IN THIS ISSUE: • In Tibet: Monk Protests Crackdown with Self- Immolation • President to President: Obama and Hu • Mudslide in Ladakh • In Memoriam: Jigme Norbu SPRING 2011 A publication of the TibetPRESS WATCH International Campaign for Tibet A Deepening Tibetan Democracy It is up to the Tibetan people. MANDALA SOCIETY YOUR LIVING LEGACY TO TIBET The Mandala Society is an intimate group of Tibet supporters, committed to helping future generations of Tibetans. By including the International Campaign for Tibet in their will or trust, Mandala Society members ensure that ICT will continue to have the resources to promote a peaceful resolution of the occupation of Tibet, and will be able to help rebuild Tibet when Tibetans achieve genuine autonomy. For more information about Mandala Society member - ship, please contact Chris Chaleunrath at 202-785-1515, ext. 225,
[email protected] , or use the envelope attached to this newsletter to request a call. The Mandala Society of the International Campaign for Tibet Cover photo: A Tibetan voter received a mark on her thumb signaling she has completed the registration process in Queens, New York. 2 From th e President TIBET PRESSWATCH “It is up to the Tibetan people.” The International Campaign for Tibet Friends and supporters of the International Campaign for Tibet works to promote human rights know our mission is to promote human rights and democratic free - Mary Beth Markey, and democratic freedoms for doms for the Tibetan people. As the Chinese government presses its President the people of Tibet. aggressive assimilation policies in Tibet, the most keenly noted Founded in 1988, ICT is a non-profit among these rights is the right of self-determination, widely understood as the right membership organization with offices to participate in the democratic process of governance and to influence one’s future — in Washington, D.C., Amsterdam, politically, socially and culturally.