Gloucestershire. [Kelly's
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318 TETBURY. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. [KELLY'S OFFICIAL EST.AtlLISHMENTS, LOCAL INSTITUTIONS &c. Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. Il., Delivery, ISanitary Inspector, William Sessions J enkins, Hatfield Parcel Post & Annuity &; Insurance Office, Chipping cottage, Bath road street. John Goldsmitb, postmaster. Letters arrive Highway Board. from London &; all parts, delivere.d at 7 & 8.40 a.m., Meetings at the Town hall once a month. 2 &; 6 p.m.; sundays 8 !i.m.; dIspatc~ed, local, 6.15 Clerk, WiIliam Alfred Buye, Market place &; 7·55 a..m.; London, CIrence~ter, Swmdon, Malmes- Treasurer Albert Appleby County of Gloucester Bank, bury, Chlppenham, Calne, DevIzes, Weymouth, Bath, L t t / Bristol, Gloucester &; Ch~ltenham ~c. I1.25 a.m.; loc~ Su~~:o;,r~dwin Elliott, Kingscote, Wotton-under-Edge (town only), 1.55 p.m., Long 1'Iewton, 3.20 p.m., . North of England, Scotland, Ireland, North & South Feoffees for Cbantable Purposes. Wales &; Stroud, 5 p.m.; London &; all parts, 7.50 Lieut.-Col. Francis Henry, Francis Home, Thomas Smith p.m. Sundays, local (town only), 7·55 a.m.; North Crew, Geo. Lewis, Fras. Brown, John Wilson Gardner of England, Scotland, Ireland, Korth &; South Wales &; Arthur Charles Mitchell, all of Tetbury &; Stroud, 5 p.m.; London &; all parts. 7.50 p.m. Clerk to the Feoffees, Alfred Henry Paul, Long street Parcels dispatched 7.40 &; I1.20 a.m. & 1.45, 3.10, 6.30 &; 7.45 p.m. Money orders are granted & paid NEWSPAPER. from 7 o'clock in the morning till 8 in the evening. Tetbury Advertiser &; l\Ialmesbury Chronicle, Long street, The hours for savings bank business are the same. published first wednesday in the month. Thomas Hill, The post office is closed at 8 o'clock in the evening on proprietor week days; on sundays at 10 in the morning, after which hour no attendance is given to the public. The PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. telegraph business is conducted between the hours of 8 a.m. & 8 p.m.; on sundays from 8 to 10 a.m. only. Assembly Rooms, White Hart hotel. Richard Edwards, The hours for the sale of stamps &; for granting excise proprietor licenses are from 7 o'clock in the morning until 8 CQttage Hospital, Malmesbury road, William Wickham &i o'clock in the evening George William Wetton Ashdown M.D.medical officers; Wall Letter Hampton street, c1e~ll'ed at 11.20 G. Pride, hon. sec.; Miss Hobkinson, matron a.m. & 4.45 & 7.30 p.m. week days only; Doughton, County PIJice Station, Long street, Henry Hoskins, cleared, 6.30 p.m.; Cbarlton, cleared, 10.25 a.m. & sergeant, & I constable 6.40 p.m. week days only; Upton, cleared, 7.30 a.m. Dispensary, The Green, Wm. Wickham, medical officer; &; 5.15 p.m. sundays included Albert Appleby, treasurer; George Bigwood. sec Inland Revenue Office, Cirencester road, Joseph William COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR TETBURY PETTY Haine, officer SESSIONAD DIVISION. Public Weighing Machine, Herbert Radford, proprietor Town Hall, Market place, William Stre6lt, parish beadle Kingscote Col. Sir Robert Nigel Fitzhardinge K.o.B., & town crier LL.D., D.L. 34 Charles st. Berkeley sq. London W. chairman TETBURY UNION. Harding Charles esq. Upton grove, Tetbury The union comprises the lo11owing parishes :-Avening, Henry Lieut.-Col. Francis, Elmestree house, Tetbury Beverston, Boxwell, with Leighterton. Cherington, Did- Hoole Col. William Wright marton, Kingscote Newington Bagpath Ozleworlh, Ship- Kingscote Nigel Richard Fitzhardinge esq. D.L ton Moyne, Tetbury. Tetbury Upton & Weston Bift Little Major Archibald Cosmo. Upton house, Tetbury with Lasborough; & iD! Wiltshire, Ashley &, Long New. ~arles Mitchell Arthur esq. Highgrove, T.etbury ton. The population in 18 91 was 5.665; area, 25,962 Pollock Rob~. Erskine esq. 9· C., LL.B.Avenmg ct.Stroud acres' rateable value in 1897 £34933 Trafalgar VIscount, The PrIory, Tetbury < " • Sotheron-Estcourt George Thomas John esq. M.A. Est. Board day, every alternate wednesday. at the board court house, Tetbury room, Workhouse, at 12 noon. Turnor Lieut.-Col. Wyatt William, Pinkney park, Sher- Clerk to the Guardians &; Assessment C-ommittee, Wm. -ston, Malmesbury I Alfred Buye, Market place, Tetbury Clerk to the Magistrates, Alfred Henry Paul, Long st I Treasurer, Albert Appleby, County of Gloucester Bank Petty Sessions are held at the Petty Sessional Court Relieving Officer for the Union, Ernest Peter Harmer, house, Long, every altern~te wedn~sday s't,I.l Union street, Tetbury . a.m. The followmg places are mcluded m the dIVI- Vaccination Officer, Ernest Peter Harmer, Umon st.Tetbry sion :-Beverston, Cherington, Didmarton. Newington Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Didmart{)n dis- Bagpath. Boxwell with Leighterton, Kingscote,.Ship,ton trict, George William Wetton Ashdown M.D. Tetbury; Moyne, Tetbury, Tetbury Upt{)n & Weston BIrt-WIth- T~tbury district, William Wickham, Tetbury Lasborongb Superintendent Registrar, William Alfred Buye, Market place, Tetbury; deputy, Frederick Cox, Hampton st URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. Registrars ,of Biroths &3 Deaths, Didmarton SUb-district. Meetings at the Town hall on the third thursday in each In. Hooper. Leighterton, Wotton-under-Edge; Tetbury month at 10 a.m. sub-district, George Bigwood, Long street, Tetbury Members. Registrar of Marriages George Bigwood, Long st. Tetbury Chairman, Thomas Smith Crew. Workhouse, a building of stone & will hold 90 inmates; Vice-Chairman, Reginald Heber Cook. 1Yilliam Wickham, medical officer; Ernest Peter Retire in April, 1898. WilIiam Warn Harmer, master; Mrs. Harmer, matron Robert Butler William Wickham Reginald Heber Cook Retire in April, 1900. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE. Thomas Smith Crew John Wilson Gardner Meets at board room, Workhouse, every alternate wed Samuel Street Frederick Hngginson nesday, 1 p.m. Retire in April, 1899. Richard Tngwell Robert Bray Edwin Webb Clerk, William Alfred Buye, Market place Alfred Prout Attendance Officer, 1Villiam Sessions J enkins, Hatfield cottage, Bath road Officers. • Clerk, Alfred Henry Paul, Long street PUBLIC OFFICERS. Treasurer, Albert Appleby, Lloyds Bank, Long street Collector of Poor Rates, Frederick Cox, Hampton street Medical Officer of Health, Francis Thomas Bond RA., Stamp Distributor, John Goldsmith, Chipping street M.D., F.C.S. 3 Beaufort buildings, Spa, Gloucester Town Crier, William'Street, Long street Surveyor &; Sanitary Inspector, William Sessions Jenkins, Veterinary Inspector to the Board of Agriculture &; Wilts, Hatfield cottage & Gloucestershire County Conncils, Tom Valentine Collector, Frederick Cox, Hampton street Pettifer F.R.O.V.S. !lath road TETBURY RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. PI.ACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services:--: Meetings held at Council room, WOTkhouse, every alternate St. Mary Magdalen Church, Church .gtreet, Rev. Thomas wednesday ;(2.30 p.w. George Horwood B.A. vicar; 11 a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. Clerk, William Alfred Buye, Market place II a.m , ~ Treasurer. Albert Appleby, Lloy~s Bank, Long street I St. ~aviour's Chapel of Ease; 3 p.m Medical Officer of Health, Francls Thomas Bond RA., IBaptIst, Church street, Rev. T. Napoleon Smithi ',I:V M.D., F.e.S. 3 Beaufort buildings, Spa, Glouceiter a.m. & 6 p.m.; mono &; thnrs. 7 p.m.