Stormsewer Daylighting using Bioinfiltration Basins

How do bioinfiltration basins help manage ? Bioinfiltration basins are shallow, vegetated Bioinfiltration basins are very effective at depressions designed to capture and hold a removing pollutants and reducing the volume volume of stormwater runoff and allow it to of runoff from impervious surfaces such as infiltrate into the underlying soils over several parking lots. Utilizing the Illinois days. The design of bioinfiltration basins is Environmental Protection Agency’s simple and they are used as an “end of pipe” Estimating Pollutant Load Reductions for method to catch stormwater from swales or Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Best storm sewer systems. Bioinfiltration basins Management Practices (BMPs) worksheets, allow the stormwater to infiltrate into the soil the bioinfiltration basins can remove and recharge groundwater rather than approximately 75% of the total phosphorous, discharging directly into sewers and . 61% of the total nitrogen, 75% of total suspended solids, and 40-67% of metals.

Where and how can Bioinfiltration Basins be located?

Scale  Watershed/County  Town/Village  Neighborhood  Lot

Applications  Retrofit  New  Preventative  Remedial  Ongoing/Maintenance  Parking lots  Streets  Driveways  Roofs  Lawns  Sensitive Areas

Effectiveness  Runoff Rate  Runoff Volume  Habitat Preservation/ Control Control Restoration

 Nutrient  BOD/COD Control Control Control

 Other Pollutant Control

Bioinfiltration Basins

Bioinfiltration Basins

Design Considerations  Bioswales must be sized and designed to account for drainage area and soils.  storage should be designed to drain in 24 hours.  Filtration benefits can be improved by planting native-deep rooted vegetation.  Topsoil should be amended with compost and/or sand as a means of improving organic content for filtering and to achieve adequate infiltration.

Additional Benefits of Bioinfiltration Cells Bioinfiltration cells provide much more than just stormwater management. They also:  Enhance the aesthetics of the local landscape  Provide habitat for wildlife  Provide open space

Maintenance The maintenance on bioinfiltration cells includes the periodic inspection and cleaning in order to ensure that the system is operating properly. The system should be inspected for clogging of the pipe and sediment accumulation on the basin surface. If a clog is found, rehabilitative maintenance should be conducted immediately to restore its proper operation. In addition, to preventing and repairing clogs, management of the vegetation including mowing, weeding, and replanting sparse areas should also be conducted.

This Fact Sheet was prepared by the Winnebago County Highway Department using funding provided in part through the USEPA Section 319 of the Clean Water Act and administrated through Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.

Bioinfiltration Basins