Your Classified Ad in 2 Newspaners for One Low Price! PRESS JOURNAL and HARBOR MAIL
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0.1— PRESS-HERALD WEDNESDAY. JULY *1, \Vf PRESS-JOURNAL A HARBOR MAIL Public Notice Public Notice Public Notice Public Notice DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED the eaatcrly lm<- . nbranrea, to pay tlu 93 to M ~Inclusl ~of~M«p«, In lialf of Lot I. %vi malnlng principal aum ot tl office of the county recorder of .Ituat.-d in erly line of Pncif cured by aald Deed of Tr said county. described wn'y; thence along sma i it: .36.068.88. with mtere PAUCH7L 2: An easement for Thnl part of Lot 66. McDonald Assignment nly linn North 84" 65 imic.ry 1, 1965. *-' In s;i drainage purposes, to be used m Tract City of Torrnnce. County TV common Wc.-t. 165.00 feet: thence ovlded. advances, If any with other., over thnl por- of Los Angel., state of Call- westerly, northerly and e terms of said Deed ol tl.-n of lot 1S4 of Tract No 25313. B k"i r.^pnfTes !l"nnd'':!2 "of* Mla" eaaterly along a tangent in the county of Ixis Anglic*, .itate concave northeasterly anc rustee and of Ihe trust. f California, as per nmp recorded i rllaneous Records In the office By TKURENCK O'FLAHEKTY Ing « radius of 26.00 . ,- Mill Deed of Trust * 654 Plgce 93 to % Inclusive of the countv rer.order of eald through n central uncle, t «U° The beneficiary under sn Mn thr c.fflr county, described a* follows: an arc distance ,27 fret f Truat. by reason of hi of raid Beginning at a point In the il tht-rei tnn- efault in the obligation. i northwesterly of the north lino of -nld lot. distant HOLLYWOOD NBC's "!|lucky nitwits. There arc no B.-nt North 25' 04' :!u" East. i prolongation of th" on eust 434 !M feet fr. tin :il 17 feet to the beginning of a ellvered Itf thi" undersign.-.! . line of lot 94 ot a. I h FT. MODERN SOFA Spy" is the first black-and-! Joke lines and the stories are t.mgi'iit curve, concave westerly EH Declaration of Default 125313. thence south pnrnllel with the white show to be telecast in lserious cnou8h to be believ an.I hnving :i radius of 230.00 umd for Sale, .ind wrlttei ,:• PAKCUL 3: An west line of salrt lot. 3(19.48 fee.t: Open end. loth mok«i bed ...................... feet; thence, north.nste-rly and f breach and of election thence eaat parnllel with the 'BASYUNE" COMSO able." northerly along smd curve he undersigned to sell sal with others, ever north line of siilrl lot. 84 feet; CRIS $12" color. It stars "Track-down's" through a central nngle of 25* ity to aatl.fy Mid obllgati of lot 124 of Tract thence north pnrnllel with the WITH MATTHESS . ................................ "It's danger with a ligh 04' 31. an arc distance of 100.66 hereafter, on April 1:1. 1 the countv of Los A we*t line of snld lot. ::i«1.4* feet Robert Culp and Negro come touch. There's none of the so Igned i of California as pei In n point in the north line of rllGIDAIIE $24" tangent North 320.:I8 ' f e e t; ch and of i ctlo in hook i.ii;e* n nid lot: thence west along aald MFIIIGKATOI ................................................ dian Bill Cosby. Network called 'tongue-in-cheek' hero th.-nce East 30939 feet to a ,1 In book M18M. page ilve of Ma north line B4 feet to the point point In the westerly line of the Official Records. orde of beginning. large 100-GAL WATII rllATIt 79" publicists ire making the ics that everyone is talking rrlbed In th Date: Julyilly J414, 11988. ountv. lying westerly ..... larnl'el with and dlntant easterly Said sale will be made, hut with Ull than 1 y»r eld Orl| ..Id f.r $110 most of the unusual combina- labout th('sp 'lays -like, say. Souther nia Edls BAT. INI out covenant or warranty, expresi atlo I (led on feet measured at right tingles, O'KIEFi S MEHITT rtrn the »e»t?rly line and its pro- or Implied, regarding title, pusaes '39" 'Man From UNCLE.' No one June' I'M. 1!I55 ni. ln.«lr slon. or encumbrances, to pny tin 36" GAS RANGE With Griddle ...................... tion. 43!, in book 4<HI26 pa W July »4._il._2«. 1966_ imgiitlons of raid lot 124 ever starts out to make a for the purpose of paying the ob- i emnlninK principal sum of the noti And so are co-stars Culp Official R«« ~ PH S324 ODD MATTRESSES Ol tongue - in - cheek series. rly along aid rty line 50*5 . SOX SPRINGS ......................................... and Cosby, who are a wildlyjThey'e usually straight advert South 0" st. 91.:t8 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE October^^. l!.6:i. In ..Id feet lo a poln' In a II •• that In UNDER DEED OF TRUST provlrteo. it SUNK SEOS '14" amusing pair of actors off;ture shows that have failed parallel with nnd dlst it north- TF 15451 r < n* "•""" aid Deed Whit., with lid. rail) erly 100 00 feet, me LOAN 0625-1372 FIRST Cll ...... ind expem camera. It is as difficult tol as believable suspense so right angl Notice Is h><rrhy given Hint AH FINANCIAL COP.PO- Ih.- Trustee and of the tni VIRTUE DINETTI— lln id Its ted by snid Deed of Tnist. (llet a.«terly MANSUN BANK AND TRL'ST RATION as Trusle fable, 4 Choin ................_......_ get . straight answer from . prolongations of tin COMPANY, a California Corpora By J. R. Harrisoi Itsi The henefirlw under .aid Deed cheek in the hope that the ,-ind described In deed to Dar MODERN BOOKCASE HEADBOARD— .. .... »ln D. Parrlsl,. el uj recorded tion. HJI truatee. or auccessor trus Attorney In Fact of Trust, by reason of a breach or $12" them as it is to get an amus.| public w,n , hjnk , hcy were tee or substituted trustee pursuant W July 21. >*: Aug. 4. l%5 [default In Ihe obligations secured TWIN OR FULL—ge*d cte.dlt.on .............. >n June 2S. ISM as In-trumeni to the deed of trust executed by KD- "lihereby. heretofore executed and Ing answer from other per- actually kidding from the to. 564 In book page PH 3290 MODERN WALNUT SfDROOM SIT—marpreef tea** if Official Rr UOND A LANr.T AND AVON A. .delivered to the undersigned a writ formers. start" n-esterly along sni.l parallel line LANKY husband and wife and re- ten Declaration of Default and De- deubl* drener full (iie heefccote heodbeord. 7 nite "' irdert August 14. 1964 In book T:iX73 (Vehicle P.irklng District No man.I for Sale, and written notice Morth 89* Mr SO" Went. 182.77 age 534 of Official Record' in the "t and of election to caus» itandi. "Did you know each other JUDGING from my inter 'eel to a point In the before ffice of the County ncntloned easterly line of the Recorder of Lo« jthe undersigned to sell said prop 1 PC MODERN BED DIVAN SIT— '89^ view with the pair here in Angeles. County. Calif. rMUisltion of land before this show?" I asked. urslerly half of said Lot nt to the Notli I thereafter on April 5. 1965.' the Cemplelely ....................................... **' ... ... ..,,«, Hollywood they work very) ., i - and Election to Sell thereunder re-i m;n', o, sa ..rkltlg place'. ,11: undersigned caused .-.aid notice of Actually we met at a USO| well',ogcther *. ,, an easy. corded March J3. 19«5 In book Mlflll'ntirauant tcT Oriilnance No 1411 of breach ction to be re- ~S,Z . .j rt.^^i-i n_--_§- niisunill III vji.imiiim i-».i. m.i ni _ ._. and.— of. --.eli 100% Guaranteed Satisfaction— party," said Cosby. "He vvas|g0jng sort of rc'ationship. page 359 of said Official Record City of Torrance. California. Said sale will be made, but with will aell .un July 3<l. 1965 at 11 UO Ing Mid acquisition and Im- the only guy who would dance j While Culp was serious about iut covenant or warranty, eipre: a.m.. at the South front entrance to "rnent and declaring formed j lie: July T. IMi. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 P.M. >r implied, regarding title, posse the Ahmanson Bank and Tru«t Com VKIIICLE PARKING DISTRICT TITLE INSURANCE AND with me. He is totally inte- the intent of the show. Cosby i. to pay II pany building located at 9145 Wll- NO 1 of said city, which Is the TRl'ST COMPANY We Carry Our Own sblfe Boulevard. In the city of llev- llstrlct to be assesm-d to pay said a« Mid Trustee. Contracts crated" [countered with something he rlnrInrlpnl vum erly Hills. County of Los Angeles. G> n .Id Deed, to »-lt IIy Richard A Walter Fr«t Parking in Rtar - N«xt to Modal Msrktt State of California at public auc- filed with the City CJerk of said Aulatant Secretary .,,'.. ..seems to be serious about ritli Interest from No .. 19«4. as tlon to the highest 1 w" lhe on'y onc ""'imoncy. ...... .. advances. bldd>r for cash city and may be examined at the W July 14. 21. 2*, 19«6. payable at the time of aal* In law- fflce of said City Clerk by any If any. under the term, of Mid ul money of 'he PH—33J7 enough," said Culp. , «i-m being paid in celluloid. Deed; fees, charge, and expenses I'nlted States I all Ight.