Table of Contents What is an International Transfer Certificate (ITC)? ...... 2 ITCs for Amateur Adults ...... 2 ITC procedure for Minors ...... 3 Where to Submit ITC Requests, and Minor ITC Application Forms ...... 4 Frequently Asked Questions...... 5 ITC Flowchart ...... 8 CHECKLIST A: Application for Minors Resident in for 5+ Years ...... 9 CHECK LIST B: Application for Minors Resident in New Zealand for less than 5 Years ...... 10 CHECKLIST C: Application for Student Minors on Overseas Exchange Programme ...... 11

Last Updated: January 2019


What is an International Transfer Certificate (ITC)?

1. In order for any Player to move and register between countries, an International Transfer Certificate (ITC) is required under the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players (FIFA RSTP). 2. An ITC is a document that allows for the transfer of a Player’s registration from one Member Association to another (i.e. transferring from one country to another). 3. New Zealand Football (NZF) is the only body who can request an ITC for a Player coming into New Zealand or deliver an ITC for a Player leaving New Zealand. 4. For Players coming into New Zealand, NZF must have received an ITC from the Player’s former Member Association before the Player can be cleared to register and play in New Zealand. 5. Under the FIFA RSTP, the procedure for ITCs for Adults (Players aged 18 and over) and INTERNATIONALITCs for Minors (Players aged TRANSFERS between 10 and 17 years old) is managed differently. The procedure for these two groups is explained in further detail below. 6. An ITC is not required for a Player under the age of 10 years.

ITCs for Amateur Adults

1. An ITC will be required for any Player aged 18 and over and where their previous football registration, and/or place of residence, was overseas. For Players aged 10 – 17 years, please refer to the ITC Procedure for Minors section below. 2. If a Player has advised that they have not previously been registered overseas, NZF are still obligated to submit an ITC request to the Member Association of the Player’s last known country of residence. 3. If the Player’s previous Club or last place of residence is overseas, it is the responsibility of the Club to request an ITC for the Player. 4. To initiate an ITC request, the Club should apply to their respective Federation with all relevant documentation. 5. The Federation will review this information, and if complete, submit the ITC application to NZF. Clubs should allow two (2) working days for this process. 6. This will trigger a notification to NZF who will then formally submit an ITC request to the Player’s former Member Association. NZF will endeavour to process any ITC applications and submit the request within two (2) working days.

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7. Under the FIFA RSTP, the former Member Association is obligated to respond to the ITC request within seven (7) days of receiving the ITC request. 8. If NZF does not receive a response to the ITC request within thirty (30) days from the date NZF sent the request, NZF is permitted to issue a Provisional ITC and immediately register the Player with the new Club. 9. A Player’s registration cannot be completed until an ITC has been received by NZF or NZF has issued a Provisional ITC after the 30-day window has passed. 10. All Club enquiries should be directed their Federation.

ITC procedure for Minors

1. FIFA do not allow the International Transfer of Minors (any player aged 10 years to 17 years) except in the following situations: 2. a. Minors – Relocating for Reasons Other Than Football INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS i. For any Minor Player who is a foreign national and has lived continuously in New Zealand for five (5) or more years, please refer to Checklist A: Application for Minors Resident in New Zealand for 5+ Years for the required documents to submit an application. ii. For any Minor Player who is a foreign national and has lived in New Zealand for less than five (5) years, please refer to Checklist B: Application for Minors Resident in New Zealand for less than 5 Years for the required documents to submit an application. iii. The FIFA RSTP applies to all foreign nationals, irrespective of whether they were registered to play football in their previous country or not. It also applies to any New Zealand Minors who are returning to New Zealand after having played or lived abroad. iv. NZF have been issued a FIFA Limited Exemption to process and approve Minor ITC applications without having to refer the application to FIFA for a decision. v. In order for NZF to consider and approve a Minor ITC application under the Limited Exemption, it must receive a complete application including all the required obligatory documentation. NZF will endeavour to review any Minor ITC application and provide a decision within ten (10) working days. vi. If the Minor ITC application meets the Exemption criteria, NZF will approve the application and then formally request an ITC from the Player’s former Member Association. This process may take between 7 – 30 days (refer to the ITC Procedure for Adults above).

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b. Students – on an Official Exchange Programme

i. The FIFA RSTP require any International Transfer of a Minor moving from one country to another on an official Student Exchange Programme to be approved by the FIFA Player’s Status Committee. Please refer to Checklist C: Application for Student Minors on Overseas Exchange Programme for the required documents to submit an application. ii. Therefore, NZF must submit a completed application to FIFA for a decision. Traditionally, these types of applications can take 6-8 weeks to be processed by FIFA , and the approval of these applications cannot be guaranteed.

Where to Submit ITC Requests, and Minor ITC Application Forms

INTERNATIONAL1. For more information on the TRANSFERSITC process in your region, please contact your Federation: Federation Contact Northern Football Federation [email protected] Football Federation [email protected] WaiBOP Football Federation [email protected] Central Football Federation Hawkes Bay [email protected] Whanganui [email protected] Taranaki [email protected] Manawatu [email protected] Capital Football Federation [email protected] Mainland Football Federation [email protected] Football South [email protected]

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long will the ITC process take?

The length of time it will take for a Player to obtain an ITC varies depending on which application process applies (e.g. Adult ITC vs Minor ITC).

As a general rule of thumb, an outcome will be advised to both the Player’s Federation and Club either when the ITC has been received from the foreign Member Association, or thirty (30) days from the date the ITC request is sent by NZF (Provisional ITC).

Factors which may increase the time it takes to receive a Player’s ITC include:

 Player not having de-registered from their previous association or Club.  Any preliminary time required to gather, complete and submit any relevant information and/or documents to the Federation. INTERNATIONAL Providing incorrect or incomplete TRANSFERS information about the Player’s playing history.  Federation processing time during peak registration periods.  NZF processing time during peak registration periods.  If the Player’s application is required to be submitted to the FIFA Players’ Status Committee in Switzerland, this can take up to at least 6-8 weeks for the application to be processed by FIFA.

2. Is there anything that Players/Clubs can do to expedite the process?

NZF encourages Players to ensure that they have provided accurate information to NZF about their overseas playing history. In the case of minor applications, we encourage Players and Clubs to ensure that they have completed their application in full.

3. What if a Player needed an ITC last year but for whatever reason(s) did not obtain one, and have therefore been playing without one?

Please contact your Federation and ensure that your ITC is requested. Compliance with NZF’s RSTP is an essential part of registering to play football in New Zealand, one aspect of which is the ITC process.

Clubs who field Players who require ITCs but who have not obtained them expose their Club and their teams to disciplinary sanctions; this can include and is not limited to loss of competition points and financial penalties.

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4. Do all ITCs for all Players take the same amount of time to process?

No. In addition to some of the reasons for ITC delays outlined in FAQ (1), the time it takes for an ITC to be processed by foreign Member Associations do not only vary between Member Associations, but they can also vary between players within the same Member Association.

For example a Player may receive their ITC within ten (10) days of the request from a foreign Member Association; however another Player may not receive their ITC from the same Member Association until twenty (20) days from the request. Therefore a consistent time period for which an ITC will be received.

5. Why is so much documentation/information required in a Minor ITC Application?

The level of documentation required for a Minor ITC Application is set by FIFA. These rules are in place to deter the movement of, and protect Minor Players. INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS NZF is responsible for ensuring that the FIFA RSTPs are correctly applied within New Zealand, and that all Minors seeking an ITC meet the FIFA documentation standards.

Where a Student Application is required to be submitted to the FIFA Player’s Status Committee in Switzerland, incomplete applications will be rejected.

FIFA have the ability to audit applications made to NZF for Minor ITCs, requiring an assessment of all the supporting documentations submitted by New Zealand Football.

6. What documentation is required where a Minor has moved to New Zealand with only one parent?

It is not uncommon for a Minor to move to New Zealand (for non-footballing reasons) with one parent only. In this circumstance, the documentation provided need only to pertain to the parent who has moved to New Zealand with the Minor.

Where a Minor has moved to New Zealand with one biological parent and that parent has married a New Zealander, irrespective of whether the parent’s new New Zealand spouse has adopted the Minor, the documentation must still pertain to the biological parent.

7. If the parent(s) of a Minor is a New Zealand citizen, will they still need to supply a Visa for the Minor Application

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No. In the case of where the parent(s) of the Minor is a New Zealand citizen, a Visa allowing the parent(s) into New Zealand will not be required. Proof of this can be identified via a copy of the parent(s) New Zealand Passport.

8. Where can I find more information on ITCs?

A current version of the FIFA RSTPs can be found on the FIFA website at the following address: regulations/index.html#doctransfersreg


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ITC Flowchart


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CHECKLIST A: Application for Minors Resident in New Zealand for 5+ Years

First Name(s): Surname: Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY): Nationality / Nationalities: Country of Last Registration / Residence: Club Played for in that Country: New Zealand Club Registering for: NOTE: Upon receipt of a complete application, New Zealand Football will approve the registration of the Player. Please provide this checklist along with your application

1. Player’s Passport (photo page)

INTERNATIONAL2. Player’s Birth Certificate TRANSFERS

3. Player’s Parents’ Passports (BOTH parents) (photo page)

4. Player’s Parents’ Visas into NZ (preferable work visas)

Note: If NZ citizen, visa is not required 5. Player International Movement Record

Can be obtained from New Zealand Customs Service. For more information please contact New Zealand Customs Service: requests.aspx 6. Player’s Parents’ International Movement Record (At least one Parent)

Can be obtained from New Zealand Customs Service. For more information please contact New Zealand Customs Service: requests.aspx 7. Parents’ Support Letter (Template letter). Form M-005 / M-006

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CHECK LIST B: Application for Minors Resident in New Zealand for less than 5 Years

First Name(s): Surname: Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY): Nationality / Nationalities: Country of Last Registration / Residence: Club Played for in that Country: New Zealand Club Registering for:

NOTE: Upon receipt of a complete application, New Zealand Football will submit a formal International Transfer request to the Player’s former Member Association. Please allow 7-30 days for the Player’s International Transfer Certificate (ITC) to be received. Please provide this checklist along with your application

INTERNATIONAL1. Player’s Passport (photo page) TRANSFERS

2. Player’s Birth Certificate

3. Player’s Parents’ Passports (BOTH parents) (photo page)

4. Player’s Parents’ Visas into NZ (preferable work visas)

5. Player’s Parents’ Proof of Residence (Utility bill and rental agreement or Form M-001/M-002)

6. Player’s Parents’ Proof of Employment (Employment contract or Form M-003/M-004

7. Parents’ Support Letter. Form M-005/M-006

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CHECKLIST C: Application for Student Minors on Overseas Exchange Programme

First Name(s): Surname: Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY): Nationality / Nationalities: Country of Last Registration / Residence: Club Played for in that Country: New Zealand Club Registering for: NOTE: Upon receipt of a complete application, New Zealand Football will submit the application to the FIFA Players Status Committee. Please allow at least 6-8 weeks for a decision to be made by FIFA.

1. Player’s Passport (photo page)

2. Player’s Birth Certificate INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS 3. Player’s Parents’ Passports (BOTH parents) (photo page)

4. Exchange Program registration form signed by player and parents

5. Info on Exchange Programme (e.g. brochure or pamphlet)

6. Parent Consent to Guardianship Letter. Form MS - 001

7. Guardianship Letter. Form MS - 002

8. Letter from Home Country School confirming exchange programme and the players return to home school. Form MS - 003 9. Letter from NZ School confirming registration of player and dates of enrolment. Form MS -004 10. Weekly timetable of classes

11. Letter from Home Country FA (e.g. The English FA) stating whether the player has ever been registered with a member club, and if yes, was the player amateur or professional. [Office Use Only]

12. Declaration letter from NZF with club details and envisioned registration dates. [Office Use Only]

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