Welcome to Eastgate SDA Church! A message from Student Pastor Rachelle Martling

Before I switched my major to Theology, I wanted to look at other Universities outside of . As I was visiting the Theology department at another school, I had the privilege of meeting another potential student who was visiting from New York. I will never forget his story. Both of us were sitting in the Theology Department’s office waiting for a tour of the department. One of the professors started talking to us about the different programs they offered and asking us about our callings to ministry. This young man began to share his story and why he was interested in studying Theology. He was at least a third generation Adventist and could speak seven different languages. His ministry in New York resulted in dozens of youth and other people being baptized. The conference knew about his ministry and wanted to hire him. After being encouraged by his mentors from church he decided to look at completing a Theology degree. As he shares his story, he asked the important question, “What will these things add towards my education?” The professor responded with, “They will look good on your resume.” I couldn’t help but feel sorry for this person next to me who was working so hard for the Lord but would have to start at the bottom of the Theology program. His works could not earn him a degree. Nicodemus experienced a similar experience when he came to see Jesus one night. Nicodemus believed his works and his Jewish heritage would be enough to earn salvation. How disappointing it was to find out that his works gained him nothing. Instead he learned that salvation comes only through Jesus. Join us tomorrow as we explore, Nicodemus Finds Salvation. As always we will be streaming the service online. You can join in person, as well. We have masks available for use and will be following COVID precautions. ~ Pastor Rachelle

This Weekend: February 13, 2021 Pastor Rachelle Martling, Nicodemus Finds Salvation Next Weekend: February 20, 2021 Head Elder, Carol Hargreaves; a Mission Report

Week At A Glance

February 13, Sabbath: 9:30am Live Sabbath Schools in the Church ~ The Word a Zoom~Hybrid > II Samuel 24:28 - I Kings chapter 2 ~ Lenard Wittlake Sabbath School Adult Quarterly > Isaiah; Defeat of the Assyrians ~ Young Adult Sabbath School, a Zoom~Hybrid studying about David ~ I Samuel ~ Juniors/Youth Zoom Sabbath School 11:00am – 12:15pm Worship Service – Acts of the Spirit; Rachelle Martling Sunset 5:26pm February 14, Sunday Valentine’s Day ~ remember the “Loves” in your life! February 15, Monday: President’s Day – Federal Holiday 7:00am Zoom Prayer Meeting Monday Evening: 7:00pm Hope Group on Zoom February 16, Tuesday: 6:30pm Church Board Meeting 6:45pm Youth Zoom Meeting 7:00pm Young Adult Zoom bible study - Esther February 17, Wednesday: 7:00am Zoom Prayer Meeting February 18, Thursday: 6:30pm Zoom Prayer Meeting P a g e 1 o f 11 February 19, Friday Sunset ~ 5:16pm February 20, Sabbath: 9:30am Live Sabbath Schools in the Church ~ The Word a Zoom~Hybrid Sabbath School > I Kings 2-4 ~ Lenard Wittlake Sabbath School Adult Quarterly > Isaiah; Comfort My People ~ Young Adult Sabbath School, a Zoom~Hybrid studying about David ~ I Samuel ~ Juniors/Youth Zoom Sabbath School 11:00am – 12:15pm Worship Service – A Mission Report from Carol Hargreaves

Eastgate SDA Church Service this Week

Worship Service 11:00am 02-13-2021 Link to Facebook Piano Prelude Community Life Kristy Bartlett Kids Korner Children’s Story Puppets; Share the Love! Special Music: Alana Glendrange Prayer Kristy Bartlett God’s Word Student Pastor Rachelle Martling Sermon Title: Acts of the Spirit: Nicodemus Finds Salvation Scripture Text: John 3:16 Benediction Pastor Rachelle Piano Postlude

Worship Team today Worship Leader: Kristy Bartlett Greeters: Jim Hall Lead Deacon: Lead Deaconess: Carol Reiswig AV Team: Bob Daniel & Ryan Daniel

We thank you for supporting your local church budget in addition to the world church?

Financial Report RECEIVED GOAL NEED Student Aid goal for 2021: $ 8,031.74 $15,204.66 $ 7,122.92 “Beam the Light” – Lighting/streaming up-grade $16,370.61 $30,000.00 $13,629.39

Our Church Budget Giving to Date this Current Year2021 Offering Appeal for February 13, 2021 NAD Church Budget 2021


$19,000.00 The young lad told his mother the news. Jesus, the $17,000.00 Miracle Worker, would preach by the Sea of Galilee $15,000.00 that day. He wanted to see Jesus. His mother


$10,405.37 $10,405.37

$11,000.00 packed him a lunch. The boy didn’t realize that

$9,000.00 what he had in his hand would touch the lives of $7,000.00 thousands that day and for centuries to come.

$5,000.00 He arrived early and found a front-row seat. He $10,231.26 $10,231.26 $3,000.00 never remembered his lunch until near evening. $1,000.00 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec MonthlyGoal: $10,282.50 Then he heard the Master speaking to the disciples about a need for food. He offered Jesus all the food P a g e 2 o f 11 he had. Jesus thanked him and asked the multitude to sit down. He “took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.” Matthew 14:19 That day, 5,000 men, plus women and children, ate their fill of warm bread and salted fish. Jesus told them to gather up the leftovers. Can’t you see the boy filling his bag with the miracle food and rushing home to share with his mother? Not one of the four gospel writers tells us his name. But his actions are recorded for all eternity. As we give today to support evangelistic efforts throughout the North American Division, I want to ask you, what do you have in your hand? God can take the offering you have in your hand and by His touch multiply your offering to bless the lives of thousands.

Eastgate Church News & Events

February is the month of love and your Children’s Ministry team would like to offer you one more event this month, another opportunity to spread that love. A Second Event; a family drive by and flower delivery for our shut in members February 20 at 2:45pm. Meet in the church parking lot. Thank you for coming to these events and giving an opportunity for our kids to see love in action. Open to all church members! All are welcome and encouraged!!!

SPECIAL MUSIC at Eastgate Would you like to serve the church in song? Maybe you would be willing to provide a special music on any given Sabbath? You can either contact the church office or Kim Boyd. He will once again be leading a team of individuals who will arrange for special music.

EASTGATE SDA WEBSITE! – https://www.eastgatesda.org ~ Sermon Archives ~ Bulletin Library ~ our weekly e-NewsLetter ~ Events Calendar ~ Offerings

EASTGATE SDA ON FACEBOOK Like and follow our page on FB! https://www.facebook.com/Eastgate-SDA-Church-206126468203

COVID-19 Vaccines: Addressing Concerns, Offering Counsel The schools of pharmacy and public health have partnered with the General Conference department of health ministries and the Biblical Research Institute to address some of the rumors and conspiracies regarding the COVID-19 vaccines. The full article from the Adventist Review can be read at https://www.adventistreview.org/church-news/story15816-covid-19-vaccines- addressing-concerns,-offering-counsel.

School News & Children’s Ministry Items

PIVOT — NPUC Virtual Children's Ministries Expo See announcement in North Pacific Union Conference section page 6.

Jesus 101 — Free Animated Videos for Kids Jesus 101 has free animated videos with accompanying coloring pages just for kids! These new resources will help kids discover Jesus in the Bible, illustrating the stories of the Bible in a fun and instructive manner. Perfect for churches, schools, and families, the complimentary coloring pages are available for children to download and color anywhere! Find these free videos and coloring pages at Jesus101.tv/4kids.

Kids Connect – for families with small children The Oregon Conference Children’s Ministries is creating P a g e 3 o f 11 a Weekly Newsletter. It includes packets of study materials for the children and parents. If you follow the link included below you can sign up for the newsletter or you can download without signing up. This source can connect you to all of the resources you would normally get by coming to Sabbath School during this COVID separation. PARENTS!!! Please explore this site! https://oregonadventist.us7.list- manage.com/track/click?u=2505d724280f343e6b4d813c7&id=13af957854&e=80fdaf4d7e

Walla Walla University Music Department This last year has been an interesting one. It has been almost a year since most of our ensembles were able to perform and worship together in person. This quarter, music ensembles including ICantori, Brass Choir, and Orchestra were approved to meet in person following social distancing and guidelines. Tonight we are excited to share a prerecorded Vespers program featuring these three ensembles as well as performances by students of Dr. Christine Janis, Dr. Jinhyang Park, and Professor Brandon Beck. While we are unable to meet in person for this event, we invite you to join us tonight at 8 p.m. at the link below to gather and enjoy the music that our students have been working so hard to prepare for you. The program file is also attached for your information. Here is the new link with the program and a link to the video on it: https://www.notion.so/Music-Department-Vespers-Program- d87be8d01df84deb89376eced46062fe#3af50dbb26c44cd2a4917b4ef8a97039 f you have any questions, we would love to hear from you! Feel free to call us at (509) 527-2561. May God feel very near to you as we worship Him together this evening. Jamie Palmer, Student Writer for Concert Publicity

Job Openings at Walla Walla University There are several positions that are opening at Walla Walla University: Positions in both Faculty and in Staff. For more information on these positions, see www.wallawalla.edu/resources/human-resources- payroll/faculty-employmenthttp://www.wallawalla.edu/resources/human-resources-payroll/faculty- employment// Collegiate & Young Adult Events

Sabbath Morning Bible Study This group is currently meeting in a hybrid of both in person and on ZOOM. Their current study is I Samuel as they study the life of David. To join this group and be in the know of how to meet, visit classroom 115 or call Josh Boram (541) 870-4661 or Mary Castrejon at (360) 349-7126.

Actively Pursuing Better Health

Is Sitting the New Smoking? One could almost get the impression that it would be safer to smoke than to sit at your desk and work. But is this true? Cindy Williams, RN, health ministries coordinator for Upper Columbia Conference, takes a closer look at how your health is impacted by inactivity. Read the full story at news.uccsda.org/3q12qPL.

Walla Walla Valley SDA News

Walla Walla University’s Discovery Preschool is still enrolling children ages 3-5 for this year. We offer am or pm half days. If your child is in Kindergarten half days, we can help. We teach Bible stories, pre-reading/math & social skills. A parent recently noted, "My kindergartener wants to return to your preschool." For information see www.wallawalla.edu/preschool or email Stacy at [email protected].

P a g e 4 o f 11 Volunteer at SonBridge Do you have new year’s goals and resolutions to better yourself and help others? Come volunteer at SonBridge where you can do both. We look forward to seeing you. For more information call our Volunteer Coordinator, Douglas Venn, at (509) 629-8808 or our main office at (509) 529-3100.

SONBRIDGE CONSTITUENCY MEETING: will be held on Sunday, February 21, 2021 at 10:00 AM. The agenda will include inspiring financial and development reports of God's blessings and an update of future plans. This constituency session is for designated delegates, but interested parties are welcome to attend! This will be a ZOOM meeting. Please contact SonBridge for an invitation and information. Thank each of you for your amazing support.

COVID-19 Vaccine Facts and Myths The development of the COVID-19 vaccines brings hope for a better tomorrow. It also inspires myths and rumors, which can spread quickly on social media. has compiled a quick list of facts and myths about the COVID-19 vaccines. For the full story, see www.adventisthealth.org/blog/2021/january/facts-and-myths-about-the-covid-19-vaccine/.

Should You Get the Vaccine? Or Not? With conspiracy theories and misinformation, it can be difficult to discern how to proceed with the COVID-19 vaccine. Cindy Williams, RN, UCC health ministry’s coordinator, takes a closer look at the vaccine. Read more of the story at www.uccsda.org/should-you-get-the-vaccine-or-not.

Upper Columbia Conference of SDA News

Letter From UCC President Regarding COVID and Call to Action As we reflect on 2020, it was a year of challenge like none we have faced in more than a century. Several of our churches have experienced COVID-19 outbreaks and members have gone to their rest. These are not faceless statistics of some far-off land — these are our family members, our neighbors, and our friends. These losses are increasing at an alarming rate. Read the rest of the letter at www.uccsda.org/letter-from-the-president-regarding-covid-and-call-to-action

Minds Differ, So Assume the Best In this article from the Adventist Review, Ty Gibson reminds that in these politically charged times, it is important to handle our differences God's way. For the full article, see www.adventistreview.org/minds-differ-so-assume-the-best.

Contribute Using the Lowest Fees Possible AdventistGiving negotiates the lowest possible fees for online giving. These costs are shared by the local conference (70%), union conference (10%), North American Division (10%), and General Conference (10%). When donating, please consider using ACH (electronic check or savings) as your payment method to help keep costs to a minimum. For your reference (1st quarter 2020 fees):  ACH (electronic check or savings account) averaged 19 cents each  Debit cards averaged 0.63% of the amount donated  Credit cards averaged 2.18% of the amount donated

Bible Tours Offered in 2021 We are excited to once again offer Bible Study Tours led by Dr. Carl Cosaert, Dean of the School of Theology and Professor of Biblical Studies at Walla Walla University. Below is a list of tours in 2021 for you to consider: March 29 - April 8, 2021 — The Steps of Paul and John Tour will be an unforgettable tour following the steps of the apostles Paul and John in Greece and Turkey. Towns like Athens, Corinth,

P a g e 5 o f 11 and Ephesus will no longer be lifeless names on a page. Instead, they will be places full of meaning since you will have visited them yourself. August 23 - September 3, 2021 — The Steps of Jesus Tour will be an extraordinary journey to Jordan and Israel that will bring the stories of Jesus and the early church to life unlike anything you have experienced before. Walking through the countryside in Galilee where Jesus often taught and seeing the remains of an ancient boat that dates back to Jesus time bring to life Biblical stories in a not to be forgotten way. Visiting the Nazareth Village provides an opportunity to see what life in Galilee would have been like in the time of Jesus. December 13 – 23, 2021 – The Egypt Bible Tour will find you standing in front of the ancient Pyramids of Giza experiencing the same awe that Joseph felt when he stood before them nearly four thousand years ago. Visiting the spectacular monuments in ancient Thebes you will impress you with the courage and faith Moses had to have in God in order to stand up to the mighty Pharaoh of Egypt. You will encounter many more experiences than those listed. Dr. Cosaert will be both your teacher and guide for all three tours. He has carefully chosen the best sites, hotel accommodations and restaurants to ensure your tour will be an amazing experience. For a complete itinerary and cost for the tour or tours you would like to join , please email Sharon Searson at [email protected] or go to www.adventours.org.

Book on Difficult Communication Now Available at AdventSource Tired of tone-deaf dialogues? Angry online exchanges? Misunderstandings? Seeking an Understanding by Seth Pierce, PhD, makes communication research accessible for those who want to have better conversations. It combines interpersonal and intercultural communication principles, with a practical pastoral approach. At the end of each chapter you will find a few reflections and exercises that will challenge you to dig deeper into what you really understand and believe. This book is an ideal starting point for anyone feeling overwhelmed and confused by the communicative chaos of the world around them. For more information, see www.adventsource.org/store/pastors- resources/leadership/seeking-an-understanding-40639.

Education Administrative Assistant Position The Upper Columbia Conference education department is searching for an administrative assistant. The position is part time and available now. For more information, see www.uccsda.org/jobs.

READ THE LATEST NORTHWEST ADVENTIST NEWS at www.gleanernow.com Subscribe to GLEANERWEEKLY, the Northwest’s weekly eNewsletter, at http://www.gleanerweekly.com

MORE NEWS UCC News North Pacific Union GleanerNow North American Division NewsPoints Adventist News Network News

North Pacific Union Conference

PIVOT — NPUC Virtual Children's Ministries Expo The NPUC Virtual Children's Ministries Expo is scheduled for March 5 and 6. A wonderful educational event for those of you who care deeply and serve our children and young teens: There will be 17 breakouts plus four breakouts presented in Spanish. Keynote Speaker – Pastor Manny Cruz. Free, but registration is required. To register, go to www.eventbrite.com/e/north-pacific-union- conference-virtual-childrens-ministries-expo-tickets-137829723413. For more information contact Patty Marsh [email protected] or Wendy Urbin [email protected]. For detailed information visit www.npuc.org/ministries/children/childrenexpo/.

New Video Series from NAD Family Ministries "A Word for Your Family" explores 52 common, everyday words with a biblical message. Presented by Drs. Claudio and Pamela Consuegra, NAD Family Ministries Directors, these videos will encourage you, inspire you, and make you think. Share them on social media or on your church website, P a g e 6 o f 11 download them, and show them in your church. Watch each word, write it down, meditate on it, and use the lessons to strengthen your family life! Watch the series at news.uccsda.org/2Z45tux.

Free Webinar on Digital Discipleship and Evangelism Part 3 of NAD Adult Ministries' free six-part webinar series, "Digital Discipleship and Evangelism," featuring Digital Strategist Jamie Domm, will stream on Feb. 9 at 7 p.m. EST on YouTube and Facebook. This presentation, "The Role of Engagers & Digital Disciples," will discuss community in the digital space, 360° community care, and practical tips for digital discipleship and engagement. See www.facebook.com/NADAdultMin

Free Seminar on Financial Empowerment Adventist Community Services presents a free Zoom webinar discussing principles of financial empowerment and practical tools for your ministry. ACS volunteers and anyone interested in community outreach ministry are invited to tune in Feb. 4 at 2 p.m. EST to hear presenter Colette Newer, ACS Director of Washington Conference, address why many of those who access ACS services are struggling in a cycle of poverty. For more information, see www.communityservices.org/events/

RELIGIOUS LIBERTY Do you struggle to explain your convictions about Sabbath or labor unions to your employer? Are you being asked to work on Sabbath? The Northwest Religious Liberty Association can help. Call Greg Hamilton and Rhonda Bolton at 360/857-7040.

North American Division

PRAY ONE MISSION is a North American Division initiative calling us to focused prayer for people who need Jesus. Do you know of one or two such people? As you pray for these individuals, please consider sending them a subscription to Signs of the Times® at 800/545-2449. Prayer and the printed page are great teammates and proven soul winners. http://www.signstimes.com

MISSION 360° MAGAZINE Several publications, such as Mission Post and Frontline have merged and expanded to a new official mission magazine of the Seventh-day Adventist church called Mission 360°. It will be published quarterly and you can sign up for an online version at www.Mission360Mag.org

Every Social Interaction Matters – Even Digitally! You’ve read the social media posts before — the ones that make you cringe, angry, hurt, sad, depressed, or simply numb. By the way some "Christians" post online, you might think they don’t realize there is a real person(s) somewhere in the world reading and contemplating their potentially destructive words. Every encounter we have with one another matters. For more of this story, go to www.nadadventist.org/news/every-encounter-matters-digital-encounters-included

PhoneFaith Offers Daily Call-in Inspiration PhoneFaith is a new outreach ministry from Christian Record Services for the Blind. Daily PhoneFaith dial-in presentations will inform, encourage, and inspire the mind, body, and spirit through mental health and wellness sessions, social meet-and-greet interactions, Bible games, and prayer time. Read more about this program at christianrecord.org/PhoneFaith.

Faith For Today Faith for Today is a television ministry of the North America Division, committed to sharing God's grace with the world through broadcast media. That has been our vision since 1950, when Faith For Today launched its live inspirational television drama on ABC from New York City. That was more than 65 years ago and we are now the longest running religious television broadcast in the world!

P a g e 7 o f 11 We want your congregation to know about Faith For Today, producer of the show Lifestyle Magazine and where they can watch us. Would you be willing to share this information in one or two of your upcoming bulletins? Lifestyle Magazine is a half hour television talk show focused on living a full, healthy and balanced life. It is the second longest show on the air after “Meet the Press.” The show features panel discussions, interviews and demonstration segments focused on whole life health, including fitness, nutrition, relationships, outlook and more. This multiple award-winning show reaches a wide age demographic and covers a wide variety of topics. It was recently voted a Top 20 brand influencer for health & fitness on Twitter (above Shape Magazine, GQ and more) by analyst group Onalytica. Each week, you can view our programs on the following: • Uplift TV • Direct TV channel 368 or 378 • • NRB Network – Tuesdays at 4:30pm on Direct TV Channel 378 • faithfortoday.tv • lifestyle.org • • Apple TV • AmazonFire TV Please be sure to check these network’s websites for air times and dates or call our office at (805) 955-7681. Thank you for sharing this information with your congregation. May God bless you and your church family. Sincerely, Chauncey Smith; The AMS Agency/Station Relations Director

General Conference

Lifestyle Coaching Skills Workshop Coming February 7 You are invited to attend a free online Lifestyle Coaching Skills workshop hosted by LifeStart Clinics in collaboration with the General Conference Health Ministries department starting on February 7, 2021. Lifestyle Coaching Skills (LCS) is a workshop curriculum developed by General Conference Health Ministries that will help you form meaningful relationships with your community. You will gain the skills necessary to assist people in overcoming the challenges of everyday life and the power of long-term habits. Lifestyle Coaching Skills uses biblical principles to provide personalized support that can cut through common barriers to lifestyle change. For more information about LCS training go to healthministries.com/lifestylecoaching.

General Conference Session Postponed For the second time in 10 months, members of the executive committee of the global Seventh-day Adventist Church have voted to postpone the quinquennial session of the denomination, originally scheduled for late June 2020, due to challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. For the full story, see adventist.news/en/news/leaders-vote-to-postpone-general-conference-session-2020-for-a- second-time.

Senate Chaplain Reflects on Capitol Riot The closing prayer offered at the momentous session of the Senate on Jan. 6-7, by , a Seventh-day Adventist chaplain for the U.S. Senate, calls upon God to help bring healing and unity to a divided nation. In this video he recalls his experiences during the attack on the Capitol. See www.cnn.com/videos/us/2021/01/07/senate-chaplain-barry-black-acfc-full-episode- vpx.cnn/video/playlists/acfc-full-episodes/.

P a g e 8 o f 11 Poetry Corner

This quarter we are exploring poetry which reflects the values of one who is on the Christian journey. If you would like to submit a poem to be shared, please send it by email to the church office at [email protected] or by USPS to our Eastgate SDA Church mail box at 380 N. Tausick Way, Walla Walla, WA 99362, or drop it off on Sabbath at the office. Make sure I have your name and contact information along with the author of the poem and the source where you found it.

Catherine Alder Go. He needs your servant hands, Advent Hands your cupping hands to lift the water, I see the hands of Joseph. and place his feet upon the path to service and Back and forth along bare wood they move. to death. There is worry in those working hands, Go now, John, and open your hands to him. sorting out confusing thoughts with every It is time.” stroke. “How can this be, my beautiful Mary now with I see a fist held tight and fingers blanched to child?” white. Rough with deep splinters, these hands, Prying is no easy task. small, painful splinters like tiny crosses These fingers find a way of pulling back to old embedded deeply in this choice to stay with positions, her. protecting all that was and is. He could have closed his hands to her, Blanched to white. No openness. All fright. said, “No” and let her go to stoning. But then the Spirit comes. But, dear Joseph opened both his heart and A holy Christmas dance begins hands and blows between the twisted paths. to this mother and her child. This fist opens Preparing in these days before slowly, with working hands gently, and wood pressed tight between them. beautifully, It is these rough hands that will open the twisted fingers letting go. and be the first to hold the Child. Their rock-solid place in line has eased. And one by one the fingers lift I see the hands of John, True color is returned worn from desert raging storms And through the deepest of mysteries, and plucking locusts from sand ripped rocks The holiest of holies, beneath the remnant of a Bethlehem star. O longing of longings A howling wind like some lost wolf Beyond all human imagining cries out beneath the moon, this fist, or was that John? as if awakened from Lazarus’ cold stone dream This loneliness, reaches out to hold the tiny newborn hand of enough to make a grown man mad. God. He’s waiting for this, God’s whisper. “Go now. He is coming. https://www.journeywithjesus.net/ You have prepared your hands enough.

Religious Liberty Campaign The campaign is being extended until the end of February. Liberty Magazine subscriptions have been reduced from $7.95 to $6.00. Maybe you would be willing to sponsor a subscription for Pastors of area churches or civil servants in the valley? Thank you for your consideration.

P a g e 9 o f 11 P We are inviting you to pray for members and friends of our church family each day. Please keep this in a place that will make it easy for you to remember to pray for one another. “… we do not make requests of You because we are righteous, but because of Your great mercy. O Lord listen! O Lord forgive! O Lord hear and act!” (Daniel 9:18 & 19. NIV) Anonymous: Do you have an anonymous prayer request? Please state it via email to the church office. We will share it here anonymously for the body to provide prayer support! Three of our church women are fighting breast cancer.

Requests: - What are your prayer requests? Prayers for all of our Health Care providers in our fellowship that they may be protected from infection from COVID-19 Seth A., Evon A., Kristy B., Jen B., Rachel B., Cal B., Jamie C., Stephanie C., Jen D., Guy E., Heidi E., Rhonda E., Rod F., Debbie H., Daniel H., Dr. Gilly I., Tammy J., Susan M., Julie S., Toby S., Nancy R., Carolynn V., Sherry W., Erik J. and Joe M – strength to stop smoking and make some lifestyle changes. Gretta G. – continued prayers please to regain better breathing. George K. – Requests prayers for healing from spinal compression fractures Lisa R. – daughter Christine, having a hernia repair surgery ~ prayers please Dan M. – appreciates prayers as he regains strength Holly J. - Prayers as she continues the fight against cancer. Clint Dickerson – A local friend is continuing to undergoing treatment for cancer, prayers appreciated Dorothy C – Requests prayers as she continues to experience health issues. Ruth H. – request your prayers as she recovers from a surgical procedure & has follow up procedures to come. Jeff W. – Continued prayers for healing and adapting to physical changes Asher P. – Special prayers as his treatment has taken him home and improvement takes place Prayers for Asher and his family while they strive to stay infection and virus free! Arriola Family – Continued prayers for our friends the Arriola’s during this season of loss and adjustment. Debbie P – for health, healing & strength, it is harder to get around Deb K. – for health, healing & strength to face daily challenges & medication balance Debbie S – continued health & strength Steph G – Special prayers requested for her and her boys as they deal with family struggles “D” Underwood –requests continued prayers for her daughter & son Megan E.’s - continued prayers for her parents Tami J. – Continues to ask for your prayers as she struggles and praises for successes in Christ Continuing Prayers for our church families of small children during this time when having children’s divisions meet has special and unique challenges. Prayers for our Seventh-day Adventist Schools, Faculty and Staff as they work to provide the highest level of education they can through the best methods available to them and the students they serve! Pastor Lloyd Perrin – prayers as he recovers from COVID

In Military Service - Continual Prayer for those serving Diane U. – Grandson in the Marines Paul D. – Army Reserves Evon A.’s daughter; Anna Harris ~ Navy Seth A. – Air Force Reserves

Praises: What gift causes you to praise the name of God our Heavenly Father today? Doug H. – Praises God for the success of his treatment and prays for continuing healing. Connie R. – Is Praising God for a successful surgery. Rachelle H. – Praises God for her sister’s healing and the improvement of the new baby following a surgery. Janet L. – Praising God for improvements in her granddaughter Ashley, continue prayers for healing. Carol H. & Kristy B – that they are back from their mission trip in Kenya and for their safety. P a g e 10 o f 11 Job Network

Looking for a position? Looking to Hire? Please let us know so we can assist in getting the word out!

Job Opportunities in the Oregon Conference Looking for work in the Oregon Conference? Check the following for job postings: www.oregonconference.org/employment-home

New Positions Open at UCC Upper Columbia Conference may have openings available. For more information and to apply see uccsda.org/jobs.

Walla Walla University Job Positions STAFF: https://www.wallawalla.edu/resources/human-resources-payroll/staff-employment/ FACULTY: https://www.wallawalla.edu/resources/human-resources-payroll/faculty-employment/

Classified Ads, Services & Needs

Are you in a service industry? Would you like your church family to be aware of what services you can provide? Please consider placing an ad in this space. At this time, to place an advertisement here will not cost any money. It should only be basic text with no illustrations or photos. To add graphics may or may not be possible based on time and graphic software available. Thank you, Office Manager. Submit your service ads to the following email address: [email protected] Weekly Deadline: Items must be received prior to 8:00am Wednesday mornings. Thank you for your positive feedback and comments. Sincerely, Eastgate SDA Office Manager

Need Electrical Work Done? Power Solutions Electric Casey Werner and Trent Fowler may be your solution to your electric wiring and repair projects. Contact Heidi or Tara at [email protected] or 509-540-2656. It’s always good to know your electrician!

REALTOR: Thinking about buying or selling your home? Want a Christian Realtor to be your advocate and guide? Let me serve you with the best resources and service in the business. Call or text Sarah Bergman at John L. Scott, Walla Walla at 509-240-6826 or reach me by email at [email protected] for a no-obligation consultation and market analysis. I look forward to hearing from you.

PC SAVVY Computer Repair - Arron Pleier, www.pcsavvycr.com or [email protected] 509-593-0492 PC Savvy Computer Repair - $50 Computer Repair We service Windows and Apple devices, laptops and Desktops, smartphones and tablets iPhone Screen Repair starting at $80 Virus removal from all devices - $50 Smartphone Spam call stopping - $10 Computer building and Upgrades Ink and toner for printers starting at $25 for a set of ink And many more services

Call us and leave a message or text us – We will get back to you as soon as possible

*** Walla Walla University Needs Power Plant Operator ***

+++ Walla Walla University Also Needs a Carpentry Shop Foreman +++ WWU has an open position for a power plant operator and a carpentry shop foreman both in the facility services department and are having a challenging time finding applicants. With people losing jobs right now, do you know of someone who may be interested? Would you be willing to pass this on to others who might be interested? Here’s the link to the job description page and a high-level summary of the role: https://www.wallawalla.edu/resources/human-resources-payroll/staff-employment/

P a g e 11 o f 11