food Bank Receives a Grant from Lieutenant Governor’s Canada Day message the Huronia Community Foundation Happy Canada Day, Ontario! Today is a day worthy of celebration, even as, in common with citizens around the globe, we continue to face a crisis virtually unknown to living generations. The world has been turned on its head. My first thoughts are with those who have succumbed to COVID-19, and their families. The stories of the last few months tell of hardship and inequality. They have exposed weaknesses in the economic and social systems upon which we rely, and have confirmed our interdependence with those beyond our neighbourhoods and our country. We grieve collectively. But in equal measure, we are witnessing empathy, collaboration, creativity, and courage. Deserving of special gratitude are the many frontline workers who are bravely leading us through this crisis, and also the millions of people across Ontario, especially seniors, who are, at great personal cost, doing the right thing and staying home to prevent the spread of the virus.