Chernobyl, Fukushima, and Beyond: a Health Safety Perspective
Editorial Chernobyl, Fukushima, and beyond: A health safety perspective It is truly unfortunate that the Fukushima tragedy refuting a causal relationship between radiological Rajiv Sarin was to happen in the 25th year of the Chernobyl accidents and some common multifactorial health disaster. Just as the dust was settling and the conditions give rise to exaggerated fears even ACTREC, Tata Memorial Centre, Navi scientific world was in the process of bringing out among medical professionals. Discussing the Mumbai- 410210, a mature narrative of the long-term health effects fears, rumors, and truths about the health effect of India. of Chernobyl, the fury of nature resulted in another Chernobyl, Mati Rahu, an Estonian epidemiologist, nuclear accident at Fukushima. If Hiroshima and has invoked the Allport and Postman’s basic law of For correspondence: [1] Dr. Rajiv Sarin, Nagasaki are unthinkable and buried in the deepest rumor. This law postulates that the circulation of Prof. of Radiation recess of human shame, Chernobyl and Fukushima a rumor is roughly equivalent to the importance Oncology and I/C have kept the fear alive. In light of the Fukushima of the rumor to the person who hears or reads Cancer Genetics Unit, accident, the International Atomic Energy Agency it multiplied by the uncertainty or ambiguity Director, ACTREC, (IAEA) and its member states are re-examining the surrounding the rumor. Unfortunately, the Tata Memorial Centre, Navi Mumbai-410210, safety of the existing and future nuclear technology. inherent fear of radiation has been compounded India. by the paucity of a scientifically valid yet simple E-mail: rsarin@actrec.
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