Eighth Series. Vol. XLIII, No. 2 Thursday, November 3.1988

Kartika 12,1910 (Saka)

LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version)

Twelfth Session (Eighth )

[Vol. XLIU contains Nos. I to 101


Price: Rs. 6.00 CONTENTS

[Eighth Series, Volume XLIII, Twelfth Session, 1988/1910 (Saka)] No. 2. Thursday, November 1988/KaMka 1Z 1910 (Saka)


Oral Answers to Questions:

‘ Starred Questions Nos. 21 to 24, 27, 28 and 34 .... 1— 32

Written Answers to Questions:

Starred Questions Nos. 26, 29 to 33, 35 and 37 to 40 • ... 32-44

Unstarred Questions Nos. 78 to 84. 86 to 141 143 to 163, 165 to 174, 176 to 194, 196 to 202, 204 to 212, 214 to 225. 227 to "231 and 233 ... 44— 227

Papers Laid on the Table 231— 232

Assent to Bills 2 3 2 -2 3 5

Statement Re: Proposal of Punjab Agro Industries Corporation for setting up a Joint Venture in Punjab with M/s Voltas and in Collaboration with M/s PEPSICO— 235-243

Shri 235

Election to Committee-

Public Accounts Committee ... 243-244

Committee of Privileges—

Extension of time for presentation of Report of the Committee ... 244-245

Business Advisory Committee-

Sixtieth Report— Adopted 245

•The Sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. COLUMNS

Matters Under Rule 377— ... 245-251 (i) Steps needed to check dengu fever and Encephalitis in Gorakhpur Division of U.P.— « Shri Madan Pandey 245

(ii) Need to upgrade the Agricultural Research Complex at Ella, old Goa, into a full-fledged institute—

Shri Shantararr Naik 246

(iii) Need to take steps to help the Engineering Industry. in the country to overcome the crisis caused due to shortage of raw material, etc.— • Dr. Krupasindhu Bhoi 247

(iv) Need to check illegal fellihg of trees in the country, particularly in Orissa—

Shri Radhakanta Digal 248

(v) Need to increase the quota of edible oil to Maharashtra—

Shri Shared Dighe 248

(vi) Need to restore the old timings of Nilanchal and Delhi- Puri Express Trains and restoration of withdrawan trains passing through Orissa—

Shri Brajamohan Mohanty 249

(vii) Need to urgently set right the Telephone system in Tamil Nadu—

Shri Kadambur Janarthanan 250

(viii) Need to inquire into the role of Bhakra Management Board in releasing water without any pre-warning during recent floods in Punjab—

Shri Balwant Singh Ramoowalia 251 B « Statutory Resolution Re: Approval of continuance in Force of President’s Proclamation in relation to the State of Punjab— .. 251— 328

Shri Thampan Thomas 252 (iii)


Shri Zainul Basher' ... 257

Or. G.S. Dhillon ... 264

Shrimati Geeta Mukheijee ... 275

Shri Sharad Dighe ... 261

Shri Mohd. Ayub Khan ... 284

Shri A.C. Shanmugam ... 287

Shri Virdhi Chander Jain ... 290

Shri Satyendra Narayan Sinha ... 292

Shri K.D. Sultanpuri ... 296

Shri Het Ram ... 299

Shri Shantaram Naik ... 301

Shri Bhadreswar Tanti ... 304

Shri Piyus Tiraky . ... 305

Shri Mahabir Prasad Yadav ... 308

Shri C. Janga Reddy ... 309

Snri Keyur Bhushan ... 311

Shri N.V.N. Somu ... 314

Shri Balwant Singh Ramoowalia ... 315

Shri Kali Prasad Pandey ... 319

Prof. Saifuddin Soz ... 320

Shri P. Chidambaram ... 319

Salary, Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament Amendment) Bill— Introduced 328-332

discussion Under Rule 193— •• 333-346 * Demands of farmers and Agricultural Labour—

Shri C. Janga Reddy - 334 LOK SABHA DEBATES

1 2 LOK SABHA ment has been incurring losses ever since the Crop Insurance Scheme has been im­ Thursday, November 3, 1988/ Kartika 12, plemented. In 1985 there was a loss oi 1910 (Saka) Rs.83 crores and in 1987 of Rs. 290 crores. We want to give protection to the agricul­ tural economy, whether it is by means of The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Qock fertilizers, or by giving subsidy through en­ (MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] ergy, or else by allowing support price to the farmers. But in the event of natural calamities, the question arises as to how to (ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS) give protection to the farmers. In that event, insurance alone, can chiefly provide a IEnglish] solution.

Review of Comprehensive Crop It has come to notice that instead of Insurance Scheme promoting the insurance scheme, there h&s «*- been slackness in it. I want to know •21. SHRI VIJAY N. PATIL whether the reason behind this slackness is SHRI V. SREENIVASA PRASAD: that the govt, are incurring constant losses on this account? Are you going to increase Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be the amount of premiuftiMand include sugar­ pleased to state: cane, banana and other cash crops in it so that your premium collections may increase (a) whether the review of Comprehen­ and the losses may be reduced? In this way sive crop Insurance Scheme undertaken by all the crops will be covered under*the' Government to reduce losses has been scheme. What steps are you going to take completed; in order to reduce the extent of loss, for the proper implementation of the scheme? (b) if so, the outcome thereof; and SHRI BHAJAN LAL Mr. Speaker, Sir, he (c) the steps Government propose to has asked a very valid question. This is take to reduce the financial burden of Gov­ right that many a times farmer's crop gets ernment in the field of crop insurance? destroyed due to hail storm, drought or floods. Keeping this in view, Government [Translation] has introduced the crop Insurance scheme. But there ^ some lacuna in it due to which THE MINISTER OF ACRI CULTURE there have been many complaints during (SHRI BHAJAN LAL): (a) to (c). A Group was the last two years. The Government has constituted by Government to conduct an collected an amounts of Rs. 56.84 crores as indepth study and critical review of the premium during the period 1985-86 to functioning of the Comprehensive Crop In­ 1987-88. The Government has come to pay surance Scheme (CCIS). The recommenda­ an amount of Rs. 550 crores as claims dur­ tions of the Group have been considered ing these three years. Complaints have and modification of the Scheme from Rabi been received from many quarters, espe­ 1988-89 onwards is presently under ex­ cially Maharashtra and Gujarat, that some amination of the Government. people have filed wrong claims. Com­ plaints have also been received to the ef­ SHRI VIJAY N. PATIL Mr. Speaker, Sir, fect that at many places, a loan of Rs. 150 this is not an encouraging reply, Govern- crores was raised in a single day to get the 3 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 3 , 19B8 Oral Answers 4 benefit of claim after covering the people SHRI VIJAY N. PATIL: I have not got re­ under this scheme. Keeping in view all this ply to my question as to whether sugar­ the hon. Prime Minister has constituted a cane, banana and other cash crops are also Committee, under the chairmanship of Shri going to be covered. P.V. Narasimha Rao with the hon. Finance Minister and myself as the members of The main reason of the losses incurred committee to suggest the steps for the during the last three years is also that a proper implementation and continuance of major part of was struck by drought. the scheme. Tw o or three meetings of this Even this year, due to excessive rains, committee have been held and it has been crops have been damaged in Punjab, As­ decided that this scheme should be contin­ sam etc. ued. Once a situation had arisen when we had been compelled to drop this scheme. SHRI K.S. RAO: This has happened in But now this scheme is continuing and Andhra Pradesh also. some changes have been effected in it. Ear­ lier farmers were paid at the rate of 150 per SHRI VIJAY N. PATIL In Andhra Pradesh cent of the loan amound raised by them. also it is the same situation. The amount of Suppose one had taken a loan amounting claim given there during the last years is 60 to Rs. 3000, he was paid Rs. 4,500. Now per cent. Wherever the number of claims this has been reduced to 100 per cent sanctioned there was more, the losses in­ whereby only the loan taken from the bank curred also have been proportionately is covered. There has been no increase in higher. the amount of premium and its limit has also been raised to Rs. 10,000. It is being You are going to implement this scheme seriously considered as to how to continue in the whole country for all the farmers, but with it in the future and to cover all the my suggestion is, that it should be imple­ farmers under it, irrespective of the fact mented at the earliest. The enthusiasm that the farmers have taken loan or not. which marked the beginning of the scheme The amount of premium may be raised and seems to be sliding down and the people anyone who wants to get his crops insured are gathering the impression that this may do so. At present block is the unit and scheme was meant to mislead the people a farmer can get his claim in case ther.e is by the Central Covemment and that the 80 per cent loss in the entire block unit. Government is not serious about it. What Each block consists of 100-200 villages and steps are the Covemment going to take in all the villages are not hit at the same mo­ ord«*r to remove this misconception of the ment by floods and hailstorm. This hap­ people. pens only once in a while, and the patwari also maintains the land records of his area. SHRI BHAJAN LAI; Mr. Speaker, Sir, at Therefore the committee is considering to present 3-4 cash crops - i.e. sugarcane, take this patwar circle as the unit and to cotton, tobarco etc. have not been not cover all the farmers under the scheme. covered under this scheme and it is being The present scheme will be applicable to considered to include them. Premium etc. Rabi crop too and any further decision is also being considered very seriously and taken in this regard will be announced in these will be kept in view while taking an the House. decision in this regard.

SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN: When MR. SPEAKER: Does a factory in the city will you do it? get its claim only when all the factories of that city have been gutted in fire? SHRI BHAJAN LAL: We will do so before the sowing of the next Kharif crop and will reach at some decision. The people should SHRI BHAJAN LAL: Such is the present not gather any such impression before the provision. . next crop that the Covemment is against 5 Oral Answers KARTIKA12,1910 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 the farmers and is not interested in doing village as a unit to really benefit the farmer anything for the farmers. This scheme has whose crop is very badly damaged. I would been initiated for the welfare of the farmers like to have a categorical answer for this and there is no question of suspending it. A from the Hon. Minister. committee has been formed to improve it and we will tell you about it in the next [ Translation] session when it is improved. SHRI BHAJAN LAL Mr. Speaker, S*,r, IEnglishI , Punjab and Rajasthan have »,iot accepted this scheme. I was myself the SHRI V. SREENIVASA PRASAD: Mr. Chief Minister of Haryana at that time and Speaker, Sir, there has always; been a feel­ had refused to accept tehsil or block unit as ing that we have been doing a lot of things appropriate. Under this scheme a farmer for the farmers but whenever occasion will get his claim only when there is loss in arises we always shirk our responsibility. the whole tehsil area. Following me all the There appears to be a contradiction be­ three states had refused. N o w I am the in­ tween the Minister and the Ministerial charge of that department. \ can not say as source. I would like to know whether this to what ettent can bureaucracy prove an Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme impediment. As I had submitted earlier, will be extended to all the farmers or only that I think so and Shri Narasimha Rao as to the loanee fanners because there is al­ well as Shri S.B. Chavan should also be of ways a lack of trust in the farming commu­ the same view. But there are some hinder- nity. So, I would like to know whether this ances, the solutions of which are under comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme consideration. The hon. Prime Minister also will be extended to all the farmers or only wants that all the farmers should be cov­ to the loanee farmers. ered under the scheme and no matter whether we charge extra premium, the [ TranslationI farmer should get compensation for the crop which gets damaged. For this pur­ SHRI BHAJAN LAL: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I pose, Patwar circle should be taken as a have just submitted in the House that at unit because it is patwari who maintains all present we cover only those farmers who the land records. take loan from the banks and not all the farmers. A committee has been set up re­ [Translation] „ cently and it is considering it seriously as to how all the farmers may be covered under If the villages are small, then one the scheme. A decision about it will be ' Patwari' can look after two or three vil­ taken before the next Kharif crop. lages. Then the people will not have to face problems. All the farmers should be cov­ I English I ered, whether they take loan or not, pre­ mium should be taken from them. This SHRI V. SOBHANADREESWARA RAO: matter is being considered in depth. I total Sir, you have aptly commented just a few agree with you that something should be seconds back whether all the factories will done for the farmers. We will try to do be left out for the matter of compensation. something to the extent possible. The main crux of the problem in this scheme is the definition of the defined area MR. SPEAKER: I agree to it also that I am which till now is a block or a mandal or a unable to understand what you are saying. taluk. You have also agreed that some time damage may not occur in all the villages SHRI BHAJAN LAL: What can be more but you have not made it clear that the clear than it? Covemment has agreed to make a change in the present definition of defined area PROF. M A D H U DANDAVATE: The hon. and take the revenue village or a small Minister can shift all the responsibility on group of villages relating to that revenue bureaucracy. 7 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Oral Answers 8


But the bureaucracy has to work under Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be him. He does not work under the bureau­ pleased to state: cracy. (a) whether scientists of Indian Agricul­ SHRI K.S. RAO: I have admiration for tural Research Institute (IARI) have devel­ the hon. Minister for his sympathy and oped a variety of paddy that has the poten­ support towards the kisans. The entire tial of being harvested within sixty days; farming community of the country has felt extremely happy when the crop insurance (b) if so, the details thereof; scheme was introduced. The farming community is by and large known to us as (c) whether any experiment has been peace-loving and it is still maintaining our conducted to grow this quality of paddy, if traditions and values. But in the recent so, the details thereof, past, we observed that they are losing their patience and coming to the conclusion that (d) the areas identified for growing this only by violent methods or by organizing variety of paddy; and associations or strikes, can they get their genuine demands served. They come to (e) the steps taken to popularise its cul­ this conclusion when they see that several tivation and to release the seeds to farmers of the other sections which are organised in sufficient quantity? are getting their privileges sanctioned one after another by various Governments. I only request the hon. Minister to come out [Translation! with that scheme which will help the farming community before they lose pa­ THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE tience and come to the streets and resort (SHRI BHAJAN LAL): (a) and (b). No rice va­ to violence. riety maturing within 60 days has been re­ [ TranslationJ leased so far by Indian Agricultural Re­ search Institute (IARI) However, research SHRI BHAJAN LAL: M r Speaker, Sir, de­ work is in progress to develop short dura­ tails have already been given. I don't want tion varieties of paddy which are currently to waste precious time of the House by re­ under evaluation. peating it. For the welfare of the farmers, a ■ committee has been set up by the hon. (c) to (e). Questions do not anse. Prime Minister and that committee is con­ sidering seriously as to how best farmers could be helped. As owners of factories [English! and vehicles are given compensation on damage if insured, farmers should also be SHRI VAKKOM PURUSHOTHAMAN. given compensation for their crops de­ Sir, my question is whelher the scientists of stroyed by floods, drought or diseases. Fac­ Indian Agricultural Research Institute have tories and cars are insured. So the farmer's developed a variety of paddy that has the crops should also be insured. The commit­ potential of being harvested within sixty tee will take a decision with regard to it days. And the answer is that no rice variety very soon. maturing within sixty days has been 'released so far'. But the Scientists of IARI [English] claim that they have developed such a vari­ ety Which is the fastest growing paddy in Development of High Yielding Variety the entire world and it has been published Rice by IARI in the papers also. I honestly believe that we as Members of Parliament have a right + •22. SHRI VAKKOM PURU- to know whether this high claim of the sci­ SHOTHAMAN: entists of IARI is true or not. \ 9 Ora/ Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Ora! Answers 10

[Translation] their much attention to it. When oranges or cotton crops are inflicted with diseases, the SHRI BHAJAN LAL: Mr. Speaker, Sir, whole crops get destroyed. Recently in there aie some varieties, which has the po­ Nagpur, Bhandara and Chandrapur dis­ tential of being harvested within 70 days. tricts, standing crops of paddy destroyed Research is going on with regard to variety due to disease and the farmers have to in- of the paddy maturing within 60 days. That curr heavy losses. I want to know from the is why, it has been neither released in the hon. Minister as to what research is being market, nor given to the farmers. So long done by our scientists to control the dis­ as full research is not done regarding its eases in crops. Details should be given in yield and time of sowing etc., it cannot be the House. Once a crop gets diseased, the given to farmers and it is not proper to give whole labour goes waste and farmers be­ details about it. come helpless spectator. Is the Covem­ ment aware of the damages done to paddy [English] crops in Nagpur, Bhandara and Chandra­ pur districts? What relief is proposed to be SHRI VAKKOM PURUSHOTHAM AN: I provided to the farmers by the Covem­ understand that we have released more ment in this regard. than 270 high yielding varieties of rice during the last 25 years. I would like to MR. SPEAKER: Diseases kill even human know as to how many of them are disease being. resistant and also whether any attempt has been made to a develop any rice culture SHRI BHAJAN LAL Mr. Speaker, Sir, the which is drought resistant? whole country recognises that our scien­ tists have played a great role in increasing (Translation] food production; Our production has in­ creased three times. At the time of inde­ SHRI BHAJAN LAL: Mr. Speaker, Sir, in pendence, our country's total production the last 20 years, I.C.A.R. released 312 vari­ was only 50 million tonnes, which has in­ eties of rice after research. Some of the va­ creased to 152 million tonnes today. It was rieties released require less water. We are not possible if quality seeds and fertilizers making efforts that not only of rice but of were not provided and crops were not other crops also, such varieties should be saved from the diseases. It is a fact that developed which give good yields and re­ whenever a crop, whether it is paddy, sug­ quire less water, because there are many arcane or cotton, get diseased, Qur scien­ dry areas in our country, where rainfall is tists tell the farmers as to kinds of insecti­ very less. We are making efforts to develop cides should be sprayed on the crop or ap­ such crops which give more yields and re­ plied to the soil before sowing or the vol­ quire less water. Research is going on it ume of water mixed with it. They provide and as soon as research is completed, we all the information to the formers from time will release that variety. So research is go­ to time. We are making efforts to develop ing with regard to many early maturing va­ disease resistant varieties of crops because rieties and we will release those varieties as when pesticides are sprayed on standing soon as research is completed about them. crops, they affect the plants which in turn affects the yields. In a meeting of scientists SHRf BANWARI LAL PUROHIT: Mr. held recently it was considered to develop Speaker, Sir, we should congratulate our diseases resistant varieties of crops. As a scientists, for their contribution. I would man of good health is less prone to dis­ also like to submit that on the one hand we eases than a man of ill-health, the same is are paying attention to developing early the case with the crops. Such varieties of maturing varieties, on the other a large crops should be developed which are Iea4t number of plants and crops get destroyed prone to diseases. Our scientists are con* every year due to diseases. Our scientists ducting research on this line. I do agree should do research work to control these what the hon. Member said that crops of diseases. Nothing much has been accom­ paddy and oranges in his constitutfency had plished in this regard. They are not paying destroyed due to diseases. I myself visited 11 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Oral Answers 12

Nagpur and the people also told me about [English] it. In the meeting held by the scientists, this issue was also discussed to protect or­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ ange crops from diseases and improve its PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CO­ quality and yield. For this, we have opened OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRI-’ a research centre at Nagpur, which gives CULTURE: (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) demonstrations to the farmers about the Yes, Sir. method of spraying on orange crops. Re­ garding rice, we give full informtion to the (b) A copy of the New Policy on Seed farmers as to the kinds of its diseases and Development is laid on the table of the how to check those diseases, programmes House [Placed1 in Library See No. LT- are run by the Agriculture Department the 6706/88]. The New Policy has come into I.C.A.R. and the University. The three of effect from 1st October, 1988. them are making effects so that crops of [Translation] farmers can get less affected by the dis­ eases. SHRI R.M. BHOYE: Mr. Speaker, the re­ SHRI R.L. BHATIA: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I ply has befen given. But my question about want to know from the hon. Minister the various diseases which inflict high whether Basmati rice has also been in­ yielding crops has not been replied by the cluded in this research being undertaken as Minister. M y question is whether the it takes a long time in maturing. Its export Government propose to do something has increased a great deal and it is also about the disease which inflict the high popular in our country, so research should yielding crops? be done as to how it could be made early maturing variety' with more ear of com. SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV: Mr. Speaker, May I know whether any research is being there is a separate arrangement for the dis­ conducted in this regard and if it is so de­ ease which is raging in the country at pre­ tails thereof? sent, but your question was about the SHRI BHAJAN LAL: Mr. Speaker, Sir, crops under the New Seed Policy and I Basmati and Pannal varieties, which take have stated in this connection that what­ long time in maturing are also included in ever seed is rmported from abroad will be this research. We want that Bastnati rice fiilly tested to find out its growth rate and whether it is inflicted by any disease or not. should matures early, so that the farmer can sow another crop. But until a variety is Then only the seed will be taken after get­ ting custom's clearance. The seed will not developed I cannot say anything. We are making efforts to develop a variety of Bas­ be taken and will remain stocked there till the time it is tested and found that it is not mati rice having more ears of corns. inflicted by any disease. These are the ar­ New Seed Policy rangements which have been made in this +■ regard. •23. SHRI R.M. BHOYE: SHRI R.M. BHOYE: Mr. Speaker, have SHRIMATI GEETA MUKHERJEE: any arrangements been made to supply the seeds of high-yielding crops to the farmers Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be at subsidised rates because they do not get pleased to state: much money from the crops sown by (a) whether Union Government have them? Have some improvements been made in the New Seed Policy in the inter­ recently formulated 'New Seed Policy' est of the poor farmers, so that they may which seeks to secure for the farmers-high get some assistance? quality of seeds available anywhere in the World to maximise their yield and increase SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV: Mr. Speaker productivity and farm income; and the small and medium farmers can pur­ chase imported seeds and the other facili­ (b) if so, the details thereof and whether ties which are provided otherwise, will also it has been put into operation? be available to them. If farmers themselves 13 OralAnswers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) OralAnswers 14 want to import seeds, they can do so. This clared. Therefore, this whole policy has facility has been included in it. been laid on the Table of tbe House. Sec­ ondly, the objections that are raised or the lEnglishl different opinions that have been ex­ pressed are bound to be there. But the fact SHREEMATI CEETA MUKHERJEE: In is that in the field of coarse cereals, vegeta- j reply to the question, a long statement has bles, flowers and fruits, we have not been been laid on the Table, but the kernel of able to develop a hybrid variety and there the new policy is the import of seeds. The has been a stagnation. I must say that it rest is all verbose. Therefore, I would like goes to the credit of the hon. Trime Minis­ to know this: Are the Covemment aware ter that he took an initiative in this matter that eminent scientists and intellectuals in July this year and within two months this and peasants' organizations, either without policy was prepared and placed before the party affiliations or belonging to different country in September and was made effec­ parties, both ruling and the Opposition, tive from the First of October. such as Amir Singh, First Head of the Divi­ sion of Seed Technology at the Agricultural SHRIMATI CEETA MUKHERJEE: It is not Research Institute and founder-president of a good policy. the Indian .Society of Seed Technology, Prof. S.S. |oshi, Chairman of the Commis­ SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV: It is not like sion for Agricultural Costs and Prices and that particularly in wheat and paddy no member of the Economic Advisory Council import is being allowed. On the major of the Prime Minister.... crops that we sow, there is no relaxation.

MR. SPEAKER: Are you reading a state­ ment, Madam? Only on coarse grains, pulses and oilseeds, there is a permission for import­ SHRIMATI CEETA MUKHERJEE: No, Sir. ing by identified categories. But there is a written condition that they have to import MR. SPEAKER: What are you doing-or, seeds and they have to enter into a collab­ are you making a statement? oration with the foreign senders, the breeders within two years; and after two SHRIMATI CEETA MUKHERJEE: No, Sir; years, they will transfer the technology of I am asking whether they know this. Do parent seeds in the country; and beyond they know that in addition to those per­ two years, they cannot import. Therefore, sons, peasants organizations having differ­ there is no open O GL on that aspect. Only ent political views have also strongly dis­ on vegetables and flowers, there is O GL approved of this seed import policy, saying but that is also for a hybrid variety. There­ that this has harmed the country? fore, this thing will not adversely affect any R & D in our country; and our scientists are From the point of view of the fact that it engaged in this task and they can continue sabotages the indigenous R & D, this qual­ it. This policy on the other hand has been ity control under OGL will be impossible. widely welcomed by our different sections These steps will affect the production and of population, the farmers, the people and unnecessarily give profit to multinationals scientists and other people who are work­ resulting in outgo of foreign exchange. Is ing in the agricultural field. You can kindly the government aware of this criticism and go through some of the papers related to the different views? In view of this, will the it. government give a second thought to it and change this disastrous seed import SHRI M. RAGHUMA REDDY : In the policy? case of imported seeds, the field trial will be conducted for one season only which is SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV: I think the not sufficient. Before you import, the field hon. member has not cared to look into trial should be conducted for three seasons her question. The question itself relates to and not for one season. We are witnessing the new seed policy that has been de­ 15 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Oral Answers 16

pests and other diseases on the seed fields. IEnglish] Will the Minister consider this suggestion of conducting the field test at least for a SHRI M. RAGHUMA REDDY: Still, he minimum of three crops and inform the has not understood my question concerned government from where we are (Interruptions) importing them? This is an important item. ITranslation] SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV: We are test­ ing it at the port of entry at the initial stage. MR. SPEAKER: Your reply has come. As I said, in the case of coarse grains, pulses Jnd oilseeds, it is only for two SHRIMATI USHA THAKKAR: Mr. years that they will import them. Speaker, I want to ask a question in con­ nection with what has been said about the SHRI M. RAGHUMA REDDY: It is import of seeds from abroad. In a meeting written here that it is only for one season of the Advisory Committee held in our by ICAR. State, non-availability of chicori seed was mentioned therein. The farmers of Jamna­ SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV: When it gar district have also demanded chicori comes for the first time, then it will be seed from you. My request to you is that tested and examined. you must supply chicori seeds to them. Have you thought about the import of SHRI M. RAGHUMA REDDY: It is men- chicori seed? tioned here that it is only for one season. I want that it should be for three crop sea­ SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV: Mr. Speaker sons as per the law. Sir, chicori seed is imported from abroad, about 5000 kg chicory seed has been im­ ported from Holland till October this year. SHRI SHAYAM LAL YADAV: The seeds that come for the first time will be tested. lEnglishl SHRI M. RAGHUMA REDDY: He has not understood my question. Talks with Pakistan Regarding Assistance to Terrorists

[ Translation/ •24. SHRI HAROOBHAI MEHTA: SHRI : THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI BHAJAN LAL): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS want to make this question somewhat be pleased to state: more clear. Whatever seed is imported, it will be tested and certified by I.C A R . that (a) whether Government have taken up the seed is suitable for the Indian soil and with the present Government of Pakistan that it is free from any disease. Till the seed the matter for putting an end to direct or is certified by the I.C A R . it will not be indirect assistance by them to terrorists in supplied to the farmers. India; and

MR. SPEAKER: His question is : will (•>) if so, the response of Pakistan Cov- there be field trial for three seasons before emment thereto? it is released. * TH E MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS SHRI BHAJAN LAL : When the seed is

SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: The way SHRI E. AYYAPU REDDY: Sir, India did out is to defend ourselves, the way out is to provide proof. O ur official delegation went be vigilant and to deal with these elements there and provided proof of direct interfer­ within the country in the firmest manner ence by Pakistan and thereafter no follow possible. That is the way out. up action was taken. I want to know whether the Government contemplate as SHRI HAROOBHAI MEHTA: The Prime to how to bring Pakistan to rectify this or to mover of all these activities and attempts at keep up its word and to bridge the gap be­ destabilisation is really elsewhere. Now f tween their statement and their perfor­ may I know whether, after the com­ mance. mencement of the withdrawal of the Soviet troops from Afghanistan, as there has been SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: We have no pretext available to the United States to brought to their notice clinching evidence provide military assistance to Pakistan, of what we know is happening there. As I there is any reduction or contemplated re­ have just submitted, the answer is a denial. duction in their giving equipment or mili­ We know that it is there. Now the only tary aid to Pakistan? thing we can do is to go on telling them, giving fresh evidence as it comes to our no­ SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: Sir, it is tice, which we are doing. Only in the last our information that there has been no month, in October, the latest information perceptible reduction. In addition, they do was given to them through diplomatic have dumps already given to them long channels. There have been meetings be­ ago and, therefore, it is not possible to tween the Home Secretaries and the For­ 19 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 3.1988 Oral Answers eign Secretaries. It is not that we are not in latest position on this because I have to get touch with.them. It is not that we are not it from the Home Ministry. telling them. But as I said, the result has been far from encouraging. Damage Caused to Foodgrains by Floods + SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: The Govern- •27. SHRI JAGANNATH PATTNAIK: ment of India from time to time has stated SHRI SATVENDRA NARAYAN very clearly that we have got ample evi­ SINHA: dence to show that Pakistan has been aid­ ing terrorists. Now I am putting the ques­ Will the Minister of ACRICULTURE be tion which was asked by my learned col­ pleased to state: league just now in a different form. In in­ ternational law, an act of hostility or a hos­ (a) whether any assessment has been tile act has specific meaning. After the evi­ made of the damage caused to Kharif food­ dence which we have collected so far, have grains due to widespread rains and floods we officially declared the help given by and its consequential impact on rabi crops; Pakistan to the terrorists as a hostile act. % (b) to what extent it will affect the cur­ SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: I tried to rent year targetted production of 17 crore avoid answering this question because we metric tonnes of foodgrains; have to take up this matter as one of the entire gamut of relations between the two (c) whether there has been any State countries. That is why, technically speak­ Agriculture Secretaries meet in this regard; ing, the answer to the question is 'no'. and

[Translation! (d) if so, the details regarding the deci­ sions taken thereon? SHRIMATI USHA THAKKAR: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I want to refer to something [Translation/ relating to my constituency. I want to tell you that 70-80 fishermen have been ap­ THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE prehended by Pakistanis. (SHRI BHAJAN LAL): (a) and (b). No precise assessment is available of the likely loss in [English] foodgrain production because of the floods. The Kharif foodgrain production SHRI SYED SHAHABUDDIN: Mr. target is likely to be achieved. Speaker Sir, to the best of our information, the question was discussed at the Home (c) A National Conference on Rabi Secretary level between the two Govern­ Campaign for 1988-89 was held on 29-30th ments atleast on two occasions. In the September, 1988 in and was at­ formal announcement made after these tended by Agriculture Production Commis­ discussions, a proposal was mooted that sioners/Secretaries of the States. the border should be jointly patrolled. Now that joint patrolling has not yet come into (d) A Statement is given below. effect. I would like to know from the hon. Minister whether the proposal still stands; STATEMENT when the patrolling is going to be intro­ duced; and if not what are the reasons The important decisions of the Confer­ therefor, and whether this proposal shall ence are:- be taken up at the next meeting of the Home Secretaries of the two countries. (i) A revised working target of 171.63 million tonnes of food­ SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: Sir, I grains for the year 1988-89 was would like to have notice to find out the accepted by the States as against 21 OralAnswers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Oral Answers 22

the official target of 166.57 million (ix) The States were advised to pre­ tonnes. pare special credit plan for the shallow-tube-wells / dugwells (ii) The States were advised to place programme and speed up im­ firm indents for their seed re­ plementation of ihe programme quirements for kharif 1989 and after rains. Rabi 1989-90 in time. [Translation] (iii) To increase fertiliser consump­ tion, the States were advised to SHRI JAGANNATH PATTNAIK: Mr. further step up opening of Speaker, Sir, I had asked from the hon. additional outlets and also use Minister about the damage caused to the PDS retail outlets for fertiliser sale kharif crop due to heavy rains and floods. wherever possible. According to the statements issued by dif­ ferent States and the Ministry of Agricul­ (iv) Agriculture Production Commis­ ture, it is revealed that the loss amounts to sioners were requested to 1.6 million tonnes whereas our target for monitor prices of pesticides from 1988-89 is to the extent of 171.63 million time to time. tonnes. I want to know specifically the strategy devised and the programme (v) While credit availability during chalked out by you to meet this shortfall 1988 kharif season was found to and for the timely supply of inputs like fer­ be considerably better than in the tilisers, seeds, etc. for achieving optimum previous year, it was felt that Rabi production and the support measures higher recovery of cooperative to be adopted for the kharif harvest? Be­ dues should be attempted by the sides, I want to know whether the Minister States to ensure Credit eligibility has any information about the recommen­ of all CCBs in the States. dations made by the Commission in their meeting, and if so the details thereof? (vi) Under Special Foodgrains Produc­ tion Programme, the States SHRI BHAJAN LAL: Mr. Speaker, Sir, the suggested greater flexibility in hon. Member has asked about the ar­ diversion of funds from one rangements made to meet the shortfall. component to another. It was Our target is to produce 166.5 million agreed that 10 per cent of the tonnes and we have every hope that the total allocation for components production will be more than our target. other than seed could be diverted According to a review made on 28-29 to pesticides. September? it was decided that the produc­ tion of 166.5 million tonne target should be (vii) The States were apprised of the revised to 171 million tonnes and we are preparedness of NAFED to take sure that we will be able to achieve the tar­ up price support operations in get of 171 million tonnes. Had the crops coarse cereals, pulses and not been damaged due to floods in some oilseeds. They were advised to States, our production was likely to exceed gear up their Marketing our target of 171 million tonnes. We have Federations and Primary made efforts to supply good quality fertili­ Cooperatives to actively sers and seeds to the farmers and a sum of collaborate with NAFED in these Rs. 70 crore has been allocated for the operations. kharif crop. Besides our on-going schemes (viii) 1 he States were urged to draw up are also going on so that required facilities a detailed schedule of water are provided to the farmers. The Covem­ releases and suitable cropping ment of India has made every effort in this programmes to optimise use of connection. available water and to cover SHRI JAGANNATH PATTNAIK: Mr. larger areas. Speaker, Sir, my second question pertains 23 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Oral Answers 24 to relief measures taken up by the Cov­ the Central Government aware that due to emment in this field and the assistance the failure of "Hathia rain", the crops in provided to the States by the Centre? In many areas, particularly, in Bihar are going addition, I want to know your reaction on to be badly effected? The problem has fur­ my suggestion that instead of plan-advance ther aggravated due to non-supply of water central assistance should be provided to from Rihand. The Government of Bihar has those States which have been facing floods requested the Government for the last 4-5 years? to supply water from Rihand so that the crops could be irrigated and thereby saved SHRI BHAJAN LAL: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I from getting ruined. If this is not done, the want to place the figures before you about loss will be heavy. Keeping all these things the allocations made to the States sepa­ in view, will the crop production touch 171 rately. O ur scheme for achieving high yield millions figure instead of 165 million covers 169 districts in 14 States under tonnes? If so, what is the basis of his as­ which five crops, viz - wheat, rice, gram, sessment? arhar and maize have been paid special at­ tention. SHRI BHAJAN LAL: Mr. Speaker, Sir, we have not fixed the target at 178 million In the ensuing Kharif season, a provision tonnes. What I have said is that there is a of Rs. 70 crores has been made for these possibility that the production may range five crops. The Central Government have between 166 to 171 million tonnes. As the made a provision of Rs. 10 crores 56 lakhs hon. Member has himself said, precise as­ for wheat and Rs. 112 lakhs for gram and sessment is not available. Mr. Speaker, Sir, out of this amount, a part has already been the reason is that floods have struck...... given to the State Governments^The rest of the schemes are on-going schemes and it will take a lot of time of the House if I go SHRI SATYENDRA NARAYAN SINHA: on naming each and every scheme. The There is no precise assessment. Central ^Government have granted funds to the State Governments for all these SHRI BHAJAN LAL: What I am saying is schemes. For some of the schemes, 100 that if any particular area is effected by per cent grant is provided while for others flood today, the total assessment of dam­ 50 per cent grant is provided. For these age can be made only after the harvest. It is schemes, 50 per cent grant is provided by not possible to tell about the exact damage the Central Government and the rest of the right now...... (Interruptions) 50 per cent is borne by the State Govern­ ments. Apart from this, facilities to marginal and small farmers have also been provided. Please listen to me for a minute. I have Similarly, facilities to the Harijans and said that our target was of 166.5 million Scheduled Tribes have also been provided tonnes and there is a possibility of food- separately. There are numerous schemes grains production touching 171 million and if I go on mentioning all of them, it will tonnes. We reviewed the situation on 28th take much time of the House. We have and 29th. I had called a meeting of the duly given money to the States for these Commissioners and Secretaries of all the schemes. 14 major foodgrains producing States o? the country and got ajl information regard­ SHRI SATYENDRA NARAYAN SINHA: ing the extent of damage and estimated Mr. Speaker, Sir, the hon. Minister has told foodgrains production. When the figures that precise assessment is not available. It given by each State were added up, the has been mentioned in the report that pre- • total came to 171 million tonnes. This fig­ cise assessment is not available. I would ure has been arrived at after allowing for like to know from the hon. Minister, damage and resultant loss of crops. whether the figures relating to the damage Therefore...... (Interruptions) Please listen to crops were not presented before him in to me. About Bihar...... the Farmers' Conference of the States? Is (Interruptions) 25 Oral Answers KARTIKA 12, 1910 (SAKA) Oral Answers 26

(English] So far as the Department of Agriculture is concerned, they are arranging to drain SHRI M. R. SAIKIA: Is it based on you out the flood waters from the areas which financial target...... (Interruptions) have been water-logged. Sufficient funds have been made available for the purpose, (Translation] so that more and more land could be culti­ vated. The Government has provided funds MR. SPEAKER: The hon. Member has to reclaim the land so that the farmers appeared on the scene like a flood. would be compensated for their losses due to flood. (Interruptions) SHRI MANOJ PANDEY: Mr. Speaker, Sir, SHRI BHAJAN LAL: Secondly, about through you, I would like to tell hon. Minis­ Bihar, he has said that there is shortage of ter that North Bihar has to face a very hor­ water. But the question pertains to excess rible situation every year because of floods. ot water due to floods...... (Interruptions) Will the hon. Minister be pleased to state whether there is any proposal before the SHRI SATYENDRA NARAYAN SINHA: I Central Government to start any special have said that due to shortage of water, scheme in consultation with the State Gov­ crops have suffered further damage. After ernment for the Rabi Crop in North Bihar? 28th-29th( the dates on which, you got the figures, the position is that there has been SHRI BHAJAN LAL: Mr. Speaker, Sir, Bi­ shortage of water. Is the hon. Minister har is one of the 14 major foodgrain pro­ aware of the shortage of water and the ducing States of the Country, which has demand tor supply of water for irrigation? been given special grants so that the farm­ Will the hon. Minister stick to his figures ers could be helped and the production ever after knowing about it? could be increased. The hon. Member has said that the position in Bihar has wors­ SHRI BHAJAN LAL Sinha Sahib, so far as ened due to floods. In this connection, I the supply of water is concerned, I would would like to say that special funds have like to tell you to...... (Interruptions) been provided to the flood affected areas. Subsidy on fertilizers and seeds has been SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY: Mr. given to those areas. Efforts have been Speaker, Sir, please take the next question. made to give more and more funds to re­ claim the land which has been rendered MR. SPEAKER: We shall have a discus­ uncultivable and to repair defective tube- sion on it. well sets in order to give relief to the af­ fected people and to push up foodgrains (Interruptions) production in those States.

MR. SPEAKER: Question No. 28. Shri SHRI BHAJAN LAL: Let me reply to his Inclrajit Gupta. first point...... (Interruptions) (English] Perhaps, you want to drag this matter up to 12'0 clock. Mr. Speaker, Sir, the po­ SHRI E. AYYAPPU REDDY: Sir, my ques­ sition is that so far as the supply of water is tion No. 34 may also be taken up with the concerned, there is a separate irrigation Question No. 28. Both relate to the same department under the Ministry of Water subject. Resources. That department knows better as to how long the water in a particular canal is going to last and how to regulate it. [Translation] If it concerns Uttar Pradesh Government, the State Government of Bihar should take MR. SPEAKER: Not much time is left it up with that State. now. 27 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Oral Answers 28

SHRI C. M ADHAV REDDI: Mr. Speaker, 11 sports disciplines. The selection of In­ Sir, let Question No. 34 may also be taken dian sportspersons was done according to up with it. Both relate to the same subject. the selection criteria formulated in consul­ tation with the Indian Olympic Association MR. SPEAKER: I shall get it moved by (IOA) and National Sports Federations. Ac­ him. Mr. Indrajit Gupta, you first move it. cording to the selection criteria, a sportsperson should have achieved per­ lEnglish] formance equal to or better than the per­ formance returned by the sportsperson SHRI AMAL DATTA: We should have a who obtained the 6th place in the last special discussion on this. (Interruptions) Olympics or in the most recently held World Championship, whichever is higher. MR. SPEAKER. Why can't you listen? I For non-measurable events, the selection is have already said that we are going to have based upon a positive assessment of the a discussion on this. concerned federation that persons selected stand a very good chance of obtaining at (Interruptions) least the 6th place.

MR. SPEAKER: Question No. 28 - Shri The composition of the Indian contin­ Indrajit Gupta and Q . No. 34 Shri E. gent for the Seol Olympic Games was rec­ Ayyappu Reddy. ommended by the IOA on the basis of the above selection criteria. In addition, on a Performance of India at Seoul Olympics request by the Indian Olympic Association, + Government also allowed participation of •28. SHRI INDRAJIT CUPTA: gold medal winners of the last Asian Games provided they are still the best in the coun­ PROF. K.V. THOM AS: try and have achieved performance equal to or better than the gold winning perfor­ Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE mance of the Asian Games. In disciplines DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: like Shooting, Tennis, Table Tennis and Hockey where individual sportspersons of (a) whether Government have made any the team had qualified through preliminary appraisal of India's performance ar the Seol tournaments according to qualifying proce­ Olympics; dures set by International Federations themselves, participation was recom­ (b) if so, the main reasons for India's mended by the Indian Olympic Association miserable performance in the games; and and approved by the Government.

(c) the steps proposed to be taken to The performance of the Indian sports improve the standard of Indian sportsmen contingent was by and large, according to in different sports disciplines? expectation, barring a few individual excep­ tions. The selection criteria provide only for THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ performance equivalent to 6th place of the PARTMENT OF Y O U TH AFFAIRS A N D last Olympics or World Championship and SPORTS AND WOMEN AND CHILD DE­ since most of our sportspersons barely VELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF HU- managed to achieve this.performance, we MAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT were not expecting any spectacular results. (SHRIMATI MARGARET ALVA): (a) to (c). A India had not won a medal in an individual Statement is given below. event since the 1952 Olympics. In team events, India had won a Bronze medal in STATEMENT the-1972 Olympics and Gold medal in 1980 Olympics at Moscow in hockey but all the The XXIV Olympic Games were held at top Hockey playing countries had not par­ Seol from September 17 to October 2, ticipated in the Moscow Olympics. In the 1988. The Indian contingent took part in 1984 Olympics we again did not win any 29 Oral Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Oral Answers 30 medal. We are not expecting the Indian gent and its break-up into number of Contingent to wiri any medals this time. sportsmen, officials, non-officials etc.; and

It may, however, be added that there (c) whether there has been any violation of the norm and rules in the selection of were several good performances by Indian sportspersons at the Seol Olympics. In any sports person to represent India at the Olympics and if so, the reasons therefor? Hockey, India finished 6th which is an im­ provement aver our 12th position in the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ World Cup at London in 1986. In Boxing PARTMENT OF Y O U TH AFFAIRS AND Manoj Pingle and S. Birajdar achieved a SPORTS AND WOMEN AND CHILD DE­ creditable 5th position. In Wrestling, Ra- VELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF HU­ jesh Kumar (48 Kg.) and Kuldeep Singh (52 MAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Kg) achieved 9th position in their respec­ (SHRIMATI MARGARET ALVA): (a) to (c). A tive categories. In Weighlifting C. statement is given below. Muthuswamy (52 Kg) created a new Com­ monwealth record while snatching 102.5 STATEMENT Kg. In Athletics, the Indian Women's Relay (a) Government bears full expenditure Team in the 4 x 400M improved on their on air-fare, boarding and lodging, kitting own Asian gold medal winning time of and contingencies of the sports contin­ 1986. In 400M. and 800M, our girls gents sent for the Olympic Games. Gov­ achieved the fastest time in Asia. ernment released US $ 97,782 in favour ot the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) for Participation of the Indian contingent at boarding and lodging and contingent ex­ Seol was a part of our preparation for the penses of the Indian participants in the .Asian Carnes to bfc held in 1990 at Beijing. Seoul Olympic Games 1988. Government The Asian Games in our target and prepara­ has so far not received accounts of actual tion for the Asian Games have started in expenditure from IOA. Estimated expendi­ right earnest. Priority disciplines and indi­ ture on air-fare of the contingent is Rs. vidual events have been identified and 16,24,980/- for which all the bills from Air coaching camps under the supervision of India have not yet been received. the Indian and foreign experts in these dis­ ciplines have already started and will con­ (b) The Indian Contingent for XXIV tinue upto the Asian Games. Our Olympic Games consisted, of.47 competi­ sportspersons have been provided the best tors, 18 Team officials and 9 IOA represen­ possible coaching and training facilities, tatives. The breakup of the non competi­ equipment, nutritious diet and sports tion group of 27 Ii as follows:- medicine back-up. They will also be given Chief de Mission 1 sufficient competition exposure to help Deputy Chief de Mission 1 them to achieve a peak level of perfor­ mance at the time of the Asian Games. Treasurer 1 Coaches 14 Expenditure incurred on Seoul Olympics Managers 3 + Doctors 2 •34. SHRI E. AYYAPU REDDY: SHRI D.N. REDDY: Masseur 1 Will the Minister of HUM AN RE­ Psychologist 1 SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: Cooks 2 Olympic Attache (a) the total expenditure and the foreign (From Indian Embassy, exchange incurred by Government for par­ Seoul) . 1 ticipating in the Seoul Olympics; 27 (b) the total number of Indian Contin­ 31 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 32

(c) No, Sir. All sportspersons have been MR. SPEAKER: That is what we are going selected according to selection criteria laid to do. I have already done it. We will have down by Covemment in consultation with a discussion on this. IOA and National Sports Associations/Fed­ erations. Upon a subsequent request from IOA, Covemment allowed the participation of Cold Medal winners of Asian Carnes, WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1986 provided they were still the best in the country and had achieved performance [English! levels equal to or better than their last Asian Cames performances. In discipliros Assistance from Netherlands for Educa­ like Shooting, Tennis, Table Tennis and tion for Women's Equality Hockey, where individual sportspersons or team had qualified themselves through •26. SHRIMATI JAYANTI PATNAIK: Will preliminary tournaments according to the Minister of H U M A N RESOURCE qualifying procedures set by the respective DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: International Federations themselves, se­ lection based on such procedures was rec­ (a) whether Government propose to ommended by IOA and approved by Gov­ launch a scheme 'education for women's ernment. equality' with the help of Government of Netherlands; SHRI INDRAJIT CUPTA: Sir, the state­ ment tries to make out that there was no (b) if so, when the scheme is proposed ground for our expecting any spectacular to be launched; and results of winning of a whole lot of medals. I share that view. The people of this coun­ (c) the details of the aid and assistance try have long ago given up all hopes that expected from Netherlands for that pur­ our country will win any medal. That was pose? not the point at all. The point is that the whole system, the structure of our sports THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RFSOURCE system which is the basis on which we go DEVELOPMENT (SHRI P. SHIV SHANKER): and compete in these International events (a) to (c), The programme 'Education for is something which she should tell us Women's Equality' has been approved for wl\ether the Government is prepared to implementation in 1988-89 in 10 districts- make any radical change in it or not. 3 districts each in Gujarat & and 4 in Uttar Pradesh. Government of Nether­ [ Transfo t ion] lands have indicated their inteiest in ex­ tending financial assistance to the pro­ SHRI AJAY M USH RAN: Full discussion gramme and an Indo-Dutch Joint Appraisal should be allowed on this. (Interruptions ) Mission has studied the project. The details of the aid and assistance to be extended by MR. SPEAKER: I have already allowed the Government of Netherlands have not the discussion. Should I give you in yet been decided. writing? Let the question be asked first. Sri Lanka Proposal regarding Indo-Sri SHRI INDRAJIT CUPTA: Please allow Lanka accord the discussion after this. *29. SHRI UTTAM RATHOD: Will the MR. SPEAKER: I have already allowed. Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: , [English]

SHRI INDRAJIT CUPTA: We cannot deal (a) whether proposals were made re­ with it in one minute. It is a very big ques­ cently by Sri Lanka to substitute or enlarge tion. (Interruptions) the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord by entering into 33 Written Answers KARTIKA 12, 1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 34 an agreement on Peace and Friendship of the requirements for admission, duration Treaty between the two countries; and of the courses, number of teaching days in a year, etc; restructuring and modernising (b) if so, the reaction of Government the content of courses; strengthening the thereto? infrastructural facilities in universities and colleges, examination reforms; etc. THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) No, Sir. (c) and (d). Do not arise.

(b) Government's reaction can be for­ Detection of Adulteration in DMS Milk mulated only after a draft has been formally received and its contents carefully exam­ ined and evaluated. •31. DR. TRI­ PATH I: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE Uniformity in Standard of Education be pleased to state:

•30. SHRI N. TOM BI SINCH: Will the (a) the .existing system to detect the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL­ adulteration in milk distributed by Delhi O PM ENT be pleased to state: Milk Scheme;

(a) whether Government have taken (b) the number of samples drawn during steps to bring uniformity in the standard of the last three years and the details of the education imparted by the different univer­ results thereof; and sities; (c) Vitamin 'A' and 'D ' content in Delhi (b) if so, the detail^ "thereof; Milk Scheme milk?

(c) if not, the reasons therefor; and THE MINISTER OF ACRICULTURE (SHRI BHAJAN LAL): (a) The quality of milk (cl) the difficulties or obstacles, if any, is checked in the Dairy during the various faced in this regard? stages of processing viz storage tanks, packing lines and cold storage to ensure THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCE adherence to the standards laid down in DEVELOPMENT (SHRI P. SHIV SHANKER): the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act. (a) and (b). There is no proposal to bring The milk is not allowed to be despatched about rigid uniformity in the courses and unless it meets the requirement as per programmes offered by all the universities P.F.A. standards i.e. minimum 3% fat and in the country. However, in order to ensure 8.5% S.N.F. In addition samples are drawn comparability in standards among the vari­ from milk vans/depots at the stage of dis­ ous universities, the U G C has been taking tribution to consumers to ensure confor­ various measures. These include improve­ mity to the prescribed standards. ments in the qualifications, recruitment, training and career development of teach­ (b) The number of samples drawn dur­ ers; laying down minimum standards of in­ ing the last three years and those found struction for grant of a first degree in terms adulterated are given below:-

Year Total number of samples Number of sample drawn from the depots/ found adulterated ______Milk Vans.______

1986 1568 14 1987 342 5 1988 (upto 160 1 26.10.88) 35 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Written Answers 36

(c) Delhi Milk Scheme is fortifying toned Central Assistance for Rabi Crops milk with Vitamin 'A'. The total Vit.imin 'A' content in toned milk is upto 3600 Interna­ * *33. SHRIMATI KISHORI SINHA: Will tional Units (I.U.) per litre. The estimation the Minister of ACRICULTURE be pleased of Vitamin 'D ' in DMS's toned milk is not to state: being carried out. t (a) whether any special assistance is IA F . Helicopters engaged in relief opera­ proposed to be granted by Union Govern­ tions in Bangladesh ment to the State for rabi crops; and

•32. SHRI PARASRAM BHARDVVAJ: Will (b) if so, the details thereof, State-wise? the Minister of FXTERNAI AFFAIRS he pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF AGRICUL1URF (SHRI BHAJAN LAL): (a) and (b). A State­ (a) whether Bangladesh asked for the ment is given below. withdrawal of four Indian Air Torre heli­ copters engaged in relief operations in Bangladesh; and STATEMENT

(b) if so, the reasons therefor? (a) In addition to the on-going crop ori­ ented Schemes, a special allocation of Rs. THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS 10.56 crores has been made to tFie States (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) Yes. Sir. for increasing production ol wheat during rabi 1988-89. An amount of Rs. 1.12 crores (b) The Bangladesh Covemment con­ has been allotted for gram production un­ veyed to our High Commission on the 20th der National Pulses Development Pro­ September that the IAF helicopters should gramme. be withdrawn as Bangladesh had since re­ ceived similar assistance from other foreign countries and. therefore, the Indian heli­ (b) The details of allocation are as lol- copters were no longer required. (Rupees in lakhs)

States Allocations Allocation under SFPP under STPPAYheat Gram out of allocations made for NPPP

1. Bihar 145.00 24.00

2 . Gujarat 112 45 -

3. Haryana 98.70 8.00

4. Madhya Pradesh 145.00 28.00

5. Punjab 48.75 -

6. Rajasthan 173.65 32.00

7. Uttar Pradesh .132.45 20.00 ALL INDIA 1056.00 112.00 37 Written Answers KARTIKA 12, 1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 38

Orissa proposal for inclusion of new (b) if so, the details thereof; and project under Central Road Fund (c) the reaction of Union Government *35. DR. KRUPASINDHU BHOI: Will thereto? the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased tQ state: (a) whether Government of Orissa has THE MINISTER OF SW E Or THE MIN­ sent any proposal to include any new pro­ ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- ject under the Central Road Fund during JESH PILOT): (a) to (c). A statement is given the seventh Plan; below.


Orissa Proposal for inclusion of new Projcct under Central Road Fund

(a) Yes, Sir.

(b) and (c). List of works projected by Government of Orissa and the reaction of the Central Government is indicated below: ~

SI. Name of Work Estimated Reaction of the No. Cost Central Government (Rs. in lacs)

1 2 3 4


1. Construction of bridge 140.00 Grant-in-aid of over river Safai at Km. 63 Rs. 45 lacs available of S.H. No. 10 in under Central Road Orissa Fund (Ordinary) Reserve has been provided to State Government for partly meeting the cost of this work.


1. Construction of H . L. Bridge 354.28 These proposals across river Baitarani forwarded by Orissa on Anandapur-Bhadrak Govt, in February 1985 Road in Orissa could not be considered as the State Covt. have 2. Construction of bridge 1030.00 fully utilised their over Mahanadi on accmals under Central Boudh-Kiakata road Road Fund (Allocations) programme. Accordingly 3. Reconstruction of weak 300.00 the State Govt, were and narrow minor bridge intornicd ol the position on S.H. 11 on river in August r>85. Kusaj, Sita, Kukurkata and Musala, Kailing vie. 39 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3# 1988 Written Answers 40

Improvement to road from 100.00 Jajpur road to N .H . 23 junction near Seranga, Via-Sukinda, Bhuban, Kamakhyanagar and Parjang.

Improvement to Boipariguda- 150.00 Ramgiri-Gupteswar road including C.D. works.

Bridge over Basundhara and 50.00 Ghodadiha on S.H. Road (Sambalpur-Sundargarh).

Construction of Raygada- 78.00 Pukallibahara road and Kudulihat Renga Road

Supply of pig iron to States THE MINISTER OF STEEL AN D MINES (SHRI M.L. FOTEDAR): (a) The quantity of •37. SHRI HANNAN MOLLAH: Will the pig iron supplied to consumers/stockyards Minister of STEEL A N D MINES be pleased located in different States during the last 3 to state: years is given fn the Statement below.

(a) the quantity of pig iron supplied to the States during the last three years, year- (b) Yes, Sir. wise and State-wise;

(b) whether Government's attention has (c) The supplies of pjg iron will improve been drawn to the serious shortage of pig in the coming months. Apart from an in­ iron in West Bengal; and crease in indigenous production. Govern­ ment have also cleared imports of about 2 (c) if so, the steps taken by Covemment lakh tonnes to supplement indigenous to solve the problem? availability.


Statewise despatches of pig iron from SAIL (excluding IISCO)

('000 tonnes)

Despatches of pig iron during

State 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 "t * 3 4 1 2

Andhra Pradesh 15.4 10.4 9.1

Assam 0.6 4.7 41 Written Answers KARTIKA 12, 1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 42

1 2 3 4

Bihar 19.1 16.5 24.8

- 5.9

Delhi 20.7 26.7 16.2

Cujarat 177.8 142.6 118.6

Goa - - - - Himachal Pradesh - -

Haryana 34.7 38.5 32.5

Jammu & Kashmir I.O 1.7 1.1

Karnataka 18.3 13.2 12.5

Kerala 4.4 5.1 2.1 * Madhya Pradesh 59.4 69.1 66.9

Maharashtra 42.0 63.2 51.0

Manipur - - -

Nagaland -- -

Orissa 27.2 81.4 37.5

Punjab 227.5 190.1 181.0

Rajasthan 15.4 15.1 20.4

Tamil Nadu £8.8 107.1 88.0


Uttar Pradesh 112.5 110.9 113.4

West Bengal 205.3 230.1 260.4

Total 1070.1 1127.6 1040.2

Panel to ensure import on F.O.B. Basis high level panel to ensure th.it .ill the Gov­ ernment controlled import agreements are •38. SHRI K RAMACHANDRA REDDY: strictly on Free on Board (FOB) basis; and Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to state: (b) if so, the details of the composition (a) whether his Ministry has set up a of the panel? 43 Written Answers NOVEMBFR 3,1988 Written Answers 44

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE M.N- (a) whether there is any proposal for ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- the induction of sophisticated technol- JESH PILOT): (a) The Ministry of Surface ogy/foreign technology to boost gold ex­ Transport has not set up any high level ploration in the country; and panel to ensure that all the Covemment controlled import agreements are strictly (b) if so, the details thereof? on F.O.B. basis. THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES (b) Does not arise. (SHRI M.L. FOTEDAR): (a) and (b). A statement is given below. High price of vegetables in Delhi STATEMENT •39. DR. C. VIJAYA RAMA RAO. Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to (a) and (b). With the decline in indige­ state: nous gold production on account of pro­ gressive exhaustion of reserves in the old (a) whether price of fresh green peas operating mines in the country, inter-alia touched Rs. 32 per kilogram in the capital the necessity for induction of sophisticated towards the end of September, 1988; technologies particularly in the fields of geo-physics and geo-chemistry, to achieve (b) whether Covemment are aware of a break through in gold exploration has the price per kilogram received by fanners; been examined. Necessary steps are being taken to step up the pace of gold explo­ (c) whether Covemment have any plans ration for augmenting reserves which could to set up Farm Produce Marketing Author­ be economically exploited. ity comprising of producers and consumers to fix fair prices of all farmproduce regu­ larly; and Refugees from Foreign Countries

(d) if so, the details thereof and the 78. SHRI MURLIDHAR MANE: Will the functions proposed to be entrusted to the Minister^of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased Authority? to state: *

THE MINISTER OF ACRICULTURE (a) the number of refugees who entered (SHRI BHAJAN LAL): (a) The month-end re­ India from various countries such as tail price of green peas in September, 1988 Afghanistan and Sri Lanka as on 30 ruled at Rs. 20.00 per kilogram in Delhi. September, 1988;

(b) The prices that the farmer receives (b) whether a number of them have re­ vary from season to season and from place fused to go back; to place. (c) if so, the reasons therefor; and (c) There is no proposal under consid­ eration for setting up a Farm Produce Mar­ (d) whether any steps have been taken keting Authority comprising ot producers or are proposed to be taken to send them and consumers to fix fair prices of all farm back to their respective countries? Droduce. THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (d) Does not arise. (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) (i) Gold Exploration Afghanistan: In keeping with the tradition ot friendly relations between India and MO. SHRI H.B. PATIL: Afghanistan, Afghan nationals have contin­ SHRI BANWARI LAL PUROHIT: ued to visit India. Government does not Will the Minister of STEEL AND MINES treat Afghan nationals temporarily resident be pleased to state: in India as refugees. 45 Written Answers KARTIKA 12, 1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 46

(ii) Sri Lanka: As on 30th September, Production of pulses 1988, a total of 1,34,053 refugees had come into India. 80. SHRI AJIT KUMAR SAHA: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to (b) to (d). (i) Afghanistan: Does not state: arise. (a) the production of pulses in the coun­ # (ii) Sri Lanka: The return of Sri Lankan try (in tonnes) State-wise from 1985-86 to refugees is a voluntary process and as on 1987-88, year-wise; October 10, 1987, 44,646 refugees had gone back to Sri Lanka. A small number of (b) the per capita availability of pulses, refugees have requested for continued stay during the said period; and in India on grounds of being 'Stateless' or 'as claimants to Indian citizenship'. (c) the reasons for low production of pulses? *

Development of new variety of rice THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CO­ 79. SHRI CHINTAM ANI JENA: Will the OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF ACRI­ Minister of ACRICULTURE be pleased to CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) state: Figures of production of pulses in the coun­ try, Statewise, during the year 1985-86 to (a) Whether sportests ot Indian Agricul - 1987-88 are given in the Statement below. tural Research Institute have brought out a variety of paddy which can resist the salin­ ity in the soil and water; (b) The per capita net availability of pulses during 1985 to 1988 is as under (b) if so, the details thereof; Year Per capita net (c) whether the variety is not only saline availability resistant but also a high yield variety; (Provisional) (Kgs/year) (d) whether this saline resisting paddy seed will be sold in States situated along 1985 13.9 the sea coast; 1986 15.3 (e) if so, whether this variety ot p.iddy seeds would be supplied in the ensuing 1987 13.2 Rabi season; and 1988 12.2 (f) if so, the estimated cost ot cu ltiva­ tion/production per hectare and the yield (c) Pulses are generally taken for culti­ therefrom? vation on marginal lands in rainfed condi­ tions with inadequate input supply condi­ tions like fertilisers and HYV Seeds. These THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DL- crops are also subject to high incidence of PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH pest and diseases, as a result of which the AND EDUCATION IN THE MINISTRY OF element of risk in the cultivation is more AGRICULTURE (SHRI HARI KRISHNA pronounced. The management of the pulse SHASTRI): (a) No, Sir. crop is also generally pqor. These are the major constraints in increasing the produc­ (b) to (f). Question does not arise. tion of pulses. 47 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 48


Production of Total pulses from 1985-86 1987-88 (Thousand Tonnes)

State 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 (Provisional)

Andhra Pradesh 629 534 644

Assam 66 60 61

Bihar 887 895 821

Gujarat 338 235 143

Haryana 678 479 112

Himachal Pradesh 13 9 6

Jammu & Kashmir 29 29 18

Karnataka •489 527 694

Kerala 26 25 19

Madhya Pradesh 2610 2433 2488

Maharashtra 1164 975 1414

Orissa 1031 1051 1040

Punjab 204 180 99

Rajasthan ' 1767 879 472

Tamil Nadu 322 392 363

Uttar Pradesh 2811 2751 2456

West Bengal 264 250 227

Others 33 34 33

ALL INDIA______13361 11738 11110

Draft on National Mineral Policy (b) if so, the essential features of the proposed policy; and

81. SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: Will the (c) the names of the statutes and rules Minister of STEEL A N D MINES be pleased proposed to be amended, if any, under the to state: policy?

(a) whether the draft on National Min­ THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES eral Policy has been finalised; (SHRI M .L FOTEDAR): (a) A draft of the 49 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 50

National Mineral Policy for non-fuel and (b) whether Government have decided non-atomic minerals has been prepared; it to export aluminium ingots produced by is under the consideration of the Covem ­ the Public Sector National Aluminium ment at present. Company Limited; and

(b) and (c). Do not arise. (c) if so, the steps taken/proposed to Shortage of Aluminium remove this contradictory situation? .

82. SHRI H .C. RAMULU: Will the Minis­ ter of STEEL A N D MINES be pleased to THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES state: (SHRI M .L FOTEDAR): (a) The production and availability of primary aluminium dur­ (a) whether there is acute shortage of ing 1988-89 as compared with 1987-88 is aluminium in the country; as under.-

(Figures in 000' tonnes)

Production/imports 1987-88 1988-89 Increase

April to September 124 159 + 35

October to March 154 201 + 47

Total: 278 360 + 82

Imports by MMTC 55 - - 55

Grand Total: 333 360 + 27

During 1988-89, the demand is esti­ given on 28 July, 1988 to Unstarred Ques­ mated around 360,000 tonnes against tion No. 276 regarding surplus teachers in which the domestic production is expected Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangatlian and state: to be 360,000 tonnes including estimated production of 80,000 tonnes by National (a) whether the information asked for Aluminium Company. has since been collected;

(b) and (c). National Aluminium Com­ (b) if so, the details thereof; and pany Limited (NALCO) will be exporting around 380,000 tonnes of surplus alumina (c) if not, the reasons for delay? and al^out 15,000 tonnes of high grade aluminium metal after fully meeting the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ statutory obligation of production of Elec­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ trical Conductor Grade aluminium for do­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ mestic consumption. SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. SHAHI): (a) to (c). As per policy decision Surplus teachers in Kendriya Vidyalaya taken by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangatlian in Sangatlian August, 1988, no Yoga Teacher will be de­ clared surplus in Kendriya Vidyalaya San- * 83. SHRI SAIFUDDIN AHMED: Will the gathan and retrenched. The Kendriya Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL­ Vidyalaya Sangathan has ascertained the O PM EN T be pleased to refer to the reply position in all its regions. No physical edu­ 51 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Written Answers 52

cation teacher has been declared surplus. 10^2 system in the educational institutions With the integration of Yoga with Physical of the country; Education, adjustment of yoga teachers and Physical Education Teachers is now a con­ (b) if so, whether Government would tinuous process. No inter-regional transfers take immediate steps to check the decline of Yoga Teachers have been effected on ac­ of popularity of Sanskrit among the stu­ count of teachers being rendered surplus. dents; The question of creation of supernumerary posts of Yoga Teachers at this stage does (c) if so, the details thereof; and not arise. (cl) if not, the reasons therefor? Productions, demand and import ol steel THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ 84. SHRI R.P. DAS: Will the Minister of PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ STEEL A N D MINES be pleased to state: TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ * SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. (a) the total production of steel in the SHAHI): (a) to (d). Switch over to 10 + 2 country during 1986-87 and 1987-88; and system does not have anything to do with scheme of studies, including arrangements (b) the total demand, sector-wise? for teaching of Sanskrit in schools.

THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES The Central Board of Secondary Educa­ (SHRI M.L. FOTEDAR): (a) and (b). Produc- tion has this year revised the scheme of tion of finished steel and its assessed de­ studies for secondary examination to en­ mand in the country during 1986-87 and sure adherence to provisions of National 1987-88 was as under Policy on Education which would require a candidate to study Hindi, English and one (in million tonnes) of the modern Indian Languages. Sanskrit will be taught along with Hindi to candi­ Year Production Assessed dates taking Hindi 'A' level course. Also demand candidates will be able to otter one of the seven classical and European languages, 1986-87 10.8 11.8 including Sanskrit, as an additional optional subject. The States have their own agencies 1987-88 11.6 12.8 to work out and prescribe the scheme ol studies to be followed by their schools.

For the year 1986-87 and 1987-88 the demand for long products of steel which are normally used in the construction sector was about 7.2 million tons and 7.5 Development of Coconut plantations in millions tons respectively. The demand for Kerala flat products and others normally used in the industrial sector was about 4.5 million 87. SHRI T. BASHEER: Will the Minister tons and 5.2 million tons respectively. of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state.

(a) whether Union Government have Study of Sanskrit under 10 + 2 system recently received any proposal from Kerala Government for development of coconut 86. PROF. NARAIN C H A N D PARASHAR: plantations in the State; Will the Minister of H U M A N RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: (b) if so, the details thereof; and

(a) whether the study of Sanskrit has re­ (c) the reaction of Government in this ceived a set back with introduction of regard? 53 Written Answers KARTIKA 12, 1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 54

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ 6.50 crores were allotted for construction PARTMENT OF ACRICULTURE AND CO­ of rural roads in tribal areas; OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF ACRI­ CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) (b) if so, the State-wise break-up Yes, Sir. thereof; and

(b) The project proposes to replant the (c) the amount so far released to the diseased and uneconomical coconut palms States during the Seventh Plan, State-wise? in the disease affected area of Kerala and to provide incentives to the farmers for the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ purpose. The project envisages to provide PARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN for supply of new seedlings and other input THE MINISTRY OF ACRICULTURE (SHRI materials and also develop irrigation JANARDHANA POOJARY): (a) to (c). Against facilities in coconut gardens. The project the provision of Rs. 6.50 crores in the Sixth cost is Rs. 7857.81 lakhs for 7 years. Plan, 8 States were sanctioned works costing Rs. 13.54 crores and an amount of Rs. 4.0 crores was actually released to them (c) The project is being examined. based on their requirement of funds. No allocation of funds as such was made. Funds to States for rural roads in tribal Daring Vllth Plan period, works costing Rs. areas 3.12 crores were also sanctioned to some additional States which were not sanc­ 88. SHRI PURNA CHANDRA MALIK: tioned any works earlier. A Statement Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be showing the cost of the works sanctioned pleased to state: and the funds released to the States (State- wise) during the Sixth Plan and the Seventh (a) whether during the Sixth Plan Rs. Plan so far (1985-89) is given below.


Development of Roads in Tribal Areas-cost of Works sanctioned and funds released (Rs. in lakhs)

SI. State Cost of works Funds released No. sanctioned 6th Plan 1985-89 (upto 31.10.88)

1 2 3 4 5

1. Bihar 133.27 32.80 48.00

2 . Gujarat 143.00 30.00 94.15

3. Himachal Pradesh 100.37 51.33 45.15

4. Madhya Pradesh 423.45 148.30 241.52

5. Manipur 256.12 40.00 175.12

6. Orissa 196.44 61.00 126.67

7. Rajastlun 51.26 33.57 17.70

6. Tamil Nadu 45.00 3.00 41.36 789.67 Total (A) • 1353.91 400.00 55 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 56


1. Andhra Pradesh 73.70 63.33

2. Assam 20.00 14.35

3. Karnataka 55.86 29.12

4. Kerala 13.50 12.28

5. Maharashtra 69.99 22.00

6. Rajasthan 35.85 31.11

7. Sikkim 10.50 10.50

8. Tripura 13.44 7.16

9. West Bengal 18.99 4.60

Total (B) 311.83 * - 194.45

I otal (AB) 1665.74 400.00 984.12

Assistance for repair of flood damaged Implementation of the pension schcmc National Highways in Andhra Pradesh for C C .R .T employees

89. SHRI T. BALA C O U D : Will the Min- 90. CH . SUNDER SINCH: Will the Min­ ister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased ister of H UM AN RESOURCE DEVELOP­ to state: M EN T be pleased to state:

(a) the estimated damage to the Na­ (a) whether the recommendations ot tional Highways in Andhra Pradesh as a re­ the Fourth Pay Commission regarding im­ sult of recent floods in that State; plementation of the Pension Scheme with effect from 1 January, 1986, have lx»en ac­ (b) whether the financial assistance was cepted and made applicable to the em­ provided for repair of such National High­ ployees of the Centre tor Cultural Re­ ways; and sources and Training;

(c) if not, the reasons therefor? (b) if so, whether the benefits have been given to the employees of the Centre THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ for Cultural Resources and Training who ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- have retired after 1 January, 1986; and JESH PILOT): (a) The estimated cost of restoration of damages caused by floods in (c) if not, the reasons thereof? 1988 as projected by the State Covemment is Rs. 657 lakhs. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THl DE­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ (b) and (c). Restoration works are in TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ hand. Detailed estimates by the State Cov­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI IP. emment are to be projected for release ot SHAHI): (a) Yes, Sir. funds after processing by the Covemment of India. (b) No, Sir. 57 Written Answers KARTIKA 12, W O (SAKA) Written Answers 58

(c) Tw o employees compulsorily retired tributing the amount alongwith its condi­ from Centre for Cultural Resources and tions? Training were not eligible for grant of pen­ sion as their qualifying service in the Centre THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ was less thdn ten years. ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- JESH PILOT): (a) Yes, Sir.

(b) The details of the schemes in the World Bank and Asian Development Central Sector which are being executed Bank aid for Indian road sector under World Bank Loan Assistance in Phase-1 are given in Statement I below. 91. SHRI S.B. SIDNAL. SHRI BHATTAM $RIRAMA~ The details of the projects in the State MURTY: sector which have been approved for exe­ cution under World Bank Loan Assistance Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANS­ are given in Statement II below. PORT be pleased to state: Apart from this, negotiations with Asian (a) whether the World Bank and the Development Bank have recently been Asian Development Bank have agreed to completed and the details of the projects provide aid for Indian road sector; are given in Statement'll I below.

(b) if so, the details of the projects fi­ (c) For State road projects 70% of the nalised including their costs; and aid disbursed is passed on to them as addi­ tional Central Assistance. Of this 70% is on (c) the procedure to be followed in dis­ loan basis and 30% as grant.

STATEMENT-1 National Highway Projects with World Bank Loan Assistance (I Package) (Rs. in crores)

SI State N H . Name of work Length Sanct- Date Tar^etted No No Km ioned of probable Amount commen- date of cement completion

7 8

1.5.87 June 1992 1. Gujarat NE-1 Construction of a 92 km 134.91 new dual carriageway Expressway linking the cities of Ahmedabad and Vadodra in the Main Delhi- Bombay Corridor of NH.8.

80 km 40.16 1.5.87 June 1991 2. Haryana k'H-1 Widening to four lanes and streng­ thening of existing carriageway Murthal to Karnal (km. 74.80-130.0) 59 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Written Answers 60

3. Punjab N H -1 Widening to 1 2 1 km 67.58 6.87 Dec. 4 lanes and 1990 strengthening existing carriageway Sirhand to Jullunder (Km. 252.525 to 372.7)

4 Tamil N H - Provision of an 40 54.7f) 11 3.B7 ■ Dec. 1990 Nadu 45 additional 2 lane 9J km (4 lane) carriageway and (Stg) strengthening of existing 2 lane from km. 27 to 67 and strengthening from km 67-160.

5. Uttar N H -2 Construction of 30 49.92 15.11.87 June 1991 Pradesh two lane byepass km of the city of Varanasi including a * major bridge over the Canga River

6 . West N H -2 Construction of 65 km 58.41 3.87 June 1990 Bengal a new two lane road July 1990 with at grade inter­ section and service road linking the centres of Denkuni and Palsit in the main Calcutta Delhi Corridor • (Cost in Rs. lakhs) i) Study of Vehicle fleet Modernisation 74. iO and Road Use Charges ii) Procurement of Mobile Bridge 110.00 Inspection Unit iii) Procurement of equipments 260.00 iv) Procurement of Road Safety 288.00 t quipment

STATEMINT-II State Road Projects approved for world Bank Assistance

The Project comprises the following works in the respective states. •

BIHAR, Bhagalpur Bridge 4.0 km constmction ot two lane bridge with 1.5 meter footpaths on both sides. Bhagalpur bridge 14.0 km Construction ot two lane approach roads approaches \ laiipur-Mu/affarpur 51.0 km Mn-n^iIlening and widening to two lanes Soivpur-Clihapra 50.0 kin MmiKtitoning and widening lo Two lanes 61 Written Answers KARTIKA 12, W O (SAKA) Written Answers 62


Pune-Ahmednagar 113.6 km strengthening and widening to two lanes Ahmednagar-Kopargaon 95.0 km strengthening and widening to two lanes Ahmednagar- Aurangabad 105.4 km strengthening and widening to two lanes Aurangabad-Mantha 124.0 km strengthening and widening to two lanes Akola-Kanhergaon 96.0 km strengthening and widening to two lanes Nagpur-Kampad 69.0 km strengthening and widening to two lanes Palgar-Wada 47.0 km strengthening and widening to two lanes Wada-Ambadi 23.0 km strengthening and widening to two lanes


Alwar-Bhiwari 90.0 km strengthening and widening to two lanes Alwar-Karauli 145.0 km strengthening and widening to two lanes Udaipur-Dabok 16.0 km strengthening and widening to two lanes Dabok-Chittorgarh 97.0 km strengthening and widening to two lanes Ajmer-Chittorgarh 186.0 kir strengthening and widening to two lanes Sirohi-Abu Road 63.0 km strengthening and widening to two lanes Abu Road-Mount Abu 23.0 km strengthening and widening to two lanes Fatehpur-Churu 36.0 km strengthening and widening to two lanes Churu-Haryana Border 79.0 km strengthening and widening to two lanes Sikar-Haryana Border 133.0 km strengthening and widening to two lanes


Sonauli-Gorakhpur 93.0 km strengthening and widening to two lanes Gorakhpur-Ballia 153.0 km strengthening and widening to two lanes Faizabad-Allahabad 143.0 km strengthening and widening to two lanes Allahabad-Dohrighat 208.0 km strengthening and widening to two lanes

September 19, 1988 In addition to civil works, project includes Training, Equipment and Sectoral Studies. Total cost of project estimated at 450 million US dollars and loan assistance is 170 million dollars and IDA credit is 62 million SDR equivalent of 80 million US Dollars.


List of works shortlisted by Asian Development Bank for loan Assistance

Name of work SI. State N il.N o. No.

G vil Works

1. N .H . Projects

i Andhra Pradesh Widening to four lanes and strengthening Anakapally to Vishakapatnam 63 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Written Answers 64

1 2 3 4

ii Haryana and 2 Four laning and strengthening Uttar Pradesh from Ballabgarh to Mathura.

2. Stafe Highways

iii. Andhra Pradesh Improvement of Hyderabad- Ramaguntani Road.

iv Karnataka Improvement of Ankola-Hubli Road.

v. Tamil Nadu Improvement of Madras-Cuddalore Section of East Coast Road.

II. Equipments.

III. Sector Studies and Consulting Services.

Total cost about Rs. 350 crores.

Private tu itions by teachers (a) whether a major fire broke out in six storeyed library building of thr National 92. SHRI PRAKASH CHANDRA: Will the Council for Educational Research and Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL­ Training (NCERT) in Delhi on 14 October, O PM EN T be pleased to state: 1988,

(a) whether a large number of teachers, (b) whether any investigation has been working under Delhi Administration .ire ordered into the cause of the lire; engaged in giving private tuitions; (c) if so, the details of its outcome; (b) whether such teachers do not pay proper attention to poor students in the (d) the loss caused by way of destruc­ Schools who can not afford private tuitions; tion of research work and the gutiing of the and building itself in terms of money; and

(c) if so, the remedial steps taken by (e) the preventive measures being taken Covemment in this regard? in this regard?


(b) and (c). Do not arise. (b) to (e). The National Council of Edu­ Fire in NCERT Building in Delhi cational Research and Training (NCERT) has appointed an Inquiry Committee under 93. SHRI SAN AT KUMAR MAN DAL: Will the Chairmanship of Secretrary, NCERT to the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE- look into the incident. The Committee is I VELOPMENT be pleased to state: yet to submit its report. 65 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 66

Application of green manure (d) This recommendation has been in­ cluded by PAU in the package of practices 94. SHRI P.R.KUMARAMANGALAM: for kharif crops for adoption by farmers in Will the Minister of ACRICULTURE be Punjab. The experiments are in progress in pleased to state: farmers' fields.

(d) whether Punjab Agricultural Univer­ sity has re-discovered green manuring; [Translation]

(b) if so, the details of the new findings Implementation of Indira Awas Yojana and how these differ from the technology which is widely practised in India and 95. SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN: Will abroad; the Minister of ACRICULTURE be pleased to state: (c) whether this new technology has been field-tested in Punjab; and (a) the progress made in respect of In­ dira Awas Yojana in various States of the (d) if so, the details thereof indicating country; whether results of gai found in Punjab Agri­ cultural University Laboratories are also (b) whether the Union Covemment achieved in private farmers' fields? propose to extend the said Awas Yojana to those cities of the country where poor THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ people live in Jhuggi-Jhonpris and Kacha PARTMENTS OF AGRICULTURAL RE­ houses; and SEARCH AND EDUCATION IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF ACRICULTURE (SHRI HARI KR­ (c) if so, the details thereof? ISHNA SHASTRI): (a) Yes, Sir. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ (b) Incorporation of 60 days old Dhain- PARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN cha, a day before transplanting of rice , THE MINISTRY OF ACRICULTURE (SHRI yielded better than application of 60 kg. ni­ JANARDHANA POOJARY) (a) Indira Awas trogen/ha through chemical fertilizer. Fur­ Yojana has been launched during the Sev­ ther combined use of green manuring and enth Five Year Plan as a sub-scheme of Ru­ 60 kg. N/ha. through fertilizer gave rice ral Landless Employment Guarantee Pro­ yield equal to that obtained with 120 kga gramme. The number of houses so far N/ha, as fertilizer. Thus, incorporation ot planned and reported to have been con­ Dhaincha resulted in saving of 60 kg. N/ha. structed under the Yojana are 497630 and 380619 respectively. A Statement indicating In general, the green manure crop is in­ State/UT-wise position in this regard is corporated 15-20 days before planting the given below. rice crop. The investigations carried out at Kunjab Agricultural University have recom­ (b) No, Sir. mended incorporation one day in advance.

(c) Question does not arise. (c) Yes, Sir. STATEMENT State/UT-wise details of number of houses planned and reported to have been constructed by the State/UT Governments under Indira Awas Yojana so far

No. of houses No. of houses SI. State/UT planned reported to have No. been constructed

37664 Andhra Pradesh 44663 67 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 68

1 2 3 4

2 . Arunachal Pradesh - 35

3. Assam 7640 2119'

4. Bihar 46730 44545

5. Goa 250 216

6 . Gujarat 19750 14831

7. Haryana 3287 3086

8. Himachal Pradesh 2152 495

638 9. Jammu & Kashmir 2997

10. Karnataka 15798 14745

35489 11.. Kerala 30110

13034 12. Madhya Pradesh 21732

13. Maharashtra 39000 26033

174 14. Manipur 210

156 15. Meghalaya 386

64 16. Mizoram 203

396 17. Nagaland 498

12645 18. Orissa 16666

2035 19. Punjab 10393

13491 20. Rajasthan 19651

262 21. Sikkim 412

71331 22. Tamil Nadu 69852

23. Tripura 3210 2251

24. Uttar Pradesh 79434 69975

25. West Bengal 62082 14725

26. A & N Islands 100 —

27. Chandigarh — - 69 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 70

1 2 *3 4

28. D & N Haveli 113 80 29. Daman & Diu - -

30. Delhi -NR

31. Lakshadweep - -

32. Pondicherry 284 97

ALL INDIA 497630 380619 NR ■ Not Reported.

IEnglishI (i) A National programme of Flood Ravage caused by floods Management is being imple­ mented since 1954. The works 96. SHRI BIRINDER SINCH: Will the undertaken under this pro­ Minister of ACRICULTURE be pleased to gramme have given reasonable state: degree of protection to about (a) the area affected by floods in each of 13.37 million ha. out of an esti­ the States during the last three years; mated protectable area of 32 mil­ lion ha. in the country, till March, (b) the amount spent on relief opera­ 1987. tions during each of the last three years, separately by Union Covemment and the (ii) 147 flood forecasting stations on State Covemments; and several major inter-state rivers have been established by Central (c) the concrete steps taken or pro­ Water Commission. posed to be taken to minimise this calamity (iii) The Ganga Flood Control Com­ of floods occuring year after year?. mission and Brahmaputra Board THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE-. have been set up to render as­ PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CO­ sistance to chronically flood af­ OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF ACRI­ fected areas. CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) (iv) Special loans have been extended State-wise details of area affected by floods by the Central Government for etc. during the years 1985, 1986 and 1987 flood management scheme are given in the Statement below. included in the State sector. (b) Information is being collected. (v) Agreement has been reached with the H.M.G. Nepal in March, 1988 (c) The flood control is a state subject. whereby the rainfall data of the 7 The responsibility for planning, investiga­ stations located in the upper tion and implementation of flood control catchments of the rivers flowing and other related projects rest with the from Nepal, to India is being State Governments and funds for this sec­ received on real time basis and it tor are provided by the State in their re­ is being used for flood forecasting spective Annual Plan Budgets as per the and warning. priorities accorded by them. The Central Government renders assistance in technical matters at the specific request of the State (vi) To minimise losses a Model Flood Covemments. The measures undertaken Plain Zoning Bill had been by the Central Government in this regard prepared and circulated to the are as u n d e r- States for adoption in 1975. 71 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 72

(vii) In the wake of the severe floods been set up in November, 1987 in 1987, two High Level Com ­ to study the problems of flood mittees, one for North-Eastern prone areas and suggest mea­ States, and the other for the sures for affording a reasonable States of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, degree of protection on a long­ West Bengal and Orissa have term bask.

STATEMENT Statewise area affcctcd due to floods during 1985-87

SI. Name of state/ Area affected (Lakh ha.) No. Union Territory 1985 • 1986 1987

1 2 3 4 5

1. Andhra Pradesh 0.060 13.400 2 . Arunachal Pradesh 0.040 - - 3. Assam 6.500 4.300 15.30 41.64 4. Bihar 7.900 17.550 5. .Goa - - Nil 6 . Gujarat 0.030 NEG NEG 7. Haryana 2 .100 0.300 Nil 8. Himachal Pradesh 3.900 Nil NEG 9. Jammu & Kashmir NEC - 5.14 10. Kerala 1.500 0.500 0.015 11. Karnataka NEC NEG NEG NEG 12. Madhya Pradesh Nil 1.800 13. Maharashtra 0.010 0.400 0.Q15 14. Manipur 0.200 0.500 0.27 NEG 0.95 15. Meghalaya — NIL 16. Mizoram NIL NIL NIL 17. Nagaland 0.080 12.400 — 18. Orissa 9.100 19. Punjab 8.600 0.500 NIL Rajasthan 1.200 5.400 0.912 20. f 0.01 21. Sikkim 1.00 —

NEG 22. Tamil Nadu — 0.040

NIL 23. Tripura 0.230 0.030

24. Uttar Pradesh 40.300 10.400 6.0

18.61 25. West Bengal 1.800 18.000

NIL 26. A & N Islands 0.005 NIL

NIL 27. Chandigarh NIL NIL 73 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 74

1 2 kJ ■■ ■ ------28. ' Dadar, Nagar & Haveli NIL NIL NIL

29. Delhi NIL NIL NIL

30. Daman & Diu NIL NIL NIL

31. Lakshadweep NIL NIL NIL

32. Pondicherry 0.110 0.010 NIL

Total India 83.770 88.140 88.862

National Highway Patrolling Scheme aged central assistance for a period of one year, has been discontinued. 97. SHRI K. RAMAMURTHY: Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to state: Visits to Kendriya Vidyalayas by Assistant Commissioners (a) whether the National Highway Pa­ trolling Scheme launched around 1984 98. SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI: Will the Min­ which envisages setting up of TraffictAid- ister of HUM AN RESOURCE DEVELOP­ Posts for ensuring smooth and uninter­ M EN T be pleased to state: rupted movement of vehicular traffic on the National Highways have been discontin­ (a) whether the Assistant Commission­ ued; ers of the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan are required to visit Kendriya Vidyalayas; (b) if so, the reasons therefor; and (b) if so, how often these visits are (c) the details of pilot TAP projects set made; and up so far? (c) the names of Kendriya Vidyalayas not THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ visited even once during the last three ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RV years and the reasons therefor? JESH PILOT): (a) to (c). A pilot project of Highway Patrolling Scheme had been launched in 1983-84. The pilot Project cov­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ ered five stretches of National Highways PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ (Delhi-Chandigarh, Calcutta-Durg.ipur, TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ Ahmedabad-Surat, Bombay-Kolhapur, SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. Madras-Dindigal) where through 36 Trnrtic- SHAHI): (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. Inspection of Aid-Posts located at suitable distances, Kendriya Vidyalayas is carried out once in there would be a system of patrolling the three years by the Assistant Commissioners stretch and ensuring flashing of news of or by an Education Officer on his behalf. road-mishap that might occur, first-aid to victims, removal of vehicles and ensuring (c) Kendriya Vidyalaya, Mukteshwar free flow of traffic. The pilot project was could not be visited even once during the primarily to serve as an example for adop­ last three years on account of pressure of tion by States for other stretches and after work and other engagements of the con­ the initial period the scheme which envis­ cerned Regional Office. 75 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1968 Written Answers 76

Tour of British Cricket Team Plant/Unit Profit ( + )/ 99. SHRI SHANTARAM POTDUKHE: Loss (-) Rs. DR. B.L SHAILESH: in crores Will the Minister of H U M AN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to Bhilai Steel (-) 30.21 state: Plant

(a) whether Covemment have banned Durgapur Steel (-) 54.75 some of the players of England's Cricket Plant team, likely to tour India this winter, who had links with South Africa; Rourkela Steel ( + ) 15.02 Plant • (b) whether the Board for Control of Cricket in India is required to pay compen­ Bokaro Steel ( + ) 171.21 sation to England's Cricket Board; and Plant

(c) if so, the details thereof? Alloy Steels (-) 39.98 Plant THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENTS OF Y O U TH AFFAIRS A N D Salem Steel (-) 3.91 SPORTS AND WOMEN AND CHILD DE­ Plant VELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF HU­ MAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Others/Adjust­ (♦ ) 5.89 ' (SHRIMATI MARGARET ALVA): (a) The Test ments and Country Cricket Board (TCCB) of England called off the tour of England's a il ( + ) 63.27 cricket team to India after they were in­ S formed that eight players having sporting i i s c o (-) 115.75 links with South Africa will not be granted visas and the T.C.C.B. can substitute them with those players who have no links with South Africa. (b) SAIL is making efforts to improve its profitability, inter-alia, through the follow­ ing measures: (b) No, Sir.

(c) Does not arise. (i) Improving the capacity utili­ sation of existing facilities and Profit and loss of SAIL * levels of upkeep and main­ tenance of the plant and 100. SHRI KAMAL CHAUDHRY: Will the equipments; Minister of STEEL A N D MINES be pleased to state: (ii) Enrichment of the product-mix to suit the market needs; (a) the profit and loss of Steel Authority of India Limited plant-wise during the year (iii) Reducing the energy consump­ 1987-88; and tion;

(b) the measures adopted to further re­ (iv) Improving yield of by-products duce the losses, if any? and attaining better recovery of waste and secondary arisings; THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES (SHRI M .L FOTEDAR): (a) Plant-wise profit (v) Improving labour productivity* and loss of Sail during 1987-88 were: by redeployment and retraining; 77 Written Answers KARTIKA 12, 1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 78

(vi) Modernisation of the plants now. However, the Draft of a new Consti­ alongwith technological tution has been published and an Enquiry upgradation; and Advisory Committee has been estab­ lished to obtain views from different sec­ (vii) Better management of inventory tions of the population on this proposed and working capital; Constitution.

(viii) Intensification of research and The provisions of the new Draft Consti­ development efforts; tution are certainly discriminatory agiinst Fijians of Indian origin. It provides for a (be) Controlling expenditure in non­ unicameral Parliament with 71 seats of productive areas. which 59 would be elected and 12 nomi­ nated. Fijian citizens of Indian origin are Outcome of discussions held with king of entitled to get only 22 seats, even though Nepal they constitute the largest ethnic group in that country. Ethnic Fijians get 28 seats. 101. SHRI KAMAL NATH: Will the Min­ The 12 members to be nominated by the ister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to President and Prime Minister are also ex­ state: pected to be ethnic Fijians. The General (a) whether the relationship between Electors Croup consisting of people of Chi­ India and Nepal, as envisaged in the 1950 nese and European descent would get 8 treaty, were discussed during the recent seats. One member would be from Ro- visit of the King of Nepal; and tuma.

(b) if so, the outcome of the discussions Important posts like those of the Presi­ held? dent, the Prime Minister, the Commander of the Armed forces, who would also be TH E MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS the Defence Minister, the Chairman of the (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) While Police Service Commission, etc. have been matters of bilateral concern were discussed exclusively reserved for persons of ethnic between the Prime Minister and the King Fijian descent. of Nepal, Indo-Nepal relations as envis­ aged in the 1950 Treaty were not specifi­ (c) An official statement on the pro­ cally discussed. posed Constitution of Fiji was issued on September 20, 1988. The text of this (b) Does not arise. statement is given in the statement below.

Discrimination against persons of Indian Statement origin in Fiji The Government of India has noted the 102. SHRI BRAJA M O H AN M OHANTY: broad features of a draft constitution of Fiji Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be approved by the interim Government. pleased to state: While the full text of the draft is still awaited, the information available .so far (a) whether the Constitution of Fiji indicates that no effort has been made to which has been finalised recently discri­ give just and equitable representation to minates the citizens of Indian Origin; different communities in the proposed par­ liament. The deposed Prime Minister Dr. Bavadra has stated that "the constitution (b) if so, the details thereof, and

4 reduces the to third class (c) the reaction of Covemment thereto? citizenry in a country where they comprise about 50 per cent of the population''. The THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Government of India notes with regret that (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) and (b). the draft reportedly contains several provi­ sions that are undemocratic, discriminatory Fiji has not adopted a new Constitution till 79 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 80 and detrimental to the interests of peace, (a) the names of companies who have stability and racial harmony, such as the been granted industrial licences for manu­ adoption of a communal franchise for all facture of steel during 1987-88; elected seats in the parliament. (b) whether licences have been given to The Government of India notes that the large industrial houses during these years; interim government has stated that a pro­ cess of consultations will be initiated (c) whether Government propose to is­ shortly on the draft constitution. It hopes sue more licences; and that this process will.be free and demo­ cratic to enable all section of the popula­ (d) if so, the details thereof? tion to participate in the formulation of a constitution acceptable to all. In this con­ THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES text the Government of India reiterates its (SHRI M L. FOTEDAR): (a) and (b). The in- earlier call for the revocation of the Internal fonnation is being collected and will be laid Security Decree. on the Table of the House. IPKF role in Sri Lanka (c) and (d). Under the existing guide­ 103. SHRI RAM PYARE PANIKA: Will the lines for ferrous metallurgical industry, Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased new steel making capacities of 50,000 to state: tonnes per annum are permitted to be set up in certain hilly and remote areas. (a) the role played by the Indian Peace Keeping Force in Sri Lanka in recent weeks; Damage caused to National Highways in and Kerala

(b) whether IPKF has been assisting in 105. PROF. P.J. KURIEN: Will the Minis­ the electoral process relating to the elec­ ter of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to tions to the Provincial Councils in that state: country? (a) the extent of damage caused to the TH E MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS National Highways in Kerala during this (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) The IPKF years' monsoon; and is in Sri Lanka to implement the Indo-Sri Lanka Agreement and assure the security (b) the steps being taken to restore and safety of all communities in the North- these to the original condition? Eastern Province of Sri Lanka. It continues to perform that task. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- (b) it is not part of the IPKF's mandate JESH PILOT): (a) The total extent of dam­ to assist the Government of Sri Lanka in ages to the National Highways as projected tasks which are specifically related to elec­ by the State Government is Rs. 424.780 tions. However, in. keeping with its man­ lakhs. date, the IPKF will continue to provide ap­ propriate security and security-related lo­ (b) Temporary restoration works are in gistical assistance in the North-E«-istern hand and detailed estimates are being pre­ Province during Provincial Council elec­ pared by (lie State Government. tions. National Cadet Corps training in Grant of Industrial licences for manufac­ Kendriya Vidyalayas ture of steel 104. SHRI RAM BHACAT PASWAN: Will 106. SHRI V IS H N U M O D I: Will the the Minister of STEEL A N D M INES be Minister of H U M AN RESOURCE DEVEL­ pleiised to state: O PM EN T be pleased to state: 81 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 82

(a) whether there is no provision of Na­ (a) whether the Steel Authority of India tional Cadet Corps training in various had taken a decision to open a consign­ Kendriya Vidyalayas; ment agency stock yard in Bhopal;

(b) if so, the reasons therefor; and „(b) if so, the reasons for which this deci­ sion could not be implemented; and (c) whether Government propose to start N.C.C. in these Vidyalayas? (c) the time by which action will be THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ taken in this regard? PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES SHAHI): (a) to (c). N.C.C. training is im­ (SHRI M.L. FOTEDAR): (a) No, Sir. parted to students in 91 Kendriya Vidyalayas. (b) and (c). Do not arise.

Starting of the Vijay Nagar Steel Plant in Karnataka IEnglish]

107. SHRI V. KRISHNA RAO: Will the Chakma Tribal refugees Minister of STEEL AN D MINES be pleased to state: 109. SHRI AJOY BISWAS: Will the Minis­ ter of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased te (a) whether Government propose to state: start the Vijaynagar Steel Plant in Kar­ nataka in the near future; (a) the number of Chakma Tribal refugees now staying in Tripura camps; (b) whether any amount has been ear­ marked for this purpose; (b) whether Covemment have dis­ cussed with the Bangladesh Covemment (c) if so, the details thereof; and recently to solve this problem;

(d) if not, the reasons therefor? (c) if so, the latest proposals that have been made to Bangladesh Government; THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES and (SHRI M .L FOTEDAR): (a) to (d). Covem­ ment had decided in principle to set up the (d) the reaction of Bangladesh Govern­ Vijaynagar Steel Plant in Karnataka and ment thereto? some preparatory works have also been undertaken for the project. However, due THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS to overall constraints of resources, only a (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) There token provision of Rs. 10 crores was made were 4-1,965 Bangladeshi Chakma refugees for all new steel projects (including Vi- in camps in Tripura as on 5.9.1988. jayanagarl in the Vllth Plan period. (b) to (d). Yes, Sir. The subject was dis­ [ Translation/ cussed during the Bangladesh President's * visit to India on 29.9.1988. It was empha­ Opening of a consignment agency stock sised by us that it was the responsibility of yard in Bhopal by SAIL the Bangladesh Government to take steps to give the refugees the confidence to re­ 108. SHRI MAHENDRA SINGH: Will the turn to Bangladesh. The Bangladesh side Minister of STEEL A N D MINES be pleased accepted this responsibility and said that steps to this end are being taken. to state: 83 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 84

[Translation] tory; and

States affected by the earthquake (c) the financial and other assistance sought by each State/Union Territory and 110. SHRI M .L JHIKRAM: the assistance actually rendered by the SHRI MULLAPPALLY Union Government? RAMACHANDRAN: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ SHRIMATI MADHUREE SINCH: PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CO­ SHRIMATI O.K. BH AN DARI: OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRI­ SHRI KALI PRASAD PANDEY: CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) DR. C.S. RAJHANS: and (b). The damage reported by the Gov­ Will tliC Minister of ACRICULTURE be ernments of Bihar, Sikkim and West Bengal pleased to state: in the wake of the earthquake of 21st (a) the names of States/Union Territo­ August, 1988 is given in the Statement ries affected by the recent earthquake and below. after shocks; (b) the estimated loss to property, hu­ (c) The Central assistance sought and man lives and the number of persons ren­ provided to the Government of Bihar, dered homeless in each State/Union Terri­ Sikkim and West Bengal is given below: ~

State Assistance Ceilings of sought expenditure approved

(Rs. in crores)

1. Bihar 152.89 24.31

2. Sikkim 32.77 9.24

3. West Bengal 43.57 8.82*

•inclusive of flood damage.

STATEMENT 4. Houses damaged 149334

Extent of damage caused by the earth­ 5. Damage has been reported to quake of 21st August, 1988 in Bihar, buildings, roads, bridges, Sikkim and West Bengal culverts, hospitals, animal husbandry, dairy and BIHAR fisheries, power stations, embankments, irrigation 1. Number of districts 18 systems, educational affected institutions etc. 9 2. Number of human lives 282 lost SIKKIM

3. Number of persons 3766 1. Number of districts 4 injured affected 85 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 86

2. Number of human lives 2 THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ lost PARTMENT OF FERTILIZERS IN TH E M IN ­ « ISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI R. 3. Number of houses 12806 PRABHU): (a) and (b). Following applicants damaged have shown interest in the Shahjahanpur gas based fertilizer project: 4. Damage has been reported to crops, water supply installa- 1. Shri Krishan Kaushal an NRI tions, religious institutions, roads, bridges, buildings, 2. Shri Brij K. Pandey an NRI educational institutions, livestock, irrigation 3. M/s. Shakti Resources systems, forests, animal International husbandary, power installations, etc. 4. M/s. Oswal Agro Mills WEST BENGAL 5. Krishak Bharati Cooperative 1. Human lives lost NIL Limited

2.1 No. of persons 5 6. Rashtriya Chemicals and injured Fertilizers Ltd.

Extensive damages reported to the (c) The matter is under consideration buildings specially in Darjeeling Sadar Sub- and a decision is yet to be taken1 by the Division, Darjeeling Railway Station, Jala- Covemment. pathar Telephone Exchange Building/ Sanatorium, Buthia Busty town out post Construction of a bye-pass on National and collectorate building in Darjeeling Highway No. 7 in Bangalore town, Water pipeline damaged at some places. 112. SHRI V.S. KRISHNA IYER: Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be Road communication from Kalimpong pleased to state: and from Darjeeling to Siliguri disrupted due to landslides and cracks.

(a) whether to avoid congestion, in Ban­ (Englishl galore and to reduce the distance by 80 kilometres, there is any proposal for con­ Short listing of companies for the execu­ struction of a bye-pass on National High­ tion of Shahjahanpur Fertilizer Project way No. 7 from Krishnageri to Sira via, KGF, Kolar Chickkaballapur, Gowribidanur VI I. SHRIMATI BASAVARAJESWARI: Will and Madhugiri; and the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: (b) if so, the details thereof?

(a) whether six companies have been THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ short listed for the execution of gas-based ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- Shahjahanpur Fertilizer Project; JESH PILOT): (a) and (b). The State Cov­ i * emment of Karnataka had proposed for in­ (b) if so, the details thereof; and clusion in the National Highway system road measuring 160 Kms. from Sira to Mul- (c) the name of company which has ul­ bagal via Madhugiri, Gowribidanur, Chic- kkaballarpur and Chintamani. There is timately come fofward to execute the pro­ however no provision in the VII Plan for ject and the decision taken by Government in the matter? this project. 87 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 88

Central Assistance to Kerala (c) the targets set for the production and export of basmati rice during 1988-89. 113. SHRI MULLAPPALLY RAMACHAN- DRAN: Will the Minister of ACRICULTURE THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ be pleased to state: PARTMENT OF ACRICULTURE AND CO­ OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF ACRI­ (a) whether any request has been re­ CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) to ceived from the State Covemment of Ker­ (c). Covemment are making efforts to in­ ala during 1988 for central assistance for crease production and export of basmati natural calamities; rice. Figures of basmati rice exported dur­ ing the List 3 years are: * • (b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the State Covemment of Years Exported Kerala has requested Union Covemment to (Figures in OOO.tonnes) depute any study team to assess and report on losses due to natural calamities in Ker- 1985-86 235

1986-87 237 (d) if so, the details thereof; and 1987-88 4 366 (e) the finding of the study team, if any? No separate data for production of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ basmati rice is available. Ministry of Com­ PARTMENT OF ACRICULTURE AND CO­ merce has fixed a target of 3.50 lakh tonnes OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF ACRI­ of basmati rice for export during the year CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) to 1988-89. (e). Yes, Sir. The Covemment of Kerala submitted Memorandum in August, 1988 Discovery of minerals and precious met­ and supplementary Memorandum in Octo­ als by G.S.L ber 1988 seeking central assistance for re­ lief measures in the wake of drought, 115. SHRI HARIHAR SOREN: earthquake and floods. A Central Team vis­ SHRI MOHD. MAHFOOZ All ited Kerala between 3rd and 6th October, KHAN: 1988. Having regard to the report of the SHRI PRAKASH V. PATIL: Central Team and recommendations of the SHRI V.S. VIJAYARACHAVAN: High Level Committee on Relief thereon, a Will the Minister of STEEL A N D MINES ceiling of expenditure of Rs. 10.55 crores be pleased to state: has been approved for relief measures in Kerala. (a) whether the Geological Survey of In­ dia has discovered recently huge quantum Increase in production and export of of minerals, including some precious met­ Basmati rice als in different parts of the Country;

114. SHRI SRIBALLAV PANIC RAH I: Will (b) if so, the details thereof, Statewise; the Minister of ACRICULTURE be pleased and to state: (c) the prospects of working on these (a) whether Covemment are making sites on commercial basis and the time by efforts to increase the production and ex­ which the commercial production from port of basmati rice; these resources is likely to commence?

(b) if so, the total quantum of basmati THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES rice produced and exported during the last (SHRI M.L FOTEDAR): (a) and (b). Geo­ three years; and logical Survey of India has assessed the 89 Written Answers KARTIKA12,1910 (SAM ) Written Answers 90

following mineral reserves (State-wise) in the course of recent regional exploration:--

(in million tonnes)

Andhra Pradesh

(0 Coal 590.85

(ii) Cold Ore 4.18

Assam & Meghalaya

(i) Coal 0.322


(i) Coal 2098.35

(ii) Copper Ore 1.59

(iii) Phosphorite/ 1.3 Apatite

Madhya Pradesh

(i) Coal 3179.23


(i) Coal 4817.39

(ii) Manganese 7.60 (with plus 30% manganese)

(iii) Chromite 8.75

West Bengal

(i) Coal 1438.73

(ii) Phosphorite/ 4.00 Apatite

Tamil Nadu

|i) Lignite 1313.81 cii) Limestone 128.6


(I) Lead-Zinc Ore 21.27 (with about 4 to 8% lead-zinc) (il) Copper Ore 3.92 (with 0.9 to 1.46 percent Copper resource 28.78 with 0.5 to 0.6 percent Copper) 91 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 92

(iii) Copper-lead- 1.80 (with 4 percent lead-zinc copper) zinc

(iv) Phosphorite/ Apatite


(i) Lignite 6.77


(i) Manganese 18.89 (with plus 35 percent Manganese)

(ii) Gold Ore 2.6

Himachal Pradesh

(i) Limestone 1098


(i) Tin Ore 12 (with 0.15 percent tin)

Uttar Pradesh

(i) Phosphorite/ Apatite


(i) Tungsten 2000 (concentrate with 65 percent tungsten trioxide)

(c) Commercial exploitation of these made in regard to breaking of seal of the minerals will be possible only after the Azad's papers and the content read before techno-economic viability of these deposits the time fixed for opening the seals? are established through further explo­ ration/feasibility studies. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ Breaking of seal of Azad Papers TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. 116. SHRI SO M N A TH RATH: Will the SHAHI): (a) Yes, Sir. 1 Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL­ O PM EN T be pleased to state: (b) Careful checks were carried out in 1978 itself, both at the National Archives of (a) whether the attention of Govern­ India, New Delhi and at the National Li­ ment has been drawn to the News-itcm brary, Calcutta, and it was established be­ published in the 'Hindustan Times' dated 2 yond doubt that the seals were intact. October, 1988, under the caption 'Azad There is no question of the contents hav­ Papers out in 1978'; and ing ever been read before the opening of the seals by the Delhi High Court on 29th (b) if so, whether any inquiry has been September, 1988. The Court ordered the 93 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAM) Written Answers 94 breaking of the seal only because it was to supply pig iron to tht industrial con­ fully satisfied that no tampering «had been sumers according to their requirements; done. (c) whether any direction has been given to the Steel Authority of India in this Legal status to Central Social Welfare regard; and Board (d) if so, the details thereof? 117. SHRI K. PRADHANI: Will the Min­ ister of H U M AN RESOURCE DEVELOP­ THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES M EN T be pleased to state: (SHRI M.L. FOTEDAR): (a) Yes, Sir.

(a) whether Covemment have token any (b) To meet the shortages, Government decision about assigning appropriate legal has taken steps for the impoit of 2 lakh status to the Central Social Welfare Board tonnes of pig iron at a reduced level of cus­ and to the State Social Welfare Boards; and toms duty.

(b) if not, the reasons thereof? (c) and (d). SAIL has been instructed to place orders for import on M .M .T.C., the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ canalising agency and supply the material PARTMENTS OF Y O U TH AFFAIRS AND at JPC prices in accordance with the distri­ sports and Women and child de­ bution guidelines. velopment IN THE MINISTRY OF HU­ MAN RESOURCE development Removal of not roadworthy buses (SHRIMATI MARGARET ALVA): (a) and (b). The Central Social Welfare Board was regis­ 119. SHRI KAMLA PRASAD SINGH: Will tered as a charitable Company under Sec­ the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be tion 25 of the Companies Act 1956 and is pleased to state: functioning as such since 1 April, 1969. (a) whether attention of Government Government of India had taken a deci­ has been drawn to the news item “ DTC sion in November 1981 to register the creates confusion over fairs" and /#Dire State Boards as subsidiary Companies of threat to commuters" appearing in the the Central Social Welfare Board. Instruc­ Hindustan Times dated 23rd and 24th tions were issued to the State Govern­ September, 1988; ments to take necessary action in the mat­ ter. None of the State Boards has, how­ (b) if so, the reasons for not removing ever, been registered as a subsidiary unit so all buses off the road which are not road­ far. The matter was again discussed in the worthy and whose conditions are far from Conference of the State Social Welfare satisfactory; Ministers held in New Delhi on 4-5th July, 1988. The State Governments*have been (c) the reasons for readjustment of sev­ asked to expedite their comments in this eral bus stands making people pay more regard. fare; and

Shortage of Pig-Iron (d) the steps taken to improve bus ser­ vice in the capital and to scrap the read­ 118. SH Rl RADHAKANTA DIGAL justment of bus stands/stops? SHRI V. TULSIRAM: Will the Minister of STEEL A N D MINES THE MINISTER OF'STATE OF THE MIN­ be pleased to state: ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- (a) whether the industrial consumers JESH PILOT): (a) Yes, Sir. are lacing shortage of pig iron; (b) Only such buses are allowed to ply (b) if so, the steps taken by Government on road which are roadworthy. 95 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 96

(c) The adjustment of some bus-stands Appointment of home delivery agents by have been made on the advice/direction of D.M.S the Traffic Police Authorities for various reasons. The adjustment of these bus- 121. SHRIMATI D.K. B HAN DARI: Will stands does not have bearing on the fare. the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: (d) The steps taken by DTC, on contin­ uing basis, to improve its services include (a) whether the Delhi Milk Scheme had holding of Open House Meetings with the appointed certain home delivery agents to commuters at Regional Headquarters to deliver the milk to the consumers; mitigate their grievances, regular discus­ sions with the apex committee of the stu­ (b) if so, the details of the criteria for dents, rationalization of routes with a view such appointments; to optimum use of fleet, adherance of the maintenance schedule with the object of (c) the commission fixed for these reducing incidence of 'missed trips1, agents; phased scrapping of overaged buses, in­ tensified route checking and setting-up of (d) the names of the areas where such complaints centers at the Regional Head­ appointments have been made; quarters and the Main Headquarters for re­ ceiving public complaints round-the clock. (e) whether the Delhi Milk Scheme pro­ The adjustment of bus stands/stops is poses to appoint more such agents; and done on the basis of suggestions from po­ lice and public. (f) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?

Food processing units in Lakshadweep THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ Islands PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CO­ OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRI­ 120. SHRI P.M. SAYEED: Will the Minis­ CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV) : (a) ter of FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRIES be Yes, Sir. pleased to state: (b) Criteria laid down for appointment (a) the number of food processing units of Home Delivery Agents from time to time at present working in Lakshadweep Is­ stipulate: lands? (i) Age requirement between 18-55 (b) whether there is any proposal to set years. up more food processing plants in the Is­ lands in the remaining period of the current (ii) Preference to poor persons. Five Year Plan; and (iii) Not more than one person from (c) if so, the details thereof? a family to be appointed.

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ (c) Delhi Milk Scheme does not pay any* ISTRY OF FO O D PROCESSING IN D U S­ commission. However, the Home Delivery TRIES (SHRI JACDISH TYTLER): (a) to (c). Agents are allowed to charge 20 paise per There is a Covemment Canning Fadtory at litre from the consumers for making door Minicoy (Lakshadweep), Canning presently to door supply of milk. Tuna with an installed capacity .of 1,80,000 Cans per year. During VII plan a scheme (d) Over the years, Home Delivery namely Production of Quality 'mas' Agents have been appointed throughout (product of Tuna fish) and marketing has Delhi. been sanctioned with an approved outlay of Rs. 23.70 lakhs. (e) and (f). In the absence of any current 97 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAM) Written Answers 98

requirement, there is no proposal at pre­ Steel Plants and integrated Steel Plants; sent, to appoint Home Delivery' Agents. and

(b) the amount of foreign exchange in­ volved in the import of scraps? Import of scraps for Steel Plants THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES 122. SHRI K.S. RAO: Will the Minister of (SHRI M .L FOTEDAR) (a) and (b). Metal STEEL A N D MINES be pleased to state: Scrap Trade Corporation (MSTC)f the canalising agency for import of scrap, has (a) the details of scraps imported during imported the following quantity of scrap the last three years for use by the Mini- during the last 3 years:

1985-86 - 1986-87 1987-88

Quantity (in lakh tonnes) 14.52 21.24 18.50

Value (in Rs. Crores) 239.53 327.37 330.58

Autonomous status to colleges in Bihar Lower rate of female literacy

123. DR. C.S. RAJ HANS: Will the Minis­ 124. SHRl'S.M. CURADDI: ter of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT SHRI C.S. BASAVARAJU: be pleased to state: Will the Minister of HUM AN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: (a) whether Bihar's share in regard to grant of autonomous status to colleges is (a) whether the National Commission the lowest as compared to other States; on self-employed women have observed and that the female literacy rate is still lower in the country; (b) if so, the reasons therefor? (b) if so, the areas where the female lite­ racy is very low and the main reasons for THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ the same; and PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ (c) the steps being taken by Govern­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. ment to improve the female literacy? SHAHI)I: (a) and (b). The Programme of Ac­ tion for implementation of the National Policy on Education, 1986, envisages the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ development of 500 autonomous colleges PARTMENTS OF YO U TH AFFAIRS AND by the end of the VII Plan. The number of SPORTS AND WOMEN AND CHILD DE­ autonomous colleges to be developed in VELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF HU­ each State has not been determined. It is MAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT open to the Government of Bihar and the (SflRIMATI MARGARET ALVA): (a) Yes, Sir. Universities in the State to sclcct as many colleges as are suitable for autonomous sta­ (b) The National Commission on Self- tus, for consideration of the UCC. H o w -- Employed Women has in its report con­ ever, so far no proposal has been received duced that the incidence of illiteracy by the U C C for conferring autonomous sta­ amongst women is far greater in rural areas tus on any college from any University in than in the urban areas. The main reason the State or the Government of Bihar. for the high incidence of illiteracy is the 99 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 100 poor enrolement of girts and even poorer effective agents of promoting retention after enrolement. The high drop women's equality and empow­ out rate is in turn due to their contribution erment; in helping their mothers in domestic work, (x) Designing an Adult Education looking after their younger brothers and Programme for women which sisters and contributing to the family econ­ will be linked with imparting omy as child labour, besides socio religious new skills, upgradation of their customs which do not permit girls to travel existing skills and new income long distances from home. generating activities;

(c) The Department of Education have (xi) Creation and provision of already initiated action in the matter as opportunities for retention of stated below :- literacy skills and application of this learning for improving their living conditions; (i) Mobilisation of women adult learners for the Adult Education (xii) Setting up of cells in the State Centres in large number; Directorates of, Adult Education and State Resource Centres to plan and administer women's (ii) Appointment of large number of programme and encouraging women instructors even by their participation in condensed relaxing the minimum courses. qualifications; Market Yards

(iii) Making arrangements for 125. SHRI BHADRESWAR TANTI: Will Continuing Education of such the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased instructors so that they are to state: equipped as good and competent instructors; (a) the total number of market yards functioning under the various State enact­ ments; (iv) Substantial women's partici­ pation under the Mass Pro­ (b) whether Government are consider­ gramme of Functional Literacy; ing any legislation for regulation of agricul­ tural produce markets; and (v) Sizeable participation of women adult learners in Vocational and (c) if so, the salient features thereof? Technical Education; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ (vi) Induction of women on a large PARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN scale in literacy Mission THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI Management; JANARDHANA POOJARY): (a) Till the diicl of 31st March, 1988, 6052 market yards (vii) Involvement of large number of have been brought under the purview of voluntary agencies especially, the Agricultural Produce Markets Acts en­ VAs working for women; acted by the various State Govern­ ments/Union Territories. (viii) More attention by Shramik Vidyapeeths to women workers; (b) No, Sir. The regulation of Agricultural Produce Markets is a state subject. H ow ­ (ix) Special orientation and training ever, the Central Covemment is persuad­ of women instructors as ing those States/Union Territories who * * 101 Written Answers KARTIKA12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 102

have not enacted legislation to enact suit­ Research Project on Dryland Agriculture able legislation for regulation of Agricultural (AICRPDA) in 1970 with 23 cooperating re­ Produce Markets. search centres representing the various agro-climatic regions of the country. The (c) Does not arise. various coordinated crop improvement projects of the Indian Council of Agricul­ Farming techniques on dry land to in­ tural Research have evolved several im­ crease cultivated area proved cultivators of dryland crops. The . improved production techniques 126. SHRI C. JANCA REDDY: Will the developed by AICRPDA include (i) selection Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to of suitable varieties and crops in relation to state: the effective growing season, (ii) increasing cropping intensity and reducing risk (a) whether the cultivated area is limited through intercropping and sequence crop­ only to 15 per cent of the land in the coun­ ping, (iii) improved soil conservation mea­ try; sures and cultural practices for increasing soil moisture storage, (iv) package of im­ (b) whether the further increase in the proved agronomic practices and (v) alter­ cultivated area requires 'farming techniques nate land use systems. on dry land'; and The results of a large number of trials on (c) if so, the techniques developed in farmers' fields in operational research pro­ this regard and the results achieved there­ ject, have indicated that the productivity of from? dryland crops can easily be increased by 100-200% by adopting the improved dry THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ farming practices. Encouraged by these re­ PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH sults the Govt, of India have initiated a Na­ AND EDUCATION IN THE MINISTRY OF tional Watershed Development Programme AGRICULTURE (SHRI HARI KRISHNA for rainfed agriculture during 1986-87 in 99 SHASTRI): (a) No, Sir. The cultivated area districts of 16 States falling in the rainfall of 142.7 million hectare during the year range of 500-1125 mm. 1983-84 represents 46.9% of the reporting area for land utilization statistics. [ Translation]

(b) The area under dryland will be grad­ Approval of projects of fbod processing ually decreasing in the next few decade on industry account of:~ 127. SHRI TEJA SINGH DARDI: (i) Gradually increasing irrigated SHRI BALWANT SINCH area till we achieve the full RAMOOWALIA: irrigation potential command Will the Minister of FQO D PROCESS­ 113 million hectare. ING INDUSTRIES be pleased to state:

(ii) - Diversion of marginal land to sil- (a) whether Government have approved vipasture land use, in gort'er to certain projects of food processing industry fulfill the goal of the national during the last few months; forest policy. (b) if so, the details thereof including the estimated capital involved and the an­ (iii) Competitive demands in land nual production, project-wise; for non agricultural purposes. (c) whether Government have also an­ (c) To generate improved practices for nounced various facilities for this industry; increasing the productivity of rainfed crops, and the ICAR initiated an All India Coordinated (d) if so, the details thereof? 103 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 104

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- rators will be allowed to utilise ISTRY OF FOOD PROCESSING INDUS­ th6m for the purpose of TRIES (SHRI J AC DISH TYTLER): (a) Yes, Sir. provision of raw materials and eventual 100 per cent export. (b) The details are being collected and will be laid on the Table of the House. Necessary fiscal incentives will be provided to food (c) Yes, Sir. processing industries after consulting the various Minis­ (d) The details are given in the state­ tries/Departments concerned. ment below. (vii) Investment in cold storages STATEMENT will be encouraged for preserving raw materials and The facilities announced to the food finished products. Duty processing industries are as follows:- structure and other levies which are not helpful to this (i) Food Processing Industries industry will be re-structured including packaging and after due discussions with the preservation will be placed in concerned Ministries. While Appendix-I. encouraging new cold storages, the needs pf small (ii) Broad banding of industries farmers will be carefully will be permitted. considered and provided for.

(iii) Food Processing Industries will (v”0 To form overall policy be treated as high priority framework in respect of fishing sector for the purposes of industry in the country, a bank finance. National Fisheries Develop­ ment Board will be formed. (iv) The processing industry will be able to get raw material by (fr) To enable processed food forming cooperatives in rural exports to enjoy concessional areas for collection of raw freight structure, an Open Sky materials. They necessarily will Policy will be followed by have to provide extension which foreign freight carriers service, seeds, fertilizers, etc. as well as Indian carriers will So that they are assured of a be encouraged to touch Indian proper supply of raw * ports in one of their circular materials. They may also ob­ routes. tain some land for demonstration 1 purposes Permission to import state-of- subject, however, to the w the-art technology, both of the existing Land Ceiling Laws in capital equipments and the country. process technology will be granted. (v) It may be feasible to organise cooperatives of producers providing them all the inputs (xi) The Indian Agro Food Industry and undertaking to buy back will be given incentives to the entire quantities so encourage joint ventures produced at the price which is abroad. It may export our fixed very much in advance. semi-processed food, process While forming such them further and market in cooperatives, foreign collabo­ those countries. 105 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 {SAKA) Written Answers 106

(xll) An avenue will be found for (b) and (c). The various projections the export of our semi­ given by the applicant include: processed food, by permitting foreign companies having a (1) Foreign exchange earnings based good brand image in the on FOB value of exports covered neighbouring countries, by export obligation Rs. 540 market our processed foods million. under their brand name. (2) Equity participation to the extent (xfii) In deep sea fishing, joint of 35% equity capital only. ventures will be permitted with establishing foreign (3) Other payments to collaborators companies. by way of lump sum, royalty, technical know-how fee etc. Rs. (xiv) The quality control laboratories 1.4 million. will be upgraded by providing modem instruments for (d) The proposal was rejected as it in­ analysis and the skills of the volved import of Pepsi concentrate and the staff who man such supply of the same to beverage manufac­ laboratories will be upgraded. turers for sale under the Pepsi trade mark, both of which were not in line with the ex­ IEnglish] isting policies.

Joint venture proposal of agro products [Translation] export India limited with Pepsico Eve-teasing and molestation of girl 128. SHRI NAVIN RAVANI: Will the students in D TC buses Minister of FOOD PROCESSING INDUS­ TRIES be pleased to state: 129. SHRI KAMLA PRASAD RAWAT: Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be (a) whether M/SjAgro Products Export pleased to state: India Private Limited had submitted a pro­ posal in April, 1985 to set up a joint ven­ (a) whether Government are aware of ture with Pepsico for a Agro-based pro­ the number of incidents of Eve-teasing and cessing plant to be located at Abohar, Fer- molestation of Girl students in D TC buses ozpur District in Punjab; by its employees during 1988;

(b) if so, the details thereof including (b) if so, whether they were to export the number of complaints received and the Rs. 54 crores worth of fruit juices and give action taken against those guilty employ­ Pepsico only 35 per cent equity; ees; and

(c) the technical know-how fees (c) the steps taken to prevent such inci­ payable; and dents?

(d) the reasons for rejecting the pro­ THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ posal? ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- JESH PILOT): (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. During this year, there have been eight sqch cases, of which only in five cases there is reported THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE to be involvement of D TC employees. Out MINISTRY OF FOOD PROCESSING IN­ of eight, in two cases the complaints have DUSTRIES (SHRI jAGDISH TYTLER): (a) not disclosed their identity with the result Yes, Sir. that inquiries could not be initiated and any 107 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 108

action taken. In one case, the complainant (a) the targets set for foodgrain produc­ has not either in writing or orally given the tion in Kerala for the Seventh Five Year required details. The bus-crew found re­ Plan; sponsible for incidents of this nature in ' other three cases have been placed under (b) the extent to which the targets have suspension and proceedings started. In been achieved during the last three years; other two cases, the bus-crew had showed exemplary courage in apprehanding the eve-teasers. (c) whether there has been a steep fall (c) To prevent such incidents, D TC has in the production of foodgrains in the State indentified certain sensitive areas near ed­ during this period; ucational institutions and intensified its su­ pervision in such areas. Some of the other (d) if so, the reasons therefor; and measures taken includes provision of ladies special trips, immediate disciplinary action (e) the steps taken by Government to against the crew and the culprits, setting step up foodgrain production in (he State? up of complaints cell in the regions as also headquarter and Central Communication Centre and issuance of instructions to the crew to be courteous towards the travelling THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ public. PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CO­ OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRI­ IEnglishI CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) A target of 1654 thousand tonnes of food­ Foodgrains production in Kerala grains production has been set for the 7th Five Year Plan for the State of Kerala. 130. SHRI VAKKOM PURUSHO- TH AM AN : Will the Minister of (b) The achievements of foodgrains AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: during the last three years are as under

1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 (Prov.) Production _ (000' Tonnes) 1203 1162 1061

(c) and (d). The steep fall in the food­ Recommendation of Major Ports Reforms grains production in Kerala during the List Committee 3 years was mainly due to decline in area under rice. The rice area is declining due to 131. SHRI BHATTAM SRIRAMAMURTY: diversion to Qther crops. Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT “ be pleased to state:

(e) A Central Sector Scheme of Minikit (a) whether the Major Ports Reforms of rice including propagation of improved Committee have submitted its recommen­ rice production technology is being imple­ dations: mented in the State, with the objective to increase the productivity through the in­ (b) if so, the details thereof; creased coverage under High Yielding Vari­ eties and adoption of improved rice pro­ (c) whether the National Transport Pol­ duction technology. icy Committee recommended setting up of 109 Written Answers KARTIKA12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 110 a Central Ports authority on the lines of the (a) whether Government have decided International Airports Authority of India; to shut down all the four units of the public sector Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation; (d) if so, whether a detailed study of the legal, administrative and financial implica­ (b) if so, the reasons therefor; tions of the above proposal was under­ taken; , (c) the accumulated loss suffered by the Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation due to (e) if so, the outcome thereof; frequent interruptions of fertilizer produc­ tion; (f) whether Covemment propose to run major ports like commercial and result ori­ (d) whether any foreign consultants ented units; and were specially appointed to revamp these units; (g) if so, the s’eps being taken in that direction? (e) if so, their recommenda­ tions/observations to rehabilitate these THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ units fully and the estimated capital outlay ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- involved thereon; and JESH PILOT): (a) Yes, Sir. (0 the steps Covemment propose to (b) The recommendations mainly relate take in the matter and eradicate the ills that to Port Organisation and Administration, are plaguing these units for the past several Financial Management, Costing and pricing years? of port services, industrial relations and productivity, development and modernisa­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ tion, port operation and multimodal net­ PARTMENT OF FERTILIZERS IN TH E M IN ­ work and infrastructure. ISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI R. PRABHU): (a) and (b). No, Sir, no such de­ (c) The National Transport Policy Com­ cision has been taken. mittee recommended the setting up of Central Port Authority which could be (c) The total accumulated loss suffered charged with the overall planning of port by Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation (HFC) development in the Country. as on 31.3.1988 is Rs, 623.32 crores. (d) and (e). The different aspects have (d) M/s. HaldorTopsoe were appointed been studied as a result of which various as consultants for an end-to-end survey of issues have been clarified. the 4 units of Namrup-I & II, Durgapur and (0 and (g). Major Ports are already run­ Barauni. Namrup-I 11 which was commis­ ning as service oriented units running on sioned on 1.10.1987 was not included in Commercial principles with emphasis on the scope of the end to end survey." improvement in productivity and reduction in costs. (e) The consultants in their report have recommended rehabilitation of thefee units, in three stages, at an estimated cost of Rs. Closure of Four Units of Hindustan Fer­ 486.39 crores. tilizer Corporation Limited (f) With a view to avoiding production 132. SHRI V.TULSIRAM: loss on account of power cuts/failures, SHRIMATI BASAVARAJESWARI: captive power plants at Durgapur and SHRI V. SOBHANADRESSWARA Namrup have been installed, while at Ba­ RAO: rauni it is under installation. The recom­ DR. B.L SHAILESH: mendations of the consultants for the re­ SHRI PURNA CHANDRA MALIK: habilitation of these units are being pro­ Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be cessed for a decision. pleased to state: 111 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 112

Gold ornaments of Goan people held in [Translation] Portuguese Bank Fixation prices for temperate fruits

134. SHRI HARISH RAWAT: Will the 133. DR. A.K.,PATEL: Will the Minister of Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: state:

(a) whether the gold ornaments of Goan (o) whether Government propose to fix people held in a Portuguese Bank hove not support prices for various category of tem­ yet been returned to them; perate fruits in order to provide protection to the cultivators;

(b) if so, when were those deposited (b) if so, the time by which implementa­ and how much is their present estim.ited tion of this proposal is likely to be initiated; value; and (c) if not, whether any alternative mea­ sure is proposed to be taken to provide (c) the details of steps taken by Gov­ protection to the cultivators of temperate ernment to get back the ornaments and the fruits; outcome thereof? (d) whether Government propose to consult States growing temperate fruits in TH E MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS this regard; and (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) The gold ornaments of Goan people held in the Por­ (e) if so, the details in this regard? tuguese Bank have not yet been returned.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ (b) These gold ornaments were de­ PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CO­ posited in the Portuguese Bonk before the OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRI­ liberation of Goa in 1961. The present CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) value of these gold ornaments is estimotcd No, Sir. at Rs. 5.44 crores approximately. (b) Does not arise.

(c) Government have been pursuing this (c) to (e). Since the temperate fruits are matter vigorously since the signing of the of perishable nature and their production is Indo-Portugal Treaty on Dec. 31, 1974. localised, it has not been considered feasi­ This matter has been raised with the Por­ ble to extend the coverage of minimum tuguese side at Ministerial and official lev­ support price to these fruits. els by the Ministry of Extemol Affairs. The Indian Embassy in Lisbon hos olso raised However, the Union Government could this matter on numerous occ.isions at the consider fixation of suitable market inter­ highest political and official levels of the vention price, under the market interven­ Government of Portugal. We have received tion scheme, after taking into account all repeated assurances from the Government relevant factors, if any specific proposal is of Portugal of their desire t6 resolve this is­ received from any State Government. sue at the earliest possible. At the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of India and Portu­ lEnglishJ gal recently at the U.N . the assurance was repeated by the Portuguese side. However, Seeds supplied by National Seeds Corpo­ we have yet to receive a formal communi­ ration cation from the Portuguese Government agreeing to the modalities of signing an 135. SHRI PRAKASH V. PATIL: Will the agreement which would result in the return Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to of the gold ornaments. state: 113 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 114

(a) whether National Seeds Corporation Corporation is reviewed from time to time maintains close liaison with the end users and appropriate action is taken. to monitor the quality of the seeds sup­ plied by the Corporation; (d) No such report has been received.

(b) if so, whether any complaints have (e) Question does not arise. been received in this regard; Appointment of post-graduate tcachcrs (c) the steps being taken to improve the by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan present working; 136. SHRI M.R. SAIKIA: Will the Minister (d) whether in some States there has of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be been resistance to the use of notified vari­ pleased to state: eties; and (a) whether a number of post-graduate (e) if so, the adverse reactions that have teachers were recently offered appoint­ come to Government's notice as a- result of ment by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan; and the monitoring? (b) the details of such appointees sub- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ ject-wise and region-wise? PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CO­ OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRI­ CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM- LAL YADAV): (a) THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- Yes, Sir. PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ (b) As and when complaints are re­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. ceived, appropriate action is taken SHAHI): (a) Yes, Sir. promptly.

(b) The details are given in Statement-I (c) The working of the National Seeds and Statement II below.


Offers of appointment given Subject-wise and rcgion-wbe by Kendriya^ Vidyalaya Sangathan (Hqrs.) during 1908-89 direct recruits

SI. Name of the Hindi English Mathe- Physics Chemi Bio. His­ Econo- Geogra Com­ No. region matics stry logy tory mie ' phy merce l 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11. 12

1. Ahmedabad 3 8 i) 1 2 4 2 2 1 3

2. Bhopal - 2 2 1 1 - - -

3. Bombay 2 7 7 1 4 2 - 4 1 2

4. Bhubaneshwar 11 5 3 5 1 3 6 4 2 -

5. Calcutta 2 8 7 9 6 10 1 1

6. Chandigarh 7 2 2 7 3 4 3 4 5 -

7. Delhi •4 i 1 -- - 115 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 116

1 7- 4 f® I I t Z

8. Gauhati 1

9. Hyderabad 8 2

10. Jammu 1 4 2 2

11. Jaipur 2 3 2 1

12. Lucknow 2 1 1 2

13. Madras 5 2 1

14. Patna 7 6 1 1

15. Silchar 5 4

Total: 51 54 38 41 32 51 20 30 19 15


Offer of promotion given subject-wise and region-wise by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (Hqrs.) during 198ti-89-Departmental promotions

SI. Name of the Hindi English Mat lie-Physics Chcmi Bio-His- Econo- Geogra-Com m - No. region nuilics siry . logy lory mics phy crce ~1~ Z J H < I ____7 S f i i "T Ahmedabad 2 1 3 1 T

2. Bhopal 1

3. Bombay 1 2

4. Bhubaneshwar 7 6 2 3 1 2

5. Calcutta

6. Chandigarh

7. Delhi

8. Gauhati

9. Hyderabad

10. Jammu

11. Jaipur

12. Lucknow 117 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 118

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13. Madras 1 2 2 1 . . * 14. Patna

15. Silchar 11 4 4 4 3 7 1 9 5 -

Total: 29 29 21 9 11 19 16 23 11 -

Amendment of Haj Committee Act The Central Haj Advisory Board of the Ministry of External Affairs at its meeting on 137. SHRI SYED SHAHABUDDIN: Will October 14, 1988 finalised its recommen­ the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be dations to Covemment on the draft bill pleased to state: which was prepared by a Sub-Committee of the Board for amending the Haj Com­ (a) whether the proposed legislation to mittee Act, 1959. amend the Haj Committee Act has been fi­ nalised; The recommendations of the Board will (b) if so, the stage where the matter now be examined by Covemment and a rests; draft bill, in replacement of the 1959 Act, will be submitted to Pariiament as early as (c) if not, the reason for the delay in possible. finalising the draft; and

(d) the total number of Haj pilgrims, year-wise, during the last three Haj and (d) The number of pilgrims who per­ their break-up by the points of exit? formed Haj during the last three years un­ der the arrangements made by the Central THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Haj Committee and their break-up by the (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) to (c). points of exit is as follows:

Year By Sea Bombay By Air Madras Cal- Total (from Delhi cutta Bombay)

1986 4,685 14,842 4,703 - - 24,230

1987 4,682 12,734 5,904 1,304 24,624

1988 4,650 13,515 6,336 - 599 25,100

Implementation of New Education Policy made in the implementation of new educa­ in Tamil Nadu tion policy in Tamil Nadu;

138. SHRI P.R.S. VENKATESAN: Will the (b) if so, the details thereof; Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL­ O PM EN T be pleased to state: (c) the difficulties, if any, encountered In s (a) whether any progress has been .tKe implementation of new policy; and *19 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers -120

(d) the remedial steps taken or pro­ (a) whether Kendriya Vidyalaya San­ posed to be taken to remove the difficul­ gathan National Games/Sports Meet 1988 ties? were recently held in New Delhi; m THE MINISTER OF STATE'IN THE DE­ (b) whether there were different PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ Vidyalaya-Venues for different TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- Games/Sports; and SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. SHAH I) : (a) to (d). The information is be­ (c) if so, the details thereof? ing collected from the Covemment of Tamil Nadu and will be laid on the.table of the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ Sabha as soon as possible. PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan'* National SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. SAHI): Games/Sports 1988 (a) Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan National Games/Sports Meet was held in New 139. SHRI M ANIK REDDY: Will the Delhi from 11.10.1988 to 14.10.1988. Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL­ O PM EN T be pleased to state: (b) and (c). A Statement is given below. STATEMENT

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan's National Games/Sports 1988

S. Venue Item No. of No. of No. boys/girls escorts participants coaches

1 2 3 4 5

1. No. 1 Delhi Cantt. Boys. Athletics 420 42 -do- girls V/Ball 180 18

2 . R.K. Puram Sec. II Boys V/Ball 180 18 -do- Boys Kho-kho 150 15

3. JN U Campus Boys Hockey 240 24

4. Janakpuri Boys B/Ball 180 18

5. R.K. Puram Sec. 4 Boys T /T ennis 75 , 7 -do- Boys Badminton 75 . 7

6 . INA Colony Boys Kabaddi 150 15

7. Jharodakalan Boys F/Ball 240 24

8. Andrewsganj Boys Cricket 240 24 «

9 Lawrence Road Girls Hockey 240 24

10. Tagore Garden Girls B/Ball 180 18

11. R.K. Puram Sec. 6 Cirls T/Tennis 75 7 -do- Girls Badminton 75 7 121 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 122

1 2 3 4 5

12. Cole Market Girts Kabaddi 150 15

13. Masjid Moth Girls Kho-kho 150 15

14. No. 2 Delhi Cantt. Girls Athletics 270 27

TOTAL 3270 325

National Council of Higher Meeting of Standing Committee of Education • SAARC

140. SHRI V. SOBHANADREESWARA 141. SHRI PRATAPRAO B. BHOSALE: RAO: Will the Minister of HUM AN RE­ Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to pleased to state: state: (a) whether the meeting of Standing (a) whether Covemment have worked Committee of SAARC countries was held in out details regarding setting up of Ndtion.il Kathmandu in August, 1988; Council of higher education; (b) if so, the outcome of the issues dis­ (b) the functions to be carried out by cussed; and the National Council of Higher Education; (c) the reaction of India on the issues (c) the date from which it is likely to discussed in the meeting? start functioning; and THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (d) the details of the composition of the (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) Yes, Sir. council? (b) A statement is given below.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ (c) The issues discussed in the meeting TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ were put on the agenda with India's SOURCE DEVELOPMENT ($HRI L.P. agreement and India is a party to all the SHAH I): (a) to (d). The National Policy on decisions taken. Education, 1986, envisages that, in (he in­ terest of greater co-ordination and consis­ tency in policy, sharing of facilities and de­ STATEMENT veloping inter-disciplinary research, a na­ tional body covering higher education in At its 10th session at Kathmandu in general, agricultural, medical, technical, le­ August 1988, the Standing Committee: gal and other professional fields will be set up. In pursuance of this, the establishment - Approved the Calender of activities of a mechanism for coordination among for 1988/1989, the various Central agencies involved in the development t>f higher education in differ­ - Approved the revised proposal on ent fields is under discussion. The details the SAARC Agricultural Information including the composition of the Council, Centre and requested Bangladesh to its functions, etc., have not yet been fi­ make necessary arrangements for its nalised. establishment, 123 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 124

- Reviewed progress in the implemen­ ister of H U M AN RESOURCE DEVELOP­ tation of the Integrated Programme M E N T be pleased to state; of action,

- Approved several measures to (a) whether the Integrated Child Deve­ streamline the organisation of SAARC lopment Sdieme is being implemented in activities, Karnataka;

- Approved the objective, terms of ref­ erence, methodology, funding and (b) if so, the details of the areas covered time-frame for the study of the under the scheme during the last three years; Causes and Consequences of Natural Disasters and the Protection and Preservation of the Environment, (c) .the number of mothers and children - Agreed on: benefited during those years under the the condition and method of ad­ ICDS in Karnataka; and mitting new members;

the scope of and procedure for (d) the details of the benefit? establishing contact with similar organisations; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENTS OF Y O U TH AFFAIRS AN D the method of further involving SPORTS AND WOMEN AND CHILD DE­ non-governmental organisations VELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF HU­ in SAARC activities. MAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI MARGARET ALVA): (a) Yes, Sir. • Requested member countries to for­ mulate proposals outlining the scope (b) Statement-1 showing the locations of of cooperation in the field of educa­ the Integrated Child Development Services tion and (ICDS) projects sanctioned upto 31.3.86, • Considered* various administrative and in 1986-87, 1987-88 and 1988-89 is matters relating to the SAARC Secre­ given below. taries.

Implementation of ICDS in Karnataka (c) and (d). Statement-11 showing the types of services and the number of benefi­ 143. SHRI SRIKANTA DATTA ciaries of each service, as on 31.3.87, NARASIMHARAJA WADIYAR: Will the Min­ 31.3.1988 and 31.8.1988, is given below.

STATEMENT I Ust of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) projects in Karnataka sanctioned upto 31.3.86 and in 1986-87, 1987-88 and 1988-89

S. Name of District Name of project Taluk/area No. Central Sector State Sector

1 2 3 4

(A) 86 projects sanctioned upto 31.3.1986 1. Bangalore ■ Bangalore City-1 Bangalore Q ty-ll Anekal 2. Bangalore Rural Kanakapura --

Nilamangala 125 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 126

1 2 4 ___ f__ 3. Belgaum Railwg Athani Soundatti (P#rsagad)

4. Bellary Kudlagi Sandur Harapanahalli

5. Bidar Basavakalyan Bidar Bhalki Santliapiir (Aurad) Humanabad 6 . Bijapur Sindgi Jamakhandi Indi Mudhol Badami

7. Chikmagalur Mudigere Kadoor Koppa

8. Chitradurga Kolalkere Davangere City Hiriyiir Ylosadurga Challakcre

9. Dakshina Kannada Belthangadi Karkala Kundapur Sullia City

10. Dharwar Renebennur Dharwar Hirekerur Hangal Shirhatti Cadag Mundargi Ron

11. Culbarga Afzalpur Chittapur Shorapur jewargi Chinrholi Yadgiri 4cdam

12. Hassan C hail na rayapa t na Hassan Holenarasipur Boli ir

Central Sector State Sector

Somawarpet 13. Kodagu Ponnampet Chikballapur' 14. Kolar Bangarpet Malur Mulbegal

Nagamangala Srirangapatna 15. Mandya Malvalli Pandavapura 127 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 128


16. Mysore T. Narasipur Hunsur H.D. Kote Kollegal Mysore City

17. Raichur KustagV Yelbarga Lingasugar

18. Shimoga „ Channagiri Sorab Bhadfnvathi Sagar Honnali

19. Tumkur Tumkur City Pavagada Madluigiri Koratagere Kunigal

20. Uttar Kannada Kumta Ankola Yellapura Supa

(B) 8 Additional projects sanctioned in 1986-87

1. Bella ry H os pet

2. Dharwad Huhli

3. Gulbarga Culbarg.i City

4. Kolar Bagcpalli

5. Mysore Gundulpct -do~ Yollandur

6. Raichur Dcvndurg

7. Tumkur Sira

(C) Additional projects sanctioned during 1987-88


(D ) 14 Additional projects sanctioned in 1988-89

1. Bangalore B.ingalore Nor

2. Bellary Hadagalli

3. Bijapur Muddchihal

4. Chikmanglur Sringcri

5. Chitradurga |.ig.iliir Chitradurga 129 Written Answers KARTIKA12,1910 [SAKA) Written Answers 130


6. Dakshin Kannada Puttur

7. Gulbarga Shahpur Aland

8. Kodagu Virajpet

9. Kotar Srinivaspur Chintamani

10. Tumkur Chikkanayakanahalli

11. Uttar Kannada Karwar 131 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 132

a* in ix o o Q\ ■8 O vff 5* S e in ro CNI i- o *r ix 2 - S s 3 in ix £ rC o" ri « cT in r- .IS © t - oo | o S - 6 * '* C (N uJ ao vp E a* a* ro o 8 rs^ o X ^ s s r-* (N S o c o s I 01 z a>si JS o w c 3 Q. *9 z s co c o o O 3 0£ -r 4J T 00 sO < a r- O -r PM c rn ro CO ON T m T“ C Z o ' ri ri (N ro T o> l.2 > J a < Q-c o c U esT z o c _ < -o ** 0) 0) oo o = I 8 § z ■C c e a =. ! _£oc ¥ 3 u M 3 u z O s £ O oo “ -5 E IE vo in P0 5 rsT E £ o 2 Z Z U o 2 8 ■£ ‘ C ■-r. C CO ■2 Z c a; 2 O 3 0; QC t/1 C •* 5 25 i .0 fc c "5. 3 ^ U o QC a. c * z o O V- o ‘o o o 5 r>T c H* O f'. in .2 ll z s 1 = = I " 1 z c * v9m D * r i «r £ § ? £ CL -O O rj ri n § m m c O° 0-g z -Co T3 c 00 * .£ * r j in .£ * oo oo ^ t u 8 ■* o i o o E ri o S’ S o g-'o ao £ £ Z c . Z Q.

-S E I fN. ao 00 oo 00 oo oo oo 00 00 00 ro rn 00 ro ro oo T“ r- r— r- m ro ro ro to ro 133 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) ' Written Answers 134

Proposal to declare Guru Ghasidas were not paid wages in time, the Master University, Bilaspur as a Central and Ship Officers and Crew moved the University Court in Colombo for arrest of the vessel to realise their pending wages and other ex­ 144. SHRI ARVIND NET AM: Will the penses. The Master of the vessel has inti­ Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL­ mated that 17 crew members including of­ O PM EN T be pleased to state: ficers were repatriated to India by the Court in Colombo. At present, the vessel is (a) whether there is any proposal to de­ manned by 3 Officers and 3 Crew mem­ clare Gum Ghasidas University, Bilaspur os bers. The matter is pending for final dis­ a Central University; posal by the Court in Colombo. It has been reported tha^M/s. Nirvan Shipping Com­ (b) if so, (he details thereof; and pany is a sick company and Is in financial difficulties. (c) if not, the reasons therefor? National Perspective Plan for Women

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ 146. SHRI CHINTAM ANI JENA: Will the PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ Minister of HUM AN RESOURCE DEVEL­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ OPM ENT be pleased to state: SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. SHAHI): (a) No, Sir. (a) whether a meeting on the draft na­ tional Perspective Plan for Women (1988- (b) Does not arise. 2000 A.D.) was held in New Delhi recently;

(c) The Central Government docs not, (b) if so, the details of the steps pro­ as a matter of policy, favour conversion of posed for the welfare of women during the Universities functioning under State Legis­ above period; lations into Central Universities. (c) whether a proposal for reserving Indian Vessel Nirvan Vishnu Linguishing seats for women in PaHiament, State As­ in Colombo Port semblies and other local bodies was en­ dorsed by the representatives of a number 145. SHRI R.M. BHOYE : Will the Minis­ of women's organisations; and ter of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to state: (d) if so, the action taken or proposed to be taken by Government to implement (a) whether 25 crew members of the those suggestions? Indian vessel Nirvan Vishnu have been lan­ guishing in the port of Colombo for the last THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ five months and literally bagging for food PARTMENTS OF Y O U TH AFFAIRS AN D and other requirements from the harbour SPORTS AND WOMEN AND CHILD DE­ master of the Colombo Port; and VELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF HU­ MAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI- (b) if so, the details in this regard? MATI MARGARET ALVA): (a) Yes, Sir.

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ (b) The relevant suggestions emanating ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI from the meetings held before finalization RAJESH PILOT) : (a) and (b). The vessel of the Plan have been incorporated in the * Nirvan Vishnu owned by M/s. Nirvan Ship­ National Perspective Plan and recommen­ ping Company was on time charter for dations have been made under the follow­ three months with M/s. Wai Shipping ing heads: Company Ltd., Singapore, since 10.3.1988. The Charterer took over the ship in March, (i) Rural Development & Agriculture. 1988 and loaded the ship for Colombo. (ii) Employment & Training. Since the Officers and Crew of the vessel 135 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 136

(iii) Supportive Services Fuel, Assistance to Small and Marginal Farmers Fouder, Water, Creches/Day under Special Programme in Orissa Care, Housing. 147. SHRIMATI JAYANTI PATNAIK: Will (iv) Education. the Minister of ACRICULTURE be pleased to state: (v) Health & Family Welfare. (a) whether the small and marginal (vi) Legislation farmers in Orissa are given assistance un­ der the special programme of Government; and

(vii) Political participation and deci­ (b) if so, the amount of special central sion making assistance provided to the small and marginal farmers under different schemes (viii) Media & Communication by the end of July, 1988?

(ix) Voluntary action THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENT OF ACRICULTURE AND CO­ (c) Th$ National Perspective Plan rec­ OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF ACRI­ ommends reservation of 30 per cent scats CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV) : (a) from panchayat to zilla parishad level and Yes, Sir. local municipal bodies for women. At the Parliament and State Assembly level, it lias (b) A statement indicating the Central recommended that political parlies should assistance provided to small and marginal ensure that 30 per cent of the candidates farmers during the current financial year are women. Representatives of women’s under different special Central/Centrally organisations have endorsed the recom­ Sponsored Schemes in Orissa is given be­ mendations. low. Besides, assistance has also been pro­ vided under the other Central/Centrally (d) The report is under examination nt Sponsored Schemes which includes smaM Government. and marginal farmers also.

[NT (Rs. in lakhs)

SI. Name of the Scheme Central Central No. allocation amount re- f or 1988-89 leased upto July, 1988

1. Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Assistance to Small and Marginal Farmers for Increasing Agricultural Production.

(a) For normal components 203.69 66.15

(b) For shallow tubewells/ dugwells programme tor Special Foodgrains Pro­ duction Programme under 723.54 361.77 the Scheme 137 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAM) Written Answers 138

1 2 3 4

2. Integrated Rural Development 1778.87 850.60 Programme

3. Rural Landless Employment 3030^0 1676.93 Cuarantee Programme (including (upto October, 1988) construction of 12,500 wells under Million Wells Scheme)

4. Centrally Sponsored Scheme for 13.05 3.25 Establishment of Farmers Agro- Service Centres for Customs Hiring and Popularisation of Improved Agricultural Implements and Hand Tools.

5. Centrally Sponsored Scheme of 45.01 22.50 Special Livestock Breeding Programme

6. Lab to Land Programme Phase V 3.00 1.64 1988-90. Critical inputs are provided @ Rs. 500/- per year per family. 600 Farm families will be benefitted during Phase V

Cargo Traffic at Paradip‘Port 1988), the Port has handled the following traffic :-- 148. SHRIMATI JAYANTI PATNAIIC Will Name of Traffic (in lakh the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be commodity tonnes) pleased to state:

Iron Ore 8.86 (a) the total cargo traffic handled by Paradip Port during 1987-88; Fertilizer and fertilizer 3.68 raw materials (b) the cargo traffic estimated in that port during 1988-89; and Thermal coal 3.72

(c) the details of the cargo proposed to Coking coal 5.83 be handled by Paradip Port during 1988- 89? Others 6.85

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- Total 28.94 ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- )ESH PILOT): (a) During 1987-88 Paradip Port handled 5.187 million tonnes of cargo It is expected that in the remaining six months the Port will handle approximately (b) and (c). During the first six months an equal amount of cargo with more or less of the year (April 1988 to September, the same commodity composition. 139 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 140

Procurement of Iron Ore from non Proposal for declaration of New National captive mines by SAIL Highways

149. SHRIMATI JAYANTI PATNAIK: Will 150. SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK : Will the the Minister of STEEL A N D MINES he Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to state: pleased to state:

(a) whether the Steel Authority of India (a) whether there is any proposal for Limited has taken a decision to procure declaration of any new National Highways iron ore directly from Non-captive mines in in the country; and Banspani-Barbil-Barjamda sector and from mines in Mayurbhanj district of Orissa; (b) if so, the details thereof including the expenditure likely to be incurred (b) whether the decision has been taken thereon? by Steel Authority of India Limited without adequate site arrangements for loading; THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- JFSH PILOT): (a) and (b). The declaration of (c) whether the working of mines has new National Highways is dependent upon been seriously affected leading to closure a number of factors, viz. requirements pro­ of captive mines and large scale retrench­ jected by the State Covemments, inter-se ment; and priority attached to individual road on an All-India basis, fulfilment of prescribed cri­ (d) if so, the steps taken by Steel Au­ teria for declaring new National Highways thority of India Limited to review its deci­ and the availability of resources for the purpose etc. Apart from existing National sion? Highways, no decision to decLire any ex­ isting State Road as a National Highway has been taken. THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES (SHRI M .L FOTEDAR) : (a) After expiry of Navodaya Vidyalaya in North Goa . SAIL's last contract with M M TC on 31.3.1988, SAIL has been procuring iron 151. SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: Will the ore for its own use directly from mine- Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL­ owners. O PM EN T be pleased to state:

(b) Loading arrangements for iron ore (a) whether land for the purpose of con­ purchased by SAIL are to be made by the structing Navodaya Vidyalaya m North Coa suppliers themselves. In respect of some has been acquired; small mine-owners, M/s. Orissa Mining Corporation Ltd. (a Public Sector Under­ (b) whether the construction of taking of the State Covemment of Orissa), Vidyalaya building has been undertaken; has agreed to coordinate the loading ar­ rangements on their behalf. (c) if so, the amount spent so far, item- wise;

(c) and (d). Purchase of iron ore by SAIL (d) the time by which the Vidyalaya is from outside sources is limited to the gap likely to start functioning; and between its requirement and production from SAIL's captive mines. Any dislocation (e) if so, the details thereof? of working in these mines is not relatable to SAIL's policy as substantial portion of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ production of these mines is still being ex­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ ported through M M TC. TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- 141 Written Answers KARTIKA 12, 1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 142

SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. (c) to (e). The Central advisory Board of SHAH I) : (a) No, Sir. In accordance with Education in its meeting on 13-14 Septem- the Scheme, the State/Unioif Territory bcr, 1988 had taken note of the fact that Governments are required to offer 30 acres various Centrally Sponsored Schemes had of suitable land free of cost, and adequate been a welcome addition to the limited vacant buildings on temporary basis to run State resources but that it may not be pos­ the school. The land for this Vidyalaya is sible to cover each entire State with the being transferred to the Navoclaya programmes by the end of the Seventh Five Vidyalaya Samiti by the State Government. Year Plan. Therefore, it recommended that the Centrally Sponsored schemes relating (b) and (c). Does not arise. tQ Elementary Education and Teacher Edu­ cation should continue in the Eight Five (d) and (e). The Vidyalaya has stalled Year Plan. functioning with effect from 10th October, 1988 in the buildings provided by the State Proposal for Development of Inland temporarily. Waterways in Andhra Pradesh

New-item captioned "Funds Paucity Hits 153. SHRI T. BALA G O U D : Will the Education Targets" Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to state: 152. SHRI M OHANBHAI PATEL: Will the Minister of HUM AN RESOURCE DE­ (a) whether Government have received VELOPMENT be pleased to state: any proposal from the Government of Andhra Pradesh for development of inland (a) whether the attention of Govern­ waterways in the State; and ment has been drawn to the news-item in the Hindustan Times dated 17 September, (b) if so, the action taken thereon? 1988 captioned 'Funds paucity^hits educa­ tion targets; THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- JESH PILOT): (a) and (b). The Govt, of (b) whether the shortage of funds is af­ Andhra Pradesh had sent tour (4) separate fecting targets in all sectors of education; proposals tor improvement of Buckingham Canal, Commamur Canal, Eluru Canal and (c) whether Central Advisory Board of Kakinada Canal. The examination of these Education have suggested that all the tour separate proposals, received from the schemes concerning elementary education State Govt, revealed that the improvement under National policy on Education (NPE) of these canal system needs a comprehen­ should be funded by the Union Govern­ sive scheme for an integrated development ment during the Eighth Plan; of this canal system. The State Govt, have therefore been advised to prepare a com­ (d) if so, the reaction of Government prehensive scheme for improvement ot the thereto; and canal system on an integrated basis.

(e) the other suggestions made by the Establishment of a National Institute of Central Advisory Board to solve the prob­ Youth Development lem of illiteracy? 154. SHRI T. BALA G O U D : Will the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ Minister of HUM AN RESOURCE DEVEL­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ OPM ENT be pleased to state: TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. (a) whether an Expert Committee has SHAH I): (a) Yes, Sir. prepared a blue-print to establish a Na­ tional Institute of Youth Development (b) Yes, Sir. (NiYD); 143 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 144

(b) if so, the follow-up action token by Taking all factors into account Government Covemment; have decided that there is no need to set up such an Institute for the present. (c) whether an amount of Rs. 7 lakhs has been allocated by Government for the Modernisation of Steel Plants establishment of the National Institute of Youth Development (NIYD) in the financial 155. SHRI VIJAY N. PATIL: year, 1988-89; SHRI V. TULSIRAM: (d) whether State Governments hove expressed their willingness to donate lond Will the Minister of STEEL A N D MINES and building for the puq)ose; be pleased to state:

(e) if so, the reaction of Government (a) whether Government propose to thereto? modernise steel plants at Durgapur, Bokaro, Rourkela and Bumpur, THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DF- PARTMENTS OF Y O U TH AFFAIRS AN D (b) if so, the estimated cost thereof, SPORTS AND WOMEN AND CHILD DE­ plant-wise; VELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF HU­ MAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (c) the terms and conditions on which (SHRIMATI MARGARET ALVA): (a) to (e). To foreign capital and technology transfer has examine various aspects and the feasibility been sought/agreed to; and of establishing a National Institute of Youth Development a Working Group was set up (d) the assessment made by Govern­ some time back. The Working Group hos ment regarding benefits likely to be reaped since submitted its report. Pending detoiled from modernisation? examination of the Report, Budget provi­ sion of Rs. 7 lakhs was mode during 1988- THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES 89, in this regard. Some State Governments (SHRI M L. FOTEDAR);(a) Yes, Sir. have shown willingness to provide lond lor this purpose. The report of the Working (b) The estimated costs for the Mod- Group has since been examined in detail. ernisotion Schemes are as follows:

Rs. crores (Base date)

1357 (1986- III Qr.) Durgapur Steel Plant

(1987 - III Qr.) Bokaro Steel Plant (tentative) 1100

1600 (1986- IV Qr., Rourkela Steel Plant

IISCO-Bumpur Works 2928 (1986 - III Qr.)

(c) In respect of Durgapur, Rourkclo ond would be called upon to do the turi ikey job 11 SCO modernisations, foreign technology for the implementation of this scheme. alongwith financial grants and credits hove been sought for implementation of the (d) The adoption of the latest technol­ project through packages on turnkey basis. ogy and improved work practices through Exact terms and conditions will be decided the modernisation will result in : at the time of finalisation of various bids. (i) Increase in capacity and produc­ Bokaro Steel Plant is proposed to be tion of these plants both in terms modernised with Soviet credit. Soviets of quantities and quality. 145 Written Answers KARTIKA12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 146

(ii) Reduction in the specific energy THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ consumption per tonne of steel ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- produced; / JESH PILOT) : (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. Taking into accounts its fleet strength and infra­ (iii) Increase in productivity of labour; structural resources, C IW TC has selected and Sind has been on a regular basis using the following inland water routes for trans­ (iv) Reduction in works cost per portation of goods: tonne of saleable steel. 4

Transportation of Goods through (a) Calcutta-Bangladesh-Calcutta Waterways (b) Calcutta-Pandu-Calcutta 156. SHRI VIJAY N. PATH : Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be (c) Calcutta-Karimganj-Calcutta pleased to state: (d) Calcutta-Haldia-Calcutta (a) whether the Central Inland Water Transport Corporation has identified water (e) Calcutta-Saugor Anchorage- routes to be used for transportation of Calcutta goods; (f) Haldia-Budge Budge-Haldia (b) if so, the routes selected, State-wise; (g) Calcutta-Pat na-Calcutta (c) whether Government have assessed the cost of transportation of goods through waterways; and (c) and (d). According to the Report of the National Transport Policy Committee (d) if so, the comparative cost of trans­ (1980), the comparative cost of transporta­ portation through waterways vis-a-vis rail­ tion through waterways vis-a-vis rail and ways and road? road are given in the statement below.


Transportation of Goods through Waterways

(Cost in paise p fr tonne-Km.*

Distance Railways (Diesel) Road Transport Inland Water Transport (in kms.) (traction single (for self-propelled vessel line operation capacity at 75 percent Wagon load movement) load factor)

Coal Fertilizer Coal Fertilizer 500 1000 1500 tonne tonne tonne

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

50 23.6 23.4 27.0 35.0 13.7 10.3 9.4

100 14.6 14.3 21.0 17.4 9.1 6.5 5.8

300 8.6 8.4 15.0 19.0 6.1 4.1 3.4 147 Written Answers * NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 148

Pakistan's Allegation on India for Rccent SHRI TEJA SINGH DARDI: Disturbances in Sind Province SHRI JANAK RAJ GUPTA: SHRI BALWANT SINGH 1S7. SHRI MULIAPPALLY RA- RAMOOWALIA: MACHANDRAN: Will the Minister of EX­ SHRI VIRDHICHANDER JAIN: TERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: SHRI SHAMINDER SINGH: SHRI MOHD. MAHFOOZ AU (a) whether Pakistan is reported to have KHAN: levelled allegations against India with re­ SHRI HARISH RAWAT: gard to the recent disturbances I n Sind SHRI SARFARZ AHM AD: Province; SHRI CHINTAMANI JENA: SHRI | V. SOBHANADREESWARA (b) if so, the reaction of Government in RAO. this regard; and ^ ' SHRlfv.S. VIJAYARAGHAVAN: SHRI'K. KUNJAMBU: (c) whether any protest has also been SHRI K. MOHANDAS: lodged with Government of Pakistan? SHRI S.D. SINCH: SHRI VILAS MUTTEMWAR: TH E MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS SHRI VIJAY N. PATIL (SHRI P.V. NARASI/WHA R A O ): (a) Yes, Sir. Will the Minister of ACRICULTURE be (b) Government rejects these pleased to state: allegations as entirely without foundation. (a) the names of the States/Union Terri-, (c) It has been conveyed to Pakistan tones affected by recent floods in the coun- that such baseless allegations do not Itclp In promoting the cause of normalisation of relations between India and Pakistan. (b) the estimated loss caused by floods to property, crops, human lives, cattle and number of persons rendered homeless in Central Assistance to Flood Affcctcd each State/Union Territory; States (c) the central assistance sought by each 158. SHRI M OH AN BH AI PATEL: State/Union Territory; SHRI E. AYYAPU REDDY: SHRI BAIASAHEB VIKHE PATH: (cl) the State/Union Territories to which SHRI HANNAN MOLLAH: Central Teams visited in this regard; SHRI H.B. PATIL: SHRI KAMALCHAUDHRY: (e) the follow-up action taken by Union SHRI VIJOY WJMAR YADAV: Government on Central teams report; SHRI RAM PYARE PANIKA. PROF. P.j. KURIEN: if) the details of assistance actually ren­ SHRI BANWARI LAL PUROHIT: dered by Union Government to each flood SHRI §ATYENDRA NARAYAN .iftocted State/Union Territory to meet the SINHA: situation and the criteria thereof; and s h r i V i s h n u m o d i : SHRI V. SREENIVASA PRASAD: (g) the measures taken/contemplated SHRI V.S. KRISHNA IYFR: to control floods in future? SHRI SQMNATH RATH: DR. B .L SHAILESH: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ SHRI P.M. SAYEED: PARTMENT OF ACRICULTURE AND CO­ SHRIMATI D.K. BHANDARI: OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRI­ SHRI MUiLAPPALLY RAMA- CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) CHANDRAN: and

of damages to life and property, as re­ money is provided to the flood affected ported by these States, are given in the States. Statement-1 below.

(c) to (0.. Information on assistance (g) Flood Management forms part of the sought by the affected States for flood re­ Stale Plans and as such the planning and lief, Central Team visited, central assistance Implementation o f the flood protection approved to these States so far, is given in schemes are the responsibility of tlie State the Statement-11 below. A non-plan grant Governments. The Centre renders assis­ to the extent of 75% of total ceilings of ex­ tance in technical matters at the specific penditure approved in excess of margin request of the State Government. 151 W ritten Answers ritten W Extent of Damages due to Floods of 1988 * m ON 00 .£ s Q n Z on X <3 £ ** U w M iit jfi —o> o ^

Popu­ mage I jman Cattle Damage

Total No. of Area 3,1988 NOVEMBER Districts distt. affec­ lation to lives live to affec­ ted affec­ crops Lost Lost Public ted (Lakh ted (Lakh a (No.) (No.) Utilities HA.) (Lakhs) HA.) (Rs. in Lakh) n m ON in 00 - i 10 11 -2 oi m m rx in m o rn © in s © £ 11 * ® r ro -r OI m - « »- - in i- c -c -c s c y « 8 cn I > m m 1 CM OI Ok 00 f - ON O I O I I O I O ON - f 00 m in j o CM © 3 CM 3 ¥ oo x m ix m r - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m ^ o cm m I 00 - in «- - rsi *- o oi ^' m 8 5 ffi 3 m in fM ON 2 rn on ■» v f s ON IX so eo rn V ON x m rx »— m n o IN $ 5 n rx © in O^ • t »- 0 e 0 - rn in Written Answers Written rs. 00 IX 5 X m m m CM O N VO sO * S- s .2 ? a ro r-s n in T in © vO I O 00 in rn

i I ■fe oo I OI * * 8 s f is 152 * 01 0 oi 2 m in Si s in s6 01 0 IX © m in 153 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAIM) Written Answers 154

in CM r - a* s s S 8 csi in in IS s 3 N ^ ^ m CO rs 00 in CN ino

rs INI in O* co <£ (N in cn fs sD N £* N ^ f o CM 00 m co o vo rs s co m m m sD co inrs c m i - » n rn t- 5 M sO Q\ Q\ SO rs © r- 8 3 rs vD £ «w ioo «- CM »- <£ in CM ® oco in m cm cni CM r - CO CN O T O r n cm 8 8 3 IN ffv b b rnco o CO S T - S co T oI— v0 at co CO CM 8 o CO

rs rs co CO CM rs. m f s ^ ^ CM CO I .5 X 8 •8

4J 1 jS I £ -Q J E 2 8 1 I - ■c s $

t m o *- 155 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Am w tn 156 157 28th-31 st 17 1.69 Team report awaited Oct. 88 (II w.ive tloods) Written Answers Written .3 * JS £ e ATK1,90(A ) (SAM KARTIKA12,1910 3 1 ri 2 9 1 rn r» .H § E 2 I C I?! £ 158 159 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 160

Crop Insurance Scheme (e) the steps taken to cover them under this scheme? 159. SHRI M O H AN BH AI PATEL: DR. ICRUPASINDHU BHOI: S H U KRIJCANTA DATTA NARA- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE SIMHARAJA WADIYAR: DEPARTMENT OF ACRICULTURE AND SHRI CHINTAMANI JENA: COOPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF ACRICULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): Will the Minister of ACRICULTURE be (a) to (c). A Statewise statement showing pleased to state: area covered, indemnity claims payable and amount actually paid so far during 1985-86, (a) the area of land insured during the 1986-87 and 1987-88 under the years 1985-86, 1986-87 and 1987-88 in Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme each State under the crop Insurance (CCIS) is given below. Scheme;

(b) the amount of loss incurred during (d) No, Sir. During 1985-86, 1986r87 the above period Ih each State; and 1987-88 over sixty perccnt of the total number of farmers whose crops were (c) the amount of claims paid to the insured under the Comprehensive Crop farmers during 1987-88 in each State; Insurance Scheme belonged to the category of small and marginal farmers. (d) whether a large number of marginal and poor farmers are not covered by the insurance companies if so, the reasons (e) Does not arise in view of answer at therefor; and (d) above. 161 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 162

CN m "t “5 rs ro Ji T“ 8 ^r •iro !5T Q- o v£> in o 0 00 “u .5P tft m U O 60 E z * I IPOf - 2 c o vp in t- rs VO Ok CN vo CM to U T“ ON r- rf in vO oo rs 00 .£ * 00 JO fM . at ro rs o 00 CN 00 in $ o -r on n IS in on O- s "" “g £ Ok in vo rs in is cn in GO ON > o CM in s o vo CN o o o o CN o o o o o o in IS u CM * £ < “O 00 rs in i/t CO 00 T“ ■'t o ON m GO CN o co inin Z Z in vo J5 vO E 00 u ON co T— T“ ON E CN T CO

U a> rs VO in O CO 03 T © ON m oo GO vo o CO in inz Z in vO is _o z in oo a "T CO CN rs in o JS -t o T o CM CO in vo S' 00 T“ CO ON oo a. in CO at CO 7 “O vO ON is CN ro r- o n “T cn vO 7 £ GO o T— CO O Z Z CN in 0; a) •T o m to oi o o o CM o o CO o vd r s * s r — T“ u

in CM -2 IS in * “O u Z Z Z in m 'ii 3 Z GO z 3 £ oo a.

co CM in in in r*. ON S'S CM Z Z o» T z Z o ro

£ X ■o

5 £ £ 0) D ra CM Q_ -S 5. 8 * z E * JS * c ro 'E P T! « z co IS Si n 8 o £ 2 2 2 2 Z O ? - CM CO ON i - r - i - i "

o I 1.94 12.24 12.24 . 3.09 10.14 10.14 4.10 1328.62 CM o o o CM o o 3 00 CM CM 00 o o 00 m fO CN PO rn o o O I * •I 2 c c E $ ? s a CM in o n i r>. in in o v r i m CM ON r - o O T in h* Os CM *T ■g i * * NOVEMBER 3,1988 NOVEMBER ■ s i S CM n c s! is CM m 00 - r 00 r— 00 00 00 00 CM 00 n c n ' in CO r - T o m r - CM o os in r>» o CO ON in rs rsi r* m CM m m CO si rs si rs si rs 0 CN o r sb m CO T vb m s0 Md CM CO § ^. o d o CM o r - CM o o T o 15 Z o o S - ' z < E O u 2 E 3 3 E c .« C «- oo o oo © o Z r o -r -2 z o © 15 Z o £ o N CM (N O E O u © 3 $ o ao o o m CN O O Ok s ro rsi t s cn rsi O in T -o Q. r- 0 r c o * m to z in z tNI tN O m i r CO on rsi (N CM * C $ n ro vD h* sb a m $ GO \D & o N rsi oo rh oo m CN oo v£> m in oo S © oo r*N.o Os oo oo i— in oo in o oo £ 00 Written Answers Written 164 165 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 166

Settlement of Border issue with China Corporation of Orissa Limited ha\e been granted a Registration No. 952 (87) DLR 160. SHRIMATIJAYANTI PATNAIK: dated 10.7.1987 for setting up of an SHRI SRIBALLAV PANIGRAHI: industrial undertaking for manufacture of 1,00,000 tonnes of Pig Iron of various Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS grades at Paradeep, District Cuttack. The be pleased to state: estimated capital cost of the project is Rs. 45 crores and the Corporation had (a) the steps taken to settle the border indicated that the approximate time issue with China; required for starting commercial production would be 48 months from the (b) whether any talks have been held date of issue of the approval by the Central with China recently dh this issue; Covemment.

(c) if so, the outcome thereof; and News Seeds Import Policy

(d) the farther talks proposed to be held 162. SHRI INDRAJIT CUPTA: Will the on this matter? Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: TH E MINIS.TER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) Eight (a) whether indigenous producers and rounds of official level talks have been held research institutions have protested against with China in this regard. There have also the new seeds import policy which virtually been contacts at the political level. neutralises the efforts put in by the Indian scientists in the development of advanced (b) The question of the boundary' also seed varieties suitable for Indian figured in the discussions held by the conditions; Foreign Secretary during his recent visit ro Beijing. (b) if so, the details thereof; and

(c) and (d). The dialogue is an ongoing (c) the reaction of Government in this one. Pending a lasting, peaceful and regard? mutually acceptable solution of the boundary question, it has been agreed that THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ peace and tranquility should be maintained PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CO­ all along the border. Further talks will be OPERATION IN T/HE MINISTRY OF AGRI­ held when the Prime Minister visits China. CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) No, Sir. Setting up of Pig Iron Plant in O rb a \ (b) and (c). Do not arise. 161. SHRI JACANNATH PATTNAIK : Will the Minister of STEEL AND MINES be Shifting Cultivation in Hill Areas of the pleased to state: North Eastern States

(a) whether a pig iron plant* with annual 163. SHRI N. TOMBI SINGH: Will the production capacity of one lakh tonnes is Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to being set up in Orissa; and state:

(b) if so, the details regarding its cost, (a) the steps taken by Government location, and the time by which it is likely during the last three years to stop shifting to start functioning? cultivation in the hill areas of the North Eastern States and the results thereof; TH E MINISTER OF STEEL AN D MINES (SHRI M ,L FOTEDAR) : (a) and (b). M/s. (b) whether the North Eastern Council Industrial Promotion & Investment and the units of the Indian Council of Agri­ 167 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 168 cultural Research functioning in the North three years to control the shifting cultiva­ Eastern States have been able to dovetail tion in the hill areas of the North Eastern their activities to impress upon the con­ States. These efforts have created aware­ cerned States in regard to this harmful ness among the people for settled cultiva­ practice; and tion. Details are given in the Statement below. (c) if so, the details thereof? * (b) Yes, Sir.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ (c) ICAR Research complex tor North PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CO­ Eastern Hills Region at Shillong is providing OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRI­ the technical inputs for jhum- replacement CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) and arranging National demonstration and Many schemes/projects have been initi­ practical training to the farmers through its ated/being implemented during the Inst six centres and six Krishi Vigyan Kendras.


Details of various schemes for control of shitting cultivation are given below^'

Rs. in lakhs (0 Pilot Project for control of shifting Name of State No. of Amount Remarks families Released cultivation given assistance______

1. Assam 200 12.695 During 5th Plan 2. Meghalaya 100 8.267 „ 3. Nagaland 100 5.65 „ 4. Tripura 100 3.00 „ 5. Arunachal Pradesh 800 75.26 Till 1986-87 6 . Mizoram 800 87.525 „ Initially this was a Central Sector Scheme but later transferred to the State Sector with effect from 1.-1.1979. However, in the case of erstwhile Union Territories of Anmaclial Pradesh and Mizoram it continued under Central Sector Scheme till 1986-87. (ii) Scheme for Control A scheme tor control of shifting cultivation with Central of Shifting Cultivation assistance tor Slate Plan has been launched from 1987-88 in with 100% Assistance for all the North [astern States, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. State Plan St.itcwiso hrftik up of releases during 1987-88 for North Eastern States is as under: Central Name ot tlie St.ile T ol.il ttrgetted families over a assistance released period of 5 yeacs during standing from 1987-88 1987-88 1. Assam 2400 2. Arunach.il Pradesh 2200 65.00 87.00 3. Manipur 3000 65.00 4. Meghalaya 2252 5. Mizoram 1982 72.00 145.00 6. Nagaland 4800 7. Tripura 1800 53.00

Total 18434 487.00 169 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (S/UC4) Written Answers 170

(iii) NEC Sector During the Seventh Five Year Plan Seven integrated watershed management projects are being implemented under the plan of North Eastern Council with a view to settle the jhumia families on permanent cultivation.

(iv) Tribal Welfare Under the tribal welfare programme an amount of Rs. 25.00 lakhs, Rs. 10.00 lakhs and Rs. 10.00 lakhs have been released during 1985-80, 1986-87 and 1987-88 respectively for control of shifting cultivation.

fv) State Sector Funds have also been provided under the State Sector for ani- Programmefor mal husbandly and soil and water conservation programmes Seventh Plan. which hav* the main thnist on control of shifting cultivation.

Financial Assistance for Construction of a tance for the propagation of Hindi in the Ring Road around Imphal City' North Eastern States with special reference to Manipur, Nagaland and Assam indicating 165. SHRI N. TOM BI SINGH: Will the the amount of the grant-in-aid in each case; Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be and pleased to state: (b) the steps taken to ensure proper (a) whether the Government of Manipur utilisation of the grant and for identification has sought Central Financial assistance for of organisations deserving enhanced assis­ the construction of a ring road around Im­ tance? phal city; and

(b) if so, the details thereof and the re­ THE MINISTER OF STATF IN THE DE­ action of Union Government thereto? PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ THE MINISTER OF STATE OF 111! MIN­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SI IRI R'\- SHAHI): (a) A statement is given below. JESH PILOT): (a) and (b). No, Sir. The Gov­ ernment of Manipur has however made a (b) In order to ensure proper utilisation request for providing a byepass to Imphal of financial grants, utilisation certificates town connecting the National Highway audited statements of accounts and imple­ Nos. 39 and 53. The Government of India mentation and annual reports are obt.ifhed"^ have already sanctioned an estimate from the organisations concerned as re­ amounting to Rs. 3.137 lakhs in April, 87 gards grants-in-aid sanctioned earlier. In­ for survey, investigation and fixation ot a spection reports of the concerned Regional suitable alignment for Imphal byepass. Officer of the Central Hindi Directorate (Deplt. of Education) are also obtained. All Central Assistance to various Institutions proposals for grant-in-aid are first screened in North Eastern States for Propagation by the concerned State Level Committee of Hindi and thereafter the recommendations of the State Level Committee are considered by 166: SHRI N. TOM BI SINGH: Will the the Central Grants-in-aid Committee in the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL­ Ministry. The quantum of grant proposed OPM ENT be pleased to state: depends upon the past performance of the organisation as well as its future projec­ (a) the narries of the institutions and or­ tions for propagation and promotion of ganisations receiving Central financial assis­ Hindi. Written Answers 172 171 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988


Financial Assistance to various Institutions in the North Eastern States for Propagation of Hindi

S.No. Name of the Institution Amount of grant-in- aid sanctioned for 1987-88

1 2 . 3


1. Bamagar Rashtrabhasha Vidyalaya, Rs.11,250/- Kamrap.

2 . Bamundi Hindi Vidyalaya, Kamrup Rs. 11,325/-

3. Amar Pragati Sanskritic Chora & Samaj Unnayan Kendra, Guwahati. Rs. 17,475/-

4. Sri Marwari Pustakalaya, Guwahati. Rs.15,150/-

5. Prantiya Samaj Kalyan Kendra, Lakimpur. Rs. 22,650/-

Lokpriya Gopinath Bardoloi National Institute, Boko. Rs. 12,600/-

7. Asom Rajya Rashtrabhasha Prachar Samiti, Rs 65,520/- Jorhat.

8. Urvashi Rashtrabhasha Prachar Vidyalaya, Rs. 13,200/- Guwahati. i 9. Uttar Poorvanchal Rashtrabhasha Prachar Samiti, Lakhimpur. Rs. 71,550/-

10. Rashtrabhasha Vidyapeeth, Silchar. Rs. 21,150/-


1. Wangkhei Rashtrabhasha Mahavidyalaya, Rs.24,375/- Imphal.

2 . Manipur Hindi Shikshak Sangh, Imphal Rs.10,800/- * 3. Wangjing Women's Girls Society, Rs.10,410/- Wangjing.

4. Rashtrabhasha Sheegralipi College, Rs. 1,08,900/- Imphal.

5. All Manipur Hindi Teaching Association, Rs.12,750/- Imphal. 173 Written Answers KARTIKA12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 174

6. Adim Jaati Hindi Mahavidyaiaya, Sadar * Rs. 10 8757- Hills.

7. Manipur Hindi Prachar Sabha, ImphalV Rs.62,100/- * 8. Manipur Rashtrabhasha Prachar Samiti, Rs.1,35,300/- Imphal. 9. Saflkswati Hindi Vidyalaya, Prasain. ' ^ Rs.12,600/-

10. Hindi Ashulipi & Mudralekhan Training Rs.10,500/- lnstitute,'lmphal.

11. Uripok Hindi Mahavidyaiaya, Imphal. Rs-18,300/-

12. Thampasana Hindi Mahavidyaiaya, Thiyam. Rs.10,500/-

13. Nambol Hindi Prachar Parishad, Nambol. Rs.21,345/-

14. Hihdi Prachar Parishad, Kakching. Rs. 19,275/-


1. Nagaland Bhasha Parishad, Kohima. Rs.22,875/-


1. Zoram Hindi Prachar Samiti, Aizwal. Rs.1,31,250/-


1. Hindi Prasar Mandal, Shillong. Rs.21,990/-

2. Meehalaya Rashtrabhasha Prachar Samiti, Shillong. Rs. 37,050/-


1. Uttar Poorvanchal Rashtrabhasha Prachar Samiti, I t a n a g a r . ______Rs. 1,10/805/- >

Visit of High Power Delegation to China (a) whether a high power delegation has recently visited China for making ar­ 167. SHRI E. AYYAPU REDDY: rangements for the Prime Minister's pro­ SHRI SHANTILAL PATEL posed visit to China in December, 1988; SHRI MAHENDRA SINGH: and DR. B.L SHAILESH: SHRI C.S. BASAVARAJU: (b) if so, whether the agenda of Prime SHRI CHINTAMANI JENA: Minister's visit to China has been SHRI SANATKUMAR MANDAL finalised?

Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS TH E MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) A delega­ 175 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 176

tion led by the Foreign Secretary visited Sino-lndian Relations Beijing in the first week of October, 1988, essentially for this purpose. ' 169. DR. KRUPASINDHU BH OI: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be (b) No, Sir. # pleased to state the details of the recent steps taken to improve the Sino-lndian re­ Amnesty International Report lations?

168. SHRI SH AN TI LAL PATEL: Will the TH E MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): In pursuit of to state: improved relations with China, Govern­ ment have recently exchanged several del­ (a) whether Covemment have seen a egations and concluded a number of recent report of the Amnesty International agreements to further functional coopera­ which has made certain references to India; tion. A bilateral Cultural Agreement was and signed in May 1988 and the annual bilateral trade protocol in June 1988. Discussions (b) if so, the reaction of Government in have also been held in the areas of Science this regard? and Technology and Civil Aviation. The Prime Minister's forthcoming visit to China TH E MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS is expected to give a further fillip to this (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) Yes, Sir. process. * (b) The report of Amnesty International Withdrawal of IPKF in Sri Lanka presents happenings in India in a very one­ sided and distorted manner. The Report 170. DR. KRUPASINDHU BHOI: tends to highlight stray incidents of alleged SHRI RAM PYARE PANIKA: violations of human rights but fails to em­ SHRI KALI PRASAD PANDEY: phasise the numerous rights and freedoms enjoyed by Indian nationals and the inde­ Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS pendence of the press in India. be pleased to state:

India's commitment to universal human (a) whether Government have a pro­ rights is total and unqualified. Its epic man­ posal to withdraw the Indian Peace Keep­ ifestation is our freedom struggle and our ing Force from Sri Lanka by the end of De­ continued support to freedom Jor all na­ cember, 1988; tions. Its inevitable implication is the final elimination of all forms of exploitation. The (b) if so, the steps taken in that direc­ enshrinement of the Fundamental Rights in tion; and our Constitution, our open society, our rule of law and our independent judiciary are (c) if not, whether any other deadline well known as major vehicles for ensuring has been fixed for the withdrawal of the proper checks on the violations of human IPKF from Sri Lanka? rights. Specific charges of alleged viola­ tions, however, are thoroughly investi­ gated. While most of the charges made in the Report of Amnesty International have TH E MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS been found to be baseless, wherever such (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) No, Sir. charges have been provided, action had al­ ready been taken against the guilty. (b) Does not arise.

(c) The duration of the IPKF's stay in Sri The point of view of the Government Lanka has to be seen in the perspective of has been made known suitably from time the implementation of the Indo-Sri Lanka to time. Agreement. 177 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 178

Indo-Nepal Joint Commission Meet (f) The promotion of Indo-Nepal joint ventures is an important step in the further 171. SHRI S.M. CURADDI: , strengthening of bilateral economic .rela­ SHRI SRIBALLAV PAN 1C RAH I: tions.

Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Green, While and Blue Revolutions be pleased to state: 172. DR. G. VIJAYA RAMA RAO: Will the (a) whether Indo-Nepal Joint Commis­ Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to sion meeting was held on 13 August, 1988; state:

(b) if so, the outcome of the discussion (a) whether the green, white and blue held; revolutions have been successful leading to better nutrition for the country; and (c) whether the Nepal has sought In­ dia's assistance in reinforcing bilateral eco­ (b) the per capita availability of grains, nomic ties in the field of joint industrial pulses, qilseeds, fruits and vegetables, milk ventures; and fish at the start of the above revolu­ tions and as in 1987-88? (d) if so, the details thereof; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ (e) whether any panel has also been set PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CO­ up by both the countries; and OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRI­ CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) (f) if so, to what extent the relations be­ The substantial increase in-production in tween the two countries is likely to be im­ foodgrains, milk and fish achieved since proved? « 1950-51 has contributed significantly to­ wards meeting the nutritional needs of the country.

TH E MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (b) The per capita availability of items (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) Yes, Sir. for which data are available i.e. foodgrains, pulses, milk and fish is as follows:- (b) It was decided to appoint three Sub- ✓ Commissions - on Trade and Transit, on Foodgrains 394.9 465.5 Economic and Industrial Cooperation, and (Grams per day) 1951 1987 (p) on Water Resources - to deal with various subjects of economic cooperation. Pulses (-do-) 60.7 36.2 1951 1987 (p) (c) At the seventh meeting of the Indo- Nepal Inter-Govemmental Committee on Milk (-do-) 111.4 160.8 Trade, Transit and Unauthorised Trade in 1971-72 1987-88 June 1984, India had Suggested to Nepal the expansion of export-oriented produc­ Fish (Kg. per year) 1.52 _____13$ r tion facilities in Nepal through Indo-Nepal 1950-51 1986-87 joint ventures.

(d) It was agreed that domestic re­ Exploitation of Tungsten source-based industries and agro industries 173. SHRI K. RAMAMURTHY: Will the were promisihg areas for establishment of Minister of STEEL AN D MINES be pleased * * joint ventures. to state the steps taken to exploit the 100 lakh tonnes of tungsten. reserve’ (e) A joint Indo-Nepal Study Team has discovered in Almora district. of Uttar been set up to identify suitable joint ven­ Pradesh, and also the tungsten reserves tures. 179 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 180

located in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, the plants. Remaining projects are in the Maharashtra, Rajasthan and West Bengal? process of implementation. Brief details of few such important projects are: • THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES \ (SHRI M .L FOTEDAR): Only a conditional (i) Development of SAIL Combined resource of 2,00,000 tonnes of tungsten Blowing technology at Bokaro, ore with 0.1% tungsten trioxide have been Rourkela and Bhilai Steel Plants. reported from Almora district of Uttar Pradesh. Resources of tungsten trioxide in (ii) Reduction in percentage of ( + ) 80 other States are: mm BF coke for improvement of performance of Blast furnace. Rajasthan 2608 (tonnes) (iii) Air injection in Open Hearth Fur­ Maharashtra 17666 nace at IISCO, Bumpur.

West Bengal 298 (iv) Improvement in quality of coal blend by averaging and Croup- Karnataka 5926 wise Crushing of Coal blend.

Andhra Pradesh 62 (v) Production of Rail Steel through LD-Continuous casting route at Exploitation of tungsten on a commer­ Bhilai Steel Plant. cial scale will be possible only when pre­ feasibility studies are corppleted and suffi­ (vi) Development of Lime Injection cient economically viable resources are es­ technique for improvement in tablished. dephospherisation of steel at Al­ loy Steel Plant leading to produc­ Research Projects for Improving tion of cleaner steel. Productivity of Steel Plants (b) The Scientific Advisory Committee to 174.-SHRI K. RAMAMURTHY: Will the the Department of Steel is currently evalu­ Minister of STEEL A N D MINES be pleased ating a programme for the development of to state: lignite-based coke as an alternative fuel for blast furnace coke for iron making in small (a) the details of research projects for scale. For this purpose, systematic charac­ improving productivity of Steel Plants terisation studies of lignite based coke is ' completed by the Research and Design being carried out by R&D Centre, SAIL in Centre of the Steel Authority of India Lim­ collaboration with CSIR laboratories. Based ited and the action taken thereon; and on the results of this study, further steps for development would be undertaken. (b) the details of new technologies for alternative routes of iron making for re­ ducing the huge capital investment, that Eradication of Rinderpest have been considered and suggested by the Scientific Advisory Committee and the 176. SHRI K. RAMAMURTHY: Will the action taken thereon? Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES (SHRI M. L FOTEDAR): (a) The Research (a) whether a project for eradication of and Development Centre of the Steel Au­ Rinderpest was proposed by Indian Gov­ thority of India Ltd. has taken up a number ernment to the Mission of European Eco­ of research projects, for improving the nomic Community which visited India on productivity of steel plants. So far 122 pro­ 5th and 6th October, 1988; jects have been completed by the Centre and of these 59 have been implemented by (b) if so, the details thereof; and 181 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 182

(c) the extent of assistance being ex­ (a) whether the development of Fish­ tended by the European Economic Com­ eries Harbour at Munambam, Kerala has munity for Rinderpest Control and for pro­ been approved by Union Government; and duction of vaccines in the country? (b) if so, the details of central assistance proposed to be given for this harbour? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CO­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF ACRI­ PARTMENT OF ACRICULTURE AND CO­ CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRI­ Yes, Sir. CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) Yes, Sir. « (b) Technical and financial collaboration has been sought with the Commission of (b) Fifty per cent of the estimated cost the European Communities in Rinderpest of Rs. 710 lakhs, i.e. an amount of Rs. 355 Vaccine Production and Quality Control; lakhs will be made available to Govern­ Diagnosis of the disease and surveillance; ment of Kerala as grant-in-aid for the con­ Cold chain for transportation of vaccine; struction of the fishing harbour at Munam­ and other aspects of rinderpest control. bam.

(c) The response from the commission [Translation] is awaited. Amount allocation to Uttar Pradesh under Indira Awas Yojana

Design of Varapuzha-Eloor Bridge 179. SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to 177. PROF. K. V. THOM AS: Will the state: Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to state: (a) the amount allocated to Uttar Pradesh during the years ■ 1987-88 and (a) whether the design of the Vara- 1988-89 under the Indira Awas Yojana; and puzha-Eloor bridge in Cochin has been fi­ nalised; (b) the number of houses constructed so far and the amount spent thereon? (b) if sof the estimated cost of the bridge; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN (c) the time by which the construction THE MINISTRY OF ACRICULTURE (SHRI work on the bridge is likely to start? IANARDHANA POOJARY): (a) During the year 1987-88, the cash amount allocated to THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ Uttar Pradesh under the Indira Awas Yo- ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- jana was Rs. 2192.00 lakhs. The cash JESH PILOT): (a) No, Sir. amount allocated to the State during 1988- 89 under the Yojana is Rs. 2195.00 lakhs. (b) and (c). Do not arise. (b) The number of houses reported to have been constructed under the Yojana, in Development of Munambam Fisheries Uttar Pradesh, since the year of its launch­ Harbour ing i.e., 1985-86, upto June, 1988, is 69975. The amount reported to have been spent during the period (on construction of 178. PROF. K. V. THOMAS: Will the these houses) inclusive of the value of Minister of ACRICULTURE be pleased to foodgrains at subsidised rates is Rs. state: 6100.49 lakhs. 183 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 184

[English] cluding railway stations/bus stands for effi­ cient distribution of books published by Rural Institutes in Punjab various agencies in public sector. This agency would also run book mobiles, book 180. SHRI KAMAl CHAUDHRY: Will the clubs and oiganise local book fairs. Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL­ O PM EN T be pleased to state: (c) The sales revenue earned by the Trust during the last three years is as fol­ (a) whether Covemment have set up ru­ lows: ral institutes in Punjab; 1985-86 Rs. 17.76 lakhs (b) if so, the details thereof; and 1986-87 Rs. 19.22 lakhs (c) if not, the reasons therefor? 1987-88 Rs. 12.31 lakhs THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ Ravage caused by Floods in Delhi TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L. P. 182. SHRIMATI GEETA MUKHERjEE: SHAHI): (a) No, Sir. W ill# the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: (b) Does not arise. (a) the number of families affected by recent floods in Delhi and steps taken to (c) There is no Central scheme under provide them temporary shelters; this Ministry for establishment of rural insti­ tutes. (b) whether any financial assistance has been given; and Proposal to set up All India Book Marketing Cooperative Society (c) if sor the details of compensation 181. SHRI KAMAL N ATH : Will the Min­ given to each family? ister of H U M A N RESOURCE DEVELOP­ M EN T be pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CO­ (a) whether the National Book Trust OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF ACRI­ propose to set up an All India Marketing CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) Cooperative Society; The Delhi Administration has reported that 8122 families were affected by recent (b) if so, the salient features thereof; and floods. Proper shelter like tents etc. were provided to them. (c) the annual turn over of the National Book Trust during the |ast three years? (b) Yes, Sir.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ (c) An ex-gratia payment of ‘Rs. 500/- PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ was given by Delhi Administration to each TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ affected family. SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L. P. SHAHI): (a) and (b). The National Book Increase in the price of Aluminium Trust is preparing, in collaboration with the Publication Division of Ministry of Informa­ 183. SHRI RAM BHAGAT PASWAN: Will tion and Broadcasting, a detailed project, the Minister of STEEL A N D MINES be for setting up of a book distribution agency pleased to state: at national level, which would open joint emporia/retail shops at various places in­ (a) whether the prices of Aluminium 185 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 186

have gone up and the Aluminium manufac­ Undertaking of Developmental work in tured by private companies is being solcT at Iraq a premium during the last six months; and 185. PROF. P. J. KURIEN: Will the Minis­ (b) if so, the steps Government propose ter of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased *to to take in the mattei state:

THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES (a) whether Government are exploring (SHRI M. L. FOTEDAR): (a) and (b). Only the possibilities of undertaking develop­ the prices of primary aluminium ingots, mental work on a large scale in Iraq; billets, wire bars and wire rods are statuto­ rily controlled and were last revised with (b) whether any delegation has visited effect from 19.1.1988. No complaint has Iraq in this connection; and been received in regard to selling of pri­ mary aluminium at a premium by the pri­ (c) if so, the details thereof? mary producers. TH E MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Import of primary aluminium including (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) Yes, Sir. aluminium rods is under Open General Li­ cence. As the international price of primary (b) and (c). A composite trade delega­ aluminium quoted on the London Metal Ex­ tion recently visited Iraq to make an on the change is much higher than the domestic spot assessment of the potential and op­ controlled price, the primary aluminium portunities that would be available to In­ traded in the open market is influenced by dian Public and private sector companies the price at which imported primary alu­ to participate in the Iraqi reconstruction minium would be available. programme. It is proposed to send a simi­ lar delegation to Iran. Separately, a spe­ Arrears from Aluminium Companies cially constituted Study Group has com­ pleted its report on possible areas of In­ 184. SHRI RAM BHAGAT PASWAN: Will dian participation in their reconstruction the Minister of STEEL A N D MINES be programmes. Their report is under consid­ pleased to state: eration of Government.

(a) the names of Aluminium Companies Export of Alumina by NALCO against whom huge arrears of Aluminium Regulation Account for more than Rs. 10 186. SHRI SATYENDRA NARAYAN crores are pending realisation; and SINHA: Will the Minister of STEEL AND MINES be pleased to state: (b) the steps taken to realise these ar­ rears? (a) whether National Aluminium Com­ pany Limited is planning a long term alu­ THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES mina export deal with a Baharain based, (SHRI M. L FOTEDAR): (a) and (b). All Alu­ company; minium Companies have cleared their past arrears by January, 1988, and have been (b) whether alumina export has been paying their dues regulariy into the Alu­ linked to aluminium import; and minium Regulation Account. However, in­ terest on the past arrears is pending reali­ (c) if so, the details thereof? sation, as under. ______Rs. 4.63 crores HINDALCO THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES INDAL Rs. 5.31 crores (SHRI M. L. FOTEDAR): (a) to (c). There is MALCO Rs. 0.48 crores no such proposal under consideration at Notices have been issued for recovery. present. 187 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 188

Rice Production cial constraints being foreseen, the Execu­ tive Committee of the Navodaya Vidyalaya 187. SHRI V. KRISHNA RAO: Will the Samity in its meeting held on 9th Septem­ Minister of ACRICULTURE be pleased to ber, 1988 has decided as of now, not to state: open any new Vidyalayas in the country during 1989-90! (a) the target of production during the current year; (English]

(b) whether there is likelyhood of steep Proposal by America for Research in increase in the production of rice; and Minerals Engineering through Bacterial Leaching (c) if so, the details in this regard? 189. SHRIMATI BASAVARAJ ESWARI: Will THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ the Minister of STEEL AND MINES be PARTMENT OF ACRICULTURE AND CO­ pleased to state: OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF ACRI­ CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) (a) whether a proposal is being consid­ The target of rice production during the ered by the US National Science Founda­ current year (1988-89) is 67.95 million tion in regard to the research in minerals tonnes. engineering through bacterial leaching in Bangalore; (b) and (c). Yes, Sir. An increase of well above 4 million tonnes is anticipated over (b) if so, the details thereof; the record production of 63.83 million tonnes achieved during 1985-86. (c) to what extent, this will be helpful to the mineral industry; and fTranslation] (d) the time by which it is likely to be Navodaya Vidyalaya at Kalukhera, Distt. taken up? Ratlam (M.P.) THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES 188. SHRI M AHENDRA SIN CH : Will the (SHRI M. L. FOTEDAR): (a) to (d). The in­ Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL­ formation is being collected and will be laid O PM EN T be pleased to refer to reply given on the Table of the House. on 28 July, 1988 to Unstanfed Question No. 271 and state: Permission for Additional Steel Making Capacities based on Sponge Iron (a) whether a decision has taken to open a Navodaya Vidyalaya at Kalukhera 190. SHRIMATI BASAVARAJ ESWARI: District Ratlam (Madhya Pradesh); SHRI K. S. RAO. * (b) if so, the details thereof; and Will the Minister of STEEL A N D MINES be pleased to state: (c) if not, the time by which the decision is likely to be taken? (a) whether Government have consid­ ered a proposal to allow additional steel THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ making capacities based on sponge iron; PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L. P. (b) if so, the main purpose of the pro­ SHAH I): (a) to (c). No, Sir. The clarifications posal; sought from the State C ovem m ent'of Madhya Pradesh have not yet been re­ (c) to what extent, this will help reduce ceived. Further, keeping in view the finan­ the imports; and 189 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 190

(d) to what extent, the growth of the (b) The shortage of certified/quality sponge iron industry would provide alter­ seeds of wheat and gram for Rabi, 1988-89 native to the dependence on scraps? is to the extent of 3.59 lakh quintals and 0.65 lakh quintals respectively. The short­ THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES age of seeds of wheat and gram is mainly (SHRI M ..L FOTEDAR): (a) and (b). Gov­ due to the drought prevailing in the seed ernment have under consideration a pro­ production areas during the last Rabi sea­ posal to allow additional steel making ca­ son (1987-88). In additional shortages of pacities predominantly based on sponge wheat seeds have been reported. iron to meet the existing and projected gaps in the demand and availability of cer­ (c) and (d). Yes, Sir. The State Govern­ tain types of finished steel. ments were advised to procure quality seed from various reliable sources Seed Grow­ (c) It is too early to assess precisely the ers, State Cooperatives, Food Corporation impact on steel imports of such a decision, of India and State Civil Supplies Corpora­ if taken. It is, however, likely to reduce im­ tion etc. after duly testing for germination ports of steel. etc. to meet the shortages.

(d) To the extent sponge iron is pro- • duced indigenously, it will reduce depen­ (e) State Governments have accepted dence on steel scrap. the Central Government's advice to make local arrangements to meet the shortage.

Shortage of Wheat and Gram seeds Opening of Passport Liaison Office at 191. SHRIMATI BASAVARAJESWARI: Mangalore SHRI HARIHAR SOREN: SHRI M O H D . M A H FO O Z ALI 192. SHRI V.S. KRISHNA IYER: Will the KHAN: Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: (a) whether there is a heavy work load in the Regional Passport Office at Banga­ (a) whether Government are anticipat­ lore; ing a serious shortage of wheat and gram seeds during the forthcoming Rabi season; (b) if so, whether Government propose to open another Passport Liaison Office at (b) if so, the details thereof and the rea­ Mangalore in order to reduce the work sons therefor; load at Regional Passport Office, Bangalore; and (c) whether any action has been initi­ ated to reduce the shortage of these seeds (c) if so, the details thereof? and the State Governments have been is­ sued suitable instructions in this regard; THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) to (c). (d) if so, the details thereof; and „ The work load in almost all Passport Of­ fices, including Bangalore, has increased (e) to what extent the State Govern­ during 1988. In order to expedite issue of ments have agreed thereto? passports commensurate with security and * I other requirements, working of the Pass­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ port Offices is kept under constant review. PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CO­ This includes measures to streamline and OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRI­ modernize these offices and the possibility CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) of opening additional Passport Liaison Of­ Yes, Sir, there is some shortage. fices at various places. 191 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,198^ Written Answers Y 192

Baldev Jain Temple in Orissa cidents and the bulk of the funds ear­ marked for the purpose have remained 193. SHRI HARIHAR SOREN: Will the unutilised; Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE ^DEVEL­ O PM EN T be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government propose to (b) whether till March 31, 1987 the fund declare Baldev Jain temple at Keonjhar in was of the order of Rs. 4.82 crores, but Orissa as a Centrally protected monument only Rs. 53 lakh solatium was disbursed; during 1988-89 and to take steps for its and maintenance etc; and

(b) if so, the steps taken in the matter? (c) if so, the remedial action proposed to be taken in this regard? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L. P. ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- SHAH I): (a) and (b). The temple namely JESH PILOT): (a) and (b). Disbursement of Baldev Jain temple at Keonjhar in Orissa is solatium compensation to the claimants in protected by the State Government and the case of of hit-and-run accidents is done therefore the question of Central protec­ by District Collectors/District Magistrates, tion does not arise. under whose disposal the funds are placed through the nodal officer in the State/UT, Utilisation of Solatium Fund namely Transport Commissioner/Director of Transport. The District Collec­ 194. SHRI S.B. SIDNAL: tors/Magistrates are the Claims Settlement SHRI C.S. BASAVARAJU: Commissiorfers, for making awards and payments. Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANS­ PORT be pleased to state: ■ In accordance with the reports received (a) whether both the Centre and the from the State Govemments/UT Adminis­ States have been slow in disbursing com­ trations, the comparative position as on pensation to the victims of hit-and-run ac­ 31.3.1987 and 31.10.88 is as follows:-

31.3.87 31.1088 i) Claim applications , 2415 4105 received; ii) Applications finalized 1704 3177 and decided;

»»i) Applications under 435 772 process;

•V) Amount of solatium com­ Rs.53 Rs.97 pensation disbursed; lakhs lakhs

V) Fund position. Rs.4.82 crores Rs.3.51 crores 193 Written Answers KARTIKA12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 194

(c) The nodal1 authorities in the (d) whether any action plan has been States/UTs have been advised to ensure prepared by the Ministry to promote food expeditious disposal of claims cases. processing units in the country; and

(e) if so, the details thereof? Evacuation of Indians from Burma THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ 196. SHRI S.B. SIDNAL ISTRY OF FO O D PROCESSING INDUS­ SHRI C.S. BASAVARAJU: TRIES (SHRI JACDISH TYTLER): (a) Yes, Sir.

Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (b) Yes, Sir. be pleased to state: (c) The Development Councils will dis­ (a) whether due to disturbances in cuss and suggest to the Ministry changes in Burma, a number of Indians have suffered a ^policy required to develop food processing great deal; and industries, discuss efficacy of various re­ lated activities and suggest modifications, if (b) if so, the steps taken by Government any, needed. to evacuate Indian families from that coun­ try? (d) Yes, Sir.

TH E MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (e) A statement is given below. (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) A large section of the Burmese population, includ­ STATEMENT ing persons of Indian origin, have been af­ fected by the current disturbances in The following steps have been taken: Burma. (i) Formation of Development Coun­ (b) No requests for evacuation have cils for food/fruits and vegeta­ been received from Indian citizens resident bles/fish processing; in Burma. However, families of Embassy officials were evacuated on the 17th (ii) State Governments have been September, 1988. asked to form a nodal department for coordination of activities re­ lated to Food Processing Indus­ Action Plan to Promote Food Processing tries; Units (iii) A data base would be built in the Ministry on particulars relating to 197. SHRI S.B. SIDNAL Food Processing Industries; SHRI G.S. BASAVARAJU:

(iv) Sector-wise Working Groups Will the Minister of FO O D PROCESS­ would be set up on Food Pro­ ING INDUSTRIES be pleased to state: cessing Industries; (a) whether Government have decided (v) Regional/State level meetings of to revamp the institutional framework for concerned agencies will be held promoting food processing industries; for finalisation of State-wise Action Plans. (b) if so, whether it is proposed to set up three councils to boost the industries in (vi) S&T Advisory Council for the Min­ food processing; istry would be set up (this would * coordinate closely with the De­ (c) to what extent these councils will velopment Council). help and boost, the industries; 195 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Written Answers 196

(vii) Measures for improving capacity (a) whether crops protection experts utilisation of existing fruit based have suggested phasing out of harmful plants would be initiated and chemicals whose extensive use has aggra­ linkages between these ur^ts and vated pest problems on crops like cotton producers would be established; and oil seeds;

(viii) . All pending proposals in the food (b) whether they have particularly sug­ processing sector would be re­ gested the use of a broad spectrum of syn­ viewed and cleared; thetic pyrothroids; and . (ix) New proposals would be exam­ (c) if so, the steps taken and the guide­ ined, processed and recom­ lines issued to State Governments in this mended as expeditiously as pos­ regard? sible;

(x) Rationalisation of existing rules THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ and procedures relating to im­ PARTMENT OF ACRICULTURE AND CO­ ports, foreign collaboration etc. OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRI­ would be worked out. CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) Realising the harmful effects of chemicals (xi) Fiscal and taxation package fpr which aggravated pests problems on dif­ the industry would be finalised. ferent crops, the Government has made In­ tegrated Pest Management as the cardinal Misutilisation of Funds Allocated for principle of crop protection from Seventh Adult Education Plan period. Avoidance of use of harmful chemicals and conservation of natural bio­ 198. SHRI K. PRADHANI: Will the Min­ control agents are the important segments ister of H U M A N RESOURCE DEVELOP­ of Integrated Pest Management. M EN T be pleased to state: (b) Judicious and limited usage of syn­ (a) whether Government are aware that thetic pyrethroids, alternating with other funds allocated for implementation of Adult groups of insecticides have been suggested Education programmes are being misused by the Experts. in some States; and (c) The Government have taken the (b) if so, the names of the States from following steps to popularise the concept which such irregularities have been re­ of Integrated Pest Management with ported? farming community:-

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ (i) The Directorate of Plant Protec­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ tion, Quarantine and Storage and TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ the Union Ministry of Agriculture SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L. P. in collaboration with the State SHAHI): (a) and (b). Attention of the Gov­ Departments of Agriculture and ernment has been drawn to Press reports ICAR institutes laid various mentioning misuse of funds allocated for demonstrations on Integrated implementing Adult Education Programmes Pest Management on farmer's in Bihar only. The matter is being investi­ field from 1981-82 on-wards in gated. different parts of the country.

Phasing out of Harmful Chemicals (ii) Eleven Central Biological Control Stations have been set up in the 199. SHRI RADHAKANTA DIGAL: Will Country at Bangalore (Karnataka), the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased Bhubaneswar (Orissa), Burdwan to state: (West Bengal), Faridabad 197 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 198

(Haryana), Gorakhpur (Uttar ease surveys on important crops Pradesh), Hyderabad (Andhra are being undertaken by 32 Cen­ Pradesh), Raipur (Madhya tral Surveillance/Central Plant Pradesh), Solan (Himachal Protection Stations in different Pradesh), Sriganganagar parts of the Country in collabora­ (Rajasthan), Srinagar (Jammu & tion with the; State Departments Kashmir) and Surat (Gujarat), with of Agriculture. These surveys are the objectives of: helping farmers to undertake only need based and judicious applica­ - identifying useful and effective tion of pesticides. parasites and predators, (vii) At various National Fora tine - rearing them, Union Ministry of Agriculture is emphasising the need for - demonstrating the usefulness of strengthening the various activi­ biological control agents, and ties for different components of Integrated Pest Management. Pro­ - releasing them to the farmers. gramme.

They have so far released 1637.44 Bearing of Fish in Tribal Areas of Orissa millions of biological control agents. 200. SHRI RADHAKANTA DIGAL: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE b e pleased (iii) The Indian Council of Agricultural to state: Research have successfully ac­ complished operational research (a) whether rearing of fish is ui idertaken projects on Integrated Pests in the tribal areas of Orissa undei * the cen­ Management on Rice in Seven trally sponsored scheme; and \ States viz. Orissa, West Bengal, i Madhya Pradesh, Andhra (b) if so, the details thereof and the Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka number of farmers in the tribal sub -plan ar­ and Kerala. eas of Orissa provided benefits under the Scheme during 1987-88? (iv) In order to give impetus to the In­ tegrated Pest Management Pro­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ gramme, the Indian Council of PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CO­ Agricultural Research has sanc­ OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRI­ tioned a National Research Cen­ CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV'): (a) tre of I PM during the 7th Plan. Yes, Sir.

(v) The State Departments of Agricul­ (b) A Centrally Sponsored Scheme for ture have incorporated Integrated Development of Aquaculture through Fish Pest Management in their Pack­ Farmers' Development Agencies (FFDAs) is age of Practices which encom­ functioning in all the districts of Orissa in­ passes use of resistance varieties, cluding the tribal sub-plan areas. These cultural and mechanical practices, FFDAs provide, the necessary financial, bio-control methods, and only technical and extension support to fish need based and judicious applica­ farmers enabling them to take up fish tion of pesticides. farming in tanks and ponds. The Scheduled Tribe fish farmers are given subsidy at the (vi) Pest and disease surveillance is a rate of 50% of the cost of pond develop­ major component for popularising ment and first year inputs such as fish seed, Integrated Pest Management. feed and fertiliser, limited to Rs. 10,000 per Therefore, regular pests and dis­ ha., whereas subsidy is given at the rate of 199 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Written Answers 200

25% limited to Rs. 5,000 per ha. to non- CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) to tribal fish farmers. During 1987-88, about (c). The information is being collected and 1,200 Scheduled Tribe fish farmers liave will be laid on the Table of the Sabha. been benefited under this scheme in Orissa. Road Accidents in Delhi

Dairy Development Programme in Orissa 202. SHRI KAMLA PRASAD SINGH: Will under OF-II the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to state: 201. SHRI RADHAKANTA D IGAL Wilh the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased (a) the number of road accidents took to state: place in Delhi during the last six months involving D TC and/private buses sepa­ (a) whether Government have taken rately and the number of persons killed and steps lor the expansion of Dairy Develop­ injured therein; and ment Programme in Orissa Operation Flood II, (b).the steps taken for deprivatisation of D TC routes to meet the requirements of (b) if so, the details thereof; and the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988?


Vehicles No. of Accidents______Persons Persons Simple Fatal Total Injured killed

1. D.T.C.Buses 2191 101 2292 819 107

2. Pvt. Buses 299 116 415 469 128 including those working with DTC.

(b) The Motor Vehicles Act 1988 is yet THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ to come into force. PARTMENT OF ACRICULTURE AND CO­ OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF ACRI­ Hunger Deaths CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV). (a) No report of death due to hunger has been 204. SHRI KAMLA PRASAD SINGH: Will received. the Minister of ACRICULTURE be pleased to state: (b) Question does not arise.

(a) the number of deaths reported due Vessel for Inter-Island Ferry Transport to hunger during the last six months and Service in Lakshadweep how does this figure compare with the fig­ 205. SHRI P.M. SAYEED: Will the Minis­ ures of last three years; and ter of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to state: (b) the details of steps taken by Gov­ ernment to put an end to hunger deaths in (a) the time by which a vessel would be the country? commissioned to implement the plan for 201 Written Answers KARTIKA12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 202

inter-island ferry transport service in (c) and (d). The milk is supplied for mar­ Lakshadweep; riages and functions at the rate of Rs. 3.60 per litre and milk is normally supplied in 5 (b) whether a vessel for the purpose has litre polythene pouches. been acquired; National Language Policy (c) if so, the capacity of the vessel; and 207. PROF. NARAIN C H A N D (d) the names of the island between PARASHAR: Will the Minister of H UM AN which the ferry service is likely to be intro­ RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to duced and its frequency? state:

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ (a) whether Government have decided ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- to formulate any National Language Policy JESH PILOT): (a) As per the tenders re­ taking into account the need for the pro­ ceived, the first and second vessels are ex­ motion of classical and regional languages pected to be delivered in 49 and 51 weeks and dialects on the one hand and to ensure respectively from the date of award of con­ emergence and acceptance of Hindi as a tract. link language for the country on the other;

(b) No, Sir. (b) if so, a brief outline of the proposed policy apart from the three language for­ (c) Does not arise. mula; and

(d) As the vessels have not been ac­ (c) if not, whether Government would quired, no decision has been taken re­ evolve such a policy during the Seventh garding the island to be covered and the Plan? frequency.

Supply of Milk for Functions by D.M.S. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ 206. SHRIMATI D. K. BH AN DARI: Will TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ the Minister of ACRICULTURE be pleased SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L P. to state: SHAH I): (a) to (c). The National Policy on Education, 1986 approved by Parliament (a) whether Delhi Milk Scheme supply has reiterated in respect of languages, the milk in bulk to consumers on occasions of policy elaborated in the National Policy on marriages and other functions; Education, 1968. The Programme of Action formulated in the context of the National (b) if so, the details of the rules in this Policy on Education, 1986, and also ap­ regard; proved by Parliament, inter-alia, further de­ scribes the policy and programmes for lan­ (c) the charges per litre for such bulk guage development. supplies; and Proposal to set up National Institute of (d) whether bulk supplies are made in Translation containers or polythene pouches? 208. PROF. NARAIN C H AND THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARASHAR: Will the Minister of HUM AN PARTMENT OF ACRICULTURE AND CO­ RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF ACRI­ state: CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. The milk is supplied for • (a) whether the proposals to set up a marriages and other functions after verify­ National-Institute for Translation and also ing the genuine needs of the applicants. to institute an annual prize for translation 203 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 204

by the Sahitya Academy have since been study was entrusted to the Nutrition Foun­ approved by Government; dation of India for evaluating and advising on the provision of a medicine kit to the (b) if so, the details thereof; anganwadi workers of the Centrally-spon­ sored Integrated Child Development Ser­ (c) when is the Institute likely to be vices (ICDS) projects. The study, since opened and the date by which the prize by completed, shows, inter alia, that the in­ the Sahitya Academy would be instituted troduction of the medicine kit has facili­ for annual award; and tated better rapport between the Angan­ wadi Worker and the community and has (d) if not# the reasons for the delay and promoted better attendance at the Angan- the likely date by which the proposal wadis. would be implemented? Institutions Given "Deemed to be Univer­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ sities" Status PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ 210. PROF. NARAIN C H A N D SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L. P. PARASHAR: Will the Minister of H UM AN SHAH I): (a) to (d). As regards the proposal RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to for setting up of an Institute of Translation, store: various aspects are under examination with a view to take a decision. Department of (a) whether any institutions have been Culture has accepted the proposal ot given the status of "deemed to be universi­ Sahitya Akademy to institute prizes for ties" during the past three years including translation into 22 Indian languages. The the current financial year, Sahitya Akademy hopes to start giving prizes from 1989 onwards. (h) if £o, the details thereof alongwith the special considerations on account of Performance of Integrated Child Devel­ which these institutions have been given opment Service Scheme the status;

209. PROF. NARAIN C H A N D (c) whether any other institution is also PARASHAR: Will the Minister of HUM AN under consideration for awarding the sta­ RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to tus; and state: (d) it so, the likely date by which the de­ cision would be taken in this regard? (a) whether a study has been conducted by the Nutrition Foundation of India on THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ behalf of Government on Integrated Child PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ Development Scheme; TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L. P. (b) if so, the main findings and the rec­ SHAH I): (a) and (b). Section 3 of the U G C ommendations made in the study report; Act empowers the Central Government to and notify, on the recommendations of U.G.C., any institution of higher education other (c) the steps taken to implement those than a university as an institution deemed recommendations? to be a University. Provision for declaring institutions as deemed to be universities THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ has been made in the U G C Act to bring PARTMENTS OF Y O U TH AFFAIRS AN D under the purview of the UGC, institutions SPORTS AND WOMEN AND CHILD DE­ which for historical and other reasons are VELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF HU­ not universities and yet are doing work of MAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT high standard in an academic field at uni­ (SHRIMATI MARGARET ALVA): (a) to (c). A 205 Written Answers KART1KA 12,1910 (SAM ) Written Answers 206 versity level and granting ot the status of (a) the particulars of the Indians who deemed university would enable them to died in the Vietnamese airliner crash at develop ideals belonging to higher educa­ Don Muan airport, Bangkok on 9 Septem­ tion and research. The following seven in­ ber, 1988; stitutions have been declared as deemed to be universities during 1986-87, 1987-88 (b) the relief and other facilities given by and current year, Government to the dependents of the de­ (i) Birla Institute of Technology, ceased persons indicating the amount of Mesra, Ranchi compensation paid; and (ii) Rajasthan Vidyapeeth, Udaipur. (c) the number of persons to whom the (iii) Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, compensation has not been paid so far? Pune. THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (iv) Shri Lai Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) The par­ Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, New Delhi. ticulars are: j (v) Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, ( ) Shri A. B. Patwardhan, Tirupati. 1 Ambassador of India to Vietnam. (vi) Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Samath, (2) Smt. S. Patwardhan Varanasi. Wife of the Indian Ambassador (vii) Shri Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Educa­ (3) Master H. Patwardhan * tion for Women, Coimbatore. Son of the Indian Ambassador

(c) and (d). The recommendations of (*4) Dr. D.R. Bansal, Director U C C for declaring six institutions as Department of Education deemed to be universities are being pro­ New Delhi. cessed in consultation with the concerned Ministries/Departments of the Govern­ (5) Dr. S.K. Saini, Reader, ment of India, State Governments and Population Education Cell other agencies, wherever necessary. Eight NCERT New Delhi. proposals are being considered by the U G C for formulating their (6) Dr. R.M. Mishra, Director, views/recommendations for consideration Population Education Cell of the Government. No specific time and Principal State Institute schedule can be indicated for declaring an of Education, Allahabad. institution as a deemed to be university^ as the proposals require detailed examination (7) Shri H.S. Gill, Director, in consultation with the various agencies SISE & Population Education and fulfilment of certain conditions by the Project, Co. No. 66-67, institution seeking status of a deemed to be Sector 17-A, Chandigarh. University. (8) Shri S.A. Ramakrishna Rao, fTranslation]. Director, DSERT, & Population Cell, Compensation for Indian Killed in Air­ Bangalore, Karnataka. craft Accident at Don Muan Airport, Bangkok (9) Dr. B.K. Bali, Director, SCERT & P.E. Cell, Solan, (Himachal Pradesh). 211. SHRI KALI PRASAD PANDEY: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be (10) Dr. I.P. Mowani, Director, State Institute of Education pleased to state: 207 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 * Written Answers 208

and Population Education Cell, duced in Hindi by the (CSTT) Commission Raikhad, Ahmedabad (Gujarat). for Scientific and Technical Terminology (a subordinate office of the Ministry of Hu­ ( 11) Mr. S. Devdas, Representative man Resource Development) under its con­ of Cimmcon in Hanoi (Vietnam). tinuing scheme.

(b) Mandatory compensation is to be The C.S.T.T. does not have comprehen­ paid by the Civil Aviation Authorities of sive data on university level books available Vietnam. O ur Embassy in Hanoi has been in regional languages on Engineering and told that compensation will be governed by Medicine. the Warwaw Convention and Hague Pro­ tocol. According to these, compensation Capital Restructuring Proposal of Hin­ for each passenger would be 250,000 dustan Shipyard Limited French Gold Francs (approximately Rs. 3 lakhs). Compensation for baggage will be 214. SHRI BHATTAM SRIRAMA- @ 250 French Gold Francs (approximately MURTHY: Will the Minister of SURFACE Rs. 300) per kg. and an amount of 5000 TRANSPORT be pleased to state: French Gold Francs (approximately Rs. 6000) for hand carried baggage per person. (a) whether the accumulated losses of Facilities were accorded for the return of Hindustan Shipyard Limited, Visakhapat- the bodies to India by air at the cost of nam amounted to Rs. 68.42 crores in 1985- Government of India, U N D P and the em­ 86; ployer respectively. (b) whether the capital restructuring (c) All passengers travelling on the Viet­ proposals submitted by Hindustan' Ship­ nam Airlines are insured with the Vietnam yard Limited included reimbursement of Insurance Company. This company is ex­ losses upto 1985-86 to restore the financial pected to notify, shortly, the procedures for health; and getting compensation. (c) if so, the action taken by the Gov­ ernment thereon? I English I THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ Engineering and Medical Text Books in ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- Official and Regional Languages JESH PILOT): (a) and (b). Yes, Sir.

212. DR. G.S. RAJHANS: Will the Minis­ (c) The matter is under consideration. ter of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) the details of the measures taken to Satellite Port at Gangavaram * get the Engineering and Medical text books prepared in the official language and in 215. SHRI BHATTAM SRIRAMAMURTY : other regional languages; and Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to state: (b) by when time such text books would be available in the official language? (a) whether Visakhapatnam Port Trust sought financial assistance from Asian DeV THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ velopment Bank for setting up a satellite PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ Port at Gangavaram; TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. (b) whether the Port Trust of Visakhap­ SHAHI): (a) and (b). Sixty five university atnam Steel Plant requested Union Gov­ level books on Engineering and Seventy ernment for setting up a satellite Port at two on Medicine have so far been pro­ Gangavaram behind the steel project; and 209 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 210

(c) if so, the action taken thereon? mined, based on which the fair price for the consumers is fixed. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RAJESH PILOT): (a) to (c). Visakhapatnam Port has requested for approval in principle Repair of National Highways in Goa_ to undertake a techno-economic feasibility study for setting up a satellite port at Gan- 217. SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: Will the gavaram. The Asian Development Bank has Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be been entrusted with a study to prepare a pleased to state: perspective plan for the Port Sector. (a) the specifications which the contrac­ tors constructing National Highway in wet Price of Aluminium areas are required to fulfil;

216. SHRI V. TU LSI RAM : Will the Minis­ (b) whether such specifications are ter of STEEL A N D MINES be pleased to complied with in respect of National state: Highways in Goa;

(a) whether Government have taken a (c) if so, the reasons for National High­ decision to increase the price of EC grade ways in Goa getting damaged during the aluminium in the country; period of monsoon, every year; and

(b) if so, the details thereof * together (d) the amount spent, if any, on repair with the reasons therefor; of National Highways in Goa from June, 1988, till date? (c) the extent to which it will enhance the price of cables in the country and will affect the consumers; and THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA­ (d) the steps being taken by Govern­ JESH PILOT): (a) and (b). The National ment to stabilise the price of aluminium in Highway works in the country are executed view of high production thereof in the as per Ministry's Publication "Specifications country? for Road & Bridge Works" and the execut­ ing agencies have to ensure that the same THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES are carried out in accordance with these (SHRI M. L FOTEDAR): (a) No decision in specifications. the matter has so far been taken by the Government. (c) The main causes for the National Highways getting damaged in the country (b) and (c). Do not arise. including Goa during monsoon season when the road bed supporting the pave­ (d) There is a statutory control on the ment is in its weakest state, are:~ prices of the primary aluminium metal in­ cluding EC grade. Bureau of Industrial (i) Large scale over-loading of com­ Costs and Prices is entrusted by the Gov­ mercial vehicles; ernment to undertake studies on the cost stmcture of the aluminium industry from (ii) Insufficient crust thickness of the time to time. The Bureau fixes the norms of pavement; and consumption of various input materials, takes into account the cost of major inputs (iii) Poor drainage. and also the cost reduction measures adopted by the industry. Taking into ac-> (d) The amount spent on the repair of count all such relevant data and norms, the National Highways in Goa from June, 1988 cost of production of aluminium is deter­ to date is Rs. 55.48 lakhs. 211 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 212

Growth rate in production of cereals loan on very soft terms/free aid for .the modernisation of Durgapur Steel Plant 218. DR. A. K. PATEL: Will the Minister sometime back; of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state:

(a) whether the growth rate in the pro­ (b) if so, the details of the British offer duction of cereals was about 3.1 per cent including loan/aid terms; from 1949-50 to 1964-65 but declined to 2.6 per cent from 1967-68 to 1984-85; (c) the total estimate of the UK experts for the modernisation; (b) if so, the impact thereof on the In­ dian economy; and (d) the details of the modernisations being planned now including total cost, (c) the trend of the growth rate in the foreign contracting parties foreign ex­ production of cereals at present and how change involved, sources of finance; and does it compare with the previous two growth rates? (e) the reasons for rejection of the British offer? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CO­ THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRI­ (SHRI M. L FOTEDAR): (a) and (b). The CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) British Government have pffered an aid Growth rate in the production of cereals grant equivalent to 35% of the British offi­ was 3.24 per cent per annum from 1949-50 cially supported package upto a maximum to 1964-65 and 2.92 per cent per annum of pound 93.1 million in support of a from 1967-68 to 1984-85. British firm's bid for the contracts for 3 packages viz: Blast Furnace, Sinter Plant (b) The decline in the growth rate of and Basin Oxygen Furnace. This has been production of cereals is only marginal and offered in association with an in principle is still higher than the rate of growth of offer of export credit repayable over 5 to 10 population. As such, it did not affect the years at 8% rate of interest. The aid/grant growth of Indian economy adversely. would be tied to British goods and services and may be phased upto 1993-94. (c) The first three years of the Seventh Five Year Plan (1985-86 to 1987-88) were (c) British Steel Corporation (Overseas) not very favourable from the point of view had in 1986, in a study, envisaged DSP of rainfall and weather. However, rainfall modernisation at an estimated cost of and weather conditions have been very about Rs. 1450 crores, excluding duties, good during the current year and if the an- taxes and interest during construction, etc. ticipated/targetted production of cereals is with the stipulation that most of the achieved, the growth rate during 1985-86 equipment would be imported from U.K. to 1988-89 would compare favourably with (d) The modernisation plan of Durgapur those of earlier periods. Steel Plant is being implemented through British offer for Modernisation of Durga­ 16 turnkey packages; of which six will be pur Steel Plant global and 10 indigenous. The present sanctioned cost of the project is Rs. 1357 219. DR. A. K. PATEL: crore with a foreign exchange of Rs. 437 SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: crore (base 3rd quarter '86 prices). The definitive cost estimates based on the fi­ nalised bids for the packages and updation Will the Minister of STEEL A N D MINES be pleased to state: of costs are currently under preparation af­ ter which Government's approval will be sought thereon. It is proposed to finance (a) whether British Government/con­ the project through internal resources of sortium of British Companies had offered 213 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 214

SAIL and the foreign exchange component (a) the amount of assistance provided of global packages through during the current year by Union Govern­ aid/grant/credits by the foreign parties. ment to each State for research in the field The foreign bidding parties who have sub­ of agriculture; mitted the bids for the global packages are:

(i) M/s. Mannesmann Demag, West (b) the details of progress made in the. Germany. field of agricultural research in the Country particularly in Rajasthan; and (ii) M/s. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Japan. (c) the achievements made so far in agriculture through Krishi Vigyan Kendras? (iii) M/s. Davy Mckee, (Stockton) Ltd., U.K.

(iv) M/s. Nippon Kokan, Japan. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH (v) M/s. Concast AG, Switzerland. AND EDUCATION IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI HARI KRISHNA (vi) M/s. Siempel Kemp AG, West SHASTRI): (a) Rs. 21.71 crores were pro­ Germany. vided during the current year by the Union Government to the States for research in (vii) M/s. Phanke Engg. Ltd., West the field of agriculture. The state-wise allo­ Germany. cation is given in Statement-I below.

The contracting parties will be known only after finalisation of bids which are cur­ rently under examination. (b) The details of progress made in the field of agricultural research in the State of Rajasthan has been given in Statement-I I (e) Does not arise as the bids are yet to below under the following two items: be finalised.

I. Research Facilities Created [TranslationJ

II. Salient Current Achievements. Agricultural Research

220. SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN: Will (c) The achievements of Krishi Vigyan the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased Kendras in Agricultural research are given to state: in Statement-Ill below. STATEMENT-I Amount of Assistance provided in 1988-89 State-wise

State (Rs. in lakhs) 1 Andhra Pradesn 176.35

2. Assam 65.85

3. Bihar 123.61

57.90 4. Gujarat

5. Haryana 122.68 215 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 216

1 2

6. Himachal Pradesh 153.14

7. Jammu & Kashmir 11.52

8. Karnataka 104.37

9. Kerala 122.36

10. Madhya Pradesh 121.51

11. Maharashtra 204.17

12. Orissa 62.85

13. Punjab 109.79

14. Rajasthan 119.12

15. Tamil Nadu 177.73

16. Uttar Pradesh 232.91

17. West Bengal 76.23

18. Delhi 128.35

19. Manipur 0.50

Total 2170.94

STATEMENT.il tres, numbering 50 in different parts of Ra­ jasthan under the All India Coordinated Re­ Research Progress made in the State of search Projects functioning throughout the Rajasthan Country.

/. Research Facilities Created Under the National Agricultural Re­ search Project, there are 16 Zonal/sub-re- The Indian Council of Agricultural Re­ search stations which assist the State Agri­ search has set up 2 National Institutes viz. cultural Universities for strengthening the Central Arid Zone Research Institute, regional capabilities for regional research. Jodhpur and Central Sheep & Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar, with 3 re­ In the area of transfer of technology, 7 gional stations in Rajasthan. A National Re­ Krishi Vigyan Kendras, 10 operational Re­ search Centre on Camel has also been es­ search Projects and 3 Centres of National tablished in Bikaner. Three ICAR institutes Demonstration schemes are operating in with their headquarters outside Rajasthan the state of Rajasthan. abo have 4 regional research stations in Ityasthan. II. Salient Current Achievements

The ICAR has provided research cen­ New high yielding varieties of 217 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 218

Rabi/Summer Groundnut and sunflower The Broiler rabbits produced around have been identified. In food crops, new 45% of carcass. Fine wool blended with varieties include Raj 3077 of wheat, M H polyester have been found to produce yam 143 and M H 169 of bajra, and Co LK 8001 suitable for suiting and shirting. and Co LK 7901 of sugarcane. Srigangana- garis the only area in the country, where STATEMENT-III sugarbeet is cultivated on a commercial scale. Tw o new varieties, Pant S-10 and Achievements of Krishi Vigyan Kendras IISR Comp. 7 were recommended for re­ lease in Sugarbeet. The Indian Council of Agricultural Re­ search has established Seven Krishi Vigyan Control measures have been developed Kendras in the State of Rajasthan to impart against white grubs and rodent pests of vocational training to the farmers, young rice, wheat, gram, sugarcane, groundnut farmers, school dropouts, farm women and and chillies. Control measures have also field level Extension functionaries. been recommended to minimise damage due to nematodes. Seed treatment have The important achievements of Krishi been devleoped against major seed bom Vigyan Kendras in terms of organising the and soil bom diseases. number of training programmes and fol- low-up Extension activities are as follows:

Cola and Banaras Karka varieties of ben 1. The Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) Jallore seedless and Ganesh varieties of as off-campus 3266 training courses pomegranate and Khadrawi and Medjool were organised benefiting over varieties of date-palm have been found 65676 farmers and farm women. promising. Improved propagation tech­ niques have been standardized in ber and other arid fruits. Poppy variety IC 42 has 2. The Krishi Vigyan Kendras have been released. Encouraging results have been witnessed from Jawahar variety of also organised 526 various field demonstration and 20 Block opium poppy. High yielding varieties of demonstration particularly On cumin and fennel and production technol­ oilseeds and pulses production ogy for improving yield of Rosa Damescena programme. ^ and rose oil therefrom, standardised, and given to farmers.

Dry-farming technique has been devel­ Drought Relief to Rajasthan oped to increase productivity of major crops of the region namely, Bajra, Guar, 221. SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN: Will Moth, Mung, Mustard, Til and castor. Man­ the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased agement practices for improved grass land to state: and pasture, water management, afforesta­ tion and shelter belt techniques have been (a) the names of the States in the coun­ developed. try affected by drought during the current year; Devices for use of solar energy and wing power, have also been developed e.g. solar (b) whether there is drought situation in oven, collector-cum-storage-type solar wa­ some desert districts of Rajasthan; ter heater etc. using non-conventional al­ ternative raw materials. (c) if so, the names of such districts in Rajasthan; At Central Sheep & Wool Research Insti­ tute, "Bharat Merino sheep was introduced. (d) whether Rajasthan Government has 'Chokla' and 'Nali' synthetic of sheep submitted any memorandum to Union products 1.8 kg wool annually developed. Government recently; 219 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 220

(e) the nature of assistance provided by OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRI­ Union Covemment to Rajasthan; CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) and (b). After a review of the foodgrains (f) whether any relief centres have been production situation as a part of the Mid opened in drought affected areas and if Term appraisal of the Seventh Plan, a Task not, the reasons therefor; and Force headed by Member (Agri.)t Planning Commission was set up under the direc­ (g) the time by which relief work is likely tions of the Prime Minister. Keeping in to be started? view the suggestions of the Task Force and the average production of 144.3 million THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ tonnes during the triennium ending 1987- PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CO­ 88 the production target for 1988-89 has OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRI­ been fixed at 166.57 million tonnes. CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV): (a) Only the Government of Madhya Pradesh (c) and (d). The loss of crops due to the has reported drought conditions. recent flood in Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh is estimated at 4-5 per (b) The Government of Rajasthan has cent of the targets fixed for the production not reported drought conditions in any of foodgrains in the states. The overall part. target of 166.57 million tonnes fixed for 1988-89 is expected to be achieved due to (c) Does not arise. increase in production during rabi, 1988- 89. (d) Government of Rajasthan has not submitted any memorandum for drought IEnglish) relief. Quality of Seeds Supplied by NSC (e) Does not arise. 223. SHRI PRAKASH V. PATIL. Will the (f) and (g). It is for the State Govern­ Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to ment to undertake relief operations in the state: affected areas. U ) whether the seeds produced by Na­ Target of Foodgrains Production tional Seeds Corporation are not tested for distinctiveness/uniformity and stability 222. SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN: Will before these are supplied to the users; the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: (b) if so, the reasons therefor; and

(a) whether Government have fixed the (c) the steps being taken to remedy the foodgrains production target in the country situation? as 16.7 crore metric tonnes during the current years; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ PARTMENT OF ACRICULTURE AND CO­ (b) if so, the basis thereof; OPERATION IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRI­ CULTURE (SHRI SHYAM LAL YADAV) : (a) (c) whether the severe flood situation in No, Sir. Tests for distinctiveness, uniformity Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh and stability are required to be conducted will not be a hurdle in the fulfilment of the at the time of testing of a variety and prior said targets; and to its release. National Seeds Corporation produces seeds of notified/released vari­ (d) if so, the details in this regard? eties. The seeds are subjected to the field and laboratory checks to find out their THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ conformity with the prescribed minimum PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CO­ seed certification standards. 221 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAM) Written Answers 222

(b) Question does not arise. Export of mica and mica products was as under: (c) Question does not arise. Export World Bank Report on the Working of SAIL 1985-86 34,550

224. SHRI PRAKASH V. PATIL Will the 1986-87 33,760* Minister of STEEL A N D MINES be pleased to state: 1987-88 32,320*

(a) whether the World Bank has recently (• Provisional) submitted a report on the working of Steel Authority of India Limited; and (b) The major buyers of mica and mica products are East European countries with (b) if so, the salient points of the report whom the trade is concluded in Indian and Government's reaction•w thereto? Rupees. As such, it is difficult to quantify unit value realisation in terms of foreign ex­ THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES change. However, the average value of ex­ (SHRI M. L. FOTEDAR): (a) No, Sir. port of mica and mica products per metric tonne was around Rs. 11,000 in 1985-86, (b) Does not arise. Rs. 13,000 in 1986-87 and Rs. 14,000 in 1987-88. Production and Export of Mica (c) The following steps have been taken 225. SHRI SYED SHAHABUDDIN : Will by the Government to increase production the Minister of STEEL A N D MINES be and export of mica: pleased to state: (1) Geological Survey of India have (a) the production and export of Mica been investigating for location of during the last three years; year-wise; mica bearing pegmatites.

(b) the unit value of Mica exported dur­ (2) Technical Consultancy assignments ing the last three years in terms of foreign have been taken up by Indian Bu­ exchange; and reau of Mines in mica fields for lo­ cating mica pegmatites and scien­ (c) the steps proposed to be taken by tific development of mines. Government to promote the produc­ tion/export of Mica? (3) A research project covering geological structural, petrominer- THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINES alogical and geochemical aspects (SHRI M .L FOTEDAR): (a) Production of of mica pegmatites was also taken mica during the last three years was as un­ up by Indian Bureau of Mines and der four mica mines have been cov­ ered in Bihar mica belt. Based on Production (Qty.in tonnes) mica research carried out guide­ lines for exploration for mica have Year Production been prepared and circulated.

% 1985 1 7335 (4) Export duty on mica, except mica 1986 7519 scrap has been abolished.

1987 10547 (5) Mica products has been included ------in the list of products to which fa- 223 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 Written Answers 224

dlities ot 100% export oriented (d) if so, the details thereof? units have been extended. TH E MINISTER O F EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (6) Sales promotion tours abroad as (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) Yes, Sir. also participation in international trade fairs have been encouraged. (b) Government have welcomed this and trust that the cease-fire would be (7) Diversification of the industry into followed by the establishment of a just and manufacture and export of value- durable peace between Iraq and Iran. added mica products is being en­ couraged. (c) and (d). Government have conveyed our willingness to participate in the recon­ (8) Mica Trading Corporation is plan­ struction programmes of Iran and Iraq. Our ning to set up an R&D Centre for offers of assistance have been welcomed carrying out both basic and applied and discussions with both Governments on research activities on mica. specific possibilities in this field are contin­ uing. Development of National Highways in Tamil Nadu Proposals for Integrated Development of Surface Transport in Kerala 227. SHRI P.R.S. VENKATESAN: Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be 229. SHRI K. MOHANDAS: Will the pleased to state: Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to state: (a) the National Highways proposed to be developed in Tamil Nadu during the (a) whether Government of Kerala has Seventh Five Year Plan; and sent any detailed proposals for the inte­ grated development of surface transport in (b) the details thereof? that State;

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ (b) if so, the details thereof; and ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- JESH PILOT) : (a) and (b). Schemes (c) the reaction of the Union Govern­ amounting to Rs. 87.90 crores have been ment thereto? included for development of National Highways Nos. 4, 5> 7, 7A, 45, 45A, 46, 47 THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ and 49 in Tamil Nadu during the Seventh ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- Five Year Plan. JESH PILOT): (a) No such proposal has been received from the Government of Ceasefire in Persian Gulf Kerala.

228. SHRI PRATAPRAO B. BHOSALE: (b) and (c). Do not arise. Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: Diversification of Vocational Training (a) whether the ceasefire in the Persian with W orld Bank Assistance Gulf has been made effective from 20th August, 1988; 230. SHRI VAKKOM PURUSHO- THAMAN: Will the Minister of HUMAN (b) if so, the reaction of Government RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to thereto; state:

(c) whether Government propose to (a) whether a project for expansion and offer help to the Gulf countries for post-war diversification of the vocational training reconstruction work; and system in the country is proposed to be .225 Written Answers KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAM) Written Answers 226 implemented with the assistance from the cases Passports are issued with 7-8 weeks. World Bank; 1,357 Passport applications were pending for over 6 months in Regional Passport Of­ (b) if so, the details thereof; and fice, Cochin as on 30.9.1988. Out of these, *1,249 cases were pending due to non-re- (c) the number of training centres ex­ ceipt of replies from applicants and they pected to be covered/opened under the are now being closed after 6 months of scheme? waiting period.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ (b) to (d). During 1988 the Government PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL­ have received 25 complaints from appli­ TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE­ cants against delay in issue of passports by SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L P. the Regional Passport Office, Cochin. Most SHAHI): (a) to (c). A project proposal for of the delays were on account of delayed strengthening and upgradation of Industrial police verification reports from State police Training Institutes with assistance from thfe authorities and some due to incomplete World Bank is presently under considera­ information furnished in the application tion of the Ministry of Labour and the De­ forms. Instructions have already been is­ partment of Economic Affairs. Details of the sued to the Regional Passport Officer to project components and coverage will de­ expedite action under intimation to the ap­ pend upon the availability of assistance plicants. 4 complaints were received by from the World Bank. Complaints & Grievances Officer, Cochin and have since been disposed off. Chief Delay in issue of Passports from Regional Passport Officer held Passport Adalat in Passport Office, Cochin RPO, Cochin on 19th July, 1988 and dis­ posed off 15 grievances on the spot. 231. SHRI VAKKOM PURUSHO- THAM AN: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL (e) and (f). The position of officers and AFFAIRS be pleased to state: staff is reviewed every year in January- March according to the norms prescribed (a) whether Government are aware that by the Staff Inspection Unit of the Ministry in many cases passports are issued after a of Finance based on the statistics of work delay of six to nine months from the Re­ for the previous calendar year. Thus the gional Passport Office, Cochin; staff position is increased or decreased ac­ cording to the requirements of work for (b) whether there have been complaints each year. regarding delay in issue of Passports and completing other formalities at the Cochin office; Next Commonwealth Games (c) if so, the reasons therefor; 233. SHRI HANNAN MOLLAH: Will the (d) the steps taken by Government to Minister of HUM AN RESOURCE DEVEL­ expedite the process; OPM ENT be pleased to state:

(e) whether Government propose to in­ (a) whether the next Commonwealth crease the number of officers and staff at Games have been awarded to any country; Regional Passport Office, Cochin in view of the large number of applications being (b) if so, the details thereof; deajt with in that office; and (c) whether India has lost the bid to (f) if so, the details thereof? hold the next Commonwealth Games in India; and TH E MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO): (a) In most (d) if so, the reasons therefor? 227 Written Answers NOVEMBER 3,1988 228

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE­ MR. SPEAKER: But I can't do it now. PARTMENTS OF Y O U TH AFFAIRS & SPORTS AND WOMEN & CHILD DEVEL­ (Interruptions) OPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI MR. SPEAKER: I cannot do anything MARGARET ALVA): (a) and (b). The XIV about it. Commonwealth Games will be held in New Zealand (Auckland) in 1990. The XV SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: Shri Madhav Commonwealth Games for 1994 have Reddi may make a statement on this. recently been awarded by Commonwealth Games Federation to Victoria (Canada). (Interruptions)

(c) and (d). The Indian Olympic Associa­ SHRI HANNAN MOLLAH (Uluberia): So tion (IOA) lost the bid to hold 1994 Com ­ many air crashes have occurred. I have monwealth Games in Delhi as Canada se­ given notice. cured more votes than India. MR. SPEAKER: We are discussing it.

12.00 hrs. (Interruptions,)

[English] PROF. M A D H U DANDAVATE (Rajapur): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I want to raise a very seri­ SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK (Panaji): Sir, ous issue. The entire Opposition feels ag­ the Andhra Pradesh High Court has given a grieved because opposition to Congress is dear Ruling against the son-in-law of N.T. described as enmity to Congress and en­ Rama Rao and his appointment as Chair­ mity to Congress is enmity to the nation. man of the Krashak Parishad has been {Interruptions). The Prime Minister must quashed. apologise to the Parliament. MR. SPEAKER: What have I to do with it? MR. SPEAKER: No, no. Not allowed. There is no basis. SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: The High Court has said that the action is mala fide (Interruptions)* and is an arbitrary exercise of power. Very clear Ruling has been given. THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS A N D MINISTER OF INFORMA­ MR. SPEAKER: What can I do about it? TION AND BROADCASTINC (SHRI H.K.L BHAGAT): I am sorry, knowing the facts (Interruptions) Prof. Madhu Dandavate is making an ab­ solutely wrong statement. This has been SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: The Andhra clarified by the Prime Minister himself. His Pradesh High Court has given a clear rul­ exact words I read in the . So, ing. It said that the action is mala M e and your statement is totally wrong. I dispute arbitrary exercise of power. So, the Chief what you say. He never said that. He said Minister has to resign. something else. You cannot disagree with that. I read it in the Rajya Sabha and I am MR. SPEAKER: I cannot do anything prepared to read it here. It is totally wrong. about it. He never said that the enemies of the Congress are the enemies of the country. SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: Are you not the custodian of the morality of the coun­ SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA (Bankura): try? W hy can't he clarify it in this House?

• Not recorded. 229 KARTIKA12,1910 (SAM ) 230

SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT: He has already SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: He should clarified. deny it here.

(Interruptions)* MR. SPEAKER: Why? He did not make this statement on the floor of the House. If MR. SPEAKER: Not allowed. he had made it here, I would have asked him to do it. (Interruptions) PROF. M ADH U DANDAVATE: Are you [Translation] doubting the correctness or otherwise of the statement of the Prime Minister? SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: You wanted to say something. Please speak. (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: I was telling... MR. SPEAKER: I heard him this morning (Interruptions) on the TV. He said it. Did you not hear him? IEnglish] PROF. M ADH U DANDAVATE: The MR. SPEAKER: Look here. If you 3on't Prime Minister has alleged that the listen, what can I do? Opposition is enemy of the Congress and enemy of the nation. (Interruptions) {Interruptions) j MR. SPEAKER: What you allege is from SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA (Basirhat): He the Press. From the same media, from the did not make the speech. The speech was same TV, I saw him making the statement made by the Prime Minister. Why should that he did not make any such statement. he go round giving the clarification? He gave a categorical answer. This is what I heard. ITranslation] PROF. M ADH U DANDAVATE: Let him Have you relished. What he said? clarify it here. [Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Why should he? He did not make any statement here. MR. SPEAKER: You please listen to me. ; What I have seen is... . r iInterruptions) (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: No. I do not agree. He MR. SPEAKER: Now listen. What I have denied it categorically in the Press Confer­ gathered and what I have found is this. ence. I heard it. Had the Prime Minister made any such statement, as you have alleged, on the floor PROF. M ADHU DANDAVATE: Let him of the House, I would have liked to take it clarify it here. up on the floor of this House. MR. SPEAKER: If he had made it here. I (Interruptions) would have asked him.

MR. SPEAKER: Listen. Why can't you lis­ (Interruptions) ten? He has denied that. I have heard with my own ears the statement he was making MR. SPEAKER: No. He did not make any tothe press. He categorically denied that. statement here.

Not recorded. 231 Papers Laid NOVEMBER 3,1988 Assent to Bills 232

PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Don't counts and comments of the Comptroller take a technical view. and Auditor General thereon.

MR. SPEAKER: No question. This is not a [Placed in Library. See No. LT - 6574/88] question of 'technical' I am being prag­ matic. (2) A copy of the Kandla Port Employees (Reimbursement of Tuition Fees) PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: I would (Amendment) Regulations, 1988 (Hindi and ask you a simple question. Suppose he says English versions) Published in Notification something about the Speaker outside the No. G.S.R. 913 (E) in Gazette of India dated House, would you not have taken cog­ the 8th September, 1988, under sub sec­ nizance of that? tion (4) of section 124 of the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963. MR. SPEAKER: It is not something like that. [Placed in Library*See No. LT - 6575/88]

(Interruptions) 12.07^ hrs. MR. SPEAKER: He has done it outside. He has denied it outside. No problem. ASSENT T O BILLS

Shri Namgyal. Papers to be laid. [EnglishI

12.07 hrs. SECRETARY-GENERAL Sir, I lay on the Table the following ten Bills passed by the PAPERS LAID O N TH E TABLE House of Parliament during the last session and assented to since a report was last Review on the working of Hooghly made to the Hosue on the 5th September, Dock and Port Engineers Ltd. Calcutta for 1988:- 1985-86, Annual Report of Hooghly Dock and Port Engineers Ltd. Calcutta for (1) The Corpora­ 1985-86 and Kandla Port Employees tion Limited (Determination of (Reimbursement of Tuition Fees) Conditions of Service of Employ­ (Amendment) Regulations, 1988. ees) Bill, 1988

[English! (2) The Benami Transaction (Prohibition) Bill, 1988 THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT A N D (3) The Appropriation (Railways) No. DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF 4 Bill, 1988 PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (SHRI P. NAM ­ GYAL): I Beg to lay on the Table a copy (4) The Appropriation (No. 4) Bill, each of the following papers (Hindi and 1988 English versions) under sub-section (1) of section 619A of the Companies Act, 1956:- (5) The Prevention of Corruption Bill, 1988

(i) Review by the Government on the (6) The Auroville Foundation Bill, working of the Hooghly Dock and Port En­ 1988 gineers Limited, Calcutta, for the year 1985- 86 . (7) The Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Bill, 1988 (ii) Annual Report of the Hooghly Dock and Port Engineers Limited, Calcutta, for (8) The Dock Workers (Regulation of the year 1985-86 along with Audited Ac­ Employees) Amendment Bill, 1988 233 Assent to Bills KARTIKA12,1910 (SAKA) Assent to Bills 234

(9) The Delhi Rent Control [English] (Interruptions) (Amendment) Bill, 1988 PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE (Rajapur): (10) The Jamia Millia Islamia Bill, 1988 Sir, the hon. Member has said it now on the floor. He said it. 2. Sir, I also lay on the Table copies, duly authenticated by the Secretary-Gen- MR. SPEAKER: Who said it? eral of Rajya Sabha, of the following twelve Bills passed by the Houses of Parliament PROF. M ADH U DANDAVATE : The hon. during the last session and assented to Member from Goa said, "You are enemies since a report was last made to the House of the country”. on the 5th September, 1988:- MR. SPEAKER: I have not allowed it. If it (1) The Cine-Workers and Cinema is on record, he has to withdraw it. If the Theatre Workers (Regulation of hon. gentleman has said something like Employment) Amendment Bill, that... 1988 PROF. M ADH U DANDAVATE: He said (2) The Alcock Ashdown Company it. Limited (Acquisition of Undertak­ ings) Amendment Bill, 1988 SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA (Bankura) : He said, you are the enemies of the nation. (3) The National Waterway (Sadlya- (Interruptions.)

Bhubri Stretch of the Brahmaputra p River) Bill, 1988 rTranslation]

(4) The " Religious Institutions MR. SPEAKER : Sit down. What are you (Prevention of Misuse) Bill, 1988 doing? I am on my legs. Why are you adamant? You are a gentleman, please sit (5) The Arms (Amendment) Bill, 1988 down.

(6) The National Security (Interruptions) (Amendment) Bill, 1988

MR. SPEAKER: If hon. Member has said (7) The Prevention of Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychatropic this, then. Substances Bill, 1988

(8) The Aircraft (Amendment) Bill, He must withdraw them and apologise. 1988

(Interruptions) (9) The Labour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing Returns and Maintain­ SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK (Panaji): If you ing Registers by Certain Estab­ are asking me, I will clarify what I said. lishments) Bill, 1988 MR. SPEAKER: Have you said it? (10) The State of Arunachal Pradesh (Amendment) Bill, 1988 SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK (Panaji): If you are asking me, Sir, I will say what I have (11) The Water (Prevention and Con­ said. trol of Pollution Amendment) Bill, 1988. MR. SPEAKER: Is it on record here, any­ (12) The Motor Vehicles Bill, 1988. thing? If you have said it, I would like you to apologise. 235 S t re: a Joint NOVEMBER 3,1988 Venture in Punjab 236

SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: If you want 12.10 hrs. clarification, I will give you clarification. (M r. Deputy Speaker in the Chair) MR. SPEAKER: No question of clarifica­ tion. I do not want any clarification. SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER: The proposal of (Interruptions) M/s. Punjab Agro Industries Corporation was followed up first by the duly elected Akali Dal Ministry in Punjab and later by MR. SPEAKER : It has not gone on the succeeding administration under Presi­ record. dent's rule. The salient features of the pro­ posal include (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER : I do not like hon. Mem­ (i) An Agro Research Centre; bers making such statement here. You can do it outside. But I will not allow it on the (ii) Potato/Grain Processing Unit(s); floor of the House. (iii) Fruit/Vegetable Processing Unit(s); Shrf Jagdish Tytler. (iv) A soft drink concentrate manufac­ 12.09 hrs. turing unit.

STATEMFNT RE: PROPOSAL OF PUNJAB O n full capacity utilisation the project is ACRO INDUSTRIES CORPORATION FOR estimated to utilise 80,000 tonnes of frnits SETTING UP A JOINT VENTURE IN PUN­ and vegetables & 30,000 tonnes of pota­ JAB WITH M/S. VOLTAS AND IN COL­ toes and grains per year. LABORATION WITH M/S. PEPSICO. As per the Industrial Licence application I English] the proposed subscribed and paid up share capital is Rs. 9.00 crores. The break up of THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN­ this is as follows:- ISTRY OF FOOD PROCESSING INDUS­ TRIES (SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER). Mr. I. PAIC 36.1% equivalent of Speaker, Sir, in July, 1986 M/s. Punjab Agro Rs. 3.25 crores. Industries Corporation (PAIC) made a composite application for obtaining an in­ II TATAs 24% equivalent to dustrial licence and for setting up a joint Rs. 2.16 crores. venture in Hoshiarpur District of Punjab. (Interruptions) III PEPSICO Rs. 3.59 crores 39.9% of total investment. MR. SPEAKER : You can have any discus­ sion. The proposal 'was first subjected to careful preliminary examination of the is­ SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER: The proposed sues involved by the concerned depart­ joint venture with TATAs involved foreign ments. It was then examined in detail by an collaboration with M/s. Pepsico Inc., USA. inter-Ministerial Committee headed by the Additional Secretary (Agriculture). A special (Interruptions) meeting of the Projects Approval Board (PAB) was held on 12th November, 1987. After I finish this statement, you make This meeting took an integrated view of all your comments, not just after the first sen­ aspects of the project and suggested the tence. (Interruptions) following:-

MR. SPEAKER : Mr. Tytler, you finish (i) The turnover from soft drink your statement. concentrate manufacturing shall 237 S t re: a Joint- KARTIKA12,1910 (SAK4) Venture in Punjab 238

in no year exceed 25% of the total regulations was violated or bent or any de­ turnover of the company that parture made. In fact, if anything, better year. terms were obtained due to continuous negotiations than those which had been (ii) The project shall export 50% of its originally offered by the foreign collabora­ total turnover each year for a pe­ tor. The decision of CCEA did definitely riod of 10 years from the com­ take into account the situation in Punjab mencement of commercial pro­ which requires specific measures to pro­ duction, of which 40% will be mote a climate of investment in the State, a from the Company's own manu­ climate of generation of employment, a factured products and 10% from climate for diversification of agriculture, a Select List Products manufactured climate for raising the rural incomes, which by others. The foreign exchange would, all put together, probably con­ inflow shall not be less than five tribute to the restoration of peace and sta­ times the foreign exchange out­ bility in the coming years in Punjab. The flow of the project during the Government of India was also influenced in aforementioned ten year period. its decisions by the widespread support from political parties in Punjab and the farming community which this proposal (iii) There shall be no import of pro­ had received. There are various advantages prietory ingredients to manufac­ in this proposal:- ture soft drinks concentrates and the raw materials available within ^1) 74% of the total proposed invest­ the country shall be used to the ment is in food and agro pro­ maximum extent possible. The cessing; import of any raw material and chemicals that are not available indigenously shall be regulated by (2) At full capacity the project will the import policy in force from utilise an estimated 80,000 tonnes time to time and no special im­ of fruits and vegetables and port concessions shall be al­ 30,000 tonnes of potatoes and lowed. grains; and thus find a stable mar­ ket for these agricultural products; (iv) Foreign brand names shall not be allowed to be used on domestic (3) It will bring an advanced technol­ sales. ogy to food processing and de­ velop this industry; The matter was eventually considered by the Cabinet Committee on Economic (4) Create substantial additional em­ Affairs on the basis of the conclusions of ployment capacity in rural areas; the Projects Approval Board. The proposal of M/s. Punjab Agro Industries Corporation (5) Generate additional tax revenues, was cleared totally within the policy estimated at over 150 crores per framework and rules and regulations re­ annum at the current level of taxa­ garding industrial licensing and foreign tion; collaborations. The terms and conditions on which the approval was given have (6) Export 50% of the total value of its been duly conveyed to the promoters production of which 40% will be (PAIC) and the same have been accepted from the company's own manu­ by them. I understand that an agreement factured products and 10% from has also been signed by Punjab Agro and products manufactured by others; Voltas with the foreign company after per­ mission for the project was given by the \J) The export obligation will be ex­ Government. I must emphasise that no tended to 10 years instead of the * policy guidelines or framework of rules and usual 5 years for other such col- 239 5 t re: a Joint NOVEMBER 3,1988 Venture in Punjab 240

[Shri Jagdish Tytler] and stable incomes will be avail­ able to the farmers through cap­ taborations. The promoters have tive consumption. also agreed that the export activi­ ties can start immediately on ap­ proval; (15) The project will go long way in reducing the wastage of fruits and (8) Net foreign exchange earning will vegetables. equal to more than 5 times of the total foreign exchange outflow. (16) No foreign brand names will be This means that for every dollar used for domestic sales. that India spends in foreign ex­ change on this project, the com­ There has been seme confusion as to pany will ensure an export earn­ why the Covemment has allowed a foreign ing of 5 dollars; collaboration with M/s. Pepsico when (9) Imports will be totally according Coca Cola had been thrown out in 1977. to the existing policies of the Coca-Cola had been categorically asked by Covemment of India and will the Covemment to reduce its equity in In­ bear all custom duties as in vogue dia to 40% and also to manufacture the at the time of import; concentrate in India. This was told to the Coca-Cola people to remain in the country. tyO) The terms agreed to be PepsiCo in The corporation did not comply with these India are far better than their ex­ conditions but rather chose to stop their isting agreements with Russia, operations in India. It may be noted that China and various other coun­ these two conditions have been complied tries. In Russia and China they with by M/s. Pepsico. have an export-import ratio of 1:1 whereas in the case of India the The project will go a long way in diver­ ratio will be 5:1 as explained sifying agriculture in Punjab. This diversifi­ above. cation had been recommended by an Ex­ pert Committee which felt that the present (11) The Agro Research Centre to be agro-dimatic systems in Punjab were being established by Pepsico will func­ degraded due to repetitive use of land for tion in consultation with the ICAR cultivation of wheat and rice which have and Punjab Agricultural university, similar demands of water, nutrients, etc. Ludhiana. The area under horticultural crop in Punjab is only 1.9% against the national average of (12) Manufacture of soft-drink will be 6.25 . The Committee recommended that limited to only 25% of the total action should be initiated for increasing-the. turn-over of the project; area under horticultural crop to 6.25% of the total crop area by 2000 AD. The larger (13) The soft-drink concentrate will be diversification would naturally call for set- manufactured within the country „ ting up of downstream processing facilities and in a company in which ma­ which would provide incentives to the jority shares (60%) will be held by farmers for horticulture, lead them to better Indian companies. Both in Russia yields and distinguish between table and and China the finished concen­ processing varieties. It has been estimated trate is imported from their for­ that farm incomes which are in the region eign plants outside their country. of Rs. 7000 per hectare from cereab culti­ vation may jump to Rs. 15000 to 20000 per (14) Since the units under this pro­ hectare due to horticulture. Such compos­ posal will be set up in the State it­ ite projects will also go a long way in re-* self and have the backing of a ducing the immense wastage in fruits and State Covemment public sector vegetables. It has been estimated that on a corporation, it is hoped that the national basis we waste almost Rs. 3000 role of middlemen will be reduced crores worth of fruits and vegetables every 241 S t re: a Joint KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAM ) Venture in Punjab 242 year. I may also point out that India cur­ estimated that the new soft drink to be rently processes only 1.5% of th* total out­ launched will only be one of the smaller put of fruits and vegetables. shareholders. % Any apprehension that food processing There has been a note of caution from projects will deny fresh produce to the some quartets that the entry of multi-na- common man or result in higher prices is tionals into food processing has been probably misplaced. Productivity of fruits through some consultants and that it will and vegetables in India is very much below also lead to some kind of destabilisation. I international standard. It is for this reason would, first of all, jike to make it clear that that the Government of India has sepa­ no intermediate or agents or consultants rately announced a policy to permit import have been associated in this proposal. The of hybrid seeds. To give an example, India proposal was moved by a State Public Sec­ produces barely 7000 pineapples plants tor Corporation and the licence has been per hectare whereas Hawaii, I am told, given to them only. This proposal, like produces almost 17000 plants per hcctare. many others already sanctioned in the In Phillipines, for example, mango crops country, involves a joint venture proposal have been harvested for 9 months follow­ and a foreign elaboration. The Govern­ ing hormone treatment, whereas in our ment of India perceive it to be a proposal country we have a much shorter harvest which will upgrade food processing tech­ Besides such improvements, it is also im­ nology, increase rural incomes and rural portant to remember that fruit processing employment and also help in the export projects will initially utilise immense quan­ strategy of our country. I would only like to tities which are wasted every year. Gov­ mention at the end that we believe the ernment of India and now the Minister of strength and stability of our democracy Food Processing Industries have been fol­ and Government arises from the intrinsic lowing the policy of promoting foreign internal strength of our system. This cannot collaboration and joint ventures in food be endangered by any multi-national what­ processing. In the period between 1985 to soever. 1987, 20 such collaborations were allowed. Finally, I would like to draw your atten­ Member may be aware? that the soft- tion to Government's strong commitmeW drink industry is now delicensed. Indian to take development to the farm. A major­ companies, including those with less than ity of our population lives in rural areas and 40% foreign share holding, can be granted is occupied in agriculture. The Government permission to set up facilities for manufac­ is convinced that the removal of poverty turing soft-drink concentrates in the coun­ can only be achieved through rapid devel­ try. It has been estimated that the per opment of our agriculture. That is why we capita consumption of soft drinks is very have strongly supported the growth of low in India, compared to other markets. It food processing industries in rural areas. iSfthereforejtrue that there is a large scope The logic is simple yet innovative. Food for growth in this sector and significant processing adds value to our largest na­ growth has also been seen in the last tional investment: agriculture. The devel­ decade, the Indian market at present con­ opment of such industries will increase sumes close to 3000 million bottles. At its farm incomes, boost exports and benefit peak capacity, this project will produce the consumer. The proposed joint venture only about 20 to 25% of the existing man­ is a step in the right direction. Among the ufacture of soft drinks in the country. This advantages we see in it are:- will in no way disturb the existing market trends in the soft drink sector in our coun­ a) Growth of the domestic processed try where one group enjoys a monopoly of food industry; almost 60% and is followed by two other groups each commanding almost 15 to b) Access to the world markets for 20% of the market share. In a rapidly processed fruit and vegetable; growing market it can t 'therefore > be 243 Election to Committee NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Committee of Privelleges 244

c) Upgrade existing technology in Committee on Public Accounts of agriculture processing and packag­ this House for the unexpired portion ing to international standards. of the term of the Committee ending on the 30th April, 1989 vice Shri (Interruptions) Kalpnath Rai ceased to be a member of the Committee on his appoint­ SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE (Bolpur): ment as a Minister of State and do W e want a discussion on this. communicate to this House the name of the member so nominated MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: You can give no­ by Rajya Sabha." tice. I cannot allow now a discussion. You give notice, I will see. The motion was adopted

SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE. It will be allowed, I am sure. 12.23 hrs MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: If you give no­ tice, I will see. COM M ITTEE OF PRIVILEGES

SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: Notice Itflglish] has been given. Extension of Time for Presentation of MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Now we take up Report of the Committee next item. Shri Amal Datta.

SHRI JAGAN NATH KAUSHAL 12.22 hrs (Chandigarh): Sir, I beg to move: ELECTION TO COMMITTEE IEnglish1 "That this House do further ettend upto the last day of the first week of Public Accounts Committee the next session the time for the pre­ sentation of the Report of the Com­ SHRI AMAL DATTA (Diamond Harbour): mittee of Privileges in regard to alle­ Sir, I beg to move: gation made by Shri K.P. Un- nikrishnan, M.P., against the Minister "That this House do recommend to of state in the Ministry of Commerce Rajya Sabha that Rajya Sabha do (Shri Priya Ranjan Das Munsi) on agree to nominate a member from 10th December, 1987, during discus­ Rajya Sabha to associate with the sion on 'No Confidence Motion." Committee on Public Accounts of this House for the unexpired portion (Interruptions) of the term of the Committee ending on the 30th April, 1989 vice Shri Kalpnath Rai ceased to be a member of the Committee on hi? appoint­ PROF. M A D H U DANDAVATE (Rajapur): ment as a Minister of State £hd do You put it in the next Lok Sabha. communicate to this House the (Interruptions) name of the member so nominated by Rajya Sabha.” SHRI G.M. BANATWALLA (Ponnani): You drop this Motion altogether. Ask him MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: The question is: to withdraw it.

T h a t this House do recommend toMR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: It is for you two Rajya Sabha that Rajya Sabha* do ? to decide. \ cannot do anything, agree to nominate a member from Rajya Sabha to associate with the (Interruptions) 245 Matter Under Rule 377 KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAXA) Matter Under Rule 377 246

MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: The question is: and encephalitis etc. They are prevalent in the epidemic form in eastern parts of Uttar Th a t this House do further extend Pradesh, specially in Gorakhpur division. upto the last day of the first week of About 2000 people have been admitted in the next session the time for the pre­ the hospitals and thousands of people sentation of the Report of the Com­ have fallen victims to these epidemics. mittee of Privileges in regard to alle­ Considering the severity of this epidemic, gation made by Shri K.P. Un- the Health Ministers of the State and the nikrishnan, M.P., against the Minis­ Central Government have visited the area ter of State in the Ministry of Com­ twice. Inspite of providing medical facili­ merce (Shri Priya Ranjan Das Munsi) ties, tKere is no let up. Perhaps both causes on 10th December, 1987, during dis­ and the cure of this epidemic are not yet cussion on 'N o Confidence Motion*. known.

The motion was adopted I would request that immediate steps should be taken to implement the Research Project sponsored by the Gorakhpur Medi­ 12.241b rs. cal College and researchers may be sent there from other parts of the country also BUSINESS ADVISORYXOMMITTEE o find out the causes as well as cure of this epidemic and make arrangement to fight /English] this menace. Sixtieth Report [English] THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ (ii) Need to upgrade the Agricul­ ISTRY OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AN D tural Research Complex at Ell*. MINISTER OF STATE IN TH E PRIME M IN ­ Old Goa, into a full-fledged ISTER'S OFFICE (SHRIMATI SHEILA DIK- institute SHIT): I beg to move:

'That this House do agree with the SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK (Panaji): In­ Sixtieth Report of the Business Advi­ dian Council of Agricultural Research have a sory Committee presented to the Research Complex in Goa since 1976. .It is House on the 2nd November, 1988." under the administrative control of Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Kas- MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: The question is: sargod.

"That this House do agree with the Initially for want of proper land and Sixtieth Report of the Business Advi­ building, research activities were carried on sory Committee presented to the at Goa Government's farms and on farms House on the 2nd November, 1988." of private persons. Since 1982, the com­ plex has been shifted to Ella, Old Goa, oc­ The motion was adopted cupying an area of 19.6 hectares on which research is being carried on and an addi­ 12.25 hrs. tional 34.4 hectares which has been made available to the complex by Goa Govern­ MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 ment in 1987, on which research activities [TranslationI are to be commenced. (i) Steps needed to check dengu fever and encephalitis in Goa is now a full-fledged State and Gorakhpur division of U.P. hence in place of a mere research complex SHRI MADAN PANDEY (Gorakhpur): headed by a Deputy Director, the State is Hon. Deputy Speaker, Sir, many parts of entitled to have a full-fledged institute headed by a Director and other requisite the country are in the grip of dengu fever 247 Matter Under Rule 377 NOVEMBER 3,1988 Matter Under Rule 377 248

machinery. It is also not just and proper duty, reduction on scrap, that the research complex of one full- exemption from excise duty and fledged State should be under the adminis­ modvat facility to mini steel units trative control of an Institute functioning in should be implemented without another State. Goa has neither an Agricul­ any further delay. tural University nor even a college. (iv) Need to check illegal felling of In the circumstances, Union Ministry of trees in the Country particu­ Agriculture should take immediate steps to larly in Orissa upgrade the said Agricultural Complex at Ella, old Goa, into a full-fledged Institute. SHRI RADHAKANTA DIGAL (Phulbani): Large scale smuggling of timber in Orissa (iii) Need to take steps to help the has assumed threatening proportion. Tim ­ engineering industry in the ber, teak, piasal and rosewood are smug­ country to overcome the crisis gled out regularly from the forests in con­ caused due to shortage of raw nivance with a section of forest authorities. materials, etc. Despite illegal felling of trees, authorities remain apathetic. They ignore such goings DR. KRUPASINDHU BH OI (Sambalpur): on since the smugglers maintain close ties Engineering industry in the country is in at high levels. According to an estimate 58 precarious condition. The engineering units per cent of the forest in Balangir district are facing crisis due to shortage of raw ma­ alone has been destroyed. Forest in a large terials, low capacity utilisation and financial area in Phulbani district has been de­ constraints. The continuing shortage of stroyed too. In many areas of the State logs steel is playing havoc with this industry. are burnt for manufacturing Charcoal which is sold at Rs. 40 to Rs. 50 per bag. Huge Most foundaries in the Western region Stocks of timber worth several lakhs of ru­ are languishing as supply of pig iron has pees which is lying in depot is being de­ not been adequate and regular. The full re­ stroyed by worms. Besides, timber is often quirement supply scheme of Government carried away in bullock-carts and trucks in of India has a drawback as specific re­ connivance with a section of forest de­ quirement of industries for thinner or partment authorities and often transported thicker coils of particular sizes are not met by boats through the Mahanadi. According due to which the units had to make huge to one estimate, the State is losing forest financial arrangements in advance in a products worth Rs. 100 crores every year short time. Many mini steel plants are owing to natural or man-made fires. heading towards sickness due to scarcity of melting scrap and rising cost of scrap in in­ The unabated felling of trees has an ad­ ternational market. verse effect on ecology in State, resulting in recurring floods, drought and other natural I would like to suggest to Government calamities. The farmers suffer on account of to take the following immediate measure large scale degradation of forests. I, there­ so that the engineering units overcome the fore, urge upon the Government of India to crisis situation:-- issue necessary instructions to the State Governments in this regard and save the (1) The Steel Authority of India Ltd. forests from destructions. should change the present distribution pattern of scarce raw material through different (v) Need to increase the quota of schemes instead of producing edible to Maharashtra a more to improye the availability of indigenous steel; and SHRI SHARAD DIGHE (Bombay North Central): The State of Maharashtra is a (2) The proposal to consider fiscal in­ deficit State, so far as edible oil is con­ centives in the form of import cerned. In Maharashtra, groundnut oil is 249 Matter Under Rule 377 KARTIKA12,1910 (SAM) Matter Under Rule 377 250 the main cooking medium and the re­ the timings and increased the coverage of quirement of this oil is mostly met from the time for both Nilanchal and Delhi-Puri Ex­ other surplus States such as Gujarat, Tamil press trains. Nadu and Karnataka through normal trade channels. Besides this, the Government of It is distressing that the Railway Ministry India allots imported edible oil on monthly have withdrawn a number of trains passing basis. Till July 1988, the monthly allocation through Orissa which is causing much in­ of edible oil was 11,000 M.Ts. From August convenience to the passengers. In the dis­ 1988, the Central Government has in­ trict of Baleshwar an agitation is £oing on creased the allocation by 2500 M.Ts. against the new railway timings and with­ drawal of the trains. Maharashtra State is the most urbanised State in the Country where about 35 per I urge upon the Railway Minister to re­ cent of the population stays in cities. The store the old timings and time coverage of requirement of this urban agglomeration Nilanchal and Delhi Express. I also urge would be estimated at 7,600 M.Ts. per upon the Government to restore the trains month if the allocation is kept at 2 Kgs. for that have been withdrawn. each card holder and the requirement of rural areas will be about 10,600 M.Ts. per month in case-allocation is 1 Kg. per card. Thus, the total requirement of the State is (vii) ^ Need to urgently set right the 18,000 M.Ts.' as against the present alloca­ telephone system in Tamil tion of 13,500 M.Ts. The allocation from Nadu the Central Government is thus much less than the requirement of the State. I urge SHRI KADAMBUR JANARTHANAN upon the Central Government to increase (Tirunelveli): As the telephone system in it to 18,000 M.Ts. many parts of Tamil Nadu is almost non­ functional, various telephone users' associ­ ations made repeated representations (vi) Need to restore the old through telegrams and memoranda to the timings of Nilanchal and Delhi- Department and also to the Ministry of Puri Express trains and resto­ Communications. But there has been no ration of withdrawn trains improvement. passing through Orissa Frustrated, telephone users' associa­ SHRI BRAJAMOHAN M O H A N TY (Puri): tions in many parts of Tamil Nadu resorted The new railway timings introduced from to bandhs, dharnas and processions in 1st November 1988 are very much incon­ large number in many district headquarters. venient to the passengers going from Delhi Bandhs were total success and peaceful. to Bhubaneswar and back. The time cover­ Though in some cities like Tirunelveli and ages of Nilanchal and Delhi-Puri Express Dindigul, law and order situation was has been increased by more than 2 hours about to deteriorate but it was controlled than the earlier time coverage. The timings by the VIPs leading the procession. of starting of these trains from Delhi and Puri are also very inconvenient. Now these Thereafter they filed writ petitions in the trains have been shifted from New Delhi High Court. Railway Station to Nizamuddin Railway Sta­ tion which is also inconvenient. As a matter The High Court have restrained the of fact the Members of Parliament from Telecommunications Department from Orissa had categorically expressed their collecting the telephone bills and discon­ views while discussing with the hon. Rail­ necting them for non-payment, as the plea way Minister that this change will not be of the telephone users was justified. I, convenient and existing arrangement is therefore, urge upon the Ministry of Com­ better and should continue. It is unfortu­ munications to intervene urgently to set nate that the Railway Ministry has changed right the telephone system in Tamil Nadu. 251 S t Resl. re: Approval NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Proclamation in 252 of President relation to Punjab (viii) Need to enquire into the role SHRI THAM PAN TH O M A S (Mavelikara): of Bhakra Management Board Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, as I told yester­ in releasing water without any day, I reiterate that the Punjab problem can pre-warning during recent only be solved by a political solution. In floods in Punjab. finding out a political solution of the prob­ lem, the approach of the Prime Minister as SHRI BALWANT SINGH RAMOOWALIA well as the Government of India is not at (Sangrur): TJiere has been a widespread all practical and no efforts have been made devastation in Punjab due to recent floods. to see that this matter is settled politically. More than 697 people died, 184 are miss­ ing and almost 5,000 villages are com­ Even in the matter of discussing with pletely marooned. The floods have directly the political parties belonging to the O p - affected 43 lakh people, more than 1 lakh pbsition, no conference with concrete sug­ houses have been destroyed and 80,000 gestions on the part of the Govemment-so heads of cattle killed. 152 main roads and that the representatives of the Opposition 2,333 link roads have been damaged in the parties who participate in such meetings State. The paddy crop worth Rs. 150 crores can make suggestions, improvements or and cotton crop worth Rs. 35 crores have contributions there-has been called. What been completely damaged. The floods in has Prime Minister done? Whenever a Punjab were not only a natural calamity but conference was called, he had asked for it was a man-made one also. suggestions from the Opposition. It is the primary duty of the Government to see that The Bhakara Management Board first the problem is solved and not forgotten by deposited water up to 1685 ft. against the 1 it. In one of the statements with regard to general practice of 1680 ft. and then re­ Punjab, which he made, he said, "I find no leased it without giving any prior warning body to talk to on the Punjab problem." to the people. It resulted in adding 5 to 7 This is the statement by the Prime Minister lakh cusecs of more water to the rain wa- at one time: " I find nobody to talk to. With ter-particulariy in Districts of Hoshiarpur, whom, I will talk and solve the problem?" Ludhiana, Jallandhar, Kapurthala, Fer- ozepur, Gurdaspur, Amritsar, Sangrur and If the Prime Minister talked in that Bhatinda. manner, what is the leadership of this country? If he finds that there is nobody to I demand that a relief of Rs. 2,000 talk about this problem, how can the crores may be given to the people of Pun­ problem be solved? Can he not talk to the jab and all outstanding loans up to Rs. opposition and other pojitical parties with 5,000 be written off. A judicial inquiry concrete suggestions? should be conducted in the role of BMB and new norms for compensation to the Shri Buta Singh in an interview to the flood-affected people should be evolved. ■ Calcutta press recently said that the prob­ lem has to be solved politically and that he 12.39 hrs. would discuss this problem with the oppo­ sition parties, but nothing of that sort has STATUTORY RESOLUTION RE: APPROVAL been done. When the Prime Minister made OF C O N TIN U A N C E IN FORCE OF PRESI­ a speech on 31st October from the ram­ DENT'S PROCLAMATION IN RELATION parts of the Red Fort, he said that the op­ TO THE STATE OF PUNJAB-Cbnfd position parties are the enemies of the country. From that his attitude towards the [English I opposition parties is very clear. Further, he said that whosoever opposes the Congress MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: The House will Party, opposes the nation. Is he or the now take up further discussion on the res­ Congress Party an embodiment of the olution moved by Shri Buta Singh orr 2nd State? Why should he think. in terms November 1988. Shri Thampan Thomas of the State? Why should he think in terms can continue. anything to save their lives. I do not know 253 St. ffes/. re: Approval KARTIKA 12,1910 [SAKA) Proclamation'in 254 of President relation to Punjab o t-l am the State, I am the emperor? If we there is the Punjab problem and it can only are moving in that fashion, there cannpt be be solved if there is a strong Centre under a political solution for the Punjah/problem. their leadership, otherwise their lives and Whatever may be the strength of the re­ property would not be safe and all that. spective parties in the Parliament, the fact Therefore, I doubt very much whether the remains that we are equal partners in the Government is sincere in finding a solution task of nation building and the political par­ to this problem, because their attitude on ties have to be taken into confidence and this issue has been in that manner only. every reasonable and workable suggestion has to be given due weightage. However, it Has the President's rule imposed in is clear that no efforts have been made in Punjab made any improvement in the dete­ this direction and the attitude of the Prime riorating law and order situation in the Minister has stood in the way of solving State? Though many operations like Black this problem. Thunder etc. have been( undertaken, the terrorists have retaliated with double force. In fact, the Congress Party and the At one time, there was a feeling that the Government want to keep this issue alive terrorist activities were coming down, but as an election strategy. They want to get the following table of terrorist killings in votes from the other States by saying that Punjab would show that this is not so:

Month 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988

January 1 4 2 24 63 143

February 3 35 3 22 41 141

March 5 17 2 26 65 265

April 3 44 9 32 80 214

May 3 50 11 37 71 340

June 3 77 5 42 74 422

These figures show that the terrorist catch the cat. They have no idea where it is killings have been on the increase. and how to find out. They have no solution to this problem. The Government must This House gave full powers to the have the will and determination to solve it. Government to deal with the situation. We But I find that there is lack of bonafides in passed the Anti-Terrorist Act, but the Gov­ them to say it frankly. If the Government is ernment forgot to frame the rules for four­ serious and sincere, they should invite all teen months. With whom does the lapse the opposition parties for a discussion and lie? The Parliament passes an Act to deal we are prepared to help. I attended the with the situation, but the Government first conference which was convened by forgets to frame the rules and implement the Home Minister; I represented my them. There are many other things like party. that. The Fifty-ninth Constitutional Amendment Bill was also passed without We are prepared to go to Punjab, in fact any protect. You said that you would create our representatives went there. You kn6w an atmosphere in Punjab which would help the killings were not only of the Cong. (1) to contain the problem. But what has hap­ people or of the Hindus, the people of all pened? Nothing. My submission is that the the communities were attacked by the ter­ Government is moving in the darkness to rorists and the Government could not do 255 S t ResL re: Approval NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Proclamation in 256 of President relation to Punjab SHRI NARAYAN CHOUBEY (Midna- [Shri Thampan Thomas] pore): What does this 'banana' mean? in what direction this Government is mov­ ing or thinking. [ Translation] It is admitted that this terrorist activity is not only restricted to India but it has SHRI THAM PAN TH O M AS: Banana is spread all over the world. This destabilisa­ 'Kela'. It is repeatedly said that we have to tion effort is going on all over the world. If build. What is to be built? We have to build you look at Punjab or Sri Lanka or for that the nation, it will never happen. What to matter anywhere else, you will see that do? somebody is prompting and promoting people to get training in the terrorist activi­ [English I ties in order to destabilise a country. Now, here comes the role of the foreign policy. We are called by other countries as In what way the Government should face 'banana', 'Kela' the one which we eat. The such a situation? A Government which is Government is not doing anything to build bound to settle this issue ought to have the nation as one. I would say that the taken the path of a dialogue. If dialogue is Congress Government has failed in this re­ not possible than it should have gone on to gard. the next step. Has there been a concrete dialogue on this issue? The Pakistan border Now, when they talk about the foreign was said to be closed. Has it been effec­ hands, I think there comes the case of tively done? Many a people still escape to Pepsi Cola. Pepsi Cola is a concern whose Pakistan, get training there, come back to involvement in such activities elsewhere is India and then try to destabilise our nation. well known. The Governments has given The same thing happened in Pathankot. the authority to the Pepsi Cola to run its They are taking care of one or the other factory in Punjab. What effect will it have area. So, I would say that it is a failure on on the terrorist activities' and the spread of the part of the Government to formulate indiscipline and other disruptive activities the foreign policy and also a failure in their in Punjab? Will it be on the increase or on way to condemn such activities. If appro­ the decrease? The Government has com­ priate steps had been taken to tackle this, mitted a mistake in that. The Punjab agri­ it would have been reflected in the interna­ culturists no doubt want to process their tional situation. The United Kingdom of­ fruits, anyway I do not want to go into the fered help to India in containing the ter­ details of that. From the political angle I rorism. The U.K. Government said: "W e would say that the multi-nationals want our will cooperate with you in this matter but country as a market place for their desta­ come forward". Did you go forward? Then bilisation efforts and the Government has we heard that the terrorists are being given licence to the Pepsi Cola. trained in Canada. What steps have you taken to see that this training is not given Therefore, if we look at the problems, to the people? What steps have you taken we find that the Government has failed in to see that the foreign money is not flown all respects. Only one golden line is left to our country which helps in the destabil­ and that is, that the people of Punjab are ising efforts of these terrorists? Sir, in all for one nation. They do not support Khalis- these respects, no proper evaluation has tan. It has become a slogan of only a been done. The Prime Minister has the handful of persons whom the Government habit of saying, "Hamein banana hai", and could not detect or identify. It is amply this 'banana' has got a new meaning now. clear that the people of Punjab are not Now, people all over the world are saying supporting this Khalistan Movement. If that India is a 'Banana Republic'. I don't only they are behind it, the situation would think that the Government is in a mood to not have been like this. So, the only silver settle this issue. You are doing all sorts of lining is that the people are not with them. things and the people outside are calling But still, the Government could not tackle you as a 'Banana Republic'. the problem. * 257 St. Res/. re: Approval KARTIKA12,1910 (SAKA) Proclamation in 258 of President relation to Punjab In the police force, there is a lot ot in­ Yesterday I was going through a maga­ fighting. Why should Shri Chaman Lai re­ zine viz. 'India Today'. There is an article sign and go away? The Home Minister concerning Punjab in it. It has been stated should tell us the reason for these bicker- • therein that a shopkeeper from Madhya ings in the police force. Secondly, what is Pradesh has put up a notice viz. 'N o sales the Intelligence Wing of the police doing? on credit till Punjab problem is solved'. It Could they detect anything in advance and implies that he thinks that Punjab problem plan action accordingly? Only after certain will not be solved and he will not have to happenings, they would say that they have sell his goods on credit. This is a very put police pickets and so on. There are so painful situation and the whole country, many intelligence agencies such as the especially Punjab has to face this painful RAW, the CBI. etc. Has there been a single situation. But Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, instance when they could tell you that such what should be- done about it. Our col­ and such thing is going to happen and such leagues in Opposition allege that Govern­ and such action should be taken? ment is doing nothing to solve this prob­ lem and they also do not want that Presi­ The President's Rule is not the remedy dent's rule should be continued there for a to solve the Punjab problem. It has to be longer spell. Then, what is the solution? solved politically and you have to discuss The opposition parties do not offer any with the other opposition political parties suggestion. They plead that Government and come out with more concrete proposi­ should discuss Punjab problem with them. tions with bona fide intentions. I also agree that the Government should talk to them on Punjab problem but what [Translation I has to be discussed? The Parliament forum is open to all of us. If they have got any SHRI ZAINUL BASHER (Ghazipur): Hon. formula to solve the Punjab problem then Deputy-Speaker, Sir. Punjab problem still the same should be placed before this fo­ remains serious. We have been discussing rum. But I am sorry to state that when dis­ Punjab situation in this House after short cussion was held about Punjab last time, intervals for the past several years and it is no hon. Member of any opposition party still not known for how many times we had put forward any formula to solve the shall be discussing the same. Punjab problem. They only talk about holding discussions with them but nobody spells out the basis or formula which Terrorists game is still on in Punjab and should fo»vn basis of discussion. So far as we get news daily that people sometime the Government is-concerned, they have less and sometime more are killed every made every possible effort. The Govern­ day. They are murdered. At present we do ment, especially the Prime Minister, had not find any large-scale reaction in the signed Punjab Accord immediately after country perhaps because people of this coming into power. Elections were also country have become accustomed to ter­ held in Punjab. Akali Dal Government was rorist incidents in Punjab. When the people formed after election but that Government are murdered on large scale even then no also could not tackle the Punjab problem significant protest is made. I can recoilect effectively. The Government elected by the that when 25-30 people used to be killed, people of the Punjab was formed by the great hue and cry was raised in this August Akali Dal which itself was divided into House and members used to condemn the splinter groups. They started quarreling incidents of Punjab in highly agitated tone among themselves. and demand discussion on the topic but now people are killed in large numbers and such reaction .is nowhere visible. Should As a result of their quarrels they were we take it that we are compromising with unable to solve the Punjab problems unit­ the present situation in Punjab and no ef­ edly. The situation kept on deteriorating fective steps are being taken to change the day by day. We never doubted the inten­ present situation. tions of Bamala who was the Chief Minis- 259 S t ResL re: Approval NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Proclamation in 260 of President relation to Punjab happens then we should hold talks with [Shri Zaimul Basher] that Government. Many encouraging ter of that time and of course he tried his statement have been attributed to Ms. best. We appreciated his efforts and also Benzir Bhutto, a leader of the Pakistan supported him but he also remained un­ people's party and we should make use of successful. Akali Dal too did not stand by them. him and he could not accomplish the task. Compelled by the circumstances, Presi­ [English] dent's rule had to be imposed. Efforts were definitely made during President's rule to MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr. Basher, do provide protection to the people of Punjab you want to continue? and eliminate the increasing terror because of terrorists activities in Punjab and to their SHRI ZAINUL BASHER: I will continue increasing power. I am glad that the Cov­ my speech after lunch, Sir. emment has definitely achieved success in it and now morale of terrorists is not high MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: We now adjourn but rather low. Their fire power has also for lunch, and will reassemble at 2 p.m. been reduced many dreaded terrorists have been captured and action has also been The Lok Sabha adjourned for lunch till Four­ taken against them. But still some incidents teen of the Qock do take place daily and it is essential to The Lok Sabha re-assembled after Lunch at check them. five minutes pa?t Fourteen of the dock

A vital point which had already come to [M r. Deputy Speaker in the Chair] light was that our neighbour country Pak­ STATUTORY RESOLUTION RE: APPROVAL istan provides training to terrorists, helps OF CONTINUANCE IN FORCE OF PRESI­ them, and they can conveniently cross over DENT'S PROCLAMATION IN RELATION to this side and then return after indulging TO THE STATE OF PUNJAB- Confc/. in nefarious activities. The Covemment took steps in this direction also and dis­ [Translation] cussed it with Pakistan Government as well. Earlier, there was military rule in Pak­ SHRI ZAINUL BASHER: Mr. Deputy istan. Ncftv situation has tal.^n some turn Speaker, Sir, the situation is really very and elections are going to be held in Pak­ critical. What else colild be done under istan. It is hoped that democratic Govern­ these circumstances? No othpr alternative ment will come into power there. Our than to extend the President's Rule seems Government should discuss the matter in sight at the moment. However, It will with that Government. Military administra­ not be proper to extend the President's tion in Pakistan always incited the people Rule even for a day more than it is re­ against India because of their domestic quired. Under the prevailing circumstances problems. There was a demand for demo­ in Punjab, President's Rule seems to be the cratic Government in that country. In order only alternative. Several of our hon. Mem­ to divert the attention of the people from bers suggested that a political solution to that demand Pakistan Government used to the problem should be found through create problems for India. starting fresh dialogue, but whom should the Government.talk to and resolve the is­ 13.00 hrs. sue. >o-aay there is no person of Sant Lon- gowal Stature who commands full confi­ dence of the people in Punjab and with It is our experience that whenever a whom negotiation coqld be initiated. find democratic Government came into power 1 that the Government's position has been in Pakistan, our relations have been better reduced to a position from where it li as compared to those in the military rule. groping in the dark to find a right person to W e should hope that a democratic Gov­ start a dialogue. It is in a dilemma whether ernment will be formed in Pakistan. If it 261 S t ResL re: Approval KARTIKA12,1910 (SAKA) Proclamation in 262 of President relation to Punjab to talk to the Akali Dal of Mr. Bamala or this. During the last few days, the Hon. Mr. ftadal or any other fractions of Akali Prime Minister visited the flood affected ar Dal. It is also doubtful whether they could eas to take stock of the flood situation in be successful to persuade the militants to Punjab. We viewed in Doordarshan that give up violence or should we hold talks people of all sections came close to the direct with the teirerfcts themselves who Prime Minister and one could gather im­ have created a reign of terror and havoc pression from the faces of the people that through out the State by their gory deeds they wanted a permanent solution to the and till now innocent women and children Punjab problem. Nobody wants that the and labourers hailing from Bihar and Uttar prevailing situation should continue. It was., Pradesh are being killed. They do not hesi­ therefore, a commendable steps to tak£ tate to kill these people. I am of the view the people of Punjab into confidence. Th^ that the Government finds itself in a very Government will proceed further in this di­ helpless position as to whom to talk to so rection. If the people of all sections: in that the Punjab problem could be solved. Punjab will restore confidence in the Gov­ Our opposition parties often talk of finding ernment of India, the Punjab problem will a political solution to the problem. Let gradually lead towards a solution. them say as to the political party with which a dialogue could be initiated, so far my vision goes, I do not find a person or Sometime ago the action taken by the organisation with whom the Government Government against the terrorists deserves could hold talks and achieve some success. all’ praise. The Government also did a commendable job by imposing a ban on I do not know what the Government bringing arms and ammunition into the has in its mind and what its line of thinking Golden temple and removing weapons is. When we come to know from newspa­ pil^d up in the temple campus. The Punjab pers that the Government proposes to police, which was once used to be criti­ hold talks with Shri Mann, Shri Rode or cised for acting in a lop sided manner and Shri Prakash Singh Badal, only then we intrusion of terrorists into its rank and file start making our own assessments that at has improved its image to a great extent present there is not such a person or or­ due to efforts of the Government of Punjab ganisation or any such power in Punjab and the Ministry of Home Affairs. We find with which talks could be held successfully. that now the morale of the police has gone Nevertheless, holding negotiation is the up. We came to know about a very unfor­ best way of finding a solution to this prob­ tunate situation the news about which has lem. The Government had initiated a dia­ appeared in the newspapers. The Inspec­ logue with Sant Longowal who was a great tor General of Punjab. Police (Border), Shri personality and who also commanded the Chaman Lai took leave, called for a press highest popularity. It was expected that he conference under extra-ordinary circum­ could be able to take people belonging to stances and said that he is taking these all sections in Punjab alongwith him. An steps as Shri Rode was not prevented from Accord was signed with him and the hap­ entering into the Golden Temple. I am not penings that took place thereafter have aware what is the code of conduct for the none become things of history only. Now a Senior Officers. Was it proper for a officer very peculiar situation prevails there. I of the Inspector General's rank to act in would like that negotiations must be held such a manner? It lowered the morale of with the persons or organisations if it is the police. I do not know the situation that hoped tbat they will bear some fruit. One led him to take such step but the way the thing I see and would like to applaude the officer behaved-was not at all behpvefijl. It Government that during the past few days was also not in keeping with the Punjab it has taken the people of Punjab into con­ situation. fidence. The Government has established direct contact with the people. I have a Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would like to word of praise for the Government of Pun­ suggest that an atmosphere should not be jab and the Ministry of Home Affairs for allowed to be created in Punjab which will 263 S t Resl. re: Approval NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Proclamation in 264 of President relation to Punjab [Shri Zainul Basher] (EnglishI

DR. G S DHILLON (Ferozepur): I rise to make the people of Punjab believe that support tliis Statutory Resolution. I do not democratic* processes will be withhold intend to disagree with the reasons given, there. Every effort should be make to hold but I am quite reluctant at the same time election for the Legislative Assembly in not because that I disagree with the aims Punjab as early as possible. and objects of the fourth extension of the President's rule but because of the position or situation it has created in Punjab. I am of the opinion that Governor's rule or Presi­ A popular Government should be dent's rule is not substitute for a popular or formed there. If not now, it may be exam­ an elected House or a popular Ministry. ined if a popular Government could be We could tolerate it once, we could toler­ formed there *after two to three months, ate it second time, we could tolerate it for even if it involves a little risk. We should the third time. Now we are tolerating for take the people of the State into confi­ dence and hold elections to Punjab Legisla­ the fourth time. Then I see that there seems to be no other alternative. I sin­ tion Assembly at the earliest. The people of cerely wish that during the coming. six Punjab should not be made accustomed to months there could he an improvement iii President's rule. The people of Punjab the overall political situation in the Punjab. should not be allowed to form a concept But as I see, the terrorist activities are on that President's rule has been impose^ the increase, more killings, more shooting there for an indefinite period and there is in the buses, more shooting at the places no alternative to it. If we want to take the of gathering, I feel quite a bit depressed. As people of the State into confidence, if we I have seen, after Barnala Government dis­ want to create a sense of security in the missal, the more I have seen the more I minds of the people, we should not keep have experienced that the situation is as the democratic process suspended for long worse as it was I think, that was wrong and hold the elections in Punjab at the ear­ step. liest. At the same time, every possible step should be taken to stamp out ihe terrorists PROF. M A D H U DANDAVATE (Rajapur): w ith mil force. Tliere are no two opinions Then you withdraw it with retrospective that the Government is acting on these effect. lines in Punjab and there is a need and DR. G.S. D H ItLO N : It is my individual scope for doing more. It K lejrnt that the opinion, the opinion of a person who terrorises attacked the labourers coming comes from border area. It was really a from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Whatever very great step when t!«o Accord between number of labourers come to Punjab trom Sant Lon^owal and Mr. R.ijit Gandhi was other State, they rome due to their difficul­ considered and accepted. Mr. Saifuddin ties, their poverty and their unemployment. Chowdhary yest«rdav ioadt certain refer­ These people work hard, fight ihis situation ences to wnat Mr. Bhatia said - I am quite and earn their livelihood. They are also happy he (Mr. Chowdhary) has come. being assaulted. The Government should When the Accord came into force, the elec­ take effective steps to check assaults on tions that took place under that Accord them and provide security to these people. were for the whole Akali Dal. There was no With these words, I support the Resolution UAD, there were none others Badal, Surjit concerning extension of President's Rule in Singh Barnala and all others tougnt to­ Punjab for a further period of six months. gether under the good atmosphere created At the same time, I request that efforts by the Longowal-Rajiv Candhi Accord. I see should be made to ensure that democratic that the Accords everywhere - whether it processes are not suspended for a longer was Assam or Sri Lanka or Mizoram - etc. period in Punjab and. elections are held to Started well, but as it progressed it ran into the Punjab Legislative Assembly at the ear­ trouble - all the Accords met almost the liest possible. same fate...(Interruptions). Now after the 265 St. Resl. re: Approval KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Proclamation in 266 of President relation to Punjab elections, I sincerely assure the House, as I cause I am from that area which is their said last time, that I had never felt any time hiding place?" more happy at the success of our Opposi­ tion parties than at the time of the Accord. SHRI BALWANT SINCH RAMOOWALIA We almost gave them the seat on a platter. (Sangrur): I have never read in any news­ Mr. Ramoowalia, you need not worry about paper that Major Singh said that he was it. I am very definite that after all, those one of the smugglers. people who have been fighting against us, will then be in a position fo come out with DR. G.S. DHILLON: So, I said he was some sort of solution. Instead of thinking one of those people who lived in border about the future and welfare of Punjab and area. I am also one of the people who live the solution, they started quarrelling over in Amritsar District. one issue - who is number one in their party and who is number two in the party, SHRI BALWANT SINCH RAMOOWALIA: there were two number ones and two That may be.... number twos and due to their rivalry and inner party fighting, the whole atmosphere DR. G.S. DHILLON: He told me also that was created under the Accord, almost that he belonged to that area. He was one collapsed. Badal wanted to be the Chief of the people who lived in that area. What Minister, Barnala wanted to be the Chief is wrong about it Mr. Ramoowalia? What is Minister; Balwant Singh wanted to be the wrong? second man, another gentleman wanted to become the second man, and poor Sant SHRI BALWANT SINCH RAMOOWALIA: Longowal was put in a very embarrassing Nothing wrong. I also belong to that area. position. So, he, as the head of the then Akali Dal, chose Barnala as the leader of DR. G.S. DHILLON: Now, if they do the party and Balwant Singh as number something wrong in my district I will not two and took some Ministers from Badal renounce my right to live in that district for group and some from Barnala group and that reason. I am one of the persons who they started functioning. In the meanwhile, live in that area. Now, Mr. Badal and oth­ when they were functioning, and when we ers formed their own Akali Dal and the thought it might come to a smooth sailing, other people created their own Akali Dal. three Ministers started creating trouble. But in spite of that, Barnala Government Basant Singh Khalsa, Harbhajan Singh and had the majority and as I already said it Major Singh. There were some charges of was a. miscalculation or some sort of mis- smuggling and comjption. But I was sur­ appraisal to dismiss them. Whatever you prised when I heard about the interesting feel, the Barnala Government had to quit, reply given by two of the then Ministers rather his Government was dismissed. who were later on dropped. They were Even if the Assembly was kept in sus­ unfortunately from my own district, Amrit­ pended animation and if it had to be con­ sar. tinued or something like that, there could be some restoration of popular Govern­ ment later on. But there was a complete dismissal. There was no hope to revive and continue the Government. I had to realise S. Major Singh said that he had voters , it more because of the recent floods. I from among smugglers also to help him be­ toured both the districts in August and cause on the Pakistan border a majority of again during last week. I toured those the people are like that. He said, "I also do places for 10 days in the flood affected area seek their help. I belong to that of Ferozepur. People there are most un­ area...(lnterryptions). And the other Mr. happy. There are no MLAs to whom they Harbhajan Singh said that he was from the can approach and tell their grievances. Af­ Beas-bank-Mand area: He said, "wfiat can I ter all there is one MP representing 8 MLA do against the terrorists if they live in my constituencies. Where can he go there ev­ area and if they mix with the people be- erywhere? He has to go to some areas and 267 S t ResL re: Approval NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Proclamation in 268 of President relation to Punjab [Or. G.S. Dhillon] has been reinstated. But when Rode was appointed Jathedar, he was not appointed some officials and listen to them. The peo­ Jathedar by the SGPC. The SGPC is an ple put up their complaints before him and elected body to control all the Gurucfyvaras the officials. But that is something which I at various places. But if a few people gather found not quite disappointing. But it was in a community of twelve to thirteen mil­ here that I found that MLAs should have lion people, if half a lakh people gather or been there and the popular Government if 20,000 people or even lesser number should have been there. If there is anybody gather, they give to it the name of Sarbat happy over the President's rule, it is the Khalsa. 'Sarbat' means 'all'. And then be bureaucracy. (Rode) went in to Akal Takhat. It was a sight to see the pictures in various papers, Sir, I was surprised that some of the Sardar Prakash Singh Badal and all specially Secretaries, as you will see and read in going to the Golden Temple, to the Akal Punjab papers, in the last three or four Takt, with siropas and garlands and all that, months or even longer period, they go for vying with each other as to who garlands opening ceremony of some functions here him first. It was only Surjit Singh Bamala or some functions there. Previously, the who did not take any notice of it, he did Ministers used to go there for opening cer­ not like that type of restoration or corona­ emony of such functions. tion or whatever they call. These people had demonstrated against the Government Now, the bureaucrats have become saying 'Why are you preventing the pil­ honourable persons to perform the open­ grims and people coming in from outside? ing ceremonies. You will find in the news They should be free to come in. Who is the papers and 'Honourable' so and so, Secre­ Government to prevent them? But one re­ tary of Development Department or the sult achieved after the Operation Black Honourable Additional Chief Secretary or Thunder was that with this combination of :-o jn d so will declare open the function. a few people or a few thousands of people, \ll the hon. Ministers are replaced by the lots of earlier assurers were thrown out of Honourable' Secretaries. Now the big the picture. By whorn? This SGPC which is word 'honourable* is written like that. So, headed by Guru Tohra along %ve are living under these 'honourables' with Badal and other groups took up the position that it is only the SGPC which is * * now. The Governor himseif and. his wife the only authority who can appoint the nave been running about from one place to another. They have been sharing the mis­ Head of the Akal lakht. And they ap­ pointed the present man. He was earlier eries of the people there. They visits the dependents-of the people whose family made to run away by the so-called Sarbat rne’nbers were killed by the terrorists. He Khalsa people functioning as a panthic has been going round the flood affected ar­ Committee. He had just left. So, when the eas and all places effected by the calamity. SGPC has given him the assurance, he has come back. Now the position has been re­ stored that SGPC is the supreme body, One thing I have felt is that those peo­ they are the people who appoint func­ ple of the bureaucracy who ought to have tionaries. But one thing more was achieved shared much of the work, are not doing it. after that. When they asked the Govern­ They are just the same honourables being ment not to allow Rode and others to in their offices. Sir, this has been men­ come here, they also ^reversed the earlier tioned about. Bhatiaji said something about position saying, 'Who is the Government to the entry of Rode into the Golden Temple. prevent it?' They got their protection; they I do not know how Bhatiaji put it like that. allow the people or they don't allow the Rode was a strange combination of both people. But two great results came-the the peaceful people and the terrorists, be­ restoration of the SGPC as the supreme au­ ing rthindranwale's real brother's son. Tw o thority and secondly preventing the pil­ things have been achieved after the Opera­ grims who are undesirable. The same peo­ tion Black Thunder. The authority of SGPC ple for whom they were running with gar- 269 St Resl. re: Approval KARTIKA 12,1910 [SAKA) Proclamation in 270 of President relation to Punjab lands and siropas, they were asking not to all the Parties and I very much hope that he allow those person to enter. That was the means what he should. Let us hope, this position. I do not know what may be the meeting comes about and some substantial position afterwards. There are quite a few suggestions are given, some formulae are jathedars of the Akali Dal pretenders so to evolved. That is why, my predecessor say. Rode was appointed Jathedar of the speaker, Mr. Bashir was already telling with Akal Takht by the Sarbat Khalsa. He was whom, to talk. But after all, how long will ousted. Then, another fellow came in. He this statement continue? We have to do had left. Now the present position is the something. If all the parties rise above right one that when the SCPC was restored Party lines, come out with some solid solu­ to office, SCPC appointed the Jathedar of tion and the Prime Minister accepts the Akal Takht and there was no other person reasonable solutions, there is bound to be to challenge its authority. Who had brought change in atmosphere. No doubt, there are Bhindranwale inside the Golden Temple? more killings, more violence but such a po­ Tohra. SCPC deserted the Golden Temple litical reaction, combined political reaction complex and took refuge outside the city. on both sides of the House or of all the The whole SGPC office was shifted to an­ Parties is bound to demoralise them, is other place. The same SGPC under differ­ bound to create an atmosphere in which ent inspiration ‘and guidance came to their the people will have something , of their offices in the. Golden Temple Complex strong will to face everything. I can now later-quite recently. say there is no demoralisation which we saw some months back and there is a Now the next election of the SGPC of­ change in the mood of the people now. Af­ fice-holders is on 30th November. We will ter the Black Thunder operation, the ter see whether the change is really genuine or rorists are much demoralised. They are very this is just a show for the outsiders. If Mr. much unpopular amongst the rural masses; Ramoowalia group is far-sighted enough, they are unpopular amongst the intellectu- then make some combination -computa­ tion and coordination of the groups so that some of the present office-bearers are They are not having the same response. ousted and bring in a new group of office­ They are very few. They are taking advan­ bearers. Otherwise, Mr. Ramoowalia will tage of the fear and terror that they have be pushing out to the same position out of created. But if Mr. Balwant singh which we all come after a lot of trouble and Ramoowalia's party takes a longer view turmoil. It is high-time that some initiative and if Shri Prakash Singh Badal also gives is taken to find some solution. In the last up his scare and confinement and obsti- few weeks, the Prime Minister had toured nancy, something can come out. Punjab.

It was quite interesting, I can say, that I toured along with him, though I had when some Akali leaders were being ar­ another separate tour of my own later. But rested at the time when Shri Prakash Singh I found that one could not see the whole Badal was arrested, Governor of Punjab told me " I do not intend to arrest Shri people and their reactions in other times i except during the tour of the Prime Minis­ Prakash Singh Badal. But he sent me a ter. I myself was scared when he frequently message to enquire--'When are you going came out of his car and went amongst the to arrest m e?'" Jail is the safest place now people oh the road side, everywhere. It for any politician and they are taking full was said, he was genuinely welcomed, advantage of it and, at the same time, they genuinely greeted. That created a very very are heroes of the community. The commu­ wholesome impression. What is the use of nity must understand this. Govemment had that impression if we do not take full ad­ obliged them. I told the Governor that he vantage of that changed situation, of that should have told them "If you need protec­ change of atmosphere? He came out with tion, if you are scared, we can place you the statement that he will call a meeting of somewhere you can be safe. W hy are you 271 St. Resl. re: Approval NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Proclamation in 272 of President relation to Punjab [Shri C.S. Dhillon] I English I asking to be sent to jail?" We peoplp live DR. G.S. DHILLON: Yesterday you were outside. This position I never understand. telling me "Look at Shri Batia. He is After all, we are also there. We do not run equating us with Shri Prakash Singh out for the jail to seek some sort of protec­ Badal" tion. I do not think I am wrong because Governor was asking me "What should I SHRI BALWANT SINCH RAMOOWALIA: tell them? I do not want to arrest them." I never quoted Bhatia in my speech. Some people come and ask "Why don't you arrest me?" But they should give up all [Translation! that sense of fear and come out and coop­ erate with other parties, forget their differ­ You are a great man. I tell you not to ences with this Akali Dal or other Akali Dal level allegations on the basis of hear-says. and forget their position in the UAD. DR. G.S. DHILLON: I heard it from a re­ sponsible authority. [ Translation] SHRI BALWAN1 SINCH RAMOOWALIA: SHRI BALWANT SINCH RAMOOWALIA: Did the authority give you in writing? Badal Saheb is not present in the House and you are talking against him. He is a DR. G.S. DHILLON: I shall take you to great patriot. him.

DR. G.S. DHILLON: I know what you [English! think of Mr. Badal. Now you are defending him here. SHRI BALWANT SINCH RAMOOWALIA: Mr. Badal is not here. SHRI BALWANT SINGH RAMOOWALIA: You say that he is a coward. There is no [Translation] need to say so. DR. G.S. DHILLON: You often say like I English I this outside. You could say the same thing here also. You do not want to hear Shri DR. C.S. DHILLON: I stand by what I Badal's name. It w*as yesterday when you say. were telling me that who is Bhatia to say that ^ourselves and Mr. Badal are one. (Translation] (Interruptions)

SHRI BALWANT SINCH RAMOOWALIA: [English] You are alleging that he went to jail in a bid to escape. It was not expected from a per­ This terror created by the so called ter­ son like you. rorists has brought bad name to the whole of Punjab, to my community and to our IEnglish] people. The result is that the people who are outside the State, think that all the DR. G.S. DHILLON: I am quoting Sikhs are alike. We are not so. We are sec­ somebody who told me. ular. We are nationalist. We have suffered for the country and why should this im­ [Translation] pression be created? I was shocked at what happened at Bidar. Six or seven stu­ . SHRI BALWANT SINCH RAMOOWALIA: dents were killed by the people residing Records from which you are quoting this. there. More than 200 other people ran You are a senior leader and you are doing away from Karnataka. No action has so far this. been taken excepting that the Governor 273 St Resl. re: Approval KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Proclamation in 274 of President relation to Punjab of Punjab wrote to the Chief Minister, of on record. I was on the spot and that MLA Karnataka and I quote because I have seen has not applied for any Medical College. the copy of that letter. The Chief Minister has also told me the same thing. He wrote to him that when he was--Mr. Ray-the Chief Minister of West Bengal, the MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Mr. Minister, I Bengalis had to suffer similar atrocities in am not allowing anyone to interrupt and it Assam and they came to West Bengal with will not go on record. BUt for your reply all sorts of grievances. So, he wrote to Mr. and Dr. Dhillon's speech, nothingelse will Sinha, the then Chief Minister of Assam go on record. and Mr. Sinha said: "I am coming to ascer­ tain things, to give my personal assurance, DR. C.S. DHILLON: I am very happy protection and all sorts of remedies avail­ that you have clarified the position. But till able and I will come to take those people Mr. Ray had written to him, your Govern­ again back to Assam along with me". ment had not come out with any solution. Therefore, he cited that example‘ to Mr. Bommai, the Chief Minister of Karnataka. SHRI V.S. KRISHNA IYER: (Bangalore PROF. M ADH U DANDAVATE: If you can South): They had already taken action. yield for a moment, I would like to set the record straight. As far as Bidar trouble is DR. C.S. DHILLON: Since the last few concerned, the Karnataka Government days, something has come out. We wel­ acted promptly. The Chief Minister and Mr. come that...(Interruptions) I think that is Hedge immediately went there. They in­ very essential. An impression should not go quired into the matter and they have set up that the reactions of Punjab are also the an inquiry. The Chief Minister announced - same in other parts of the country. Nobody in this country approves of such happen­ unlike what happened in 1984-that any of­ ings. I thank you Prof. Dandavate for hav­ ficer and anyone who is found guilty, he ing corrected me. At the same time, we will be given the severest punishment. Many Sikh leaders have come out with the have to look at the things that happened in statement that they are satisfied about the Coimbatore. There, the property of Sikhs prompt steps that have been taken by the were looted. A lot of people were deprived Karnataka Government. It is not Mr. Ray or of their possessions. They were given only the ray of hope of Mr. Ray that was re­ Rs. 750/- as compensation. They went to quired for Mr. Bommai to act. the Court and the great Judge of that High (Interruptions) Court has given a verdict for compensation to the tune of Rs. 35 lakhs. DR. C.S. DHILLON: I would not believe any other person but I believe you and SHRI ANIL BASU (Arambagh): What is what you have stated. I am quoting this happening in Delhi? thing which happened before Mr. Ray left for England. I do not know the position af­ DR. G.S. DHILLON: In Delhi also, they ter that. But as you say this, we thank you appointed a Committee for giving compen­ very much. We congratulate your Govern­ ment for that. We appreciate this step. sation. There is the report. You can read the reDort. That was headed by (Interruptions )* me...(Interruptions) If you like, we can give MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Don't try to you a copy of that report. But I don't think bring those incidents here now. that such things should happen in Delhi also. -I don't defend myself and ottend you THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ in either Tamil Nadu or anywhere. But I am just talking of the general atmosphere that ISTRY OF HOM E AFFAIRS (SHRI SO N - TO SH M O H A N DEV): Sir, this must not go we should save ourselves from the narrow

* Not recorded. 275 S t Resl. re: Approval NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Proclamation in 276 c f President relation to Punjab [Dr. G.S. Dhillon] earlier friends that things have not im­ proved. Now the question is - I would like considerations and come out with some to take up first the last point which Dhillon sort ot an atmosphere which may give en­ Sahib said -Is really Punjab a hopeless couragement to the sccular elements and case? It is a very difficult case. Quite diffi­ those who work in the national interest, to cult And we are one of those who are those who love their country and not to se­ paying with their bloods everyday for our cessionists. This is my suggestion. I don't convictions. In Puhjab, the terrorists are think that I can offend you in any way like killing the people of all communities, of all this. So, these are the various aspects of political parties and people belonging to all the whole question. M y only hope is that walks of life doubtlessly. This is also true when the Prime Minister calls a meeting, that they have nvide a very special target of when all of you decide to cooperate with those who are fighting against the terrorists him, discuss with him, something must on principle and paying with blood. come out. But if it does not come out, then Therefore, the communists have become a those miguided boys will have the excuse special target. With all humility but with to have their own way. O f course,’ there are some pride I want to mention this fact not many. Everyday, we keep reading so about our party because it shows even in many killings; so many people are being today's Punjab, one can hold one's head affected etc. high if one is ready to pay with blood, and, therefore, it can be positively hoped that Punjab can surely be made safe with a po­ H ow long will this continue? Our life is litical will of united, anti-sessessionist and a hell in Punjab. My home district is Amrit­ secular forces, if that is built up. sar This notorious town of Taran Taran was my constituency for 25 years. The ad­ Now a question has been raised. For joining district Ferozepur is my present example, Basher Sahib has said that the constituency which is the second worst af­ political parties, all the time, are urging for fected district. Then comes Gurdaspur dis­ a political solution and nobody has offered trict. Now how long will we suffer like that? any political solution. I will start with that. I H ow long will this stalemate continue is a am not claiming that all political parties question to be asked. And my only hope is belonging to opposition hold the same that when you meet together, when the idea. May not be. But definitely some Prime Minister invites you, you should co­ points can be arrived at. The question is operate and come out with something very whether that attempt has been made at solid, acceptable and a reasonable solution. proper times or whether that attempt will be made now. SHRIMATI GEETA MUKHERJEE (Pans- kura): Mr. Deputy-Speaker, Sir, at the "With whom to talk?', this is what outset, I want to congratulate the Hon. Basher Sahib asked. I say “ talk with all op­ Member Mr. Dhillon for his express admis­ position parties in the Parliament. But sion that dismissal of Bamala Government above all,.talk with the people of Punjab in was wrong. At that time itself we opposed the language which will rouse them to act it. Mr. Dhillion said that it was his individ­ against the terrorists and it is possible to ual opinion. But I believe, most probably talk with them in that way." That is one of the things which the treasury Benches even inside the Tressury Benches, there are other people who also hold that opinion have not taken up yet. That is the key to but they do not have the liberty to say so. the political solution.

Now, naturally, it goes without saying As far as the political steps that can be that we the C.P.I. are not for the Presi- taken are concerned, we have told so many dent's rule because this is really counter- times and again I will say that as far as productive. I do not want to go into the damning and condemning the Khalistani statistics which has been quoted by my terrorists are concerned I don't repeat all 277 S t Resl. re: Approval KART IK A 12,1910 (SAKA) Proclamation in 278 * of President relation to Punjab that because our views are so well known; Who does not know that there were big- you take it for granted. Now I am starting wigs on the Treasury Benches who were with the ruling party at the Centre, their directly or indirectly, morally and materially ! political failure-whether there is any that responsible in these killings? Have you they have to examine. I charge them with taken any serious step against anyone of serious political failure, failure of the Cen­ them demonstratively? That might electri­ tral Government to find a political solution fy -Punjab, let me say. Did you fever of the problem with the help of all political try that? No. Could not that have been an parties within the framework of Rajiv-Lon- important element in the political solution? gowal Accord as well as its failure to re­ lease all the Jodhpur detenus against Then, within the framework of Rajiv- whom there are no serious charges and Longowal Accord, if everything could not also the failure to take action against those have been done, apart from the Black responsible'for 1984 anti-Sikh riots in Delhi Thunder, you could have at least dope and other places. These are the political something about Chandigarh. Does not failures. matter who says what. You could have taken a very big bold step. It would have Let us examine if anything could be ftnmediately created a new situation in done. Really the ruling party it seems has favour of isolating, the terrorists further and developed a special knack of doing the op­ further, in favour of creating a real mass posite thing at ‘the opposite time. Let us movement against the terrorists and for see the last few months. Black Thunder , secularism. was a very important operation. Honestly 15.00 hrs speaking, after the Black Thunder a very positive moment came in Punjab's life. My charge is that it was not done. The Why? Because evep those people who had Prime Minister toured in Punjab. I agree some softness for the terrorists, some reli­ with Mr. Dhillon that there was some posi­ gious people, were angry with alhthe sto­ tive atmosphere created at that time. That ries that came out about how these Khalis- is what I have heard also. How was it tani terrorists desecrated the Harmandir made use of? Prime Minister over there Sahib, how they dicJ all kinds of nasty said he would call all the political parties things inside that very sacred temple. That soon and have discussion on Punjab. For was a psychological moment. How did the once at least he was going out of his usual Treasury Benches, how did the Govern­ way. He said it without a string. But instead ment, how did the Supreme of the ruling of calling all political parties for consulta­ party behaved at that point of time? What tion on Punjab oh 31st itself-which is so could have been done? Let us take, apart sensitive a day for the whole nation-he said from Rajiv-Longowal Accord, two % other 'all Opposition parties are enemies of the things that I have raised. Let us come to people'. Though he has said publicly that the question of Jodhpur detenus 138 peo­ he has not said so but I do not know why ple were released. As far as I hav6 heard,, he does not'come to the Parliament and there are 40 people against whom there says so. Is this the way of uniting the politi­ are serious charges. There were quite a few cal parties on this issue? Then there are who could have been released at that par­ other things also. As far as Prime Minister's ticular time; the question of Jodhpur de­ visit is concerned quite a number of eco­ tenus is being raised today, this could have nomic steps called economic package was been examined and you should have come offered either by the Prime Minister himself prepared with it and released them. This is or by Mr. Ray. Some of them are very good. an important point of Sikh psyche. For example, he laid the foundation stone The other important factor of the Sikh of a Rs. 246 crore agro-newsprint project. I psyche which is no less important than any only hope the foundation-stone will not other political point is the question of Delhi remain just a stone as had happened in the riots. H ow is it that uptil now you have past elsewhere where foundation stones taken no serious action of punishing those remained just stones without foundations. I who were guilty of engineering Delhi riots? hope for Punjab it will be different. 279 St. Resl. re: Approval NOVEMBER 3,1988 Proclamation in 280 of President relation to Punjab [Shrimati Geeta Mukherjee] tion of the terrorists. You have attempted various types of similar strategies earlier. 15.02 hrs. That strategy of relying on one group or the other group of such people should have [Shri Z ainui Bashfr in the Chair] been given up by now totally. The Home Minister has not yet given up the strategy Then this question of offering railway referred to earlier. link between Goindwal Sahib and Beas, Rs. 100 crore project for four chemical indus­ Now, last but not least is the political tries, are all welcome steps. As far as cre­ campaign among the people of Punjab. ating an agro-industrial department is con­ There could be a people's campaign in cerned it is very good but who on earth on Punjab. I am sure that there is a basis for the soil oT Punjab today would take multi­ that. Whatever strength we may be hav­ national Pepsi Cola for that agro-process­ ing our parties and mass organisations are ing industry and take it for granted that going from village to village for such a Pepsi Cola is the heaven which will create campaign-of course, with their own de­ a new industrial base in the agrarian Pun­ fence: otherwise, they cannot do so. Even jabi If it will create any base it will create a then, there is a good response. If this is so, base for terrorists, multi-nationals and tell me why has there not been a united American intervention through them. Docs political will on the part of the ruling party our country lack R & D of even agro-pro- to unite all forces in Punjab for undertaking cessing? I do not think it is so. But this is a mass campaign? Has the ruling party the way the ruling party Is thinking. been able to show that political will? No. I have something to say in this regard There are some positive points but even those positive points are vitiated in a way which ultimately do not help very much. During the Prime Minister's visit, he Even then if these economic steps are called for separation of religion from poli* taken minus Pepsi Cola we shall be very tics. It is welcome. But his call would cany happy because in Punjab if the proportion weight if he takes determined measures to of industrial worker increases instead of the separate State and religion and overcomes proportion of kulaks increasing that will the very strong temptation of using the help improve the atmosphere. Green rev­ Hindu card, conceding to Muslim funda­ olution in Punjab has not been just only a mentalists, trying to woo a section of Khal- blessing. It has also another aspect of istan terrorists, etc., for electoral gains. creation of a community of affluent kulaks Secularism must mean freedom for all reli­ which has given rise to certain ambitions. gious as well as for non-believers, respect O f course, I do not say all kulaks are ter­ for religious sentiments of all by everyone. rorists. That is not my contention. But But the State itself must have no religion. If doubtlessly this factor has contributed to in the name of equal respect for all reli­ the complication of the present Punjab sit­ gions, it mixes State and religion, politics uation. Hats off to the industrial proletariat and religion, it cannot but end up in undo­ of Punjab. Numerically they may be a small ing secularism. That is the political neces­ folk but it is on the strength of them that sity. But unfortunately the ruling party our party and similar forces have been dis­ leadership has taken that attitude. That is charging their duty in fighting the terrorists standing in the way of not really building unitedly. up a united campaign inside Punjab. Therefore, while opposing this resolution, 1 The question has been raised by the would say that great Punjab cannot be be­ hon. Member, Shri Basher, whom to talk yond redemption and our great homeland to. What really is going on in the ruling of India surely can not be vivisected by party is that you are trying to invite one such forces-a naive leadership or a sectar­ group of pro-terrorists or the other for ian leadership or a so-called secular leader­ talks. What is going on with Rode? This is ship. Who in reality is all the time playing another attempt to catch a particular sec- all kinds of cards for electoral gains will not 281 St. Resl. re: Approval KARTIKA 12, 1910 (SAKA) Proclamation in 282 of President relation to Punjab do. Do rise above all those and really talk Peace Committees were set up to involve with those with whom you have to talk for the people in the fight against the terror­ solving the Punjab problem, that is, the ists. Strengthening of the Intelligence net­ people of Punjab, who can be roused. With work has also been done. And recently the that intention, if the political initiatives are Operation Black Thunder and Corridor taken, only that can really solve the stale­ projects were also undertaken. Finally^ the mate or the difficulties that are being faced Prime Minister's extensive tour to this area in Punjab. created great confidence among the people » of this State. Then there was also an an­ I fervently believe that Indian people nouncement of Panchayat elections, and are capable of taking up this challenge. We thus the effort to revive the political system have no other alternative and we must say was also made. that we can do so. We must do it. I believe that Punjab-Sikhs, Hindus and all others Therefore, many steps have been taken with their heads held high-wili be able to by the Government since the imposition of say: the President's RuJe and even though the number of innocent persons killed has not Na Hindu Raj, Na Khalistan substantially decreased the atmosphere among the people is slowly changing. The jug jug Jiwe Hindustan figures of killing, of course, show that the position has not still improved. There were 2422 killings from 11th May, 1987 to July, SHRI SHARAD DICHE (Bombay North 1988 which included 469 terrorists. And in Central): Mr. Chairman, Sir, I rise to sup­ two months of August and September, port the statutory resolution moved by Shri there were total killings of *286 persons Buta Singh for approving the continuance which included 11 terrorists. So, the fact of the Proclamation issued by the remains that the killing is continuing but President. with the measures which are being taken Sir, practically in every Session this under the Presidents Rule the situation is subject of Punjab problem is being dis­ improving slowly. People there are taking cussed and most of the solutions which are courage and they are showing their readi­ mentioned here are often repeated in every ness to fight against the terrorists which Session. But the fact remains that the situa­ was not the position a few months ago. tion in Punjab continues to be complicated * and we are not still at the end of the dark tunnel. No doubt we must admit that after Therefore, Sir, the President's Rule has the President's Rule several major steps no doubt improved the situation but much were taken by the Government to relieve more remains to be done. It is true that at the situation. They naturally did curb the some stage sometimes the Government is fundamentalists who were trying to force also showing a wavering mind. They had certain reforms. That has been completely taken the steps of Operation Black Thun­ curbed. Then the Government has also der but thereafter the effect was substan­ taken several steps to bring down the rate tially eroded when Shri Rode was allowed of killings and to instill confidence among to enter the Golden Temple with all his the people. Some of them can be illus­ followers. There was even an announce­ trated. Special Police officials to give fight ment that there would be Sarbat Khalsa on to the terrorists were appointed. Then Diwali Day. But the Governor has already three more police districts were created in explained on 11th October that there the terrorists beit ot Gurdaspur and Amrit­ would be no Sarbat Khalsa or any other sar. Massive project of fencing the border such meeting inside the Golden Temple on was also been taken. Measures were also Diwali Day. He has also- stated that Shri employed to bring to book the smugglers Rode was permitted entry into the temple and Special Police Officials to give fight to in his personal capacity as a devotee. The the terrorists were also created. At the vil­ Governor regretted the fact that the Jated- lage level also, we come to know that har of Akal Takht, Shri Jasbir Singh Rode 283 St, Red. re: Approval NOVEMBER 3,1988 Proclamation in 284 of President relation to Punjab [Shri Shared Dighe] time, it is only left to the Ruling Party to find out a solution. had gone back on his word and done things other than offering prayers at the Now, there is a suggestion to carry on Terfiple. It appears that there was some campaigns. No doubt, it is a very good understanding that he was not to do what suggestion that there should be public he had ultimately done in the temple. campaigns which include all the political parties and also all the important persons That apart, another problem arose be­ of that State so that we can give further cause of the press conference of Mr. , courage to people to fight and end this ter­ Chaman Lai who was the State Police Di­ rorism and bring this big State into the rector General as far as the border is con­ mainstream of our country. cerned. It is disputable whether this officer in uniform should have ventilated his But first, we must concretise all these grievances publicly by calling a press con­ things and till further steps are taken, there ference andhblaming his superiors. is no other alternative but to continue the President's Rule. No democrat will say that Apart from all these things, the situation the President's Rule is the solution. As hon. as such is that there is no alternative at member Shri Dhillon said, there is no al­ present but to continue with this Presi­ ternative to popular’rule in any State. This dent's Rule. No political party is coming is exactly correct and we all appreciate it. forward to take the responsibility of carry­ But unless this situation is created that we ing on the administration of the State and it can announce elections and put a popular is not possible to say whether at this stage Government in power, the continuation of if elections are announced a stable gov­ this President's rule will have to be ap­ ernment will come to power. proved and it is no use merely opposing this Resolution. There being no other solu­ tion at this stage, this Statutory Resolution While several suggestions are made by has to be approved and in the meantime, I the opposition parties, there is no concrete will also join my friends in urging upon the suggestion coming from them. Merely say­ Government that as early as possible, po­ ing that a political solution should be found litical solution may be found out and as out and that there should be discussion early as possible a situation should be cre­ with the opposition parties does not lead ated so that elections can be announced us anywhere. Ultimately what is to be and a popular Government can be in­ done? No concrete proposals are being stalled. placed. It appears that the opposition par­ ties also have no solution at all. But .they With these words, I support this Statu­ are just saying that a meeting should be tory Resolution. called and discussions should be held. I think their only proposal now is to have a discussion. But without any concrete pro­ [Translation) posals, there could be no fruitful discus­ sion. It is/ no doubt, true that in order to SHRI MOHD. AYUB KHAN (Udham- find out a political solution, some negotia­ pur): Mr. Chairman, Sir, I rise to support tions, some give and take and some think­ the resolution moved in the House by the ing will have to be there and in that pro­ hon. Minister of Home Affairs. Several cess all political parties including all the Members have said that in the present cir­ opposition parties will have to be involved cumstances there is no other alternative so that a solution to this national problem than to extend the President's Rule in can be found out. For this purpose all the Punjab. But, at the same time, we should other parties also should genuinely come also try to find out a solution to the prob­ forward and discuss this situation and lem. Just to say that a political solution make efforts to help the Government in should be found out is not enough in itself. finding out a political solution. Till that I would like to request the hon. Members 285 St. Resl. re: Approval KARTIKA12,1910 (SAKA) Proclamation in 286

* Translation of the speech originally delivered in Tamil. 289 S t Resl. re: Approval KARTIKA12,1910 (SAKA) Proclamation in 290 of President relation to Punjab being used against those States who do not whether President's mle is at all welcomed toe the line of the Central Government. by the people of the State. Otherwise, you The article is being frequently misused to would create serious dissensions among topple the elected State Governments the people. which do not fall in line with the Central Government. You toppled the elected Gov­ I once again urge upon the Government ernment of Mizoram. You enacted the to conduct elections to the Punjab and same drama in Nagaland and you did it in Tamil Nadu Assemblies quickly. I also re­ Tamil Nadu too. And you toppled almost all quest the Government to consider the Opposition Governments in the States, and question of deleting article 356 from the your aim appears to be to come to power Constitution itself. through back door. In Tamil Nadu also a duly elected Government of janaki Ra- SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN (Barmer): machandran was in power and with a view Mr. Chairman, Sir, nobody likes President's to capturing power in Tamil Nadu through Rule and particularly a person who is the back door and by unfair means you have lover of democracy does not like it a( all. dissolved the Legislative Assembly of the But our Government have to extend the State and promised early elections to the President's Rule under compulsion. This Legislative Assembly. Did you conduct the resolution has been moved in this House elections? On the other hand you asked for because the adverse conditions still exist in two extensions of President's rule in the Punjab. I support this resolution. State. And still we are undertain whether elections to the Legislative Assembly of the At the outset, while supporting this res­ State of Tamil Nadu would be conducted or olution I would like to congratulate the not. And now you are waiting for the con­ people of Punjab which include Sikhs, genial conditions for the Government to Hindus and other communities for main­ come to power in the State. Perhaps you taining communal harmony in spite of large are also trying with the idea of another ex­ scale murders by the terrorists. It speaks of tension of President's rule in the State. I their keen interest and love for the national demand from the Government that elec­ unity and integrity. In spite of the fact that tions to the State Assembly of Tamil Nadu some forces in the form of terrorists are at be held forthwith. There should be no fur­ work to create Khalistan and to disintegrate ther extension of the President's rule. In the country, the people of Punjab have the garb of President's rule you are trying demonstrated that they would not tolerate to impose the Congress rule on the States. it. I do not think such steps would succeed. Perhaps you are contemplating to extend the President's rule in .Tamil Nadu on the In this connection, my submission is flimsy ground of Vanniar agitation in the that when we have got evidence and in­ State. If that problem is a reason for ex­ formation from the terrorists after the O p ­ tending President's rule then how a Prime eration Black Thunder and when we have Minister whose security is regarded as the placed that information before Pakistan topmost security to any Prime Minister in Government, we will have to take stringent India could visit the State three times. steps in the circumstances in which Pak­ Therefore, Sir, I do not think that this agita­ istan is carrying on its activities. We should tion is causing any serious law and order expose such activities of Pakistan and bring problem in the State. Elections to the State this into the notice of our friendly nations Assembly should be conducted without who believe in democracy. By strengthen­ citing that as a reason. ing our embassies there we should tell them that Pakistan has initiated an unde­ clared war against us and we have to face You must try to respect the aspirations it. of the people at large. You must bow to the wishes of the people at large. You must try Now the question arises as to what to gauge public opinion and thereafter see 'steps should be taken to solve the prob- 291 S t Resl. re: Approval NOVEMBER 3,1988 Proclamation in 292 of President relation to Punjab [Shri Virdhi Chander Jain] repeat it that there is no problem in sealing i. » » the border areas which is the need of the lem. Just now our colleague was saying as hour. No one who gets training in Pakistan to with whom should we hold talks? This is should be able to enter our country under right that at present there is no responsible any circumstances. If any one manages to person or power present there with whom sneak in, it should be investigated as to talks may be held. Yet it is also right that who is responsible for that and in whose when our hon. Prime Minister has toured duty-hours he managed to do so. We Punjab twice, there is certainly a need to should make our military or B.S.F. forces invite the Opposition parties. I feel that we duty bound in such a manner after sealing gave an opportunity to the Akalis earlier the Pakistan border that they may fulfil and even today they will come to power if their duties and protect the country so .that they are given an opportunity to do so, but the terrorists may not enter. Our Hon. they will not be able to run the Govern­ Prime Minister has also said that some ment there because they will always have a steps have been taken to solve the prob­ struggle for leadership. Neither Shri Badal lem of unemployment. Some factories have nor Shri Barnala is capable of running the been set .up for this purpose. The youth Gqyemment there. No one can unite who get attracted towards terrorism should Akalis. Therefore, all those powers which be inspired to join B.S.F. and police force believe ir democracy and secularism so that the problem of unemployment may should get united. All secular forces like be solved. The representatives of secular Congre^ Party, Commijrjtsi Party etc. forces and of the parties which believe in should come forward unitedly to partici­ secularism should be invited for holding pate in elections by sharTng one platform talks. We should make use of the present so that further division of the country is atmosphere which has been created after prevented. They should come together to the tour of our Hon. Prime Minister so that run the Government and thus present a we have not to extend further the present new example. We have seen it very clearly term of six months. It is not good to extend the term for another six months. When we that no one else can run the Government believe in democracy, it is essential to hold there. Therefore, the need of the hour is elections immediately to the Legislative As­ that all the secular forces should unite and sembly for forming a popular Government contest tor fhe Legislative Assembly elec­ there. The Congress Party should come tions to form fhe Government. Oniy then into power in Punjab after getting them­ can this situation hr tackier! selves well organised and creating a con­ genial atmosphere there. With these I also want m submit that Seruiity Forces and the Police Force lias worked words, I conclude and support this motion. with great valour to roc! out terrorism. \Fnglhh) They have tound vm:I many hide-outs and have seized a number of weapons too. The SHRI SArYENDRA NARAYAN SINHA persons who have worked bravely should fAurangabad}: Mr. Chai.m-in I think it can­ be rewarded and given promotion in order not be gainsaid that after the Operation to boost their morale so that they are able 'Black Thunder', the progress towards to face the situation more courageously. normalisation has been steady. The Opera­ tion was a display of Government's politi­ Since intelligence forces also perform an cal will and has kept the sacred temple free extremely dangerous task, a provision of terrorists and opportunists. In fact, it has should be made for their protection too. enabled the SGPC also to get back into the Those people who retire from police ser­ Temple and they too are now, through vice after giving a good fight to the terror­ grudgingly, conceding this point. Govern­ ists, should also be given protection. Those ment has also demonstrated that it is not should also be protected who provide in­ treating the misdirected young men among telligence. This is essential to boost their the terrorists as their enemy. On the cont­ morale. I have submitted it earlier too and rary, it is trying to win them back by pro- 293 S t Resl. re: Approval KARTIKA 12, 1910(SAJG4) Proclamation in 294 of President relation to Punjab viding worthwhile jobs and as my triend ate a cluster of villages and cordon off has just now said some industry has al­ those areas so that the people living there ready been started and some are being set would feel secure and safe and they have up. But, Sir, terrorism has no short-cut an­ some confidence in themselves and they swer which all of us must realise. The ter­ become fearless. I on an earlier occasion rorists use mindless violence to constantly had referred to the technique of General challenge the Government's moral author­ Thompson in Malaya. Identity cards were ity to govern by flaunting physical author­ issued and the villages were re-deployed in ity. It is no wonder that the maximum vio­ such a manner that terrorists could not get lence or the maximum incidence of vio­ through or slip through and the security lence is taking place in those districts ring was given so that the people within where we have concentrated our forces, for the zone were checked. Such kind of things instance; in Amritsar, Gurdaspur and Fer- should be done and that will help us to ozpur. In fact, Amritsar has been divided create confidence in the people. The Intel­ into three districts - Amritsar, Patti, and Aj- ligence Branch I must say, has done a nala. And we have 60 battalions of police­ splendid job and this should be strength­ men plus people of para-military forces ened, we should admire them, it is because concentrated in those areas and still you of them that we are able to arrest persons will find that most of the incidence of vio­ like Atinder Pal Singh and earlier Jinda here lences are taking place in those places. It is in Delhi itself. Those persons , who were because the* terrorists want to strike terror suspected of having supplied some infor­ among the people and want to challenge mation to our forces or to our Information the Government's authority. They want to Wing were killed irrespective of to what cause demoralisation in those areas. It is, group they belong. In fact, it is admitted therefore, the duty of the State to provide that most of those people killed or more security to these people, particularly to than 60 per cent of those killed were Sikhs. those who have supplied information to So, indiscriminately those people have fight the terrorists. We have also to create been done to death if they were found to or instill confidence in the hearts of the have been collaborating with the police in people and give them as best security as any manner and it is all the more neces­ possible. Then we should also try to edu­ sary, therefore, that we have to create a se­ cate the people that this violence is being curity ring and provide security to those caused only to demoralise them and it will people so that they can fearlessly come be possible for us to pull back the people forward and help us. out of the fear complex and they will assist us. The Prime Minister's visit to that area This is one aspect of it - the Intelligence ' had shown that when the people also re­ has to be strengthened. Secondly, the se­ alised that there was no clanger to their curity forces also have done a splendid job, lives, large number of people turned up to we appreciate their job. Some police offi­ hear him and it was also very gratifying that cers and constables have lost their lives despite great damage caused by floods, the and it is only proper that the Government people of Punjab did not ask for relief. should provide adequate compensation to They wanted loan to rehabilitate them­ them and raise their morale because selves and they promised to pay back their morale is necessary here. The SSP and DSP loan. We know that the people of Punjab were killed in Patiala. I do hope that the are very industrious and they promised to Government has taken care of their fami­ pay back the loan because they can grow lies, and similarly somewhere some inspec­ crops and earn enough to pay back the tors and constables have been killed. I be­ loan unlike the situation obtaining in other lieve that the Government have provided States. So, the State is engaged today in adequate compensation. fighting terrorists, creating a sense of con­ fidence in the people and I would suggest that we should have some technique by My friend, Mr. Jain, has just now spo­ which we can fight terrorists. We should ken about the sealing of the border. I identify the terrorist-infested areas and cre- would like to know from the Minister to 295 S t Resl. re: Approval NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Proclamation in 296 of President relation to Punjab [Shri Satyendra Narayan Sinha] at us through the disgruntled elements among ourselves. It is a challenge which is what extent we have done It and what has all-around. I am sure, this House would been the result, because it was alleged back the Government in meeting this chal­ here in this House yesterday that a lot of lenge and demonstrating to the whole smuggling is taking place both of arms and world that India despite its internal differ­ drugs and people are also crossing over the ences, is a nation endowed with political border. We have seen that at the border it­ determination not only to survive but also self quite a number of people have been to assert itself as a nation, as a people and killed in trying to cross over to Pakistan or in this view of the matter, I would not only cross back to India. But the decision to seal support this Statutory Resolution for exten­ the border was taken a long time back. To sion of President's rule but would appeal to what extent we have succeeded in this re­ the Opposition Parties to support this res­ spect, we would like the Minister to tell us. olution and also help the Government in finding solution to the Punjab problem in a People are saying that the Punjab political manner. problem is eluding solution. It has been said that political process must start. With these words, I once again support this Resolution. - Mr. Chairman, our Prime Minister has said, 'Let us start with Panchayat elections.' If we start with the panchayat elections by [Translation] providing adequate security cover, an opening will be made and we will be able SHRI K. D. SULTANPURI (Simla): Mr. to build up the political structure right from Chairman, Sir, I rise to support the resolu­ the gross roots. So, this is the one we are tion moved by Shri Buta Singh for exten­ doing. Here, the political parties should sion of President's rule in Punjab. I have lis­ come forward and help in this process be­ tened to the arguments advanced by the cause this will be an experiment, a good Opposition on Punjab. Most of the O ppo­ thing. An opening is being made and all the sition Members have raised an objection to political parties should support this. The the imposition of President s rule in Pun­ difficulty, as hAs been stated by the Prime jab. I feel that all the political parties are Minister himself several times, is to identify responsible for the atmosphere of terror­ the groups with which we confer. The ism which has arisen in Punjab today. It is Government should help the process of only due to the activities of these parties grouping also, those who are willing to that the people there have lost their lives. I come forward in the process of solving this do not say that the parties -have not done Punjab problem because we know that any good work there, they certainly have there are a number of people and a num­ done some good work. Even the C.P.I. and ber of groups who believe in peace there C.P.M. workers have also done some work and the solution of the Punjab problem there. Today ihe situation is that even within the framework of the Indian Consti­ those parties who do not exist there and tution. We should encourage that kind of do not know anything about India and groupings so that we may deal with them Punjab are saying here that the imposition of President's rule in Punjab is not proper. later on. It is a challenge whether the bulk People do hold the opinion that our party of the country will show the political will to does not want to hold elections in Punjab resist the attempt of some groups to im­ but I say it is not so. Our party does not pose their will through terror tactics. want to hold elections in Punjab but the 16.00 hrs. circumstances there are such at present [Shri V akko m Purushothaman - in the that elections cannot be held there. It was Chair] our Party which had held elections in Pun­ jab and made Akalis the ruling Party but It is a challenge from some of our they could not run the Government. Sar- neighbours who think that they can nibble vashri Barnala, Tohra and Badal have failed 297 St. Resl. re: Approval KARTIKA 12,1910 {SAKA) Proclamation in 298 of President relation to Punjab to run the Government there and today the racy and elections will be held there but situation is such that the Akali Party has di­ which opposition parties are to be con­ vided itself into many factions. The sulted? Somewhere there are four parties, Congress Party handed over the power to somewhere eight and somewhere there are Akalis but they themselves did such things ten parties. There are a number of Akali that it became essential to impose Presi­ Parties too. With whom we should hold dent's rule there. They themselves ap­ talks to know as to what is their pro­ pointed such granthis who collected am­ gramme and how they want to bring peace munition in the Golden Temple complex in Punjab. The Bengal people oppose the and played with the honour of the people steps taken by Shri Ray in the present cir­ of this country. People who had faith in cumstances but they do not knovy as to Golden Temple and used to visit it to offer what is happening there. The people from prayers were killed by them. Attempts were Bengal do not visit Punjab, they only dis­ made to bring an end to their faith. My cuss theoretically whatever is published in submission is that the people there have the newspapers. faced the situation with great courage.

Mr. Chairman, Sir, there is no conflict Lala Jagat Narain who publish "Hindi among Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Chris­ Samachar" was killed in Punjab. Shri tians there. Now the situation is such that Ramesh too was killed there. All those who people come here after getting training in used to publish newspapers in Punjab Pakistan and indulge in terrorist activities in were killed but no one spoke a word Punjab, Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh. against the terrorists. No Akali party op­ .. Even Pakistanis do infiltrate into our coun­ posed this. When Shri Barnala did the right try to indulge in such activities. Kashmir too thing there, he was given the punishment cannot itself from such activities and there of cleaning the shoes in Anandpur Sahib. is problem in Himachal Pradesh too. There have been incidents of bombs being placed Thus in order to defame the entire na­ in buses. Bomb explosions took place in tion, the Chief Minister was given such a Pathankot and jassore in Himachal punishment by them. Whosoever came Pradesh. Dacoities took place at Nalagarh forward to face these extremists, was pun­ and Noorpur in Himachal Pradesh. In ished the same way. these dacoities, terrorists had a hand. When Bhindrawala was there in Punjab, Have the Parties which are opposing the extremists or the Khalsa Dal took the ^President's rule ever tried to take steps to responsibility for all the mass killings. create good-will there? Have these people. * ever tried to get elections held in Punjab. You people only keep on opposing here Today, a feeling of harmony is prevailing and never try to visit that place. Hindu Ma- in Punjab and because of it, the people of hasabha is there but that too does not visit Punjab have been able to face extremism 'Punjab where a fight is going on? Why and the Ruling Party is lending its support don't they visit Punjab while chanting "Jai to them in their attempts but at the same Om" and "Jai Shankar"? Instead, they visit time I want to urge upon the Opposition Himachal Pradesh where there is complete party to create such an atmosphere in the harmony and no one has been killed. country that the President Rule in Punjab may come to an end at the earliest. It has been the intention of the Government that ♦ I support the views expressed by our there should be a democratically elected M.Ps in regard to terrorists and by. our el­ Government that there should be a demo­ ders. Shri G.S. Dhillon and Shri Bhatia who cratically elected Government but if you hail from Punjab. I feel that looking at the could not win there, what can be done by situation prevailing in Punjab the steps the Government? Where you win the elec­ taken to extend the President's rule are tions, you stand to support the .democratic quite appropriate. We believe in democ- setup but whenever you are defeated, you 299 St, Resl. re: Approval NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Proclamation in 300 of President relation to Punjab • fShri K.D. Sultanpuri] willing to go to Punjab because it poses a threat to his life. start grumbling that the Covemment is not working properly. In 1947, when our country got inde­ pendence, there was an ideal, a vision be­ O ur leader Mr. visited the fore the people and they were living hap­ whole country. Recently, he visited all pily. The people wanted to build up such a flood-affected States such as Punjab, H i­ country which could realise the vision of machal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and As­ Mahatma Gandhi. But under the Congress sam to provide for the relief work in the Rule this vision of Mahatma Gandhi could flood-affected areas. He personally talked not be realised and they forgot Mahatma to the people and the Congress con­ Gandhi. In the meanwhile, they created a tributed greatly in flood-relief work. I want culture which was infested with corruption to congratulate those congress workers and all the moral values worth the name who have come forward and have always were totally ignored amidst the din. The served the nation in distress. setting up of such a society in Punjab worsened the situation in Punjab. That is I want to tell you that you are not aware why Punjab is burning today. Its main rea­ of the situation prevailing in Punjab. Cer­ son is the valueless society of the day. Reli­ tain people falk wrongly about Punjab and gion has a different story. Religion has no consequently the opposition members other role to perform except to create dis­ want to create such an atmosphere and putes. Its pnme objective is to stand the feeling in the country that this Government Sikhs against Hindus and Hindus against is not doing anything. I want to tell you the Muslims. It is giving rise to the value­ that the performance of this Government in less thinking in the society. The youth of this regard in Punjab is commendable and I today thinks that the big politicians and support the Bill presented by Shri S. Buta leaders have no ideals of their own and are Singh for further extension of the Presi­ misleading them because they themselves dent's Rule in Punjab. are living in airconditioned rooms and ask them to lead an ideal life. These dual poli­ SHRI HET RAM (Sirsa): Hon. Speaker, cies will not do. Sir, I rise to speak on the Bill brought fore­ ward for further extension of the Presi­ dent's Rule in Punjab. The present per-capita income in vil­ lages is one rupee and twenty five paise. If we leave aside the big landlords, 36 paise About six-seven years ago, Punjab was per day comes to the lot of the poor man. so happy a place that it was considered to How can the poor pull on with that meagre be matchless in India. The whole world amount? How can he make his both ends took it for the California of India, i.e. the meet with it and manage to feed his family. best place in India. But today what cancer In such circumstances, the poor man thinks has minced Punjab or what malady it has to create troubles for these leaders who fallen a prey to. I just want to know as to have been living luxuriantly. This Govern­ which party is associated with this menace. ment changed the Governors one by one. Previously, Punjab used to be the most What is the reason of it. The reason is that progressive and advanced State. Afterall these Governors appointed by the Gov­ who is responsible for the present state of ernment, neither realized the difficulties of Punjab. I have been facing it for about last the common man nor thought of the social seven years and since then I have been values. That is why we could not solve this, living in Punjab. Today, nobody wants to problem. First of all we will have to change go to Punjab to work there as it is consid­ this society, and remove the hardships of ered to be a slaughter-House of the peo­ the common man and to control the in­ ple. When an officer is sent to Punjab, he creasing prices. If no steps are taken to thinks it better to be thrown into a well or stop all these things, the same situation sent to some desolate areas but he is never will crop up in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and in 301 St Resl. re: Approval KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Proclamation in 302 of President relation to Punjab several other places. It is all due to value opposition has been vehemently attacking less thinking. The leaders of this country the Government for alleged failures to should play an important role in this re­ solve the issue. But I would like to know gard. They should present an ideal before that on the last four years, can you list out the people. any solution which you had given to the Government and which according to you In 1947, when there was great violence would have stood the test in your own and exchange of fire everywhere in India way? Can you mention that these were the and Hindus and Muslims were fighting suggestions which we had not followed with one another, it was Mahatma Gandhi and which would have brought this result? Ji who went among these people and paci­ You are speaking in very vague terms. You fied them. Today, there is not even a single are not consistent in your thoughts and you leader in the country who may claim that arc reverting to those submissions which he can pacify all the people and bring you had made last time. Therefore, if the peace in the country. Tpday everyone has opposition had played its role of construc­ got a great love for his own life. No one tive opposition given suggestions, even the says that his life is for others and he will be country would have come to know that first to sacrifice his life if needs be there. these were the suggestions given by the Everybody thinks only about his own safety veteran lead of the opposition parties or and does not bother about the country. veteran Members which was not followed by the Government. People wojjld have come to know about it. But nowhere have I would like to stress only this much we heard this from any organisation or in­ that there is an urgent need to change the stitution saying or requesting the Govern­ entire structure of the country. Until and ment to follow a suggestion given by the unless there is a change in the social set up opposition members either in the House or and the social values, nothing fruitful can outside the House. Such things have not be done either by the forces or by police or come. I am dwelling on this aspect to show the soldiers. Today in regard to Pakistan, that in any case, there are compulsions on we can say that this is also the mistake of both sides and the Government is doing on our Government that it has failed to keep its own. You also know what are the prob­ harmonious (good) relations with all our lems of the Government. But the fact re­ neighbouring countries. Therefore, the mains that you did not give any suggestions flaws in foreign policy should be tackled in which would have proved the best for the such a way that we are able to make common man or the country. You have friendly relations with Pakistan and assure failed in your role as a constructive opposi­ them that India wants to live in amity and* tion and you have no right to attack in any like a good neighbour Pakistan should also manner the Government on this issue. live peacefully. Thus after developing har­ monious diplomatic relations with Pakistan I would ask you another question. Are we can ask them not to misguide our you going to say that in all the previous ex­ youths anymore. This becomes our duty to establish such human values and work for tensions of the President's rule which had been made from time to time, not a single the creation of a new society. time was Government justified in extending [English] the President's rule? Have you ever said it? How do you say that every time the exten­ SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK (Panaji): Mr. sion of the President's rule was bad? Did Chairman, Sir, in the last four years, we you support the President's rule any time? have had 12 sessions of this House and You could have, at the most, said that a during those 12 sessions or so, we have particular extension was bad. You are not discussed the Punjab issue in several forms judging the issue on merits. You are op­ in not less than 20 times, either under Rule posing it for the sake of opposition. Oth­ 193 or in any other form like the present erwise, at least once, you would have said: Statutory Resolution. During this debate, "Yes, this is the time for extending the 303 S t Resl. re: Approval NOVEMBER 3,1988 Proclamation in 304 of President relation to Punjab [Shri Shantarm Naik] one for the declaration of Punjab as a Union Territory and the other when such a situation arises, to bring back the status of ' President's rule." Any measure taken oy the a State. In the meantime we can solve the Government of mild nature, serious na­ issue. ture or grave nature has been opposed by you from time to time. Therefore you are This is only a technical solution. I d o n 't' not playing your role. ’ know how Mr. Ramoowalia will react to this. As far as elections are concerned, no I am suggesting in my own way one doubt we are committed to holding the solution. I am not expert on Punjab. M y elections. As the Prime Minister stated, we friends from time to time have spoken. We have to have elections ttffanchayat Bodies are today going ahead thinking that we are where actually the base of democracy lies. having our Assembly elections there so that You can feel the pulse of the people a popular-Government is installed. This whether they are ready for the elections. need of holding the elections perhaps is We can know it during the elections to the making us sometime go in the wrong direc­ Panchayat Bodies. If, after holding of Pan- tion. We have before us the need that we chayat elections the local bodies run have to hold the elections in the near fu­ smoothly over a period of time, then the ture despite the fact that there is no solu­ status of the union territory can be recon­ tion at present or the present situation verted into the status of a State. • does not permit that. In such circum­ stances I would suggest that considering Lastly in other countries when we give the Punjab situation as of today, we have our picture to the Non-Resident Indians - not to hold the view that holding of elec­ in UK and USA etc. - sometimes we hold tions is of any priority at present. only small group discussions in which per­ haps some of them are hot convinced. I Normally we have to come to the Par­ would suggest that some representatives liament for extension of the President's rule from the Government side, from the politi­ every six months as per rule. Therefore, my cal parties' side can go to these countries suggestion is that till the situation in Punjab and hold bigger meetings instead of small improves, it may be declared a Union Terri­ conclaves and convince the average Sikh - tory with only an Administrator and advi­ not the leaders themselves - about the sor/advisors as the Governor may deem fit steps the Government of India is taking. or the Central Government deem fit. This Here actually people like Shri Ramoowalia would take away the apprehension and re­ can help. sult in Government not having before it the ghost of elections, that elections to^ the As­ SHRI BHADRESWAR TANTI (Kaliabor): sembly have got to be held within such and Mr. Chairman, I thank you very much for such a time. Punjab should be declared as a giving me this opportunity to ventilate the Union Territory with only an administrator feelings of the people of this poor country. and nof have the Assembly because we This is the fourth time that President's rule have Union Territories like Lakshadweep, has been imposed in Punjab. In a demo­ Andamans, Delhi, Dadar and Nagar Haveli cratic country the experience of the people without Assembly and with only an admin­ of Punjab is that atrocities, illegalities and istrator and advisors. injustices are being heaped on them. There is no peace in Punjab. Democracy has been I can understand the feelings of the murdered in Punjab. President's rule has Opposition members. Supposing a situa­ been imposed there time without number tion arises that elections can be held, no and the killing of innocent people is going doubt we can amend it and bring back the on. At the moment four States, namely, former status of a State. Today as it is they Punjab, Nagaland, Mizoram and Tamil are amending the Constitution of several Nadu are under President's rule. I do not times for extending the President's rule. see any reason for demolishing the demo­ That will require only two amendments; * cratically elected Government and impos- 305 S t Res/, re: Approval KARTIKA12,1910 (SAKA) Proclamation in 306 of President relation to Punjab ing President's rule. May be because of the popular Government to have come by elec­ political reasoning of thefcongress (I) party tion, is not there. So, just now we cannot this has happened? They are masters in suggest that vie want an election there de-stabilising the democratically elected immediately. But something must have Governments but this is their last chance. been done, which the Government has People of the country are going to give failed to do. In Delhi, there are so many them a good dose this time. People are not widows who have not got any justice. They going to tolerate them any more. have not got even the sympathies. About 10,000 widows in Delhi are now out of the What is happening in Punjab? Have you society. At least a healing touch must come been able to control the extremist activity to them. The Government should come in Punjab? We find from the newspapers forward to look after these widows. Only killings are going on every day there. There then, the people of Punjab would under­ is either bomb blasts or shootings. You stand that the Government has some sym- have taken all canons of law into your pa:Sy with the people of Punjab. But it is hands in the name of administration but not doing so. still you have miserably failed and these il­ legal killings are going on. The politics should not take prece­ dence. The nation is calling for peace in O ur country is a poor country but I find Punjab. That is the national issue. The na­ Ministers are busy touring abroad at the tional issue should be looked into as a na­ cost of the people. Yesterday I also men­ tional problem. The problem, which has tioned about the poor presence on the started, is the creation of the Congress Treasury Benches and today I again find Party itself. Now they are seeking some out of 544 members hardly 50-55 members suggestions from wherever to come. It are present. So far as Punjab, Mizoram, Na­ means that the Government has totally galand and Tamil Nadu problems are con­ failed, not knowing what to do further. My cerned they should take the Opposition suggestion would be that a healing touch into confidence. We have been accused by should come to the people affected during the Prime Minister and the ruling party of the riots in November 1984 in Delhi and not coming forward with suggestions. We elsewhere in the country. We are helping are very much keen to put forward our the people affected in the rail accident, bus suggestions but the Prime Minister has no accident or even in an aeroplane crash. We time to listen to the suggestions and meet ‘ come forward to help such people. But we the Leaders of the Opposition. In a democ­ have come to know that the unfortunate racy majority is not the final rule. The mi­ innocent people, who lost everything - nority should not be ignored. Lastly I would their property, kith and kin - have still not conclude by saying that you must come got the healing touch of sympathy. They forward with some concrete suggestion must understand that the Government of and solution to the problems of Punjab, India is thinking about their well-being and Mizoram, Nagaland and Tamil Nadu. Peo­ it wants to come to their rescue' in all pos­ ple have already lost confidence in you. sible ways.

SHRI PIYUS TIRAKY (Alipurduars): Mr. The Home Minister is sitting here. We Chairman, Sir, Government has proposed have heard of holy alliances in Mizoram, Resolution to further increase the time of Nagaland, Meghalaya. They could do it in President's rule in Punjab. This is the fourth Tripura. But they have failed in Punjab. time. It is disgraceful on the part of the They are perhaps trying to have an alliance Government. M y understanding of the there. We are not aware of it. In Tripura, President's rule is that it amounts to direct they have done it. With an unholy alliance, rule by the Centre. In spite of all these they have a Government..They have done things, the tactics, which have been pro­ so in Meghalaya also. They are trying in longed for years together, have not been Nagaland and Mizoram. In that way, pern able to bring peace in Punjab. The situa­ haps they are looking forward with some tion, that might have been created for a sort of alliance system; by which the 307 St. Resl. re: Approval NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Proclamation in 308 of Pre&ident relation to Punjab [Shri Piyus Tirkay] [Translation]

SHRI MAHABIR PRASAD YADAV: Let me Congress Covemment could come. Per­ relate a short story. A jackal was sitting un­ haps they are waiting for that. This may be der a tree. When a small branch of the one of the reasons for delaying the solu­ three fell on the jackal he felt as if the end tion. So, the Covemment should think se­ of the world had come. He ran away from riously and come forward with a resolution the spot. While running he met a donkey that a popular Covemment can be brought who asked what had happened. The jackal in Punjab. said that the end of the world had come. Now both started running. O n the way they met a horse, an elephant and a tiger SHRI MAHABIR PJtASAD YADAV and on being asked as to what had hap­ (Madhepura): Mr. Chairman, Sir, according pened they told them the same thing. Now to the provisions of the Constitution, India all of them started running together. They is a Union of States. If at all any danger met a lion on the way who asked them as comes to the unity and integrity of the na­ to what had happened. When they told tion, the nation has a right to resort to him about it he asked them to show some President's rule. I feel, even martial law can evidence which had led them to believe be applied. that the end of the world had come. All of them went to the spot under the tree Who, on the Opposition benches, is where the jackal had been sitting, only to ready to see this Union of India disunited. find that a mere branch of the tree had Is there anyone? I think, no one will have been the cause of all that turmoil. This the courage to say that India should stand story reflects the situation in the Opposi­ disunited and disintegrated. But they have tion camp. Nobody has the courage to be­ to oppose the whole thing. No proposal have like lion in the story. ever came from their side for the unity and integrity of the nation. Let Mr. Ramoowalia Trivial matters are blown out of propor­ say what measures should the Covemment tion by the Opposition whether it is Bofors of India take for the unity of India and to or Fairfax. Everywhere they see a problem establish peace in the State of the Punjab. of enormous magnitude. They are not Sir, everybody wants peace in Punjab but bothered, about the unity and integrity of nobody from the the Opposition side has the country. Only the Congress (I) can pre­ ever come forward with any proposal as to serve the unity and integrity of the country. what should be done to bring peace in the State of Punjab. [iEnglish]

It is my feeling that no other party can [Translation] keep the nation united.

SHRI NARAYAN CHOUBEY: What is Mr. Chairman, Sir, I would say that the your proposal? criticism should be constructive, healthy and without any prejudice. When there was a strike of NGO s in Bihar, the Opposi­ SHRI MAHABIR PRASAD YADAV: My tion Party said that the Central pay scale proposal is that martial law may be im­ should be given to them. Now, is the West posed if need be to preserve unity in the Bengal Government giving Central pay country. scales to their employees? No; the West Bengal Government is not giving the Cen­ [English] tral pay scales to their employees but they are advising us to do so. What I feel Mr. MR. CHAIRM AN: You please come to Chairman, Sir, is that every possible effort the point You have got only three minutes should be made to strengthen the unity to speak. and integrity of India. 309 St. Resl. re: Approval KARTIKA12,1910 (SAKA) Proclamation in 310 of President relation to Punjab fTranslationr these arms, rockets and people coming from? It is terrorists we are dealing with, SHRI C. JANGA REDDY (Hanamkonda): not birds or insects. Bhindranwale was a Mr. Chairman Sir, we have discussed the creation of the Government and now once Punjab problem on several occasions in again a member of his family has been al­ this House. This time also hon. Shri Buta lowed to enter the Golden Temple. It is not Singh has come with the proposal of ex­ clear what the Government discussed with tending the President's rule in Punjab by him. God can be worshipped anywhere. another six months. May I know if there The I.G. resigned in protest against tnis has been any reduction in the number of (Interruptions). I would like to quote the killings in Punjab during the President's question raised in the Rajya Sabha on 2nd rule? The number of killings in Punjab to­ August along with its reply. day is the same as it was during the time of Shri Bamala's Government. Even in Delhi IEnglish] the number of terrorists killings has increased. To preserve the unity of the "In how many border districts of country and to solve the Punjab crisis, the Western India bordering Pakistan, house enacted laws without any identity cards have been issued to impediments. Yet the Government has the inhabitants and how many tehsils failed to implement these laws. By have been covered so far; and displaying a lack of courage in im- encouraging the proliferation of such How many tehsils remain to be cov­ crimes. How is the Government going to ered and by when this work will be put an end to terrorism? Why does the completed?" % Government hesitate to implement those laws which have been passed by the Parlia­ The Answer is: ment? Hon. Shri Bhatia was saying that the Congress (I) is a secular party. I want to "The Government have approved the emphasize that not only Congress (I) but Pilot Scheme for issue of identity every political party being represented in cards in Poogal, Nachna, Karanpur this august House; has been affected by and Chauhatan Tehsils of Bikaner, terrorism be it the C.P.I., C.P.I. (M), B.J.P., Jaisalmer, Ganganagar and Banner Janata Party or the Lok Dal. Some or the districts respectively in Rajasthan and other leader from every Party has been a Bhuj Taluka in Gujarat. The Govern­ victim of terrorism. A political problem has ment of Punjab are also working out been made out to be an economic one. On schemes for issue of identity cards in * this pretext the Government has given border areas. Based on the results of permission to Pepsi Cola to set-up a plant this pilot scheme, the scheme for is­ in Punjab. Pepsi Cola is a multi-national sue of identity cards may be ex­ cpmpany partly owned by the Americans. tended to other border districts America is helping Pakistan and the latter is along the'Western border.” helping the terrorists. The Government is aware of all this. Yet it does not raise this [Translation] issue at international fora like the United Nations. Perhaps the Government thought I ftil to understand why the Govern­ that the death of the Pakistani President ment cannot issue identity cards in Punjab General Zia would also sound the death- when it can be done in Rajasthan and Gu­ knell for the Punjab crisis. But the truth -is jarat. Why this scheme cannot be approved different. The Government withdrew the for Punjab, the State most affected by ter­ Bill which proposed to create a security rorism. O n 20th of September, Shri Hftab- belt, after its introduction in the Rajya hilashi was elected President of the Punjab Sabha, even though our party supported it. unit of our Party. No sooner had he as­ We had approved this move in the interest sumed office than some people started of the unity of the country. But the Gov­ taking an unusual interest in his daily rou­ ernment withdrew the Bill. Now where are tine : the time of his arrival and departure, 311 St. Resl. re: Approval NOVEMBER 3,1988 1 Proclamation in 312 of President , relation to Punjab fSfiri C . Janga ReddyJ in many ways this is the'right step. I would like to give some facts in this connection. Killings and anarchy lias become a way of the type of car he uses and so on. A young life in Punjab. As a result it is impossible to man even brought this to the notice of the hold elections in a democratic manner. Party office. O n the basis of this informa­ Even the Opposition is at a loss as to what tion our Party requested the local police to do. We criticise for the sake of criticism. authorities for a police post outside the of­ If the proposal is being opposed just be­ fice similar to the one outside the Congress cause it has been brought by the Govern­ (I) office. This august House will be sur­ ment it will not help us reach a solution. prised to know that the police authorities O ur hon. colleagues in the Opposition are claimed shortage of manpower and ex­ aware that the Punjab problem is not an pressed their inability in complying with ordinary problem and it is a challenge for the request. Three days later Shri. Hitab- the entire nation and society. Whatever is hilashi, the President of the Punjab unit of happening in Punjab is against the unity our Party, was gunned down by terrorists. and integrity of the country and a conspir­ What is going on there? This dearly shows acy to disintegrate the nation. It is not a that the Covemment wants to be at log­ challenge to one particulars party. All the gerheads with Shri Barnala and wants to Parties should take this matter seriously. wrest the state leadership from him. Now We have to keep a watch over the anti-na- the Covemment is seeking the approval of tional forces which are working in Punjab the Parliament to extend the President's and in other parts of the country. These are Rule in the State by another six months. the forces which use issues like the Babri Besides, is the Covemment aware of what Masjid or Ram Janambhoomi to create ten­ has been published on the front- page of sion and chaos in the country. I appeal to the latest issue of T h e Sunday observer/ the whole nation to resist these forces. What is the Baba Covind Sadan during in Nobody is with them. Can these people be Mehrauli? O ur hon. Home Minister has called true representatives of Islam, also visited the Baba Revolvers and other whether they belong to this side or that arms have been recovered from there. side? They are not even fit to talk to and What is the Government's reaction to this? elements such as these should not be en­ W e urge the Government to take stem tertained. The common man favours only measures against terrorism. We assure the those who are willing to preserve national Government of our fullest support. Bhatia unity. Who are these so-called watchdogs Sahib, today every citizen of the country is of Hinduism who take to aggression in the angry with you. Apart from Punjab, arms name of the Ramjanambhoomi issue? Their with foreign markings have been found in voice should be ignored. The true repre­ the possession of Naxalites of Adilabad and sentatives of any religion are the masses. Kumool districts in Andhra Pradesh. We We accept the wrong people as represen­ have received reports that their arms sup­ tatives of a religion and hold discussions ply is routed through Punjab. So arms with with them. Same is the case in Punjab. foreign markings are being smuggled all Why does the Government not hold dis­ over the country through Punjab. What is cussions with those who sacrifice them­ the Government doing to stop the smug­ selves for the nation? They are the true gling of arms? Will this issue be raised in sons of Punjab, people who are patriots in the U .N .O . against Pakistan? the true sense. Why don't we, the like- minded people stand up as a united force SHRI KEYUR BHUSHAN (Raipur): Mr. against this. Have all those people, who Chairman Sir, the Punjab problem has been are willing to sacrifice themselves, been discussed a number of times in the House forgotten? How can the Opposition be in­ but no solution is in sight. The President's considerate towards the Congress which Rule is sought to be extended in the State gave a martyr like Mahatma Gandhi for the by another six months keeping in view the cause of national unity? I ask my hon. col­ present situation. Not only we but also our leagues in the Communist Party why they hon. colleagues in the Opposition feel that have forgotten the people who laid down 313 St. Resl. re: Approval KARTIKA12,1910 (SAKA) Proclamation in 314 of President relation to Punjab their lives for national unity. H ow can they maintaining the unity and integrity of Pun­ forget the contributions made by the Father jab. I would like to appeal the members of of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi and late opposition to accept the offer without tk Shrimati . The Opposition is and buts. I can assure you that some solu­ prepared to hold consultations with com- tion would be find for the Punjab problem, munalists. I urge them to abandon such Babri Masjid problem and the unity and in­ thoughts. Communalism can cause destruc­ tegrity of the country will be strengthened. tion but never progress. So I appeal for a joint Morcha. We are preparing to face [English] them in order to save the nation. The SHRI N.V.N. SOMU (Madras North) : problem of terrorism is not a simple one. It Mr. Chairman, for years together we are is the result of big conspiracy. Every politi­ discussing this Punjab problem. But there cal parties has made a mention of it. There is no solution yet! is a foreign power behind it. Each political Popular Government was dismissed and party agrees that some foreign power is out President's Rule was imposed. But the to flare up communalism in the country. In killings during the period of President's the light of these facts we should unite to Rule are more and mote and during Presi­ meet the challenge. dent's Rule alone nearly 3,500 persons were killed. Even after 18 months of Presi­ I can emphatically say that the state of dent's Rule, you are not able to solve the Punjab does not belong to these people. It problem. belongs to man like Bhagat Singh who has made sacrifices. Punjab belongs to those Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi went to who fought for the freedom of the country Punjab. He is reported to have said that he and saved it from further division. Punjab would call leaders of various political par­ belongs to Master Tara Singh who offered ties and talk to them to find out a way out his own life to save the country from divi­ of the present situation. Did he do it? Has sion. Ramoowaliaji, you are among his suc­ he called the Opposition leaders? No. But, cessors and you do not agree with the instead, he is reported to havfc stated that people who are out to divide the country. those who oppose the Copgress are the We should unite to meet the challenge. No enemies of the country. If Prime Minister is one can dare to spread communalism and with such a mentality, how can he solve disintegrate Punjab. The number of the the problems facing the country? He is people supporting Khalistan is very few. talking like a dictator! Majority of the people residing in Punjab favours unity and integrity of India. Without taking much time, I would like to submit People are being killed daily in Punjab. that so long as the people of the world and But instead of finding a permanent solution the country know the sacrifices of Gandhiji, for the Punjab problem, the Prime Minister no power can divide this country. I had was thinking to hold Panchayat elections in talks with Sant Longowal thrice and he had Punjab. When he is not able to give a real assured us not to take any such step which solution, what is the use of going to Pun­ could endanger the integrity of the nation. jab? It is most ridiculous. It is just playing He sacrificed his life. Nobody can succeed to the gallery, as he is doing in Tamil Nadu. in dividing the nation. I would like to say He cannot enter a hut in Punjab. But he is that Indira Gandhi sacrificed every drop of entering hut after hut in Tamil Nadu for her blood for the unity and integrity of the vote hunt. nation. So the congressmen who inherit the same patriotic feelings, are ready to This morning also I saw a news that the sacrifice their lives and also expect the Prime Minister is reported to have stated same from the other parties. "We have to stop the wastage." But when­ ever the Prime Minister comes to Tamil- 1^ would like to conclude. Our leader nadu, daily Rs. 6 crores have been spent, Shri Rajiv Gandhi has offered to negotiate resulting in a wastage of Rs. 30-50 crores •»with Opposition parties on the issue of for each visj|t. 315 St. Resl. re: Approval NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Proclamation in 316 of President relation to Punjab (Shri N.V.N. Somu] [Translation]

I need not say anything. The leader of The Sikhs felt that they were being the House has revealed the situation. treated as second class citizens. Merely laying foundations of new schemes will not [English] wipe out their tears. O ur Prime Minister is reported to have stated that the Sikh reli­ T h e Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi today gion was founded 2000 years ago! What a conceded that corruption was on the in­ ••A person who does not know the geog­ crease in Punjab and that terrorism was raphy and history of India is our Prime claiming more lives than it did when Minister! elected Government was there."

[Translation] DR. G.S. D HILLO N : He never said it.

The Express writes under the heading. SHRI N.V.N. SO M U: I request you to make a sincere attempt to solve the prob­ [English] lem. Don't have partisan schemes there! Because of the wrong and dishonest poli­ Ta ll claims of Punjab" cies of the Centre, Punjab problem is com­ plicated. You have invoked Article 249, the During Bamala Government's time 789 Security Belt. You got your 59th Amend­ were killed, "whereas in 15 months' period ment! You have got so many weapons in of President's rule 2,422 persons have your armoury. Still then you are not able to been killed." solve the Punjab problem! Some of my friends ask: What is the solution? You said But the report further says, "Unofficial that you would find a solution to the prob­ figures based on daily press reports put the lem of Punjab. But you are not able to do it. number of the killed during the 15 months of President's rule at more than 3,300." Last but not the least, our brothers are killed in Punjab. O ur brothers are also Sir, this is the position. killed in Sri Lanka. This is the daily routine! After 18 months of President's Rule if you [Translation] are not able to solve the problem in Pun­ jab, what is the use of getting six more A report published in today's newspa­ months or one more year? pers says that "the terrorists have acceler­ ated the pace of their work of forcibly col­ lecting money from the people after the [TranslationJ operation 'Black Thunder' and they have already collected a large amount of one SHRI BALWANT SINCH RAMOOWALIA crore of rupees. The police officer has also (Sangrur): Mr. Chairman, Sir, I have got revealed that "the Government officials two reports ~ one is about the extension of working in Tarantaran and Patti areas have Presidents rule in Punjab, which Shri Buta to pay a fixed ampunt of money to the ter­ Singh read out in the House and the other rorists every month." is of the Hon. Prime Minister. The Hon. Prime Minister has stated:- I would like the hon. Minister of Home Affairs to refute this statement. This news if [English] spread among the people would be harm­ ful. It has been further stated that:- Under the heading "Killings, corruption rising, agrees P.M." it is mentioned. "The local police employees do not re-

•• Expunged as ordered by the Chair. 317 St. Resl. re: Approval KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) Proclamation in 318 of President relation to Punjab port these things to their senior officials in meeting of Congress Parliamentary Party. order to present a good picture of their The hon. Prime Minister observed that tol­ area." erance, nonviolence and kindness were the basic principle of Indian politics and Gand- This is the situation in Punjab. Besides, I hiji practised these principles. On the basis would like to say one thing more. I don't of that I would like to say that the rioters in want to blame anybody in this regard. The Delhi resorted to violence and ’ killings. I situation has deteriorated to such an extent therefore, demand that those who were that during last 15 months, four cabinet found guilty in Delhi riots should be pun­ rank Ministers of the Congress, more than ished. The cases should be decided by con­ five dozens of communist leaders and stituting special courts so that the people many Congress workers have been gunned whose families members were killed might down. Besides, a number of M .LA's of get some consolation. I would like to quote Akali Dal (Longowal) and some Jathedars Gandhiji that justice should not only be were also killed. The President of BJP, done but it should appear to have been many senior police officials and well known done and for that..... journalists were shot dead during Presi­ dent's rule. I submit that we ought not /English] accuse each other for this. We should make united efforts to find out the solution. MR. CHAIRMAN: YeS, Yes, Please conclude. I have given you much more I would like to submit that the terrorists time. get strength when we talk to root out ter­ rorism, when we talk of maintaining unity SHRI BALWANT SINGH RAMOOWALIA: and integrity of the country and curbing I am concluding Sir.....(Interruptions) Pakistani interference but want to derive political advantage when the time comes. PROF. M ADHU DANDAVATE: When you say 'Yes' 'Yes', he thinks that you agree Today, Shri Dhillon has courageously with him.... (Interruptions) stated and the hon. Prime Minister has ac­ cepted that the killings in Punjab are in the [ Translation] increase. Shri Dhillon is a worthy leader and I respect him. It was a wrong step to SHRI BALWANT SINGH RAMOOWALIA: dismiss the Barnala Government. I would It is really very bad that many of the Hindu like the hon. Home Minister to agree with families have planned and migrated from this fact that it was a wrong decision to Punjab. A number of speakers including dismiss the elected Barnala Government Congress members have spoken, but not and the decision was based on the results even a single Member has mentioned the of elections held in Haryana. To err is hu­ issue of the migrating families from Punjab. man. So he must confess the fault. It would I would like to tell that the Hindu families be in the interest of all, what is the actual have migrated from villages to the cities position today? Through you, I would like and the people residing in Tarantaran and to say, Sir, that terrorism has extended to Patti area have shifted to Amritsar. The sit­ the areas of Haryana, Delhi, Jammu and uation has deteriorated so much, that.a Kashmir and even to Himachal Pradesh as sikh named Satwant Singh revealed that pointed out by Shri Sultanpuriji. So it would even the Sikhs are leaving villages. So I be unjustified to accuse Akalies or a parti­ would like to request that compensation cular group of Akalies by saying that* they worth one lakh of rupees should be paid to have encour

I have been repeatedly saying two Secondly, certain arrangements should things. One is that the culprits of Delhi ri­ be made to provide shelter, food, medical ots should be punished Yesterday, in the facilities and even monthly expenses to 319 S t Resl. re: Approval NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Proclamation in 320 of President relation to Punjab [Shri Balwant Singh Ramoowalia] no matter for how* long the President's rule is extended there. There has been more killings during President's rule as compared those Hindu families who have migrated to Bamala Government. (Interruptions) We from Punjab to Delhi. independent Members are facing same sit­ uation here in this House. We go on wait­ In the end, I would like to say that the ing for the whole day to come our turn to Punjab problem is emotional and critical. speak and you say that the time is over. As Releasing of Jodhpur detenu absorption innocent people are being killed in Punjab, into the services of army deserters and pe­ we are killed here. No sooner did we rise nalising the culprits of Delhi riots, all are to speak than the bell goes on ringing. critical and emotional issues. The Govern­ ment repeatedly said that there is a prob­ IEnglishj lem of negotiation. They should call all party meeting and then the Hon. Prime PROF. SAIFUDDIN SOZ (Baramulla): Minister should decide the final action to There is no need for me to oppose this be taken. resolution moved by the Home Minister. But I want to say one or two things. I heard With these words I conclude and Mr. Ramoowalia speaking and his speech oppose the extent ion of President rule. actually provoked me to make this brief in­ tervention. SHRI KALI PRASAD PANDEY (Gopalganj): Mr. Chairman, Sir, after a long He has suggested that Sar jodana wait, I have been allowed to speak in the Chahiye. For so many years we have been issue of Punjab. discussing Punjab. Mr. Ramoowalia has made a suggestion that we must put our head together and find a solution to the Truth always prevails over mendacity. It is for the fourth time that again a Resolu­ problem of Punjab. He has quoted some figures. I think, the Minister of State, who tion has been brought in this House to ex­ is here, must contradict his figures as to tend the period of President's Rule in Pun­ whether the graph of killings is on the jab. During the discussion, all the hon. Members who participated in the debate ascendance in Punjab. I have no doubt in the statement made by Mr. Ramoowalia. made a ferment demand to curb the wave But I feel that it is not a law and order of killings in Punjab. It is clear from the problem in Punjab. It is a political problem statements of the terrorists apprehended and we must find a political solution to this during operation Black Thunder' that Pak­ problem. While I do not oppose this istan is behind all these incidents and the Resolution I would like to say that we must House has also accepted it. But question take concrete steps to find a political arises that despite repeated discussions solution. If I had an authority, I would just about Pakistan in this House and Home take measures to make Mr. Bamala to Minister S. Buta Singh's clear affirmation in come forward and join hands with Mr. this House that enough evidence was Badal. After all, a divided Akali Dal also is a available to prove Pakistan's hand in sup­ source of trouble to the integrity of the porting the terrorist, why an announce­ country. Therefore, finding a political ment was not made in the House that the solution, making various factions of Akalis Government would tell Pakistan in dear to come together and be an integral part of terms not to interfere in our internal mat­ the mainstream, that is my wish. ters and make them aware of our foreign policy? Today the condition is such that the 17.14 hrs. people of India are very much concerned as to when a solution to Punjab problem is [MR.DEPUTY-SPEAKER in the Chair] to be found and this gory conflict stopped. As some of our friends opined that unless While I suggest that a political solution the foundation of democracy is strength­ should be available to us, I suggest that the ened there, the killings cannot be stopped, Prime Minister should convene a meeting 321 S t Resl. re: Approval KARTIKA12,1910 (SAKA) Proclamation in 322 of President relation to Punjab of the opposition leaders immediately, be­ month. These numbers are by themselves cause we are losing time and innocent lives bad. But if you look at the situation, you are being lost. Therefore, my concrete sug­ will find that until the end of last year, gestion is that we must admit, irrespective there was a tremendous improvement in of party affiliations, that Punjab requires a the situation and there was a considerable political solution. I request hon. Prime set back when we released certain political Minister to convene a meeting of all the leaders in Punjab. The kind of speeches opposition leaders so that we join our they made, the kind of disinformation that heads as Mr. Ramoowalia says and we was spread and the kind of support that must find a solution to this problem. was extended to anti-national and terrorist forces once again gave rise to a spurt in THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ terrorist activities in the beginning of this ISTRY OF PERSONNEL* PUBLIC year. But after Operation 'Black Thunder1 If GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS AND MIN­ you look at the figures, after the number of ISTER OF STATE IN TH E MINISTRY OF killings reached a peak in May, 1988, June HO M E AFFAIRS (SHRI P. C H I­ was better than May, July was better than DAMBARAM): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I June, August was better than July and had the privilege of listening to the debate Spetember was better than August. It only in the Rajya Sabha and, therefore, I did not shows that despite set backs, the adminis­ have the privilege of listening to the debate tration in Punjab is intact and is capable of here. But I shall endeavour to answer the dealing with terrorists,* capable of dealing points made by hon. Members during the with terrorism. I have figures here for the course of this debate. nineteen and a half months when Shri Bar­ nala was the, Chief Minister and for the I do not think it is necessary now to go seventeen and a half months during which back to May, 1987 and ask ourselves the President's rule has been enforced. What question whether the imposition of Presi­ do the numbers indicate? The numbers in­ dent's rule in Punjab was right or wrong. At dicate that while killings are still high - and that time the Government made its posi­ I will admit, intolerably high - the adminis­ tion very clear and said that it was not that tration has been able to make a severe killings had taken place or that violence dent on terrorism, terrorist activities. More was unabated or that certain other things weapons have been seized, more ammuni­ had happened in Punjab that the Presi­ tion has been seized. But the nature of the dent's rule was being imposed, but the conflict had vastly changed because of the primordial consideration was that the Gov­ introduction into Punjab of highly sophisti­ ernment headed by Shri Barnala had lost cated weapons in the last quarter of 19Q7 the will to fight terrorism. It was a divided and since the beginning of this year. For government run by a divided party and that example, earlier we did not have rockets government, therefore, did not have the and rocket launchers, we did not have mis­ capacity or the will to fight terrorism. siles, we did not have power-charged units or anti-tank grenades, we did not have President's rule in the last year and a LMGs. These have come into Punjab solely half has demonstrated one thing very because of Pakistan's support to terrorist clearly that the administration in Punjab activities in Punjab. Despite the fart that today is determined to fight terrorism and the nature of the conflict has intensified, the results are apparent to anyone who will despite the fact that more sophisticated see what is happening in Punjab today. weapons have been introduced into the Often what is cited is the fact that the theatre, the administration in Punjab has number of killings had gone up. I do not been able to put up a stiff battle against deny that. The number of killings did go up terrorism and terrorists. Many of those during a certain period. In fact, it is still in­ who are responsible for terrorist action and tolerably high. No Government, no citizen, depredations not only in Punjab but in no human being can take comfort in the Delhi and elsewhere have either been fact that a hundred people are killed every eliminated or arrested. The names which month or seventy people are killed every are in the minds of common people Gen- 323 S t Resl. re: Approval NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Proclamation in 324 of President relation to Punjab * ' [Shri P. Chidambaram] The question is: can we bring to an end President's rule and hold elections?'I do not wish to dwell at great length on this. I eral Lab Singh, the so called General Lab would only read from three or four news­ Singh, Avtar Singh Brahma and many oth­ ers have either been neutralized or arrested papers. They have made an objective as­ sessment of the situation after the Prime and this is no mean task considering the Minister's visit to Punjab. The Hindustan magnitude of the problem in Punjab. Times of 22nJ September 1988 wrote thus:

Sir, the question today is: can we bring ’Th e Prime Minister's announcement to an end President's Rule and can we hold that the Panchayat elections will be elections? The Prime Minister visited held soon is an indication that the Punjab twice in the recent past, first on the Assembly polls will not lag far be­ 21st of September 1988 and again on 13th hind. But much depends upon the of October 1988. I had the privilege of ac­ creation of the right atmosphere for companying the Prime Minister on both the polls. So long as terrorists remain the occasions. What we saw in Punjab if I trigger happy and strike terror could share it with the hon. Members or if among the people, free and fair elec­ the hon. Members could go to Punjab tions cannot be held. It is therefore themselves and see what we saw, is truly essential that the drive against ter­ very revealing. Despite the situation in rorism should be intensified and at Punjab, the people of Punjab have great the same time efforts to resolve the faith in the administration, have great faith Punjab crisis should be made. The in the capacity of the administration to deal proposed all-party meeting is a step with terrorism. The problems they speak in the right direction and the next about are the problems of other common move should be to hold dialogue people elsewhere-they speak about roads, with the Sikh leaders. The fresh ini­ water, power, schools and jobs. Of course, tiative which the Prime Minister has terrorism is at the back of their minds. One taken to solve the Punjab problem or two people do speak about terrorism. should succeed and mark an impor­ But it is not as though the people of Punjab tant step towards creating an atmo­ are over-awed by terrorism. The people of sphere that can lead to fighting ter­ Punjab * have not given up hope; the rorists and sessionists in different spontaneous affection and love they spheres." extended to the Prime Minister is Here is Amrita Bazar Patrika. I will read something which has to be seen to be two sentences from, its editorial of 25th believed. Tremendous affection was there September 1988. and large crowds both on the roadsides in the villages and in meetings were there. He % ’Th e Prime Minister's prescription addressed the meetings in Goindwal, for the current malaise is the medica­ Jullundur and Jaita. The meeting in Jul- tion at the grass-roots He wants knder started in pouring rain and ended in Panchayat elections to be held to as­ pouring rain. But for one full hour, not a certain that the climate is improved child moved from the meeting. The in such circumstances. The common children in their uniforms, women and men man in Punjab who has received sat through the pouring rain for one hour high praise .from Mr. Gandhi for his to hear the Prime Minister. It is therefore quiet and valiant struggle against the not correct to say that the people of Punjab forces of dest.ibilisatiun will then be are over-awed by terrorism or have lost able to chose his Government in the faith in the Government. O n the contrary, State in an ideal atmosphere." what we saw shows that the people of Sir, the Editorial of the Times of India Punjab have abiding faith in the on the 24th of September 1988 says: Government and the capacity of the Government to deal with the situation in "To that extent Mr. Gandhi's pro­ Punjab. posal to first conduct panchayat elec- 325 S t Resl. re: Approval KARTIKA12,1910 (SAKA) Proclamation in 326 of President relation to Punjab tioils would seem to mark a cautious ate, after weighing the evidence and after beginning in the restoration of the looking into the cases if we think further political process. Probably after the action is required, further action will be panchayat polls are over and pro­ taken. Jodhpur, I would humbly submit vided the situation continues to im­ should not be used as a political card or a prove a political dialogue can be ini­ political stick to beat the Government with. tiated. Mr. Rajiy Gandhi has put poli­ It is neither a political card nor a political tics back on the Punjab agenda, now stick. it is for others to respond." As far as the Delhi riot cases are con­ I could go on, Sir. But the objective as­ cerned, yes, time and again we have said, sessment of the situation is, the Prime the legal processes in this country are tor­ Minister's visit, the announcement thaf tuous that it is not possible to say at what panchayat polls would be held soon, the point of time all the cases will be tried and constitution of an 8-Member Ministerial completed. (Interruptions) Yet hon. Mem­ Committee under the chairmanship of Mr. bers will know that recently in one case, Narasimha Rao, the offer to invite the O p ­ State Versus Sri Ram and others, six per­ position leaders of political parties in Pun­ sons were accused and they have been jab for a dialogue, the promise of a wide sentenced to two years R.l. under Sections consultation with them together mark a 147 and 148 of the Indian Penal Code, five major political initiative in the Punjab years' R.I. plus fine of Rs. 2000 under Sec problem. And, I sincerely hope, the House tion 436 I.P.C. and life imprisonment and will welcome the initiative taken by the fine of Rs. 2000 under Section 302. So. Prime Minister and allow the process to be here is evidence that the Government has carried forward so that we can find a solu­ done nothing to impede the trial of these tion to the Punjab problem. Today there is cases. O n the contrary the Government is no alternative but to continue President's anxious to prosecute these cases, whatever Rule and I hope that holding of panchayat cases have been registered. polls will mark a major turning point in our efforts to bring back the political processes SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA (Bankura): in Punjab to full play. You have done nothing. What have you Sir, I believe some comments were done? (Interruptions) made about certain issues and I think it is my duty to answer some of them. Firstly, SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM: Whatever about the Jodhpur under-trials, let me cases have been registered in the cdurts, make it very clear. As far as we are con­ \vhatever cases have been registered m cerned, the issue of Jodhpur under-trials is police stations, they will be tried and if the not a political issue, nor is it a political card courts are abl? to reach expeditious con­ to be played whenever it suits the conve­ clusions in these cases, certainly the Gov­ nience of one or the other. The Jodhpur ernment will only be quite happy. undertrials face serious criminal charges in­ cluding the charge of waging war. They are Certain observations have been at­ not detenues, they are under-trials. The tributed to Mr. Chaman Lai. Sir, it is not the trial of their case has been stayed by the Opposition which put Mr. Chaman Lai as Supreme Court. Yet we have from time to IG (Border Security), it is the Government time reviewed the situation and initially which appointed Mr. Chaman Lai as IG withdrew prosecution in respect of 45 per­ (Border Security). It is after the Punjab ac­ sons and physically released 40 of them tion plan was instituted that we hand- who were in custody and again we have picked an officer and placed him as IG withdrawn the cases in respect of 137 per­ (Border Security). It is we who gave him sons and released them from custody. The the policy stating that 'while you will be 8-Member Ministerial Committee is seized firm with the terrorists, you will try to be of the problem and we shall constantly re­ helpful to any one who is innocent and who view the matter when the time is appropri- is harassed.' It is the policy of the Govern­ 327 S t Resl. re: Approval of President NOVEMBER 3,1988 Salary Allow & Pension 328 Proclamation in relation to Punjab ofM.Ps (Arndt.) Bill

[Shri P. Chidambaram] MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : The question is:

ment, he carried out the policy of the Cov­ T h a t this House approves the con­ emment. He has had some difference of tinuance in force of the Proclamation perception with the Police Chief. I belive issued by the President on the 11th that both Mr. K.P.S. Gill and Mr. Chaman May, 1987 under article 356. of the Lai hold opinions which are honest. Both of Constitution in relation to the State them hold honest opinions and there are of Punjab, for a further period of six honest differences. If an officer has honest months with effect from the 11th differences and wishes to express his dif­ November, 1988." ferences and therefore it is requested that he may be taken out of the scene, as the The motion was adopted . Punjab Government thought fit to relieve him, it is a matter which the Punjab Gov­ 17.33 hrs. ernment will handle and the Punjab Gov­ ernment will deal with it. I will not, there­ SALARY, ALLOWANCES AND PENSION fore, say that one opinion is honest jn d the OF MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT other opinion is dishonest. Both an- fine (AMENDMENT) BILL* officers; both hold honest opinions. H there are perceptional differences they wiil be [English] sorted out by the Punjab Government. I do not think that the Opposition < an use Mr. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Before I call the Chaman Lai as a stick to beat the Govern­ Minister to move for leave to introduce the ment with. We hand-picked Mr. Chaman Salary, Allowances and Pension of Mem­ Lai. We placed him in a sensitive position. bers of Parliament (Amendment) Bill, I have He did a good job. He holds an honest to inform the House that the President has, opinion. It is an honest difference of opin­ in pursuance of clauses ( 1) and (3) of article ion with the Chief. Those differences will 117 of the Constitution of India recom­ be sorted out within the system of adminis­ mended the introduction and consideration tration by the Punjab Covemment. There is of the Bill in Lok Sabha. nothing more to it. I do not think it is proper to exaggerate it beyond all propor­ SHRI AMAL DATTA (Diamond Harbour): tions. Sir, why is it the same day introduction and consideration? It may be introduced today As I said earlier, this is not the time to and you can get it passed tomorrow. This is hold elections. Any objective, impartial ob­ a matter of principle that you have to de­ server of the Punjab scene will agree that cide as in the case of other Bills. You have it the Government has to continue on the introduced today. Then, let us have the path which it has chosen. We have to hold time to consider it and say what we have to Panchayat elections. We have to invite say on this Bill. (Interruptions > Opposition leaders. We have to hold vide consultations. The Ministerial Committee is MR DEPUTY SPEAKER : Order please. seized of the matter and it has already held Shri Bhagat. two meetings. I am sure this process that we have initiated will take us forward on TF.w MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY ’ the political path and will help us find a AFFAIRS A N D MINISTER OF INFORMA­ political solution. TION AND BROADCASTING (SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT) : Sir, I beg to move for leave to I command this Resolution and I seek * introduce a Bill further to amend the Salary, the support of this House to this Resolu­ Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament Act, 1954. tion.

"Published in Gazette of India Extraordinary Part II, Section 2, dated 3.11.1988. 329 SalaryAllow.ofPension KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) ofM.Ps. (Arndt) Bill 330

MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: The question is: SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: I told you categorically that without discussion, w e Th a t leave be granted to introduce a cannot pass this Bill. Bill further to amend the Salary, Al­ lowances and Pension of Members SHRI H.K.L BHAGAT: I have spoken to . of Parliament Act, 1954." all the leaders in this House and that • House. All of you agreed and said "Let us The motion was adopted. pass it today. The Bill is to be sent to the Rajya Sabha so that before Diwali the Bill can be passed. All of you agreed to that. If you want to record a point, that is a differ­ MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: The Minister ent thing. But if you do not want to pass it may now introduce the Bill. today. It is for the House. You have written to us and you have agreed that this will be SHRI H .K.L BHAGAT: I introduce** the Bill. passed today. There is no point in delaying. Your point has been recorded. I would SHRI AMAL DATTA: Let it remain there. suggest that the Bill be taken into consid­ eration. Don't try to press it today.

MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: It is up the PROF. SAIFUDDIN SOZ (Baramulla): House to see. Mr. Basudeb Acharia should be given time to speak. I want to hear him. He wants to SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIYA: You have give suggestions. e not told us earlier about it. (Interruptions) MR. DEPUTY-fSPEAKER: Shri Basudeb Acharia to speak. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: It is left to the House as to what we are going to decide. SHRI AMAL DATTA: It has been said that this is a Diwali gift from the SHRI AMAL DATTA: It can be taken up Government. If there is no principle for consideration tomorrow. involved, then we shall not take a gift. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Let us hear the SHRI H.K.L BHAGAT: If you don't want Minister as to what he is saying. to pass the Bill today, let it not be passed. I have absolutely no objection. I said Diwali gift because you all agreed. I spoke to you SHRI H.K.L BHAGAT: I would like to and to the leaders of all parties. I spoke to make one thing clear. Let me be frank. the leaders of the other House also. It was (Interruptions' decided to pass it here today and tomorrow to pass it there. SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: There is no urgency. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Shri Basudab Acharia to speak. SHRI H.K.L BHAGAT: Why do you want to stop me from saying? If you do not want SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: W hy so to pass it, don't pass it. I have no much hurrv? objection. The only point is this : I had MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: What do you discussions on this question with* the want? Do you want to discuss it? leaders of all the groups including Mr. Ba- sudeb Acharia that we should pass this Bill MR. SAIFUDDIN SOZ: Shri Basudeb and he agreed. You have all written to us. Acharia will speak whatever he wants to last time, you wanted this Bill to be passed. speak. “ Introduced with the recommendations of the President. 331 Salary Allow, of * Pension NOVEMBER 3, 1988 of. M.Ps (Arndt) Bill 332

SHRI a AMAL DATTA: M y principal MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I want to know objection is that there is no time to speak from the hon. Members of this House. Is it on the Bill. the unanimous opinion of the House to pass this Bill today or not? SHRI H .K .L BHAGAT: If they do not want to pass it today, let it be passed to­ SEVERAL H O N . MEMBERS: Yes'. morrow. I do not mind. Last time, they wanted it to be passed today. They write to me. They ask for more, f hey dream it to be (Interruptions) passed today. Then they get up and op­ pose it. If they want to be practical, let MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Mr. Amal Datta, them do it. If they do not want to be prac­ please tell what is your opinion? tical, let it be passed tomorrow, not today. You agree and then you get up. It is funny. SHRI AMAL DATTA: We can take it up (Interruptions} I am prepared for tomor­ for discussion tomorrow. (Interruptions) row, if you do not want it today. The House will decide. Let it be passed unani­ mously without any objection, the House MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER. The point is that will pass it without any opposition and Shri Amal Datta is objecting to this. without any amendment. This was decided by all the parties. SHRI AMAL DATTA: The point is that we want to move amendments. There should SHRI AMAL DATTA: You give us be tme....(lnterruptions) I am not going to sufficient time. give explanation to the hon. Member. I le should know the Parliamentary rules MR. DEPUTWSPEAKER: It was left to the a\so...(Interruptions) Why don't you tell the House unanimously to take the decision. If Government? Why couldn't they bring it there are any differences of opinion, I can­ earlier? They could have introduced it yes­ not do anything now. You are asked to take terday. They could have circulated it long the decision. If you say you pass the Bill, I back. will allow. Otherwise, if you do not want, you leave it. I cannot thrust it on you. That (Interruptions) is all. 4 (Interruptions) MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Order please.

(Interruptions) PROF. SAIFUDDIN SOZ: Sir, Mr. Acharia should be allowed to speak. We want to hear him. (Interruptions) THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS A N D SHRI AMAL DATTA; He introduced the MINISTER OF STATE IN TH E PRIME M IN ­ Bill. That is all right. But let it come for dis­ ISTER'S OFFICE (SHRIMATI SHEILA DIK- cussion tomorrow or let it come sometime SHIT): Sir, hon. Members of this House are in the course of this month. We want to aware that it concerns them. They have study the Bill. (Interruptions) unanimously agreed in the Committee that was set up for this purpose to pass it. But, SHRI H .K .L BHAGAT: Today it has to be if they want to delay it for tomorrow and if Reported to Rajya Sabha, circulated in the they want to pass it tomorrow, it is up to RajyaSabha and passed in the Rajya Sabha them. If they are willing, they can do so. tomorrow. (Interruptions)

MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Order please. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I will pass on to (Interruptions) the next item. 333 Dis. under 193 on Demands KAKTIKA12,1910 (SAKA) of Fanners & Agr. Labour 334

17.42 hrs. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: First, we will continue upto 6 o'Clock and after that we DISCUSSION UNDER RULE 193 will decide what we want.

Demands o f Farmers and Agricultural Mr. v Janga Reddy to initiate the Labour discussion.

[English} J [ Translation] I MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Now, we take SHRI C. JANGA REDDY (Hanamkonda): up Discussion under Rule 193. Tw o hours Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, 70 to 80 per cent are allotted. Shri Janga Reddy to initiate the population of our country lives in villages discussion. (Interruptions) and are dependent on agriculture. We know that in rural areas some people have PROF. M A D H U DANDAVATE (Rajapur): agriculture land, and some earn their liveli­ I would like to know at what time you are hood by carrying other professions con­ going to stop the discussion. Is it at 6 o' nected with agriculture or are dependent Clock? (Interru tions) ' on land for their livelihood. Everybody knows how much our farmers community MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: We will start have been neglected for the last 10 year discussion today and continue tomorrow. due to which their condition has become worst. Small land holders are finding it very (Interruptions) difficult to lead their lives smoothly. Had Government paid attention to their prob­ PROF MADHU DANDAVATE: Sir, we lems even once in the last 40 years since are having the discussion on the Kisan's independence, the condition would not agitation. It is a very important subject. If have deteriorated to this extent. Today the we are going to have it At the fag end of the situation has assumed such a serious pro­ day and are carrying it on up to night, it will portion that each and every farmer is dis­ not be desirable. So, please decide it first. gusted with cultivation profession and Do you adjourn the House at 6 o'Clock wants to give up it. If you go to the villages and take it up tomorrow? and ask the farmers to express their opin­ ion about the profession of cultivation, they MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: What about the will say how miserably a farmer has to lead hon. Minister's opinion? life. Today, even a rich farmfer having 30 or 50 acres of land is ready to leave his pro­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN­ fession and is eager to accept a post of ISTRY OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND clerk in the Government offices by selling MINISTER OF STATE IN TH E PRIME M IN ­ his land so as to settle in the cities. When ISTER'S OFFICE (SHRIMATI SHEILA DIK- such is the condition of big farmers, you SHIT): It is the consensus of the House. If can well imagine the condition of small and they would like to continue the discussion marginal farmers. They are very much in tomorrow, I would just like to remind that trouble. That is why even after 40 years of tomorrow is Private Member's day and we independence, farmers are bent upon agi-_ will not be able to finish it. (Interruptions) tation. On the other hand, our hon. Prime Minister says that second green revolution PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Let us is in the offing in southern parts of the adjourn today at 6 o'Clock and take it up country after first greep revolution in tomorrow at 12 o'Clock. That is the op­ Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh. I tion.....(Interruptions) On such an important am unable to understand the meaning of subject on which th

[Shri C. Janga Reddy] any kind of violence or burning buses. They will only go to jails and do picketing. To ­ the farmers? The Covemment have no time day, if employees bum buses or workers to think about farmers. Disunity among the agitate, then the concerned ministers come fanners is attributable to their misery. They to talk with them, but when farmers are are not united. Many political parties are agitating, Shri Rajiv Gandhi is not ready to serving their own interests by aligning with talk with them. the farmers. Due to agitations, farmers are not in a position to come to one platform. In the whole country, farmers are agi­ You might be remembering that 10 years tating for their demands. Except one or ago in Madras, Shri Satya Narayan Swami two, all their demands are legitimate. All started a non-political agitation of farmers. the demands are common. These demands A large number of farmers were jailed, but are related to the whole country, except the then Chief Minister Shri M.C.R. refused one or two regional demands. So, could to talk with them, as recently our hon. the Central Government issue necessary Prime Minister also refused to talk with the instructions to the State Governments to farmers, who come at the Boat Club. When talk with the leaders of farmers and politi­ the elections came, the same M .C. Ra- cal leaders on State level and accept their machandran went to Narayan Swami, legitimate demands after hearir\g their bowed with respect and asked his support problems. It can do this, but it is not doing in the elections. Not only this, he also ac­ so. cepted all their demands. Shri Narayan Swami started such an agitation that even vegetables, milk and essential commodities Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, Central Minis­ became scarce in the cities. The Covem ­ ter of Agriculture always come from ment has to bow down in the end. O n the Haryana, be it Shri Rao Birendra Singh or same pattern, an agitation of farmers has Shri Bhajan Lai or Shri Bansi Lai or any been spearheaded in Maharashtra by Shri other else. It is true that the performance Sharad Joshi. Be it B.J.P., C.P.M. or for that of Haryana and Punjab on agriculture front matter any other party, all are supporting makes us happy. They attained top posi­ the farmers in accordance with their own tion In production of foodgrains in the political view points. country. But the farmers of other regions also do the same labour as is done by the In Bengal, farmers are agitating for re­ farmers of Haryana and Punjab. But they munerative prices for jute. For the last one have not been provided any facilities. If wa­ year, agitation has been going on in Meerut ter and electricity are made available to in Uttar Pradesh under the leadership of them, they can also attain the some posi­ Shri Tikait. Agitations are going on in Gu­ tion: Water and electricity are required to jarat and Karnataka also. For the last one be provided for the farmers all over the year, we are agitating in Andhra Pradesh. country. They are demanding these facili­ What are the reasons behind it. Now the ties. You know that first of all farmers need farmers have understood that without unity land, then water. But today the condition the Government will not bow down. The such that even after 40 years of indepen­ Government is agreeable only when there dence Government is not able to provide is someone to make it agreeable. In several water to the farmers. Without water, land States of the country, farmers have been cannot be cultivated. For the last one or agitating in support of their demands. Shri two years, there was no rain due to which Rajiv Gandhi only deliver speeches for the drought situation was created. This year farmers but refuse to talk with them. This there is heavy floods. In this way, farmers has been going on for the last 6 months. of India are being crushed in between W e welcome him, if he wants to provide drought and floods. For the last four years some concessions to the farmers and then we have been discussing here about announcement should be made soon. I drought and floods but we could not find a would like to submit that farmers are agi­ solution to this. We can use our machinery tating peacefully. They will not indulge in to check floods and drought by evolving 337 D/s. under 193 on Demands KARTIKA12,1910 (SAKA) of Farmers & Agr. Labour 338

scientific methods. We can. provide water cent of land has been brought under irriga- to our farmers from the rivers in case of ' tion. I may quote the example of Andhra scanty rainfall. But due to the wrong poli­ Pradesh. In all even 33 per cent of land has cies of the Central Government, nothing is not been brought under irrigation. Not being done. The State Governments are even 10 per cent has been added to the to­ ready to make their projects but the Cen­ tal irrigation capacity after independence. tral Government is not permitting them. Now-a-days the farmer depends on his fate Cases have been pending decision for the and his hard labour. He looks towards the last 30 years. I raised this issue in the sky and depends on the mercy of God to meetings of the Water Consultative Com­ maintain his livelihood. He is just continu­ mittee, but there was no reply. In States, ing as farmer under these difficult circum­ whether there are Congress Party Govern­ stances as he has no other alternative. That ment or non Congress Party Government, is why he is constrained to stick to this as many as 78 projects in our country are profession. No other job is available to running without the permission of the him. He is simply thinking about his lot. Planning Commission and the Ministry of The Government should make standing Water Resources. Telugu Ganga Project is provision of 60 to 70 per cent in the Bud­ going on in Andhra Pradesh. Shri get for irrigation. The State Government Shankaranand may like to attribute the rea­ should also be asked to act on these lines. sons therefore. There are rainfalls in the country only for four months. By preserving Most of the major projects are lying in­ this water in reserwrirs, we can utilize it at complete. The Pochanpar project of the time of need. . We know that though Andhra Pradesh is one of such projects. Its water is available in abundant quantity in foundation stone was laid by Pandit Nehru the country as a whole, yet it is available in 35 years ago.' It is going to complete 35 some States and other States suffer from years in 1994, but nothing has been done drought. Even in one State when drought there. The same is the position with regard occurs in one district, other districts face to the Nagarjun Sagar Project and the flood. Have we ever thought of doing Narmada project. There is a project called something to remedy this situation. What Puttobagu in Aasamabad district of Andhra are the reasons for this. I want to know Pradesh. It will irrigate an area of about whether Government does not want to 4000 acres of land. Already 15 years have take any steps in this direction? elapsed since the work was started. Its es­ timated expenditure is Rs. 50 crores. What During the last 40 years we have been action has been taken to obtain I.T.D. concentrating on achieving progress in the fund? What the Central as well as the State industrial sector. But the progress in the Governments are doing in this regard? Our industrial as well as agricultured sector is legislatures come here to demand clear­ also no better. What are the reasons be­ ance of ‘this project after a lapse of 15 hind it. I want to know whether Govern­ years. But instead of clearing the project ment has formulated any policy on this they were ill-treated here. Tear gas shells subject or not? When an area faces famine were burst on them and they were lathi or severe drought occurs in an area, the charged. Shri Rajiv Gandhi has no time to Government tries to solve the problem by talk to them. We do not mind if has no providing funds immediately from the time. But the foundation of that very pro­ I.R.D.P. It is only a temporary measure ject had been laid by the Congress Gov­ v.hich the Government takes to solve the ernment and they had started the work. No problem. Did the Government ever think of work was carried on this project for the last doing any thing for a permanent solution of 15 years. The work is now in progress and the problem? I think the Government has it is expected that it will be completed after not so far thought anything about it. The 5 years. Government simply allocates funds from the I.R.D.P. and R.LE.G.P. and never both­ ered to know as to how this money is be­ In this connection I would like to sub­ ing utilized. In spite of all this what per mit that once a work is taken up, it should 339 D»s. under 193 on Demands NOVEMBER 3,1988 of Farmers & Agr. Labour 340

[Shri C. Janga Reddy] and digs deep well (Barli) and the same remains bereft of water, then he has to not be stalled in the middle. By this time a blame his luck. He cannot repay the loan large amount of silting has taken place is under these circumstances. The Covem ­ Pochumpur project. After 4 years there will ment should come to the rescue of the be no water. I, therefore, ask the Planning farmers at such junctures. Did the Gov­ Commission, the Ministries of Agriculture ernment ever think of this situation? Even and Irrigation to see as to when a particular Now-a-days the farmer cultivates his land project should be taken up. It should be and depends on nature. If the nature does well planned. not help, he has to curse his luck. What I mean to say that the Government should /English] make all arrangements to provide irrigation facilities to the farmer. The Government MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: H ow much time charges Rs. 200 to Rs. 300 per H.P. The do you want? Government of Andhra Pradesh charges Rs. m 18 per H.P. Similar H.P. charges could be [ Translation] fixed in respect of Haryana, Punjab and other States also. Water should be made SHRI C. JANCA REDDY: I shall take 15 available free of cost to all, in all such areas minutes more. where irrigation facilities are not provided. The Government of Andhra Pradesh has lEnglish] reduced the tariff rate. The Central Gov­ ernment has raised the tariff in Uttar MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: You have Pradesh, Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh. In already taken twenty minutes. Try to finish order to remove this anomaly, the Central your speech in another five-seven minutes. Government should fix the minimum and maximum tariff in respect of agriculture [TranslationI * sector. Because of this, agitations have been taking place at a number of places. SHRI C. JANCA REDDY: I shall continue O n the one hand the Covemment does not tomorrow. make arrangements for irrigation and on the other hand it penalises the farmer who lEnglish] makes his own irrigation arrangements. Besides, the Covemment fixes one or the MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: No, you finish it other condition on the loan, the farmer today. takes to make arrangements for irrigation. Could I know from the Government as to 18.00 hrs. how many industrialists have been sent to jail who failed to repay the loans. As a mat­ [ TranslationI ter of fact the Government gives subsidy to set up industries. For this the Central Gov­ SHRI C. JANCA REDDY: I am of the ernment gives 25 per cent subsidy and the view that major projects viz. the Codavari State Government gives 10 per cent sub­ Project, the Krishna Project should be sidy. But these people set up limited com­ treated as national projects. Irrigation facili­ panies and grab public money and Gov­ ties should be made available. When the ernment cannot take any action against Covemment fails to provide irrigation facili­ them. I would like to ask Shri Bhajan Lai as ties to the farmer, he wakes up his own ar­ to how 'many such persons have been sent rangements. He has to take loan for that. to jail on this account. There is one Shri He sets up electric pump to lift water. But Ranga Reddy in my area. He had 2 acres of the problem arises when he does not get - land and he took a loan of Rs. 2000. He re­ water even after that. If some stone comes paid Rs. 600 but he was sent to jail as he in the way of boring, water cannot come failed to repay the balance amount. He had up and the farmer has to face difficulties. to pay Rs. 6200 to get himself released Suppose he takes a loan of Rs. 10 lakhs from jail. This is the policy of your Govern- 341 Da. under 193 on Demands KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) of Farmers & Agr. Labour 342 ment and the Reserve Bank of India. The person took Rs. 2000 and he had to pay Rs. State Bank of India had done it. In this 6200 later. Still another man took Rs. 2,300 connection I would like to tell Shri Bhajan and he had to repay Rs. 7000. Then one Lai that he should not send the farmer to person took Rs. 1100 and he had to pay Rs. jail for his failure to repay the loan. Instead, 5250 at the time of repayment. It is a sin. his land may be auctioned. Could the hon. Minister say as to how many industrialists PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: The Bo- have been sent to jail whose industries be­ fors company got it but they have not re­ come sick? I think he has no reply to this. paid. The Government have written off Rs.45000 crores due from industrialists. This is the SHRI C. JANGA REDDY: Had the money latest position. No industrialists has been taken by the Bofors been returned, the sent to jail. We know how the industrialists farmer could have taken up the work do bungling. They set up one industry and himself. instal machines one after the other...... SHRI BALKAVI BAIRAGI (Mandsaur)." All have purchased tap recorders. These have IEnglish/ been sent.

MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Please conclude: SHRI C. JANGA REDDY: Hon. Shri Bairagi's poems and speeches have the [ Translation] same message. A person takes Rs.1200/- and pays back Rs.6700/- we have come to SHRI C. JANGA REDDY: Sir; I need at know of many such instances. The action least one hour. If you ring the bell after 15 taken further was that each one in Rajah- kilnutes I will conclude my speech. I shall mundry jail was Ikshed for a month or two. continue it tomorrow. Sir, why are you The Government did not let its Land Rev­ ringing the bell. I am raising some impor­ enue Act take effect. The Government is tant points. I am disturbed when you ring aware of the famine conditions and that the bell. I have to speak in Telugu. This there have been no Ains for the past seven problem concerns whole of India. Farmer's years. And when there have been rains problem is not an ordinary problem. We they were so excessive that the entire crop should understand one thing that if the was destroyed. More water or less water, farmer starves, all of us would starve. Shri losses were incurred either way. So we Rajiv Gandhi did not understand this want that this time farmers should be re­ problem. That is why the farmers resorted lieved of their debt burden. If Rs. 145,000 to agitation. The total amount of loan given crores in loans given to industrialists can be to farmers will amount to 42000 crore ru­ written off in the past 40 years, the same pees, the Government may write it of. It is should be ,done for- farmers. Of the re -. equal to 50% of the total loan written off in maining Rs. 22000 crores, Rs. 11000 crores the case of industrialists. There should be may be dui to the Government and this no difficulty with the Government to write should be waived. This will help farmers in off this amount. I am citing an example. continuing their occupation. Even after all Shri Mabiwala Krishnaya son of Govindaya this, if the farmer gets manure, water and Kahasi, District Chittoor took a loan of Rs. favourable weather and is able to give a 3000 and he had to pay Rs. 7200 at the good yield, what is his condition? Is the time of repayment. Some other person Government aware of what is being im­ took Rs. 1500. Shri Bhajan Lai, just listen ported this year? Cotton is being imported please. from Pakistan inspite of bumper cotton crop. During an year of famine the Gov­ THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE ernment imported 10 lakh tonnes of rice. (SHRI BHAJAN LAL): I am listening. The Government is importing sugar, pulses and oil. Why do we have to depend on SHRI C. JANGA REDDY: He paid Rs. other countries for foodgrain even after the 6200. I have got these figures. Another Green Revolution? 343 Dis. under 193 on Demands NOVEMBER 3,1988 of Farmers & Agr. Labour 344

[Shri C. Janga Reddy] price is high the Government should exer­ cise price-control. But we want remunera­ Farmers do not get the right price for tive price and not the support price. In fer­ their produce. Hon. Shri Bhajan Lai is giv­ tilizers, Rs. 10/- to Rs. 20/- have been in­ ing us support prices which we do not creased on 50 kilos of Urea. An increase in want. W e want remunerative prices. Farm­ price implies a decrease in subsidy. The ers need support because they are about to limit of Rs. 13000 crores set in 1980 by Shri fall. The Covemment is giving inputs to Charan Singh was reduced by Rs. 6000 farmers. Every person needs rice and crores by the present Government. This wheat but every person does not peed in­ year this limit was reduced even further. dustrial products. If this is so will the There is an official statement to this effect. farmer be killed so that others can be fed? What happens if the price of 40 kilos of The N.T.R. Covemment is buying rice at foodgrain is increased by Rs. 10/- The cost Rs.3/- a kilo and selling it for Rs.2/- a kilo. of producing 40 kilos of foodgrain should The Covemment can do likewise and buy be calculated and a 20% profit be added to rice at Rs.5/- a kilo to sell it at Rs.2 /- a kilo. that figure. Then remunerative price should We have no objection if a Central subsidy be fixed and after that the farmer should be is given. If hon. Shri Bhajan Lai visits the given an opportunity to sell his foodgrain market-he will find that tomatoes are being wherever he desires. sold at a price of Rs.20/- a kilo. As toma­ toes are so dear we cannot drink tomato Recently levy was imposed in Uttar juice even if the doctor advises it. There we Pradesh. We resisted the imposition of levy can get three pumpkins for a rupee but and now we are up against both levy and over here it is sold at Rs. 10-12 a kilo. But Shri Rajiv Gandhi. Levy implies the forceful the farmer does not get anything because acquisition of a thing belonging to another. of the presence of middlemen. The reason is that adequate facilities do not exist for MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Your fifteen the storage of vegetables. This is the rea­ minutes are over. son for the proliferation of middlemen at the expense of farmers. And as all this hap­ SHRI C. JANGA REDDY I am about to pens the concerned authorities relax in air- conclude. conditioned comfort. So the farmers had no alternative except to go on strike. As I was saying we want remunerative price and the restriction on movement to [English! be lifted. The need for restriction arises be­ cause of imposition of levy. But what can We do not want your support price. We the millowner do. If he purchases at the are iiot at the mercy of your Government rate of Rs. 200/- and the Government pur­ or any other Government. We want our chases at the rate of Rs. 150/- he will have own price. to adopt ways to make his high rate pur­ chases profitable. (In'eruptions) [Translation! Please be seated for five more minutes. The Government is responsible for price Details of the crop insurance scheme were, fixation. A central subsidy should be given if given while we were asking for a number- the interests of the consumers are to be wise survey. If a person has an insurance served. But the Government should have the money goes to his wife. To know what an 'Open-Market' approach and fix as low would happen in these cases a number- a price as possible. Price of foodgrains is wise survey was asked for. The hon. Minis­ subsequent years should be fixed in ad­ ter came to Andhra Pradesh and said that a vance. If the market price of foodgrain is village would be treated as a unit. Let the less and middleman tries to buy it off at Covemment conduct a number-wise sur­ low rates, the Government should inter­ vey. I have read the official statement and vene and buy the foodgrain. If the market want to raise 2-3 points. 345 Dis. under 193 on Demands KARTIKA 12,1910 (SAKA) of Farmers & Agr. Labour 346

First of all I feel that the Land Acquisi­ electricity and bahk loans at the lowest tion Act needs to be changed. Let me tell possible rate of interest. In the rally held at you an interesting fact. O ur Covemment is the Boat Club, at least the Delhi Adminis­ imposing income-tax on Land Acquisition tration and Central Government should cases. As someone mentioned, fifteen years have given farmers an opportunity to voice ago land was acquired from the farmers at their demands. Instead they made matters a price of Rs. 2000. Fifteen years have worse by cutting off the water-supply to passed, farmers are still receiving interest farmers. from the Covemment and the latter is im­ posing income-tax on the interest amount SHRI BHAJAN LAL: Reply will be given it pays to the former. I request hon. Shri tomorrow.. Bhajan Lai to please listen to me. Is interest paid only to get it back in the form of in- SHRI C. JANGA REDDY: Instead of come-tax? The Government is at fault for summoning farmers from every State the making delayed payments. We want the Government can hold discussions with re­ Government to return as much land as it sponsible leaders of the farming commu­ acquired from the farmers. Let the Gov­ nity. I request the Government to accept ernment write to Shri Chavan. This is the the demands of farmers and relieve them of reason behind the farmers agitation. The their debts. hard working farmers of our country are adversely affected by floods and famine. /English/ The least the government can do for them is to relieve them of their debts. The rally MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: The House held at the Boat Club seven days ago is a stands adjourned till 11.00 hours tomor­ precursor of more rallies to come. An agi­ row. tated farmer means an agitated nation. The 18.16 hrs. country as a whole would be affected if its farmers are hungry. In such a situation 30% The Lok Sabha then adjourned t’lll E/even of of the farmers will take to rickshaw-pulling the Clock on Friday, November 4, in cities. Farmers can work efficiently only if 1988/Kartika 13, 1910 (Saka) they are relieved of their debts, get free

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