Serving the Western Hemis­ PUBLISHED WtEKlT phere's Largest All Land Distributed To Military and Missile Range Civilian Personnel on W .S 1\1. R. Publish eel by Las Craces Citizen Las C; uces Nev. Mtx1c~ Published In the interest ot military and civilian a private firm 1s nc way connected with the Department ot personnel ot WSM R and to promote a greater the Army Opinion< expressed by Lhe ouhlishers ancl INl'iten guided missile orogram tot the national defense. ncrem are their own and are not to be con;idered an officla1 expression O) the Uepartment of the Army The appearan" PUBLICATIONS OFFICE: of advertisements in thh publication rloes not constitutt an 114 S. CHURCH LAS CRUCES. N. M. P.ndorsement by tile Department of the Army of the products Vol. X-No. 13 White Sands Missile Range, N.M., Friday, Sept. 11, 1964 Eight Pages Jr services advertised. I New Government Premium Bales Carpenter Named Chief Of Staff Outlined on Heallh Insurance I By Civilian Personnel Officials Kaiser Named Director A E

White Sands Missile Rang-e 1 about 40 per cent. Additional civilian personnel officials this benefits have also been announ­ weelc announced the new premi- ced by the underwriters. At White Sands issile ange nm rate!'! on health insurance The Civil Service Health whi<'h will become effective No- Plan, which is administered by I New c.lut,v r ,.:.,ignment.w hav1 vember 1, 1964. The rates, the U. S. Civil Service Commis- been announced for two culo j which affect all health insur- sion, covers some two million ncls at White Saml.9 Mi.s:;ilt j ~nc~ plans, have been increased Federal workers. Each yeat· the Range. Commission has to negotiate ! Col. Franklin F.. Ca.rpenle: one-year contracts with some has been named Chief of Staff 40 insurance companies. The in- / with ntltlitionnl duty as Chie! Chief of SJalf creases are the result of in­ Logbticr. He sncccccls Col creased medical costs according William F. Kaie-er who has bcc1 Sends Message to Civil Service authorities. ni;signed to the post of Dil'Cc Additional benefits given to ·tor. Army Mls~ile Test and Ji:va subscribers include: additional lua.tiu11 Directorate. To Us Soldiers days of hospital benefits in that Colonel John C. Banc, Whit The right to \'ote is a Blue Cro:;s high option will pro­ lSands Mi8l>ile R~1nge Deput~ product of freedom w hich vide 365 days of hoi;pitalization Com111a11det·, wa.,; filling posi was cherished by the Amerl­ instead of the present 120 days lion of directtlr, AMTED, 11 c·an C'olonists and won in our for each confinement; benefits addition to hb dulic::; as Dcput. Rm·olntion. Since every eli­ for doctor's hospital visit will Commundcr. gible citizen bas tht' obliga­ be increased from 120 to 365 1 Colonel Carpenter came l tion to expresi.; himself at days, and regular basic hospi­ White Sands .\lissi:e Range it the polls, ·we, as members of tal benefits will be substituted JU63 followiui as;;ignmen ti1 Um United Stall's ArntJ, for the present $118 hosptial Koren. us Bxecutive 0.fficci· THIRD AWARD-1\Ir. l{u~scll L. l\lertens, a ruand is the third he has received from this shoul exdndse tbif funda­ allowances in maternity cases. 7J;;t Ordnance Croup. He an progmmmer with the Computing Brauch of ,,uggestion. It has merit<>d a. $1,000.00 cash mt>ntal right. The Aetna Government High hi~ wife., rc.;ide at 22 Data Reduction Dh·bion, is prei-ented an ad­ :iward and was selected as the White Sands Despite the sim11lifled vot­ Option Plan offers no increase COL. W . F. KAISER COL. F. E. CAHPJ.;NTJ.<.'R Jupiter. WS.MR. ditional cush award by Lt. Col. Her!Jert R. l.\Iissile Ra·nge Best Suggestion of the Year. Jng an last year afte1· ass.ign his sugge~tlon c1mceming n Magnetic Tll'(le Arkansas, Mr. l\Iertens resides with his wife tablished by many states and lowRates option and plans benefits will inremain•~ most BORN ABROAD-\ ' • Iment a::> Commanding Officer J,ibNuy Inventory System. This award from and two C'hildren at 5201 Prince Edward, the Ft'deral Voting- Assist­ unchanged in the new contracts. Eighth lJ. $. Army Ordnanc, Army Test & Emluation Com- El Paso, . anl'e Program whi<'h facili· The Civil Service Commission • Depot. !(urea. Colonel Kaise tates absentt'e \'Oting by anti his wife. Blanche, reside ut soldi<>rs stationed away from :~i~~~;i~e~~~~~l~~:~l~~~~~~ I 219 Jupiter, WSMR. home, only 17.9 per <"cnt of ::t AMER IC AN CIT IZ E N? to give employees chance +o • eligible Army })('rsonnel switch from one plan to an- Secretary Paul Pledges Fight rnted during the 1962 gener­ other. j al elections. Here is the table which shows Colonel erhy Ai. Amt"rkans, our vote rate changes: j PROOF IS NEEDED is free. and our ballot is OLD AND NEW HEAJJTH Hamed Co. gainst Further Military secrr.t - whether we vote INSURANCE PREJ\llUlI I at the })(Ills in our home j RATES Are you an American citizen?, an American Con~ulate, and Is- stute or mark an absentee Bi-\Vt>ekly Cost To Employees Can you prove it? ·wen, if you .,;ued a birth ci1tificate. o I Co hallot in some remote corner \ Benefit (Blue Cross), High were born in the United States How doe::1 a .person born Fringe Benefits Slashes of th" world. I urge all ell- Option, Self and Family - pres-i·1 . • . a.broad of Amcncan pm·cnts g-ihlo nwmbers of thl' Amiy, !ent, $5.82; Effective No. 1, of American parents, you will Iprove American citizenship T A CLEVELAND, Ohio (AFPS) Ihcnef~t,; .!n all of our major in-, ward those in the ~ilitary,•:. t~e botJ1 military and civililm, to $7.88. have little difficulty in so do- By a CERTIFICATE OF Ai\t- .. . Efforts to further lcs~cn mil- dustnes. secretary emphasized, will 'ote in t1w <'omlng elections. Benefit (Blue CroM), High Iing. BUT. if you were born I EHI CAN CI'I?ZJnPral, U. S. Army $2.11; Effective Nov. 1. $2.92. to prove American citizen:>hip urn. i~a ion Serv1r.e. ow 1~ th s mn.ny sacrifices nnd difficulties .fes~1on, a w1llmgnc::i:; lo make Chit'f of :start lndqrmity (Aetna l. High Op-I -even if you were born of I certif1cat~ ob~ainea? By f1llm~ 1 slstant Secretary of Defense 1 .faced by our servic~ families Hacrifices and, the esprit and '-====::-::---::::=-:---::--:--=:-:::'-__<:.:C:.o:.n:.:.t:.=i~n::_u_:ed:_:o::n:_:_F~n:g=::e:_:7:.:_)~- 'Amel'ican parents, registered nt out lnmugration and Nut, nJ1- (.Manpower) No11r1an S. Pnul. whicn more than offset the re- dedication so nece.;sary for cf- ..., zation Fonn N-600, and nltach- In a speech bcfo1e dc.Icgntcs mainlng fringe hcnefits which, fectiveness in times of cri i "" iug i;upporting documents aucll 1 p .h G TH E M 0 v E r. birth tif «atE", hat ati- ntt ndiPg th V ct er •'111 nr t 1~ j "" of co• ti,1ning u. •• • 8N~retnry ·tu! p.m1,cd t t eign vV ., (Vli'\Vl convi.,'lllmn tacl~s.' 1VJ<'W for its hl'lp in prolectingr mitling ;;ame togethe1· \\'it.h n here, Secre1ary Pat l pointed It was at thb point in his military ben<>fits and told con- S5 fee to the 11earest I&NS of- <11tl thnt, in recent yc.nrs, "'Vhllc l.. prech tlwt Secret: 1y Paul told vention delegates, "I am proud :Moymg a.. : payment ls provided. This helps at government el·qJense. with- ERICAN CITIZENSHJP will fits, there has been a rapid I will do all within my power commitment to enhance the goal. I cover some of the many ex- 1 in legally i-;pecified limits. be issued if the applicant p1·on:-i a;rov.-th of substantial frmge Ito resist efforts to further di- morale an. d welfare of those Financial suppo~t to offset I penses involved in leaving one . . • .Government tramiportation he has acquired Americnn citi- 1 1 W' - - minish our military fringe bene- who have now succeeded to the personal and family upheaval 1 home and SE1tting up house- is furnished or a mileage al- zenshi.p as claimed. is physically fits." j tasks which, in other times and connected with moves takes j keeping elsewhere. , Jowance paid to defray travel IN THE UNITED STATES JAMTO , Referring to President John- , places, rested on the broad many forms. • Household goods and per- by privately.owned vehicles. and has taken the onth of nllcgi- SERVJCES sun's recent speech before the ::>boulder:; of your membership." • When sponsor::> go to un- ance required of an applicant. I National War College directing accompanied tom· areas or mmit for naturalization before' an of- Col. Harr.v L.• Yerby, f11 the 1 US ('lol'Jt'er.'S Best T..nif«ormed OFFERED:J a speed-up of present Defense Ji U, 1 J 1 , wait extended periods for over- ficer of the !&NS. new Commanding' Officer, - The WSMR JAMTO is lo-I?epartment reviews of hous-, anla aus . . . . seas housin~. ot bec~me avail- If you were born abroad of WSMR Support Command. As A led in buildino- Post mg, medical rare, pay and al- I CI The general objective of the ~gies m the world m which we able so familles can Join them. American citizen parents, or an Support Commander. C J. 1782 S I 0 ....,;a oital Phon ' 21144 lowance::, Secrntary Paul said, s w k Command Information Program ltve. a monthly family separation alien parent and a citizen par- Yerby's rei;ponsibilitles will be r:i· ~~~ conv~~:~~nc:e of ~LL er~ "The Pre;;ident·:~ words arc, of I lar s or is to increase the effectiveness To be effective th.e soldier allowance of $30.00 is paid to ent, you would do well to read to direct. coordinate and super- . th' p course. the guide and corner- 1 f th A b . th must understand differences defray expenses arising from i;ection 311 of the Immigration sonne1 m 1s area. o e rmy y en1 argmg e b t th . vise activities in 12 Divisions . . ·'. . . . stone for the })l'Ogl'ams which IA I Wh •1 s d . . . , .. . ew een e Amencan form of separate maintenance. This and Nationality Act of 1952, ns under \VSC. He is a veteran Tlus offl.ce. iepresents all we in Defen,;e Will pursue." mdividual s understandmg of free government and Commun- helps families pay for services amended (8 u.s.c. 14.52) ancl 01 I e an s I 23 scheduled all'lmes. ~ncl can Is- The morale and effectiveness Wh't S d, Mil't . pr his service and by motivating : ism's tyranny. He must be able which the husband or father Army Regulation 608-3, as more than year;; of i;ervice, sue tickets fol' official and per- of U. S. military manpower de- d t~ e C~n ~ . 1 ~~! 0 ice the soldier to perform to the I to recognize the Communist lie would normally provide such as changed. coming to White Sands from 1 1 t.mnul. ti:avel. The staff ai:e train- pends not only on accomplish- :;ain ~ill :~n~~~ ~. c:r:;~~ limit of his aDilily. Iand be able to throw t~e lie repair or maintenance work. And finally, if this doesn't aJJ· ~:~~~an; ;d·a~hc7? ~~~~ ~~ ~ !~;~: 10 0 1 1 1 1 ed .aulme en:1P !~cs. v.~o c~~ ments of the Department of De- Santa Claus." Throu Ph this George Washington first re- bac~ with well-groun~ed infor- Apart from financial support ply to you, how about your Harry. 8, and Mnrguret. 7, re- ns~i~t ~ou with itmeranes, m fense. a.ccordmg to Mr. Paul, joint 0 eration new a~d used cognized the necessity of keep- mation on the way h1~ g?ven1- con~ected with moving and children? side at 220 Jupiter, WSMR. fmmation, etc. Go now -pay but at times even more import- cloth'n; and 'n d d ing the American fighting man ment works - why it IB the family separation, the Army's ------~------~~tc~· pl~lS Can]'~e Lrranged for ant is the esteem and apprecia· dam:ged toys wfl~'beU~~lle:i:~d informed during the early days best. Concern for the welfare Of its ose w 0 qua 1 Y· . tion shown the serviceman by and readied for presentation to of the Revolutiol'lary War. It There is more than this, soldiers and dependents atkes JAMT_O is .especially trained the civilian population of this some needy youngster at Christ- was one of the general's earli- though. The man must have many forms. Close, personal at. Programm·ng Course Sel in handlmg military t.ransporta- country. t· est orders to his officers - let faith that he will be taken care tention to a family's needs is Mr. w .. R. Fletche1-, CDP of I The couri;e co,·ers input, out­ tion pi·oblems. "The attitude of the public to-· mas une. lhe man know what he is fight- of by the Army and the United most imp<>rtant, Persons who v.ish to donate st t t H El !'aso, is offering ? course in put and central p1·oce.;Ror opera­ ing for and what js expected of a es governmen . e must Commissaries, po st ex- bas1c computer programming to lions. The objective of the course toys or clothing may do so by him, not just battle plans but understand his rights as a sol- changes, nurseries, hospitals calling the Chaplain's office, ex- d' d Am · ·t· I d L~s Cruces residents. The co111':'c is to teach an undt'ri;tanding of what is wanted for the new 1er an an encan c1 izen. an dispensaries. guest houses, will start at 9 a.m., Sept. 12, at terms used in data processin~. tension 3119 or 25166, or the country. It is only through under- transient billets, and recrea- the. Woman'~ I.mprovcment As- Students will learn to prepar• MP Desk Sergeant, ext. 3227 Today, it is more important standing the principle of Amer- (Continued on Page 7) sociat10n building. (Continued on Pa~e 7) or 2014. Anangements will be than ever that the Command ican government and his rights made to pick up the articles. Information Program be carried that he will be effective, fight­ --.------They will then be taken to to its fullest extent because of ing to preserve the rights and "Santa's Workshop" for neces- the international clash of dieol- prmc1p· · l es tha t h ave ma d e h'is sary repair. nation the greatest in history. All persons are urged to join The American fighting man 1 the program and help give some is, and must be, the best-inform- needy child a Merry Christmas ed soldier in the world. (ANF) ., in 1964. New Traffic Sign PMOC Speaker I Is Many Things Named For Thur c counties. Last year 'the Range col­ thrown in fo~· good Measur.e. v.ior, Pfc Reed has been as· I ushers at the Sunday Morning actor in tl1e Labs. He is a 1962 graduate of lected over $28,000 in its funcl mlr."ing efforts. l\1r. Compton's When there 18 no cross traffic Signed to the Security Division Protestant Services at' the Post mendation Medal from l\laj. Gen. J. F. Purdue Uni·rnrsity, Ln.fayctt<', Ind. with a ftmd driYe duties are in addition to his regular assi:;:-nment you don't have to come to a since March fo this year. He j Chapel. , Thorlin, WSMR Commander, for his Anny Ph. D. in Nuclear Engin<'ering. Dr. and Mrs. halt as you "".oultl if a conven- is the son of Mr. and Mrs. All Pl'Ote:;tant Men are invl· service in the Nuclear 1'~ffects La·b. from as Chief, ltange Prog·rnms Rr:m<'h 3, Plans and Opnntlon~. Long, and their two children, Betl1, %, anct tional stop m9n were at the Roger H. Reed, Route #4, Ve· ted to attend this program and (Photo by Photographic Atssociates, El l'aso, Texas) I October 1962 to July 1964. While on a(•tive ,Jc-t·r, 1 ~z, rt>side at 3(H Lake City. White Ispot. vay, Indiana. 1 breakfast, j duty, Dr. Long a Nuclear Engineer, 1mpe1·- Sands Missile Range. .WIND & SAND Pollcie:; and stateml:nts in the news and i::ditorial coh1nms I The Pursuit Of Peace !BACK TO are not 11ece:-sarill:v th(lse of the l)t•p:11·tm.,nt of Arni~ m· it. 1 Tht• Pursuit Peat•t• an nusk, bu::;ines" unt ii a wui-lcl·wiue vie- .:01 Pub is11ed ai:; a civilian Pllte1'Pri,:;o in thf' 1nlel'e!:'t of ~"·1•1·1•tary of' St

ll • l~, . ' ·~ Call for ~ '.\ 1 '1l. a lo n from • i HFC's experienced military loan specialist will ROOT BEER -- COKE or DR. PEPPER OUR SPECIALTY read you loud and clcnr. He understands the j servicemen's special money needs. When it comes ,: to a loan tcr paying bills, buying clothei; or a When Ordering: TOPPER BURGERS I • better car, taking a leave-or for any good pur- ON SESAME BUN po~c-come to the man at HFC. Topper or Jr. Topper Burger, No. 1 or I\o. 2 Hamburger 1 You can trust the company that's trusted by 2 Meat Pattler. - Cheese - Lettuce - Toniatn • • To1iper's Own l:)peelal :Sallee • French Fries rnorc than 100,000 servicemen every year. You No. 3 Chili Burger or No. 4 Chili Cheeseburger can borrow with confidence from Hou$ehold. . \ GRAND OP,ENING SPECIAL·s-- 6 a.m. io 11 p.m. Sun. thru Thurs, Cg•h MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS You Gol OPEN 6 a.m. till Midnight Fri. & Sat. 24 18 12 6 ---/urymts ---p4ymll ---P4>1f11S ---P4>mt< Frozade Slushes Malts & Shakes $ JOO $S.90 ·)• '1•1"",,_, $10.lH l;;IS.45 Lin1e - Cherry - Orange - Grape 39 Electronic Ordering Devices '300 17.41 21.53 29.87 55.10 Regular 15c - 25<.: & 05c 500 27.73 31i.65 48.J7 90.ti:.l Chocolate • Strawberry For· J:i'aster More Efficient Service 8iJO 4'.?.'.2!J s:~ . 4o 75.71 14:2.8:! 15C 1000 51.81 65.75 Vanilla 93.64 177.48 Pineapple· AbrJre payments 11iclude /Jo/11 /1rinc1pal1 each ...... and intere~t. based 011 pr11111tt upaymwt. CO PLETE ARRAN EMENTS· BY MAIL "Dri\·e-In" To Fine Food • Bring the family. They de­ serve the finest in food, and we have it! ·-·--- --­. Dial 1 I !iZ8-2ll l 518 N. Main St., Las Cruce;;, N. M.-JAck!:!on 4-77b3 l t And ' 1111" 01'th·r ~ . . . \";'!!! [J;· Jit';uh 111 I Ap1.1i, .lad;: Time I I would like to arrange a loan of $------f NAM£ & RANK';,______...______! tHltKEN-:ranuGii' \ ~ [ ~O,,.••~•u "'' ., ••"''' r euotNI \ I RLSIDENCE ADUR1':SS: ______NEFF'S Intersection South Mi:tin & Truck By Pass • J CHICKEN . I (In 5 Delectable Pieces) I MILITARY ADDRW:S: ------• -. I • I ------A~E: __~ • Deliciou! I FILL OUT-MAIL COUPON TODAYI Hot Rolls______...... ' L------~------J 0 "UNITED FUND •KICK-OFF~ ri~lllS WEEJ{ '. Friday, S~tlt~~' 1964_.=- ~'~ind & Sand: 3 w11ite 8auc1,; Mh~Jle R:1nge·:> They Walk, Ride, Talk 1nnual Unilt:d Fund Drive is being "kicked-0ff'' in bel'eral organizational rallie,; through- On Way to Wh1·te HoU se 01 1t the poHl between the tenth NE\li' YORK 1dency was nol an office lo . "d t t an(l T rea;;111·er Clem C ast 111 o, .. · nlO.JOr canu1 a es eae1 1 rave1 e c1 Budget An· Jv t Offite Dirccto be sohcJled or tt1med dov..-n. at 80.000 miles anti made more ,l • :; ' - 1 lea:-.t nol in public. I rate of .Programs a1,d Budget:-» T 11 e intensive pJe~Jdential , llrnn 500 :speec·he:i. I Biic:kmg up tlw spea1head I campmgn.. aceol'(j' mg t o Liel ,N a- Thal trnvel anu Hpeechmak- and the kev to a :-:111Tessful t· G . S . t ing alone won't a:;sure a vie• . . · i.· iona1 eograp1 uc oc1e y, on1 y 1 . h 1 1 l ti . 1 896 . w dl'lve w1l )e tile exec11 11·c com- 1 d i·t· 1 t . , torv pro\·en 111 co . l . , , . f 1 en ere 1e po i ica pie urc m .: .. . B . . t t• 1mtteemen am :;co1c,. o tcy- 1 the United States about 1840. Wilham Jennings i~an II ar men from all agenl'Je" and ac- s· tl ., h t b ect lt1e wig11e for per.:;onal, t- T mce ieu Le as grown o e t· . t . Lon" b lVI JCS. . . I the most spectacular drama I e 1ec mneenng l']JJS.. . " ' Actual cullecl1u11 actt,·1tie::i ti , i·t· ff fore the duy:; of swltt aircraft; Jae po l JCS o ers. 1 . :.i1•e sC'hedulell lo lake place It was the \\'ilham Henry 1 tnps, Bryan traverserl 18.000 from Monday, Sept. 21 to F1i-. Hnrrison'-llrartin v:n Buren' mile;-; and spolte to fiYe m1lllo•1 cla.y, No,·. 6. It 1H hoped that 1 eampai of 1840 that started people m 27 ~tatcs. He onl'e the \VSMR team will surpa:-s 1 -~ _ _ _, delinn·ed 36 :,peechcs In :!1 1963's efforts when :S28.000 was I hours contributed, gorng- to over 50 D.A. REVISES REG Bul hb opponent, Willia11 deserving· oranizatio11s in El , ON COMMISSIONS 1 McKinley. sla~:ed .home. Almo~t / Paso. _ Dona. Ana. and Otero / all 111s . cu1:1pa1gnmg was d<.f.1e 1 j Countws. '\Y ASHING TON 1ANF) _ 1from Im; t 1 unt porch. And ho . Hel'e are some.. of the ageu- i Young meu can now receive was the winner! c1cs which benefit from your n·t1 al ai · itm ·nts a commi _ ·- - --- U 'l d F d c l ·1 t'1011 I l< Jpoll c . " ~ B. 'H t L. ' me un on n)U ": : r;ioncd warrant officer!; in the 1 Iggest 0 Ine DO!l.A AXA ( 'OU:'.\TY 1 :-.;'ational Guard and Army Re- M B 'A t ' Ameriean Na l i on a I Red :-.erve after their 28th birthday ' ay e U OVOn 1 Cro;;:;, Boy Scouts of Arne1·ica, 1 - when a..ny delay in the com-1 WASHI~GTON (AFPS) _ I Gi1·l Scouts, Boys' Clnh. 1\fental I missioning is t.he fault of the I Of the many "hot lines" the 1 Health Ass.ociation, _Nalio:ml I Army. . most important one conneds T1·aveler1s Au:l. A:;:;n .. Sa~\·ation i The new pohc) e~.~mg· re-, '\Vai;hington with 1\loscow, but Anny. Goodwill Imh1:>tl'lt's. I serve compone~1t age. the bigge:;t of then> all m 1 " 1 EL PA:-;O COL'"i''rY l'l'Qllll'ements is spelled out m. ven· well be the Department of 1 Ame1·ican Red Ci·oss. A.1111ed Change 2 lo AR J35-lOO, re- Defense's "Autovon." Sen-ices YMCA, Arthritis and I leased to the field this week. Autovon c01mects mo,,t de­ Rheum. Foundation E. P. Chap.. Tl~e rcgulatioi~ contii:ue~ to fen~e m::;lallation.<> in the Unilc'd IBoy Scouts of Amer.. Yucca ! 1:(·~Ull'? men to '.1le appl'.cal!o~:; States, Panama and Europe by 1 1 Council. Catholic \Velfare Assn .. ~ ° mit'.al ap.pomt b~foic then 1 permiting direct dialmg to ai1y I Catholic Youlh Organization, :"'Bth1 bu lllda~ · and w~ll enough I post on the circuit. Cerebral PaJr-;y aml Rehah. Cen- m acl v~Jice to peniit. normal Urgent military calls can h ler. El Pa;;o Boy;:;' Club; , pioc:e~smg of applic::ttwn. . dJaletl directly through Auto- r El Paso Children's Dav Ca1e However_ Uie new regula.tlOJ1 von lines with a minimum of I A::isn.. El Pnf:O County· A:-:>ou. directs that .a ~rni.Vt>l' of ~1iaxi- time lapse and at greatly re• F01· The Blind, El PaHo Cuid- mum. age ...lunJta~wns will be duced co,.;ts. ance Ceuler, Family Scnice pernulted if applicant ?ecomes The syslem has been ln aper- ' ond Tra.velcrl! Aid. Goodwill In- o\.~ra.~~ dt~; ,to. ~d 1.nnu~tral 1".e I atio11 for two years and ls eu- ci11st1·ies, Houchen Connnnnity P~ ocei;,.,mg. Fm m;;tauce, offi- tirely separate from civilian Cente1·, .Jewisl1 Communit:v cinl:" note that a top-leve~ se- telephone sy:stems. ICenter . .Jewi:;h .l<'nmiJy Service. curity chec:lt on an appli('ant Untlel' the Autovon SV.<;te111, I McCall Day Nuro:ery. ·Memorial i'Ometimes requirci; from six to I each military post is gi,·eu a Pat·k School, Onr Lady's Youth 12 months to complet~. code number that is llsicll in Center; The Army ts urgmg com- a special Autovon directory. I Rescue :Mission. Rio CJ :tmk lilClnt desired agencie.~ ;;tand ready to help best ever. ; through ch•ilian operator~.

¥-SPECIAL¥- • IT'S KICKOFF TIME FOR For around town driving - Full DURA-TREADS - Free Mounting OUR UNITED WAY DRIVE Exchange Plus TatX Guaranteed For ~o-otliervoluntary effort is so important to so many people in our community as the United~ 6 Months In Writing Way campaign. It's under way now. And the good it does never ends. When your United Way volunteer asks for your pledge this year, give your fair share.Thousands who need herp;will bless you for your gift ONE GIFT WORKS MANY'WONDERS I GIVE THE UNITED WAY Guaranteed For 12 Months In Writing 6.50 x 13 ...... $ 6.95 6.50/ 7.00 x 14 ...... 7.95 7.50 x 14 ...... -...... _...... 8.95 7.10x15 ...... 9.95 7.60 x 15 ...... $10.95 J<:XCHAXGE - Plus Tax:

WHITE WALLS $1.00 More SPECIAL DISCOUNTS to all White Sauds Personnel, Federal, Free Mounting & Balancing State, & Local Government Employees,



KEN GRAYES IN WRITING General Manager SOUTHLAND TIRE STORE 4: Winlrong ... on paper, that is. AFL (Eastern) - A toss-up. ... in6 for the ball. SPORT LAUGH - Manager OAKLAND over Boston: Bill • • and that includes the New York Registration deadline f o r After about fiv emilmtes of Danny Murtaugh of the Pitts­ Jtes. Says Jet Coach Weeb Eu­ Cannon certainly won't hurt the table teni1is is 1600 hours today burgh Pirates tells of the time Raiders championship hopes. searching, Jones said he was bank, "We don't have a lot of in order to select a team to par­ ""ttting cold and stiffening up, one of his players-Gene Her­ fancy names, just good ball * * * ticipate in the Five-Star tour­ manski-got into an argument Now for a few words from ~o he went back to play his ball. players." Buffalo, with Crunch­ ney to be held at the Armed He drove one another 200 yards with catcher Andy Seminick of er Cookie, and Boston, with its our mystery m a n • , • "T h e Forces YMCA in El Paso on the Philadelphia Phils. Herman­ Handicapper." to within four feet of the pin. fine passing game, are the co­ At 19 September. You may re­ About this time Smith yelled, ski was floored by Sen1inick and fa vorites, but New York and I>JTTSBURGH over UCLA: If gister by signing up at the Bell returned to the bench mutter­ It weren't for Panther quarter­ "I found it!" and proceeded Houston ceratinly are not head­ Gym or calling 2075. to drive one to within two feet ing. Mm'taugh asked him what ed for embarrassment. The Oil­ back Fred Mazure, the two it was all about and Herman­ teams would be evenly matched, * * * of the pin. This shook up Jones ers, though they lack consist­ This Sunday, 13 September, so much that he missed his four. ski replied: ency, are long on explosiveness. but ••• will be the last day you may "That guy doesn't fight fair. The AFL, as usual, appears foot putt. Smith sunk his two­ COLLEGIATE OUTLOOK swim at the Holland Pool. 1t You're supposed to warn a fel­ On the collegiate football unpredictable, but here goes. footer for a birdie three and closes for the season at 1800 the championship. low when you want to }lit him." front, the rules have been SAN DIEGO over Houston: I hours. lmow, you never would have Now for the problem. What * * would you do if you were Jones 0 guessed. Kirtland Air Force Base in and you had Smith's ball, which The Feather Touch N.l<~W YORK over Denver: in Albuquerque contemplates host­ the battle of the ugly ducJ{!ings. you found in the rough, secure­ ing a Power Lift Contest. Any­ ly hidden away in your pocket? U:ANSAS CITY ove1· Buffalo: one interested in competing con­ The Chiefs are waiting for an * * * tact Bell Gym, 2075, prior to More golf stories, this time BUY NOW & SAVE ea:,;y game before t bey start to 1600 hours, Friday, 18 Septem­ from the Associated Press. lose. ber. YES, WE'LL EVEN STORE BOSTON over Oakland: Bos­ The Reverend James Osborne • * of Hinesburg, Vermont, played YOUR NEW COOPER TIRES ton will catc'.'h the once-lowly A golf p1·oblem was posed to Raiders over-anxious to start a l'OUnd of golf Tuesday in St. me by M/ Sgt John Rohan of George, Vermont. His first tee UNTIL NEEDED SO YOU CAN out the :;ea~on and an expected championship chase. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR, The NFL starts out with the easy ones. SPECIAL SALE PRICE. GREEN BAY over Chicago: Still This is the game the Packers want most to win all season - wrestling and they are the league's best. DETROIT over San Francis­ with co: Defense. PITTSB PRGll over Los An­ wet geles: The Rams may win some washP, Cooper Pace-Master NYLON FOR s319sPLUS TAX ' ONLY . AND 2 TIRES OFP YOUR CAR ANY SIZE LISTED TUBELESS TUBE TYPE DRIES CLOTHES WRINKLE­ BLACK* BLACK* 6.50-13 FREE AND AIR-FRESH ... ! ! 6.70-15 • 01n•11••+"'"''"'~~;···~~·~·;~·;•••111111t111nnn111m 7.50-14 7'.10-15 H's time you got "hep" to an automatic Gas clothes dryer, that 100% pure alpaca cardigan by 8.00·14 7'.60·15 If repaid in 14 days the total FULL SERVICE GUARANTEE will save you hours of back-breaking labor. With a gas clothes 8.50-14 NO LIMIT as to miles, months or road hazards cost will be 84¢. Phone for dryer you don't have to worry about those sudden showers, dust (1) FULL SERVICE guaranteed for ltfe 6.70-15 prompt, courteous service! storms, flying Insects, or winds that suddenly whip your laundry of original tread. 7.10-15 ALL PRICES PLUS TAX. to the ground. Eliminate old-time washday drudgery, do it the Lord Jeff (2) FULL ALLOWANCE granted on any "'WHITE WALLS ONLY modern way • , • with GAS. unused service. The feeling is light; the fit lively. And lord Jeff's pure 7.60-15 $2.00 MORE PER TlRI LOANS UP TO $1000 See us for complete d•t•ll• today Gas is just naturally Alpaca renders any weather temperate. A faster . , • dependable masterful cardigan, flowing to a jacket front, ribbed • • . and does it better back, buttoned side vents. All colors are for less money. the season's choice. $27.50 FINANCE COMPANY of Las Cruces TIREC •• 200 South Main Street ~1~GAS 717 N. Main JA 4-4661 wJ US CRUCES UTILITIES PROMOTION BOARD Phone: 524-2816 Las Cruces. N. M. I 1 Friday, Sept. 11, 1964 - '\Vind & Sattd: 5 N c0 L d. A . ·1 · I'I0 ROUND I a ies UXl llllJ 28 Complete -- ePendent PO ST ~~~~~~~~~'Y ~~~~'"" 1,~~~~vce:~~kry ~.~y~.~~,:,, ,~'•·aining Course White Sands Missile Range. N. Navy Wives Club. Members of the refreshment c 0 mp 1 et ea the Dependent by M., will celebrate its 11th birth- Ii A pro9ram of Spanish music committee include Mrs. R. TJ. Driver Training Course that day ani:ivcrsary Sunday (13 . and da_n~ing will be pres~nted. Shafe;·'. chair_man; Mrn'.Herman was helc! 3 through 2l August Sept.) with a tea from 2 to 4 Rece1vmg the g\lests will be f?1·anklm, Mts. F. E. Ringwood, 1 by the White Sands Provost Carol Rice p.rn. in the Non-Commissioned Mrs. H. S. Malson, club presi- Mm. Victor Jo~eph and Mrs. 1 Marshal in cooperaiton with Officer Ospen Mess. dent; Mrs. C. V. Charle:;, Mrs. Sanots Antonetti. lh New Mexico State Police. I Special guests for the event R. H. Hanson, Mrs. J.E. Wilson Mrs. Edward Strobel. Mrs. ~he Provost Marshal'.; Office 1 will be members of NCO Ladies and Mrs. Victor Joseph. . Robe~·t Blancl~ard and Mrs. J. erported that the class, com-1 $10.01 Design Contest has crossed from East Berlin Auxiliary of Fort Bilss, Biggs Mrs.. W. A. Jackson is c~a1r- E. Wilson are~ charge of deco- posed of military dependents. Boy Scout Troop 74 is look­ to the West. But no one ex­ Air Force Base. William Beau- man of the hostess comnuttee. 1 rations. Arrangmg the program was the laro-est ever to attend ing for a new distinctive em­ pects him to give out any top mont General Hospital, Hollo- Assi~ting her will be C. H. are Ml's. Hanson. Mrs. C. B. I the Driver Training Course at blem indicative of scouting at secrets. The defector is a police man Air Force Base, and the Davis, Mrs. E. H. White, Mrs. I Green, Mn;, Joe Johnson, Mrs. White Sands Missile Range. 1 WSMR for use on the troop dog named Hasso. It was on Fort Bliss Japanese-American James Papachnston and Mrs. J. A. Albert and Mrs. Charles. 1 . t• flag and the troop necke1·chief. duty with a patrnl at a sec­ Wives Club. The twenty-.e1ght . gradua. mg students received instructions tion wllere the East West Bor­ The design contest, open to Also invited are the wives of ancl were te;;ted by State Police all, offers a prize of $10.01 to der is a canal. Suddenly the the commanding general. com­ Troopers from New Mexico. dog jumped in the water and mander of the Naval Ordnance the person coming up with tho The course consisted of one began swimming to thE. West. Missile Test Facility and top emblem the troop decides to weelc of work in the classroom , adopt. The boys o< the troop He ignored the cries of East staff officers of White Sands, and two weelrn of practical ex­ Bel'lin police and made his way will be the judges of the con­ ecrise g·iving each inivdidual an test which will close Saturday to freedom. opportunity to be observed by ' 3 October 64. their instructors. A All entries should be sent to Reorganization·? Overheard in Headquarten; The State Troopei·s stated . enior Patrol Leader John Lil­ that those taking the driver ' ley. 205 Aerobee Street, WSMR. this week ... "If my bosfl calls, =HANDYMAN training in the class exempli- j The winner and the selected find out what his name is." ficd more effort and interest In aesign will be announced in CENTER Countdown their willingness to learn the W&S during the month of Oc­ On the agenda for this weei average beginning drivers. tober. at your Countdown Service BUILDING A PATIO Graduating as honor student Why Not? Club are, a Scribbage Tourna- Nowadays it's almost becom­ was John Austin who received A WSMR's Entertainment Sec- ment. lonite at 181)0 hours, with ing a ct·ime not to have a patio a perfect score for the three W,in is always on the lookout competetive sports ni the Game on which to do your summe1· week course. Brenda White and for local talent. You don't have Room on Saturday. Sunday. a entertaining. Building a patio is a fairly easy job that can be Deanna Cunninghan tied for to be a professional to join the tour to Deming and the :t-.; ew accomplished in one weekend. high score among the girls as a Community Theater. Casting is Mexico State Fair, the bus will result of their class perform- l<'irst determine your location, 1 still going on for their coming dcpm·t from the Service Club marking it off with string. Keep ances. 1 musical production of "H.M.S. at 0900 hours ... sign up now in mind access to the house, Pinafore." for a day of fun ... Military aun positions, and available All personnel are welcome, rates are 75 cent .s . . box space. Het•e's a simple and good­ f\O why not drop in and look 1 lunches will be provided. On around? Where? • • . Bldg. ; Tuesday, the Army- ·hair Thea- looking patio you can build. 1421. located directly across ter will fca.ture "Unchained from the Arts & Crafts Cen- Goddess" in color at 1800 hours ter. 1 • •• Wednesday there will be For further information a pool tournament -nd Square please call Ext. 5177. Dance Classes, taught by George Smith. a professional In The News caller and instructor. There will be a meeting next TOP DRIVER - John Austin, son of lU. Sgt. and Mrs, Al­ Tuesday night at 1900 hours Re-enlistments bert S. Austin of 412 Thor St., \VSMR, receives a. set of in the Community Center for Five Em have re-enlisted for j STUDENTS Donald Clark and Robert Fatigion, seated, car keys symbolic of his graiduating ffrst in the class of 28 all adults interested in worl{ing a total of 2'1 years. They are: receive a briefing from Captain Bernard Rhees at a NIKE military dependents who complet~d the Dl'pcmlcnt Drlve1· with Boy Scout Troop 74. S/Sgt. Eric Winn, Hq & Hq. HERCULES site near Davidsonville, Md. Mrs. Mary Averell Training Course. Col. Richard E. Wade, \VS.l\IR Provoi,t Mr. John Warner, of North Co., Sp5 Delbert Johnson. Hq & Fisk, wife of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Ma1·shal, made tile presentation during gracluatlon ceremo­ American Aviation, District Hq Co., Sfc John D. Bates. Co. (Health 'and Medical), is accompanying a group of Washing­ nies. Dt>(>enclent Drivn Training is provided by the Pro\·ost .Ainmissioner of the Sunshine A; Sp5 Eugenio Vigil, Hq & ton, D. C., students under the Widening Horizons Program. Marshal's Office in cooperation with the Nc·w l\Jexko State Wi-tict, Yucca Council will be Hq Co., and Sp4 Raplh Hop­ These tours provide educational activity throughout the sum• Police. Austin made the highest grude possible, achieving· the guest speaker and a dis­ You'll want yout' c.,mcnt pa­ kins, Hq. Co. mer for W ashingt.on, D. C., teenagers. a 100 in all three pa•rts of the ex:m1ination. cussion will follow. tio to be about four inches The meeting will last appro­ UP News thick so dig your area three in­ ches down. The extra inch on ximately 90 minutes and re­ Three of the Traffic Section top will allow for settling and freshments will be served after­ MPs had a plaesant but unpro­ easier maintenance. If you have wards. ductive uhnting trip in the Gila chosen a low spot better dig a Mrs. Audrey E. West, form­ Wilderness over the Labor Day little deeper and fill base ·with A 1y employed wit WhSC, Sup­ weekend. Cpl Harold J. Crwa­ cinders for drainage. Wet down ~y & Maintenance Division has lcy and Pfc's Harvey W. Steph­ and tamp thoroughly. retired after nine yeal's of Fed­ enson and Kenneth J. Tietjcni; Enclose your area with 2x4's. Start with 18-Karat Gold ... eral Service. She resides at went "bar" hunt in on Diamond Brace them with stakes on" the outside. Place additional 2x4's - Route 1. Box 960, Las Cruces, Crnekt on Saturday and Stmday. inside patio area to form New Mexico. They claim to have had one squares about 3x3 feet. Using (AP) • • • Another defector shot at a "bar" but brought premixed cement (more expen­ Fine Quality Diamonds .... no evidence of such claim back sive, but so much easier) fill to WSMR. A near catastrophe the squares individually. Plan tick, tick, to leave the 2x4's in perma­ occurred Saturday night when nently. tick, tick, •25 tick, an "ole coon hound" crawled tick, tick, tick, '50 ti

own. It's economical to operate ••• supplies Send Mail Orders to: Shain's (mall order division), 102 North l\Ialn, Las Cruce~, N. M., or Phone 524:-0421 instant hot water automatically and efficiently Las Cruces ••• and THAT'S the important difference! A DIVISION OF GORDON JEWELRY CORP.- STORES COAST TO COAST Ask about Reddy Kilowatt's liberal $40.50 102 NORTH MAIN eCITIZEN wiring and plumbing allowance for a new FLAMELESS Water Heater installation. ~lOMkdV~ 114 S. Church Si. s~ei~y~:~ Phones 6-5575 - 6-5578 ALSO IN ROSWELL and HOBBS, N. M. and EL PASO, TEXAS ISOUTHLAND TIRE STORE OPENS WITH A COMPLETE TIRE LINE

La" Crncb i;-; 011 the niuve I here and is offering a full lilie of retread:; aud the Mohawk lrn:;i1w"s-1\·be agail1. The Suuth- uf new and retrea_d tu·es: . I brand, Ken Grave», general land Tire Store ha:; :;et up shop Handlu1g tbe Big-0 Tire !me j manager, say:; that with then· - - -- - complete retread plant at Truth ,. 1 or Consequences, they handle tllc needs of their customer•. a ·1 B • Big-0 i:; a coa:-;t-to-coast tu• O ~ a U S ID e S S treact service \'1ith some :121 L outlets. The Big-0 re.tread is fully guaranteed and can be I :;er-viced aa,..o FlleC'tl'i<' Co. met in Las Cruees on Thursday morning (Aug·ust '?O) at 11 :IHI tun. 'rhe j,.. tlw owu• 1 of thf' R. E. Bone~ " Jn,,m·am•r Agen<'y in Las C'rlll'l's anw 1\IP:-.i1•0 Jt•turs for the past 16 ;yt•ars. ,--- Audit Startt-- .Hon· /}it'.,l'I.• in United Fund Auditing of City of Las Cruces Auction Of jfinaocial affairs today was un­ HEW • de~· way at City Hall. Arlyn A. ',. ra Ex]Jancled 196;) Chevrolet Truck Line ' Gives Report ,Knegel. c.P.A .• of Neff and SAVINGS Company, said the check wa» • ACCOU.NTS Thl1 tirst report meeting of the routine. I MEANS Lands 11965 United Campaign Fund of "We are under contract to the ' j I Donn Ana County was held at city to conduct the audits this INVITED Public a11ction of 992.79 ::irres the Palms Motor Hotel and a year," Kriegel said. "This acti- , SECURITY of Federal grnzing land in 1 lnote of optimism was sounded. lvity is in pursuance of the con· suuthca:.;lern and south centi·al, I•Be Success' tract. and is in no way a special I New :M:exico hns been i-:et for Gen. Hugh Milton II. µresi- inquiry." We Have Never October 29 Jiy the Bureau of dent of the group, said in I.tis ~------I Land Maw1g-ement. I opening statement, "Ladies and Paid Less Than ... W. J. An·.lernon, ncling BL:M gentlemen. the 1965 United Cam- You Will Enjoy A state director, i;aid the lands i paign Fund dril·e in Dona Ana I are being offered on appliea- I County will be a success." I 1 tions of present users, I General 1\lllton predicted the l Ul'K 71AJL · Penix Livestock. lnc.. of Cor- , drive would go over the top and heen <1pprai:.;ed for $15,250. Tells Procedures 5 The :-;econd w le has hecn i Henry Gustaf:;on, campaign SC"neduled u.1 the apilicaUon of chairman, told of 1he pt·ocedures 'Mrf'. Bill O'Bryan vVier of I to be used in the 1965 drive. Dividends Hobb:;. She has npplied for 312.- White Sands Missile Range, I URG-'AN 7fi at'rcs in Lea Co11nty about the Apollo project, New Mexi­ Ml. J.UJJ(;E 10 inile;; 1'0Uthw0st of Eunice. co State University, Las Cruces On Savings! Thi,; ktntl has hecn appraised' and almost every bu::;iness and , ORGAN. N. M. for $3.860. I To blect customers' needs for more spe­ in-line, 3-cyliuder two-cycle diesel of 94 hp for 1 civic activity in the area, was Tile sales will be held at 10:30 cialized trucks, Chenolet has greatly expanded city pickup and delivery work, and three VG : represented. its 1965 truck line to 327 modt.•ls, largesi number four-cycle diesels of 130, 150 and 170 hp. A 230- n.m. in the BLM Land Office I ~~~ In the Post Office nd .!<'ederal in its history. !\lost expaasion is in the diesel cu.-in. 140-hp six-cylinder engine will be op­ Accounts Insured Up To $10,000 field, extending down to the 11/z·ton class ro~ the tional in the Chevy-Van, replacing the smaller Building in Santa Fe. I -Authorized­ Mineral right:; will be retain­ tirst time. New to the !ine are an economical 120-hp six previously offered as an option. I By The Federal Savings & Loan I111>ur. Corp. ed by the United State,., nntl all RAMBLER Sales Service Parts :-\<'t' it at ROARI\: Cht'Holl'1. appraisal prices will he the niinimum ne:ceptable bids.

LARGt:Sl STOCK WESTERN WEAR lN BU~'(.'//~' THE SOUTHWEST BAK /j'ff >7 Organized March 18. 1926 2113 N. MAIN - - ~-1 The house ot • • EXPERT REF-km SERVICE ON ALL MAKES! l·Day Scrvtr.e on Shirll Dutch Oven H:read. The Mulual Building And Dry Cleaning • MOTOR TUNE-UP • ELECTRICAL SERVICE I • lndlvlduaJ f aund.r"t Service e WE!)DING CAKES & Loan Associalion ALAMEDA e SPECIAL BREADS ! .,. MITCHELL MOTOR LAUNDRY & CLEA~ERS e FINE PASTE.RlES co. I OF J,A:s CRUCES 452 S. Alamedn Pl> ~24-2188 1840 N. MAIN Las Cruces. N. M. Ph. 524-7741 ·i·!o 'i. Churd1 Ph. 526-3377 Las Cruces, N M 9 PIES lit: N MAIN LAS CRUCES N M. I~ ·- ~--- Phone J JA 6-5576 • es Ci izen and the Wind & Sand ASSURES YOU OF A COMBINED CIRCULATIOH OF OVER ••••• J -. Hunting And Fishing Map Vow Available ------·------New Mexico hunters this fall Some Things cLA:::.siFrnD RATES FOR sALt: I . will have aYailable for the first Mil1imum (ca::,hl . . · • · · · · .$1.00 --- - - Friday, Sept. 11, 1964 - Wind & S and . 7 time a free map saowing the I Minimum \cl1argc' .. , ... $1.UO 1960 . CHEVRO~ET Pickup, 4 --- general location of public hunt­

Adds conlaimng 1(1 word::. or speed, 6 C:t I. Ma.v be seen ' ing hinds and fo;hing waters. 1 at 498 West Che;;tnut afte1· 1 • mo1·e: . 1 a P. '.\£. The map sets forth the loca- ' One tnne only •.. • 10c µe1 word 1-- Lion of 14.000,000 acre;, of pub­ 'l'\vo . . : .. 9c pet ·-- . _Fo R :-.A LI'.; - . - -- - times~. wo~~ lic domain - an area almo::.t We Print 01 8 -- Tluee tune~ more c P 1961 D-17 D1ESEL AC TRAC- Itwice as big as Belgium and 1 wo~·ct. . I TOI~ . Combined with two j indicates prime hunting and Clasi;1f1eds cl1arged a:id.. bifh"Od I i·ow eollonpicker. Star Route, .fi~hing areas for major big • to mdiv1duals wh., ai e tegu!ar SLanLon, Tex .. SK 6-3353 Col- o;un1e and for ga111e fish. du;play accounts lO~o addl-1 lcct. Good condit1un, g-uaurn- 1 I It "·as pubJi,;hcd b:r tile Bu­ t1onal. I Leed. 1 reau of Land l\1anagement and Display Advertising on Clal:isi- l Scpl. lu, 11, 17, 18 Comb Pd. the New Mexico Department I tied Page at Reguia1 Prevail- I ing Space Rate:;. FOR SALl!: , of Game and l<'ish, according to 1 J \\'. J. Ander;;on, BL.."1 1 All Clai:.sifieds 1~rnst be sche- j l96JJD 99 HIGH -DRti'.'.".J 1 :-;tale director. I 'inc·c complete ove1j1.iul. pilrtment and BLM offices. Fann, Soulh Main Streel. Perfect Condition. Must Sn<:- . I BILLS (;omb Aug. 27, Sept. 3, 10. 17. 1'illt1; for $7.000.00. Fmced I The tluee-color map shows financially. Phone OX 4-8892, ' numerous large blocks and scat- CHECKS HAVE TWO CARS MUST / Midland, Teas. Denton Hinei;. tercel tracts of public lands open I • :oell one. either a 1962 Chevy ! Sept. 10. 11, 17. 18 Comb I'd. in :;eaHon to hunting and fi:;h- l 1 DRAFTS ll, 4 cylincler or a 1963 Chevy '. ~------,;.;-----•. FOR'f BLISl-1 OFFICIAJ, VISJT"l WSMR- ..,<·hool offidal \ms i.;ht>n an orientation tonr ing. It also show., boundaries II Nova Spol't Coupe. 6 cy- 1 Uri~-. G<'n. C'harlP., Cant1·t>ll, llf'W ao;sist:m1 of th(• na1 ional mis..,ile range aml brif'f!'d on or lndian reservations, Nation- BADGES linder take your choice. Cali ronuuandant. l '. s. Anu~· Air DPfrnse School. n1riou<. projN·h muler dP1·elopm1mt. llt• wa ... al Forests. National Parks and Monuments, milila1·y reserva- 624-0255. Fort Bli!.S, is neicomed on hi., rN·P11t 'i"ii 1:111',,t of :\laj. Gt•n. .J. Ii'. Thorlin, '' l'OlR Sept 3-4 Comb. lTNC FOR SALE lions, points of int.ere:;t, reerca- DODGERS to White :sand" ;m ..... ne Ranl!t' • -. ~J .. b:V H. <'OllllllUJldt>r, tor lutu•h in fhp 0[fi<-f>r'> Opt>n 1 1 tion a1·eas on public domain, - --SP- E::IAL NOTICES I 1.72 ACH.U~ a bhl<'k'< T. l\Iost>,,, Visitors Rurt•1l'11. ThP Fort Bli-.s ~le'"· naliollal wildlife refuges. main BLOTrERS ----- i \~est 01 'e\\. .\Jt>xico ~ ------high"·a:,.·s and roads, and dis- W ANTED: Ex U.S. AIR I :State I lli\.ersit.v. Con- p w •11 y St• 11 B A 1• lanc·es beh\·ecn towns. BOOKLETS FORCE PERSUNNEL to JOID I ta<'t S1nart ffa(·e, l!HO eace l I OU I e 1ve Las Cruces Ai. Force Re· Rh.on Orin>. • • • • • • l S.Ytllbols of lllaj·or !!'ame~ a111' · I Continued From PPge 2 l . . mall; and warm water fish and PLACARDS serve Omt. Help the All / s.t.JVllHe 01 tile Amenca11 Hepub- 1 ( Conlullled l<'rvm P<1gt 21 lt'out are shown Lo indicate Force Rest!rve aild belp your· Ph. li'i&-5888 lies to C·1stro's efforls lo de~- rt ·, l t ' ·and f' l · seJt to promotion, pay and ' · ' ·· • . · · mrnor. If You're one of tho::.e 8elf-congratuhtions may ,J ·i ne rnn mg 19 ung areas. PROGRAMS retirement benefits. Contact LA~ CRl : Cl'~S. N l\l. ti·oy democracy m Vt•nezllclu. b · b"t 1· ·k b"tt · , ·' · · ; ' · ti c ' On the map's reverse side arc They made it clear. we think e ,l l l e 1 e1 dsr1es 111 .\ OLll mou 1. . Flight Commander at JA Lha.l Caslrn has no future in But we feel that even those of you who dicl gei P.lwlogmph,; of. huntmg rutd VOUCHERS 4451: Flight 1-erl:>onneJ Offl- ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . . banged b"t h t l b . t ·tl b j f1shmg :;cenes. tips on outdoor _.7022 01 1·nforma· ! __ __ _ Ith1:-; Henu:;phere or J.11 Cubn. We up a 1 ave cause o ce e ra e-pat v c- t t· f th r at JA 4 · J l l I b th · l cour c:;y exp1 ana 1011 o e CIRCULARS • on service officer at J l\ , WF~ PA\' CASH FOR believe thal thL Cuban pcople 1 c~us7 ,vou o b VIOUS) cou c rn,·e een among os~ w1olneed to' obtain ermis:;ion be- ti-2507 tf-nc 1 CLEAN USED I \\·ekome these. measmes agamst d1dn L make 11, but mostly because you may fmally ' fore crossing prfvate lands to ------i ~IOBILE HOMES a regime which has betrayed have learned the lessons that the Nationa, Safety reach public: land area::;, names BILL HEADS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES I Cactus Motor Co. I th~m .. and pr~ve.nt~ th~m. from Co\lncil and cou.ntiess otehr Ol'ganizations have been 1and addresses of BLM office::; YOU'LL LIKE OUR PRINT· enJo~mg then c lose traditional trymg to teach for vears. The lessons are. simply and in New Mexico. lis tings of ma- PAMPHLETS • 1655 6 8131 ING and our ·easonable pr!- '·!\lain .JA - ~~e:; ;;ith . thle other peopleR of concisely. that safet)r is a full-time job and that alert- jor game and fish species and Las Cl·uces C1·ti·zen, 114 1; La" Cruces. l'i M. 11'i emi~p ien·. d · d' · t' t' 1 wl1ere to tuk~ lhc111 a11d a PRICE LISTS t:es. (1'JDJ1'0R'S r-.OTE: •ri1;,, is ness an JU icrnus precau 10ns are essen ia. '~ ~ . • . uth Church. ·-:'.-==-=~-~;::- ;;;:;- ~~~~~~ I ·· · I We also hope that those oJ us who came through general cle.'>cnption of pubhc do- ~ tlw I ir1>e-pa.rt ~·- ma·11 ) land PRIZE LISTS FOR RE:\T 1 p ries.) Ithis summer unscathed won't have· to learn our safety s. 1 --u-A-._,-.,--N-G--"'P_A_C_E_R_N_o~w-- I atio Apartments ------lessons the hard way. After all, we're now facing a ··Lasl year hunting 2 IC ...... 1,.1 ..., i;·urni>,hrd 1 and '! bedroom. . t f 11 r h l"d d 1 . . t ~ I POST CARDS available, conveniently 10- 1 915 lJni\""er,,it,v A\.enue New RaleS Sel l wm er season, u o o i ays an t leir asfsocia e and fishil1g licen~es were sold cated downtown $5.00 per I ty problems. When it's over. how man~ o us will e in New Mexico, chiefly to re:;i- [';ear l'niven.1ty-3 Minute~ 1 d a t f th J t· t STATEMENTS mo. Inquire at La:; c i·uces I to WSMR. City and able to pat our::;clves on the back an say we more en ' o e popu a 1011 cen ers Citizen, 114 South Church On Insurance I Lhan 1\1st "made it through?" Iwho lllllS!. reach the back coun- St. Ph. JA 6-5575. 1-it·hool Bu<..,t><:. 1 • try in search of game and good INVITATIONS 1 April 11-tfn-NC l>IJone ,JA 6-9875 I 1C K. W. generator $7.73. decision to publish a map to I SCORECARDS 120 volt A C., 1500 watt gen· 1 DUDLEY I . Im.lcn111ily (Aetna J. High Op. S"tJ'_,(.,J(Jlll'l''T, I indicate its whereabonts and its erator tarpot l butane), ce- lion. Self Only present, $1.82; .._ ~ lioundarie:.;.'' j MEMO BLANKS 1enL mixer. t·lumber:; and I MOBILE ,' effective Nov. l, S2.&·l. I Game Department par1.iclpa- aint equipmen1 Tractor and HOMVCt I l'.1i:' ' i\.FGE Health Plan. High OP· 1 lion in publication of the map MEAL TICKETS anytime.a1.:ce:;sorie::; , Call 524-0903 Dial 437·7430 Lion, S~lf 1rnd "1."a~il~· - pres- Q AMERICAS SECURITY 1s a new underlaking for the ' - 1 F R ' Sept. 19_20 Comb. TFN. Chg. Dealer in enl. !li6.8k; efrect1ve No\'. l , D~·partment. LETTER HEADS - - j •AMERICAN !iin.41i. AND YOUR OWN Laud Gurdon, Game Depai·t- 1 -WE PAY CASH FO~- • WEST·WOOD AFG8 Hcnlth Pla11. High Op- ment director, said: I • LEGAL BLANKS e HOMECREST lion. Self Onl~· - pre>'ent, $2.!'i2; CLEAN USED I • EAGLE effective NO\'. 1, :i\3.511. I BUY u• s • SAVINGS BONDS "Demand for a map of U1is I MOBILE HOMES Highway 70 West kmd has been present for many I, SHIPPING TAGS CACTUS MOTOR CO. Next to Surplus City years. Hunter:; and fishermen j 1655 N. Main JA 6-8131 Alamogordo. N. M. Expenses Told have a need to know where the LAUNDRY LISTS Las Cruces. N. M. - Buy Sell or Trade r l t public lamls al'c located because ' 1 • GJ I they ha"t·e a 1·igbt to hunt or WINDOW. CARDS ------~-~-~~-....,..-~...,..,...... r-, I For Mov1ng s DOWN UP i:: UP I ~~~ciu\lle~~nl~~i;si~~~~;;on without I LOW COST Th V N J j (Continued From Page )) HILL MILL :.-: MILL VISITING CARDS eo . e son t ional facilities all provide wltlt - .. without l - INSURANCE · good!< a nd se1·\'lees pal'tic:ularly J>hotographs are an asset in _ , ALL AGES - J. T. RUEBUSH J appreciated h~· pen;onne l "011 ~rj J' ~Ul'6 busine~s ai~:t dial "tlgnlfi- FUNERAL CARDS Es the lllO\'e," 1ANl' 'l can<'e, or g1 !!>an pos f>rlt.,r. -ALL PAY GRAD - Optometrists !This i:-; the second of tout·' For th!'! flne~t • • • MENU BOOKLETS 1' article>< p repa red IJ.\ Atmv. :'.\1.-\THIBr STLDIO ·.11er EYES EXAMINF,D TURN WHEELS TURH WHEELS TURH WHEELS "''8 N Al d Harry Ml Newi; Fettt u1·e,.: to outline' lhl• r . an1e a. AT HOME CARDS 1 TO CURB FROM CURB TO "IGHJ ...... LASS1!.l"' 1:>'1'1"f1!.l0 as;.istance given by the A1·r ' V r\ Ph. 5'?6-8571 1317 \\' PJCACHO G . • . I LAS CRUOIBS, N. M. to :-;oldiers Hlld thei1· fnmilit•' ------BUSINESS CARDS SW.! N. (HI IWH on the mo\'e. 1 Ic "Al('AZAR" RESTAUR .i\NT-BAR GUMMED LABELS .\fothing- i ~ wo~·tl1 lhe b 1~ild - ompuler J<'(,A,\UiNCO l\ll 1'5LC - TflE PORJWN ff{)['l-\E ~:~)\\ ~~Ille .-" the b\lilcle1· abo Course Offered GREETING CARDS

- ~ rw11 to ' STORE SALE Bil.LS COURSE m :ike a C'Omputer progra111. l Mr. l<' letcher ho!ll,; a n·rlJfi. For Data Processing REDUCED 1•<1le in data proct>ssing, ha~ AUDITOR'S REPORT ! 1 COVERS input, output ' had :-evc11 year>< expe1·icnl'e in 90 FINE CARS I and central processor !!Y!!lemi; wu1·k. He i,.: ~1 gr~1<.luatl.' UNGUMMED LABELS I operations. I of Tcxa:; 'i-Veslem College and 10-('AUILLAC "ieda11.,. air eonditiont>d block flow charting pre:;entiy vice-pre;,idcnl of the POSTERS. ALL SIZES ii; '?95 Ill) 6 l-60-59-i'i8-56-5;5 . programming Data Processing Mangenwut CADJLL.-H' ~edan Dfl ille, ('!Pan, Assol!iation Rio Grllnde Chap­ A-I (•01111itio11 ...... $ 7!)5 computer arithmetic ADMISSION TICKETS I I tc1'. ..6'l co. 'TISISXfAL 4-dl', all e'tra,,. 0111~· . ·· - .. $'.!•W;j i WHEN: Sat. Sept. 12, The re will he 24 hour;, of 'If.! IH' ICJi. l~lel'h'ti 225 :-;1·1lan. all t•\.trns, prrfl>d $2.>913 9 A. M. cla,;s ini;tructio11. The <'ia.. ">'es AUCTION SALE Bil.LS '6;! OLD~ :-;u1i .. r 88 Im nlto1i. 4-dl'. a II I''-hw... I will meet 011 Saturday from 9 liJ;p lit'\\ . Best Food - Best Drin.ks WHERE: WJA BLDG. a.m. Lo 12 noon. For more i11- SOCIETY STATIONERY '6'! Pontia<· (\;·talitm 4-dr. luu·cltt•f>, all 1•xtra.... . \-1 . s·~()!),; Two Blol'I'" i-·rom Santa Fe Bridge and Half Blo<'k Right I' 340 N. Raymond f01·ma.tiun n1ll. in LAH Cn11;c,.:, '61 I:'lll'El?IAL ('1·ow11 ('ou111'. lil 111'11, l'O"t !li7.000, "·>» _ l .\J;.:-r~ . Rafat>I & Bilboa • Tel. '!4984 e Juarez. .l\.fel.. :; 524-9608. WEDDING INVITATIONS now . S~ .!Jo> I lNSTR: W. R. Fletche1 ('lor 1-it>dan. 1•0-.t SlBOO. I CDP ' ha,, 1!100 mile•.., ...... •. .S ·i~Wil I FINANCIAL STATEMENTS r '6-l :HO?\Z.-\ Conpl'. 1 "'JlePd, llkr n"'' ...... Sl!l!li'i I lNFORMATION: 544-9oU8 '()'.! HI lUli :-;1;.vlal'I\ CoUflt'. f)Pl'fer1 ··········- ...... $17!lii ' I BY-LAWS & CONSTITUTIONS '6'! "iTl Ot;BAIU:R Hawl< Cou11r. . I ·- Ali t'Xtras. lilw tW\\ s !.•!!.) GREAT STORES TO SERVE YOU ... 2-'62 \ 'OLliSWi\OEX:-i, 2-dr., 13,000 lllilt•-. ,\: 1·a11111»r bu.., lll;o• 1w11 Are You Looking I. '()a .... Tl ' DJ~RAl\J<:R \ -8. ,,t>dan. J,000 111ih·., 111'\' t·r -.old SI I!:,) For A Weekend You Name II - We Prinl II Retreat? BELO\V COST \\"di, lwn· if j, 'GO CHE\ llOLET Bel Air, t-dr, air, perfrd ...... S 995 in Rnoo~o! Call Us for Free Estimates '60 Bl' I('I{ Le8abre Sedan, Air, power. A-1 ...... S !HJ.> 81111m1t>r & "'inti>r Pl:}~·g·ronnd •DOWNTOWN '59 BUICK Electra 4-dr. sedan. clean ...... S 695 S-Bt'rlroom Cement '59 !:<'ORD 6 Courier Wag-on, i..ticl< ...... $ 495 Block HOUst> • POPULAR BASSETT '58 PLY~tOl"J'H Wagon, runs 1>1>rfeet ...... $ :i95 With Fireplace, "ooa rapidly '56 CADlLLAO Sedan Dt>Yillt> Air, runs good ...... $ 295 a\"r>'l"h'"· f11lly carpl'tcd I'YALJA~'.r :Sedan, sta11d:.r1·d, dean ...... ~595 and beautiful Yie\\. ·Las Cruces Citizen Hr\\ "F. TO ~EE TT TO BELIJ<;\'J<.; TT! Shop by Mail or Phone when you can't leave home •• Write Phone 6-5575 - 6-5~76 114 S. Church It. BLISS AUTO SALES Price $10,500 or Call Sally the Shopper at Conta<'t ... LOW FINANCING RATES G ~XE Bl:SHOP KE 2-7711 Las Cruces. N. M. PERSHl~G UHl\IE Cl_ PASO UIAL LO 6-1616 88,3 u'"" Drh <» Ph. .>~~6-:5737 La,. Crucei,, ":'\ . )1. .------11 8: Wind & Sand - Friday, Sept. 11, 1964 SERGEAHT Army Medics THE SECRET ARY WES TERR USED CAB • Knife and Fork Club Announce ALVIN To Use New .OF STATE ELECTRIC CLEARANCE D T:' 1964 cc (1 YORK Flu Vaccine U.S. DEFENSE OF FREEDOM Mr. Rusk stressed that the MAKING WAYi £ rograms I' Of -UJ ueason Secl'ctary Rusk on July 26 Communist world, on the other CONTRACT Sergeant Alvin C. York, the WASHINGTON (ANF) -1a~serted that th~ American peo- hand, "is determined to try to REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala. \ FOR '65 The Officers and Directors of Chail'ffiall of Membership Com- World War I infantryman who . . P-3 are determmed to try to brinG about a world of the Com- - The Army has announced It TRADE-INS! the Las Cruces Knife and Fork mittee, at 526-6611, Extension became an American legend, As a precaution agamst the pos- build a peace and emphasized had awarded a $1.1 million con- 'bTt f ·ru1 ·f I f t ·n b b munist revolution." He con- Club have exerted every effort 555, or Mr. John Gill, Secretary- died Sept. 2, 1964, at the Vet- s1 1 1 yo l uenza rom a new that "i we fail, i w.1 e e- tl'act to the Western Electric tl arrange a balanced variety of eran's Administration Hospital, variety of the causativ) virus, cause of the compulsive deter- tinued: Co. for work on the Nike Her· No Reasonable programs for the coming 1964- Treasurer at 526-9494• Nashville, Tenn., at the age of the Army Medical Service has Imination of the Communist Now there is no difference cules air defense missile sys· 1965 season. The programs are 76. altered the composition of its j worl~. to try to take this world among most of the Communists tern. OFFER scheduled as follows: Funeral services were held over. on that point. Mr. Khrushchev The contract will cover engi- REFUSED! Sept, 5, in Sgt. York's home flu vaccine to include two re- · Appearing on the American says there is no ideological co- neering services, modification, • September 22, 1964 - Mr. town, Pall Mall, Tenn. The Ar- cently isolated strains of influ- Broadcasting Company's pro- existence. His; purposes are the and servicing and maintenance I Heenan Elliott, Humorist and my provided an escort, band, enza virus. gi:ar., "Issues and Answers," same. He and Peiping are ar- of missile ground guidance 1960 CADILLAC (AC) Philo::>opher, "H U M 0 R 0 U S Was $2595 WORDS OF RHYME AND firing party and bugler for the The new stra~ns were isolat- Mr. Rusk described this as the guing about who should lead equipment and associated items. REASON" - at Palms Motor . funeral from Sgt. York's old ed during recent outbreaks in "underlying crisis of our day thi: movement. They are argu- The work will be perforn1ed at outfit, the 82d Division. Maryland and Japan and will that we must keep in mind." i11o; about problems of techni- Western Electric Co. facilities Hotel. October 26, 1964 - Dr. NOW .... $2395 Luther Gable, Scientist and In­ Sergeant York, winner of be substituted for two ::>traim:> The Secretary acknowledged que and style and method and in N. Carolina and at WSMR, 1959 BUICK (AC) ventor, "LABORATORIES IN the Medal of Honor and nearly which have been in the vaccine that most of the world is com- that kind of thing. There is no Western Electric Co. is the Was $995 50 other decorations, fought in for years. mitted to ''the ]{ind of world question about the end result Nike Hercules prime contractor. THE SKY": at Town and Coun- France with the 328th Infantry, Administration of the new w1itten into the U. N. Charter: they anticipate. But it is very The system is manag·ed by the try Restaurant. 82d Division. vaccine will commence for all IIndependent countl'ies coopera- important for us to try to work Nike Hercules Project Office HOW ..... $895 December 1, 1%4. - Dr. Ed­ In the Argonne campaign, service personnel and their de· ting voluntarily with each other, these problems out with tile at Redstone Arsenal, Ala. Col. 1963 FORD CUST. 300 ward F. Thorp, Author and Pro Oct. 8, 1918, Sgt. York killed pendents in advance of the 1964- settling ll!eir disputes by peace- kind of sobriety that permits R. M. Colquitt Jr., is Project Was $1795 fessor of Mathematics, -­ 20 Germans and captured 132 65 influenza ::>eason. \ ful means." the human race to survive. Manager. •·SCIENCE VS. CHANCE"· at of the enemy and 35 machine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 New Mexico State University, in guns. HOW .... $15 • thr Milton Student Center. President Lyndon B. Johnson, 1960 CORVAIR January 12, 1955-Dr. W. Bal­ in his salute to the serg·eant, Was $795 lentine Henley, College Presi· said, "Sgt. Alvin Cullum York dent, "THE t1AMl?ARTS WI!.: has stood as a symbol of Ameri­ HOW ..... $595 WATCH", ill the Milton S•u• can courage and sacrifice for 1960 CHEV. SW. (AC) dent Cenler, Ne-.v Mc·,1co, Sta~e almost half a century. His valor Was $1195 Unive1·sity. above and beyond the call of February 8, 1965-Dr. Philip M/Sgt. Milton A. Holbritter duty, in World War I, was Cummings, News Analyst, Eco­ has been assigned to White recognized with the nation's HOW ..... $99 nomic Consultant, "ASTRIDE Sand~ Missile Range as Opera­ highest award, the Medal of 1959 PLYMOUTH THE WHIB.LWIND - FAC­ tions Sergeant, Systems Test Honor. Was $795 TION AND FACT ABOUT Divi'iion, Range Operations "As the citizen-soldier hero AMERICAN FOREIC1N POLI- Directo1·ate. Before coming to of the American Expeditionary HOW ..... $695 White Sands, Sgt. Holbritter CY" at Tovm and Country Fol'ces, he epitomized the gal- I 1960 INTERNATIONAL • Restaurar,t. v1as D f,Rigned to Field Liaison lantry of American fighting Was $795 March 8, 1965--Dr. Cleo Daw­ at ASCOM City, Korea. He and men and their sacrifices in be­ son, Lady Psychologist and Au­ his wife, Agnes, reside at 4:l7 half of freedom. thoress, Chisos Lane, El Paso. "As Commander in Chief, I NOW ..... $695 "WHAT MEN SHOULD KNOW know that I express the deep 1961 GMC PICKUP ABOUT WOMEN", at Palms and heartfelt sympathy of the Was $1295 Motor Hotel. American people to his wife April 12, 1965-Mr. Carl R. WATCH and family." HOW ..... $1195 )l'erzian, Public Relations Con­ sultant, "THE STUPENDOUS ly if they want to raise rice. 1963 TEMPEST Was $1895 SEVENTIES - WILL THEY THAT Most people prefer their back EVER COME", at the Palms yards above water. Motor Hotel. WATER Do your part to conserve wa­ HOW .... $1695 Limited memberships are ter. Once the water leaves your 1960 PLYMOUTH available to anyone in the com­ One of the topographic facts lawn, it does your grass no Was $795 munity. For information, please f life of the WSMR housin good. D~ your pa:t to . keep call Dr. George R, Dawson, 0 g Iyour neighbor's fnendsh1p - area is that it is built on a don't drown them. Rice paddies NOW ..... $595 slope, Another is that water I are bad, too. They swell the drains downhill. Specifically, insect population, and offend Europe and The careless or thoughtless applica- the olfactory senses. iton of water to lawns can lead If you must grow rice - try to a ::>ignificant run-off. the dry farming aprpoach. 1960 RAMBLER SW Allanlic Alliance CONSERVATION OFFICER (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is Water running from front Was $895 the third in a series of articles yards into the street is ·easily taken from the Depa1·tment of noliced and tumed off. Water A NEW DfllOMINATIOll ROW. . ... $79 Defense, Armed Forces Infor­ nmning from back yards is not so easily noticed --expect 1963 CHEV. PICK mation & Education pamphlet Was $1895 entitled "This C h an g in g by your downhill neighbor. He World.") may be swimming for his life. European 'Cnity And His \\•ife may have to wear HOW .... $1695 Atlantic Partnen;hip waders to hang up the laundry. 1962 PONTIAC fAC) One way of putting this ques­ His children may not appreciate Was $2095 tion is this: Would it be wiser a wet play area. His dog pre­ for u::> to face the array of pro­ fers a dry place to walk. A NEW REASON TO BUY Some people may prefer HOW .... $1995 blems that I describe, each of flooded back yards - especial· U.S. SAVINGS BONDS 1960 CHEVROLET us on his own, or shall we face Was $895 these problems together? Is there a sufficient basis of com­ n10n interest among us to come HOW ..... $695 to grips with them on the basis of partnership between the Uniled States and a uniting SUMMER-END Europe? Or shall we devise poli­ cies which reflect narrow na­ 1962 BUICK (AC) tional intc1·ests and concerns in Was $1595 npproaching them? So far as we in Washington SELL-OUTI are concerned, we are convinced NOW ... $14 that the problems of defense; 1963 BUICK (AC) the nuclear deterence and arms We've got a lot you'll like at Was $2595 control; the linked problems of German unity, policy toward our used car lot. NOW .... $2395 Eastern Europe, and the Soviet 1960 CHRYSLER Union; the problems of trade and aid with the developing SW (AC) countries; the problems of re­ Waa $1895 g·ional instability; the problem of Communist insurrecUonal ag­ NOW ... $1795 gression; and the problem of TAKE IT EASY?? 1958 BUICK (AC) th Chinese Communist nuclear Was $795 capability should all be gripped No, not MR. FRANK W. CAMPBELL, 94, renown host of ns nearly as possible on a com­ munal basis. the historic Amador Hotel in Las Cruces. His day begins every HOW ..... $595 And we believe, now as in the morning at 6:00 A.M. just as it has ever since he arrived in Las 1962 COMET 1962 CHEVY II Was $1595 past, that the best way to move Nova "300" auto-trans. Cruces in the early 1900's. toward a communal basis is by radio-heater ...... -...... s1445 going forward both European In those early days Mr. Campbell was one of the first far-' HOW ...$1495 Ullity and Atlanlic partnership. 1962 FORD GALAXIE We need European unity be­ seeing men who were instrumental in bringing cotton to the (AC) cause, if Europe accepts as a Mesilla Valley • . • he was also active in raising the bond for the Was $1795 legitimate part of the Atlantic first paving in Las Cruces, and in 1915, the first bond issue for agenda the array of global is­ 1962 FORD Galaxie "500" sues to which I referred earlier, 4 speed - air conditioned the present city water system. NOW ...$16 it is much more liltely to come radio- heater ...... - ....• s1995 1961 OLDS 98 (AC • to grips with them effectively Speaking of "firsts" Mr. Campbell banks at the First National Was $1895 o- a united rather than a frag­ mented basis. Bank (he's done so for decades) where he has a checking account, a savings account, and a Safe Deposit Box ••• you know a lot of NOW ..... $1795 Thi::> is evident when we look 19SI) PONTIAC at the problems and opportuni­ "oldtimers" have these services and many more • • • a lot of Was $1895 ties we face in Eastern Europe. 1960 OLDSMOBILE "88" ..newtimers" too.! . Auto trans. - Air <>ondltioned It is already clear from the ex­ . If you're not an "oldtimer" at the First National Bank be a perience of the postwar genera­ Power steering - radio-heater ··---··-··-···· s1495 NOW .... $119 tion that European unity has "newtimer" ••• join the First National family today, where they 1961 CHRYSLER not merely been a source of . always have time for you.1 · SW (AC) strength in the face of Com­ Was $2395 munist pressure, not merely a !;Ource of mutual confidence and 1959 FORD Station Wgn. wow ... $2195 prosperity; It has also been a Auto trans. - Radio-heater ...... demonstration to the govern­ 1961 CORVAIR MONZA ments and people of Eastern CPE. • Europe of the continued viabi­ Was $1495 lity of the We::>t and a power­ ful pole of attraction to them. 1961 BUICK SPECIAL vow ... $1295 None of us can now foresee Standard Trans. - radio - heater ...... •..• s1445 1961 BUICK the kind of Europe which will SKYLARK (AC) emerge in time from the pro­ Was $1595 cesses of change going forward to the East. Our broad object­ COME IN TODAY - Many in stock! ives in that area are, I believe, 'lOW .... $1495 shared on both sides of the Atlantic. We wish to see the Best Deals Are Always Made At ..• AC. • • Air Conditioned present division of Germany SW ••• Station Wagon and Europe ended by peaceful Chevrolet Oldsmobile steps. We wish to assist in CRUCES constructive ways in the evo­ WEINREICH lt.tion of nations under Com­ ANTHONY Buick-Pontia munist rule. '!'here can be lit­ WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE 848 N. 7th I tk doubt that this objective will PH. 524.-7707 best be advanced by the emer­ MEMBER FDIC LAS CRUCES, N. M. gence of an integrated Europe, RO RK which pm·sues in unity a con­ 2301 S. Main Las Cruces 526-5595 TRY US!! sl1·uctive policy towar the East.