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Order NOW at or call 1-800-447-7377 NEWS Ezekiel Adeleye, from the West-Central Africa Division, votes in favor of Fundamental Belief number 1 regarding the Holy Scriptures. TOR TJERANSEN AR/ANN DELEGATES APPROVE LANDMARK UPDATE OF FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS THE REVISIONS MODERNIZE AND TIGHTEN THE TEXT WITHOUT ALTERING THE BELIEFS.


elegates at the General Conference ses- Dsion in San Antonio, Texas, have approved a milestone update of the Seventh-day Ad- ventist Church’s 28 Fundamental Beliefs that, among other things, underscores the church’s teaching of a recent, literal Creation week. The core statements of the church’s Fun- damental Beliefs had not been touched since they were first adopted in 1980, with the lone exception an additional belief in 2005. The delegates’ approval on Tuesday, after two days of discussions, marked the end of a five-year revision and vetting process. None of the revisions change any of the Fundamental Beliefs, and many simply up- date and tighten the text, General Conference president Ted N. C. Wilson assured delegates at the start of the discussions. “We are not changing our Fundamental Beliefs,” Wilson said. “We are simply trying to enhance them and make them more understandable.” “which” with “that” to reflect modern usage. ing on them one by one. A two-thirds vote The review committee modified 21 of the Instances of “man” and “mankind” were was required to refer an item back to the re- 28 beliefs, and Artur A. Stele, a General Con- changed to “people” and “humanity” to make visions committee. ference general vice president and chair of them gender inclusive. But recommendations about four beliefs— the Fundamental Belief Review committee, Delegates overwhelmingly backed revisions on the Holy Scriptures (number 1), Creation presented the proposed changes to the that clarified that marriage is between a man (number 6), the Great Controversy (number delegates. and a woman in belief number 23. 8), and Christ’s Ministry in the Heavenly Sanc- Many of the proposed changes were mi- The delegates considered and approved tuary (number 24)—were sent back to the re- nor, such as the replacement of the word revisions to 24 of the Beliefs on Monday, vot- view committee for further work.

COVER PHOTO BY JOSAFAT ZEMLEDUCH AR/ANN GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 | ADVENTIST REVIEW 3 Adventist Review editor Bill Knott, a member of the Fundamental Parliamentarian Todd McFarland and presiding chair Ella Beliefs Review Committee, shared insights on the committee’s Simmons consult together during Tuesday’s business session. work. TOR TJERANSEN AR/ANN TOR TJERANSEN AR/ANN

The review committee returned to dele- literal days” in the same Fundamental Belief, using “inspired authors” instead of “holy men gates on Tuesday with amendments that took Rodríguez said no one was suggesting that Cre- of God.” Several delegates made a distinction their concerns into account. ation took place in six days of exactly 24 hours between “author” and “writer,” saying God Most of the discussion on both Monday but simply that it happened in “literal days.” was the Author of the whole Bible and hu- and Tuesday centered around “Creation,” “Genesis 1 to 3 describes what literally hap- mans were its writers. Other delegates voiced where the text was revised to add the word pened there. It’s a historical record,” he said. concerns that the replacement of “men” with “recent” to describe when the Earth was cre- The inclusion of “six literal days” received “authors” might be linked to modern culture, ated and “six literal days” to explain the length quick support from James Standish, a dele- saying only men wrote the Bible so there was of Creation week. gate from the South-Pacific Division, who said no need to use gender-inclusive language. Among the delegates who made recom- the revised text reflected the very definition Bill Knott, a member of the revisions com- mendations for additional changes at the mi- of “Seventh-day Adventist.” mittee and editor of the Adventist Review, crophone were Jiří Moskala, dean of the theo- “If the first six days were not literal days, assured the delegates that the committee logical seminary at ; Rich- why do we rest on the literal seventh day?” had prayerfully sought to exclude pressures ard M. Davidson, professor of Old Testament he said. from cultural or societal forces when they Interpretation at the seminary; and Lawrence But Adrian Platts, a delegate from the South- considered the wording of belief number 1. T. Geraty, president emeritus of La Sierra ern Africa-Indian Ocean Division, said a lit- No changes were made to the committee’s University. eral day could not be counted by the rising recommendations on Fundamental Belief num- Wilson prefaced the second day of discus- and setting of the sun because the sun was ber 1, the statement on the Bible. sion by saying a word could be interpreted only created on day four of Creation week. In a sign of the ease with which the del- in many ways, but the word “recent” was cho- Another delegate, Marvin Wray of the North egates accepted the final revisions, the dis- sen because “we need to clarify that this pro- American Division, said the word “recent” was cussions finished about 20 minutes before cess was not old.” too ambiguous. the scheduled lunch break, even though they Wilson said he personally believed that “Who are we to guess the age of the Earth?” were slated to last all morning. the Earth is about 6,000 years old. “But we he said, citing Job 38 where God asks Job, Stele, the revisions committee chair, also are not putting that language in here. We are “Were you there when I made the world?” announced Tuesday that the General Confer- using the word ‘recent,’” he said in an ac- Other delegates spoke strongly in favor of ence planned to publish an easy-to-read book knowledgement that Adventists are not uni- adopting the “Creation” revisions. Clifford containing the Fundamental Beliefs. He spoke form in their understanding of the exact age Goldstein, Adult Bible Study Guides editor and after several delegates from the Trans-Euro- of the Earth. a General Conference delegate, said that the pean Division expressed concern that newly Ángel Manuel Rodríguez, a former director new text was a proper response to attempts baptized Adventists and Adventist young peo- of the church’s Biblical Research Institute and to bring the theory of evolution into the church. ple faced difficulties relating to the beliefs a member of the revisions committee, said Kathryn Proffitt, another General Conference in their current form. Stele called for the be- Adventists have estimated the Earth to be 6,000 delegate, noted how her son had left the church liefs to be explained in modern language with to 12,000 years old but are united in believing because of confusion over what he was taught the goal of reaching a new generation. “Creation took place not too long ago.” about Earth’s origins in an Adventist school. Stele acknowledged that the current text He saw “recent” as an acceptable Delegates had little issue with revisions of the Fundamental Beliefs “might not be the description. throughout the Fundamental Beliefs that made best evangelistic tool.” But, he added, “We “The church has never dated the divine them gender inclusive except during the pre- intend to work on a book that will make the act of Creation,” he said. sentation of belief number 1 on the Holy Scrip- language understandable to the younger Turning to the inclusion of the phrase “six ture. The review committee recommended generation.”

4 ADVENTIST REVIEW | GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 In Number 23, “Marriage and the Family,” the term “partners” was changed to “a man and a woman.”




he Seventh-day Adventist Church seldom only has the advantage of using biblical lan- tential ambiguity. White herself emphasizes Trevises its Fundamental Beliefs. So why now? guage, but it makes for easier reading and is that her authority is subject to the Scriptures. There are at least seven reasons why a de- easier to translate. The new wording of this statement does not nomination might consider a revision to its There were also many changes under cat- in any way diminish the church’s understand- belief statements. It might wish to— egory C, changes in the meaning of language. ing of the authority of the Bible or the pro- A. Find smoother language and sentence number 7, which was termed “The Nature of phetic authority of Ellen G. White. structure. Man,” is now “The Nature of Humanity,” rep- Number 8, “The Great Controversy”: The B. Find language that is easier to translate resenting gender inclusive language. In Number previous statement contained a phrase on into other languages. 23, “Marriage and the Family,” the term “part- the “worldwide” nature of the biblical flood. C. Update terminology when the meaning or ners” was changed to “a man and a woman.” The intent of that statement was to repre- usage of language has changed. The meaning of the word “partners” with ref- sent the biblical teaching that the Flood cov- D. Clarify language that may not clearly state erence to marriage has changed in social us- ered the entire world. It was not anticipated where the church stands. age to indicate a commitment to either same that “worldwide” would be re-interpreted by E. Address new situations that call for sex or opposite sex marriages. The current those who do not accept the historicity of clarification. meaning was not prevalent in 1980 when the Genesis 1-11 to mean the “then known world,” F. Add an emphasis that was not mentioned statement was last revised. This editorial portraying a large regional flood. Thus, this in prior statements. change signals that the church will remain GC Session changed the word to “global.” G. Change or add new statements that add true to the biblical concept of marriage in Number 6, “Creation” was the primary rea- to or change the meaning of the prior spite of changes in contemporary culture. son that the Statement of Fundamental Be- statements. Significant changes took place in category liefs was reviewed at this GC Session. The There were no changes in the Fundamen- D. In number 9, “The Life, Death, and Resur- existing statement has been re-interpreted tal Beliefs adopted Tuesday that represent rection of Christ,” the term “bodily” was added by some to mean almost anything they wish category G. in front of “resurrected.” We have now clari- about origins, including theistic evolution. While there were no major additions (cat- fied that the resurrection of Jesus was not a Thus the 2004 Annual Council produced a egory F), there were a few minor ones. For continuing influence nor a spirit experience, statement that clarified that life on this Earth example, belief number 2, “The Trinity,” added but an actual resurrection of Christ in His to- took place just as stated in Genesis 1 and 2. the phrase “God, who is love.“ Belief number tal person, including His body. Although Scrip- Those who chose to re-interpret Fundamen- 11, “Growing in Christ,” emphasizes the social ture emphasizes this point, it is rejected by tal Belief number 6 maintained that the 2004 dimension of biblical . Affirming many theologians, who do not acknowledge Annual Council statement was not authori- the love of God and emphasizing community the historicity of the biblical account. Thus tative since it was not voted at a GC Session. welfare has always been important to our it was important to add this word “bodily”— Thus, the 2004 statement was affirmed at the church. unfinished business, carried forward from 2010 GC Session with the request that the Many changes fell into categories A and B. concerns raised 35 years ago. substance of the action be worked into the For example, in number 17, “Spiritual Gifts,” Number 18, “The Gift of Prophecy”: Some Statement of Fundamental Beliefs. The re- a word changed from “which” to “that”; num- felt that the church’s prior statement gave vised statement passed by this Session makes ber 25, “The Second Coming,” had a phrase Adventist Church cofounder Ellen G. White it clear that God created life in six actual days, changed from “Christ’s coming is imminent” authority comparable to that of the Bible. and with the addition of the Sabbath, it was to “Christ’s coming is near.” This change not Changes have been made to remove this po- a week as we know it today.

GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 | ADVENTIST REVIEW 5 Author Michael Campbell interviews GC Ministerial secretary Jerry Page. MARK FROELICH AR/ANN

THOMAS L. LEMON, GENERAL VICE-PRESIDENT, GENERAL CONFERENCE What is your philosophy of leadership? Perhaps the best way to start is to share what leadership is not. It isn’t control; it is enabling and empowering those around me to find their gifts, to utilize their gifts. The Bible espouses the model of a servant. We would do well to follow that servant model. I just wrote about Philippians 2:5-8, about how Jesus let all go to the point of the cross. He is the greatest leader the world has ever known. In my leadership roles I want to empower peo- NEWLY ELECTED CHURCH ple. I want to lead like Jesus, with humility. Could you reflect on General Conference LEADERS SPEAK OUT president Ted N. C. Wilson’s three areas of DISCUSS VISION FOR THE CHURCH focus for the church: spiritual growth, pri- macy of Scripture, and involvement of lay MICHAEL W. CAMPBELL, ADVENTIST REVIEW/ANN people in evangelism? hurch leaders are passionate about shar- What is next? If our spiritual growth is shallow and lack- Cing Jesus Christ. In the following interviews, Since I have been involved in international ing, then our plans will be short-sighted and this becomes obvious as a range of world church Bible and missionary conferences, this is ineffective. So we have to come from a place leaders share their visions. something we need to continue to strengthen of depth in our spiritual development. Deep Topics range from creating resources, lead- our confidence in Scripture. spiritual growth has to have a foundation in ership philosophy, the importance of spiri- Scripture. I resonate with what Elder Wilson tual growth, emulating Jesus Christ, and the GUILLERMO E. BIAGGI, has said about deep spirituality, informed power of prayer, to church members’ engage- GENERAL VICE-PRESIDENT, biblically through and through; it is abso- ment in the life of the church. GENERAL CONFERENCE lutely bedrock. And the concept of everybody Discover in the following interviews how Where do you see the church? being involved—every individual involved in these church leaders view leadership, includ- We need to allow all church members to mission—a very biblical focus. ing pertinent insights for the future of the be involved in the mission of the church. What are your hopes and dreams for the church. Each leader brings their own indi- church? vidual personality and leadership style. The What does that look like? All mission is local. The incarnational model Adventist Review staff sought to discover how We need to pray each day, each member. of ministry is absolutely vital moving forward. they plan to encourage the church to fulfill Ellen White encourages us to pray and medi- The church must focus on Scripture, deep its mission to proclaim the gospel to the world. tate, to study Scripture, and then we will re- spiritual growth, knowing and discerning what ceive power from heaven to share with oth- is right and wrong. ARTUR A. STELE, GENERAL VICE ers. We need to think and pray for people as PRESIDENT, GENERAL CONFERENCE we introduce them to Jesus because we love ABNER DE LOS SANTOS, Please describe your view of leadership. them. We need to make a list, and pray each GENERAL VICE-PRESIDENT, It is to fulfill the call that the Lord has day, and ask the Lord to help us reach them. GENERAL CONFERENCE placed and to model Him in servant leader- This would be great if we could reach another What is your vision for the future of the ship, serving His church. person and fulfill the mission of the church. church?

6 ADVENTIST REVIEW | GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 “All of us who are elected are only stewards for the time that we have been asked to serve. ” —Dan Jackson

The leadership of the church needs to be What areas? ment, getting our people more fully engaged focused on service. We need to understand We had a retreat [last December]. Elder in the mission of the church to implement the necessity to be humble before God and Wilson was with us; we saw four areas of re- the biblical ideal of every time a person finds serve other people. vival and reformation. We want to do more Jesus, they sign on to be a minister of the Anything else? with family worship, church engagement, most high God; and to help our pastors be- The future of the church is in God’s hands. spiritual growth, and community involve- come the greatest trainers of our people. We are His instruments and I hope to serve ment. We just want deep spiritual growth. In North America we want to try to build Him better, to do my best to help. We want to do more in terms of how we reach synergies between our health systems, higher out through comprehensive health evange- education institutions, academies, and the PAUL S. RATSARA, PRESIDENT, lism. We have been planning, moving for- body of the church. I just see the NAD begin- SOUTHERN AFRICA-INDIAN OCEAN ward, to look at Christ’s method for evan- ning to build something, a synergy that will DIVISION gelism, which includes health and mental build nothing but a “praise God” type of thing. Share your vision about the future of the [health]. We are also trying to work with PKs We just had a ministerial convention in Austin. church. [pastor’s kids] in the family area, more re- It was a Spirit-filled, godly occasion. We are The vision is clear: [It is] the preaching of sourcing for pastor’s kids, but we want to just praising God and have more good times the gospel in this generation. We want to go develop more. as things develop. home as soon as possible. So we need to We want to collaborate as pastors, el- Elder Wilson mentioned three points (spiri- have total participation of pastors, leaders, ders, and lay people work together. It takes tual growth, Scripture, and lay involvement and lay people. Everybody must participate. pastors and elders to support so that we in evangelism). How does the NAD fit in? In order to achieve that, we must be empow- can train lay members in churches where I’ve already talked about lay people. Spiri- ered by the Holy Spirit. Revival and reforma- a pastor may not want them to be involved. tual growth is something we can never take tion are impossible without His power. I see If we can get lay people involved—from mis- for granted. One of the roles of leadership is a church filled with the Holy Spirit as it is sion trips to evangelism—and teamwork to model walking with Jesus and call others prophesied in the book of Acts and the Spirit with pastors and elders, the relationship is to that same experience. I see the NAD pro- of Prophecy. We want to be so filled with the a team effort. Everything with us is founded moting the values of the General Conference. Holy Spirit, preaching the gospel with power on revival and reformation. We have dis- I see this period as advancing and moving in a short period of time. The church can be cipleship and evangelism going on. We are forward. ready for His coming. going to continue to push spiritual revival and have an explosion of the Holy Spirit’s LEONARDO R. ASOY, PRESIDENT, JERRY PAGE, SECRETARY, power. SOUTHERN ASIA-PACIFIC DIVISION MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION, What burdens has God placed on your heart GENERAL CONFERENCE DAN JACKSON, PRESIDENT, for SSD? What are your plans for Ministerial? NORTH AMERICAN DIVISION One of the burdens we have in this terri- We have a lot of dreams, and I have a great Share with us your philosophy of tory is how to reach Buddhists and Muslims. team of associates who work very well to- leadership. We are concerned about nurture. This quin- gether. There are many things going on, train- Leadership is something that is shared. quennium has seen an average of 80,000 in- ing deacons and deaconesses especially. We All of us who are elected are only stewards dividuals baptized each year. Our challenge have a new handbook, but we have not yet for the time that we have been asked to serve. is to strengthen and nurture new believers been in the field to do training. I don’t believe that the secretary owns sec- in this division. What about your dreams for the church retariat, or the treasurer owns treasury, or Elder Wilson mentioned three areas of fo- moving forward? the president owns presidential. We are all cus for the church. We have major plans to see the latter rain. working together to build leadership and We want to help our people read the Word We want to work more on areas we did not leadership teams. of God and the Spirit of Prophecy. This will get to last time. For North America, my focus is on engage- strengthen our people.

GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 | ADVENTIST REVIEW 7 CORRECTION: A story titled “12 Directors Elected to GC Departments” on p. 7 of Bulletin 4 on July 7, 2015, should have noted that Janet Page was reelected as associate secretary of the Ministerial Association.

FREE HEALTH CARE nesses that would accompany the presence PAVES WAY FOR HEADLINES of more than 65,000 visitors to the city. The LOCAL MEDIA OUTLETS CATCH THE SPIRIT OF THE GC SESSION. event was billed as the “largest and longest” ever to be held in the city. BY STEPHEN CHAVEZ, ADVENTIST REVIEW/ANN News accounts also reported on efforts to an Antonio’s press corps was writing and authorities that have paved the way for a prepare the city for its thousands of guests. Sfiling stories about the Seventh-day Ad- wave of news reports that go beyond free The Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, ventist Church months before delegates to health care to include the General Confer- where the session’s exhibit halls are located, the General Conference (GC) session showed ence session, said Costin Jordache (pictured), is in the final stages of a major construction up in the city. media director of communication for both project. The San Antonio Express-News pub- It started in April, when more than 1,700 the session and the free clinic in April. lished a front-page story about a scramble Adventist volunteers provided free health Coverage of the GC session and related to build a pedestrian bridge from the con- care to nearly 6,200 individuals at San Anto- health events has appeared in many local vention center to the Alamodome , nio’s Alamodome stadium. The value of the media outlets, including television, radio, and where the meetings are being held. treatment, estimated at more than US$20 mil- newspapers, in addition to The Washington Jordache, who is also vice president of com- lion, received front-page coverage at several Post. munication for the Central California Confer- media outlets and was recognized by San An- Following up on the value of the April free ence, said the Adventist Church is pleased to tonio mayor Ivy Taylor. clinic to heighten the church’s image, Health play a role in San Antonio’s development. That event broke the ice with the local me- Ministries leaders at the GC session organized “Because our session—the largest and lon- diadia and created lastinlastingg connectioconnectionsnss wwitwithh ccityity fourfouur oother one-day health events to coincide gest the city has ever hosted—has been suc- withwitth the business session throughout San cessful, the city of San Antonio is now able Antonio.Anto The San Antonio Express-News re- to bid on large global events,” he said. “We’re portedporte on three people at a fun run last Sun- glad to be able to contribute to the city’s fu- dayday whow received advice about how to im- ture in that way.” proveprove their health. The newspaper quoted He also said that connections established KatiaKatia Reinert, Health Ministries director for with local authorities were leading to new the NNorth American Division, as saying: “We joint health events. carecare forf our communities, and we believe that “We’ve been able to contribute to the city’s we shouldsh do all we can to extend the mes- health-related goals,” he said. “These initia- sagesage of hope and wholeness.” tives have developed partnerships between TheTh San Antonio Express-News has pub- local Adventist churches and city health of- lishedlishe multiple reports about Adventist- ficials that will result in ongoing health-re- organizedorga events, including one about the lated events.” GCGC session’ss opening that mentions the One of the benefits of center-stage media church’schurc history, some of its doctrines, its coverage is an opportunity to draw public at- educationeduc and community service activities, tention to the church’s primary message, said and some of the issues expected to be Garrett Caldwell, spokesperson for the Ad- addressedaddr during the session. ventist world church. OnOn the eve of the session’s opening, The “Throughout the week, the Seventh-day SanSan AntonioA Business Journal ran a story with Adventist Church has been emphasizing the the headlineh “Historic Convention Expected fact that ‘your whole life matters,’ ” Caldwell toto PPumpu More Than $40 million Into San An- said. “We hope and pray that this message toniotonio Economy.” It highlighted the economic of hope remains in the hearts and minds of benefitbene to hotels, restaurants, and other busi- San Antonio residents.” DAILY BIBLE STUDY EXPANDS TO INCLUDE ELLEN G. WHITE REVIVED BY HIS WORD ENDS AT GC SESSION AND SHIFTS TO BELIEVE HIS PROPHETS.


elieve His Prophets, the sequel to the pop- Bular Revived by His Word, will kick off on July 12, the Sunday following General Confer- ence session. This online daily interactive Bible study blog, coordinated by the GC Ministerial As- sociation, has expanded to include seven /ANN

AR books by Adventist Church cofounder Ellen G. White: , Christ’s Object Les- sons, and the five-volume Conflict of the Ages series. Developers of the initiative say the DAVID B. SHERWIN SHERWIN B. DAVID Spirit of Prophecy readings will enhance the PRESIDENTIAL SUPPORT five-year study plan. MAGDIEL PÉREZ SCHULZ, RECENTLY APPOINTED ASSISTANT “Believe His Prophets takes daily reading TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE of the inspired writings to the next level,” said Derek Morris, editor of Ministry maga- ADVENTIST REVIEW BY MARCOS PASEGGI, /ANN zine and coordinator of the program. “Thou- n international outlook and a deeply committed service: those are sands have been blessed by God as a result Atwo elements that soon come to the forefront when discussing of Revived by His Word, and we believe thou- Magdiel Pérez Schulz’s past experiences and future expec- sands more will gain an even deeper under- tations for his new position, after of serving the standing of God’s will for their lives through Seventh-day Adventist Church in various capacities. Believe His Prophets.” Pérez Schulz, who for the last six years has been the AS A“ RULE The name Believe His Prophets is based secretary of the South American Division, has been called OF THUMB, I on 2 Chronicles 20:20: “Believe in the Lord to be the new assistant to the president of the General your God, and you will be established; believe HAVE ALWAYS Conference, replacing Orville Parchment, who has recently his prophets, and you will succeed” (ESV*)— ACCEPTED THE retired. Pérez Schulz, 50, has pursued studies in his native counsel that church leaders say every mem- Chile, and also in Australia and Argentina. CHALLENGES ber should take seriously. More than 100 church Adventist Review talked to him briefly on the sidelines THE CHURCH leaders and laypeople will contribute primary of the General Conference session on July 6 about his dreams HAS PRESENTED blogs as part of the daily readings, and hun- and expectations, both for himself and for the church he TO ME. dreds more will interact online. is helping to lead. “God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a “As a rule of thumb, I have always accepted the chal- light to our path, so our goal is to encourage lenges the church has presented to me,” says Pérez Schulz, ” church members to spend time with God in a son and grandson of missionaries. “When the church prayer and reading the Bible every day,” Mor- asks me to do something, I try to comply, working happily and to the ris said. “Believe His Prophets will be a vi- best of my abilities.” brant interactive community of Christian broth- Pérez Schulz says he is ready to do his best to support and defend ers and sisters from around the world.” the church and its beliefs, even though, he explains, at this stage he The reading of the closing chapters of Rev- is still unsure what specifically his new position entails. elation under Revived by His Word will be “I still need to be briefed on my specific job description before I completed on July 11, just before the July 12 can better define my expectations [for the position],” says Pérez Schulz. launch of Believe His Prophets. “But if my job in South America is any indication, I suppose that, To find out more or to sign up for the study among other things, I will support Pastor Wilson attending any gath- plan, visit the Web site believehisprophets. ering or going to any place where he is not able to go because of org or and click scheduling conflicts.” He was referring to his 2007-2009 stint as as- on “Believe His Prophets.” sistant to the president of the South American Division. *Scripture quotations marked ESV are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Pérez Schulz, who holds dual citizenship from Chile and Australia, Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. is married to Susan, and they have three young adult children.

GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 | ADVENTIST REVIEW 9 NewsKids Mia Karimabadi (left) and Megan Stanley attract potential AR subscribers with friendly smiles and a ukulele.

ence the youth are gaining will serve them well in the future. “This is a good start into the world of work,” she said. “The first day it was really hard for them to stand there and sell something, but now they’ve become pros, and we have some really top sellers.” “It’s giving them a behind-the-scenes look and understanding of the church,” adds AR marketing assistant Sharon Tennyson, who organized the NewsKids program under the leadership of marketing director Claude Richli. “And they’re operating well as a group. It’s exciting to see them growing and changing.” NewsKid Mia Karimabadi has been par- ticularly perceptive with sales tactics. “You learn who to look for and who to avoid as to people who will buy your product,” Mia said. “You don’t get in the way of people wear- ing multiple badges who are walking really fast, because they’re usually on their way to a meeting; but those strolling by your booths NEWSKIDS: THE ADVENTIST kind of looking at the magazines, they’re usu- REVIEW’S YOUNG FACES ally interested and have more time.” AR DAILY BULLETINS AVAILABLE AT A SITE NEAR YOU WHY USE KIDS? The Adventist Review uses youth and young BY SANDRA BLACKMER, ADVENTIST REVIEW/ANN adults to sell the magazine because “people f a young person wearing a red T-shirt, car- people have been less than courteous, she react to kids differently than they do to adults,” Irying a copy of the Adventist Review, and added that most people have been friendly Beate Richli said. “They’re more open to lis- sporting a approaches you in the exhibit and encouraging. tening to kids.” hall or a convention center hallway, take time “We met one lady who is working in the Promoting magazines also apparently helps to say a friendly word—even if you’re not in- convention center [who isn’t a member of young people to “come out of their shell.” terested in buying the magazine. our church],” Megan said. “She wasn’t inter- NewsKid Megan Stanley said that selling the The NewsKids—a team of 16 young people ested in buying a magazine, but she said we magazines was difficult at first because she ages 14 through 18—are selling subscriptions were a nice group of kids and she enjoyed has always been “kind of shy.” After six days to the church’s official magazine throughout us being around. That made us feel good, of selling, however, the experience has made the session and gaining valuable job experi- that people appreciated what we were doing her “more outgoing and confident,” even to ence. But it’s not always easy. even if they didn’t buy anything.” the point of pulling out and playing her uku- “It’s tiring because we’re on our feet all lele to “attract people.” day, and we’re always yelling, ‘Daily bulletins!’” GAINING EXPERIENCE Alexandra Tennyson, one of Sharon’s two said NewsKid Megan Eisele, from Rockville, Beate Richli, a volunteer helping to run daughters working as NewsKids, has had a Maryland. Even though Megan said some the Adventist Review booth, said the experi- similar experience, Sharon said.

10 ADVENTIST REVIEW | GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 The energy and enthusiasm of the Adventist Review NewsKids is contagious. JOSEF KISSINGER AR/ANN

“She didn’t think she could do it because DISPELLING CONFUSION explains to people that “they need to buy it, she was so uncomfortable talking to people Since the international church publication they say ‘Oh,’ and leave,” she said. she didn’t know,” Sharon said. “Now she’s first came out 10 years ago Alessia suggested that because delegates excited because she’s had high sales and has and was provided free of charge to some 1.5 receive the bulletins free, those who are not found she loves meeting and talking with million members worldwide, some people delegates think they are free to everyone— people. It’s really changed her.” have confused the monthly magazine with adding to the confusion. the church’s oldest journal, Adventist Review, A TEAM WITH DIVERSITY which is subscriber-based. SEEING THE BEST IN PEOPLE Although most of the Review kids live near NewsKid Sarah Klingbeil said she talked Some subscribers have made a positive the Adventist Church’s world headquarters with people who didn’t understand the dif- impression on the young team members be- in Maryland, , others come from ference, so she “would show them the Review cause of their concern for others and spirit as far as Moscow and Rwanda. Multiple lan- and they would say, ‘No, I don’t get this. This of sacrifice. Alexandra Tennyson told of a guages, including German and Spanish, are magazine is really cool,’ ” she explained. “A woman who came to the booth just as they also represented among the group. lot of people really like the new design,” Sarah were shutting down in order to purchase a “Having people in our group who can speak added, referring to the smaller size and new subscription—but not for herself. other languages helps us [to connect with design of the magazine, launched with the “She bought a subscription for a school others],” Megan Eisele said. “I know a little April 2015 issue. that she’s sponsoring in the Philippines,” Al- Spanish, and I’m trying to learn greetings in NewsKid Elennie Ramirez agreed, saying exandra noted. “She wanted to send them other languages. It’s kind of fun trying to talk that subscribers told her the new size is more the bulletins as well as an Adventist Review to people in a different language.” portable. subscription. I thought that was really, really Tony Keeko from Moscow said he heard Those in the “older crowd” are also appre- cool.” about the opportunity to sell the Adventist ciating AR’s accompanying magazine for kids, Alexandra’s sister, Emma, also a NewsKid Review at General Conference (GC) session KidsView, Elennie noted. “One adult told me at the session, said she was impressed by while staying with friends for the summer in she enjoys doing the activities herself.” those who talked to her about China, her the United States. birth country, and shared aspects of Chinese “I learned about it while visiting the Gen- SELLING CHALLENGES culture with her. Raised in the United States, eral Conference,” he said. One of the challenges the NewsKids are Emma said, “That’s been very interesting to Gwyn Pagarigan from Kigali, Rwanda, trav- encountering is that some people think the me.” eled many miles to attend GC session with magazines are free. his mother and appears to have adapted well “When they find out they have to buy an A RETURN EXPERIENCE? to a different working culture. annual subscription or pay $2.50 for a bul- Even with all the hard work, however, the “It’s fun working here and getting people letin, they give us this surprised look,” said NewsKids don’t appear to be daunted by the involved with Adventist Review,” Gwyn said. NewsKid Alexandra Tennyson. task. When asked, many of them echoed the “There’s a lot of positive people who say, ‘Good Alessia Richli, originally from Germany and sentiment of Gwyn Pagarigan when he said, job.’ Subscriptions and bulletins are going Switzerland but now living in Maryland, is “I would love to do it again!” well.” dealing with the same problem. When she

GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 | ADVENTIST REVIEW 11 Lunch meals are a quick but nutritious affair in the dining hall. SETH SHAFFER AR/ANN DELEGATES LIKE TO EAT, TOO


ith long days and long hours, delegates what they have been eating, and hopefully Park, Maryland—Sanjay serves as an elder, Wto this General Conference session aren’t enjoying, while here in San Antonio. teacher, and youth mentor. finding much time to do much of anything Now, in terms of culinary skills and food outside of official duties. However, the human SANJAY THOMAS, preferences, Sanjay confesses that he’s not body needs to be nourished. NORTH AMERICAN DIVISION so blessed in the kitchen. “The extent of my During the workweek, delegates have their Sanjay is an insurance agent from Mary- cooking is probably a bowl of cereal,” he nutrition needs met during the lunch hour land representing the North American Divi- laughs. by the food service provided at the conven- sion. When asked what he enjoys doing in his Having arrived in San Antonio just a few tion center, which offers tasty vegetarian meals spare time, his answer is definitely out of the days prior to this writing, he says his days with vegan options in an all-you-can-eat for- ordinary. have already been so packed that he hasn’t mat. However, for breakfast and dinner, they, I’m trying to run for public office,” he says. been eating too much. His days have con- are on their own (with the exception of sup- “That’s kind of my hobby right now because sisted of a good breakfast in his hotel, then pers Friday and Sabbath evenings). There are I haven’t officially declared, but I’m just work- a light lunch (of what so far has been a few many options in close proximity to the con- ing the fundraising circuits and meeting peo- tofu wraps from the café in the Grand Hyatt) vention center and hotels; and with two weeks ple in the communities.” Sanjay will run for en route to meetings. Sanjay, however, has in this place, we know delegates are sampling office in the Maryland House of Delegates enjoyed an exceptional pizza in San Antonio. many different eateries. out of the fortieth legislative district of West “I went to what is supposed to be one of the As their cuisine preferences are as varied Baltimore. “That election is in 2018, and I’ll best pizza places in he city,” he says, “Dough as the delegates themselves, we were curi- probably declare at the beginning of 2017,” Pizzeria Napoletana, and it’s a bit of a drive ous to learn more about a few representa- he adds. out of the city, but it’s legit—as in certified tives from our worldwide church as well as In his local church—Takoma Park in Takoma by the Italian government. I went with the

12 ADVENTIST REVIEW | GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 This photograph of the General Conference officers, like other formal portraits taken in the Adventist Review General Conference Bulletins, including the cover photo of Bulletin 2, were taken by photography team leader, David B. Sherwin.

margherita pizza with imported mozzarella. nice Mexican place near the River Center mall. from the General Conference convinced my I figured since I came all this way, I should Having tried the food on a trip to Mexico in training officer to send me here.” go with the imported.” 1991, he is now a “bit of an enthusiast.” Ann is a member of the Pasay Adventist What made this particular food good? “It Church in the heart of metro Manila. She is JAMES STANDISH, had just the right combination of ingredi- also involved in medical mission trips as of- SOUTH PACIFIC DIVISION ents, and my brother, Dr. Tim Standish picked ten as her schedule allows her. “Before I pur- James Standish represents the South Pa- up the tab. How do you do better than that?” sued surgery I had a lot of time. I was active cific Division and serves as communication in the church, played piano, and was a mem- director, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty ANGELI ANDREA COCOS, ber of the choir. Now, however, I sometimes director, and editor of Adventist Record. “My SOUTHERN ASIA-PACIFIC DIVISION stay in the hospital more than 48 hours division requires me to go to ‘hardship’ des- Angeli, or Ann, from the Philippines, is one straight,” she adds. tinations such as Fiji, Tahiti, Surfer’s Paradise of this session’s young adult delegates. The At the time of this writing, Ann hadn’t been and the south island of New Zealand,” he first-year surgery resident with really no va- out to eat with the exception of the Denny’s jokes. cation days to take (as is the case with first- restaurant close to the Grand Hyatt. “It was The Standish family is involved in a new year medical residents around the world) is good,” says Ann. Prior to that, she feasted on church plant. so thankful to be here. “I did not have leave,” home-cooked food made by relatives for a “It’s designed to reach the students at our she says. “Thank God, the invitation letter few days. But now, River Walk restaurant Salt local Adventist school where my wife teaches Grass is on the agenda for the evening, and and my girls attend. It is a fabulous school— hopefully it doesn’t disappoint. scored in the top 30 in Australia on national The café in the lobby of the Grand Hyatt exams. The families—most of whom are not offers tasty, fast Adventists—love it! options if you are in a “So this church plant is designed to reach hurry. JOSEF KISSINGER AR/ANN this community by breaking down barriers and making church more accessible to those who would normally never attend,” adds Standish. When not working, James enjoys cars, res- taurants, and guitars. “I’m a bit of a foodie,” he says. “Every Thursday evening I take one of my daughters out for dinner, and we are up for everything from tandoori to Thai, mod- ern bistro to classic Italian, but my favorite is French.” Standish is also skilled in the kitchen. Hav- ing grown up in Asia, he tends to favor Asian cuisine in his own cooking. “My usual is rice and vegetables of one style or another. I keep my shelves well stocked with various curries, hot sauces, and satay sauces,” he says. His other specialty is chips or “fries,” say- ing the secret is a robust olive oil, thick cut potatoes with the skin on, and patience. Here in San Antonio, James discovered a

GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 | ADVENTIST REVIEW 13 FUN FACT:FACT: $1 The cost per church member to cover the expenses of this GC session. (The Adventist Church has a membership of 18.5 million.)

LAEL CAESAR, especially at Christmastime. They enjoyjoy a good he confesses, “My years in marriage have di- GENERAL CONFERENCE restaurant and traveling the world together minished my expertise in the cuisine. I don’t While Lael Caesar, originally from Guyana, as well. do anything now. Lena’s just . is spending good chunks of his days in the Lael’s local church life is important to him, “Here in San Antonio, one of my earliest Adventist Review and Adventist World office, though he confesses his day job doesn’t al- restaurant choices was influenced by the four he is keeping up with delegate duties, closely ways allow him to serve as he would like to. and a half years I spent living in Mexico, opt- monitoring the meetings via a live feed to “I would love to serve more meaningfully and ing for a good meal at Maria Mia near the our facility. So yes, Lael is doing double duty integratedly in my local church, but I haven’t convention center.” here in San Antonio. been an excellent example of that since I In Lael’s mind, however, the “meal-of-the- Outside of the job that keeps him very, came to this office,” he laughs. “I travel a lot.” week award” went to the family reunion cui- very busy, Lael says he loves spending as much Lael does have a bit of experience in the sine he enjoyed on Sabbath. “We had roti and time as possible with his wife, Lena. “She’s kitchen, however. He actually worked as a curry and channa (chick peas)—good Guya- the part of me that matters,” he says. The two professional baker at one time and could bake nese and Trinidad food. All my folks cooked. enjoy walking in the country or at the mall— his own 100 percent whole-wheat bread. But All I did was go and eat!”

For the Record The new team at Secretariat looks expectantly toward the future of Adventist mission. From left: Karen Porter, Claude Richli, G. T. Ng, Hensley Moorooven, John Thomas, Alex Bryant, Gerson Santas, Myron Iseminger, and Gary Krause.





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The promised Comforter precedes Christ’s return

DEVOTIONAL e live between the historic time the first. In fact, John identifies the Spirit markers: “I go to prepare a place for five times as paraclete (John 14:16, 26; you” (John 14:2)1 and “I will come 15:26; 16:7; and 1 John 2:1). again and will take you to myself” The original Greek word, parakletos, is W 2 (verse 3, ESV). In Jesus’ farewell message difficult to translate because of its wide to His disciples these key moments are range of meanings. English versions vari- only an instant apart, a comma in the ously translate the word as comforter, record of Scripture. To us, the comma is a advocate, counselor, and helper. Literally, BY MATHILDE FREY gaping interlude of more than 2,000 years, the parakletos is “one who is called along” a growing tension between Christ’s depar- to help out in any situation where there DEVOTIONAL MESSAGE ture and His return. Yet into this tension is a need. The paraclete is an advocate in PRESENTED TUESDAY Jesus promised the Comforter. How do we the courts and an agent of peace between MORNING, JULY 7, 2015 connect His promise to our faithfulness? two parties. For a devout, first century How do we understand the drama of the A.D. Jewish believer, a good deed—includ- Christian church signaled by a small punc- ing a sin offering at the temple—was tuation mark? How do we communicate called a paraclete, and a transgression was hope to those living in an endless in- an accuser. between world? This was Christ’s concern for His disciples at the Last Supper. PHILIP’S REQUEST Jesus’ promise of the paraclete is given THE PROMISE in response to Philip’s request, “Lord, Jesus’ empathy for His friends is show us the Father” (John 14:8). What a expressed in the language and context of strange request at the end of three years with a revered Rabbi who at His passing is so Jesus, we may say. But here are some rea- greatly mourned that His disciples con- sons Philip’s request may show the dis- sider themselves fatherless. But here is ciple’s deeper need and not, as many the exceptional in Jesus’ farewell. No commentators describe, his lack of faith. rabbi has ever been able to make this First, among the 12 disciples, Philip is promise: “I will not leave you as orphans; the only one who is without a father, I will come to you” (verse 18). How will brother, or other relationship. He is not this be? the disciples may have wondered. like Peter, Andrew, James, John, and the Jesus replies: “I will ask the Father, and others, who each have a reputation He will give you another Helper, that He attached to their names. There is no may be with you forever” (verse 16). record saying, “Philip, “son of” or “brother Pneumatology, the study of the Holy of.” Philip is the strange one. Second, Spirit, is multifaceted in John’s Gospel. there was no one to point Philip to Jesus. The Spirit descends on Jesus as a dove; Rather, it was Jesus who intentionally He is the giver of life; generates new cre- went, searched, and found Philip (John ation; quenches spiritual thirst; and per- 1:43, 44). Third, the only two conversa- meates true worship. In Jesus’ words: tions between Jesus and Philip reveal the “God is Spirit” (John 4:24, NKJV).3 disciple’s inner struggle with deficiency But there is a unique identification of in life. “Money is not sufficient,” Philip the Spirit when He is promised as Jesus’ responded when Jesus challenged him successor. The Spirit is theparaclete ; even with the feeding of the 5,000 (see John more, He is another paraclete. Jesus was 6:5-7). This struggle is also revealed in the

16 ADVENTIST REVIEW | GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 Jesus levels Mount Gerizim and the Temple Mount as low as a riverbed in the valley so that everyone is able to look up to Mount Calvary. statement “Show us the Father, and it is Spirit change the situation of the dis- true sanctuary there are no walls; geogra- sufficient for us” (John 14:8, NKJV). Philip graced? How will He transform loneliness phy and religious traditions are of no is the man who had not enough, did not into fellowship? “He abides with you and importance. Jesus levels Mount Gerizim belong, and lived without the honor of a will be in you” (John 14:17). His abiding and the Temple Mount as low as a river- father’s name. How humiliating this must in us is not partial. There are no divisions bed in the valley so that everyone is able have been in his world. He surely knew between the Spirit, the Son, and the to look up to Mount Calvary. Even class of lack, dishonor, and an absent father. Father (verse 20; John 17:11, 21). It is in and gender vanish, for Jesus engages a our human world and way of expression woman, a socially lesser human being, to JESUS’ RESPONSE that we place commas, make distinctions, be the message-bearer. Loneliness and How did Jesus respond to Philip? “Don’t and assign rankings to the sphere of God. shame lose their power when an entire you know me, Philip? . . . Who has seen In God the word “one” is the ultimate for village rejoices about the good tidings. me has seen the Father. . . . I am in the all that is unbroken, undivided, and free In the story of the paralytic (John 5:1- Father and the Father is in me” (verses 9, of isolation. “One” is wholeness, a call for 18) at the Bethesda hospital loneliness is 10, NIV).4 Theologians refer to this text our love-likeness with Him aimed at one plainly stated: “Sir, I have no one” (verse when they discuss Jesus’ deity, and, another (Deut. 6:4-9; John 14:21). 7, NIV). For 38 years he had been over- indeed, it is one of the best texts dealing looked. “Rise, take up your bed and walk!” with this topic. JESUS, PARACLETE FOR THE LONELY (verse 8, NKJV). And because it was Sab- But to confine Christ’s words to a doc- The particular passion of the promised bath when the man carried his mattress, trine is to miss their personal appeal to the paraclete will be to point us to Christ and he was noticed for the first time in years. disciples, mostly to Philip, who had been to His ways with the broken and lonely Later Jesus found him in the Temple and specifically called by Jesus. “So long I have (John 14:26; 15:26). A look back into said, “You have become well; do not sin been with you, and you don’t know Me, John’s Gospel shows just how Jesus lived anymore” (verse 14). His words revealed Philip?” The question evoked the moments as a paraclete, and how He revealed the the Healer, and the man reported Him to when Jesus had spoken of the Father and Father’s kindness. the authorities. Some have suggested that done of the Father. For when- To Nicodemus, a prestigious Jewish Jesus healed one who did not deserve it. ever Jesus noticed the dishonored and the ruler, Jesus spoke of God and His kingdom. But is anyone worthy? lonely, when He cared for and comforted There, under the dark sky, the searching How isolated the woman must have felt them, He was their paraclete. His works Pharisee heard an amazing message: God in the midst of the Temple court (John were done “in the Father” or “in the name loved the entire world (John 3:16)! People 8:1-11). The religious leaders had the law of the Father.” Like a Jewish son who was received a second chance because of the on their side. Note how Ellen White identified by his father’s name and repre- Spirit’s moving. As a judge in the Jewish describes the scene: “A group of Pharisees sented his father in all he did, so Jesus Supreme Court, Nicodemus used to focus and scribes approached Him, dragging represented and personified His Father. on the law, and separate lawkeepers from with them a terror-stricken woman, But again: How will one like Philip— lawbreakers. Jesus pointed to the sover- whom with hard, eager voices they fatherless, shamed, lonely—see the eign Judge: “For God did not send the Son accused of having violated the seventh Father? UNICEF estimates that approxi- into the world to judge [separate/con- commandment. Having pushed her into mately 150 million children worldwide demn] [Greek: krino] the world, but that the presence of Jesus, they said to Him, have lost one or both parents. Millions the world might be saved [made whole] with a hypocritical show of respect, more have dads that are physically through Him” (verse 17). ‘Moses in the law commanded us, that absent; then there are the countless For the woman of Samaria it was mid- such should be stoned: but what sayest whose fathers are emotionally absent. A day when she heard a simple request: Thou?’ . . . Jesus looked for a moment fatherless humanity! What a miracle that “Give Me a drink” (John 4:7). It triggered upon the scene—the trembling victim in some still plead: “Show us the Father!” a far-reaching conversation with a life- her shame, the hard-faced dignitaries, Jesus’ solution is “another paraclete,” changing message: With Jesus, there are devoid of even human pity. His spirit of the “Spirit of Truth.” How will the Holy no longer insiders and outsiders. In the stainless purity shrank from the specta-

GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 | ADVENTIST REVIEW 17 cle. Well He knew for what purpose this applied a mixture to his eyes, John calls it Jesus is not alone, even when the disci- case had been brought to Him. He read an anointing (John 9:6, 11, NKJV). We like ples leave Him, for the Father is with Him the heart, and knew the character and life to pay attention to the off-putting, the (John 16:32). At the cross there is no cry history of everyone in His presence. These mud mixed with saliva, while losing sight of a forsaken Christ. “It is finished” (John would-be guardians of justice had them- of the sacred. The “anointing” (epichrio) of 19:30), the Victor shouts. From now on selves led their victim into sin, that they the blind man’s eyes is unique in the New there is the abiding of the Comforter, and might lay a snare for Jesus.”5 Testament and related to the Anointed, the Son, and the Father until I “come again What follows next is an extraordinary the Christ (christos). What a sacred com- and . . . take you to myself” (John 14:3, act, even for Jesus. He did not respond to munion the blind man experienced, as his ESV). “Peace I leave with you; My peace I the question. Writing in the dust of the parents abandoned him (verses 20-23). give to you” (verse 27).

Temple court, He spoke: “He who is with- Finally, there is Mary (John 12:1-8). She 1 Unless otherwise noted, Bible texts in this article are out sin among you, let him be the first to is well-known by name, family relations from the New American Standard Bible, copyright © 1960, throw a stone at her” (verse 7), followed (sister of Martha and Lazarus), and loca- 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lock- man Foundation. Used by permission. by more writing. When Jesus stooped tion (Bethany). She is among the disciples, 2 Scripture quotations marked ESV are from The Holy Bible, down, He came eye to eye with the fright- but alone. Mary’s anointing of Jesus’ feet English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway ened woman. Down in the dust, she was with the most precious perfume is Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permis- sion. All rights reserved. His concern. He did not pay attention to recorded as a rather mundane act. Judas 3 Texts credited to NKJV are from the New King James Ver- the accusers. goes so far as to degrade her deed as some- sion. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. We are allowed to listen in, but only thing useless. “Let her alone,” Jesus calls Used by permission. All rights reserved. 4 Texts credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible, New Inter- with utmost confidentiality: out. “She may keep it for the day of my national Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by “Woman, where are they? Did no one burial” (verse 7). That which the disciple Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved condemn you?” despised, the Lord honored. The embalm- worldwide. 5 Ellen G. White, (Mountain View, Calif.: “No one, Lord.” ing of the feet for His burial will become Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1898), pp. 460, 461. “Neither do I.” the anointing of His head as King of kings. “Go. Sin no more” (see verses 10, 11). Mathilde Frey is from Germany, and until recently The blind man in John 9 is one of those NEVER ALONE served as professor of Old Testament at the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Stud- invisible to the seeing. Day by day he sat John’s Gospel tells us that there is no ies in the Philippines. She is married to Marcus, and at the Temple door begging. When Jesus loneliness where Jesus is. In Gethsemane, they have two daughters, Delia and Chiara. FLIPPING THE SWITCH A small group curriculum designed to enrich marriages. “I am soooooo excited!!! We had over 100 participants on any given week….I can’t thank the Tuckers enough for putting together such an awesome and comprehensive program. The couples had so much fun that they are already asking what our next seminar topic will be.” — Nicole, Atlanta Experts join Mike & Gayle Tucker from Small Group Kit Includes: Lifestyle Magazine’s Mad About Marriage s  VIDEOS ONE FOR EACH SESSION s  0ARTICIPANT 'UIDEBOOKS s ,EADERS 'UIDE s -ANTRAS FOR -ARRIAGE "OOK ttelevisionelevision seriesseries to guideg couples through tthehe followingfollowing topics:topics YYourour MarriageM Is Good EEnough;noug Forgiveness; MMarriagearria Myths; Intimacy & DDesire;es Love & Respect; aandnd CCommitment.

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18 ADVENTIST REVIEW | GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 STATS & MISSION 2013 ADVENTIST MISSION IN THE 10/40 WINDOW The 10/40 window is the name given to the region of the world that poses the greatest challenge to Christian mission. The name FIG. 1 1993 14.9% derives from the fact that most of the countries in the “window” include territory between roughly 10 degrees north and 40 degrees 18,143,604 MEMBERS north latitude, comprising an 2,696,175 imaginary window on the world. It MEMBERS includes North Africa, the Middle 10.5% East and most of Southern, South- east, and East Asia—and exactly 7,130,123 one third of the world’s population. 832,087 MEMBERS Here live the majority of the MEMBERS world’s Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists; here are found the world’s least-evangelized coun- tries, and the greatest number of 10/40 WINDOW MEMBERSHIP unreached people groups. O O WORLD MEMBERSHIP Since 1989, mission in the 10/40 window has been a world church priority; since 1993 the world FIG. 2 10/40 WINDOW church has collected separate WORLD AVERAGE statistics for its countries. So, after REST OF WORLD a quarter of a century of prioritiz- 7,000 ing the 10/40 window and 20 years of statistics on the region, how are 6,463.49 we doing? 6,000

Figure 1 compares the total mem- 5,000 bership in the 10/40 window and the world church, in 1993 and today. The number of Seventh-day Advent- 4,000 ist church members in the nations 3,691.83 of the Window has increased by 225 3,000 percent; it rose from 10.5 percent to 2,543.42 14.9 percent of world membership. 2,000 Figure 2 shows the ratio of Seventh- 1,446.10 day Adventists per million of the 1,000 world’s population in the 10/40 568.38 window, outside the 10/40 window, 232.77 and in the world as a whole, and 0 shows how these ratios have 1993 2013 shifted from 1993 to 2013. It reveals that even though the number of Adventists in the 10/40 window Although the 10/40 window is a stated priority for the world church, countries has increased signifi- there is still much to do before growth there even begins to ap- cantly, we could be doing better proach growth in the rest of the world. Figure 2 suggests there is a given the population increase in case to redistribute resources from some countries outside the 10/40 the same countries and that the window, where growth relative to total population is very dynamic, to rate of increase in the window the countries of the window, which, like the Macedonian man of the relative to total population is much apostle Paul’s vision, need the help of the world church. less than in the world as a whole.

DATA PROVIDED BY THE OFFICE OF ARCHIVES, STATISTICS, AND RESEARCH 20 ADVENTIST REVIEW EXHIBIT HALL FEATURE Stimme derHoffnung der Hoffnung Booth. Bielikova attheStimme (right) talkingwithJanka Sarah ElisabethPopa ADVENTIST REVIEW/ BY NOREL IACOB, Booth C1271 GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 | ANN the Bible,” Popa Bible,” Almost 70yearsthe said. later, moreof enablinglisteners tolearn about purpose Institute was the with established InternationalBibleStudysame year the generated the such hugeresponse in that World War Germany. II “The programsradio under challenging circumstances post in many. radio Itstarted braoadcasts 1948 in bach-Hähnlein, close toFrankfurt, Ger- Inter-European Division, located in Als- Seventh-day of the Adventist Church the in Stimme derHoffnung. Klaus Popa, CEO andwith of the him Ifeltinspired aftermysion. interview with representing General atthe Conference ses- heis ministry he ispassionateaboutthe services store, media production andthe approachable. director formedia As the He isassertive, yet friendly very and professional point. andcomes righttothe was real Schick the deal. young isa German “Voice Hoffnung (German for of Prophecy”) I Creativity reaching bothheart andmind A COMPLEX MINISTRY Schick at the booth of the Stimmeder ofthe Schick booth atthe time.MeetingWolfgangpened this t doesn’t always—but happen ithap- Stimme der Hoffnung is a media a media center Stimme derHoffnungis

TOR TJERANSEN AR/ANN satellite evangelism productions andTV visually forthe impairedistry (from 1964), Bible Study special min- Institute,a media activities, including radio, International the center media encompasingern many media Stimme derHoffnunghasbecomea mod- have convinced Schick tostick around. lives have touched ministry been by the moving and the testimoniesofpeople whose to “change lives better” the ofpeopleforthe tunities. However, prospect ofbeingable the hehadmany higher-paying joboppor- ing, degree computer a in engineer- with though, the last13 years—evender Hoffnungfor according to Stimme derHoffnung, Popa. of agenda the and relevant on ishigh way” ative, innovative, culturally understandable, contemporarysages in culture “a in cre- and communicating Three the Angels’ Mes- vision. expression oftheir can world beusedallaround the isan robust that anda onlineplatform “brand” coherenting a worldwide HopeChannel body todoitswork more effectively. Creat- synergies empower church that the asa Channel Web sites. nationalHope work dozen a ofmore than and are currently working tocreate net- a official Churchthe Website,, quality 24-hourbroadcasting. They created nung provides technical know-how on gelistic efforts. division-wide support andglobalevan-that development ofnetwork andWeb solutions work design ment, (since andthe 2006), (from late1980s),Web andappdevelop- THE VISION This has vision kept Schickthe Stimme at effectivelySharing faith andengagingly Stimme derHoffnungoperations exploit StimmederHoff- things, Among other

One of those testimonies is Friederike’s, a 50-year old woman who was raised in GOSPEL TRAVEL a traditional Protestant home in Cux- WORLDWIDE RELIGIOUS TOURS haven in northern Germany. The reality of God in Friederike’s life was minimal. One day, she decided to get to know the Bible and became interested in better understanding the Ten Commandments. She was particularly intrigued by refer- ences to the “Sabbath.” When she googled the word “Sabbath,” the Web site popped up on her screen. After a while, she contacted the Stimme der Hoffnung team for further information and also found an Adventist church in her town. Friederike studied the Bible with the help of the Bible correspondence      school, started going to church, and

finally, got baptized. B420 B418 B406 B404 Gospel Bible WE ARE Safe TV Amazing Translation ESD Now she shares her new discoveries Travel Family Facts Institute Sabbath Ministries Ministries with the guests in her family-owned hotel Children’s School PARL HERE! Ministry Coaching (Estamos Aquí) and has started the project “Faith During B321B319 B315 B309 B305 Vacation,” inviting all her guests to experi- 310 Ashdale Drive, Fuquay Varina, NC 27526 ence God as she did. Tel: 919-577-00437"5919-577-1153 BREAKING NEW GROUND *"()(+%,&,0-$)1/"3$)+$17444&,0-$)1/"3$)+$1 The Stimme der Hoffnung team has more creative ideas in store. Following the success of the “faith.simple” initiative rep- resenting a new integrated media evange- lism approach to public evangelism, the team has been working on “Arnion,” the Greek term for “Lamb,” a project that aims to present the main themes of Revelation in a contemporary manner. Another project that Schick presents pas- sionately is “Encounters.” This international project is a première for Stimme der Hoff- nung and engages the biblical text using approaches aimed at talking to Millennials between 18 and 35 years of age. The pilot episode of the series can now be watched at The series focuses on personal discovery and practical application and favors an induc- tive approach over a more dogmatic approach. Training Missionaries in: My visit at the Stimme der Hoffnung Pastoral Evangelism - Health Ministry - Midwifery Ministry booth was very refreshing. The concept Media Ministry - Elementary Education of cooperation and synergies between the various branches and ministries of the of Health and Education church kept coming up and reminded me 444 Hartland Oak Drive Rapidan VA 22733 | 540-672-3100 of a functioning body. Stimme der Hoff- | [email protected] nung definitely wants to make this not Visit our booth at A271! just a concept but a visible reality.

GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 | ADVENTIST REVIEW 21 22 ADVENTIST REVIEW EXHIBIT HALL FEATURE “Uncle Dan” Your StoryHour Your Hourpresident, Story Julie Clayburn (left) and Chester Damron, aka Booth C1128 ADVENTIST REVIEW/ BY JULIANABAIONI, GCSESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 | ANN afternoon story hour. story afternoon Each week, regard- wasMichigan, secured Sabbath fora smallvillage ofEau the Claire,ment in town hallabove fireuse ofthe depart- the character-building children’s stories. The lack response in ofgood, tothe Dan,” aka “Uncleago by Hill, founder Stanley who grewthose up Adventist. mostfamiliarrelatives mayDan bethe of Aunt Carole imitating. worth andUncle stories ofexemplary individuals who are ment ofchildren’s character by tellingthe significant develop-made a the impactin radiothe dramas of istry tionally, unique radio asthe drama min- reaching physically impact, andgenera- I A Lasting Influence man in his50s. in man gentle- saida lastoneofthem,” every storiesand lovedgrew these upon The ministry overThe ministry was started 66 years Few have wide- ministries hadsuch a Your StoryHour. Your StoryHour For generations, three have have HMS Richards.HMS Richards was impressed radiohis experiences evangelist with came chance when Hillhadthe toshare be brought tolife. tohear them together Bible would gather never heard wonderful the storiesofthe weather,less ofthe children who had and listeningtoaudiostories.” mindlike youater ofthe getfrom reading donothave the- visual they that things, mind.’ When you feed children allthose imagination; we call ‘theater ofthe itthe nowadays are usingtheir missingouton and we doaudio prevents itissoexpensive, video isthat Julie Clayburn “One that responded, thing decided CEO/president nottogovisual, andRussian. Spanish, world around English,stations the in 4,000radio airson that ministry into a hasgrownborhood session storytelling weeklyhands. asa What started neigh- ofHis palm the in carried ministry this God now has that remindstruggles them engagingreaders.finding Their early ofproducing task daunting scriptsand year.the for a undertook then Theteam localat a weekly a radio on basis station offreesecure broadcast half-hour a time forradio,adapted andproceeded to storiesbe the diately that suggested program director, Jay Clymer, who imme- aboutit.”ought tobedoingsomething andwe iswideopen, fieldthat a done. It’s but Ihave abletogetanything never been program togetsuch a trying been started, radio program forchildren. For years I’ve “We oughttohave a work,by saying, the The opportunityforwidersharing By research conducting in-depth to askedWhen why Hill reported Richards’ comments tohis so well. so well. Your StoryHour 1 We kids feelthat has Stories From Our Past James Nix, director of the Ellen G. White Estate, brings Adventist History to life during the evening devotionals. develop an accurate account of each his- torical character, each Your Story Hour program ensures the delivery of a whole- some and character-building lesson that children absorb and adults cherish. Using the mind’s eye to see Desmond Doss in Our First the Pacific Theater during World War II, Abraham Lincoln deliver the Gettysburg Address, or Jesus riding into Jerusalem on Missionary a donkey spurs creativity and teaches BY STEVE CHAVEZ, valuable lessons. The ministry also offers ADVENTIST REVIEW/ANN free Bible correspondence courses to any- one in the world, called Adventures in the ery few people had as much Holy Bible. Clayburn shares a story that of an impact on the early captures for her the impact of the VSeventh-day Adventist ministry: Church as John Nevins Andrews, “Yesterday I met a little girl from Papua subject of last night’s Adventist New Guinea who listens on a radio sta- Heritage stories by Ellen G. White tion there, and she was so excited [to visit Estate director, Jim Nix. A couple our booth]. I don’t know if it’s the e-mails years after sharing in the October and letters from the kids who listen to it 22, 1844, disappointment, now or hearing from adults that say how Andrews accepted the seventh- much it changed their lives. I don’t know day Sabbath, eventually being which is more exciting to me: that we’re ordained as a preacher. reaching kids now, or that we have He applied his keen intellect to reached generations of adults that still everything from prophecy to sys- feel the impact of what they learned when tematic benevolence. His book, they were little.” The History of the Sabbath and TheYour Story Hour ministry has made the First Day of the Week, was an indelible mark on generations of devel- one of the first scholarly works oping Christians and deserves your fer- on the subject. Andrews memo- vent prayers and support that its influence rized most of the New Testament, may continue to expand, impact, and read the Bible in seven lan- bless new generations of God’s children guages, and was Seventh-day in many more nations and countries all Adventists’ obvious choice as over the world. their first official missionary to Europe. There he helped estab- Your Story Hour is a nonprofit organiza- lish a publishing house—in Swit- tion that relies on the funds of its supporters zerland—and edited Les Signes in order to continue serving the Lord and His des Temps (Signs of the Times). people. If you are interested in learning how Writing to believers in Europe you could support this unique ministry, Ellen White called him “the please visit their Web site at www.your ablest man in all our ranks.”, or call their toll free number, 1-800-987-7879. Visit Your Story Hour in the exhibit hall at booth C1128.

1 Stanley Hill, “The Saga Begins,” Your Story Hour, www., published 1995, copyright 2015.


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1. LET’S DO IT! Carol Barron was an engaging chorister during Sabbath morning worship. PHOTO: SETH SHAFFER, AR/ANN 2. UP OR DOWN? Robert Lee Trevino is in the business of moving people as one of many elevator operators in the Alamodome. PHOTO: SETH SHAFFER, AR/ANN 3. GOING FORWARD: Participants and visitors of the GC session on their way to the Alamodome for the evening presentations. PHOTO: JOSEF KISSINGER, AR/ANN 360˚ 4. CAN YOU HEAR ME? Nyllah Safotu from Hawaii, U.S.A., moderated an evening presentation expertly on Thursday evening. PHOTO: DOMINIK ZEH, AR/ANN 5. MAKING THEIR VOICES HEARD: Delegates use their 4 voting cards during one of the business sessions. PHOTO: TOR TJERANSEN, AR/ANN 6. A COLORFUL SMILE: You can meet many nationalities and dress options as you walk through the exhibit halls. PHOTO: JOSEF KISSINGER, AR/ANN 7. MORE OPTIONS: Local restaurants in San Antonio have quickly embraced new healthy menu options for the thousands of Adventist visitors in town. PHOTO: PIETER DAMSTEEGT, AR/ANN 8. PASSION FOR CHRIST: Music becomes the vehicle of adoration during morning worship on the first Sabbath of the session. PHOTO: DOMINIK ZEH, AR/ANN 9. NAIL IT ON THE DOOR: Mike Ostrovljanovic from the Stimme der Hoffnung/Hope Channel Germany booth is dressed as a monk inviting people to put up their 95 (or fewer) theses on a replica of a German church door. PHOTO: SETH SHAFFER, AR/ANN

10. GET THE PICTURE! Members of the Adventist Review/ ANN photography team receive their assignments for the day during an early morning team huddle. PHOTO: JOSAFAT ZEMLEDUCH, AR/ANN SAN ANTONIO ANTONIO SAN 5



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Dedicated and Ready: In Korea, Pioneer Mission Movement missionaries are dedicated for service.

better the importance of spiritual revival and recommitted their lives to the mis- sion of telling others about God. Church members throughout the NSD territory continue to focus on the need to experi- ence a personal spiritual revival and ref- ormation through the word of God and by earnest prayer. When our leaders visited China, Chi- nese church leaders appealed for assis- tance with spiritual training in a systematic way. China has 1.35 billion people, and less than 4 percent of them are Christians. Churches are struggling for revival and reformation, and pleading for spiritual training. To meet this urgent need, the NSD executive committee voted in May 2012 to develop a spiritual leadership training Mission First in the center on Jeju Island in Korea. On Sep- tember 1, 2013, the groundbreaking cer- Most Challenging Field emony took place with Wilson, union presidents, and about 100 church mem- he Northern Asia-Pacific Division Under the motto “Mission First,” work- bers. Within nine months two dormitory (NSD) serves China, Japan, Korea, ers and church members within the NSD buildings, a cafeteria, classrooms, and a T North Korea, Mongolia, and Taiwan, have dedicated their lives to God to director’s house were constructed. Since countries that have an extensive history advance the gospel work by participating June 2014, groups from different coun- and rich cultural heritage. With almost a in mission outreach activities at home tries, including China, Japan, Taiwan, and quarter of the world’s population living and abroad. Since the 2010 General Con- Mongolia, have received a weeklong spiri- in the NSD territory, there are enormous ference session, 77,693 people have tual training. Beginning in 2016, our goal mission challenges. Christians make up accepted Jesus Christ and joined the is to provide spiritual training to 700-800 only 4 percent of the total population of Adventist family, for a total membership people every year. 1.6 billion people. Buddhism, Shintoism, of 688,106 in the NSD territory as of Confucianism, and many other traditional December 31, 2014. MISSION—OUR TOP PRIORITY religions are deeply rooted here, while Mission is our top priority at the North- secularism and materialism block the SPIRITUAL REVIVAL ern Asia-Pacific Division and is strongly hearts of many. Ted N. C. Wilson, president of the Gen- emphasized in all church activities. In spite of these challenging circum- eral Conference (GC), visited Korea and To inspire church members with the stances, during the past five years the Lord Japan in October 2011 and China in April mission spirit, the NSD International Mis- has blessed His work in the NSD in many 2012. He shared “Revival and Reforma- sion Congress was held at the Interna- remarkable ways. But only with the power tion” messages, which brought great spiri- tional Convention Center in Jeju, Korea, of the Holy Spirit will we accomplish the tual blessings and encouragement. in August 2013. About 4,000 people from gospel commission in the near future. Through his visit, members understood all over the NSD territory enthusiastically


participated. Many prominent church ing the past 13 years 102 PMM pastors joined this movement. leaders, including Ted Wilson and G. T. and their families have left their home Going two by two, they knock on doors, Ng, GC executive secretary, were present, country to serve for six years as church- hand out literature, build relationships, and inspired people with powerful mes- planting missionaries crossing cultural and share God’s love, committing 10 sages from the word of God. With united barriers. Some have returned home after hours a week for a three-year period to hearts the participants talked, listened, serving a successful six-year term. Cur- this mission. This outreach method of and contemplated the mission of the rently 48 PMM missionaries are planting evangelism has proved to be an effective church. They spent time praying together churches in the following 16 countries: way of soul winning for many churches. for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Korea, On July 1, 2011, Hope Channel’s thir- were united for mission. Mongolia, Congo, Uganda, Tanzania, Kyr- teenth satellite-based Chinese Hope TV Today more than 500 cities in the gyzstan, Indonesia, Russia, India, Turkey, channel (CHTV), began broadcasting on world have a population of more than Kosovo, and the Philippines. Through the satellite Telstar 18. CHTV has more 1 million. One hundred five of these cities their dedicated service, 148 churches and than 5,000 half-hour programs on health, are found in the NSD territory. Mission to companies have been established, result- family, cooking, education, music, as well the Cities evangelistic meetings were held ing in 13,935 people being baptized. as sermons and religious issues. Through in major cities of the NSD starting with The Golden Angels are eight talented these TV programs, which are available “Tokyo 13” in Japan. Tokyo is one of the young people who volunteer for a year as most populated cities in the world, and singing missionaries for the purpose of 42 evangelistic meetings were held in supporting the evangelistic activities various churches there. Most of the meet- within the NSD territory. Besides singing ings were packed with people. In addition at evangelistic meetings, they visit people to Tokyo, 16 other large cities were door to door, make friends, and give Bible selected within the NSD territory for the studies. Since 2004 thousands of people Mission to the Cities initiative. Sharing have been touched by their ministry, and the message of the soon coming of Christ a great number of people have been with millions of people living in large cit- brought to the church through their dedi- ies is a big part of our mission focus. cated service. Baptism in Japan: New believers give In Mongolia, Mission to the Cities evan- The 1000 Missionary Movement their lives to Christ. gelistic meetings were held in 13 loca- (1000MM) continues to train and send tions in Ulaanbaatar City September 5-13, hundreds of Adventist young people 24 hours a day, seven days a week, we are 2014. On Sabbath, September 13, 2014, every year to many parts of the world. now able to approach 1.4 billion Chinese- everyone gathered in one central meeting After receiving intensive training for five speaking people with the gospel message. location with about 700 people present weeks, these young people devote one Hope Channel Korea started broadcasting to worship God. As a result of “UB14,” 130 year in the mission field as volunteer through the Internet, with Hope Channel people were harvested for the kingdom missionaries. Japan starting to broadcast on the Inter- of heaven. The NSD will continue the Mis- There are 6,588 young people from 59 net in July. sion to the Cities emphasis until all city countries who have participated in the inhabitants are reached by the three 1000 Missionary Movement since 1993. CENTERS OF INFLUENCE angels’ messages. The fruits of their labor include 66,099 Evangelism in the big cities is not an baptisms, 763 church buildings con- easy task, because many city dwellers are NSD MISSION PROJECTS structed, and 1,366 churches and compa- heavily influenced by materialism and For mission outreach activities, the nies established in 39 countries. secularism. Despite these challenges, cen- NSD initiated several projects involving Not everyone is called to serve abroad, ters of influence are playing a significant pastors and lay members in foreign coun- so His Hands Mission Movement mobi- role in reaching out and showing the love tries as well as homeland activities. lizes our church members for homeland of Christ to people who live in the cities. The Pioneer Mission Movement (PMM) mission. Since May 2007 there have been There are hundreds of centers of influence has been the NSD’s Global Mission 3,771 individuals in Korea, Mongolia, in the NSD territory. Our contacts with church-planting project since 2002. Dur- Japan, Taiwan, and China who have people through these centers of influence

GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 | ADVENTIST REVIEW 27 exceed 5 million a year. We invite many people to our centers and share with them the value of our teachings and Christian lifestyle. The NSD established the Multicultural Family Service Center (MFSC) in the city of Ansan, Korea, where 150,000 of the 760,000 people are foreigners. The MFSC provides various services, including wel- fare, education, and legal, cultural, and medical services, to help multicultural family members settle more easily into life in Korea. Through the sincere love and the shar- Vibrance Abounds: China’s Nanjing church is dedicated. ing of the gospel message, 136 migrant workers and multicultural family mem- bers have accepted Jesus Christ and God is also leading at our medical insti- people in the Chinese Union Mission, received baptism in the past five years. tutions of 11 hospitals and 20 nursing Japan Union Conference, Korean Union homes and clinics in marvelous ways. Conference, and the two NSD attached INSTITUTIONAL GROWTH More than 1.9 million people receive fields, Mongolia Mission and Taiwan Con- Within the NSD there are 117 church medical care from these facilities every ference, in a mighty way to spread the organizations and institutions, including year. Through the dedicated efforts of three angels’ messages to the millions of universities and colleges, primary schools, medical staff, and by God’s grace, some of people in our division territory. hospitals, clinics, publishing houses, and our hospitals have overcome their finan- food factories. These institutions have cial difficulties. Our food industries in BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT grown remarkably in this quinquennium. Korea and Japan produce soymilk prod- The NSD serves for the accomplish- There are 1,700 employees and 21,510 ucts and health foods. Products of Sah- ment of the gospel commission in its vast students attending our educational institu- myook Foods in Korea and Saniku Foods territory. The mission challenges are enor- tions, which include two universities, three in Japan have enjoyed increased success mous, and it seems almost impossible to colleges, 25 junior and senior high schools, and are highly acknowledged in both local finish the gospel work with the limited and 22 primary schools. Every year we see and global markets. personnel and financial resources we the influence of Christian education The Lord has graciously blessed and have. We understand, however, that the through the baptisms of students accept- enriched our humble efforts so that we work will be accomplished “not by might ing Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. could reap wonderful harvests. He led our nor by power, but by my Spirit” as the Lord Almighty said (Zech. 4:6). In spite of all the challenges, the Lord has blessed His work in the Northern Asia-Pacific Division in many remarkable ways during the past quinquennium, and we rejoice in seeing thousands of pre- cious souls join the church every year. Praise the Lord! We will continue to do our best in spreading the three angels’ messages to the world until Jesus comes. The pen of inspiration wrote, “We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall for- get the way the Lord led us, and His teach- ing in our past history.”* May the Lord continue to bless His work in the Northern Asia-Pacific Division and through the world! Maranatha!

* Ellen G. White, Life Sketches of Ellen G. White (Mountain Candlelit Baptism: Candles softly illuminate the church during a baptism in View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1915), p. 196. Mongolia.


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Shown from the sky, the last big South American camporee gathers 35,000 Pathfinders in Barretos, Brazil.

available for sharing. Empowered and involved, church members have distrib- uted 130 million printed books; and there have been a little more than 32 million downloads of the digital version. The South American Division territory has approximately 320 million inhabit- ants; thus, the distribution reaches one third of the total population.

MORE CONGREGATIONS Hector Pérez is another person who spared no effort to take these pages of Extreme Mission! hope to others. A sergeant in the Argentin- ian Armed Forces, he challenged the n the past five years a word that marked take place every week in the homes of inhospitable climate of Antarctica and the fulfillment of the mission in the members. shared The Great Hope with everyone who ISouth American Division is “extreme.” And for mission, members were chal- was with him on the scientific base where Practicing the biblical commission given lenged to use their gifts to lead people to very few people have access. by Jesus to “go” means, in many cases, Jesus. In the past five years 1,115,974 Ezequiel and Hector are among the going to geographical extremes with dedi- people were baptized. Beyond this, 2,329,245 Seventh-day Adventists in the cation and influence, and using resources approximately 15,000 volunteers and South American Division. The number of for the progress of God’s kingdom in this 3,000 pastors received training at evan- members went up 12.8 percent in the past world. This is a cause founded on the great gelism schools. five years. Adventists in the eight coun- hope of Jesus’ second coming and based tries that make up the South American on three foundations of discipleship: com- GOING BEYOND Division are spread out in 25,942 munion, relationship, and mission. Extreme! is seen in practical ways in the churches and groups and are led by an In the area of communion the church lives of people who are not satisfied in army of 4,409 pastors. worked through programs that aimed at doing only what is expected of them. They In church planting we also see the development and consolidation of the go beyond. People such as 8-year-old Eze- extremes: 6,444 Adventist congregations habit of seeking the Lord in the first hour quiel Zabala. Influenced by a teacher from were established, which represents a of the day. In the past five years more than the Seventh-day Adventist school in Santa growth of 18.65 percent in the number of 1 million people participated in the Spiri- Cruz de La Sierra, Bolivia, Ezequiel new churches in the last quinquennium. tual Enrichment Seminar that it is now in cleaned bathrooms and sold gelatin. With Jorge Caldas, a blind man who lives in the its fifth phase. Another initiative was Proj- this he was able to earn enough money to state of Rio de Janeiro, is not intimidated ect Manna. The goal of this project was to buy four boxes of The Great Hope books to by the deficiency that has accompanied encourage the daily study of the Sabbath hand out in his neighborhood. “My teacher him for 16 years. He perseveres with a school lesson. At the end of the quinquen- said that in heaven no one there will have routine of Bible studies and missionary nium we had 1,010,083 copies of the Bible a crown with no stars,” he recalls. visits. In addition, he finds strength to study guide among our members. Since 2006 the distribution of mission- occasionally conduct evangelism. He was In the area of relationship our focus ary books has happened systematically. responsible for the establishment of four was to strengthen small groups. Currently A high-quality book with more than 100 new Adventist congregations. we have 83,056 points of hope, which pages at a price lower than 50 cents is Because they have a project for inten-


tional and planned planting of churches, the gospel flies high in South America. viduals were baptized during the past these congregations are established with Hope Channel South America, called Rede quinquennium. financial support, strong missionary de Comunicação, ended the The official church Web site in the emphasis, and are already administra- past five years with more than 100 mil- South American Division (adventistas. tively mature. “It is solid growth, based lion visits to its Web sites and blogs. On org), developed both in Portuguese and on precise and systematized reports and the Novo Tempo Web site more than Spanish, had 35 million visits to their records, that give us a real idea of how we 634,000 students participated in online pages during the past five years. are doing and where we are going,” Bible studies, and 693,334 prayer requests explains Magdiel Peréz, executive secre- were received in the institution’s portal INSTITUTIONS THAT SERVE tary of the division. or in their social media, which has more In the perspective of the South Ameri- than 7 million followers. Television and can Division, its institutions give exam- MORE TECHNOLOGY, FEWER FRONTIERS radio speak to a potential audience of 170 ples of extreme evangelism. It is in the Extreme impact also happens when million, with 81 hours per week of never- details that a company’s concern with geographical frontiers are reached and before-seen footage in two languages. spiritual values is noticed. surpassed. Someone who understands And 855,211 Bible studies were sent via Superbom (Brazil Food Factory) and this is volunteer Roberto Roberti, from mail during these past five years. Granix (Argentina Food Factory) food fac- São Paulo. In only one year he was able Magazines, books, and DVDs produced tories established in Brazil and Argentina, to give Bible studies to more than 2,000 by the Brazil Publishing House and the and managed by the division, have a com- people. And everything happened online. South American Spanish Publishing bined number of 1,152 employees who Roberto did more than just send files or House arrive at thousands of houses fulfill the mission through the production links with information about the Bible. through the work of more than 3,500 full- of healthy food. Among the products He constantly talked with this class of time literature evangelists and 10,600 manufactured is 100 percent pure grape students, eager for knowledge. A large student literature evangelists. The num- juice, with no chemical additives, in har- group of volunteers also helped him in ber of books and magazines sold in this mony with biblical health principles. This this task. period was 52,525,571, which represents caught the attention of a university Through the Internet, through televi- US$322,712,840. As a result of the work professor, Maria Auxiliadora de Oliveira. sion, through radio, or in printed pages, of the publishing ministry, 14,843 indi- Maria Auxiliadora wanted to prove that Chosen and prepared by the church in South America, 28 More than 4,000 pastors gather at the ministerial council missionary families are dedicated to service where Christi- meetings of the South American Division. anity has little or no influence. all companies lied about the use of harm- missionary in the south of Brazil is better connected to God, to nature, and to work ful substances in their products on the known, incorporated in her daily life the for other people. An army made up of description labels of the cartons and expression “love your neighbor.” She goes 192,000 Pathfinders and 75,000 Adven- bottles of the products. to extremes and risks her own life to save turers is prepared to be church leaders. She was surprised with the veracity of others. The last big South American Camporee the information shared about our product. Ruth dedicates time to spiritually help had more than 35,000 Pathfinders in the Known as Dora, she discovered that the prison inmates and their families. She city of Barretos, Brazil. labels were factual, and she discovered that spends from 12 to 15 hours every day in behind the product there was a church. contact with prisoners of all kinds. Ruth IN DIFFICULT LANDS And behind this church she learned about is part of a group of people who live the But challenging limits can be much God in a most extreme way. On the label of love of Christ in acts of kindness. more daring than what we thought. In each of the products appears the name of Another group, with more than 100,000 this quinquennium the division sent 28 the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the young people, does good in different missionary families, chosen and prepared evangelistic Web site, esperanç in ways. These are the participants of Mis- by the church, to go to countries where Portuguese and in Span- sion Caleb. These young people use their Christianity has little or no influence on ish. She was baptized, and today she is a vacations to serve the community and do society. Seventh-day Adventist. evangelism. Jesus Christ became one of us in the Fulfilling the mission is also the focus In 2014, 19 young people in the project greatest demonstration of going to of the 870 South American educational One Year in Mission brought a real spiri- extremes when He took on humanity and institutions, with their more than 299,466 tual revolution to the city of Montevideo, died so that each human being could have students, in addition to the community in Uruguay. And in 2015, 24 young people eternal life. The disciples and apostles did of parents who also benefit from Chris- are making a difference in Rio de Janeiro. not spare any effort and gave their lives tian education. And 20 health institu- This project spread to the unions and now so that more people could learn about tions, such as clinics, health life centers, involves 402 more young people. These salvation. and hospitals, go to extremes in mission. are men and women who left their profes- In the history of the Seventh-day “We are not here only to earn profit and sional and educational activities behind Adventist Church we also find this same have stable institutions as an end in itself. for a year so they could completely dedi- level of commitment. People went to the Our entire revenue is invested in evange- cate themselves to the gospel. extremes of their capabilities and finan- lism,” assures Marlon Lopes, treasurer of ADRA volunteers and professionals cial possibilities to proclaim Jesus’ soon the South American Division. also go to extremes when caring for coming. Data shows that South American Sev- 2,645,868 people in need, providing not The South American Division recog- enth-day Adventists increased their faith- only food and provisions, but also spiri- nizes the work of pioneer missionaries in fulness in tithe by 50.2 percent and gave tual support to help them survive these its territory in the past, and today it gives 102.1 percent more in offerings than in difficult times. back to the world and sends these fami- the previous quinquennium. Adventurer clubs grew 45.24 percent lies to do in other places what once was and Pathfinders grew 15.23 percent in the done for South America. PEOPLE WHO MAKE A DIFFERENCE past quinquennium, and they are respon- The South American Division contin- Ruth Tesche, or Mother Ruth, as this sible for keeping an entire generation ues to do extreme evangelism.

32 ADVENTIST REVIEW | GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 A New Voice. Still Prophecy.

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that’s the most common is an amendment, and that is to change something. One thing you have to under- Seventh Business Meeting stand about amendments—and this came up yester- day—is that because our constitution—and the Sixtieth General Conference session, July 6, 2015, 9:30 a.m. constitution overrides the rules of order—has a provi- sion that says any new business is referred to the Steer- BENJAMIN SCHOUN: We welcome you to the business I’d like to introduce those who are serving with me ing Committee. session. on the platform this morning. We have our parliamen- So if someone attempts to amend something that [Prayer by Alfredo Marenko.] tarian, Todd McFarland. To my left is Augustin Galicia, is not being changed, is not on the agenda, then that We have some items that we need to care for before one of the associate secretaries of the General Confer- has to be referred to Steering Committee, and it is not we get to our agenda. One of these is the request that ence. And we have Tami Boward, who is recording appropriate for this body, per the constitution that was came from this body to use a two-thirds majority vote secretary here. I appreciate their help, and we will work voted. And that particular amendment, I believe, was for the discussions and voting on the Fundamental together to try to make this an efficient experience. implemented in Atlanta. And, of course, an amendment Beliefs. The Steering Committee has deliberated on OK. We have a person at microphone 5, Henry requires a second, and it requires a majority. this subject. There are pros and cons for that alterna- Moncur. The other motion here that I would like to talk about tive. And Elder Wilson is going to share with us the HENRY MONCUR: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just a just real briefly—and it is, in fact, my favorite one—and background and the recommendation of the Steering quick observation, question. You can correct me if I it’s the one to limit and extend debate. And that is— Committee. may be wrong. well, I’m sorry. It’s part of that. It’s actually down below TED N. C. WILSON: [Explained the rationale for I know there are a number of individuals here who there, and it’s related. And that is a motion to call the undergirding the recommendation from the Steering are career delegates, and so they are versed when it previous question. Committee to remain with the simple majority vote.] comes to the rules of order. I heard it mentioned earlier What does that mean? That means that if you vote I want to thank you for being here. I want to thank by Elder Wilson in terms of not misusing the terms of that, then that ceases debate. And that is important you for what I hope will be a sweet spirit as we go into order and other parliamentary procedures. But at the for you to understand. That requires a two-thirds vote. this discussion. same time, there are individuals here who are not But if you hear that phrase, “Mr. Chairman, I vote to call You’ll recall, on Thursday morning, we made a very career delegates, and so they are not as well versed the previous question,” we’ll try to remind the chairs special appeal, that in whatever way we relate to on the rules of order. And what transpired was the rules to tell you what that means. That means that we cease people, we will do so with a sweet, Christlike approach of order just simply placed in your delegate bag, and debate immediately on that item and we go immedi- and respect for each other. And I want to thank those you are left alone to try to maneuver through all of ately to a vote. who have shown that spirit. those rules of order. I don’t know if there’s a possibility, Now, why did I say that’s my favorite way? As a par- BENJAMIN SCHOUN: Thank you, Elder Wilson. just before we enter the session, if they may be able liamentarian, I’m supposed to stay neutral, and I am. [Applause.] to be given a brief summary in terms of how to utilize But as any person who is sitting up here, the only thing Just a few other items that I’d like to bring to your it so that the process is not abused. But I think the I’m hoping for is a quick meeting. Now, having said that, attention that have been addressed. We heard yester- assumption is being made that everybody knows the it’s your meeting. day and before that there were some issues in the area rules of order and understand it. And I think that is So that is important, and it’s a very powerful motion, of microphone 3. We have someone monitoring that what is creating some of the challenges. So I don’t know but it can be one to help limit debate. today. And if there seems to be further problem, please if we can have the opportunity, just a slight one- or And the other one that is on here is what is called come down to the front here where the technicians two-minute summary, to help those who may not be a question of privilege or what we refer to as a point and the Secretariat is located and notify them so that career delegates to really understand the whole use of order. something can be checked further. And we hope that of the rules of order. What is a point of order? that condition will be taken care of. BENJAMIN SCHOUN: OK. Thank you. If you have your A point of order, one of the best examples is what And generally, when you go to a microphone or go booklet on rules of order, the General Conference Rules happened yesterday when Israel Lieto stood up and to person who is registering your permission to speak, of Order, I’ve asked our parliamentarian to quickly go said, We’re not hearing the Spanish translation. Points treat them kindly. Remember, all of our actions here through those. And perhaps, if you turn to page 12, of order interrupt the business, and so they go to the at this session need to reflect the character of Jesus there is a chart there, at least in the English section, highest priority, but they should deal with issues that Christ, which includes kindness and courtesy to those and in all the other languages as well. That’s a good affect the rights of the body or the ability of the body who are involved. summary. And maybe if we all look at that page, some to conduct its business. And no Spanish translation or I would like to mention that the discussion today comments can be made about the various motions any other language is a perfect example of that. on the Fundamental Beliefs are very important, but we and how this all works, along with the definition of a And why is that? Because if there’s no Spanish trans- have two days to discuss these. However, this day, point of order. lation, then the Spanish-only speakers are entirely Monday, is the first day, and we will need to try to get TODD MCFARLAND: Sure. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. disenfranchised. And so we need to stop the business through all of them. Because if there are comments or Before I say, it’s important to understand the fun- immediately and get that fixed before we go on. suggestions that need to go back to the writing com- damental principle of rules of order. It is to respect the Other points of order, of course, are a violation of mittee, they need time to work on those and then bring rights of both the majority and the minority, to respect the rules. If you believe that the chair has ruled on their decisions back for the session tomorrow on the will of the majority and protect the rights of the something, then that can be a point of order. Another Tuesday. minority. one that has come up that is an appropriate point of So let’s try to gauge our time. Let’s refrain from That, really, is what all of these rules are designed order is, of course, the decorum. We are trying and standing just to speak, to hear ourselves speak. Let’s to do. And that, of course, can be a balancing act, to—you know, applauding and expressing emotion for try to limit our debate so that we can move through because sometimes protecting the rights of a minority speakers and so forth is inappropriate in this meeting quickly on these items. may impede the will of the majority. But that is the or any meeting. It’s not how we conduct business. And Regarding the voting devices, a number of you have bounds that the rules try to balance. the chairs try to do their best to remind the body of turned them in. We ask that you not try to turn those You’ll see in your motions table, if you look there in that. But that is an appropriate point of order if you in during the time of our business meeting. You can the middle, there’s something called a main motion, believe the body is not showing proper decorum. turn them in immediately after the business meeting and that has a “1.” And that just simply means the rank. So I think, just briefly, that covers many of the major ends at noontime or later, after the session ends in the What is a main motion? That’s when we’re doing some- issues. late afternoon. thing substantively. When the gentlemen are up here A couple of things, you know, other rules that we’ve And so, if you would, abide by those suggestions. and they read a change to the Church Manual and they talked about—and you’ve already seen this come—one But please do turn in those electronic voting devices say, “I move it” and there’s a second, that’s a main of the big rules that we have of course here is that we so that you will not be on a list of those who have to motion. don’t accept nominations for names from the floor. be charged some large fee because they were not After a main motion, you have several options. I’m They have to come from the Nominating Committee. returned. not going to go through all ten of these. But the one And we also have a very special process about how

34 ADVENTIST REVIEW | GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 things can be referred back. And the chair can, at his was much ambivalence and debate regarding that with So there is no need to clarify anything further by discretion or her discretion, send a name back. If they the 2,000 or so delegates that are here. And so that’s the Steering Committee. And the individual who choose not to do that, then it goes to a vote. where we’re wanting to follow their thought or their brought up the aspect that we voted, we only voted to And that’s one of the big changes that we have here. wishes, their desires. We don’t have enough time to recommend or to share with you what it is. So, Mr. Chairman, hopefully that explains some of complete the work that’s before us. I would request So the motion that is now in place is to accept—as the Rules of Order to people. You know, I’d be more that we respect the majority vote of the body. we understand it, to accept the recommendation from than happy at an appropriate time afterward, if a per- BENJAMIN SCHOUN: One minute. the Steering Committee that we do not change the son has a question about something—and a lot of you CARLOS MORETA: [Translated.] That’s the process simple-majority approach but that we continue with have felt free to talk to me, and I am more than happy that we follow from throughout our denominational that and we do not accept the two-thirds majority that to answer any of your questions when we’re not in structure from the local church to the GC. Thank you was being suggested the other day. That is our recom- session. so much. mendation. But in almost every other case except for Thank you, Mr. Chairman. BENJAMIN SCHOUN: Thank you. Let’s go back. There the constitutional changes, we are recommending, and BENJAMIN SCHOUN: Thank you. I see a person at was a brother here who felt we ought to actually vote we use throughout the church, a simple majority. We mike number 2, Pastor Lee-Roy Chacon. as a body about the two-thirds majority matter. Did do that not just with a political or a procedural LEE-ROY CHACON: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. In order you want to make that into a motion, since you thought approach, but we do most voting with a direct asking to move matters quickly and expedite matters today, we should vote on it? for God’s guidance through prayer. I move that we limit conversation to two minutes per SAMUEL DAVIS: I move, Brother Chair, this body votes Thank you, Brother Chair. individual. on that recommendation. BENJAMIN SCHOUN: I see a point of order at micro- BENJAMIN SCHOUN: OK. Brother Chacon, would you BENJAMIN SCHOUN: OK. The motion—and I’ll have phone 6, Brother Balapi. be willing to make it three minutes if there is transla- to interpret your motion a little bit here so we know BROTHER BALAPI: Thank you, Mr. Chair. I sense now tion that is required? how to vote. The recommendation that comes from and even previously that after a motion has been LEE-ROY CHACON: That’s fine. the Steering Committee is that we do not use two- made, the chair takes a little bit time hesitating to call BENJAMIN SCHOUN: Two minutes for regular persons thirds majority for voting on the Fundamental Beliefs for second. That creates a room for some kind of dis- speaking; three minutes if they have to have a here. So if you would vote in favor of that, you don’t cussion before the motion is really moved. I request, translator. want to see the two-thirds majority. If you vote against Mr. Chair, that you call for a second on this motion so LEE-ROY CHACON: That’s fine, sir. that, then you would still like to see the two-thirds that if there is a need for discussion, we do so; other- BENJAMIN SCHOUN: OK. Is there a second to that majority. wise, we vote on it. Thank you. motion? Please indicate. We were just discussing what the motion actually BENJAMIN SCHOUN: I do call for a second on this Yes. I see a second to that. was. The speaker did not make it entirely clear. one, I think. Yes. My colleagues say that we did call for And this is a motion that is debatable, so if anyone Essentially, we need to vote “yes” or “no” on the use a second on this motion. wants to comment on it, we can. of the two-thirds majority. And I tied it into the Steering OK. We have one more at microphone 2, Larry Now, I see that at microphone number 6 we have Committee. Boggess. someone who is claiming a point of order. Let’s check OK. After consultation, we have come to the conclu- LARRY BOGGESS: Mr. Chairman, good morning. and see if it truly is a point of order. sion that the motion is essentially to accept the recom- BENJAMIN SCHOUN: Good morning. SAMUEL DAVIS: Yes, Brother Chair. On Friday there mendation that was brought to this body, which means LARRY BOGGESS: I sit in the North American Division was a recommendation that a two-thirds majority that if you vote in favor of the motion, we will not use section, and I can hardly read that. For those in the should be taken on the changes to the fundamentals. the two-thirds majority. If you vote “no,” then you’re back, they probably can’t read it, so I would encourage It was referred to the Steering Committee. The presi- still open and perhaps you’re one who would like to us to make a bigger font. dent has said that the Steering Committee has voted use the two-thirds majority. BENJAMIN SCHOUN: [Explained the background and but they can only make a recommendation to this body. Do you understand how to vote? reasons for the review of the Fundamental Beliefs.] This body now needs to vote that we are to go with a I see a person at mike number 2, point of order, Julie ARTUR STELE: [Reviewed the process employed to simple majority. Keymer. present the Fundamental Beliefs for consideration by BENJAMIN SCHOUN: OK. That is not a point of order JULIE KEYMER: Morning, Mr. Chairman. Yesterday I the session’s body.] so I’m not going to act on that. We have a motion on requested that these points—these motions be put in The only refinement that is done in these Funda- the floor about limiting the time of debate for each writing for all of us, including the English-speaking mental Beliefs is that we have looked in the Bible refer- individual, and we will speak to that issue. people. So if we could continue to do that from now ences, and we have changed the way they are Microphone number 3, Carlos Moreta, are you through the rest of the session, that would be very presented. speaking to this motion on the floor? helpful. Thank you. We have used the canonical order of presenting the CARLOS MORETA: No. It’s on another point. BENJAMIN SCHOUN: OK. Thank you. biblical messages, starting from Genesis and then fol- BENJAMIN SCHOUN: OK. We’ll hold that, then. Are We’re going to try to get that motion on the screen. lowing through the book of Revelation. we ready to vote on this motion to limit an individual’s And we have another person here at microphone We have not touched fundamental beliefs 13, 14, 15, time of speaking to two minutes and, if they require number 1, Brother Lante Thompson. 16, 26, 27, 28. translation, it would be three minutes? Are you ready LANTE THOMPSON: Good morning, Mr. Chairman. [A motion to accept the untouched fundamental to vote? I think we need some clarity from this Committee. beliefs was made.] All in favor, please raise your cards. Besides this main motion, there could be some other BENJAMIN SCHOUN: Does that include the OK. Thank you. motions that will be raised. Do we go by simple majority preamble? Any opposed, the same card. on those motions as well? And we hope the Steering ARTUR STELE: Yes. We have not touched— OK. It is carried. That motion has been carried. Committee will give some clarity on that. Thank you. BENJAMIN SCHOUN: It includes the preamble. So Now let me go back to brother Carlos Moreta at TED N. C. WILSON: Brother Chair, if I can comment. you have the motion before you. Let me restate the microphone 3. And you have two minutes. We don’t want anyone to be confused here. The way motion. This is coming to you as a request for approval CARLOS MORETA: [Translated.] Good morning, Mr. the church conducts business in almost every respect of the preamble, and numbers 13, 14, 15, 16, 26, 27, and President and chairman. At the start of the session this except for the changing of constitutions—you have a 28. morning, as president asked us to pray for the Holy constitution, wherever you are. It may say in there it BENJAMIN SCHOUN: Are you ready to vote on this Spirit to be with us. I would appeal to the chairman needs to be by two-thirds. The way we conduct busi- cluster of the Fundamental Beliefs? that the decisions that are made here by the body are ness at Annual Council, at the General Conference All in favor, please raise your voting cards. respected and in a firm way. For example, so yesterday, session, in normal committee meetings, whether they Any opposed? as an example, we took an action of the board—or the be at local level, union, division, General Conference, It is carried. body voted to use the paper cards, voting cards. So we is by using a simple majority, which means you have ARTUR STELE: The next fundamental belief is num- voted not to use the electronic devices. And the major- to have one vote more than the exact middle of how- ber 25. Beside the rearrangement of the biblical text, ity of the delegates voted in favor of that. And so there ever many people you have at the meeting. we have a change of one word. When you look at fun-


damental belief 25, which you have in your hands, you a person preaching. Even when you are quoting a verse, with for several years. We already have “a man and a will see that on line 20 there is added one word. We you can choose not to mention certain words. Even woman” in line 12, so that is clear. So I would suggest used to have “Christ’s coming is imminent.” And we when you are writing, you can use ellipsis marks and a different terminology, the one that was originally suggest to use a word that is a direct quote from the leave out certain words. And I don’t see any quotation there, because there is a difference. Gospel of Matthew, saying “Christ’s coming is near.” marks in that passage that you are looking at. So, for You can talk about couples as a woman and a man BENJAMIN SCHOUN: It’s moved and seconded. me, really dropping the word “apostolic” would not and their characteristics. But when you talk about mar- All in favor, please raise your voting cards. make much difference. So I agree with the recommen- riage partners, there is a closeness that is conveyed by Any opposed? dation from the chairman on leaving out that word that phrase that I would hate to lose. So my recom- That is carried. from that passage that you are studying right now. mendation is, since we already have “a man and a ARTUR STELE: The next fundamental belief is num- Thank you. woman” on line 12, let’s not be redundant in 17. Let’s ber 20, the fundamental belief about the Sabbath. [The motion to refer the belief back to the commit- keep “marriage partners.” Besides a biblical reference rearrangement, we have tee was defeated.] BENJAMIN SCHOUN: OK. changed one word. The fundamental belief starts with NEIL NEDLEY: I want to call the question on the main ARTUR STELE: It depends what the body wishes. “The beneficent Creator.” It’s an English word that is motion. BENJAMIN SCHOUN: Dr. Geraty, did you want to have very difficult for some of us to pronounce, and it has BENJAMIN SCHOUN: We will now vote on the main that referred back for consideration? been also a challenge for some to understand. The motion. LAWRENCE GERATY: Yes. suggestion is to use a clearer and more understandable The motion is to accept number 17 with the two BENJAMIN SCHOUN: We will then vote on that. word, “gracious”—a “gracious Creator.” small changes as have been presented to us. TED N. C. WILSON: Fellow delegates, as we know, this I move it, Brother Chair. All those in favor of accepting number 17, please issue is a very contentious issue around the world. We BENJAMIN SCHOUN: It’s seconded. We are ready to raise your voting cards. Thank you. want to be loving and kind and Christlike to everyone. vote. Any opposed? [The motion concerning the two As we have stated, everyone is to be treated with All in favor, please raise your voting cards. changes was voted.] respect and as someone that Christ wishes to redeem. Any opposed? ARTUR STELE: Let’s go now to fundamental belief However, when it comes to an understanding from the It is carried. 21, on stewardship. In order to make it clear that all of Bible as to marriage, the Seventh-day Adventist Church ARTUR STELE: Brother Chair, the next fundamental us are invited to be faithful stewards, we are replacing is very clear. And in this fundamental belief, we want belief is number 11. It is one that was added in 2005 the word “men” with “fellow human beings.” to leave no ambiguity about it. called “Growing in Christ.” One added sentence: “We The second change is that we have used the word [Applause.] are also called to follow Christ’s example by compas- “tithes” in the plural, but to avoid the confusion, we We want people to know that Seventh-day Adven- sionately ministering to the physical, mental, social, have now put it in the singular, “tithe.” tists, who follow the Bible not only in teaching but in emotional, and spiritual needs of humanity.” To include both genders, we have used “stewards” practice and in loving our fellow human beings, believe I move it. in the plural instead of the singular “steward.” that marriage is between only a man and a woman. BENJAMIN SCHOUN: It’s seconded. [The motion to accept the recommended three [Applause.] All in favor, please raise your voting cards. changes on stewardship was made, seconded, and BENJAMIN SCHOUN: We have a motion before us to Any opposed? Same sign. voted.] refer this back to the committee. You can vote it up or It is carried. ARTUR STELE: With fundamental belief 22, “Christian down. ARTUR STELE: Brother Chairman, the next fundamental Behavior,” there is the challenge of how to explain All in favor of the motion to refer, please raise your belief is number 9, “The Life, Death, and Resurrection “principles of heaven.” voting cards. of Christ.” Here is only one change. We have added one We have suggested the following change: “We are Thank you. word, the word “bodily,” making it the “bodily resur- called to be a godly people who think, feel, and act in Those opposed. rection of Christ proclaims God’s triumph.” harmony with” and instead of “the principles of [Applause.] I move this change. heaven,” “biblical principles.” And then we have added The motion has lost. Emmanuel Mwale, microphone BENJAMIN SCHOUN: It’s seconded. “in all aspects of personal and social life.” 6. All in favor, please raise your voting cards. Thank I move that. EMMANUEL MWALE: I think what we have done rela- you. BENJAMIN SCHOUN: It’s seconded. tive to fundamental belief 23 gives the church much Any opposed? The same sign. All in favor, please raise your voting cards. confidence. Because this is one of the contentious It is carried. Any opposed? issues that we have in the church right now. ARTUR STELE: The next fundamental belief is num- It’s carried. And I wanted to mention that the intent of what was ber 17, “Spiritual Gifts and Ministries.” Here we have ARTUR STELE: The next fundamental belief is 23, done here to remove “marriage partners” is really to two changes. “Marriage and the Family.” help the church. Because in the jurisdiction in Europe, The first change is to replace the word “which” by One of the major changes is to include single people which I’ll not mention for security reasons, it has two the word “that.” when we emphasize the family. marriage acts, one that goes with the definition of mar- The second change is to delete the word Now when we speak about the family of God, we riage that we have here, and another one that is the “apostolic.” acknowledge that the family of God embraces both civil partnership act that provides for homosexuals. The two changes have been moved and single and married persons. And so because of this, we have to be very straightfor- seconded. The word “disciplinarian” we are suggesting be ward as we have done, and we don’t have to change ÁNGEL RODRÍGUEZ: The list is based on the spiritual changed to “Christ is a loving, tender, and caring guide.” anything. Thank you. gifts. And we thought that “apostolic” was probably And in two other places, instead of “marriage partners,” RAY ROENNFELDT: I’m referring to line 21 and the referring to missionaries. And we concluded that the we have introduced the expression “a man and a expression there, “the earmarks of the final gospel idea of mission is already present in the statement. So woman,” because language has changed, and this is message.” And I wonder whether we couldn’t just sim- we did not see a need to repeat. really what was meant there. plify that. That’s a strange expression and, I think, prob- PASSMORE MULAMBO: I do appreciate the explana- I move it. ably difficult to translate. And it could just be worded tion given, but as I understand this part, it seems to BENJAMIN SCHOUN: It’s seconded. as “Increasing family closeness is one result of the final me like a direct quotation from Ephesians 4. And I want Microphone 3, Ray Hartwell. gospel message.” to submit that probably we would do better to maintain RAY HARTWELL: I strongly encourage the delegates And I’d like to recommend that it be referred back the direct quotation as we have it in the Bible. to vote in favor of statement 23, especially where it to make that change. KEVIN RHAMIE: I believe that the world needs to identifies marriage as being between a man and a BENJAMIN SCHOUN: We were just discussing the fact know that we believe in the apostolic gift. It’s one of woman. that since we just voted whether to refer back or not the main gifts listed in the Bible. BENJAMIN SCHOUN: Lawrence Geraty. was the prevailing factor or whether the fact that this We’re voting to refer it back to the committee. LAWRENCE GERATY: I would like to suggest that on was on a little different subject would enable us to MAUNGA NAINI: Mr. Chairman, this appears to me like line 17 we keep the same terminology that we’ve lived consider a referral. And I think I will give the benefit to

36 ADVENTIST REVIEW | GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 the speaker here, and we will accept that as a motion many speakers. example, in Japan in 2011 with the massive earthquake, to refer back to the committee for that particular sug- LAWRENCE GERATY: I wanted to applaud the work we found that scientifically a day was actually short- gestion. And we will vote on this matter of referring of the editors who have worked hard to revise and ened by a few seconds as a result of that earthquake. fundamental belief 23 back to the committee for the improve this whole Statement of Fundamental Beliefs. Comparatively, for such a small event, if we then imag- consideration of that particular item. Having been a delegate at the GC session in Dallas, ine a worldwide flood, how much more impact could Those in favor of referring back, please indicate with Texas, in 1980, when they were adopted, I would say that have on the length of days or the length of hours your cards. that the process we’re engaged in now is what was or that sort of thing? Those who are opposed, please show your cards. intended back then. We could amend line 40 to say, “together with the [Applause.] The editors have been especially successful at Sabbath constituted the first earthly week.” The motion has been defeated. We’re back to the employing gender-neutral language so that all Adven- In belief 8, on lines 28 and 29, you have “as pre- main motion. tist believers feel included. sented in the historical account of Genesis 1-11.” I find ONYEBUCHI NWANKPA: I want to thank the Lord for A few changes appear to be designed to exclude, this reference unusual, and again, this is something the way the church is looking at the issue of marriage and some of these are found in number 6, on that doesn’t appear in the rest of the Fundamental and family. I thank God for the way the church is dealing creation. Beliefs. So I wish to amend those to remove the specific with the issue of marriage and family, not to leave The problem I wish to address is the proposed word- reference, as it occurs also at the end of the funda- anybody in doubt as to what we believe, where we ing in the creation statement that is nonbiblical. There mental belief. stand. But I have a concern. And that is that we must are interpretations that have been inserted, interpreta- JIŘÍ MOSKALA: I recommend three refinements to keep the position of marriage, because marriage—the tions that are possible, and may even be right, because the committee for their further consideration. way marriage is conducted—defines a very important they come from the writings of Ellen White, but they The first three sentences in this fundamental belief aspect of our ethics, our Christian ethics. But today we are not in the Bible. Thus they open us to the challenge give the impression that God is the Creator of all things look and we see that in many places some young that we base our beliefs on Ellen White and not on the at once; namely, that He created the entire universe, people, male and female, come together, live together Bible. together with life on earth. before the official marriage. And sometimes you dis- We say we are committed to sola scriptura, but in However, we as Seventh-day Adventists strongly cover that at the end of the day these end up—after these proposed changes we suggest otherwise. believe that the great controversy originated before living together for some time—to be recognized as BENJAMIN SCHOUN: There is a point of order. the creation week of Genesis 1. husband and wife. RAYMOND HARTWELL: I would like to refer these two In order to harmonize it and have time for Satan’s And we know that such living together before mar- back. rebellion in heaven, I recommend to insert between riage, no matter what social environment they are For belief 6, stating it this way: “God is the Creator the sentence two and the third sentence the word coming from, from the biblical point of view amounts of all things. He’s revealed in Scripture the authentic “later.” to fornication. I want to ask or suggest that since we and historical account of His creative activity. God cre- It would be helpful to clarify what it means that God are talking about marriage and family here, something ated the universe, including the angels and unfallen created all things. It is interesting that our 28 Funda- be put here to clarify the fact or the stand of the church worlds. Later, in a recent six-day creation, the Lord mental Beliefs presuppose the existence of angels, but on this in order to also help the sanctity of marriage. made this world’s dominions of,” and then continue it is never stated how and when they came into exis- Now we return to voting on fundamental belief 23. with the rest of the statement. tence. It would be fitting to include such a statement. Are you ready to vote? In belief 8, on line 28, where it speaks of the world- It would be very useful to explain that the phrase All in favor of accepting fundamental belief 23, on wide flood as presented in the historical account of “the heavens and the earth and the sea” of Exodus marriage and family, please raise your voting cards. Genesis 1-11, I would refer to the committee to use the 20:11 refer to this world’s three domains and that this Any opposed? word “global” either in conjunction with “worldwide” text is not speaking about the whole universe. It is carried. or in place of “worldwide.” There are certain Bible WILLEM ALTINK: The preamble to our Fundamental ARTUR STELE: Let us go now to fundamental belief scholars that identify “worldwide” as being only the Beliefs states the Bible is our creed. I think there is a 6, “Creation,” and fundamental belief 8, “The Great world the Bible writer knew of in their own personal danger if we go too far in explaining, especially from Controversy.” The assignment that we have received is experience, but not a global flood. the point of view of mission. to harmonize fundamental belief 6 with a response to I move to refer these back based on the comments If we want to bring people to Christ and the good an Affirmation of Creation. Some elements that go into I’ve suggested. news of the Sabbath, people need to have time to grow the document are really better to present in the area ARTUR STELE: We have received, especially after the into the understanding of the Bible. of the great controversy, because we didn’t want to vote of the Annual Council, a number of suggestions. It is not good to accept the changes. We will exclude speak about the fall in the fundamental belief of cre- And what the previous speaker suggested was members who are very loyal to the church. They agree ation and the flood and so on. This is why you will find requested by a number of people, especially with a with the present wording, but the changes will exclude part of the changes in fundamental belief 6 and part reference that the language that was now suggested them. It is important that the Fundamental Beliefs in fundamental belief 8. was used in the document Affirmation of Creation with include the whole body of believers of our church. Fundamental belief 6 now reads “God is the Creator regard to the flood. BENJAMIN SCHOUN: We have a point of order: Ber- of all things.” And then: “His creative work, performed By common consent, we will take it back and bring told Hibner. and completed in six literal days that together with the it back tomorrow after we work on it. BERTOLD HIBNER: I move that time be extended to Sabbath constituted the same unit of time that we call BENJAMIN SCHOUN: We will not vote on this. We will two minutes 30 seconds for the presenter. And also a week today.” accept as a suggestion. The committee will take it back four minutes with translation. Thank you. Instead of quoting Genesis 1:1, we are quoting the and review it. BENJAMIN SCHOUN: All of those opposed, please first commandment. And this is important for the theo- MEGEN MOLE: I have a couple of grammatical con- raise your voting cards. logical consideration of Chapter 1 in Genesis, because cerns about 6 and 8. The motion is defeated. it allows two different interpretations of understanding In lines 34 and 35 we talk about authentic and his- RICHARD DAVIDSON: The quotation of the fourth of Genesis 1:1. torical account of creative activity. Those are actually commandment, without any further explanation, could When we go to the fundamental belief about the synonyms, so I would like to propose that we amend be understood by many outside the church as referring great controversy, we have implemented here a refer- that to “trustworthy account of his creative activity.” to the creation of the whole universe in six literal days, ence to the historical account of Genesis 1 to 11 and In line 36 the phrase “the heavens and the earth, and this would leave no room for the great controversy referring to the flood as worldwide. the sea, and all that is in them” are in quotation marks, occurring before creation week, as is clear in many Together with the rearrangement of the biblical which is the only time a biblical quote is in quotation other biblical passages. passages, I move the acceptance of fundamental marks in the Fundamental Beliefs. I’d like to amend JERILYN BURTCH: When certain topics or questions beliefs 6 and 8. that to remove the quotation marks. come up with my children, I give them an age-appro- AGUSTIN GALICIA: Seconded. In line 40 we have the phrase “the same unit of time priate response. I tell them what they need to know at BENJAMIN SCHOUN: We have a motion before us to that we call a week today.” I find that language gram- that point in their lives. The differences in comprehen- consider both number 6 and number 8. And we have matically and, for purposes of clarity, problematic. For sion ability and maturity between my children and me


is diminishing every day. BAPTISM—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY I look at the accounts of creation and realize that Session Actions ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT the difference in maturity level and comprehension Sixtieth General Conference Session VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Sev- ability between God and me is immeasurable, I have July 6, 2015, 9:30 a.m. enth-day Adventists, #15, Baptism, to read as follows: no reason to expect that God gave me a complete technical explanation of how our eternal God created 15. Baptism LIMITING SPEECHES the world. What I find in Scripture is what I need to By baptism we confess our faith in the death and VOTED, To limit speakers today to two minutes, or know now. resurrection of Jesus Christ, and testify of our death to three minutes if the speaker needs translation. Knowing the questions that we would be facing sin and of our purpose to walk in newness of life. Thus today, God let Scripture go to press without a clear we acknowledge Christ as Lord and Saviour, become SIMPLE MAJORITY VOTING statement that the creation week was the same unit His people, and are received as members by His church. VOTED, To call for the vote on the item of simple of time that we call a week today. There is no “thus Baptism is a symbol of our union with Christ, the for- majority voting. saith the Lord” on this point. Genesis mentions that giveness of our sins, and our reception of the Holy the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the deep Spirit. It is by immersion in water and is contingent on SIMPLE MAJORITY VOTING before God said anything, but it doesn’t specify how an affirmation of faith in Jesus and evidence of repen- VOTED, To accept the Steering Committee’s recom- long that water or the rocks that contained it had been tance of sin. It follows instruction in the Holy Scriptures mendation to vote using a simple majority for every there. and acceptance of their teachings. (Matt. 28:19, 20; Acts item that will be voted during this Session, except for Scripture is silent on that point. Let’s keep our state- 2:38; 16:30-33; 22:16; Rom. 6:1-6; Gal. 3:27; Col. 2:12, 13.) Constitution and Bylaws items. ments of belief focused close to Scripture. (Rom. 6:1-6; Col. 2:12, 13; Acts 16:30-33; 22:16; 2:38; Matt. DELMER NAVALLO CARO: I’m not comfortable with 28:19, 20.) THE REMNANT AND ITS MISSION—FUNDAMENTAL some words here in number 6, and I would like to take BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT them into consideration for the committee. THE LORD’S SUPPER—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEV- VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Sev- On line 34, add “is the only.” ENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT enth-day Adventists, #13, The Remnant and Its Mission, On line 35 it says “In a recent six-day creation.” The VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Sev- to read as follows: week was not created before creation. That’s why I enth-day Adventists, #16, The Lord’s Supper, to read as would suggest to cancel or to erase the word “recent,” follows: 13. The Remnant and Its Mission because the week exists since God created our world. The universal church is composed of all who truly God is not creative only; He is almighty. 16. The Lord’s Supper believe in Christ, but in the last days, a time of wide- L. JAMES GIBSON: I support the suggestions that The Lord’s Supper is a participation in the emblems spread apostasy, a remnant has been called out to have been made to replace the word “worldwide” in of the body and blood of Jesus as an expression of keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. fundamental belief 8 with the word “global” and to faith in Him, our Lord and Saviour. In this experience This remnant announces the arrival of the judgment clarify some of the aspects of belief 6 that have been of communion Christ is present to meet and strengthen hour, proclaims salvation through Christ, and heralds suggested by others. His people. As we partake, we joyfully proclaim the the approach of His second advent. This proclamation JEROEN TUINSTRA: What do we mean with the word Lord’s death until He comes again. Preparation for the is symbolized by the three angels of Revelation 14; it “recent”? Is this 6,000, 50,000, or 1 billion? Supper includes self-examination, repentance, and coincides with the work of judgment in heaven and Are we actually saying that the heavens and the confession. The Master ordained the service of foot- results in a work of repentance and reform on earth. earth, the cosmos, is created in a recent six-day cre- washing to signify renewed cleansing, to express a Every believer is called to have a personal part in this ation, not allowing any space between Genesis 1, verse willingness to serve one another in Christlike humility, worldwide witness. (Dan. 7:9-14; Isa. 1:9; 11:11; Jer. 23:3; 1, and Genesis 1, verse 2? and to unite our hearts in love. The communion service Mic. 2:12; 2 Cor. 5:10; 1 Peter 1:16-19; 4:17; 2 Peter 3:10-14; What do we mean by “recent,” and are we saying here is open to all believing Christians. (Matt. 26:17-30; Jude 3, 14; Rev. 12:17; 14:6-12; 18:1-4.) (Rev. 12:17; 14:6-12; that the whole cosmos was created in six days? John 6:48-63; 13:117; 1 Cor. 10:16, 17; 11:23-30; Rev. 3:20.) 18:1-4; 2 Cor. 5:10; Jude 3, 14; 1 Peter 1:16-19; 2 Peter 3:10- ARTUR STELE: In order not to say that the whole (1 Cor. 10:16, 17; 11:23-30; Matt. 6:17-30; Rev. 3:20; John 14; Rev. 21:1-14.) cosmos was created in the six days, we have changed 6:48-63; 13:1-17.) the quotation from Genesis 1:1 to the quotation from UNITY IN THE BODY OF CHRIST—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS the first commandment. It is a scholarly discussion, DEATH AND RESURRECTION—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT and not everyone will understand this change. OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Sev- Concerning the word “recent,” no one knows exactly VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of enth-day Adventists, #14, Unity in the Body of Christ, the number of years. To clarify the word “recent,” we Seventh-day Adventists, #26, Death and Resurrection, to read as follows: have added here a reference to Genesis 6. to read as follows:

BENJAMIN SCHOUN: We are going to close our dis- 14. Unity in the Body of Christ cussion for the morning. All of those who have indi- 26. Death and Resurrection The church is one body with many members, called cated an interest in speaking, we will take this up right The wages of sin is death. But God, who alone is from every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. In after lunch, and we will finish the discussion on these immortal, will grant eternal life to His redeemed. Until Christ we are a new creation; distinctions of race, cul- items. that day death is an unconscious state for all people. ture, learning, and nationality, and differences between Sarah Wassef is going to come and have a closing When Christ, who is our life, appears, the resurrected high and low, rich and poor, male and female, must prayer. righteous and the living righteous will be glorified and not be divisive among us. We are all equal in Christ, [Prayer.] caught up to meet their Lord. The second resurrection, who by one Spirit has bonded us into one fellowship the resurrection of the unrighteous, will take place a with Him and with one another; we are to serve and BENJAMIN D. SCHOUN, Chair thousand years later. (Job 19:25-27; Ps. 146:3, 4; Eccl. 9:5, be served without partiality or reservation. Through AGUSTIN GALICIA, Secretary 6, 10; Dan. 12:2, 13; Isa. 25:8; John 5:28, 29; 11:11-14; Rom. the revelation of Jesus Christ in the Scriptures we share R. J. KLOOSTERHUIS, NILTON D. AMORIM, and 6:23; 16; 1 Cor. 15:51-54; Col. 3:4; 1 Thess. 4:13-17; the same faith and hope, and reach out in one witness CLAUDE SABOT, Proceedings Editors 1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 20:1-10.) (Rom. 6:23; 1 Tim. 6:15, 16; Eccl. to all. This unity has its source in the oneness of the 9:5, 6; Ps. 146:3, 4; John 11:1114; Col. 3:4; 1 Cor. 15:51-54; 1 triune God, who has adopted us as His children. (Ps. Thess. 4:13-17; John 5:28, 29; Rev. 20:1-10.) 133:1; Matt. 28:19, 20; John 17:20-23; Acts 17:26, 27; Rom. 12:4, 5; 1 Cor. 12:12-14; 2 Cor. 5:16, 17; Gal. 3:27-29; Eph. THE MILLENIUM AND THE END OF SIN—FUNDAMENTAL 2:13-16; 4:36, 11-16; Col. 3:10-15.) (Rom. 12:4, 5; 1 Cor. 12:12- BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT 14; Matt. 28:19, 20; Ps. 133:1; 2 Cor. 5:16, 17; Acts 17:26, 27; VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Sev- Gal. 3:27, 29; Col. 3:10-15; Eph. 4:14-16; 4:1-6; enth-day Adventists, #27, The Millenium and the End John 17:20-23.) of Sin, to read as follows:

38 ADVENTIST REVIEW | GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 27. The Millennium and the End of Sin of Creation, rested on the seventh day and instituted made certain their ultimate doom. Jesus’ victory gives The millennium is the thousand-year reign of Christ the Sabbath for all people as a memorial of Creation. us victory over the evil forces that still seek to control with His saints in heaven between the first and second The fourth commandment of God’s unchangeable law us, as we walk with Him in peace, joy, and assurance resurrections. During this time the wicked dead will be requires the observance of this seventh-day Sabbath of His love. Now the Holy Spirit dwells within us and judged; the earth will be utterly desolate, without living as the day of rest, worship, and ministry in harmony empowers us. Continually committed to Jesus as our human inhabitants, but occupied by Satan and his with the teaching and practice of Jesus, the Lord of the Saviour and Lord, we are set free from the burden of angels. At its close Christ with His saints and the Holy Sabbath. The Sabbath is a day of delightful communion our past deeds. No longer do we live in the darkness, City will descend from heaven to earth. The with God and one another. It is a symbol of our redemp- fear of evil powers, ignorance, and meaninglessness unrighteous dead will then be resurrected, and with tion in Christ, a sign of our sanctification, a token of of our former way of life. In this new freedom in Jesus, Satan and his angels will surround the city; but fire our allegiance, and a foretaste of our eternal future in we are called to grow into the likeness of His character, from God will consume them and cleanse the earth. God’s kingdom. The Sabbath is God’s perpetual sign of communing with Him daily in prayer, feeding on His The universe will thus be freed of sin and sinners for- His eternal covenant between Him and His people. Word, meditating on it and on His providence, singing ever. (Jer. 4:23-26; Ezek. 28:18, 19; Mal. 4:1; 1 Cor. 6:2, 3; Joyful observance of this holy time from evening to His praises, gathering together for worship, and par- Rev. 20; 21:1-5.) (Rev. 20; 1 Cor. 6:2, 3; Jer. 4:23-26; Rev. evening, sunset to sunset, is a celebration of God’s ticipating in the mission of the Church. We are also 21:1-5; Mal. 4:1; Eze. 28:18, 19.) creative and redemptive acts. (Gen. 2:1-3; Exod. 20:8-11; called to follow Christ’s example by compassionately 31:13-17; Lev. 23:32; Deut. 5:12-15; Isa. 56:5, 6; 58:13, 14; ministering to the physical, mental, social, emotional, THE NEW EARTH—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH- Ezek. 20:12, 20; Matt. 12:1-12; Mark 1:32; Luke 4:16; Heb. and spiritual needs of humanity. As we give ourselves DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT 4:1-11.) (Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 20:8-11; Luke 4:16; Isa. 56:5, 6; 58:13, in loving service to those around us and in witnessing VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Sev- 14; Matt. 12:1-12; Ex. 31:13-17; Eze. 20:12, 20; Deut. 5:12-15; to His salvation, His constant presence with us through enth-day Adventists, #28, The New Earth, to read as Heb. 4:1-11; Lev. 23:32; Mark 1:32.) the Spirit transforms every moment and every task into follows: a spiritual experience. (1 Chron. 29:11; Ps. 1:1, 2; 23:4; GROWING IN CHRIST—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF 77:11, 12; Matt. 20:2528; 25:31-46; Luke 10:17-20; John 20:21; 28. The New Earth SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT Rom. 8:38, 39; 2 Cor. 3:17, 18; Gal. 5:2225; Eph. 5:19, 20; On the new earth, in which righteousness dwells, 6:12-18; Phil. 3:7-14; Col. 1:13, 14; 2:6, 14, 15; God will provide an eternal home for the redeemed VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Sev- 1 Thess. 5:1618, 23; Heb. 10:25; James 1:27; 2 Peter 2:9; and a perfect environment for everlasting life, love, joy, enth-day Adventists, #11, Growing in Christ, to read as 3:18; 1 John 4:4.) (Ps. 1:1, 2; 23:4; 77:11, 12; Col. 1:13, 14; 2:6, and learning in His presence. For here God Himself will follows: 14, 15; Luke 10:17-20; Eph. 5:19, 20; 6:12-18; 1 Thess. 5:23; dwell with His people, and suffering and death will 2 Peter 2:9; 3:18; 2 Cor. 3:17, 18; Phil. 3:7-14; 1 Thess. 5:16-18; have passed away. The great controversy will be ended, 11. Growing in Christ Matt. 20:25-28; John 20:21; Gal. 5:22-25; Rom. 8:38, 39; 1 and sin will be no more. All things, animate and inani- By His death on the cross Jesus triumphed over the John 4:4; Heb. 10:25.) mate, will declare that God is love; and He shall reign forces of evil. He who subjugated the demonic spirits forever. Amen. (Isa. 35; 65:1725; Matt. 5:5; 2 Peter 3:13; during His earthly ministry has broken their power and Rev. 11:15; 21:1-7; 22:1-5.) (2 Peter 3:13; Isa. 35; 65:17-25; Matt. 5:5; Rev. 21:1-7; 22:1-5; 11:15.)

THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Sev- FUN FACT enth-day Adventists, #25, The Second Coming of Christ, to read as follows: $40.5 million The economic impact that the GC session will have on San Antonio. 25. The Second Coming of Christ PHOTO: ELSIE TJERANSEN AR/ANN The second coming of Christ is the blessed hope of the church, the grand climax of the gospel. The Sav- iour’s coming will be literal, personal, visible, and worldwide. When He returns, the righteous dead will be resurrected, and together with the righteous living will be glorified and taken to heaven, but the unrigh- teous will die. The almost complete fulfillment of most lines of prophecy, together with the present condition of the world, indicates that Christ’s coming is near. Christ’s coming is imminent. The time of that event has not been revealed, and we are therefore exhorted to be ready at all times. (Matt. 24; Mark 13; Luke 21; John 14:1-3; Acts 1:9-11; 1 Cor. 15:51-54; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 5:1-6; 2 Thess. 1:7-10; 2:8; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; Titus 2:13; Heb. 9:28; Rev. 1:7; 14:14-20; 19:11-21.) (Titus 2:13; Heb. 9:28; John 14:1-3; Acts 1:9-11; Matt. 24:14; Rev. 1:7; Matt. 24:43, 44; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 1 Cor. 15:51-54; 2 Thess. 1:7-10; 2:8; Rev. 14:1420; 19:1121; Matt. 24; Mark 13; Luke 21; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; 1 Thess. 5:1-6.)

THE SABBATH—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH- DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists, #20, The Sabbath, to read as follows:

20. The Sabbath The beneficent gracious Creator, after the six days


THE LIFE, DEATH, AND RESURRECTION OF CHRIST the church to spiritual maturity, and to foster unity of Phil. 4:8; 2 Cor. 10:5; 6:14-7:1; 1 Peter 3:1-4; 1 Cor. 6:19, 20; —FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY the faith and knowledge of God. When members 10:31; Lev. 11:1-47; 3 John 2.) ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT employ these spiritual gifts as faithful stewards of VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Sev- God’s varied grace, the church is protected from the MARRIAGE AND THE FAMILY—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS enth-day Adventists, #9, The Life, Death, and Resurrec- destructive influence of false doctrine, grows with a OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT tion of Christ, to read as follows: growth that is from God, and is built up in faith and VOTED, To not refer Fundamental Belief, #23, Mar- love. (Acts 6:1-7; Rom. 12:4-8; 1 Cor. 12:7-11, 27, 28; Eph. riage and the Family, back to the Fundamental Beliefs 9. The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ 4:8, 1116; 1 Tim. 3:1-13; 1 Peter 4:10, 11.) (Rom. 12:4-8; 1 Review Committee. In Christ’s life of perfect obedience to God’s will, His Cor. 12:9-11, 27, 28; Eph. 4:8, 11-16; Acts 6:17; 1 Tim. 3:1-13; suffering, death, and resurrection, God provided the 1 Peter 4:10, 11.) MARRIAGE AND THE FAMILY—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS only means of atonement for human sin, so that those OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT who by faith accept this atonement may have eternal STEWARDSHIP—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH- VOTED, To not refer Fundamental Belief, #23, Mar- life, and the whole creation may better understand the DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT riage and the Family, back to the Fundamental Beliefs infinite and holy love of the Creator. This perfect atone- VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Sev- Review Committee. ment vindicates the righteousness of God’s law and enth-day Adventists, #21, Stewardship, to read as the graciousness of His character; for it both condemns follows: MARRIAGE AND THE FAMILY—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS our sin and provides for our forgiveness. The death of OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT Christ is substitutionary and expiatory, reconciling and 21. Stewardship VOTED, To call for the vote on Fundamental Belief, transforming. The bodily resurrection of Christ pro- We are God’s stewards, entrusted by Him with time #23, Marriage and the Family. claims God’s triumph over the forces of evil, and for and opportunities, abilities and possessions, and the those who accept the atonement assures their final blessings of the earth and its resources. We are respon- MARRIAGE AND THE FAMILY—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS victory over sin and death. It declares the Lordship of sible to Him for their proper use. We acknowledge God’s OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT Jesus Christ, before whom every knee in heaven and ownership by faithful service to Him and our fellow VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Sev- on earth will bow. (Gen. 3:15; Ps. 22:1; Isa. 53; John 3:16; human beings, men, and by returning tithes tithe and enth-day Adventists, #23, Marriage and the Family, to 14:30; Rom. 1:4; 3:25; 4:25; 8:3, 4; 1 Cor. 15:3, 4, 20-22; 2 giving offerings for the proclamation of His gospel and read as follows: Cor. 5:14, 15, 19-21; Phil. 2:6-11; Col. 2:15; 1 Peter 2:21, 22; the support and growth of His church. Stewardship is 1 John 2:2; 4:10.) (John 3:16; Isa. 53; 1 Peter 2:21, 22; 1 Cor. a privilege given to us by God for nurture in love and 23. Marriage and the Family 15:3, 4, 20-22; 2 Cor. 5:14, 15, 19-21; Rom. 1:4; 3:25; 4:25; the victory over selfishness and covetousness. The Marriage was divinely established in Eden and 8:3, 4; 1 John 2:2; 4:10; Col. 2:15; Phil. 2:6-11.) steward rejoices Stewards rejoice in the blessings that affirmed by Jesus to be a lifelong union between a man come to others as a result of his their faithfulness. and a woman in loving companionship. For the Christian SPIRITUAL GIFTS AND MINISTRIES—FUNDAMENTAL (Gen. 1:26-28; 2:15; 1 Chron. 29:14; Haggai 1:3-11; Mal. 3:8- a marriage commitment is to God as well as to the BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT 12; Matt. 23:23; Rom. 15:26, 27; 1 Cor. 9:9-14; 2 Cor. 8:1-15; spouse, and should be entered into only between a VOTED, To call for the vote on referring Fundamental 9:7.) (Gen. 1:26-28; 2:15; 1 Chron. 29:14; Haggai 1:3-11; man and a woman partners who share a common faith. Belief, #17, Spiritual Gifts and Ministries, back to the Mal. 3:8-12; 1 Cor. 9:914; Matt. 23:23; 2 Cor. 8:1-15; Rom. Mutual love, honor, respect, and responsibility are the Fundamental Beliefs Review Committee. 15:26, 27.) fabric of this relationship, which is to reflect the love, sanctity, closeness, and permanence of the relationship SPIRITUAL GIFTS AND MINISTRIES—FUNDAMENTAL CHRISTIAN BEHAVIOR—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF between Christ and His church. Regarding divorce, Jesus BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT taught that the person who divorces a spouse, except VOTED, To not refer Fundamental Belief, #17, Spiritual VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Sev- for fornication, and marries another, commits adultery. Gifts and Ministries, back to the Fundamental Beliefs enth-day Adventists, #22, Christian Behavior, to read Although some family relationships may fall short of Review Committee. as follows: the ideal, marriage partners a man and a woman who fully commit themselves to each other in Christ through SPIRITUAL GIFTS AND MINISTRIES—FUNDAMENTAL 22. Christian Behavior marriage may achieve loving unity through the guidance BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT We are called to be a godly people who think, feel, of the Spirit and the nurture of the church. God blesses VOTED, To call for the vote on Fundamental Belief, and act in harmony with the biblical principles in all the family and intends that its members shall assist #17, Spiritual Gifts and Ministries. aspects of personal and social life. principles of heaven. each other toward complete maturity. Increasing family For the Spirit to recreate in us the character of our Lord closeness is one of the earmarks of the final gospel SPIRITUAL GIFTS AND MINISTRIES—FUNDAMENTAL we involve ourselves only in those things which that message. Parents are to bring up their children to love BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT will produce Christlike purity, health, and joy in our and obey the Lord. By their example and their words VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Sev- lives. This means that our amusement and entertain- they are to teach them that Christ is a loving, tender, enth-day Adventists, #17, Spiritual Gifts and Ministries, ment should meet the highest standards of Christian and caring guide loving disciplinarian, ever tender and to read as follows: taste and beauty. While recognizing cultural differ- caring, who wants them to become members of His ences, our dress is to be simple, modest, and neat, body, the family of God which embraces both single 17. Spiritual Gifts and Ministries befitting those whose true beauty does not consist of and married persons. God. Increasing family closeness God bestows upon all members of His church in outward adornment but in the imperishable ornament is one of the earmarks of the final gospel message. every age spiritual gifts which that each member is to of a gentle and quiet spirit. It also means that because (Gen. 2:18-25; Exod. 20:12; Deut. 6:5-9; Prov. 22:6; Mal. 4:5, employ in loving ministry for the common good of the our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit, we are 6; Matt. 5:31, 32; 19:3-9, 12; Mark 10:11, 12; John 2:1-11; 1 church and of humanity. Given by the agency of the to care for them intelligently. Along with adequate Cor. 7:7, 10, 11; 2 Cor. 6:14; Eph. 5:21-33; 6:1-4.) (Gen. 2:1825; Holy Spirit, who apportions to each member as He exercise and rest, we are to adopt the most healthful Matt. 19:3-9; John 2:1-11; 2 Cor. 6:14; Eph. 5:21-33; Matt. wills, the gifts provide all abilities and ministries diet possible and abstain from the unclean foods iden- 5:31, 32; Mark 10:11, 12; Luke 16:18; 1 Cor. 7:10, 11; Ex. 20:12; needed by the church to fulfill its divinely ordained tified in the Scriptures. Since alcoholic beverages, Eph. 6:14; Deut. 6:5-9; Prov. 22:6; Mal. 4:5, 6.) functions. According to the Scriptures, these gifts tobacco, and the irresponsible use of drugs and narcot- include such ministries as faith, healing, prophecy, ics are harmful to our bodies, we are to abstain from LIMITING SPEECHES proclamation, teaching, administration, reconciliation, them as well. Instead, we are to engage in whatever VOTED, To retain the current limit on speakers today compassion, and self-sacrificing service and charity brings our thoughts and bodies into the discipline of to two minutes, or three minutes if the speaker needs for the help and encouragement of people. Some mem- Christ, who desires our wholesomeness, joy, and good- translation. bers are called of God and endowed by the Spirit for ness. (Gen. 7:2; Exod. 20:15; Lev. 11:1-47; Ps. 106:3; Rom. Benjamin D Schoun, Chair functions recognized by the church in pastoral, evan- 12:1, 2; 1 Cor. 6:19, 20; 10:31; 2 Cor. 6:14-7:1; 10:5; Eph. 5:1-21; Agustin Galicia, Secretary gelistic, apostolic, and teaching ministries particularly Phil. 2:4; 4:8; 1 Tim. 2:9, 10; Titus 2:11, 12; 1 Peter 3:14; Myron A Iseminger, Actions Editor needed to equip the members for service, to build up 1 John 2:6; 3 John 2.) (Rom. 12:1, 2; 1 John 2:6; Eph. 5:1-21; Tamara K Boward, Recording Secretary

40 ADVENTIST REVIEW | GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 The motion to close debate, I believe, requires two- thirds. And the motion is passed. That means we will Eighth Business Meeting close debate on items 6 and 8. And we turn to Dr. Stele to lead us into the next Sixtieth General Conference session, July 6, 2015, 1:51 p.m. portion that he would like us to address. ARTUR STELE: I would like to invite you to go to fun- LOWELL COOPER: We welcome you back to the after- when I read “a recent six-day creation,” that gives me damental belief 24, “Christ’s Ministry in the Heavenly noon session. [Prayer.] an impression that the concept of a six-day creation is Sanctuary.” There is a main motion on the floor to adopt the fun- something that is recent. Forgive me if I’m wrong about Here we have a grammatical change, of the word damental beliefs on creation and on the great that understanding. But I would move that the word “that” instead of “which”; and a change to be gender- controversy. “recent” be omitted or be changed to a literal six-day inclusive language, the word “humans” instead of In the course of consideration of that motion, some- creation. “man.” And then the main change is that we have a one suggested or was ready to propose a motion to LOWELL COOPER: We will not take that as a motion clear reference of typology language between the refer. to be dealt with separately, because the item is going and the earthly sanctuary. And so [The motion to refer back was received by common back to the committee and then will be returned here I would like to move it. [It was seconded.] consent.] after the committee has considered all of the ELIAS BRASIL DE SOUZA: I have a suggestion that the SPEAKER FOR CLARE BARNES [who is in the Nominat- comments. word “symbolized” be replaced with “typified.” I think ing Committee]: ROGER ROBERTSEN: Sometimes clarity is desirable the concept of “type” represents better the relationship Unless the word “recent” can be clearly defined and and it’s important, but other times ambiguity is between the heavenly and the earthly sanctuaries. approved by Scripture, I move that the use of the word necessary. [This suggestion will be studied by the Fundamental “recent” be referred back to the committee. The point number six says God is the Creator of all Beliefs Committee.] LOWELL COOPER: I think we have the common con- things. Is He? He did not Satan. He created Luci- ARTUR STELE: Let’s go to fundamental belief 19, “The sent here that matters are going back to the committee, fer. He did not create the atomic bomb. He created the Law of God.” We have two changes. Instead of “man,” and those who are taking the notes will record that atoms. So it’s a very ambiguous statement for ambigui- “human beings”; and then instead of “fruitage,” we use concern. ties. “All things”—what do we mean? the word “fruit.” It is more understandable and fits MAINKA HOLGER: God created the earth in six days. But then when it comes to the historical account, more to the space. This is what the Bible says. How He exactly did this that term creation actually occurred in prehistoric So I move it. remains a mystery. Now we are reading all those addi- times, didn’t it? What does it mean, historical account? [This motion was seconded and voted.] tions: “recent,” “literal,” “historical,” and most cumber- It means that it needs to be historically verifiable, ARTUR STELE: Thank you. Let’s go now to fundamen- some, “unit of time that we call a week today.” something you can go back to and check it out. And I tal belief 12, “The Church.” Here we have a bit of lan- I believe those revisions are not helping much with don’t think we can when it comes to creation. guage, inclusive language. Instead of “all mankind,” we reaching out. This looks more like shutting doors. I believe in creation. I believe in a recent creation. use “humanity.” And then for clarification we’re using Sometimes less is more. But I think some of the terms we’re using are not good. “Word revealed in the Scriptures.” JOHN PHIRI: The first part has already been And saying that it’s a historical account, that’s a strange I move it. [It was seconded.] observed, so I won’t bear much on that, but I have a term for me, because historiography is an atheistic MARIO VELOSO: The former reading said “from similar observation on the use of the word “recent.” It endeavor, and it doesn’t operate with the Christ” and “from the Scriptures.” Now it says only “from creates an ambiguity because it’s a relative term. What supernatural. Christ.” “The Scriptures” is left out. There is a reference do we mean when we say “recent”? Could 1 million When they talk about the historical Jesus, what do to the Word, but that is an identification of Christ, if years be recent enough on a time scale of 10 billion they mean? They mean the Jesus of history. That means not a reference to the Word. years? Jesus without the miracles. And if we talk about creation ÁNGEL RODRÍGUEZ: The way the statement reads The second problem I noted is in the phrase “a as a historical account, what do we mean? I think we now implies that the church has two sources of author- recent six-day creation.” What are we trying to imply? need to say it’s true, it’s a true account, or something ity: Christ and the Written Word. And what we’re trying Do we have something called an old six-day creation, else. But some of these terms need to be changed. to eliminate is the idea that we have two sources of something like that? I’m saying this because I’m con- LEE-ROY CHACON: I call the question on the motion. authority. We have only one: Christ as revealed in the scious of other religions who hold that time is cyclic. LOWELL COOPER: Before you leave the microphone, Scriptures, not Christ and the Scriptures. Today you’re born; at some point, the world is demol- we really don’t have a motion on the floor. I tried to MARIO VELOSO: I would like to keep the concept ished; another creation is taking place; and it goes on explain that as we began. I suppose perhaps your intent that it is also the Scriptures, because there are many like that. So in that context it would make sense for me is that we close debate? people that would read this as meaning only Christ to say something could be a recent six-day creation. LEE-ROY CHACON: That’s fine. It was my understand- and leaving out the Scriptures. Since we don’t prescribe to that kind of theology, I ing that there was a motion on the floor. I will then end ÁNGEL RODRÍGUEZ: We want to emphasize that we would suggest, Mr. Chairman, that we drop the phrase debate. have only one source of authority, that Christ as “a recent six-day creation.” Thank you. LOWELL COOPER: The motion is to close debate. revealed in the Scriptures, not Christ and the LOWELL COOPER: I think the comments about the Is that motion seconded? Scriptures. use of the word “recent” have been repeated several A motion to close debate is itself debatable. And so MARIO VELOSO: It is like the recent creation, Brother times, and I believe the committee has that. we need to ask if anyone wishes to debate the motion Chairman. Kevin Rhamie at microphone 3. to close debate. REINALDO SIQUEIRA: “Only Christ” is pretty close to KEVIN RHAMIE: This is of an editorial comment deal- If not, I want to be fair. I don’t see anyone approach- what we hear from the Catholics. That means you don’t ing with line 35. “In six days”—I’m quoting the original ing the microphone on that—I’m sorry. That being the need Scripture, just Christ, who gave authority to the document—“In six days the Lord made,” and it seems case, we will ask you to vote. The motion is to close church, and the church can do whatever it wants. We as though the original document continues with “and debate on fundamental beliefs 6 and 8. That would should keep the Scriptures as a source of authority. rested on the seventh day.” Whereas, when you look at mean, if the motion is passed, we will not continue DAVID TRIM: I speak in support of the motion to vote the original document, it is stated as “In six days the debate, and the comments that have been shared thus the change. I think the current wording is actually emi- Lord ‘made the heaven and the earth’ and all living far in the morning and the afternoon will go back to nently clear as to what is the authority of the church. things upon the earth.” the committee. And I think we need to exalt Christ as the source of So it’s confusing when a person wants to understand Those in favor of the motion to close debate, please authority for the church. We understand that as indi- what the original statement was. indicate with your voting card. vidual believers, the Bible is our rule. This wording does LOWELL COOPER: The original statement was that Thank you. not contradict that. And so I believe we should support which is crossed out. Those opposed to closing debate, by the same man- that. PINTOKO TEDJOKUSUMO: My concern is also with ner of expression. And as it’s been debated and the motion to refer the word “recent.” English is not my mother tongue, but Thank you. defeated, I move to call the previous question.


LOWELL COOPER: Is there a second? I move that these editorial changes be accepted. LOWELL COOPER: The motion is supported to adopt Yes. LOWELL COOPER: The motion has been seconded. fundamental belief 3 as presented. Those in favor of the motion to call previous ques- The motion is to adopt fundamental belief 10 as NEALE SCHOFIELD: Just with the change there where tion, please indicate by lifting the card. amended in the presentation. It has been supported. we have the Son and the Holy Spirit—that the qualities Those opposed. Those in favor, please indicate by lifting the card. and powers exhibited in the Son and the Holy Spirit That is clearly carried. Those opposed, by the same sign. are also those of the Father, a question to the Biblical We move now to voting on the main motion. The That is carried. Research Institute and the broader church leadership: motion is to approve fundamental belief 12 as ARTUR STELE: Let’s now go to the fundamental belief Does this now make it very, very clear that Jesus is not presented. 2, “The Trinity.” And here, besides the rearrangement eternally subordinate to the Father? We’ll ask you now to vote. of the biblical passages, we have added a phrase on ÁNGEL RODRÍGUEZ: As far as I can tell, such a teach- Those in favor, please indicate by the lifted card. line 35. Previously it stated, “He is forever worthy of ing hasn’t been part of the Adventist body of beliefs, Those opposed, by the same sign. worship.” And now, instead of “he,” we start the sen- and this passage denies the subordination. That is carried. tence “God, who is love,” because we felt this concept LOWELL COOPER: Does that satisfy the question? ARTUR STELE: Mr. Chair, we go to fundamental belief of God’s being love would be very helpful having it in NEALE SCHOFIELD: Perfectly. 10, and Dr. Rodríguez will present. our Fundamental Beliefs. LOWELL COOPER: Those in favor, please indicate by ÁNGEL RODRÍGUEZ: There are two primary changes. I move it. lifting the card. This is the motion to adopt fundamen- The first one toward the end of line 15, if we read the LOWELL COOPER: The motion has been seconded. tal belief 3. text as we have it, says, “ . . . and exercise faith in Jesus The motion is to adopt fundamental belief 2 as Those opposed, by the same sign. as Lord and Christ, as Substitute and Example.” And we presented. That is carried. were not sure how these titles related to each other. Those in favor, indicate by lifting the card. ARTUR STELE: fundamental belief 4, “The Son.” On For instance, “Lord and Christ, Substitute and Example.” Those opposed, by the same sign. line 8: “He became also truly human” instead of “man.” So we decided to perhaps improve the reading, soften That looks unanimous. And “ascended to minister” on line 13, we have added it down a little by saying so “Jesus as Saviour and Lord, ARTUR STELE: Now fundamental belief 3, “The “ascended to heaven to minister.” Substitute and Example.” And you have kind of a paral- Father.” And here, besides the arrangement of the bibli- I move it. lel between the titles now. cal passages, we have changed one word. “The qualities LOWELL COOPER: The motion is supported. The The second change is on line 16. The original reads and powers exhibited in the Son and the Holy Spirit motion is to approve fundamental belief 4 as pre- “This faith which receives salvation.” And we thought are also revelations of the Father.” This was the previ- sented. We have an opportunity for discussion. that the person is the one that receives salvation and ous reading. And now we suggest that instead of “rev- MEGEN MOLE: I have two grammatical points on line that it may be better to simply state it: “This saving elations,” we use “those.” “The qualities and powers 13, which currently reads—“and ascended to heaven faith comes through the divine power.” In other words, exhibited in the Son and the Holy Spirit are also those to minister in the heavenly sanctuary in our behalf.” we’re trying to make the sentence flows a little of the Father.” The instances of the word “heaven” and then “heav- better. So I move it. enly” are redundant. I move that we alter that to read “and ascended to heaven to minister in the sanctuary there.” Regarding the phrase “in our behalf,” it’s my under- standing that the use of the word “in” is particularly American. I move to amend line 13 so that phrase reads FUN FACT “on our behalf” rather than “in our behalf.” So with my amendments, the second part of the People from more than are attending the session. That’s more than 190 countries sentence would then read, “And ascended to heaven twice as many countries as participated in the 2014 Sochi Olympics. to minister in the sanctuary there on our behalf.” [Source for GC Session attendance: San Antonio Convention and Visitors Bureau, based on info they obtained from ÁNGEL RODRÍGUEZ: The reason we decided to keep the airport.] PHOTO: ELSIE TJERANSEN AR/ANN the redundancy is to be very clear and very specific. We want to indicate clearly that Christ ascended to heaven. This is theologically important. Jesus is in heaven with a human nature. But we also want to emphasize the idea that there is a heavenly sanctuary where Christ is mediating on or in our behalf. We thought that perhaps sacrificing the softness of the language a little will help us in clearly expressing what we believe. MEGEN MOLE: That’s fair enough. LOWELL COOPER: We take it from that that you’re willing to withdraw the motion? MEGEN MOLE: Yes, I’m willing to withdraw the first motion. But I would still like to move to amend the phrase “in our behalf” to “on our behalf.” BILL KNOTT: I don’t speak as an expert on preposi- tions. I have copy editors who do that. But I would add that the phrases are deemed roughly equivalent, at least in English, and are often used interchangeably. The language there is original from 1980. A rule of our operation was to change as little as necessary in order to communicate clearly. LOWELL COOPER: The parliamentarian has pointed out that the motion that has been given addresses language that is not presented for change. In earlier procedures we have rejected those kinds of motions that are not addressing the amendments that are being brought forward. In light of that and to maintain con-

42 ADVENTIST REVIEW | GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 sistency with that practice, we would need to reject the listened what I said. I agree with what he said, but still Dr. , will start leading us through that motion to change that preposition. it is open for somebody to interpret theologically as section by section. LARRY BOGGESS: The Spirit of Prophecy says there’s the mother and father in God, which is not just LESLIE POLLARD: We wish to move the name of Mario a danger, when it comes to studying the nature of gender. Ceballos to serve as the Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries Christ, that we make Him fully human. The question LOWELL COOPER: The motion presented is to refer director for the General Conference. that I have concerns line 8, where it says, “He became this item, in light of the comments, back to the [The motion was seconded and voted.] also truly human.” Was that concept from the Spirit of committee. LOWELL COOPER: The body would like to receive a Prophecy thought about when we used the word It is supported. block of the names in the Nominating Committee “human” instead of “man”? The motion to refer is debatable. report. ARTUR STELE: Yes. DAVID TRIM: Dr. Rodríguez is correct in saying that LESLIE POLLARD: We will move now the names being ÁNGEL RODRÍGUEZ: This terminology is inserted to Ellen White uses this term. In a letter of February 1897, recommended for the General Conference: Children’s make it absolutely clear that Christ took a human which is in volume 8 of Manuscript Releases, she writes, Ministries director, Linda Mei Lin Koh (an nature; not the appearance of a human nature, but “We want to comprehend so far as possible the truly incumbent). that He became fully human, truly human. We are human nature of our Lord. The divine and human were Communication director, Williams S. Costa (an eliminating “man” also because today “man” can also linked in Christ, and both were complete.” incumbent). mean “female,” and we don’t want to say that He YORIKO ISHIDA: I like to mention that the Bible does Education director, Dr. Lisa Beardsley-Hardy (an became a male member of the human race. He became use the expression “Son of man” in Daniel and Jesus incumbent). a human being. even called Himself Son of man. Family Ministries director, Dr. Willie Oliver; associate So the emphasis is on the reality of His human JEROEN TUINSTRA: I speak against referring it back. director, Mrs. Elaine Oliver (incumbents). nature. It’s an extremely important theological state- I don’t exactly know what a “truly man” is. But I can Health Ministries director, Dr. Peter N. Landless (an ment, affirming that He was not only divine but that understand a “truly human being.” incumbent). He was truly a human being. DAUMANTS KLEIMANIS: I would like to speak against Ministerial Association secretary, Elder Jerry N. Page; LARRY BOGGESS: Jesus became a man. We under- the motion to refer it back. I think the “human” correc- associate secretary, Mrs. Janet R. Page (incumbents). stand that Jesus was truly God and truly man. tion is very appropriate. Public Affairs and Religious Liberty director, Dr. ÁNGEL RODRÍGUEZ: The Bible says that He became ANTHONY MAC PHERSON: I want to speak against Ganoune Diop (currently associate director) (retirement flesh, sarx, a human being. The way we have it now, it the move to refer back. There is a danger of trying to of John Graz). doesn’t say “also truly a man,” so that it’s being used pack every belief into one sentence. It’s about the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries director, in a generic sense. He became flesh, sarx, a human Incarnation, and the counterpart to divinity is that Jesus Dr. Duane McKey (currently Southwestern Union vice being. assumes humanity. president) (retirement of Jonathan Kuntaraf). LARRY BOGGESS: There are those who teach that ONYEBUCHI NWANKPA: I want to speak against the Women’s Ministries director, Mrs. Heather-Dawn K. Jesus was all man and not divine. And so I hope we do motion to refer. We know that Jesus came for both man Small (incumbent). not leave any margin for people to believe that we and woman. It does not say that Jesus became a female. Youth Ministries director, Dr. Gilbert R. Cangy would teach that Jesus was only man. That is not what is here, but it’s inclusive. (incumbent). ÁNGEL RODRÍGUEZ: I would point out that the begin- [The motion to accept the recommendation made LESLIE POLLARD: I wish to move the acceptance of ning of that sentence says “Forever truly God.” concerning the fundamental belief “The Son” has these names. [The motion was seconded and voted.] P. GERARD DAMSTEEGT: I move that we keep the voted.] [Someone wished to speak to the Nominating Com- original meaning of the man, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, ARTUR STELE: We would like now to go to funda- mittee concerning the names presented.] the man. Not the woman Jesus Christ; the man Jesus mental belief 7, “The Nature of Man.” We suggest calling LOWELL COOPER: The practice that we’ve used here Christ. And that is very important, to keep this in our it “The Nature of Humanity.” And on lines 10 and 11, is that someone wishing to refer a name would have mind. there is a sentence that states, “When our first parents an opportunity to speak with the chair and the secre- GEORGE REID: When the angels announced the birth disobeyed God, they denied their dependence upon tary of the Nominating Committee so it can be deter- of Jesus, they said that He was to be a son. That has Him and fell from their high position under God.” The mined if the Nominating Committee has already gender. His masculinity is an important feature of phrase “under God” is by some misunderstood, as if addressed the concern that may be expressed. So I’d understanding Christ and His earthly ministry. God were involved in the process of falling, and so we like to give you that opportunity right now, if you wish I hope we will remain loyal to the actual meaning felt that if we took it away, we would clear up those to come here and speak to the chair and secretary. In of the words, the Greek words anthropos and aner, misunderstandings. the meantime, we will await the result of that which have quite different meanings, and they should [A motion to accept was moved, seconded, and consultation. be reflected in what we have in our statements. voted.] Meanwhile, we’re working on fundamental belief MARIO VELOSO: To avoid the fact that we would be ARTUR STELE: Now fundamental belief 5, “The Holy 18. entirely opposing the motion we have before us, I Spirit.” Besides rearrangement and work on the pas- [“The Gift of Prophecy” was approved.] would like to refer the reading so that the committee sages, we have added a second sentence: “He is as ARTUR STELE: Only one item is left, “The Holy Scrip- would look at it and not decide this matter here. much a person as are the Father and the Son.” tures.” A number of delegates spoke to us. They have There is a theology that is calling God “father and I move it, Brother Chair. a problem with the word “final” authority. They feel it mother.” And with this reading, we may be open for LOWELL COOPER: That is supported. The motion is is a chronological problem, and they asked us to look Christ to become son and daughter. I don’t think it is to adopt fundamental belief 5 as presented. into it. Would it be accepted, by common consent, that the intention of the committee, but I would like for Those in favor, please indicate by lifting the voting we take it back, we look at it, and bring it back tomorrow them to consider avoiding the possibility. card. with others? This way we finish the work tonight. [It My motion is to refer it back to the committee to Those opposed, by the same process. was accepted.] consider this item. The motion is carried. HOMER TRECARTIN: We have discussed the issue ÁNGEL RODRÍGUEZ: Line 8 states, “Forever truly God, ARTUR STELE: We have fundamental belief 18, “The [with the person wishing to speak to the Nominating he became also truly human, Jesus Christ.” This is about Gift of Prophecy,” that we need to discuss. A few words Committee] and decided that that is not something the Incarnation. This is about God becoming, not a of explanation. [Gave the rationale for rearranging that we’re ready to take back to the Nominating Com- male, but a member of the human race. This is about sentences, adding Scripture references, and replacing mittee, so we will proceed with the motion as it is. God becoming one of us. And that includes the male words that have caused some confusion.] I move to LOWELL COOPER: The motion is to approve the and the female elements in our planet. This is about adopt fundamental belief 18 as presented. report of the Nominating Committee with respect to the Incarnation, not about the gender of the Son of LOWELL COOPER: Thank you. It is supported. departmental directors. God, who became human. [Next several delegates made comments regarding Those in favor lift the voting card. LOWELL COOPER: Dr. Veloso, in light of that, do you wording, personal approval, and/or concerns.] Those opposed, by the same sign. still wish to make the motion? HOMER TRECARTIN: The Nominating Committee has That is carried. MARIO VELOSO: Yes, I still do, because he has not a very large report to make right now, and our secretary, LESLIE POLLARD: In this section we are presenting


the completion of the associate secretaries of the Gen- ADEDEJI ADELEKE: I request that the report be to put an end to sin and to re-create the world. While eral Conference: Claude Richli; Gerson Santos; Hensley referred back to the Nominating Committee because we are waiting for the consummation of all things, the Moorooven. I have some concerns that I want to express. Bible calls us to live a holy life and become heralds of LOWELL COOPER: Moved and seconded. LOWELL COOPER: We invite you to meet with the the everlasting gospel, taking every opportunity and Those in favor. chair and the secretary of the Nominating means to announce the good news by word and deed. Those opposed. Committee. Given the importance of the Scriptures, the benefits That is carried. We have several comments. One has already of their study to the Church, and the challenges posed LESLIE POLLARD: We continue now by taking the requested referral, and so we have invited him to speak by the contemporary world, the delegates of the Gen- names for the General Conference Auditing Service. Mr. with the chair and secretary. eral Conference in session appeal to all Seventh-day Paul Douglas, director; Daniel Herzel, associate director; If there are others who wish to speak to the Nominating Adventist believers to read and study the Bible daily C. Maurine Wahlen, associate director; Kimberly West- Committee officers with respect to this report on divi- and prayerfully. Moreover, because of the special chal- fall, associate director; Paul Edwards, associate direc- sion presidents, proceed to the side of the stage. lenges faced by new converts and young people, we tor; Gary B. Blood, associate director; Robin Kajiura, All right. While we’re waiting, there is an item ready urge every believer to seek ways to share the Bible with associate director; Furaha Mpozembizi; Rogelio Cortez; for us. Item 145. these groups in a special way and foster their confi- Jeremy T. Smith; Sandra C. Grice. I so move. BILL KNOTT: At the proposal of the executive board dence in the authority of the Scriptures. We also urge LOWELL COOPER: There is support. of Adventist Review, the name is being modified by the pastors and preachers to base their sermons on the Those in favor, raise the voting card. addition of one word: from “Adventist Review” to biblical text and to make of every sermon an occasion Those opposed, by the same sign. “Adventist Review Ministries.” to uphold the authority and relevance of God’s Word. That is carried. The department produces much more than the Let us show the beauty, love, and grace of our Lord LESLIE POLLARD: For the GCAS board: Esther G. Adventist Review magazine. That’s the oldest journal Jesus Christ revealed in the Scriptures. Let us think and Abayo, Lyudmila Chyzhevska, Hyden Gittens, Jack Krog- in , but only one of several now, including act in accordance with a biblical hope of the soon stad, Masao Yanaga, Ailton Dorl, Margaret Dines, Phillip the one that many of you may be more familiar with, return of Jesus, our Lord. Ndlovu, John Stanley, Elirie Arañas, Frensly Panneflek, Adventist World, now 10 years old as of this General [This statement was moved, seconded, and approved.] Nnamdi Onyenmuru. Conference session. We also produce Adventist World HOMER TRECARTIN: Mr. Chairman, these are vice HOMER TRECARTIN: There is one division that is still Digest and KidsView and large-scale Web sites. presidents of the General Conference. All 13 of them not represented on the GCAS board. That is being The recommendation of the executive board of are vice presidents of the General Conference repre- worked on. It’s not completed yet, but for now this is Adventist Review is that the name of the department senting their individual area, their individual region the list that we have to present. be changed to “Adventist Review Ministries” to include and division, but they are vice presidents of the General LESLIE POLLARD: I move this list. the many things that are being done in that Conference. LOWELL COOPER: There is support to the motion. department. In addition to that, the General Conference has The motion is to approve the names as presented as BILL KNOTT: I move this recommendation. several general vice presidents. That was the group— members of the General Conference Auditing Service LOWELL COOPER: It is supported. Those in favor, lift the general vice presidents were the group that we board. There are five ex-officio members that will be the voting card. brought to you yesterday, and it was sent back. The added to these names to be on the board. These are Those opposed, by the same sign. Nominating Committee met with several individuals the laypersons representing the divisions. That is carried. this afternoon, had a good time in discussion with Those in favor, lift the voting card. ARTUR STELE: It’s a very good tradition of the Sev- them, and the recommendation of the Nominating And those opposed, the same sign. enth-day Adventist Church that every time we meet in Committee is to bring back the same motion that we That is carried. session we have a statement of confidence, on the Holy had before, so our secretary will read that, but we are LESLIE POLLARD: Brother Chairman, we now present Bible, how we respect and treasure the Scriptures, and bringing back the same six names that we had before. the slate of division presidents recommended from also a statement of confidence in the writings of Ellen Pastor Wilson, I think, wanted to make a comment the various caucuses to the Nominating Committee. G. White. And so we have a recommendation to approve before we proceed with that. East-Central Africa Division, president, Blasious M. the following resolution on the Holy Bible and the writ- TED N. C. WILSON: We are grateful for your indul- Ruguri (incumbent). ings of Ellen G. White. gence in the time that has been taken to review the Euro-Asia Division, president, Mikhail Kaminskiy First, the statement on the Holy Bible. report that was brought and now is being brought (new). It reads as follows: As delegates to the 2015 General again. I want to just share a little bit of understanding Inter-European Division, president, Mario Brito Conference session in San Antonio, Texas, we affirm as to the foundation of a change in the number. We (new). our commitment to the authority of the Bible as an had nine vice presidents before. We are proposing six Inter-American Division, president, Israel Leito, infallible revelation of God and His will. In them God vice presidents. (incumbent). revealed His plan to redeem the world through the For various reasons—and I won’t take a lot of time— North American Division, president, Daniel R. Jack- incarnation, life, death, resurrection, ascension, and we have had a reduction in the number of General son (incumbent). mediation of Jesus Christ. As a trustworthy record of Conference institutions. Pacific Press Publishing Asso- Northern Asia-Pacific Division, president, Jairyong God’s acts in history from creation to new creation and ciation and Oakwood University have transitioned and Lee (incumbent). framed with a doctrinal and ethical instructions, the are in the process of transitioning to the North Ameri- South American Division, president, Erton Carlos Scriptures shape the intellectual and practically experi- can Division. Review and Herald Publishing Association Kohler (incumbent). ence of believers. continues in name and in some function, but not with South Pacific Division, president, Glenn Townend We recognize as the Scriptures divine perspective facilities as we have known them, and that stays with (new). to intelligent and ethical challenges of the contempo- the General Conference. Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division, president, rary world. Given current definitions of God-given And after our looking over all of the responsibilities Dr. Paul Ratsara (incumbent). institutions such as marriage, for example, commit- and adjusting things, it has been proposed to have six. Southern Asia Division, president, Ezras Lakra (new). ment of God’s written revelation remains necessary In addition, there will be a very strong emphasis on Southern Asia-Pacific Division, president, Leonardo more than ever. Only the biblical worldview of a loving mission. There was concern about the lack of someone Asoy (new). God battling to redeem creation from sin and evil pro- who would carry mission. Actually, that, to a great Trans-European Division, president, Raafat Kamal vides believers with a coherent framework to under- extent, is carried by Secretariat and was transferred to (new). stand reality and obey God’s law. Secretariat some time ago. Adventist Mission, Global West-Central Africa Division, president, Elie Weick- We reaffirm that amidst the hopelessness and rela- Mission, and many aspects of outreach. Dido (new). tivism of the contemporary world, the Bible presents We also do have the assistance in the future of those Brother Chairman, I move those nominations. a message of hope and certainty that transcends time who may have retired, who would assist us with some LOWELL COOPER: There is support. The motion and culture. The Bible gives certainty that in Jesus our specific areas. before us is to elect nominees as president of the sins have been forgiven and death has been defeated. So we are fully covered for many areas. respective divisions. The Scriptures also announce that He will soon return In addition, there was some concern about repre-

44 ADVENTIST REVIEW | GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 sentation from the world field. faith demonstrates the power of Christ to transform The division president acts as a vice president of Session Actions lives, and therefore strengthens Christian witness. the General Conference. Therefore we have 13 repre- Sixtieth General Conference Session (Exod. 20:1-17; Deut. 28:1-14; Ps. 19:7-14; 40:7, 8; Matt. sentative vice presidents of the General Conference July 6, 2015, 2:00 p.m. 5:17-20; 22:36-40; John 14:15; 15:7-10; Rom. 8:3, 4; Eph. who also associate with us closely when we meet dur- 2:8-10; Heb. 8:8-10; 1 John 2:3; 5:3; Rev. 12:17; 14:12.) (Ex. ing our Annual Council and our Spring Meetings. CREATION AND THE GREAT CONTROVERSY—FUNDA- 20:1-17; Ps. 40:7, 8; Matt. 22:36-40; Deut. 28:1-14; Matt. Thank you, Pastor Trecartin, and thank you, Brother MENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS 5:17-20; Heb. 8:8-10; John 15:710; Eph. 2:810; 1 John 5:3; Chair, for this opportunity. ADMENDMENT Rom. 8:3, 4; Ps. 19:7-14.) LESLIE POLLARD: Thank you. Brother Chairman, we VOTED, To close debate on Fundamental Belief #6 wish to recommend as the Nominating Committee the Creation and #8 The Great Controversy. THE CHURCH—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY following to serve as general vice presidents of the ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT General Conference. , incumbent; Artur THE LAW OF GOD—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH- VOTED, To not refer Fundamental Belief, #12, The Stele, incumbent; Geoffrey Mbwana, incumbent. DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT Church, back to the Fundamental Beliefs Review New General Conference general vice presidents: VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Sev- Committee. Guillermo Baiggi, Abner De Los Santos, Thomas Lemon. enth-day Adventists, #19, The Law of God, to read as LESLIE POLLARD: I move it. follows: THE CHURCH—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY LOWELL COOPER: This has been a motion that has ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT been with us since yesterday. We are reactivating con- 19. The Law of God VOTED, To call for the vote on Fundamental Belief, sideration of it. If we are— We’re receiving a point of The great principles of God’s law are embodied in #12, The Church. order from [at this moment several delegates raised the Ten Commandments and exemplified in the life of points of order; the chair ruled that theirs were not Christ. They express God’s love, will, and purposes THE CHURCH—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY points of order]. concerning human conduct and relationships and are ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT LOWELL COOPER: We turn to microphone 5, Dan binding upon all people in every age. These precepts Houghton. are the basis of God’s covenant with His people and 12. The Church DAN HOUGHTON: Yes. Mr. Chairman, I would like to the standard in God’s judgment. Through the agency VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh- close debate on the question and call question on the of the Holy Spirit they point out sin and awaken a sense day Adventists, #12, The Church, to read as follows: motion. of need for a Saviour. Salvation is all of grace and not The church is the community of believers who con- LOWELL COOPER: All right. Thank you. And this was of works, but its fruitage and its fruit is obedience to fess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. In continuity with not as a point of order. It’s in the proper sequence of the Commandments. This obedience develops Chris- the people of God in Old Testament times, we are called discussing a motion. The motion before us is to call tian character and results in a sense of wellbeing. It is out from the world; and we join together for worship, the previous question. Is that supported? Thank you. an evidence of our love for the Lord and our concern for fellowship, for instruction in the Word, for the cel- It is. for our fellow human beings. men. The obedience of ebration of the Lord’s Supper, for service to humanity, That means that we will vote on whether or not to close debate. Those in favor of closing debate, please indicate. Those opposed by the same sign. That is carried. We now turn to the main motion, which calls for us to approve the nominations and elect FUN FACT the general vice presidents of the General Conference Rolling out the red carpet—and a new highway ramp? as per the names presented to us. Session attendees are the first to use San Antonio’s newly installed ramp that connects Those in favor of that motion, please indicate with the uplifted cards. the Alamodome to the east side of Interstate 37/US 281. JOSEF KISSINGER AR/ANN Those opposed, by the same sign. That is carried. Did we have the presentation of these individuals? HOMER TRECARTIN: Yes. We would like to have the newly elected vice presidents, general vice presidents, come out so they can be welcomed and a picture can be taken. [Applause.] All right. You have heard and received the affirma- tion of the General Conference session delegates, vice presidents and spouses. We wish you God’s blessing and thank you for your service to the church. And with that, ladies and gentlemen, I think we are prepared to call adjournment to the business session today. As we dismiss today, we will be led in prayer by Yuen-Hwei Chen Chi from the Northern Asia-Pacific Division. Let us stand to have our closing prayer. [Prayer.]



all mankind, and for the worldwide proclamation of THE SON—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY be always with His children, He extends spiritual gifts the gospel. The church derives its authority from Christ, ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT to the church, empowers it to bear witness to Christ, who is the incarnate Word revealed in the Scriptures. VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Sev- and in harmony with the Scriptures leads it into all Word, and from the Scriptures, which are the written enth-day Adventists, #4, The Son, to read as follows: truth. (Gen. 1:1, 2; 2 Sam. 23:2; Ps. 51:11; Isa. 61:1; Luke Word. The church is God’s family; adopted by Him as 1:35; 4:18; John 14:16-18, 26; 15:26; 16:7-13; Acts 1:8; 5:3; children, its members live on the basis of the new cov- 4. The Son 10:38; Rom. 5:5; 1 Cor. 12:7-11; 2 Cor. 3:18; 2 Peter 1:21.) enant. The church is the body of Christ, a community God the eternal Son became incarnate in Jesus Christ. (Gen. 1:1, 2; Luke 1:35; 4:18; Acts 10:38; 2 Peter 1:21; 2 Cor. of faith of which Christ Himself is the Head. The church Through Him all things were created, the character of 3:18; Eph. 4:11, 12; Acts 1:8; John 14:16-18, 26; 15:26, 27; is the bride for whom Christ died that He might sanctify God is revealed, the salvation of humanity is accom- 16:7-13.) and cleanse her. At His return in triumph, He will pres- plished, and the world is judged. Forever truly God, He ent her to Himself a glorious church, the faithful of all became also truly human, man, Jesus the Christ. He THE GIFT OF PROPHECY—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF the ages, the purchase of His blood, not having spot was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT or wrinkle, but holy and without blemish. (Gen. 12:1-3; Mary. He lived and experienced temptation as a human VOTED, To call for the vote to refer Fundamental Exod. 19:3-7; Matt. 16:13-20; 18:18; 28:19, 20; Acts 2:38-42; being, but perfectly exemplified the righteousness and Belief #18, The Gift of Prophecy, back to the Fundamen- 7:38; 1 Cor. 1:2; Eph. 1:22, 23; 2:19-22; 3:8-11; 5:23-27; Col. love of God. By His miracles He manifested God’s power tal Beliefs Committee. 1:17, 18; 1 Peter 2:9.) (Gen. 12:3; Acts 7:38; Eph. 4:11-15; and was attested as God’s promised Messiah. He suf- 3:811; Matt. 28:19, 20; 16:13-20; 18:18; Eph. 2:19-22; 1:22, fered and died voluntarily on the cross for our sins and THE GIFT OF PROPHECY—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF 23; 5:23-27; Col. 1:17, 18.) in our place, was raised from the dead, and ascended SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT to heaven to minister in the heavenly sanctuary in our VOTED, To not refer Fundamental Belief #18, The Gift THE TRINITY—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY behalf. He will come again in glory for the final deliver- of Prophecy, back to the Fundamental Beliefs Review ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT ance of His people and the restoration of all things. Committee. VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Sev- (Isa. 53:4-6; Dan. 9:25-27; Luke 1:35; John 1:1-3, 14; 5:22; enth-day Adventists, #2, The Trinity, to read as 10:30; 14:1-3, 9, 13; Rom. 6:23; 1 Cor. 15:3, 4; 2 Cor. 3:18; THE GIFT OF PROPHECY—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF follows: 5:17-19; Phil. 2:511; Col. 1:15-19; Heb. 2:9-18; 8:1, 2.) (John SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT 1:1-3, 14; Col. 1:15-19; John 10:30; 14:9; Rom. 6:23; 2 Cor. VOTED, To call for the vote on Fundamental Belief 2. The Trinity 5:17-19; John 5:22; Luke 1:35; Phil. 2:5-11; Heb. 2:9-18; 1 Cor. #18, The Gift of Prophecy. There is one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a unity 15:3, 4; Heb. 8:1, 2; John 14:13.) of three coeternal Persons. God is immortal, all-pow- THE GIFT OF PROPHECY—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF erful, all-knowing, above all, and ever present. He is THE NATURE OF HUMANITY—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT infinite and beyond human comprehension, yet known SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of through His self-revelation. He God, who is love, is VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Sev- Seventh-day Adventists, #18, The Gift of Prophecy, to forever worthy of worship, adoration, and service by enth-day Adventists, #7, The Nature of Man, to read as read as follows: the whole creation. (Gen. 1:26; Deut. 6:4; Isa. 6:8; Matt. follows: 28:19; John 3:16 2 Cor. 1:21, 22; 13:14; Eph. 4:4-6; 1 Peter 18. The Gift of Prophecy 1:2.) (Deut. 6:4; Matt. 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14; Eph. 4:46; 1 Peter 7. The Nature of Humanity Man One The Scriptures testify that one of the gifts of 1:2; 1 Tim. 1:17; Rev. 14:7.) Man and woman were made in the image of God the Holy Spirit is prophecy. This gift is an identifying with individuality, the power and freedom to think and mark of the remnant church and we believe it was THE FATHER—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY to do. Though created free beings, each is an indivisible manifested in the ministry of Ellen G. White. As the ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT unity of body, mind, and spirit, dependent upon God Lord’s messenger, her Her writings speak with pro- VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Sev- for life and breath and all else. When our first parents phetic authority and provide comfort, guidance, enth-day Adventists, #3, The Father, to read as disobeyed God, they denied their dependence upon instruction, and correction to the church. are a continu- follows: Him and fell from their high position. position under ing and authoritative source of truth which provide for God. The image of God in them was marred and they the church comfort, guidance, instruction, and correc- 3. The Father became subject to death. Their descendants share this tion. They also make clear that the Bible is the standard God the eternal Father is the Creator, Source, Sus- fallen nature and its consequences. They are born with by which all teaching and experience must be tested. tainer, and Sovereign of all creation. He is just and holy, weaknesses and tendencies to evil. But God in Christ (Num. 12:6; 2 Chron. 20:20; Amos 3:7; Joel 2:28, 29; Acts merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding reconciled the world to Himself and by His Spirit 2:14-21; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17; Heb. 1:1-3; Rev. 12:17; 19:10; 22:8, in steadfast love and faithfulness. The qualities and restores in penitent mortals the image of their Maker. 9.) (Joel 2:28, 29; Acts 2:14-21; Heb. 1:13; Rev. 12:17; 19:10.) powers exhibited in the Son and the Holy Spirit are Created for the glory of God, they are called to love also those revelations of the Father. (Gen. 1:1; Deut. 4:35; Him and one another, and to care for their environ- ADVENTIST REVIEW—DEPARTMENT NAME CHANGE Ps. 110:1, 4; John 3:16; 14:9; 1 Cor. 15:28; 1 Tim. 1:17; 1 John ment. (Gen. 1:26-28; 2:7, 15; 3; Ps. 8:4-8; 51:5, 10; 58:3; Jer. VOTED, To change the name of the Adventist Review 4:8; Rev. 4:11.) Rev. 4:11; 1 Cor. 15:28; John 3:16; 1 John 4:8; 17:9; Acts 17:24-28; Rom. 5:12-17; 2 Cor. 5:19, 20; Eph. 2:3; department to Adventist Review Ministries. 1 Tim. 1:17; Ex. 34:6, 7; John 14:9.) 1 Thess. 5:23; 1 John 3:4; 4:7, 8, 11, 20.) (Gen. 1:26-28; 2:7; Ps. 8:4-8; Acts 17:24-28; Gen. 3; Ps. 51:5; Rom. 5:12-17; 2 RESOLUTION ON THE HOLY BIBLE THE SON—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY Cor. 5:19, 20; Ps. 51:10; 1 John 4:7, 8, 11, 20; Gen. 2:15.) VOTED, To approve the Resolution on the Holy Bible, ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT which reads as follows: VOTED, To call for the vote to refer Fundamental THE HOLY SPIRIT—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH- Belief #4, The Son, back to the Fundamental Beliefs DAY ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT RESOLUTION ON THE HOLY BIBLE Committee. VOTED, To amend the Fundamental Beliefs of Sev- As delegates to the 2015 General Conference Ses- enth-day Adventists, #5, The Holy Spirit, to read as sion in San Antonio, Texas, we reaffirm our commit- THE SON—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY follows: ment to the authority of the Bible as the infallible ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT revelation of God and His will. In them, God revealed VOTED, To not refer Fundamental Belief, #4, The Son, 5. The Holy Spirit His plan to redeem the world through the incarnation, back to the Fundamental Beliefs Review Committee. God the eternal Spirit was active with the Father life, death, resurrection, ascension, and mediation of and the Son in Creation, incarnation, and redemption. Jesus Christ. As a trustworthy record of God’s acts in THE SON—FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTH-DAY He is as much a person as are the Father and the Son. history from creation to new creation and framed with ADVENTISTS - AMENDMENT He inspired the writers of Scripture. He filled Christ’s doctrinal and ethical instructions, the Scriptures shape VOTED, To call for the vote on Fundamental Belief life with power. He draws and convicts human beings; the intellectual and practical experience of #4, The Son. and those who respond He renews and transforms into believers. the image of God. Sent by the Father and the Son to We recognize that the Scriptures offer a divine per-

46 ADVENTIST REVIEW | GC SESSION BULLETIN: JULY 8, 2015 spective to evaluate the intellectual and ethical chal- to announce the good news by word and deed. PUBLISHER General Conference of ® lenges of the contemporary world. Given current Given the importance of the Scriptures, the benefits Seventh-day Adventists redefinitions of God-given institutions, such as mar- of their study to the Church, and the challenges posed EXECUTIVE PUBLISHER Bill Knott riage for example, commitment to God’s written revela- by the contemporary world, the delegates of the Gen- ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Claude Richli PUBLISHING BOARD tion remains necessary more than ever. Only the eral Conference in Session appeal to all Seventh-day Ted N. C. Wilson, chair biblical worldview of a loving God battling to redeem Adventist believers to read and study the Bible daily Benjamin D. Schoun, vice chair creation from sin and evil provides believers with a and prayerfully. Moreover, because of the special chal- Bill Knott, secretary Lisa Beardsley-Hardy, Daniel R. Jackson, coherent framework to understand reality and obey lenges faced by new converts and young people, we Robert Lemon, Geoffrey Mbwana, G. T. God’s law. urge every believer to seek ways to share the Bible Ng; Daisy Orion; Juan Prestol, Michael Ryan, Ella Simmons, Karnik We reaffirm that amidst the hopelessness and rela- with these groups in a special way and foster their Doukmetzian, legal adviser tivism of the contemporary world, the Bible presents confidence in the authority of the Scriptures. We also a message of hope and certainty that transcends time urge pastors and preachers to base their sermons on EDITOR Bill Knott and culture. The Bible gives certainty that in Jesus our the biblical text and to make of every sermon an occa- ASSOCIATE EDITORS Lael Caesar, Gerald A. Klingbeil sins have been forgiven and death has been defeated. sion to uphold the authority and relevance of God’s NEWS EDITOR Andrew McChesney The Scriptures also announce that He will soon return Word. COORDINATING EDITOR Stephen Chavez to put an end to sin and to recreate the world. While Let us show the beauty, love, and grace of our Lord ONLINE EDITOR Carlos Medley we wait for the consummation of all things, the Bible Jesus Christ revealed in the Scriptures. Let us think and FEATURES EDITOR Sandra Blackmer calls us to live a holy life and become heralds of the act in accordance with the biblical hope of the soon YOUNG ADULT EDITOR Kimberly everlasting gospel, taking every opportunity and means return of Jesus, our Lord. Luste Maran KIDSVIEW EDITOR Wilona Karimabadi OPERATIONS MANAGER Merle Poirier FINANCIAL MANAGER Rachel Child EDITORIAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT #4 Marvene Thorpe-Baptiste VOTED, To approve the following partial report of the Nominating Committee: MARKETING DIRECTOR Claude Richli EDITORS-AT-LARGE Mark A. Finley, John M. Fowler General Conference Associate Secretaries East-Central Africa SENIOR ADVISER E. Edward Zinke Hensley Moorooven President: Blasious M Ruguri ART DIRECTOR/DESIGNER Bryan Gray Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries Claude J Richli LAYOUT TECHNICIAN Fred Wuerstlin Director: Mario E Ceballos Gerson Santos Euro-Asia Division AD SALES Glen Gohlke President: Mikhail F CIRCULATION Rebecca Hilde Children’s Ministries General Conference Auditing Kaminskiy Director: Linda Mei Lin Koh Service TO WRITERS: Writer’s guidelines are available at the Adventist Review Web Director Paul H Douglas Inter-European Division site: and click Communication Associate Directors: President: Mario Brito “About the Review.” For a printed copy, Director: Williams S Costa, Jr Gary B Blood send a self-addressed envelope to: Writer’s Guidelines, Adventist Review, Rogelio Cortez Inter-American Division 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, Education Paul J Edwards President: Israel J Leito MD 20904. Director: Lisa M Beardsley- Sandra C Grice E-mail: [email protected]. Hardy Daniel E Herzel North American Division Web site: Robyn W Kajiura President: Daniel R Jackson Postmaster: Send address changes to Adventist Review, P.O. Box 5353, Nampa, Family Ministries Furaha Mpozembizi ID 83653-5353. Director: Willie Oliver Jeremy T Smith Northern Asia-Pacific Division Unless otherwise noted, Bible texts in Associate Director: Elaine C Maurine Wahlen President: Jairyong Lee this issue are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright © 1973, Oliver Kimberly J Westfall 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by South American Division permission. All rights reserved Health Ministries General Conference Auditing President: Erton C Kohler worldwide. Unless otherwise noted, all prominent photos are © Thinkstock 2015. Director: Peter N Landless Service Board The Adventist Review (ISSN 0161-1119), Esther G Abayo Southern Africa-Indian Ocean published since 1849, is the general paper Ministerial Association Elirie S Aranas Division of the Seventh-day Adventist® Church. It is published by the General Conference of Secretary: Jerry N Page Lyudmila V Chyzhevska President: Paul S Ratsara Seventh-day Adventists® and is printed Associate Secretary: Janet R Margaret Dines 27 times a year (9 weekly, 8 monthly, 1 special, and 9 special supplements Page Ailton Dorl South Pacific Division mailed in May, June, and July). Pacific Hyden G I Gittens President: Glenn C Townend Press Publishing Association, at 1350 Public Affairs and Religious Jack L Krogstad North Kings Road, Nampa, ID 83687, is the printer of record. Periodical postage paid Liberty Phillip Ndlovu Southern Asia-Pacific Division at Nampa, ID 83686, and additional Director: A Ganoune Diop Nnamdi Onyenmuru President: Leonardo R Asoy mailing offices. Copyright © 2015, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®. Frensly Panneflek PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. Sabbath School and Personal John Stanley Trans-European Division SUBSCRIPTIONS: Twelve issues of the Ministries Masao Yanaga President: Raafat Kamal monthly Adventist Review, US$26.95 plus Director: Duane McKey additional postage outside North America. Single copy US$4.00. West-Central Africa Division General Vice Presidents To order, send your name, address, and Women’s Ministries Guillermo E Biaggi President: Elie Weick-Dido payment to: Adventist Review Director: Heather-Dawn K Abner De Los Santos subscription desk, P.O. Box 5353, Nampa, ID 83653-5353 Small Thomas L Lemon Southern Asia Division Orders can also be placed at Adventist Geoffrey G Mbwana President: Ezras Lakra Book Centers. Prices subject to change. Youth Ministries Ella S Simmons ADDRESS CHANGES Director: Gilbert R Cangy Artur A Stele AND SUBSCRIPTION QUERIES: OR call 1-800-447-7377 or 208-465-2548.

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